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Mercedes-Benz – VISION EQXX lleva la autonomía eléctrica y la eficiencia a un nivel completamente nuevo

Mercedes-Benz – VISION EQXX: lleva la autonomía eléctrica y la eficiencia a un nivel completamente nuevo

El viaje por carretera reinventado con un nuevo modelo tecnológico para la producción en serie

El alcance y la eficiencia están configurados para definir la era eléctrica. Una autonomía excepcional hará que los coches eléctricos sean adecuados para cada viaje y acelerará su adopción. La eficiencia excepcional creará un círculo virtuoso de reducción del tamaño y el peso de la batería, lo que nos permitirá llegar más lejos con menos. Mercedes-Benz está decidido a liderar el camino. Ya lideramos las listas de autonomía real con el EQS con 245 kW (consumo eléctrico combinado WLTP: 19,8-15,7 kWh/100 km; emisiones de CO2: 0 g/km)1, como demuestra la reciente prueba de Edmunds en la que un EQS 450+ recorrió 422 millas con una sola carga, 77 millas más que cualquier otro automóvil probado anteriormente.

Pero Mercedes-Benz no descansa. Impulsados por la idea del impacto cero en nuestro planeta y un uso altamente responsable de la energía verde, inspiramos a nuestros ingenieros a ir más allá. Están trabajando intensamente para llevar el alcance y la eficiencia a un nivel completamente nuevo. El VISION EQXX es el resultado de una misión que nos propusimos para romper las barreras tecnológicas en todos los ámbitos y llevar la eficiencia energética a nuevas alturas. Demuestra las ganancias que son posibles al repensar los fundamentos desde cero. Esto incluye avances en todos los elementos de su transmisión eléctrica de vanguardia, así como el uso de ingeniería ligera y materiales sostenibles. Completo con un aluvión de medidas de eficiencia innovadoras e inteligentes, incluido software avanzado, VISION EQXX nos permite explorar nuevas fronteras de eficiencia.

“El Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX es cómo imaginamos el futuro de los autos eléctricos. Hace solo un año y medio, comenzamos este proyecto que condujo al Mercedes-Benz más eficiente jamás construido, con un consumo de energía sobresaliente de menos de 10 kWh cada 100 kilómetros. Tiene una autonomía de más de 1.000 kilómetros2 con una sola carga utilizando una batería que cabría incluso en un vehículo compacto. El VISION EQXX es un automóvil avanzado en muchas dimensiones, e incluso se ve impresionante y futurista. Con eso, subraya hacia dónde se dirige toda nuestra empresa: construiremos los autos eléctricos más deseables del mundo”. Ola Källenius, presidente del Consejo de Administración de Daimler AG y Mercedes-Benz AG

VISION EQXX – diseñada para el viaje por carretera a la electromovilidad

Hay una razón por la cual los viajes por carretera han sido una piedra de toque cultural durante al menos 70 años, contando historias de la carretera en libros, películas y música. El viaje por carretera define la libertad, la individualidad, el espíritu mismo del automóvil y del mundo que pasa. Clava un alfiler en el mapa y conduce. Estar en sintonía con el asfalto y con el coche. Este impulso de explorar, descubrir y deleitarse en el mundo más allá de nuestro horizonte es parte de lo que es ser humano. Es el espíritu pionero que combina la visión con la tenacidad para hacerlo realidad.

El viaje a la movilidad eléctrica es un viaje por carretera; tan emocionante como desafiante, tan desconocido como seguro. El Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX es un vehículo diseñado para ese viaje por carretera. Responde a las demandas progresivas de una generación moderna de clientes y emocionalidad a través de la innovación. Como parte de un programa tecnológico de gran alcance, este prototipo de investigación definido por software fue diseñado por mujeres y hombres con la creatividad, el ingenio y la determinación para ofrecer uno de los automóviles más eficientes del planeta, en todos los aspectos. Lo hicieron utilizando la última tecnología digital, la agilidad de una start-up y la velocidad de la Fórmula 1.

