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Jumeirah Group se une a la Alianza de Hospitalidad Sostenible para un futuro más responsable

Jumeirah Group se une a la Alianza de Hospitalidad Sostenible para un futuro más responsable

Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Dubái, enero de 2023: Jumeirah Group se ha convertido en el miembro más nuevo de la Alianza de Hospitalidad Sostenible, uniendo fuerzas con otras marcas y socios hoteleros líderes en el mundo para abordar desafíos clave y acelerar colectivamente hacia una industria más responsable.

Operando una gama de iniciativas que abarcan tanto el medio ambiente como el compromiso de la comunidad, el líder en hospitalidad de lujo y miembro de Dubai Holding está reforzando su compromiso con la sostenibilidad a través de esta asociación. Sus iniciativas ecológicas incluyen trabajar para eliminar los plásticos de un solo uso, comenzando con la eliminación de las pajitas de plástico y la transición a envases sostenibles en sus propiedades y restaurantes. Además, el Grupo ha comenzado a implementar sistemas de filtración y embotellado de agua en el sitio que brindan a los huéspedes agua potable embotellada segura en vidrio o botellas reutilizables y evitan que más de nueve millones de botellas de plástico de un solo uso lleguen a los vertederos y al océano por año.

Jumeirah Group también ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la protección de la biodiversidad a través del Proyecto de rehabilitación de tortugas de Dubái , liberando 2050 tortugas rehabilitadas a su hábitat natural desde su creación en 2004, combinado con programas gratuitos de educación ambiental para niños en edad escolar. Otras iniciativas incluyen la creación de una granja hidropónica en el lugar para suministrar productos frescos a sus restaurantes, que utiliza un 70 % menos de agua por rendimiento, y la implementación de sistemas innovadores de tecnología alimentaria para no solo ayudar a reducir los desechos, sino también convertirlos en fertilizantes para uso local.

El Grupo también se centra en la igualdad de género y la participación comunitaria. A través de su asociación con Evolvin Women, invita a colocar a mujeres de países en desarrollo y brinda capacitación para desarrollar las habilidades para carreras exitosas en hospitalidad en sus países de origen, elevando el potencial económico dentro de sus propias comunidades. La empresa, que recientemente nombró a Katerina Giannouka como su primera directora ejecutiva, también cuenta con un gobierno corporativo sólido, combinado con programas de aprendizaje y desarrollo, para apoyar la igualdad de oportunidades, la paridad de género, la igualdad salarial y otros indicadores de igualdad de género.

Al unirse a la Alianza de Hospitalidad Sostenible, Jumeirah Group se ha convertido en parte de la red de hospitalidad responsable líder en el mundo, que reúne al 40% de la industria por habitaciones junto con socios estratégicos y de la cadena de suministro para crear soluciones compartidas para los desafíos ambientales y sociales. Su trabajo incluye acción climática, administración del agua y recursos responsables, junto con derechos humanos, empleabilidad y equidad, diversidad e inclusión.

Thomas B. Meier, director de operaciones de Jumeirah Group , dijo: “ Jumeirah Group se compromete a identificar y cocrear nuevas formas de incorporar prácticas sostenibles e inclusivas en todo nuestro ecosistema empresarial, para dar forma al mejor futuro posible en el que todos puedan prosperar. La industria de la hospitalidad toca muchas comunidades e industrias en todo el mundo, y creemos que tenemos la oportunidad con la Alianza de Hospitalidad Sostenible para lograr un cambio transformador, trabajando junto con nuestros pares de la industria y encontrando soluciones prácticas que finalmente establecerán las bases para la creación de valor a largo plazo y crecimiento sostenible.”


Glenn Mandziuk, CEO de Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, agregó: “Cada nuevo miembro aporta una perspectiva única y un conjunto de experiencias que complementan nuestra comunidad existente de empresas responsables, lo que nos permite apoyar mejor a la industria hotelera en general en todo el mundo, en todas las etapas. de sus viajes de sostenibilidad. Estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida a Jumeirah Group a la Alianza y esperamos sus ideas y contribuciones, ya que, juntos, apoyamos a la industria para lograr una hospitalidad positiva neta”.

Para obtener más información sobre el Grupo Jumeirah, visite  www.jumeirah.com.


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Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

United Arab Emirates, Dubai, January 2023: Jumeirah Group has become the newest member of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, joining forces with other world-leading hotel brands and partners to address key challenges and collectively accelerate towards a more responsible industry.

Operating a range of initiatives spanning both the environment and community engagement, the luxury hospitality leader and member of Dubai Holding is bolstering its commitment to sustainability through this partnership. Its eco initiatives include working to eliminate single-use plastics, beginning with the removal of plastic straws and transitioning to sustainable packaging across their properties and restaurants. In addition, the Group has begun to roll out onsite water bottling and filtration systems providing guests with safe bottled drinking water in glass or reusable bottles and preventing over nine million single-use plastic bottles from reaching landfills and the ocean per year.

