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Mercedes-AMG Vision AMG Ev Concept

El show car Vision AMG ofrece una visión del futuro totalmente eléctrico de Mercedes-AMG

La arquitectura AMG.EA dedicada para los modelos AMG totalmente eléctricos forma la base para un estudio extraordinario

Affalterbach/Niza. Proporciones espectaculares definidas por una distancia entre ejes larga y enfatizadas por voladizos cortos, hombros poderosos, ruedas grandes, un alerón trasero distintivo y la firma de los faros en forma de estrella: el Vision AMG hace una declaración emocional desde todas las perspectivas.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Este extraordinario show car de Mercedes-AMG ofrece una visión del futuro totalmente eléctrico de AMG Driving Performance. Debajo del impresionante diseño exterior del coupé de cuatro puertas se encuentra la igualmente extraordinaria plataforma dedicada AMG.EA, que actualmente se está desarrollando en Affalterbach para modelos de alto rendimiento totalmente eléctricos.

“AMG se está reinventando. Como una vez fue el caso de nuestros padres fundadores, ha habido una sensación increíble de nuevos comienzos aquí en Affalterbach desde hace bastante tiempo. El curso ha sido bien y verdaderamente establecido para un futuro electrificado, y hemos puesto el listón muy alto. Eso es porque nuestros clientes esperan algo muy especial de los autos totalmente eléctricos. Ya hemos demostrado nuestra experiencia en este sentido con el SLS AMG Electric Drive, nuestra propia tecnología híbrida E PERFORMANCE y los primeros derivados de Mercedes-EQ. Con este estudio, ahora ofrecemos un primer vistazo de cómo estamos transfiriendo el ADN AMG al futuro completamente eléctrico, a partir de 2025. Gorden y su equipo están señalando el camino desde una perspectiva visual con este extraordinario diseño. En AMG, siempre hemos defendido ese toque extra de emoción, diversión al volante, manejo, características aerodinámicas ingeniosas y otras soluciones innovadoras. Y eso es lo que seguimos defendiendo con nuestro primer BEV desarrollado íntegramente en Affalterbach. Estamos desarrollando todo desde cero, desde la plataforma dedicada AMG.EA hasta la revolucionaria tecnología de transmisión con la que llevaremos la movilidad eléctrica de alto rendimiento a un nivel completamente nuevo”, dice Philipp Schiemer, CEO de Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“El Vision AMG muestra con un estilo espectacular cómo podría ser la electrificación en Mercedes-AMG, sin dejar de ser fiel a la estética de la marca. Las proporciones extremas del estudio crean fascinación y pasión por el rendimiento: de eso se trata AMG. El Vision AMG es una encarnación impresionante de la doble polaridad de la marca: la interacción de la belleza y lo extraordinario.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Al mismo tiempo, los elementos del futuro, como las firmas luminosas con la parrilla iluminada de alta tecnología, subrayan la evolución progresiva de nuestro lenguaje de diseño de Sensual Purity”, dice Gorden Wagener, Director de Diseño de Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “Con su superficie moderna contrastante y sus proporciones radicales, este automóvil muestra el siguiente paso en el diseño, basándose en el VISION EQXX y avanzando hacia el lujo de alto rendimiento. El flujo continuo de superficies bellamente formadas y la escultura monolítica completan la poderosa estética del Vision AMG. El resultado es un superdeportivo eléctrico, un icono de estilo que estimula el deseo, y eso es exactamente lo que distingue a un deportivo de lujo”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Escultura monolítica y proporciones radicales

El concept car se caracteriza por superficies fluidas y bellamente formadas. Las juntas y las líneas de cierre se reducen al mínimo, y las ventanas traseras y laterales están pintadas en el mismo color plateado Alubeam que el propio automóvil. El resultado es un aspecto general que refuerza la impresión de una escultura monolítica.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Las proporciones deportivas son particularmente evidentes desde el lateral y están definidas por el diseño técnico: distancia entre ejes larga, pilar A muy inclinado colocado muy hacia adelante, voladizo delantero corto y voladizo trasero ligeramente más largo aerodinámicamente optimizado. Expresa claramente el lenguaje de diseño de Sensual Purity con señales distintivas de autos deportivos, como los arcos de las ruedas ampliamente ensanchados y hombros anchos y musculosos en la parte trasera.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

