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  • Lincoln pone su mirada en lo que se avecina con el debut del Lincoln Modelo L100, un concepto con estilo aerodinámico y tecnología avanzada que crea el santuario interior inmersivo del mañana.
  • Rindiendo homenaje al Modelo L de 1922, el primer vehículo de lujo de Lincoln, el Modelo L100 Concept se inspira en el legado de diseño de la marca mientras avanza en su visión de la movilidad en el futuro.
  • Celebrando los 100 años de Lincoln, el Modelo L100 ocupa un lugar central esta semana en el Concours d’Elegance® de Pebble Beach,  Lincoln es la marca destacada

PEBBLE BEACH, California, 18 de agosto de 2022  – Con un guiño al pasado mientras mira hacia el futuro, Lincoln revela su visión de la movilidad con el debut del Lincoln Model L100 Concept.

Debutando en Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, donde Lincoln es la marca destacada como parte del 100.ºaniversario de la marca, el modelo L100 Concept traspasa los límites del diseño Quiet Flight de Lincoln para crear experiencias conectadas que reinventan el último santuario de vehículos del mañana.

“Lincoln ha sido una de las marcas automotrices más duraderas y elegantes del mundo y, en muchos sentidos, está perfectamente posicionada para un segundo siglo definido por un gran diseño, cero emisiones y experiencias basadas en la tecnología”, dijo Bill Ford, presidente ejecutivo. , Compania de motores ford. “Lincoln siempre ha sido especial para mí y mi familia, especialmente para mi padre y mi abuelo. Si hay un secreto de la longevidad de Lincoln, es la capacidad de la marca para equilibrar sus valores fundamentales con el deseo de innovar y crear el futuro”.

Con una belleza seductora que cautiva al acercarse, el concepto L100 abraza la tensión entre la elegancia exuberante y la moderación sutil. El diseño elegante es aerodinámico y el espacio transformable permite que el Modelo L100 cree una conexión humana en un santuario que es verdaderamente Lincoln.

“Estamos en un momento especial de nuestra historia. Durante los últimos 100 años, Lincoln ha sido pionera en múltiples innovaciones y ha superado los límites del diseño que han llegado a definir nuestra marca como la conocemos y la amamos hoy”, dice Joy Falotico, presidenta de Lincoln. “Con el concepto del modelo L100, reimaginamos cómo podría ser el santuario de Lincoln para nuestros clientes del mañana y nos impulsa a definir el próximo capítulo de la historia de Lincoln”.

Avanzando en la tecnología del futuro

Creado como un vehículo autónomo con una experiencia de conducción inteligente, conectividad e innovaciones impulsadas por software, el Modelo L100 Concept avanza la visión de Lincoln y allana el camino para que la marca reconsidere la movilidad en el futuro.

El modelo L100 Concept utiliza tecnologías de paquete y celdas de batería de última generación, que ofrecerán una densidad de energía revolucionaria y permitirán una integración estructural eficiente al tratar todo el vehículo como un sistema. El enfoque avanzado no solo ayudará a ofrecer un diseño elegante, sino que también maximizará el espacio interior de la cabina, brindando a los diseñadores una nueva flexibilidad para crear la experiencia Lincoln del futuro.

“Los vehículos conceptuales nos permiten volver a imaginar e ilustrar cómo las nuevas experiencias pueden cobrar vida con la ayuda de tecnologías avanzadas y permiten a nuestros diseñadores más libertad creativa que nunca”, dijo Anthony Lo, director de diseño de Ford Motor Company. “Con el Modelo L100, pudimos traspasar los límites de maneras que evolucionaron el ADN de nuestra marca Quiet Flight y cambiaron la forma en que pensamos sobre los diseños de Lincoln del mañana”.

Un tablero de ajedrez interactivo en la consola central presenta un controlador de pieza de ajedrez inspirado en una joya que captura la luz y la profundidad al redefinir los controles del vehículo dentro de la cabina. El controlador reemplaza el volante tradicional en este concepto de vehículo autónomo, lo que hace que la experiencia del vehículo sea intuitiva y sin esfuerzo.

Las configuraciones de asientos sociales y centradas en el conductor permiten que los pasajeros participen y se adapten a la ocasión. Al dar forma al espacio de manera que permita la conexión, los asientos de la primera fila se pueden voltear hacia adelante para crear un entorno social, en el que los pasajeros delanteros pueden sentarse frente a los pasajeros traseros. El entorno transformable crea un entorno más acogedor, dando la sensación de un verdadero tercer espacio.

Trascender a través del espacio y el tiempo, por dentro y por fuera

Con la cola hacia abajo, relajado y elegante, el diseño de forma aerodinámica está cerca del suelo, sin costuras y al ras en sus detalles con una ejecución de cola en K eficiente para guiar el aire sobre el vehículo.

Llegando con elegancia, el techo de vidrio y las puertas con bisagras invertidas se levantan para dar un verdadero sentido de ceremonia y bienvenida, con el distintivo Lincoln Embrace. Las cubiertas de ruedas inteligentes ayudan a hacer avanzar aún más el Embrace, utilizando iluminación y sensores para comunicar el movimiento, la duración de la batería y la presencia humana.

