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Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith

Michael S. Smith es uno de los  mejores diseñadores de interiores que  viven en  Los Ángeles . Su amor por  el arte  y  la moda  se ha traducido en su trabajo como  diseñador de interiores , creando un  estilo único  que nadie puede igualar. Hoy echamos un vistazo a Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment  y su  inspiración para el diseño de interiores . La extensa morada del Upper East Side fue diseñada adecuadamente por el ex diseñador de interiores de la Casa Blanca, Michael S. Smith .

Un exuberante papel tapiz de De Gournay envuelve la sala de estar, donde un espejo regencia de madera dorada cuelga sobre un sofá Jasper personalizado en un damasco de Clarence House y forrado con almohadas de (desde la izquierda) telas textiles Fortuny, Claremont y Chelsea.

Para alguien tan ocupada como Shonda Rhimes , el tiempo y el espacio son esenciales. La madre soltera de tres se esfuerza por mantenerse al día con sus hijos y, al mismo tiempo, dominar como una de las creadoras de contenido más exitosas e inspiradoras de Hollywood . Como la fuerza impulsora detrás de éxitos televisivos como  Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Scandal,  How to Get Away With Murder  y, más recientemente,  Bridgerton  e  Inventing Anna,  Rhimes ha soñado con docenas de personajes femeninos dinámicos, diversos y multidimensionales., cambiando las narrativas de las mujeres y su lugar en el mundo. Su trabajo cuenta historias sobre vidas que son complejas, complicadas y que cambian la cultura, al igual que la de su autor.

Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
Una habitación de invitados está envuelta en algodón Tensira, y la cama Jasper está tapizada en cachemira Kravet.
Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
Un vistazo a un área de escritura fuera del comedor/biblioteca .

Puede ser mucho para tener en cuenta. Entonces, más que nada, lo que más necesita esta empresaria, simplemente, es tiempo, tiempo para escribir, crear y continuar construyendo su exitoso imperio mediático Shondaland, y una habitación propia bellamente decorada para trabajar. Y eso es justo lo que se propuso darse a sí misma en su flamante apartamento en la ciudad de Nueva York .

“Este lugar es realmente sobre mi vida laboral. Pero entré pensando: si no tuviera hijos, ni responsabilidades, ¿qué tipo de espacio crearía? Obviamente, incorporamos cosas que eran necesarias para los niños (las mamás nunca llegan a pensar de manera egoísta), pero esto fue realmente emocionante para mí”.

dice Shonda Rhimes de la residencia en el Upper East Side de Manhattan.

Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
La cocina cuenta con electrodomésticos Miele, luces colgantes de Urban Electric Co. y un grifo Kallista.

Shonda Rhimes reclutó al diseñador de AD100 Michael S. Smith , quien también decoró una casa anterior para ella en Los Ángeles ( AD,  febrero de 2019), para ayudar a realizar una visión de la belleza clásica con toques de romance y muchos coloridos vuelos de fantasía.

“Para nosotros, fue interesante combinar ideas de un departamento romántico en el East Side, autores del pasado y un sentido de la historia. Lo envolvimos en este hermoso papel tapiz de estilo chino para convertirlo en un jardín”,

– Smith explica sobre la decoración, que está arraigada en la tradición pero animada con explosiones de energía. Tomemos, por ejemplo, la impresionantemente bonita sala de estar.

banner de imagen de catálogo de novedades boca do lobo diseño de interiores de dubai
Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
Una mesa personalizada de Keith Fritz Fine Furniture se encuentra en una esquina del comedor/biblioteca. sillas Mattaliano en cuero Jerry Pair; apliques Patrice Dangel; obras de arte de Walter Henry Williams Jr.

Shonda Rhimes se entusiasma con ese espacio exuberante y arcádico : “Ese patrón permite cosas como esas increíbles cortinas amarillas y algunas opciones realmente audaces en los muebles. Hay muchas piezas con bordes dorados allí porque el papel tapiz puede contener todo eso. El mobiliario puede ser un poco ecléctico. Es una mezcla de piezas contemporáneas y antigüedades, y todas funcionan juntas muy bien”.

Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
El comedor/biblioteca está envuelto en un papel tapiz personalizado pintado a mano por el Laboratorio de Diseño de San Patrignano. Araña de Patrice Dangel; espejo italiano antiguo; sillas y otomana de Liz O’Brien Editions; Alfombra Khorasan antigua. 