El elegante invernadero está integrado en la forma general fluida y se funde a la perfección con la silueta baja. El techo se estrecha a medida que su línea desciende elegantemente hacia la parte trasera, fluyendo directamente hacia el alerón trasero. El efecto general es una forma de lágrima visualmente fascinante y aerodinámicamente ventajosa, similar a la del VISION EQXX. La superficie sensual y la escultura poderosamente definida son representativas del lenguaje de diseño distintivo de Mercedes. Del mismo modo, la aspiración de la marca a lo extraordinario se realiza a través de las proporciones radicales y la nariz de tiburón bien cincelada. El Vision AMG es, por lo tanto, un ejemplo impresionante de la polaridad dual del enfoque de diseño de la marca que abarca “Belleza y lo extraordinario”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

El borde de corte en ángulo pronunciado en la parte trasera incorpora un alerón activo, que alarga la vista lateral y al mismo tiempo mejora la aerodinámica. Está enmarcado por una banda de luz cortada con precisión que se adapta a una variedad de diferentes instalaciones de luces, proporcionando un contraste efectivo con el gran logotipo AMG negro en la parte trasera del automóvil.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Tecnología impresionante para un rendimiento distintivo

La tecnología del Vision AMG rinde homenaje al diseño espectacular de muchas maneras. Todos los componentes de su tren motriz se desarrollan completamente desde cero: no solo la plataforma AMG.EA en sí, sino también la batería de alto voltaje dedicada de alto rendimiento y la revolucionaria tecnología de propulsión. El poderoso corazón del Vision AMG es su innovador motor de flujo axial desarrollado por YASA, subsidiaria de propiedad total de Mercedes-Benz. Con su diseño compacto y liviano, ofrece mucha más potencia que los motores eléctricos convencionales.

Parrilla AMG cerrada con barras iluminadas

La parrilla específica de AMG con barras verticales se mantiene como una característica distintiva de la marca, a pesar de que un tren motriz totalmente eléctrico no requiere un radiador clásico en la parte delantera. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de alta tecnología de la parrilla está cerrado, pintado en el color de la carrocería y completamente integrado en la parte delantera. Como punto focal visual, la parrilla enfatiza el aspecto futurista del Vision AMG con sus barras iluminadas y su contorno exterior tridimensional. La estrella de tres puntas ocupa un lugar destacado en el capó, como en el Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinaria firma luminosa en forma de estrella

La firma luminosa de los faros apunta directamente al futuro. Tres elementos LED forman una estrella Mercedes estilizada y tridimensional, lo que garantiza que las marcas Mercedes y AMG sean inmediatamente evidentes e inconfundibles de día y de noche. Los dos faros están conectados visualmente a través de la banda de luz horizontal sobre la parrilla. Esta banda de luz puede mostrar una variedad de animaciones, que van desde una firma de bienvenida hasta una luz constante.

Las luces redondas en la parte trasera tienen un diseño ligero que es nuevo pero familiar. En cada lado, tres anillos de LED se colocan en tubos cilíndricos. Aquí, también, las pequeñas estrellas ofrecen un guiño a la marca Mercedes. A modo de contraste, el expresivo difusor trasero está pintado de negro intenso.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Conexión con la Fórmula 1 a través de claves de forma y color

La conexión directa con el exitoso equipo Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 es evidente en otros detalles visuales. Estos incluyen la pintura plateada con un patrón de estrella de gran formato en los hombros y las aletas traseras, elementos funcionales en fibra de carbono expuesta, el diseño aerodinámico de las llantas de 22 pulgadas con revestimientos aerodinámicos, el logotipo AMG y elementos en los umbrales y el difusor. en los colores de Petronas.

El diseño deportivo de alta tecnología sin costuras y las impresionantes proporciones dan al Vision AMG un carácter futurista. La configuración de cuatro puertas también deja en claro que el show car ofrece una muestra de un deportivo funcional totalmente eléctrico del futuro. A pesar del paquete de baterías en el piso del automóvil entre los ejes, el estudio se encuentra considerablemente más bajo que el EQS y, gracias a su piso interior de diseño inteligente, ofrece mucho espacio para cuatro.

