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Lovetuner | The Mental and Physical Benefits of Mind-Body Interventions

Lovetuner | The Mental and Physical Benefits of Mind-Body Interventions

MALIBU, CA, USA, August 19, 2022 / EINPresswire.com / — It’s no secret that balancing activities like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises provide stress relief, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being . New research shows that the benefits of these activities go far beyond mental wellness alone. In fact, exercises like meditation, sound healing, and breathing exercises can create changes at the molecular level.

Lovetuner meditation using the power of the 528hz healing frequency

Elevated yoga practice with the Lovetuner

Lovetuner 528hz frequency meditation tool

A recent study published in the journal “Frontiers in Immunology” reviewed more than a decade of studies looking at how the behavior of our genes is affected by so-called Mind-Body Interventions (MBIs), including consciousness, presence, yoga and meditation. According to the researchers, MBIs leave a “molecular mark” on our cells that reverses the effect that stress has on the body.

When a person is exposed to a highly stressful event, their sympathetic nervous system (the system responsible for the fight or flight response) is activated, increasing the production of a molecule called NF-kB. This molecule reacts by activating genes to produce proteins called cytokines that cause inflammation at the cellular level. This reaction is helpful in a fight or flight situation, but prolonged exposure to stress can have serious effects on our physical and mental health.

This recent study shows that people who practice MBI on a regular basis, such as yoga or meditation, show the opposite effect. Their bodies showed decreased production of NF-kBs and cytokines. That is, they have a reduced risk of diseases related to inflammation.

As lead researcher Ivana Buric, from the Center for Psychology at Coventry University, says: “These activities are leaving what we call a molecular mark on our cells, which reverses the effect that stress or anxiety would have on the body, by changing the way our genes are expressed. Simply put, MBIs cause the brain to steer our DNA processes down a path that improves our well-being.”

This research provides more information about the powerful connection between our mental and physical health.

Lovetuner uses this connection between our mental and physical health to bring about healing with a very simple exercise. The Lovetuner aligns the person with the frequency of 528 Hz, also known as the repair frequency of DNA or frequency of love. When one exhales, the breath connects with the 528hz frequency, aligning the water molecules in the body, providing the feeling of deep relaxation.

Whether you’re in a hurry for time or able to allocate a time for meditation or yoga, Lovetuner is the perfect tool to raise our vibration, helping us live with a positive mindset. Lovetuner truly makes meditation easy; With only 6 simple breathing cycles it is possible to achieve the same effects as with a 30-minute meditation. While Lovetuner is an excellent substitute for meditation – as it can be done anywhere and only takes a few minutes – it is also a meditation tool .wonderful to add to an existing practice.

When we slow down our breathing and become aware of our own inhalation and exhalation, we are calming our sympathetic nervous system. It takes us away from stress and critical fight or flight mode. Lovetuner’s sound feedback helps us focus on breathing. This encourages the person to hold their exhalation longer. As the sound of the 528hz healing frequency allows to completely clear the mind and reconnect with the heart, it creates cardiac coherence.

Since we are constantly receiving new information, it can become paralyzing. That is why it is so vital to take advantage of Mind-Body Interventions, which help free the mind, clarifying intentions and goals.

When we “tune in” there is an alignment between the emotional and physical state with the environment, creating a perfect harmony with oneself and the world. If there is ever a perfect time to discover Lovetuner and experience all of its amazing benefits, it is definitely now.

To learn more, visit www.lovetuner.com

Lovetuner Team
+1 310-457-5697
email us here

Lovetuner founder Sigmar Berg explains the magical combination of breathing and the 528 Hz frequency

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Lovetuner | The Mental and Physical Benefits of Mind-Body Interventions

Lovetuner | The Mental and Physical Benefits of Mind-Body Interventions

MALIBU, CA, USA, August 19, 2022 / EINPresswire.com / — It’s no secret that balancing activities like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises provide stress relief, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being . New research shows that the benefits of these activities go far beyond mental wellness alone. In fact, exercises like meditation, sound healing, and breathing exercises can create changes at the molecular level.