La iluminación avanzada e intuitiva crea una sinfonía orquestada de luces tanto por dentro como por fuera, aumentada a los sentidos de manera que crea una experiencia personalizada para los pasajeros. Dando la bienvenida de una manera más humana, el Modelo L100 detecta al cliente cuando se acerca y permite que la sinfonía de luces siga al cliente alrededor del vehículo al aprovechar un sistema avanzado de inteligencia artificial y sensores GPS para curar la experiencia.

Con acentos de amatista en tela de gamuza reciclada, los diseñadores crearon la cabina del Modelo L100 con materiales libres de animales y alternativas de lujo. En el exterior, los diseñadores utilizaron pintura metálica y acrílico esmerilado en lugar de cromo con una capa tricapa de cerámica digital satinada, destacando un blanco cálido y suave que se transforma en un azul fresco al aire libre.

Todo el interior ha sido diseñado para crear un entorno inmersivo. El piso digital, el dosel y la iluminación ambiental armonizan para crear una experiencia personalizada que puede mejorar su estado de ánimo. Orquestado como una sinfonía afinada junto con una iluminación interior que armoniza con el sonido, el aroma y el tacto, el piso digital transporta a los pasajeros al santuario del mañana.

Un guiño a la historia

El Modelo L100 Concept celebra la herencia de diseño de la marca y se remonta al Modelo L de 1922 que se fabricó después de la compra de Lincoln por parte de Ford Motor Company. El Modelo L de 1922 fue muy apreciado por su excelente ingeniería, sirviendo como base para la transformación del diseño y el comienzo del lujo de Lincoln.

Un adorno de capó de galgo de cristal, seleccionado originalmente por Edsel Ford en la década de 1920, simboliza gracia, elegancia y velocidad y es visible a través del capó transparente, capturando profundidad e iluminación.

“Este concepto nos permitió diseñar una nueva experiencia que no tiene las limitaciones del pasado y representa una evolución de nuestros principios de Quiet Flight”, dijo Kemal Curic, director de diseño global de Lincoln. “La máxima expresión del diseño de nuestro Modelo L100 es uno que se mueve sin esfuerzo: un vehículo que parece estar esculpido por el viento, como si la fricción no existiera”.

Acerca de Lincoln

Lincoln es la marca automotriz de lujo de Ford Motor Company, comprometida con la creación de vehículos atractivos con una experiencia de propiedad excepcional a la par. Para obtener más información sobre Lincoln, visite  media.lincoln.com  o  www.lincoln.com .

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  • Lincoln sets its sight on what’s ahead with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100, a concept with aero-influenced styling and advanced technology that creates the immersive interior sanctuary of tomorrow
  • Paying homage to the 1922 Model L – Lincoln’s first luxury vehicle – the Model L100 Concept takes inspiration from the brand’s design heritage while advancing its vision for mobility in the future
  • Celebrating 100 years of Lincoln, the Model L100 takes center stage this week at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® where the Lincoln is the featured marque

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Aug. 18, 2022 – With a nod to the past while looking toward the future, Lincoln reveals its vision for mobility with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100 Concept.

Debuting at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where Lincoln is the featured marque as part of the brand’s 100th anniversary, the Model L100 Concept pushes the boundaries of Lincoln’s Quiet Flight design to create connected experiences that reimagine the ultimate vehicle sanctuary of tomorrow.

“Lincoln has been one of the most enduring and stylish automotive brands in the world and in many ways, it is perfectly positioned for a second century defined by great design, zero-emissions and technology-led experiences,” said Bill Ford, executive chair, Ford Motor Company. “Lincoln has always been special to me and my family, especially my father and my grandfather. If there is one secret to Lincoln’s longevity, it is the brand’s ability to balance its core values with a desire to innovate and create the future.”

With alluring beauty that captivates upon approach, the L100 concept embraces the tension between exuberant elegance and subtle restraint. The sleek design is aerodynamic, and the transformable space allows the Model L100 to create human connection in a sanctuary that is truly Lincoln.

“We are at a special moment in our history. Over the last 100 years, Lincoln has pioneered multiple innovations and pushed the boundaries of design that have come to define our brand as we know and love it today,” says Joy Falotico, president, Lincoln. “With the Model L100 Concept, we reimagine what the Lincoln sanctuary might look like for our clients of tomorrow moving us forward to define the next chapter of the Lincoln story.”

Advancing the technology of the future

Created as an autonomous vehicle with an intelligent driving experience, connectivity and software-driven innovations, the Model L100 Concept advances Lincoln’s vision and paves the way for the brand to rethink mobility in the future.

The Model L100 Concept uses next generation battery cell and pack technologies, which will deliver game changing energy density and enable efficient, structural integration by treating the entire vehicle as a system. The advanced approach will not only help deliver elegant design, but also maximize the interior cabin space, giving designers new flexibility to create the signature Lincoln experience of the future.

“Concept vehicles allow us to reimagine and illustrate how new experiences can come to life with the help of advanced technologies and allow our designers more creative freedom than ever before,” said Anthony Lo, chief design officer, Ford Motor Company. “With the Model L100, we were able to push the boundaries in ways that evolve our Quiet Flight brand DNA and change the way we think about Lincoln designs of tomorrow.”