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Mercedes-AMG Vision AMG Ev Concept

Vision AMG show car offers glimpse of all-electric future of Mercedes-AMG

Dedicated AMG.EA architecture for all-electric AMG models forms basis for extraordinary study

Affalterbach/Nice.  Spectacular proportions defined by a long wheelbase and emphasised by short overhangs, powerful shoulders, large wheels, a distinctive rear spoiler and star-shaped headlamp signature – the Vision AMG makes an emotional statement from every perspective.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

This extraordinary show car from Mercedes-AMG offers a glimpse of the all-electric future of AMG Driving Performance. Beneath the breath‑taking exterior design of the four-door coupé is the equally extraordinary dedicated AMG.EA platform, which is currently under development in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models.

“AMG is reinventing itself. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there has been an amazing feeling of new beginnings here in Affalterbach for quite some time now. The course has been well and truly set for an electrified future, and we’ve set the bar high. That’s because our customers expect something very special from all-electric cars. We have already well and truly proven our expertise in this regard with the SLS AMG Electric Drive, our own E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology and the first Mercedes-EQ derivatives. With this study, we are now offering a first glimpse of how we are transferring the AMG DNA into the all‑electric future, starting in 2025. Gorden and his team are pointing the way from a visual perspective with this extraordinary design. At AMG, we have always stood for that extra shot of emotion, driving fun, handling, ingenious aerodynamic features and other innovative solutions. And that’s what we continue to stand for with our first BEV developed entirely in Affalterbach. We’re developing everything from scratch, from the dedicated AMG.EA platform to the revolutionary drivetrain technology with which we will take performance electric mobility to a whole new level,” says Philipp Schiemer, CEO of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“The Vision AMG shows in spectacular style what electrification could look like at Mercedes-AMG, while staying true to the brand aesthetic. The study’s extreme proportions create fascination and passion for performance – that’s what AMG is all about. The Vision AMG is an impressive embodiment of the brand’s dual polarity – the interplay of beauty and the extraordinary.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

At the same time, elements from the future, such as the light signatures with the illuminated high-tech grille, underscore the progressive evolution of our design language of Sensual Purity,” says Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “With its contrasting modern surfacing and radical proportions, this car showcases the next design step, building on the VISION EQXX and moving further towards performance luxury. The seamless flow of beautifully formed surfaces and the monolithic sculpture complete the powerful aesthetic of the Vision AMG. The result is an electric supercar, a style icon that stimulates desire – and that’s exactly what sets a luxury sports car apart.”

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Monolithic sculpture and radical proportions

The concept car is characterised by flowing, beautifully formed surfaces. Joints and shut lines are reduced to a minimum, and the rear and side windows are painted in the same Alubeam silver as the car itself. The result is an overall look that reinforces the impression of a monolithic sculpture.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sporty proportions are particularly evident from the side, and are defined by the technical layout – long wheelbase, sharply raked A-pillar positioned far forward, short front overhang and slightly longer, aerodynamically optimised rear overhang. It clearly expresses the design language of Sensual Purity with distinctive sports car cues such as the widely flared wheel arches and broad, muscular shoulders at the rear.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The graceful greenhouse is integrated into the flowing overall form and blends seamlessly into the low-lying silhouette. The roof tapers as its line drops elegantly towards the rear, flowing directly into the rear spoiler. The overall effect is a visually fascinating and aerodynamically advantageous teardrop form, not unlike that of the VISION EQXX. The sensual surfacing and the powerfully defined sculpture are representative of the hallmark Mercedes design language. Similarly, the brand’s aspiration to the extraordinary is realised through the radical proportions and sharply chiselled shark nose. The Vision AMG is thus an impressive example of the dual polarity of the brand’s design approach embracing “Beauty & the Extraordinary”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sharply angled tear-off edge at the rear incorporates an active spoiler, elongating the side view while at the same time improving the aerodynamics. It is framed by a precisely cut band of light that accommodates a variety of different light installations, providing an effective contrast with the large black AMG logo on the rear of the car.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG
Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Breathtaking technology for hallmark performance

The technology of the Vision AMG tributes the spectacular design in many ways. All of its drivetrain components are developed entirely from scratch: not only the AMG.EA platform itself, but also the dedicated high-performance high-voltage battery and the revolutionary drive technology. The powerful heart of the Vision AMG is its innovative Axial Flux Motor developed by Mercedes-Benz’ wholly owned subsidiary YASA. With its compact and lightweight design it delivers substantially more power than conventional electric motors.