El resultado es una obra maestra de eficiencia que, basada en simulaciones digitales internas en condiciones de tráfico reales, será capaz de superar los 1.000 kilómetros2 con una sola carga con un consumo de energía excepcional de menos de 10 kWh cada 100 kilómetros (eficiencia de más de 6 millas por kWh).

Al romper el libro de reglas de ingeniería automotriz, Mercedes-Benz ha construido un automóvil eléctrico impulsado por software que reimagina el viaje por carretera para la era eléctrica. Al mismo tiempo, presenta una interpretación muy progresiva de los principios fundamentales de Mercedes-Benz de lujo moderno y pureza sensual. En lugar de simplemente aumentar el tamaño de la batería, el equipo internacional multifuncional se centró en maximizar la eficiencia de larga distancia. Sacaron todas las paradas en la eficiencia del tren motriz, la densidad de energía, la aerodinámica y el diseño liviano.

“El programa de tecnología detrás de VISION EQXX definirá y habilitará los futuros modelos y características de Mercedes-Benz”, dice Markus Schäfer, miembro de la Junta Directiva de Daimler AG y Mercedes‑Benz AG, director de tecnología responsable de Desarrollo y Adquisiciones. “Como un automóvil halo, el VISION EQXX establece firmemente a Mercedes-Benz como la marca que combina el lujo con la tecnología en el mundo automotriz y más allá. Y la forma en que lo desarrollamos es tan revolucionaria como el propio vehículo. VISION EQXX ha visto a las mejores mentes de nuestros centros de I+D trabajar junto con ingenieros de nuestros programas de Fórmula 1 y Fórmula E. Están demostrando que las innovaciones del automovilismo, donde los sistemas de propulsión ya están altamente electrificados, tienen una relevancia inmediata para el desarrollo de automóviles de carretera. Estamos desafiando los procesos de desarrollo actuales con un espíritu innovador y un pensamiento innovador. Este es verdaderamente el camino a seguir”.

El VISION EQXX es un camino emocionante, inspirador y completamente realista para la tecnología de vehículos eléctricos. Además de su eficiencia energética revolucionaria, ofrece respuestas significativas a problemas apremiantes. Por ejemplo, los materiales sostenibles reducen considerablemente la huella de carbono. Su UI/UX presenta una nueva y radical pantalla de una pieza que cobra vida con gráficos receptivos en tiempo real y abarca todo el ancho del vehículo. Otros elementos de la UI/UX ayudan al automóvil y al conductor a trabajar juntos como uno solo, e incluso usan tecnología que imita el funcionamiento del cerebro humano. Y el proceso de desarrollo dirigido por software que lo entregó revoluciona la forma en que se diseñan los autos eléctricos.

Este automóvil es uno de los resultados de un programa en curso que está entregando un modelo para el futuro de la ingeniería automotriz. Muchas de sus características y desarrollos ya se están integrando en la producción, incluida la próxima generación de MMA: la arquitectura modular de Mercedes-Benz para automóviles compactos y medianos.

VISION EQXX: puntos principales de un vistazo

Un automóvil con una misión: el Mercedes-Benz más eficiente jamás construido

Eficiencia significa lograr más con menos. El VISION EQXX está repleto de mejoras de eficiencia que superan los límites con una combinación de tecnología avanzada y trabajo en equipo talentoso. El resultado será un prototipo de investigación legal en carretera que ofrece más alcance con menos energía, lujo y comodidad más tangibles con menos impacto en la naturaleza y más movilidad eléctrica con menos desperdicio. Una gran cantidad de herramientas digitales y un enfoque basado en software también generaron más automóviles en menos tiempo.

#EnergyWizard: En general, los logros de ingeniería de eficiencia generaron un consumo de energía asombroso de menos de 10 kWh por 100 km (eficiencia de más de 6 millas por kWh)

#ElectricDrive: nuevo sistema radical diseñado y construido internamente: logra una eficiencia de referencia del 95 % desde la batería hasta las ruedas

#RangeBuster: más de 1000 km (más de 620 millas)4  con una sola carga en la vía pública acaba con la ansiedad por la autonomía

#EnergyDensity: con ingeniería experta y pensamiento de Fórmula 1, nuestros químicos de baterías exprimieron la energía del EQS en las dimensiones de un automóvil compacto. El paquete de baterías del VISION EQXX contiene casi 100 kWh de energía, pero tiene un 50 % menos de volumen y es un 30 % más liviano que el paquete de referencia del EQS.