El apartamento está lleno de lugares donde Shonda Rhimes puede decidir trabajar, o soñar despierta, a medida que le llega la inspiración. En la sala de estar solo.

Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
Una pintura de Hughie Lee-Smith cuelga sobre un cofre italiano pintado de finales del siglo XVIII comprado en una subasta, que se encuentra en el vestíbulo de entrada encalado. Araña y candelabro de RW Russell; lámpara de mesa de jaspe; Alfombra Tabriz antigua.

Llena de libros y pinturas favoritas de artistas negros, incluidos Hughie Lee-Smith y Walter Henry Williams Jr. , la residencia rinde homenaje a su ubicación en la ciudad de Nueva York . Pero uno no puede evitar sentir también un toque de Londres de la época de la Regencia.

“Había estado inmerso en el romanticismo de  Bridgerton  durante un tiempo, así que eso tuvo que influir en algunas de las cosas en las que había estado pensando. Todo tipo de derrames en todo lo demás. Si estoy pensando en estos libros que estamos convirtiendo en una serie, entonces eso inevitablemente se derrama en cómo se verá el apartamento, lo que inevitablemente se derrama en lo que pasa en los guiones, todo gira junto”.

Shonda Rhimes reconoce.

Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
El dormitorio principal cuenta con una cama a medida de Newell Design Studio vestida con sábanas Matouk. lámpara colgante Stephen Antonson ; Revestimiento de pared Gracie; Alfombra La Manufactura Cogolin.

En lo que respecta a la vida en la ciudad de Nueva York , otra gran influencia fue la casa del difunto Mike Nichols. Después del enorme éxito de  Grey’s Anatomy,  el galardonado director contactó a Rhimes en Los Ángeles y la invitó a almorzar la próxima vez que estuviera en la ciudad de Nueva York .

Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
Shonda Rhimes (con un suéter y zapatos de Hermès, una camisa Akris y jeans Good American) en un sofá Jasper en la sala de estar. Mesa de cóctel antigua de chapa de pergamino comprada en una subasta; pintura de Hughie Lee-Smith . Estilismo de moda de Dana Asher Levine.

Sobre la base de esa idea de santuario, Smith trabajó para crear un espacio que hace referencia a Nueva York pero que también se siente como un lugar aparte.

“Tiene este sentido de ser una especie de ciudadela. Puedes estar en la ciudad y nadar en esa energía, pero luego retirarte. Eso es importante para una persona que tiene una vida interior muy grande”.

shonda rimas

Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
Un glamuroso tocador con espejo se encuentra en el dormitorio principal .
Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
En el dormitorio principal , un sillón Jonas y una otomana visten una tela de Robert Allan .
Interior del apartamento de Shonda Rhimes en la ciudad de Nueva York diseñado por Michael S. Smith
Rhimes en el comedor/biblioteca con un suéter y zapatos de Hermès, una camisa Akris y jeans Good American.

Para Shonda Rhimes , el resultado final no podría ajustarse mejor a sus necesidades.

“Michael me conoce muy bien. Él entiende la idea de que paso mucho tiempo dentro de mi cabeza, mucho tiempo imaginando, mucho tiempo en el que parece que podría estar callado y quieto, pero en realidad estoy contando historias. Entonces él sabe que es importante para mí tener habitaciones y espacios para sentarme y pensar, tener nuevos lugares para moverme para que mi cerebro funcione de vez en cuando. Estoy construyendo una especie de universo completo en mi mente, pero también estoy tratando de pensar en una serie. No son solo dos horas, no son solo 30 minutos; a veces son 18 temporadas. Realmente necesitas tiempo y espacio para pensar en ello”.

shonda rimas

casas de lujo libro electrónico boca do lobo imagen de banner diseño de interiores de dubai
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Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith

Michael S. Smith is one of the best interior designers living in Los Angeles. His love for art and fashion has translated to his work as an interior designer, creating a unique style that no one can match. Today we take a look at Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment and his interior design inspiration. The sprawling Upper East Side abode was suitably designed by former White House interior designer Michael S. Smith.

A lush De Gournay wallpaper envelops the living room, where a regence gilt-wood mirror hangs above a custom Jasper sofa in a Clarence House damask and lined with pillows of (from left) Fortuny, Claremont, and Chelsea textiles fabrics.