An interactive, center console chessboard features a jewel-inspired chess piece controller that captures light and depth by redefining the vehicle controls inside the cabin. The controller replaces the traditional steering wheel in this autonomous concept vehicle, making the vehicle experience intuitive and effortless.

Driver-centric and social seating configurations allow for passenger engagement that can be tailored for the occasion. Shaping the space in ways that allow connection, the front row seats can be flipped forward to create a social setting, in which front passengers can sit across from rear passengers. The transformable environment creates a more accommodating setting, giving the feeling of a true third space.

Transcending through space and time, inside and out

Tail-down, relaxed and sleek, the aero-shaped design is low to the ground, seamless and flush in its details with a K-tail execution efficient in guiding the air over the vehicle.

Arriving with elegance, the glass roof and reverse-hinged doors lift to give a true sense of ceremony and welcome, with the signature Lincoln Embrace. Smart wheel covers help to advance the Embrace even further, utilizing lighting and sensors to communicate motion, battery life and human presence.

The advanced, intuitive lighting creates an orchestrated symphony of lights both inside and out – augmented to the senses in ways that create a personalized experience for passengers. Welcoming in a more human way, the Model L100 senses the client upon approach and enables the light symphony to follow the client around the vehicle by leveraging an advanced, artificial intelligence system and GPS sensors to curate the experience.

With accents of amethyst in recycled suede fabric, designers created the Model L100 cabin with animal-free materials and luxury alternatives. On the exterior – designers used metallic paint and frosted acrylic in lieu of chrome with a satin digital ceramic tricoat – highlighting a warm, soft white that transitions into cool, open-air blue.

The entire interior has been designed to create an immersive environment. The digital floor, canopy and ambient lighting all harmonize to create a personalized experience that can enhance your mood. Orchestrated like a fine-tuned symphony along with interior lighting that harmonizes with sound, scent and touch, the digital floor transports passengers to the sanctuary of tomorrow.

A nod to history

The Model L100 Concept celebrates the brand’s design heritage and harkens back to the 1922 Model L which was built after Ford Motor Company’s purchase of Lincoln. The 1922 Model L was highly regarded for its outstanding engineering, serving as the foundation for the design transformation and the beginning of Lincoln luxury.

A crystal greyhound hood ornament, originally selected by Edsel Ford in the 1920s, symbolizes grace, elegance and speed and is visible through the transparent hood, capturing depth and illumination.

“This concept allowed us to design a new experience that is unburdened by past limitations and represents an evolution of our Quiet Flight tenets,” said Kemal Curic, global design director, Lincoln. “The ultimate expression of our Model L100 design is one that moves effortlessly – a vehicle that appears to be sculpted by the wind, as if friction does not exist.”

About Lincoln

Lincoln is the luxury automotive brand of Ford Motor Company, committed to creating compelling vehicles with an exceptional ownership experience to match. For more information about Lincoln, please visit media.lincoln.com or www.lincoln.com.

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  • Lincoln sets its sight on what’s ahead with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100, a concept with aero-influenced styling and advanced technology that creates the immersive interior sanctuary of tomorrow
  • Paying homage to the 1922 Model L – Lincoln’s first luxury vehicle – the Model L100 Concept takes inspiration from the brand’s design heritage while advancing its vision for mobility in the future
  • Celebrating 100 years of Lincoln, the Model L100 takes center stage this week at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® where the Lincoln is the featured marque

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Aug. 18, 2022 – With a nod to the past while looking toward the future, Lincoln reveals its vision for mobility with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100 Concept.

Debuting at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where Lincoln is the featured marque as part of the brand’s 100th anniversary, the Model L100 Concept pushes the boundaries of Lincoln’s Quiet Flight design to create connected experiences that reimagine the ultimate vehicle sanctuary of tomorrow.

“Lincoln has been one of the most enduring and stylish automotive brands in the world and in many ways, it is perfectly positioned for a second century defined by great design, zero-emissions and technology-led experiences,” said Bill Ford, executive chair, Ford Motor Company. “Lincoln has always been special to me and my family, especially my father and my grandfather. If there is one secret to Lincoln’s longevity, it is the brand’s ability to balance its core values with a desire to innovate and create the future.”

With alluring beauty that captivates upon approach, the L100 concept embraces the tension between exuberant elegance and subtle restraint. The sleek design is aerodynamic, and the transformable space allows the Model L100 to create human connection in a sanctuary that is truly Lincoln.

“We are at a special moment in our history. Over the last 100 years, Lincoln has pioneered multiple innovations and pushed the boundaries of design that have come to define our brand as we know and love it today,” says Joy Falotico, president, Lincoln. “With the Model L100 Concept, we reimagine what the Lincoln sanctuary might look like for our clients of tomorrow moving us forward to define the next chapter of the Lincoln story.”

Advancing the technology of the future

Created as an autonomous vehicle with an intelligent driving experience, connectivity and software-driven innovations, the Model L100 Concept advances Lincoln’s vision and paves the way for the brand to rethink mobility in the future.

The Model L100 Concept uses next generation battery cell and pack technologies, which will deliver game changing energy density and enable efficient, structural integration by treating the entire vehicle as a system. The advanced approach will not only help deliver elegant design, but also maximize the interior cabin space, giving designers new flexibility to create the signature Lincoln experience of the future.