#AeroChamp: los diseñadores de exteriores y los especialistas en aerodinámica lograron un coeficiente de resistencia de referencia de cd 0,173

#MaterialesSustentables: Los materiales innovadores reciclados y de origen vegetal eliminan los desechos de los vertederos y reducen la huella de carbono

#UpliftMindset: un equipo pionero de ingenieros de Mercedes-Benz trabajó con el laboratorio de carreras más rápido del mundo en High Performance Powertrains (HPP) y Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix (MGP) para diseñar un tren de transmisión eléctrico altamente eficiente y compacto y una caja de batería liviana

#IngenieríaBiónica: Inspirados en las formas naturales y en asociación con nuevas empresas innovadoras, los ingenieros utilizaron herramientas digitales avanzadas para reducir el peso y reducir los desechos mediante la eliminación del exceso de material con la ayuda de la impresión 3D.

#RollingEfficiency: Los neumáticos de resistencia a la rodadura ultrabaja con geometría aerodinámica optimizada se combinan con ruedas de magnesio livianas para una mayor autonomía

#BrakingLightly: los discos de freno livianos hechos de aleación de aluminio se adaptan perfectamente a la VISION EQXX y ayudan a mantener el peso bajo

#EfficiencyOnTheRoad: el chasis solo eléctrico con subchasis ligero de F1 lleva la eficiencia de las carreras a la carretera

#SolarPower: los paneles de techo ultrafinos alimentan el sistema de batería para obtener hasta 25 km de alcance adicional

#HumanMachineMerge: la interfaz de usuario intuitiva e inteligente y la experiencia del usuario con orientación y asistencia para una conducción eficiente acercan aún más la armonía a la era eléctrica

#SensualPurity: la ética de diseño exterior/interior de EV totalmente enfocada subraya el papel como automóvil halo para el futuro totalmente eléctrico. Mercedes-Benz fabricará los coches más deseables

#FastTechProg: de hoja limpia a estar en la carretera en solo 18 meses. El VISION EQXX es parte de un programa tecnológico que puede adaptar tecnologías innovadoras para la producción en serie más rápido que nunca

#Transformación: VISION EQXX demuestra la transformación de Mercedes-Benz en una empresa totalmente eléctrica e impulsada por software

#SoftwareDriven: enfoque basado en software clave para el éxito en el logro de objetivos de eficiencia y un proceso de desarrollo rápido, que incluye un innovador sistema de gestión de baterías.

#GlobalResponsibleLeadership: VISION EQXX acelera el objetivo de Mercedes-Benz de “Liderar en electricidad” y establecer puntos de referencia en movilidad sostenible.

VISION EQXX: datos técnicos clave de un vistazo2

Battery energy content, usable kWh <100
Max. system voltage Volts >900
Energy consumption kWh/100 km




cd value 0.173
Max. power output kW ~150
Wheelbase cm 280
Gross vehicle weight kg ~1,750

1 El consumo eléctrico se ha determinado sobre la base del Reglamento de la Comisión (UE) 2017/1151 según WLTP

2 Cifras de alcance preliminares y basadas en simulaciones digitales en condiciones de tráfico reales. El VISION EQXX no se ha sometido a la aprobación de tipo ni a la homologación.

Cifra de 3 cd medida en el túnel de viento aeroacústico de Daimler a una velocidad del viento de 140 km/h

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Mercedes-Benz – VISION EQXX – taking electric range and efficiency to an entirely new level

Mercedes-Benz – VISION EQXX – taking electric range and efficiency to an entirely new level

The road trip reimagined with a new technology blueprint for series production

Range and efficiency are set to define the electric era. Outstanding range will make electric cars suitable for every journey and will speed adoption. Exceptional efficiency will create a virtuous circle of battery size and weight reduction, allowing us to go further with less. Mercedes-Benz is determined to lead the way. We are already leading the charts of real-world range with the EQS with 245 kW (electrical consumption WLTP combined: 19.8-15.7 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km)1, as evidenced by the recent Edmunds test where an EQS 450+ travelled 422 miles on one charge, 77 miles further than any other car previously tested.