Closed-off AMG grille with illuminated bars

The AMG-specific grille with vertical bars is retained as a distinctive brand feature – despite the fact that an all-electric drivetrain does not require a classic radiator at the front. The high-tech development of the grille is therefore closed off, painted in body colour and fully integrated into the front end. As the visual focal point, the grille emphasises the futuristic look of the Vision AMG with its illuminated bars and three-dimensional exterior contour. The three-pointed star is positioned prominently on the bonnet – as on the Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinary star-shaped light signature

The headlamp light signature points directly into the future. Three LED elements form a stylised, three‑dimensional Mercedes star, ensuring the Mercedes and AMG branding is immediately apparent and unmistakable by night and day. The two headlamps are visually connected via the horizontal band of light above the grille. This light band can display a variety of animations – ranging from a welcome signature to constant light.

The round lights at the rear have a light design that is new yet familiar. On each side, three LED rings are positioned in cylindrical tubes. Here, too, small stars offer a nod to the Mercedes brand. By way of contrast, the expressive rear diffuser is painted deep black.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Connection to Formula 1 through form and colour cues

The direct connection to the successful Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team is evident in further visual details. These include the silver paintwork with a large-format star pattern across the shoulders and rear wings, functional elements in exposed carbon-fibre, the aerodynamic design of the 22-inch wheels with aero claddings, the AMG logo and elements on the sills and diffuser in the Petronas colours.

The sporty high-tech seamless design and the breath-taking proportions give the Vision AMG a futuristic character. The four-door configuration also makes clear that the show car offers a taste of a functional all‑electric sports car of the future. Despite the battery pack in the floor of the car between the axles, the study sits considerably lower than the EQS and, thanks to its intelligently designed interior floor, offers plenty of space for four.

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Mercedes-AMG Vision AMG Ev Concept

Vision AMG show car offers glimpse of all-electric future of Mercedes-AMG

Dedicated AMG.EA architecture for all-electric AMG models forms basis for extraordinary study

Affalterbach/Nice.  Spectacular proportions defined by a long wheelbase and emphasised by short overhangs, powerful shoulders, large wheels, a distinctive rear spoiler and star-shaped headlamp signature – the Vision AMG makes an emotional statement from every perspective.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

This extraordinary show car from Mercedes-AMG offers a glimpse of the all-electric future of AMG Driving Performance. Beneath the breath‑taking exterior design of the four-door coupé is the equally extraordinary dedicated AMG.EA platform, which is currently under development in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models.

“AMG is reinventing itself. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there has been an amazing feeling of new beginnings here in Affalterbach for quite some time now. The course has been well and truly set for an electrified future, and we’ve set the bar high. That’s because our customers expect something very special from all-electric cars. We have already well and truly proven our expertise in this regard with the SLS AMG Electric Drive, our own E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology and the first Mercedes-EQ derivatives. With this study, we are now offering a first glimpse of how we are transferring the AMG DNA into the all‑electric future, starting in 2025. Gorden and his team are pointing the way from a visual perspective with this extraordinary design. At AMG, we have always stood for that extra shot of emotion, driving fun, handling, ingenious aerodynamic features and other innovative solutions. And that’s what we continue to stand for with our first BEV developed entirely in Affalterbach. We’re developing everything from scratch, from the dedicated AMG.EA platform to the revolutionary drivetrain technology with which we will take performance electric mobility to a whole new level,” says Philipp Schiemer, CEO of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“The Vision AMG shows in spectacular style what electrification could look like at Mercedes-AMG, while staying true to the brand aesthetic. The study’s extreme proportions create fascination and passion for performance – that’s what AMG is all about. The Vision AMG is an impressive embodiment of the brand’s dual polarity – the interplay of beauty and the extraordinary.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

At the same time, elements from the future, such as the light signatures with the illuminated high-tech grille, underscore the progressive evolution of our design language of Sensual Purity,” says Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “With its contrasting modern surfacing and radical proportions, this car showcases the next design step, building on the VISION EQXX and moving further towards performance luxury. The seamless flow of beautifully formed surfaces and the monolithic sculpture complete the powerful aesthetic of the Vision AMG. The result is an electric supercar, a style icon that stimulates desire – and that’s exactly what sets a luxury sports car apart.”

