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Presentamos nuestro Nuro de próxima generación

Presentamos nuestro Nuro de próxima generación

Siempre hemos sabido que resolver la entrega de última milla a través de la robótica mejoraría la vida cotidiana de millones de personas. Diseñar el vehículo autónomo adecuado para hacer eso, y adoptar un enfoque de cero ocupantes para ese diseño, ha sido una tarea monumental que involucró años de trabajo e iteraciones basadas en el aprendizaje del mundo real.

Queríamos hacerlo bien. Necesitábamos hacerlo seguro, completamente eléctrico y fácil de operar. Y necesitábamos escalar rápidamente para que pudiera ponerse a trabajar. Encontrar el equilibrio adecuado entre algo que queríamos en nuestros propios vecindarios y algo que pudiera producirse a escala no fue tarea fácil. Pero valió la pena.

Ahora, nos complace anunciar el vehículo de reparto autónomo de tercera generación de Nuro. Este nuevo vehículo mejora nuestro diseño anterior y está listo para ser producido a escala. Cada detalle es intencional y ahora estamos listos para compartir algunas de las innovaciones más impactantes de nuestro nuevo modelo.



Nuestro nuevo vehículo es aproximadamente un 20 % más pequeño en ancho que los automóviles de pasajeros promedio. Esa huella significativamente más pequeña les da a los ciclistas y peatones más espacio para maniobrar junto al bot.


Una bolsa de aire para peatones externa personalizada en la parte delantera del bot está optimizada para reducir la fuerza del impacto y la cantidad de lesiones en caso de colisión.


Nuestro vehículo de próxima generación está diseñado para operar de manera segura en el mismo entorno que todos los vehículos motorizados. Eso nos permite atender una amplia variedad de geografías que experimentan diversas condiciones climáticas durante todo el año.



Sacar a la gente de nuestros vehículos significa que tenemos más espacio para las cosas buenas. Nuestros compartimentos de 27 ft3 combinados pueden acomodar alrededor de 24 bolsas de comestibles y manejar casi 500 lbs. Las inserciones modulares que encajan dentro de los compartimentos permiten calentar y enfriar, con un rango de temperatura de 22 ºF o caliente a 116 ºF, lo que significa que la pizza se mantiene caliente y la gaseosa se mantiene fría.


Nuestro nuevo modelo podrá alcanzar una velocidad operativa máxima de 45 mph, lo que permitirá que el vehículo llegue a más clientes y sirva a más empresas en una variedad más amplia de caminos.


Nuestros vehículos ya son completamente eléctricos a batería y libres de emisiones, pero hemos decidido llevar nuestro compromiso con la sustentabilidad aún más lejos: en este nuevo vehículo, estamos usando electricidad 100% renovable de parques eólicos en Texas para impulsar nuestra flota y para reducir nuestra huella de carbono general. Y todos los materiales se adhieren a estrictos estándares de abastecimiento y cadena de suministro destinados a proteger el medio ambiente natural.


Además de poder sentir todo, desde la diferencia entre un montón de hojas y una mascota hasta cuántos peatones hay parados en un cruce de peatones en medio de una densa niebla, el nuevo modelo también tiene la capacidad de limpiar sus propios sensores. Esta autolimpieza es importante para mantener las operaciones y conservar la sensibilidad durante todo el día.


Ese compromiso con la seguridad se extiende a los datos de nuestros clientes, a los que damos prioridad incluso por encima de nuestras propias protecciones de datos intelectuales. Nuestra política de privacidad dicta todo, desde cómo recopilamos datos hasta cómo los salvaguardamos, para que nuestros clientes tengan total transparencia en el manejo de sus datos privados.



BYD podrá aprovechar la capacidad de fabricación de su planta de Lancaster para apoyar a Nuro y generar más empleos en California. Y traeremos más empleos al sur de Nevada. De hecho, se espera que nuestras instalaciones del sur de Nevada creen 250 oportunidades profesionales iniciales altamente calificadas con potencial de crecimiento a largo plazo en la industria de vehículos autónomos.

por qué importa

Nuestro vehículo de tercera generación fue diseñado a propósito para convertirse en un querido miembro de la comunidad, de todas las comunidades. Cuando nos propusimos transformar la vida cotidiana a través de la robótica, pusimos un gran énfasis en la equidad: no queríamos atender solo a vecindarios específicos o a ciertos grupos demográficos. Queríamos desbloquear el acceso a bienes y servicios para millones de personas en todo el mundo. Es una visión en la que creemos.

Este es el vehículo que produciremos a escala para mejorar la vida cotidiana de millones, y no podemos esperar a que esté en la carretera justo frente a su puerta. Porque, además de entregar casi cualquier cosa de las tiendas locales, también brinda mayor equidad, comunidades más seguras, menos contaminación.

Nuro coches autonomos

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Introducing Our Next-Generation Nuro

Introducing Our Next-Generation Nuro

We’ve always known that solving last-mile delivery through robotics would better everyday life for millions of people. Designing the right autonomous vehicle to do that — and taking a zero-occupant approach to that design — has been a monumental task involving years of work and iterations built on real-world learning.

We wanted to get it right. We needed to make it safe, fully electric, and easy to operate. And we needed it to scale quickly so it could get to work. Finding the right balance between something we wanted in our own neighborhoods and something that could be produced at scale was no easy feat. But it was worth it.