For someone as busy as Shonda Rhimes, time and space are of the essence. The single mother of three strives to keep up with her children while simultaneously reigning supreme as one of Hollywood’s most successful and inspiring content creators. As the driving force behind television hits like Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Scandal, How to Get Away With Murder, and, most recently, Bridgerton and Inventing Anna, Rhimes has dreamed up dozens of dynamic, diverse, and multi-dimensional female characters, shifting the narratives of women and their place in the world. Her work tells stories about lives that are complex, complicated, and culture-shifting—just like that of their author.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A guest room is swathed in a Tensira cotton, and the Jasper bed is upholstered in a Kravet paisley.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A glimpse into a writing area off the dining room/library.

It can be a lot to keep in mind. So, more than anything, what this impresario needs most, quite simply, is time—time to write, create and continue to build her successful Shondaland media empire—and a beautifully appointed room of her own in which to work. And that’s just what she set out to give herself in her brand-new New York City apartment.

“This place is really about my work life. But I came into it thinking, If I had no kids, no responsibilities, what kind of space would I create? Obviously, we did incorporate things that were necessary for the kids—moms never get to think selfishly—but this was really exciting for me.”

says Shonda Rhimes of the residence on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The kitchen features Miele appliances, pendant lights by the Urban Electric Co., and a Kallista faucet.

Shonda Rhimes enlisted AD100 designer Michael S. Smith, who also decorated a previous home for her in Los Angeles (AD, February 2019), to help realize a vision of classical beauty with touches of romance and lots of colorful flights of fancy.

“For us, blending ideas of a romantic East Side apartment, authors of the past, and a sense of history was interesting. We wrapped it in this beautiful Chinese-style wallpaper to make it a garden,”

– Smith explains of the decor, which is rooted in tradition yet enlivened with bursts of energy. Take, for example, the breathtakingly pretty living room.

new arrivals catalogue image banner boca do lobo dubai interior design
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A custom table by Keith Fritz Fine Furniture stands in a corner of the dining room/library. Mattaliano chairs in Jerry Pair leather; Patrice Dangel sconces; artworks by Walter Henry Williams Jr.

Of that lush, arcadian space, Shonda Rhimes enthuses, “That pattern allows for things like those incredible yellow curtains and some really bold choices in furniture. There are a lot of gilt-edged pieces in there because the wallpaper can hold all of that. The furniture can be a little bit eclectic. It’s a mix of contemporary pieces and antiques, and they all work together really nicely.”

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The dining room/library is wrapped in a custom hand-painted wallpaper by the San Patrignano Design Lab. Chandelier by Patrice Dangel; vintage Italian mirror; chairs and ottoman by Liz O’Brien Editions; antique Khorasan rug. 

The apartment is full of places where Shonda Rhimes can decide to work—or daydream—as inspiration strikes. In the living room alone.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A painting by Hughie Lee-Smith hangs above a late-18th-century painted Italian chest purchased at auction, which stands in the limewashed entrance hall. Chandelier and sconce by R. W. Russell; Jasper table lamp;  Antique Tabriz rug.

Filled with favorite books and paintings by Black artists including Hughie Lee-Smith and Walter Henry Williams Jr., the residence pays homage to its NYC location. But one can’t help but feel a touch of Regency-era London as well.

“I had been immersed in the romanticism of Bridgerton for a while, so that had to influence some of the things that I had been thinking about. Everything sort of spills into everything else. If I’m thinking about these books that we’re turning into a series, then that inevitably spills into how the apartment’s going to look, which inevitably spills into what goes in the scripts—it all sort of spins together.”

Shonda Rhimes acknowledges.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The primary bedroom features a custom bed by Newell Design Studio dressed in Matouk linens. Stephen Antonson hanging light; Gracie wall covering; La Manufacture Cogolin rug.

When it came to New York City living, another major influence was the home of the late Mike Nichols. After the enormous success of Grey’s Anatomy, the award-winning director contacted Rhimes in Los Angeles and invited her to lunch the next time she would be in New York City.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
Shonda Rhimes (wearing a sweater and shoes by Hermès, an Akris shirt, and Good American jeans) on a Jasper sofa in the living room. Vintage parchment-veneer cocktail table purchased at auction; painting by Hughie Lee-Smith. Fashion styling by Dana Asher Levine.

Building on that idea of sanctuary, Smith worked to create a space that references New York but also feels like a place apart.