Lovetuner meditation using the power of the 528hz healing frequency

Elevated yoga practice with the Lovetuner

Lovetuner 528hz frequency meditation tool

A recent study published in the journal “Frontiers in Immunology” reviewed more than a decade of studies looking at how the behavior of our genes is affected by so-called Mind-Body Interventions (MBIs), including consciousness, presence, yoga and meditation. According to the researchers, MBIs leave a “molecular mark” on our cells that reverses the effect that stress has on the body.

When a person is exposed to a highly stressful event, their sympathetic nervous system (the system responsible for the fight or flight response) is activated, increasing the production of a molecule called NF-kB. This molecule reacts by activating genes to produce proteins called cytokines that cause inflammation at the cellular level. This reaction is helpful in a fight or flight situation, but prolonged exposure to stress can have serious effects on our physical and mental health.

This recent study shows that people who practice MBI on a regular basis, such as yoga or meditation, show the opposite effect. Their bodies showed decreased production of NF-kBs and cytokines. That is, they have a reduced risk of diseases related to inflammation.

As lead researcher Ivana Buric, from the Center for Psychology at Coventry University, says: “These activities are leaving what we call a molecular mark on our cells, which reverses the effect that stress or anxiety would have on the body, by changing the way our genes are expressed. Simply put, MBIs cause the brain to steer our DNA processes down a path that improves our well-being.”

This research provides more information about the powerful connection between our mental and physical health.

Lovetuner uses this connection between our mental and physical health to bring about healing with a very simple exercise. The Lovetuner aligns the person with the frequency of 528 Hz, also known as the repair frequency of DNA or frequency of love. When one exhales, the breath connects with the 528hz frequency, aligning the water molecules in the body, providing the feeling of deep relaxation.

Whether you’re in a hurry for time or able to allocate a time for meditation or yoga, Lovetuner is the perfect tool to raise our vibration, helping us live with a positive mindset. Lovetuner truly makes meditation easy; With only 6 simple breathing cycles it is possible to achieve the same effects as with a 30-minute meditation. While Lovetuner is an excellent substitute for meditation – as it can be done anywhere and only takes a few minutes – it is also a meditation tool .wonderful to add to an existing practice.

When we slow down our breathing and become aware of our own inhalation and exhalation, we are calming our sympathetic nervous system. It takes us away from stress and critical fight or flight mode. Lovetuner’s sound feedback helps us focus on breathing. This encourages the person to hold their exhalation longer. As the sound of the 528hz healing frequency allows to completely clear the mind and reconnect with the heart, it creates cardiac coherence.

Since we are constantly receiving new information, it can become paralyzing. That is why it is so vital to take advantage of Mind-Body Interventions, which help free the mind, clarifying intentions and goals.

When we “tune in” there is an alignment between the emotional and physical state with the environment, creating a perfect harmony with oneself and the world. If there is ever a perfect time to discover Lovetuner and experience all of its amazing benefits, it is definitely now.

To learn more, visit www.lovetuner.com

Lovetuner Team
+1 310-457-5697
email us here

Lovetuner founder Sigmar Berg explains the magical combination of breathing and the 528 Hz frequency

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Lovetuner | The Mental and Physical Benefits of Mind-Body Interventions

Lovetuner |

Los Beneficios Mentales y Físicos de las Intervenciones Mente-Cuerpo

MALIBU, CA, EE. UU., 19 de agosto de 2022 /  EINPresswire.com  / — No es ningún secreto que las actividades de equilibrio como el yoga, la meditación y los ejercicios de respiración brindan alivio del estrés, reducen la ansiedad y promueven una sensación de bienestar. Una nueva investigación muestra que los beneficios de estas actividades van mucho más allá del bienestar mental. De hecho, ejercicios como la meditación, la sanación con sonidos y los ejercicios de respiración pueden crear cambios a nivel molecular.