But Mercedes-Benz is not resting. Driven by the idea of zero impact on our planet and a highly responsible use of green energy, we inspired our engineers to go above and beyond. They are working intensively to take range and efficiency to a whole new level. The VISION EQXX is the result of a mission we set ourselves to break through technological barriers across the board and to lift energy efficiency to new heights. It demonstrates the gains that are possible through rethinking the fundamentals from the ground up. This includes advances across all elements of its cutting-edge electric drivetrain as well as the use of lightweight engineering and sustainable materials. Complete with a barrage of innovative and intelligent efficiency measures, including advanced software, VISION EQXX allows us to explore new frontiers of efficiency.

“The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is how we imagine the future of electric cars. Just one-and-a-half years ago, we started this project leading to the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built – with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometres. It has a range of more than 1,000 kilometres2 on a single charge using a battery that would fit even into a compact vehicle. The VISION EQXX is an advanced car in so many dimensions – and it even looks stunning and futuristic. With that, it underlines where our entire company is headed: We will build the world’s most desirable electric cars.” Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG

VISION EQXX – designed for the road trip to electromobility

There’s a reason why road trips have been a cultural touchstone for at least 70 years, telling stories from the highway in books, movies and music. The road trip defines freedom, individuality, the very spirit of the automobile and the passing world. Stick a pin in the map – and drive. Be in tune with the tarmac, and with the car. This urge to explore, discover and revel in the world beyond our horizon is part of what it is to be human. It’s the pioneering spirit that pairs vision with the tenacity to make it happen.

The journey to electric mobility is a road trip; as exhilarating as it is challenging, as unknown as it is certain. The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is a vehicle designed for that road trip. It answers the progressive demands of a modern generation of customers for and emotionality through innovation. Part of a far-reaching technology programme, this software-defined research prototype was engineered by women and men with the creativity, ingenuity and determination to deliver one of the planet’s most efficient cars – in every respect. They did so using the latest digital technology, the agility of a start-up and the speed of Formula 1.

The result is an efficiency masterpiece that, based on internal digital simulations in real-life traffic conditions, will be capable of exceeding 1,000 kilometres2 on a single charge with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometres (efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh).

By ripping up the automotive engineering rule book, Mercedes-Benz has built a software-driven electric car that re-imagines the road trip for the electric era. At the same time, it presents a highly progressive interpretation of the fundamental Mercedes-Benz principles of modern luxury and Sensual Purity. Rather than simply increasing the size of the battery, the cross-functional, international team focused on maximising long-distance efficiency. They pulled out all the stops in drivetrain efficiency, energy density, aerodynamics and lightweight design.

“The technology programme behind the VISION EQXX will define and enable future Mercedes-Benz models and features,” says Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes‑Benz AG, Chief Technology Officer responsible for Development and Procurement. “As a halo car, the VISION EQXX firmly establishes Mercedes-Benz as the brand that pairs luxury with technology in the automotive world and beyond. And the way we developed it is as revolutionary as the vehicle itself. VISION EQXX has seen the best minds from our R&D centres work together with engineers from our Formula 1 and Formula E programmes. They are proving that innovations from motorsport – where powertrains are already highly electrified – have immediate relevance for road car development. We are challenging current development processes with innovative spirit and outside-the-box thinking. This truly is the way forward.”

The VISION EQXX is an exciting, inspirational, yet completely realistic way forward for electric vehicle technology. In addition to its ground-breaking energy efficiency, it offers meaningful answers to pressing issues. For instance, sustainable materials throughout cut the carbon footprint considerably. Its UI/UX features a radical new one-piece display that comes to life with responsive real-time graphics and spans the entire width of the vehicle. Other elements of the UI/UX help the car and driver work together as one, and even use technology that mimics the workings of the human brain. And the software-led development process that delivered it revolutionises the way electric cars are designed.