Now, we’re thrilled to announce Nuro’s third-generation autonomous delivery vehicle. This new vehicle improves on our previous design and is ready to be produced at scale. Every detail is intentional, and now we’re ready to share some of the most impactful innovations of our new model.



Our new vehicle is approximately 20% smaller in width than average passenger cars. That significantly smaller footprint gives bicyclists and pedestrians more room to maneuver alongside the bot.


A custom external pedestrian airbag across the front of the bot is optimized to reduce the force of impact and number of injuries in the event of collision.


Our next-generation vehicle is designed to safely operate in the same environment as all motor vehicles. That allows us to serve a wide variety of geographies that experience various weather conditions throughout the year.



Taking people out of our vehicles means we have more room for the good stuff. Our 27 ft3 compartments combined can fit about 24 bags of groceries and handle almost 500 lbs. Modular inserts that fit inside the compartments allow for heating and cooling, with a range of temps from 22ºF or hot to 116ºF, which means pizza stays warm and soda stays cool.


Our new model will be able to reach a top operating speed of 45mph, allowing the vehicle to reach more customers and serve more businesses on a wider variety of roads.


Our vehicles are already completely battery-electric and emission-free, but we’ve decided to take our commitment to sustainability even further: in this new vehicle, we’re using 100% renewable electricity from wind farms in Texas to power our fleet and to reduce our overall carbon footprint. And all materials adhere to strict sourcing and supply chain standards meant to protect the natural environment.


In addition to being able to sense everything from the difference between a bundle of leaves and a pet to how many pedestrians are standing at a crosswalk in dense fog, the new model also has the ability to clean its own sensors. This self-cleaning is important to maintain operations and retain sensitivity throughout the day.


That commitment to security extends to our customer data, which we prioritize even above our own intellectual data protections. Our privacy policy dictates everything from how we collect data to how we safeguard it, so that our customers have full transparency into the handling of their private data.



BYD will be able to leverage the manufacturing capacity of its Lancaster facility to support Nuro and bring more jobs to California. And we’ll be bringing more jobs to southern Nevada. In fact, our southern Nevada facilities are expected to create an initial 250 highly skilled career opportunities with long-term growth potential in the autonomous vehicle industry.

Why it matters

This is the vehicle we’ll be producing at scale to better everyday life for millions, and we can’t wait for it to be on the road right outside your front door. Because, along with delivering nearly anything from local stores, it’s also delivering greater equity, safer communities, less pollution

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Introducing Our Next-Generation Nuro

Introducing Our Next-Generation Nuro

We’ve always known that solving last-mile delivery through robotics would better everyday life for millions of people. Designing the right autonomous vehicle to do that — and taking a zero-occupant approach to that design — has been a monumental task involving years of work and iterations built on real-world learning.

We wanted to get it right. We needed to make it safe, fully electric, and easy to operate. And we needed it to scale quickly so it could get to work. Finding the right balance between something we wanted in our own neighborhoods and something that could be produced at scale was no easy feat. But it was worth it.

Now, we’re thrilled to announce Nuro’s third-generation autonomous delivery vehicle. This new vehicle improves on our previous design and is ready to be produced at scale. Every detail is intentional, and now we’re ready to share some of the most impactful innovations of our new model.



Our new vehicle is approximately 20% smaller in width than average passenger cars. That significantly smaller footprint gives bicyclists and pedestrians more room to maneuver alongside the bot.


A custom external pedestrian airbag across the front of the bot is optimized to reduce the force of impact and number of injuries in the event of collision.


Our next-generation vehicle is designed to safely operate in the same environment as all motor vehicles. That allows us to serve a wide variety of geographies that experience various weather conditions throughout the year.



Taking people out of our vehicles means we have more room for the good stuff. Our 27 ft3 compartments combined can fit about 24 bags of groceries and handle almost 500 lbs. Modular inserts that fit inside the compartments allow for heating and cooling, with a range of temps from 22ºF or hot to 116ºF, which means pizza stays warm and soda stays cool.


Our new model will be able to reach a top operating speed of 45mph, allowing the vehicle to reach more customers and serve more businesses on a wider variety of roads.


Our vehicles are already completely battery-electric and emission-free, but we’ve decided to take our commitment to sustainability even further: in this new vehicle, we’re using 100% renewable electricity from wind farms in Texas to power our fleet and to reduce our overall carbon footprint. And all materials adhere to strict sourcing and supply chain standards meant to protect the natural environment.


In addition to being able to sense everything from the difference between a bundle of leaves and a pet to how many pedestrians are standing at a crosswalk in dense fog, the new model also has the ability to clean its own sensors. This self-cleaning is important to maintain operations and retain sensitivity throughout the day.


That commitment to security extends to our customer data, which we prioritize even above our own intellectual data protections. Our privacy policy dictates everything from how we collect data to how we safeguard it, so that our customers have full transparency into the handling of their private data.



BYD will be able to leverage the manufacturing capacity of its Lancaster facility to support Nuro and bring more jobs to California. And we’ll be bringing more jobs to southern Nevada. In fact, our southern Nevada facilities are expected to create an initial 250 highly skilled career opportunities with long-term growth potential in the autonomous vehicle industry.

Why it matters

This is the vehicle we’ll be producing at scale to better everyday life for millions, and we can’t wait for it to be on the road right outside your front door. Because, along with delivering nearly anything from local stores, it’s also delivering greater equity, safer communities, less pollution

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