“It has this sense of being a kind of citadel. You can be in the city and swim in that energy, but then retreat. That’s important for a person who has a very big interior life.”

Shonda Rhimes

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A glamorous mirrored vanity stands in the primary bedroom.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
In the primary bedroom, a Jonas armchair and ottoman wear a Robert Allan fabric.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
Rhimes in the dining room/library wearing a sweater and shoes by Hermès, an Akris shirt, and Good American jeans.

For Shonda Rhimes, the end result couldn’t fit her needs more perfectly.

“Michael knows me really well. He understands the idea that I spend a lot of time inside my head—a lot of time imagining, a lot of time where it seems like I might be being quiet and still, but really I’m storytelling. So he knows that it’s important to me to have rooms and spaces to sit and think, to have new places to move to just get my brain going sometimes. I’m building an entire sort of universe in my mind, but I’m also trying to think of a series. It’s not just two hours, it’s not just 30 minutes; sometimes it’s 18 seasons. You really do need time and space to think about it.”

Shonda Rhimes

luxury houses ebook boca do lobo banner image dubai interior design
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Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith

Michael S. Smith is one of the best interior designers living in Los Angeles. His love for art and fashion has translated to his work as an interior designer, creating a unique style that no one can match. Today we take a look at Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment and his interior design inspiration. The sprawling Upper East Side abode was suitably designed by former White House interior designer Michael S. Smith.

A lush De Gournay wallpaper envelops the living room, where a regence gilt-wood mirror hangs above a custom Jasper sofa in a Clarence House damask and lined with pillows of (from left) Fortuny, Claremont, and Chelsea textiles fabrics.

For someone as busy as Shonda Rhimes, time and space are of the essence. The single mother of three strives to keep up with her children while simultaneously reigning supreme as one of Hollywood’s most successful and inspiring content creators. As the driving force behind television hits like Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Scandal, How to Get Away With Murder, and, most recently, Bridgerton and Inventing Anna, Rhimes has dreamed up dozens of dynamic, diverse, and multi-dimensional female characters, shifting the narratives of women and their place in the world. Her work tells stories about lives that are complex, complicated, and culture-shifting—just like that of their author.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A guest room is swathed in a Tensira cotton, and the Jasper bed is upholstered in a Kravet paisley.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A glimpse into a writing area off the dining room/library.

It can be a lot to keep in mind. So, more than anything, what this impresario needs most, quite simply, is time—time to write, create and continue to build her successful Shondaland media empire—and a beautifully appointed room of her own in which to work. And that’s just what she set out to give herself in her brand-new New York City apartment.

“This place is really about my work life. But I came into it thinking, If I had no kids, no responsibilities, what kind of space would I create? Obviously, we did incorporate things that were necessary for the kids—moms never get to think selfishly—but this was really exciting for me.”

says Shonda Rhimes of the residence on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The kitchen features Miele appliances, pendant lights by the Urban Electric Co., and a Kallista faucet.

Shonda Rhimes enlisted AD100 designer Michael S. Smith, who also decorated a previous home for her in Los Angeles (AD, February 2019), to help realize a vision of classical beauty with touches of romance and lots of colorful flights of fancy.

“For us, blending ideas of a romantic East Side apartment, authors of the past, and a sense of history was interesting. We wrapped it in this beautiful Chinese-style wallpaper to make it a garden,”

– Smith explains of the decor, which is rooted in tradition yet enlivened with bursts of energy. Take, for example, the breathtakingly pretty living room.

new arrivals catalogue image banner boca do lobo dubai interior design
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A custom table by Keith Fritz Fine Furniture stands in a corner of the dining room/library. Mattaliano chairs in Jerry Pair leather; Patrice Dangel sconces; artworks by Walter Henry Williams Jr.

Of that lush, arcadian space, Shonda Rhimes enthuses, “That pattern allows for things like those incredible yellow curtains and some really bold choices in furniture. There are a lot of gilt-edged pieces in there because the wallpaper can hold all of that. The furniture can be a little bit eclectic. It’s a mix of contemporary pieces and antiques, and they all work together really nicely.”

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The dining room/library is wrapped in a custom hand-painted wallpaper by the San Patrignano Design Lab. Chandelier by Patrice Dangel; vintage Italian mirror; chairs and ottoman by Liz O’Brien Editions; antique Khorasan rug. 