Jumeirah Group has also played a pivotal role in protecting biodiversity through the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project, releasing 2,050 rehabilitated turtles back to their natural habitat since its inception in 2004, combined with free environmental education programmes for school children. Other initiatives include setting up an on-site hydroponic farm to supply fresh produce to their restaurants which uses 70% less water per yield, and implementing innovative food tech systems to not only help reduce waste but also convert the waste to fertiliser for local use.

The Group is also focused on gender equality and community engagement. Through its partnership with Evolvin Women, it invites female placements from developing nations and provides training to build the skillsets for successful hospitality careers in their home countries, raising the economic potential within their own communities. The company, which recently appointed Katerina Giannouka as its first female CEO, also has robust corporate governance, combined with learning and development programmes, to support equal opportunity, gender parity, equal pay and other indicators of gender equality.

By joining the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, Jumeirah Group has become part of the world’s leading responsible hospitality network, which brings together 40% of the industry by rooms along with strategic and supply chain partners to create shared solutions for environmental and social challenges. Their work includes climate action, water stewardship and responsible resourcing, alongside human rights, employability and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Thomas B. Meier, Chief Operating Officer of Jumeirah Group said: “Jumeirah Group is committed to identifying and co-creating new ways to incorporate sustainable and inclusive practices across our business ecosystem, to shape the best possible future where everyone can thrive. The hospitality industry touches many communities and industries worldwide, and we believe we have the opportunity with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to bring about transformative change, by working alongside our industry peers and finding practical solutions that will ultimately set the foundations for long term value creation and sustainable growth.”


Glenn Mandziuk, CEO of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, added: “Each new member brings a unique perspective and set of experiences which complement our existing community of responsible businesses, which enables us to better support the wider hotel industry around the world – at all stages of their sustainability journeys. We are delighted to welcome Jumeirah Group to the Alliance and look forward to their insights and contribution as, together, we support the industry to achieve net positive hospitality.”

For more information about Jumeirah Group, please visit www.jumeirah.com.


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Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

United Arab Emirates, Dubai, January 2023: Jumeirah Group has become the newest member of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, joining forces with other world-leading hotel brands and partners to address key challenges and collectively accelerate towards a more responsible industry.

Operating a range of initiatives spanning both the environment and community engagement, the luxury hospitality leader and member of Dubai Holding is bolstering its commitment to sustainability through this partnership. Its eco initiatives include working to eliminate single-use plastics, beginning with the removal of plastic straws and transitioning to sustainable packaging across their properties and restaurants. In addition, the Group has begun to roll out onsite water bottling and filtration systems providing guests with safe bottled drinking water in glass or reusable bottles and preventing over nine million single-use plastic bottles from reaching landfills and the ocean per year.

Jumeirah Group has also played a pivotal role in protecting biodiversity through the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project, releasing 2,050 rehabilitated turtles back to their natural habitat since its inception in 2004, combined with free environmental education programmes for school children. Other initiatives include setting up an on-site hydroponic farm to supply fresh produce to their restaurants which uses 70% less water per yield, and implementing innovative food tech systems to not only help reduce waste but also convert the waste to fertiliser for local use.

The Group is also focused on gender equality and community engagement. Through its partnership with Evolvin Women, it invites female placements from developing nations and provides training to build the skillsets for successful hospitality careers in their home countries, raising the economic potential within their own communities. The company, which recently appointed Katerina Giannouka as its first female CEO, also has robust corporate governance, combined with learning and development programmes, to support equal opportunity, gender parity, equal pay and other indicators of gender equality.

By joining the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, Jumeirah Group has become part of the world’s leading responsible hospitality network, which brings together 40% of the industry by rooms along with strategic and supply chain partners to create shared solutions for environmental and social challenges. Their work includes climate action, water stewardship and responsible resourcing, alongside human rights, employability and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Thomas B. Meier, Chief Operating Officer of Jumeirah Group said: “Jumeirah Group is committed to identifying and co-creating new ways to incorporate sustainable and inclusive practices across our business ecosystem, to shape the best possible future where everyone can thrive. The hospitality industry touches many communities and industries worldwide, and we believe we have the opportunity with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to bring about transformative change, by working alongside our industry peers and finding practical solutions that will ultimately set the foundations for long term value creation and sustainable growth.”


Glenn Mandziuk, CEO of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, added: “Each new member brings a unique perspective and set of experiences which complement our existing community of responsible businesses, which enables us to better support the wider hotel industry around the world – at all stages of their sustainability journeys. We are delighted to welcome Jumeirah Group to the Alliance and look forward to their insights and contribution as, together, we support the industry to achieve net positive hospitality.”

For more information about Jumeirah Group, please visit www.jumeirah.com.


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Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

United Arab Emirates, Dubai, January 2023: Jumeirah Group has become the newest member of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, joining forces with other world-leading hotel brands and partners to address key challenges and collectively accelerate towards a more responsible industry.