“Concept vehicles allow us to reimagine and illustrate how new experiences can come to life with the help of advanced technologies and allow our designers more creative freedom than ever before,” said Anthony Lo, chief design officer, Ford Motor Company. “With the Model L100, we were able to push the boundaries in ways that evolve our Quiet Flight brand DNA and change the way we think about Lincoln designs of tomorrow.”

An interactive, center console chessboard features a jewel-inspired chess piece controller that captures light and depth by redefining the vehicle controls inside the cabin. The controller replaces the traditional steering wheel in this autonomous concept vehicle, making the vehicle experience intuitive and effortless.

Driver-centric and social seating configurations allow for passenger engagement that can be tailored for the occasion. Shaping the space in ways that allow connection, the front row seats can be flipped forward to create a social setting, in which front passengers can sit across from rear passengers. The transformable environment creates a more accommodating setting, giving the feeling of a true third space.

Transcending through space and time, inside and out

Tail-down, relaxed and sleek, the aero-shaped design is low to the ground, seamless and flush in its details with a K-tail execution efficient in guiding the air over the vehicle.

Arriving with elegance, the glass roof and reverse-hinged doors lift to give a true sense of ceremony and welcome, with the signature Lincoln Embrace. Smart wheel covers help to advance the Embrace even further, utilizing lighting and sensors to communicate motion, battery life and human presence.

The advanced, intuitive lighting creates an orchestrated symphony of lights both inside and out – augmented to the senses in ways that create a personalized experience for passengers. Welcoming in a more human way, the Model L100 senses the client upon approach and enables the light symphony to follow the client around the vehicle by leveraging an advanced, artificial intelligence system and GPS sensors to curate the experience.

With accents of amethyst in recycled suede fabric, designers created the Model L100 cabin with animal-free materials and luxury alternatives. On the exterior – designers used metallic paint and frosted acrylic in lieu of chrome with a satin digital ceramic tricoat – highlighting a warm, soft white that transitions into cool, open-air blue.

The entire interior has been designed to create an immersive environment. The digital floor, canopy and ambient lighting all harmonize to create a personalized experience that can enhance your mood. Orchestrated like a fine-tuned symphony along with interior lighting that harmonizes with sound, scent and touch, the digital floor transports passengers to the sanctuary of tomorrow.

A nod to history

The Model L100 Concept celebrates the brand’s design heritage and harkens back to the 1922 Model L which was built after Ford Motor Company’s purchase of Lincoln. The 1922 Model L was highly regarded for its outstanding engineering, serving as the foundation for the design transformation and the beginning of Lincoln luxury.

A crystal greyhound hood ornament, originally selected by Edsel Ford in the 1920s, symbolizes grace, elegance and speed and is visible through the transparent hood, capturing depth and illumination.

“This concept allowed us to design a new experience that is unburdened by past limitations and represents an evolution of our Quiet Flight tenets,” said Kemal Curic, global design director, Lincoln. “The ultimate expression of our Model L100 design is one that moves effortlessly – a vehicle that appears to be sculpted by the wind, as if friction does not exist.”

About Lincoln

Lincoln is the luxury automotive brand of Ford Motor Company, committed to creating compelling vehicles with an exceptional ownership experience to match. For more information about Lincoln, please visit media.lincoln.com or www.lincoln.com.

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  • Lincoln sets its sight on what’s ahead with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100, a concept with aero-influenced styling and advanced technology that creates the immersive interior sanctuary of tomorrow
  • Paying homage to the 1922 Model L – Lincoln’s first luxury vehicle – the Model L100 Concept takes inspiration from the brand’s design heritage while advancing its vision for mobility in the future
  • Celebrating 100 years of Lincoln, the Model L100 takes center stage this week at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® where the Lincoln is the featured marque

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Aug. 18, 2022 – With a nod to the past while looking toward the future, Lincoln reveals its vision for mobility with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100 Concept.

Debuting at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where Lincoln is the featured marque as part of the brand’s 100th anniversary, the Model L100 Concept pushes the boundaries of Lincoln’s Quiet Flight design to create connected experiences that reimagine the ultimate vehicle sanctuary of tomorrow.

“Lincoln has been one of the most enduring and stylish automotive brands in the world and in many ways, it is perfectly positioned for a second century defined by great design, zero-emissions and technology-led experiences,” said Bill Ford, executive chair, Ford Motor Company. “Lincoln has always been special to me and my family, especially my father and my grandfather. If there is one secret to Lincoln’s longevity, it is the brand’s ability to balance its core values with a desire to innovate and create the future.”

With alluring beauty that captivates upon approach, the L100 concept embraces the tension between exuberant elegance and subtle restraint. The sleek design is aerodynamic, and the transformable space allows the Model L100 to create human connection in a sanctuary that is truly Lincoln.

“We are at a special moment in our history. Over the last 100 years, Lincoln has pioneered multiple innovations and pushed the boundaries of design that have come to define our brand as we know and love it today,” says Joy Falotico, president, Lincoln. “With the Model L100 Concept, we reimagine what the Lincoln sanctuary might look like for our clients of tomorrow moving us forward to define the next chapter of the Lincoln story.”