Meditación Lovetuner usando el poder de la frecuencia curativa de 528hz

Práctica de yoga elevada con el Lovetuner

Herramienta de meditación de frecuencia Lovetuner 528hz

Un estudio reciente publicado en la revista “Frontiers in Immunology” revisó más de una década de estudios que analizan cómo el comportamiento de nuestros genes se ve afectado por las llamadas Intervenciones Mente-Cuerpo (MBI), que incluyen la conciencia, la presencia, el yoga y la meditación. Según los investigadores, los MBI dejan una “marca molecular” en nuestras células que revierte el efecto que tiene el estrés en el cuerpo.

Cuando una persona se ve expuesta a un evento altamente estresante, su sistema nervioso simpático (el sistema responsable de la respuesta de lucha o huida) se activa, aumentando la producción de una molécula llamada NF-kB. Esta molécula reacciona activando genes para producir proteínas llamadas citocinas que provocan inflamación a nivel celular. Esta reacción es útil en una situación de lucha o huida, pero la exposición prolongada al estrés puede tener efectos graves en nuestra salud física y mental.

Este estudio reciente muestra que las personas que practican MBI de forma regular, como yoga o meditación, muestran el efecto contrario. Sus cuerpos mostraron una disminución en la producción de NF-kB y citocinas. Es decir, tienen un riesgo reducido de enfermedades relacionadas con la inflamación.

Como dice la investigadora principal Ivana Buric, del Centro de Psicología de la Universidad de Coventry: “Estas actividades están dejando lo que llamamos una marca molecular en nuestras células, que revierte el efecto que el estrés o la ansiedad tendrían en el cuerpo, al cambiar la forma nuestros genes se expresan. En pocas palabras, los MBI hacen que el cerebro dirija nuestros procesos de ADN por un camino que mejora nuestro bienestar”.

Esta investigación proporciona más información sobre la poderosa conexión entre nuestra salud mental y física.

Lovetuner  utiliza esta conexión entre nuestra salud mental y física para lograr la curación con un ejercicio muy simple. El Lovetuner alinea a la persona con  la frecuencia de 528 Hz , también conocida como frecuencia de reparación del ADN o frecuencia del amor. Cuando uno exhala, la respiración se conecta con la frecuencia de 528hz, alineando las moléculas de agua en el cuerpo, proporcionando la sensación de relajación profunda.

Ya sea que tenga prisa por el tiempo o pueda asignar un tiempo para la meditación o el yoga, Lovetuner es la herramienta perfecta para elevar nuestra vibración, ayudándonos a vivir con una mentalidad positiva. Lovetuner realmente facilita la meditación; Con solo 6 ciclos de respiración simples es posible lograr los mismos efectos que con una meditación de 30 minutos. Si bien Lovetuner es un excelente sustituto de la meditación, ya que se puede hacer en cualquier lugar y solo toma unos minutos, también es una herramienta de meditación. maravilloso para agregar a una práctica existente. 

Cuando disminuimos la velocidad de nuestra respiración y tomamos conciencia de nuestra propia inhalación y exhalación, estamos calmando nuestro sistema nervioso simpático. Nos aleja del estrés y del modo crítico de lucha o huida. La respuesta de sonido de Lovetuner nos ayuda a concentrarnos en la respiración. Esto anima a la persona a mantener su exhalación por más tiempo. Como el sonido de la frecuencia curativa de 528hz permite despejar completamente la mente y reconectar con el corazón, crea coherencia cardíaca.

Dado que constantemente recibimos nueva información, puede volverse paralizante. Por eso es tan vital aprovechar las Intervenciones Mente-Cuerpo, que ayudan a liberar la mente, aclarando intenciones y metas.

Cuando nos “sintonizamos” hay una alineación entre el estado emocional y físico con el entorno, creando una perfecta armonía con uno mismo y el mundo. Si alguna vez hay un momento perfecto para descubrir Lovetuner y experimentar todos sus increíbles beneficios, definitivamente es ahora.

Para obtener más información, visite  www.lovetuner.com

Lovetuner Lovetuner
+1 310-457-5697
envíenos un correo electrónico aquí

El fundador de Lovetuner, Sigmar Berg, explica la combinación mágica de la respiración y la frecuencia de 528 Hz

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