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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: La demanda durante todo el año asegura una evolución estable de los precios

Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: La demanda durante todo el año asegura una evolución estable de los precios

  • Los motivos de compra de los clientes inmobiliarios del centro y noreste de la isla se centran en una renovada cercanía con la naturaleza y la sostenibilidad
  • Las propiedades con los mejores estándares de construcción ofrecen potencial para la apreciación del valor

Hamburgo, noviembre de 2022. Mallorca es el principal destino de ensueño para muchos compradores de propiedades de habla alemana. Las islas Baleares seguirán siendo muy solicitadas como lugar de inversión en 2023. “Los clientes con planes de inversión a largo plazo pueden disfrutar de los beneficios de una vida aislada aquí, así como de la excelente infraestructura y el acceso durante todo el año a zonas recreativas y recreativas exclusivas”. actividades culturales, además de la amplia oferta que ofrecen 17 colegios internacionales”, comenta Florian Hofer, Director General de Engel & Völkers en Baleares. El enfoque de los posibles compradores de propiedades se ha desplazado recientemente, lejos de los puntos turísticos, a los pueblos de montaña llenos de historia en el centro de la isla y en el noreste. El interés de los clientes se centra cada vez más en fincas tradicionales y casas adosadas renovadas, así como en nuevas construcciones contemporáneas que cumplen con las más altas exigencias en términos de sostenibilidad y estándares ecológicos. La disponibilidad limitada de listados de propiedades y la demanda constante significan que se espera que los precios se estabilicen en un nivel alto en el futuro.

Centro de la isla: tiempos de comercialización cortos para casas de campo auténticas y fincas rurales de lujo

Tierra adentro, en la región central de Mallorca, se pueden encontrar muchos pueblos de montaña históricos ubicados en un paisaje glorioso salpicado de almendros y olivos, y fincas vinícolas. Pueblos tradicionales como Alaró, Binissalem y Santa María son muy deseables entre los compradores. Con sus amados mercados semanales, son un imán para los artesanos locales, viticultores y agricultores por igual. “Aquellos que buscan adquirir bienes raíces aprecian la proximidad a la capital Palma, así como el alto grado de privacidad que ofrecen las grandes parcelas de tierra, donde se puede experimentar un regreso a la naturaleza y un estilo de vida mallorquín más virgen y auténtico”, dice Christina Deutsch, Socia Directora de Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centro & Sur. Ella observa la siguiente tendencia: “Los clientes inmobiliarios buscan cada vez más oportunidades para poseer una casa sostenible y se sienten atraídos por la opción de la autosuficiencia, como cultivar olivos o uvas en su propio jardín”. La demanda es especialmente alta para casas de campo tradicionales con amplios jardines y piscinas, así como para auténticas fincas revestidas con una típica fachada de piedra mallorquina. Estas propiedades en ubicaciones privilegiadas en Santa María tienen actualmente un precio de venta promedio de 3 millones de euros. En los municipios de Alaró y Bunyola los precios oscilan entre 2 y 3 millones de euros. Ciudades vecinas como Binissalem y Consell comandan precios que oscilan entre 1,5 y 2 millones de euros. La mayoría de los compradores del centro de Mallorca son de países de habla alemana. Recientemente, se ha observado un número creciente de posibles compradores de España, Francia, Bélgica y EE. UU.

Noreste: Alta demanda de retiros en la naturaleza y nuevas propiedades ecoeficientes

El noreste de Mallorca está bendecido con naturaleza virgen y costas impresionantes. Canyamel, Costa de los Pinos y Artà se encuentran entre las regiones más buscadas, donde el estilo mediterráneo de la isla balear se puede experimentar en su totalidad, lejos de los puntos turísticos más frecuentados. Las fincas y villas exclusivas con amplias áreas al aire libre, jardines y terrazas con vistas al mar se encuentran entre las propiedades más deseables en venta en el norte de la isla. En ubicaciones privilegiadas alrededor de Artà y Colònia de St. Pere, el precio promedio de venta de este tipo de viviendas es de 1,9 millones de euros. En las localidades costeras entre Cala Mesquida y Canyamel, y en el municipio de Manacor, los precios oscilan entre 1,5 y 1,8 millones de euros. “Muchos compradores están optando por adquirir una propiedad vacacional en su destino favorito y extender sus estadías en la isla para combinar las vacaciones con el trabajo remoto”, dice Rainer Fischer, socio gerente de Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, y agrega: “La increíble escena del restaurante y La gran cantidad de oportunidades para realizar actividades al aire libre como golf, vela, senderismo o tenis en la Academia de Tenis Rafael Nadal le dan a la región otro impulso en el atractivo”. La mayoría de los clientes de búsqueda en el noreste son de países de habla alemana. Recientemente ha habido un aumento en la demanda de personas en los Países Bajos que buscan un nuevo hogar en la isla.

Perspectivas: Los bienes inmuebles como inversión a largo plazo

“Las propiedades residenciales en el centro de la isla y en el noreste son particularmente atractivas por sus precios moderados y potencial para una futura apreciación del valor. Sirven como una inversión de capital a largo plazo, ofreciendo una forma firme de protección contra la inflación en comparación con otras inversiones alternativas”, dice Florian Hofer en resumen. Dada la continua evolución de Mallorca hacia un destino turístico de alto nivel y la constante inversión del Govern Balear en el desarrollo de las infraestructuras de la isla, los expertos de Engel & Völkers confían en que el mercado seguirá experimentando un crecimiento positivo.



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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Esta masía catalogada fue construida en 1604 entre Alaró y Santa María. Sus interiores abarcan unos 1.051 metros cuadrados en total, con seis habitaciones y cinco baños. Situada en un entorno natural pintoresco en el centro de Mallorca, la propiedad se extiende sobre una parcela de aproximadamente dos hectáreas. Está a la venta por 6,85 millones de euros y cuenta con una piscina al aire libre y su propia fuente, así como una amplia terraza y jardines.
(Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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A pocos pasos de la ciudad vinícola de Petra, esta tradicional propiedad mallorquina cotiza actualmente en Engel & Völkers por 2,9 millones de euros. Se extiende por unos 876 metros cuadrados en total y consta de dos casas completamente equipadas separadas por una piscina al aire libre y alimentadas con energía solar. La casa principal cuenta con un amplio salón comedor, una cocina y cinco dormitorios. Mientras que la segunda casa tiene licencia de alquiler turístico para hasta doce personas, y cuenta con salón comedor con cocina y seis dormitorios en suite. (Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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Esta villa ultramoderna de nueva construcción se encuentra en el lado soleado de la localidad costera de Canyamel, cerca de Capdepera, en el noreste de Mallorca. Está a la venta por 4,9 millones de euros. La propiedad de tres niveles abarca 671 metros cuadrados en total, con cuatro dormitorios, cinco baños, una amplia sala de estar y un comedor independiente con cocina abierta, además de un gimnasio y cine en casa. Todas las habitaciones y amplias terrazas ofrecen vistas panorámicas al mar, contemplando el espectacular panorama costero de Canyamel. (Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Muy cerca de los centros turísticos costeros de Costa de los Pinos y Port Vert, Engel & Völkers está actualmente negociando esta finca excepcional con un precio inicial de 4,5 millones de euros. La propiedad cuenta con piscina y tiene una parcela de 7.100 metros cuadrados, con un interior de 522 metros cuadrados, que incluye seis habitaciones y seis baños. Se utilizaron materiales naturales de primera calidad en la construcción, incluidos losas de mármol sin tratar, vigas de techo antiguas y marcos de ventanas de teca.
(Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

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