The apartment is full of places where Shonda Rhimes can decide to work—or daydream—as inspiration strikes. In the living room alone.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A painting by Hughie Lee-Smith hangs above a late-18th-century painted Italian chest purchased at auction, which stands in the limewashed entrance hall. Chandelier and sconce by R. W. Russell; Jasper table lamp;  Antique Tabriz rug.

Filled with favorite books and paintings by Black artists including Hughie Lee-Smith and Walter Henry Williams Jr., the residence pays homage to its NYC location. But one can’t help but feel a touch of Regency-era London as well.

“I had been immersed in the romanticism of Bridgerton for a while, so that had to influence some of the things that I had been thinking about. Everything sort of spills into everything else. If I’m thinking about these books that we’re turning into a series, then that inevitably spills into how the apartment’s going to look, which inevitably spills into what goes in the scripts—it all sort of spins together.”

Shonda Rhimes acknowledges.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The primary bedroom features a custom bed by Newell Design Studio dressed in Matouk linens. Stephen Antonson hanging light; Gracie wall covering; La Manufacture Cogolin rug.

When it came to New York City living, another major influence was the home of the late Mike Nichols. After the enormous success of Grey’s Anatomy, the award-winning director contacted Rhimes in Los Angeles and invited her to lunch the next time she would be in New York City.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
Shonda Rhimes (wearing a sweater and shoes by Hermès, an Akris shirt, and Good American jeans) on a Jasper sofa in the living room. Vintage parchment-veneer cocktail table purchased at auction; painting by Hughie Lee-Smith. Fashion styling by Dana Asher Levine.

Building on that idea of sanctuary, Smith worked to create a space that references New York but also feels like a place apart.

“It has this sense of being a kind of citadel. You can be in the city and swim in that energy, but then retreat. That’s important for a person who has a very big interior life.”

Shonda Rhimes

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A glamorous mirrored vanity stands in the primary bedroom.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
In the primary bedroom, a Jonas armchair and ottoman wear a Robert Allan fabric.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
Rhimes in the dining room/library wearing a sweater and shoes by Hermès, an Akris shirt, and Good American jeans.

For Shonda Rhimes, the end result couldn’t fit her needs more perfectly.

“Michael knows me really well. He understands the idea that I spend a lot of time inside my head—a lot of time imagining, a lot of time where it seems like I might be being quiet and still, but really I’m storytelling. So he knows that it’s important to me to have rooms and spaces to sit and think, to have new places to move to just get my brain going sometimes. I’m building an entire sort of universe in my mind, but I’m also trying to think of a series. It’s not just two hours, it’s not just 30 minutes; sometimes it’s 18 seasons. You really do need time and space to think about it.”

Shonda Rhimes

luxury houses ebook boca do lobo banner image dubai interior design
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Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith

Michael S. Smith is one of the best interior designers living in Los Angeles. His love for art and fashion has translated to his work as an interior designer, creating a unique style that no one can match. Today we take a look at Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment and his interior design inspiration. The sprawling Upper East Side abode was suitably designed by former White House interior designer Michael S. Smith.

A lush De Gournay wallpaper envelops the living room, where a regence gilt-wood mirror hangs above a custom Jasper sofa in a Clarence House damask and lined with pillows of (from left) Fortuny, Claremont, and Chelsea textiles fabrics.

For someone as busy as Shonda Rhimes, time and space are of the essence. The single mother of three strives to keep up with her children while simultaneously reigning supreme as one of Hollywood’s most successful and inspiring content creators. As the driving force behind television hits like Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Scandal, How to Get Away With Murder, and, most recently, Bridgerton and Inventing Anna, Rhimes has dreamed up dozens of dynamic, diverse, and multi-dimensional female characters, shifting the narratives of women and their place in the world. Her work tells stories about lives that are complex, complicated, and culture-shifting—just like that of their author.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A guest room is swathed in a Tensira cotton, and the Jasper bed is upholstered in a Kravet paisley.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A glimpse into a writing area off the dining room/library.

It can be a lot to keep in mind. So, more than anything, what this impresario needs most, quite simply, is time—time to write, create and continue to build her successful Shondaland media empire—and a beautifully appointed room of her own in which to work. And that’s just what she set out to give herself in her brand-new New York City apartment.

“This place is really about my work life. But I came into it thinking, If I had no kids, no responsibilities, what kind of space would I create? Obviously, we did incorporate things that were necessary for the kids—moms never get to think selfishly—but this was really exciting for me.”

says Shonda Rhimes of the residence on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The kitchen features Miele appliances, pendant lights by the Urban Electric Co., and a Kallista faucet.