Operating a range of initiatives spanning both the environment and community engagement, the luxury hospitality leader and member of Dubai Holding is bolstering its commitment to sustainability through this partnership. Its eco initiatives include working to eliminate single-use plastics, beginning with the removal of plastic straws and transitioning to sustainable packaging across their properties and restaurants. In addition, the Group has begun to roll out onsite water bottling and filtration systems providing guests with safe bottled drinking water in glass or reusable bottles and preventing over nine million single-use plastic bottles from reaching landfills and the ocean per year.

Jumeirah Group has also played a pivotal role in protecting biodiversity through the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project, releasing 2,050 rehabilitated turtles back to their natural habitat since its inception in 2004, combined with free environmental education programmes for school children. Other initiatives include setting up an on-site hydroponic farm to supply fresh produce to their restaurants which uses 70% less water per yield, and implementing innovative food tech systems to not only help reduce waste but also convert the waste to fertiliser for local use.

The Group is also focused on gender equality and community engagement. Through its partnership with Evolvin Women, it invites female placements from developing nations and provides training to build the skillsets for successful hospitality careers in their home countries, raising the economic potential within their own communities. The company, which recently appointed Katerina Giannouka as its first female CEO, also has robust corporate governance, combined with learning and development programmes, to support equal opportunity, gender parity, equal pay and other indicators of gender equality.

By joining the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, Jumeirah Group has become part of the world’s leading responsible hospitality network, which brings together 40% of the industry by rooms along with strategic and supply chain partners to create shared solutions for environmental and social challenges. Their work includes climate action, water stewardship and responsible resourcing, alongside human rights, employability and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Thomas B. Meier, Chief Operating Officer of Jumeirah Group said: “Jumeirah Group is committed to identifying and co-creating new ways to incorporate sustainable and inclusive practices across our business ecosystem, to shape the best possible future where everyone can thrive. The hospitality industry touches many communities and industries worldwide, and we believe we have the opportunity with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to bring about transformative change, by working alongside our industry peers and finding practical solutions that will ultimately set the foundations for long term value creation and sustainable growth.”


Glenn Mandziuk, CEO of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, added: “Each new member brings a unique perspective and set of experiences which complement our existing community of responsible businesses, which enables us to better support the wider hotel industry around the world – at all stages of their sustainability journeys. We are delighted to welcome Jumeirah Group to the Alliance and look forward to their insights and contribution as, together, we support the industry to achieve net positive hospitality.”

For more information about Jumeirah Group, please visit www.jumeirah.com.


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Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

United Arab Emirates, Dubai, January 2023: Jumeirah Group has become the newest member of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, joining forces with other world-leading hotel brands and partners to address key challenges and collectively accelerate towards a more responsible industry.

Operating a range of initiatives spanning both the environment and community engagement, the luxury hospitality leader and member of Dubai Holding is bolstering its commitment to sustainability through this partnership. Its eco initiatives include working to eliminate single-use plastics, beginning with the removal of plastic straws and transitioning to sustainable packaging across their properties and restaurants. In addition, the Group has begun to roll out onsite water bottling and filtration systems providing guests with safe bottled drinking water in glass or reusable bottles and preventing over nine million single-use plastic bottles from reaching landfills and the ocean per year.

Jumeirah Group has also played a pivotal role in protecting biodiversity through the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project, releasing 2,050 rehabilitated turtles back to their natural habitat since its inception in 2004, combined with free environmental education programmes for school children. Other initiatives include setting up an on-site hydroponic farm to supply fresh produce to their restaurants which uses 70% less water per yield, and implementing innovative food tech systems to not only help reduce waste but also convert the waste to fertiliser for local use.

The Group is also focused on gender equality and community engagement. Through its partnership with Evolvin Women, it invites female placements from developing nations and provides training to build the skillsets for successful hospitality careers in their home countries, raising the economic potential within their own communities. The company, which recently appointed Katerina Giannouka as its first female CEO, also has robust corporate governance, combined with learning and development programmes, to support equal opportunity, gender parity, equal pay and other indicators of gender equality.

By joining the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, Jumeirah Group has become part of the world’s leading responsible hospitality network, which brings together 40% of the industry by rooms along with strategic and supply chain partners to create shared solutions for environmental and social challenges. Their work includes climate action, water stewardship and responsible resourcing, alongside human rights, employability and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Thomas B. Meier, Chief Operating Officer of Jumeirah Group said: “Jumeirah Group is committed to identifying and co-creating new ways to incorporate sustainable and inclusive practices across our business ecosystem, to shape the best possible future where everyone can thrive. The hospitality industry touches many communities and industries worldwide, and we believe we have the opportunity with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to bring about transformative change, by working alongside our industry peers and finding practical solutions that will ultimately set the foundations for long term value creation and sustainable growth.”


Glenn Mandziuk, CEO of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, added: “Each new member brings a unique perspective and set of experiences which complement our existing community of responsible businesses, which enables us to better support the wider hotel industry around the world – at all stages of their sustainability journeys. We are delighted to welcome Jumeirah Group to the Alliance and look forward to their insights and contribution as, together, we support the industry to achieve net positive hospitality.”

For more information about Jumeirah Group, please visit www.jumeirah.com.


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