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Monolithic sculpture and radical proportions

The concept car is characterised by flowing, beautifully formed surfaces. Joints and shut lines are reduced to a minimum, and the rear and side windows are painted in the same Alubeam silver as the car itself. The result is an overall look that reinforces the impression of a monolithic sculpture.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sporty proportions are particularly evident from the side, and are defined by the technical layout – long wheelbase, sharply raked A-pillar positioned far forward, short front overhang and slightly longer, aerodynamically optimised rear overhang. It clearly expresses the design language of Sensual Purity with distinctive sports car cues such as the widely flared wheel arches and broad, muscular shoulders at the rear.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The graceful greenhouse is integrated into the flowing overall form and blends seamlessly into the low-lying silhouette. The roof tapers as its line drops elegantly towards the rear, flowing directly into the rear spoiler. The overall effect is a visually fascinating and aerodynamically advantageous teardrop form, not unlike that of the VISION EQXX. The sensual surfacing and the powerfully defined sculpture are representative of the hallmark Mercedes design language. Similarly, the brand’s aspiration to the extraordinary is realised through the radical proportions and sharply chiselled shark nose. The Vision AMG is thus an impressive example of the dual polarity of the brand’s design approach embracing “Beauty & the Extraordinary”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sharply angled tear-off edge at the rear incorporates an active spoiler, elongating the side view while at the same time improving the aerodynamics. It is framed by a precisely cut band of light that accommodates a variety of different light installations, providing an effective contrast with the large black AMG logo on the rear of the car.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG
Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Breathtaking technology for hallmark performance

The technology of the Vision AMG tributes the spectacular design in many ways. All of its drivetrain components are developed entirely from scratch: not only the AMG.EA platform itself, but also the dedicated high-performance high-voltage battery and the revolutionary drive technology. The powerful heart of the Vision AMG is its innovative Axial Flux Motor developed by Mercedes-Benz’ wholly owned subsidiary YASA. With its compact and lightweight design it delivers substantially more power than conventional electric motors.

Closed-off AMG grille with illuminated bars

The AMG-specific grille with vertical bars is retained as a distinctive brand feature – despite the fact that an all-electric drivetrain does not require a classic radiator at the front. The high-tech development of the grille is therefore closed off, painted in body colour and fully integrated into the front end. As the visual focal point, the grille emphasises the futuristic look of the Vision AMG with its illuminated bars and three-dimensional exterior contour. The three-pointed star is positioned prominently on the bonnet – as on the Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinary star-shaped light signature

The headlamp light signature points directly into the future. Three LED elements form a stylised, three‑dimensional Mercedes star, ensuring the Mercedes and AMG branding is immediately apparent and unmistakable by night and day. The two headlamps are visually connected via the horizontal band of light above the grille. This light band can display a variety of animations – ranging from a welcome signature to constant light.

The round lights at the rear have a light design that is new yet familiar. On each side, three LED rings are positioned in cylindrical tubes. Here, too, small stars offer a nod to the Mercedes brand. By way of contrast, the expressive rear diffuser is painted deep black.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Connection to Formula 1 through form and colour cues

The direct connection to the successful Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team is evident in further visual details. These include the silver paintwork with a large-format star pattern across the shoulders and rear wings, functional elements in exposed carbon-fibre, the aerodynamic design of the 22-inch wheels with aero claddings, the AMG logo and elements on the sills and diffuser in the Petronas colours.

The sporty high-tech seamless design and the breath-taking proportions give the Vision AMG a futuristic character. The four-door configuration also makes clear that the show car offers a taste of a functional all‑electric sports car of the future. Despite the battery pack in the floor of the car between the axles, the study sits considerably lower than the EQS and, thanks to its intelligently designed interior floor, offers plenty of space for four.