Advancing the technology of the future

Created as an autonomous vehicle with an intelligent driving experience, connectivity and software-driven innovations, the Model L100 Concept advances Lincoln’s vision and paves the way for the brand to rethink mobility in the future.

The Model L100 Concept uses next generation battery cell and pack technologies, which will deliver game changing energy density and enable efficient, structural integration by treating the entire vehicle as a system. The advanced approach will not only help deliver elegant design, but also maximize the interior cabin space, giving designers new flexibility to create the signature Lincoln experience of the future.

“Concept vehicles allow us to reimagine and illustrate how new experiences can come to life with the help of advanced technologies and allow our designers more creative freedom than ever before,” said Anthony Lo, chief design officer, Ford Motor Company. “With the Model L100, we were able to push the boundaries in ways that evolve our Quiet Flight brand DNA and change the way we think about Lincoln designs of tomorrow.”

An interactive, center console chessboard features a jewel-inspired chess piece controller that captures light and depth by redefining the vehicle controls inside the cabin. The controller replaces the traditional steering wheel in this autonomous concept vehicle, making the vehicle experience intuitive and effortless.

Driver-centric and social seating configurations allow for passenger engagement that can be tailored for the occasion. Shaping the space in ways that allow connection, the front row seats can be flipped forward to create a social setting, in which front passengers can sit across from rear passengers. The transformable environment creates a more accommodating setting, giving the feeling of a true third space.

Transcending through space and time, inside and out

Tail-down, relaxed and sleek, the aero-shaped design is low to the ground, seamless and flush in its details with a K-tail execution efficient in guiding the air over the vehicle.

Arriving with elegance, the glass roof and reverse-hinged doors lift to give a true sense of ceremony and welcome, with the signature Lincoln Embrace. Smart wheel covers help to advance the Embrace even further, utilizing lighting and sensors to communicate motion, battery life and human presence.

The advanced, intuitive lighting creates an orchestrated symphony of lights both inside and out – augmented to the senses in ways that create a personalized experience for passengers. Welcoming in a more human way, the Model L100 senses the client upon approach and enables the light symphony to follow the client around the vehicle by leveraging an advanced, artificial intelligence system and GPS sensors to curate the experience.

With accents of amethyst in recycled suede fabric, designers created the Model L100 cabin with animal-free materials and luxury alternatives. On the exterior – designers used metallic paint and frosted acrylic in lieu of chrome with a satin digital ceramic tricoat – highlighting a warm, soft white that transitions into cool, open-air blue.

The entire interior has been designed to create an immersive environment. The digital floor, canopy and ambient lighting all harmonize to create a personalized experience that can enhance your mood. Orchestrated like a fine-tuned symphony along with interior lighting that harmonizes with sound, scent and touch, the digital floor transports passengers to the sanctuary of tomorrow.

A nod to history

The Model L100 Concept celebrates the brand’s design heritage and harkens back to the 1922 Model L which was built after Ford Motor Company’s purchase of Lincoln. The 1922 Model L was highly regarded for its outstanding engineering, serving as the foundation for the design transformation and the beginning of Lincoln luxury.

A crystal greyhound hood ornament, originally selected by Edsel Ford in the 1920s, symbolizes grace, elegance and speed and is visible through the transparent hood, capturing depth and illumination.

“This concept allowed us to design a new experience that is unburdened by past limitations and represents an evolution of our Quiet Flight tenets,” said Kemal Curic, global design director, Lincoln. “The ultimate expression of our Model L100 design is one that moves effortlessly – a vehicle that appears to be sculpted by the wind, as if friction does not exist.”

About Lincoln

Lincoln is the luxury automotive brand of Ford Motor Company, committed to creating compelling vehicles with an exceptional ownership experience to match. For more information about Lincoln, please visit media.lincoln.com or www.lincoln.com.

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  • Lincoln sets its sight on what’s ahead with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100, a concept with aero-influenced styling and advanced technology that creates the immersive interior sanctuary of tomorrow
  • Paying homage to the 1922 Model L – Lincoln’s first luxury vehicle – the Model L100 Concept takes inspiration from the brand’s design heritage while advancing its vision for mobility in the future
  • Celebrating 100 years of Lincoln, the Model L100 takes center stage this week at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® where the Lincoln is the featured marque

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Aug. 18, 2022 – With a nod to the past while looking toward the future, Lincoln reveals its vision for mobility with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100 Concept.

Debuting at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where Lincoln is the featured marque as part of the brand’s 100th anniversary, the Model L100 Concept pushes the boundaries of Lincoln’s Quiet Flight design to create connected experiences that reimagine the ultimate vehicle sanctuary of tomorrow.

“Lincoln has been one of the most enduring and stylish automotive brands in the world and in many ways, it is perfectly positioned for a second century defined by great design, zero-emissions and technology-led experiences,” said Bill Ford, executive chair, Ford Motor Company. “Lincoln has always been special to me and my family, especially my father and my grandfather. If there is one secret to Lincoln’s longevity, it is the brand’s ability to balance its core values with a desire to innovate and create the future.”

With alluring beauty that captivates upon approach, the L100 concept embraces the tension between exuberant elegance and subtle restraint. The sleek design is aerodynamic, and the transformable space allows the Model L100 to create human connection in a sanctuary that is truly Lincoln.