This car is one outcome of an ongoing programme that is delivering a blueprint for the future of automotive engineering. Many of its features and developments are already being integrated into production, including the next generation of the MMA – the Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture for compact and medium-sized cars.

VISION EQXX: main points at a glance

A car with a mission – the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built

Efficiency means achieving more from less. The VISION EQXX is packed with efficiency improvements that push the envelope with a mixture of advanced technology and talented teamwork. The outcome will be a road-legal research prototype that delivers more range from less energy, more tangible luxury and convenience with less impact on nature, and more electric mobility with less waste. A raft of digital tools and a software-led approach also delivered more car in less time.

#EnergyWizard: Across the board, efficiency engineering achievements delivered an astounding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 km (efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh)

#ElectricDrive: Radical new system designed and built in-house – it achieves benchmark efficiency of 95% from battery to wheels

#RangeBuster: More than 1,000 km (over 620 miles)4  on a single charge on public roads puts an end to range anxiety

#EnergyDensity: With expert engineering and Formula 1 thinking, our battery chemists squeezed the energy of the EQS into the dimensions of a compact car. The battery pack in the VISION EQXX holds almost 100 kWh of energy, yet has 50% less volume and is 30% lighter than the already benchmark pack in EQS.

#AeroChamp: Exterior designers and aerodynamicists delivered a #benchmark drag coefficient of cd 0.173

#SustainableMaterials: Innovative recycled and plant-based materials remove waste from landfill and lower carbon footprint

#UpliftMindset: A pioneering team of Mercedes-Benz engineers worked with the world’s fastest race lab at High Performance Powertrains (HPP) and Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix (MGP) to engineer a highly efficient and compact electric drivetrain and lightweight battery case

#BionicEngineering: Inspired by natural forms and in partnership with innovative start-ups, engineers used advanced digital tools to lower weight and reduce waste by removing excess material assisted by 3D printing

#RollingEfficiency: Ultra-low-rolling-resistance tyres with optimised aerodynamic geometry combine with lightweight magnesium wheels for increased range

#BrakingLightly: Lightweight brake discs made from aluminium alloy are a great fit for the VISION EQXX and help keep weight down

#EfficiencyOnTheRoad: Electric-only chassis with lightweight F1 subframe brings racing efficiency to the road

#SolarPower: Ultra-thin roof panels feed the battery system for up to 25 km of extra range

#HumanMachineMerge: Intuitive and intelligent user interface and user experience with guidance and assistance for efficient driving brings even closer harmony for the electric age

#SensualPurity: Totally focused EV exterior/interior design ethos underlines role as halo car for the all-electric future. Mercedes-Benz will build the most desirable cars

#FastTechProg: From clean sheet to on-the-road in just 18 months. The VISION EQXX is part of a technology programme that can adapt innovative technologies for series production faster than ever before

#Transformation: VISION EQXX demonstrates Mercedes-Benz transformation into an all-electric and software-driven company

#SoftwareDriven: Software-driven approach key to success in achieving efficiency goals and a rapid development process, including ground-breaking battery management system.

#GlobalResponsibleLeadership: VISION EQXX accelerates Mercedes-Benz goal to “Lead in Electric” and set benchmarks in sustainable mobility.

VISION EQXX: key technical data at a glance2

Battery energy content, usable kWh <100
Max. system voltage Volts >900
Energy consumption kWh/100 km




cd value   0.173
Max. power output kW ~150
Wheelbase cm 280
Gross vehicle weight kg ~1,750

The complete press kit can be downloaded below.