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Mercedes-AMG Vision AMG Ev Concept

Vision AMG show car offers glimpse of all-electric future of Mercedes-AMG

Dedicated AMG.EA architecture for all-electric AMG models forms basis for extraordinary study

Affalterbach/Nice.  Spectacular proportions defined by a long wheelbase and emphasised by short overhangs, powerful shoulders, large wheels, a distinctive rear spoiler and star-shaped headlamp signature – the Vision AMG makes an emotional statement from every perspective.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

This extraordinary show car from Mercedes-AMG offers a glimpse of the all-electric future of AMG Driving Performance. Beneath the breath‑taking exterior design of the four-door coupé is the equally extraordinary dedicated AMG.EA platform, which is currently under development in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models.

“AMG is reinventing itself. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there has been an amazing feeling of new beginnings here in Affalterbach for quite some time now. The course has been well and truly set for an electrified future, and we’ve set the bar high. That’s because our customers expect something very special from all-electric cars. We have already well and truly proven our expertise in this regard with the SLS AMG Electric Drive, our own E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology and the first Mercedes-EQ derivatives. With this study, we are now offering a first glimpse of how we are transferring the AMG DNA into the all‑electric future, starting in 2025. Gorden and his team are pointing the way from a visual perspective with this extraordinary design. At AMG, we have always stood for that extra shot of emotion, driving fun, handling, ingenious aerodynamic features and other innovative solutions. And that’s what we continue to stand for with our first BEV developed entirely in Affalterbach. We’re developing everything from scratch, from the dedicated AMG.EA platform to the revolutionary drivetrain technology with which we will take performance electric mobility to a whole new level,” says Philipp Schiemer, CEO of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“The Vision AMG shows in spectacular style what electrification could look like at Mercedes-AMG, while staying true to the brand aesthetic. The study’s extreme proportions create fascination and passion for performance – that’s what AMG is all about. The Vision AMG is an impressive embodiment of the brand’s dual polarity – the interplay of beauty and the extraordinary.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

At the same time, elements from the future, such as the light signatures with the illuminated high-tech grille, underscore the progressive evolution of our design language of Sensual Purity,” says Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “With its contrasting modern surfacing and radical proportions, this car showcases the next design step, building on the VISION EQXX and moving further towards performance luxury. The seamless flow of beautifully formed surfaces and the monolithic sculpture complete the powerful aesthetic of the Vision AMG. The result is an electric supercar, a style icon that stimulates desire – and that’s exactly what sets a luxury sports car apart.”

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Monolithic sculpture and radical proportions

The concept car is characterised by flowing, beautifully formed surfaces. Joints and shut lines are reduced to a minimum, and the rear and side windows are painted in the same Alubeam silver as the car itself. The result is an overall look that reinforces the impression of a monolithic sculpture.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sporty proportions are particularly evident from the side, and are defined by the technical layout – long wheelbase, sharply raked A-pillar positioned far forward, short front overhang and slightly longer, aerodynamically optimised rear overhang. It clearly expresses the design language of Sensual Purity with distinctive sports car cues such as the widely flared wheel arches and broad, muscular shoulders at the rear.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The graceful greenhouse is integrated into the flowing overall form and blends seamlessly into the low-lying silhouette. The roof tapers as its line drops elegantly towards the rear, flowing directly into the rear spoiler. The overall effect is a visually fascinating and aerodynamically advantageous teardrop form, not unlike that of the VISION EQXX. The sensual surfacing and the powerfully defined sculpture are representative of the hallmark Mercedes design language. Similarly, the brand’s aspiration to the extraordinary is realised through the radical proportions and sharply chiselled shark nose. The Vision AMG is thus an impressive example of the dual polarity of the brand’s design approach embracing “Beauty & the Extraordinary”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sharply angled tear-off edge at the rear incorporates an active spoiler, elongating the side view while at the same time improving the aerodynamics. It is framed by a precisely cut band of light that accommodates a variety of different light installations, providing an effective contrast with the large black AMG logo on the rear of the car.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG
Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Breathtaking technology for hallmark performance

The technology of the Vision AMG tributes the spectacular design in many ways. All of its drivetrain components are developed entirely from scratch: not only the AMG.EA platform itself, but also the dedicated high-performance high-voltage battery and the revolutionary drive technology. The powerful heart of the Vision AMG is its innovative Axial Flux Motor developed by Mercedes-Benz’ wholly owned subsidiary YASA. With its compact and lightweight design it delivers substantially more power than conventional electric motors.