“We are at a special moment in our history. Over the last 100 years, Lincoln has pioneered multiple innovations and pushed the boundaries of design that have come to define our brand as we know and love it today,” says Joy Falotico, president, Lincoln. “With the Model L100 Concept, we reimagine what the Lincoln sanctuary might look like for our clients of tomorrow moving us forward to define the next chapter of the Lincoln story.”

Advancing the technology of the future

Created as an autonomous vehicle with an intelligent driving experience, connectivity and software-driven innovations, the Model L100 Concept advances Lincoln’s vision and paves the way for the brand to rethink mobility in the future.

The Model L100 Concept uses next generation battery cell and pack technologies, which will deliver game changing energy density and enable efficient, structural integration by treating the entire vehicle as a system. The advanced approach will not only help deliver elegant design, but also maximize the interior cabin space, giving designers new flexibility to create the signature Lincoln experience of the future.

“Concept vehicles allow us to reimagine and illustrate how new experiences can come to life with the help of advanced technologies and allow our designers more creative freedom than ever before,” said Anthony Lo, chief design officer, Ford Motor Company. “With the Model L100, we were able to push the boundaries in ways that evolve our Quiet Flight brand DNA and change the way we think about Lincoln designs of tomorrow.”

An interactive, center console chessboard features a jewel-inspired chess piece controller that captures light and depth by redefining the vehicle controls inside the cabin. The controller replaces the traditional steering wheel in this autonomous concept vehicle, making the vehicle experience intuitive and effortless.

Driver-centric and social seating configurations allow for passenger engagement that can be tailored for the occasion. Shaping the space in ways that allow connection, the front row seats can be flipped forward to create a social setting, in which front passengers can sit across from rear passengers. The transformable environment creates a more accommodating setting, giving the feeling of a true third space.

Transcending through space and time, inside and out

Tail-down, relaxed and sleek, the aero-shaped design is low to the ground, seamless and flush in its details with a K-tail execution efficient in guiding the air over the vehicle.

Arriving with elegance, the glass roof and reverse-hinged doors lift to give a true sense of ceremony and welcome, with the signature Lincoln Embrace. Smart wheel covers help to advance the Embrace even further, utilizing lighting and sensors to communicate motion, battery life and human presence.

The advanced, intuitive lighting creates an orchestrated symphony of lights both inside and out – augmented to the senses in ways that create a personalized experience for passengers. Welcoming in a more human way, the Model L100 senses the client upon approach and enables the light symphony to follow the client around the vehicle by leveraging an advanced, artificial intelligence system and GPS sensors to curate the experience.

With accents of amethyst in recycled suede fabric, designers created the Model L100 cabin with animal-free materials and luxury alternatives. On the exterior – designers used metallic paint and frosted acrylic in lieu of chrome with a satin digital ceramic tricoat – highlighting a warm, soft white that transitions into cool, open-air blue.

The entire interior has been designed to create an immersive environment. The digital floor, canopy and ambient lighting all harmonize to create a personalized experience that can enhance your mood. Orchestrated like a fine-tuned symphony along with interior lighting that harmonizes with sound, scent and touch, the digital floor transports passengers to the sanctuary of tomorrow.

A nod to history

The Model L100 Concept celebrates the brand’s design heritage and harkens back to the 1922 Model L which was built after Ford Motor Company’s purchase of Lincoln. The 1922 Model L was highly regarded for its outstanding engineering, serving as the foundation for the design transformation and the beginning of Lincoln luxury.

A crystal greyhound hood ornament, originally selected by Edsel Ford in the 1920s, symbolizes grace, elegance and speed and is visible through the transparent hood, capturing depth and illumination.

“This concept allowed us to design a new experience that is unburdened by past limitations and represents an evolution of our Quiet Flight tenets,” said Kemal Curic, global design director, Lincoln. “The ultimate expression of our Model L100 design is one that moves effortlessly – a vehicle that appears to be sculpted by the wind, as if friction does not exist.”

About Lincoln

Lincoln is the luxury automotive brand of Ford Motor Company, committed to creating compelling vehicles with an exceptional ownership experience to match. For more information about Lincoln, please visit media.lincoln.com or www.lincoln.com.

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  • Lincoln sets its sight on what’s ahead with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100, a concept with aero-influenced styling and advanced technology that creates the immersive interior sanctuary of tomorrow
  • Paying homage to the 1922 Model L – Lincoln’s first luxury vehicle – the Model L100 Concept takes inspiration from the brand’s design heritage while advancing its vision for mobility in the future
  • Celebrating 100 years of Lincoln, the Model L100 takes center stage this week at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® where the Lincoln is the featured marque

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Aug. 18, 2022 – With a nod to the past while looking toward the future, Lincoln reveals its vision for mobility with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100 Concept.

Debuting at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where Lincoln is the featured marque as part of the brand’s 100th anniversary, the Model L100 Concept pushes the boundaries of Lincoln’s Quiet Flight design to create connected experiences that reimagine the ultimate vehicle sanctuary of tomorrow.