1 Electrical consumption has been determined on the basis of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 according to WLTP

2 Range figures preliminary and based on digital simulations in real-life traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

3 cd figure measured in the Daimler aero-acoustic wind tunnel at a wind speed of 140 km/h

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Mercedes-Benz – VISION EQXX – taking electric range and efficiency to an entirely new level

Mercedes-Benz – VISION EQXX – taking electric range and efficiency to an entirely new level

The road trip reimagined with a new technology blueprint for series production

Range and efficiency are set to define the electric era. Outstanding range will make electric cars suitable for every journey and will speed adoption. Exceptional efficiency will create a virtuous circle of battery size and weight reduction, allowing us to go further with less. Mercedes-Benz is determined to lead the way. We are already leading the charts of real-world range with the EQS with 245 kW (electrical consumption WLTP combined: 19.8-15.7 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km)1, as evidenced by the recent Edmunds test where an EQS 450+ travelled 422 miles on one charge, 77 miles further than any other car previously tested.

But Mercedes-Benz is not resting. Driven by the idea of zero impact on our planet and a highly responsible use of green energy, we inspired our engineers to go above and beyond. They are working intensively to take range and efficiency to a whole new level. The VISION EQXX is the result of a mission we set ourselves to break through technological barriers across the board and to lift energy efficiency to new heights. It demonstrates the gains that are possible through rethinking the fundamentals from the ground up. This includes advances across all elements of its cutting-edge electric drivetrain as well as the use of lightweight engineering and sustainable materials. Complete with a barrage of innovative and intelligent efficiency measures, including advanced software, VISION EQXX allows us to explore new frontiers of efficiency.

“The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is how we imagine the future of electric cars. Just one-and-a-half years ago, we started this project leading to the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built – with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometres. It has a range of more than 1,000 kilometres2 on a single charge using a battery that would fit even into a compact vehicle. The VISION EQXX is an advanced car in so many dimensions – and it even looks stunning and futuristic. With that, it underlines where our entire company is headed: We will build the world’s most desirable electric cars.” Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG

VISION EQXX – designed for the road trip to electromobility

There’s a reason why road trips have been a cultural touchstone for at least 70 years, telling stories from the highway in books, movies and music. The road trip defines freedom, individuality, the very spirit of the automobile and the passing world. Stick a pin in the map – and drive. Be in tune with the tarmac, and with the car. This urge to explore, discover and revel in the world beyond our horizon is part of what it is to be human. It’s the pioneering spirit that pairs vision with the tenacity to make it happen.

The journey to electric mobility is a road trip; as exhilarating as it is challenging, as unknown as it is certain. The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is a vehicle designed for that road trip. It answers the progressive demands of a modern generation of customers for and emotionality through innovation. Part of a far-reaching technology programme, this software-defined research prototype was engineered by women and men with the creativity, ingenuity and determination to deliver one of the planet’s most efficient cars – in every respect. They did so using the latest digital technology, the agility of a start-up and the speed of Formula 1.

The result is an efficiency masterpiece that, based on internal digital simulations in real-life traffic conditions, will be capable of exceeding 1,000 kilometres2 on a single charge with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometres (efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh).

By ripping up the automotive engineering rule book, Mercedes-Benz has built a software-driven electric car that re-imagines the road trip for the electric era. At the same time, it presents a highly progressive interpretation of the fundamental Mercedes-Benz principles of modern luxury and Sensual Purity. Rather than simply increasing the size of the battery, the cross-functional, international team focused on maximising long-distance efficiency. They pulled out all the stops in drivetrain efficiency, energy density, aerodynamics and lightweight design.

“The technology programme behind the VISION EQXX will define and enable future Mercedes-Benz models and features,” says Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes‑Benz AG, Chief Technology Officer responsible for Development and Procurement. “As a halo car, the VISION EQXX firmly establishes Mercedes-Benz as the brand that pairs luxury with technology in the automotive world and beyond. And the way we developed it is as revolutionary as the vehicle itself. VISION EQXX has seen the best minds from our R&D centres work together with engineers from our Formula 1 and Formula E programmes. They are proving that innovations from motorsport – where powertrains are already highly electrified – have immediate relevance for road car development. We are challenging current development processes with innovative spirit and outside-the-box thinking. This truly is the way forward.”