Closed-off AMG grille with illuminated bars

The AMG-specific grille with vertical bars is retained as a distinctive brand feature – despite the fact that an all-electric drivetrain does not require a classic radiator at the front. The high-tech development of the grille is therefore closed off, painted in body colour and fully integrated into the front end. As the visual focal point, the grille emphasises the futuristic look of the Vision AMG with its illuminated bars and three-dimensional exterior contour. The three-pointed star is positioned prominently on the bonnet – as on the Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinary star-shaped light signature

The headlamp light signature points directly into the future. Three LED elements form a stylised, three‑dimensional Mercedes star, ensuring the Mercedes and AMG branding is immediately apparent and unmistakable by night and day. The two headlamps are visually connected via the horizontal band of light above the grille. This light band can display a variety of animations – ranging from a welcome signature to constant light.

The round lights at the rear have a light design that is new yet familiar. On each side, three LED rings are positioned in cylindrical tubes. Here, too, small stars offer a nod to the Mercedes brand. By way of contrast, the expressive rear diffuser is painted deep black.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Connection to Formula 1 through form and colour cues

The direct connection to the successful Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team is evident in further visual details. These include the silver paintwork with a large-format star pattern across the shoulders and rear wings, functional elements in exposed carbon-fibre, the aerodynamic design of the 22-inch wheels with aero claddings, the AMG logo and elements on the sills and diffuser in the Petronas colours.

The sporty high-tech seamless design and the breath-taking proportions give the Vision AMG a futuristic character. The four-door configuration also makes clear that the show car offers a taste of a functional all‑electric sports car of the future. Despite the battery pack in the floor of the car between the axles, the study sits considerably lower than the EQS and, thanks to its intelligently designed interior floor, offers plenty of space for four.

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Mercedes-AMG Vision AMG Ev Concept

Vision AMG show car offers glimpse of all-electric future of Mercedes-AMG

Dedicated AMG.EA architecture for all-electric AMG models forms basis for extraordinary study

Affalterbach/Nice.  Spectacular proportions defined by a long wheelbase and emphasised by short overhangs, powerful shoulders, large wheels, a distinctive rear spoiler and star-shaped headlamp signature – the Vision AMG makes an emotional statement from every perspective.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

This extraordinary show car from Mercedes-AMG offers a glimpse of the all-electric future of AMG Driving Performance. Beneath the breath‑taking exterior design of the four-door coupé is the equally extraordinary dedicated AMG.EA platform, which is currently under development in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models.

“AMG is reinventing itself. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there has been an amazing feeling of new beginnings here in Affalterbach for quite some time now. The course has been well and truly set for an electrified future, and we’ve set the bar high. That’s because our customers expect something very special from all-electric cars. We have already well and truly proven our expertise in this regard with the SLS AMG Electric Drive, our own E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology and the first Mercedes-EQ derivatives. With this study, we are now offering a first glimpse of how we are transferring the AMG DNA into the all‑electric future, starting in 2025. Gorden and his team are pointing the way from a visual perspective with this extraordinary design. At AMG, we have always stood for that extra shot of emotion, driving fun, handling, ingenious aerodynamic features and other innovative solutions. And that’s what we continue to stand for with our first BEV developed entirely in Affalterbach. We’re developing everything from scratch, from the dedicated AMG.EA platform to the revolutionary drivetrain technology with which we will take performance electric mobility to a whole new level,” says Philipp Schiemer, CEO of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“The Vision AMG shows in spectacular style what electrification could look like at Mercedes-AMG, while staying true to the brand aesthetic. The study’s extreme proportions create fascination and passion for performance – that’s what AMG is all about. The Vision AMG is an impressive embodiment of the brand’s dual polarity – the interplay of beauty and the extraordinary.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

At the same time, elements from the future, such as the light signatures with the illuminated high-tech grille, underscore the progressive evolution of our design language of Sensual Purity,” says Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “With its contrasting modern surfacing and radical proportions, this car showcases the next design step, building on the VISION EQXX and moving further towards performance luxury. The seamless flow of beautifully formed surfaces and the monolithic sculpture complete the powerful aesthetic of the Vision AMG. The result is an electric supercar, a style icon that stimulates desire – and that’s exactly what sets a luxury sports car apart.”