Shonda Rhimes enlisted AD100 designer Michael S. Smith, who also decorated a previous home for her in Los Angeles (AD, February 2019), to help realize a vision of classical beauty with touches of romance and lots of colorful flights of fancy.

“For us, blending ideas of a romantic East Side apartment, authors of the past, and a sense of history was interesting. We wrapped it in this beautiful Chinese-style wallpaper to make it a garden,”

– Smith explains of the decor, which is rooted in tradition yet enlivened with bursts of energy. Take, for example, the breathtakingly pretty living room.

new arrivals catalogue image banner boca do lobo dubai interior design
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A custom table by Keith Fritz Fine Furniture stands in a corner of the dining room/library. Mattaliano chairs in Jerry Pair leather; Patrice Dangel sconces; artworks by Walter Henry Williams Jr.

Of that lush, arcadian space, Shonda Rhimes enthuses, “That pattern allows for things like those incredible yellow curtains and some really bold choices in furniture. There are a lot of gilt-edged pieces in there because the wallpaper can hold all of that. The furniture can be a little bit eclectic. It’s a mix of contemporary pieces and antiques, and they all work together really nicely.”

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The dining room/library is wrapped in a custom hand-painted wallpaper by the San Patrignano Design Lab. Chandelier by Patrice Dangel; vintage Italian mirror; chairs and ottoman by Liz O’Brien Editions; antique Khorasan rug. 

The apartment is full of places where Shonda Rhimes can decide to work—or daydream—as inspiration strikes. In the living room alone.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A painting by Hughie Lee-Smith hangs above a late-18th-century painted Italian chest purchased at auction, which stands in the limewashed entrance hall. Chandelier and sconce by R. W. Russell; Jasper table lamp;  Antique Tabriz rug.

Filled with favorite books and paintings by Black artists including Hughie Lee-Smith and Walter Henry Williams Jr., the residence pays homage to its NYC location. But one can’t help but feel a touch of Regency-era London as well.

“I had been immersed in the romanticism of Bridgerton for a while, so that had to influence some of the things that I had been thinking about. Everything sort of spills into everything else. If I’m thinking about these books that we’re turning into a series, then that inevitably spills into how the apartment’s going to look, which inevitably spills into what goes in the scripts—it all sort of spins together.”

Shonda Rhimes acknowledges.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
The primary bedroom features a custom bed by Newell Design Studio dressed in Matouk linens. Stephen Antonson hanging light; Gracie wall covering; La Manufacture Cogolin rug.

When it came to New York City living, another major influence was the home of the late Mike Nichols. After the enormous success of Grey’s Anatomy, the award-winning director contacted Rhimes in Los Angeles and invited her to lunch the next time she would be in New York City.

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
Shonda Rhimes (wearing a sweater and shoes by Hermès, an Akris shirt, and Good American jeans) on a Jasper sofa in the living room. Vintage parchment-veneer cocktail table purchased at auction; painting by Hughie Lee-Smith. Fashion styling by Dana Asher Levine.

Building on that idea of sanctuary, Smith worked to create a space that references New York but also feels like a place apart.

“It has this sense of being a kind of citadel. You can be in the city and swim in that energy, but then retreat. That’s important for a person who has a very big interior life.”

Shonda Rhimes

Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
A glamorous mirrored vanity stands in the primary bedroom.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
In the primary bedroom, a Jonas armchair and ottoman wear a Robert Allan fabric.
Inside The Shonda Rhimes New York City Apartment Designed By Michael S. Smith
Rhimes in the dining room/library wearing a sweater and shoes by Hermès, an Akris shirt, and Good American jeans.

For Shonda Rhimes, the end result couldn’t fit her needs more perfectly.

“Michael knows me really well. He understands the idea that I spend a lot of time inside my head—a lot of time imagining, a lot of time where it seems like I might be being quiet and still, but really I’m storytelling. So he knows that it’s important to me to have rooms and spaces to sit and think, to have new places to move to just get my brain going sometimes. I’m building an entire sort of universe in my mind, but I’m also trying to think of a series. It’s not just two hours, it’s not just 30 minutes; sometimes it’s 18 seasons. You really do need time and space to think about it.”

Shonda Rhimes

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