The VISION EQXX is an exciting, inspirational, yet completely realistic way forward for electric vehicle technology. In addition to its ground-breaking energy efficiency, it offers meaningful answers to pressing issues. For instance, sustainable materials throughout cut the carbon footprint considerably. Its UI/UX features a radical new one-piece display that comes to life with responsive real-time graphics and spans the entire width of the vehicle. Other elements of the UI/UX help the car and driver work together as one, and even use technology that mimics the workings of the human brain. And the software-led development process that delivered it revolutionises the way electric cars are designed.

This car is one outcome of an ongoing programme that is delivering a blueprint for the future of automotive engineering. Many of its features and developments are already being integrated into production, including the next generation of the MMA – the Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture for compact and medium-sized cars.

VISION EQXX: main points at a glance

A car with a mission – the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built

Efficiency means achieving more from less. The VISION EQXX is packed with efficiency improvements that push the envelope with a mixture of advanced technology and talented teamwork. The outcome will be a road-legal research prototype that delivers more range from less energy, more tangible luxury and convenience with less impact on nature, and more electric mobility with less waste. A raft of digital tools and a software-led approach also delivered more car in less time.

#EnergyWizard: Across the board, efficiency engineering achievements delivered an astounding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 km (efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh)

#ElectricDrive: Radical new system designed and built in-house – it achieves benchmark efficiency of 95% from battery to wheels

#RangeBuster: More than 1,000 km (over 620 miles)4  on a single charge on public roads puts an end to range anxiety

#EnergyDensity: With expert engineering and Formula 1 thinking, our battery chemists squeezed the energy of the EQS into the dimensions of a compact car. The battery pack in the VISION EQXX holds almost 100 kWh of energy, yet has 50% less volume and is 30% lighter than the already benchmark pack in EQS.

#AeroChamp: Exterior designers and aerodynamicists delivered a #benchmark drag coefficient of cd 0.173

#SustainableMaterials: Innovative recycled and plant-based materials remove waste from landfill and lower carbon footprint

#UpliftMindset: A pioneering team of Mercedes-Benz engineers worked with the world’s fastest race lab at High Performance Powertrains (HPP) and Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix (MGP) to engineer a highly efficient and compact electric drivetrain and lightweight battery case

#BionicEngineering: Inspired by natural forms and in partnership with innovative start-ups, engineers used advanced digital tools to lower weight and reduce waste by removing excess material assisted by 3D printing

#RollingEfficiency: Ultra-low-rolling-resistance tyres with optimised aerodynamic geometry combine with lightweight magnesium wheels for increased range

#BrakingLightly: Lightweight brake discs made from aluminium alloy are a great fit for the VISION EQXX and help keep weight down

#EfficiencyOnTheRoad: Electric-only chassis with lightweight F1 subframe brings racing efficiency to the road

#SolarPower: Ultra-thin roof panels feed the battery system for up to 25 km of extra range

#HumanMachineMerge: Intuitive and intelligent user interface and user experience with guidance and assistance for efficient driving brings even closer harmony for the electric age

#SensualPurity: Totally focused EV exterior/interior design ethos underlines role as halo car for the all-electric future. Mercedes-Benz will build the most desirable cars

#FastTechProg: From clean sheet to on-the-road in just 18 months. The VISION EQXX is part of a technology programme that can adapt innovative technologies for series production faster than ever before

#Transformation: VISION EQXX demonstrates Mercedes-Benz transformation into an all-electric and software-driven company

#SoftwareDriven: Software-driven approach key to success in achieving efficiency goals and a rapid development process, including ground-breaking battery management system.

#GlobalResponsibleLeadership: VISION EQXX accelerates Mercedes-Benz goal to “Lead in Electric” and set benchmarks in sustainable mobility.

VISION EQXX: key technical data at a glance2

Battery energy content, usable kWh <100
Max. system voltage Volts >900
Energy consumption kWh/100 km




cd value   0.173
Max. power output kW ~150
Wheelbase cm 280
Gross vehicle weight kg ~1,750

The complete press kit can be downloaded below.

1 Electrical consumption has been determined on the basis of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 according to WLTP

2 Range figures preliminary and based on digital simulations in real-life traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

3 cd figure measured in the Daimler aero-acoustic wind tunnel at a wind speed of 140 km/h

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