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Monolithic sculpture and radical proportions

The concept car is characterised by flowing, beautifully formed surfaces. Joints and shut lines are reduced to a minimum, and the rear and side windows are painted in the same Alubeam silver as the car itself. The result is an overall look that reinforces the impression of a monolithic sculpture.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sporty proportions are particularly evident from the side, and are defined by the technical layout – long wheelbase, sharply raked A-pillar positioned far forward, short front overhang and slightly longer, aerodynamically optimised rear overhang. It clearly expresses the design language of Sensual Purity with distinctive sports car cues such as the widely flared wheel arches and broad, muscular shoulders at the rear.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The graceful greenhouse is integrated into the flowing overall form and blends seamlessly into the low-lying silhouette. The roof tapers as its line drops elegantly towards the rear, flowing directly into the rear spoiler. The overall effect is a visually fascinating and aerodynamically advantageous teardrop form, not unlike that of the VISION EQXX. The sensual surfacing and the powerfully defined sculpture are representative of the hallmark Mercedes design language. Similarly, the brand’s aspiration to the extraordinary is realised through the radical proportions and sharply chiselled shark nose. The Vision AMG is thus an impressive example of the dual polarity of the brand’s design approach embracing “Beauty & the Extraordinary”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sharply angled tear-off edge at the rear incorporates an active spoiler, elongating the side view while at the same time improving the aerodynamics. It is framed by a precisely cut band of light that accommodates a variety of different light installations, providing an effective contrast with the large black AMG logo on the rear of the car.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG
Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Breathtaking technology for hallmark performance

The technology of the Vision AMG tributes the spectacular design in many ways. All of its drivetrain components are developed entirely from scratch: not only the AMG.EA platform itself, but also the dedicated high-performance high-voltage battery and the revolutionary drive technology. The powerful heart of the Vision AMG is its innovative Axial Flux Motor developed by Mercedes-Benz’ wholly owned subsidiary YASA. With its compact and lightweight design it delivers substantially more power than conventional electric motors.

Closed-off AMG grille with illuminated bars

The AMG-specific grille with vertical bars is retained as a distinctive brand feature – despite the fact that an all-electric drivetrain does not require a classic radiator at the front. The high-tech development of the grille is therefore closed off, painted in body colour and fully integrated into the front end. As the visual focal point, the grille emphasises the futuristic look of the Vision AMG with its illuminated bars and three-dimensional exterior contour. The three-pointed star is positioned prominently on the bonnet – as on the Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinary star-shaped light signature

The headlamp light signature points directly into the future. Three LED elements form a stylised, three‑dimensional Mercedes star, ensuring the Mercedes and AMG branding is immediately apparent and unmistakable by night and day. The two headlamps are visually connected via the horizontal band of light above the grille. This light band can display a variety of animations – ranging from a welcome signature to constant light.

The round lights at the rear have a light design that is new yet familiar. On each side, three LED rings are positioned in cylindrical tubes. Here, too, small stars offer a nod to the Mercedes brand. By way of contrast, the expressive rear diffuser is painted deep black.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Connection to Formula 1 through form and colour cues

The direct connection to the successful Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team is evident in further visual details. These include the silver paintwork with a large-format star pattern across the shoulders and rear wings, functional elements in exposed carbon-fibre, the aerodynamic design of the 22-inch wheels with aero claddings, the AMG logo and elements on the sills and diffuser in the Petronas colours.

The sporty high-tech seamless design and the breath-taking proportions give the Vision AMG a futuristic character. The four-door configuration also makes clear that the show car offers a taste of a functional all‑electric sports car of the future. Despite the battery pack in the floor of the car between the axles, the study sits considerably lower than the EQS and, thanks to its intelligently designed interior floor, offers plenty of space for four.

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