“Lincoln has been one of the most enduring and stylish automotive brands in the world and in many ways, it is perfectly positioned for a second century defined by great design, zero-emissions and technology-led experiences,” said Bill Ford, executive chair, Ford Motor Company. “Lincoln has always been special to me and my family, especially my father and my grandfather. If there is one secret to Lincoln’s longevity, it is the brand’s ability to balance its core values with a desire to innovate and create the future.”

With alluring beauty that captivates upon approach, the L100 concept embraces the tension between exuberant elegance and subtle restraint. The sleek design is aerodynamic, and the transformable space allows the Model L100 to create human connection in a sanctuary that is truly Lincoln.

“We are at a special moment in our history. Over the last 100 years, Lincoln has pioneered multiple innovations and pushed the boundaries of design that have come to define our brand as we know and love it today,” says Joy Falotico, president, Lincoln. “With the Model L100 Concept, we reimagine what the Lincoln sanctuary might look like for our clients of tomorrow moving us forward to define the next chapter of the Lincoln story.”

Advancing the technology of the future

Created as an autonomous vehicle with an intelligent driving experience, connectivity and software-driven innovations, the Model L100 Concept advances Lincoln’s vision and paves the way for the brand to rethink mobility in the future.

The Model L100 Concept uses next generation battery cell and pack technologies, which will deliver game changing energy density and enable efficient, structural integration by treating the entire vehicle as a system. The advanced approach will not only help deliver elegant design, but also maximize the interior cabin space, giving designers new flexibility to create the signature Lincoln experience of the future.

“Concept vehicles allow us to reimagine and illustrate how new experiences can come to life with the help of advanced technologies and allow our designers more creative freedom than ever before,” said Anthony Lo, chief design officer, Ford Motor Company. “With the Model L100, we were able to push the boundaries in ways that evolve our Quiet Flight brand DNA and change the way we think about Lincoln designs of tomorrow.”

An interactive, center console chessboard features a jewel-inspired chess piece controller that captures light and depth by redefining the vehicle controls inside the cabin. The controller replaces the traditional steering wheel in this autonomous concept vehicle, making the vehicle experience intuitive and effortless.

Driver-centric and social seating configurations allow for passenger engagement that can be tailored for the occasion. Shaping the space in ways that allow connection, the front row seats can be flipped forward to create a social setting, in which front passengers can sit across from rear passengers. The transformable environment creates a more accommodating setting, giving the feeling of a true third space.

Transcending through space and time, inside and out

Tail-down, relaxed and sleek, the aero-shaped design is low to the ground, seamless and flush in its details with a K-tail execution efficient in guiding the air over the vehicle.

Arriving with elegance, the glass roof and reverse-hinged doors lift to give a true sense of ceremony and welcome, with the signature Lincoln Embrace. Smart wheel covers help to advance the Embrace even further, utilizing lighting and sensors to communicate motion, battery life and human presence.

The advanced, intuitive lighting creates an orchestrated symphony of lights both inside and out – augmented to the senses in ways that create a personalized experience for passengers. Welcoming in a more human way, the Model L100 senses the client upon approach and enables the light symphony to follow the client around the vehicle by leveraging an advanced, artificial intelligence system and GPS sensors to curate the experience.

With accents of amethyst in recycled suede fabric, designers created the Model L100 cabin with animal-free materials and luxury alternatives. On the exterior – designers used metallic paint and frosted acrylic in lieu of chrome with a satin digital ceramic tricoat – highlighting a warm, soft white that transitions into cool, open-air blue.

The entire interior has been designed to create an immersive environment. The digital floor, canopy and ambient lighting all harmonize to create a personalized experience that can enhance your mood. Orchestrated like a fine-tuned symphony along with interior lighting that harmonizes with sound, scent and touch, the digital floor transports passengers to the sanctuary of tomorrow.

A nod to history

The Model L100 Concept celebrates the brand’s design heritage and harkens back to the 1922 Model L which was built after Ford Motor Company’s purchase of Lincoln. The 1922 Model L was highly regarded for its outstanding engineering, serving as the foundation for the design transformation and the beginning of Lincoln luxury.

A crystal greyhound hood ornament, originally selected by Edsel Ford in the 1920s, symbolizes grace, elegance and speed and is visible through the transparent hood, capturing depth and illumination.

“This concept allowed us to design a new experience that is unburdened by past limitations and represents an evolution of our Quiet Flight tenets,” said Kemal Curic, global design director, Lincoln. “The ultimate expression of our Model L100 design is one that moves effortlessly – a vehicle that appears to be sculpted by the wind, as if friction does not exist.”

About Lincoln

Lincoln is the luxury automotive brand of Ford Motor Company, committed to creating compelling vehicles with an exceptional ownership experience to match. For more information about Lincoln, please visit media.lincoln.com or www.lincoln.com.

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  • Lincoln sets its sight on what’s ahead with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100, a concept with aero-influenced styling and advanced technology that creates the immersive interior sanctuary of tomorrow
  • Paying homage to the 1922 Model L – Lincoln’s first luxury vehicle – the Model L100 Concept takes inspiration from the brand’s design heritage while advancing its vision for mobility in the future
  • Celebrating 100 years of Lincoln, the Model L100 takes center stage this week at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® where the Lincoln is the featured marque

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Aug. 18, 2022 – With a nod to the past while looking toward the future, Lincoln reveals its vision for mobility with the debut of the Lincoln Model L100 Concept.

Debuting at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where Lincoln is the featured marque as part of the brand’s 100th anniversary, the Model L100 Concept pushes the boundaries of Lincoln’s Quiet Flight design to create connected experiences that reimagine the ultimate vehicle sanctuary of tomorrow.

“Lincoln has been one of the most enduring and stylish automotive brands in the world and in many ways, it is perfectly positioned for a second century defined by great design, zero-emissions and technology-led experiences,” said Bill Ford, executive chair, Ford Motor Company. “Lincoln has always been special to me and my family, especially my father and my grandfather. If there is one secret to Lincoln’s longevity, it is the brand’s ability to balance its core values with a desire to innovate and create the future.”

With alluring beauty that captivates upon approach, the L100 concept embraces the tension between exuberant elegance and subtle restraint. The sleek design is aerodynamic, and the transformable space allows the Model L100 to create human connection in a sanctuary that is truly Lincoln.

“We are at a special moment in our history. Over the last 100 years, Lincoln has pioneered multiple innovations and pushed the boundaries of design that have come to define our brand as we know and love it today,” says Joy Falotico, president, Lincoln. “With the Model L100 Concept, we reimagine what the Lincoln sanctuary might look like for our clients of tomorrow moving us forward to define the next chapter of the Lincoln story.”

Advancing the technology of the future

Created as an autonomous vehicle with an intelligent driving experience, connectivity and software-driven innovations, the Model L100 Concept advances Lincoln’s vision and paves the way for the brand to rethink mobility in the future.

The Model L100 Concept uses next generation battery cell and pack technologies, which will deliver game changing energy density and enable efficient, structural integration by treating the entire vehicle as a system. The advanced approach will not only help deliver elegant design, but also maximize the interior cabin space, giving designers new flexibility to create the signature Lincoln experience of the future.

“Concept vehicles allow us to reimagine and illustrate how new experiences can come to life with the help of advanced technologies and allow our designers more creative freedom than ever before,” said Anthony Lo, chief design officer, Ford Motor Company. “With the Model L100, we were able to push the boundaries in ways that evolve our Quiet Flight brand DNA and change the way we think about Lincoln designs of tomorrow.”

An interactive, center console chessboard features a jewel-inspired chess piece controller that captures light and depth by redefining the vehicle controls inside the cabin. The controller replaces the traditional steering wheel in this autonomous concept vehicle, making the vehicle experience intuitive and effortless.

Driver-centric and social seating configurations allow for passenger engagement that can be tailored for the occasion. Shaping the space in ways that allow connection, the front row seats can be flipped forward to create a social setting, in which front passengers can sit across from rear passengers. The transformable environment creates a more accommodating setting, giving the feeling of a true third space.

Transcending through space and time, inside and out

Tail-down, relaxed and sleek, the aero-shaped design is low to the ground, seamless and flush in its details with a K-tail execution efficient in guiding the air over the vehicle.

Arriving with elegance, the glass roof and reverse-hinged doors lift to give a true sense of ceremony and welcome, with the signature Lincoln Embrace. Smart wheel covers help to advance the Embrace even further, utilizing lighting and sensors to communicate motion, battery life and human presence.

The advanced, intuitive lighting creates an orchestrated symphony of lights both inside and out – augmented to the senses in ways that create a personalized experience for passengers. Welcoming in a more human way, the Model L100 senses the client upon approach and enables the light symphony to follow the client around the vehicle by leveraging an advanced, artificial intelligence system and GPS sensors to curate the experience.

With accents of amethyst in recycled suede fabric, designers created the Model L100 cabin with animal-free materials and luxury alternatives. On the exterior – designers used metallic paint and frosted acrylic in lieu of chrome with a satin digital ceramic tricoat – highlighting a warm, soft white that transitions into cool, open-air blue.

The entire interior has been designed to create an immersive environment. The digital floor, canopy and ambient lighting all harmonize to create a personalized experience that can enhance your mood. Orchestrated like a fine-tuned symphony along with interior lighting that harmonizes with sound, scent and touch, the digital floor transports passengers to the sanctuary of tomorrow.

A nod to history

The Model L100 Concept celebrates the brand’s design heritage and harkens back to the 1922 Model L which was built after Ford Motor Company’s purchase of Lincoln. The 1922 Model L was highly regarded for its outstanding engineering, serving as the foundation for the design transformation and the beginning of Lincoln luxury.

A crystal greyhound hood ornament, originally selected by Edsel Ford in the 1920s, symbolizes grace, elegance and speed and is visible through the transparent hood, capturing depth and illumination.

“This concept allowed us to design a new experience that is unburdened by past limitations and represents an evolution of our Quiet Flight tenets,” said Kemal Curic, global design director, Lincoln. “The ultimate expression of our Model L100 design is one that moves effortlessly – a vehicle that appears to be sculpted by the wind, as if friction does not exist.”

About Lincoln

Lincoln is the luxury automotive brand of Ford Motor Company, committed to creating compelling vehicles with an exceptional ownership experience to match. For more information about Lincoln, please visit media.lincoln.com or www.lincoln.com.

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