
New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

Estreno mundial del nuevo Maserati MC20 Cielo

Módena, 25 de mayo de 2022  – El superdeportivo MC20, ahora también un espía: Maserati presenta MC20 Cielo, un coche único en su tipo que puede ofrecer el rendimiento de un auténtico superdeportivo, junto con una conducción holística e inmersiva. placer como nunca se ha visto antes.

MC20 Cielo anuncia sus características especiales en su mismo nombre:  MC  significa Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20  hace referencia a 2020, año en que comenzó la nueva era de la marca; Cielo  (‘sky’) destaca el hecho de que es un modelo dedicado al placer de conducir al aire libre, manteniendo todas las prerrogativas del coupé.

Equipado con el revolucionario motor Nettuno V6, el Cielo ofrece una combinación perfecta de deportividad y lujo, cortesía de una especificación única en el segmento: el innovador techo de vidrio retráctil.
De hecho, el nuevo spyder actúa como un punto de encuentro entre la audacia de Maserati y el cielo infinito, presentando una “sensación de cielo” especial.
El modelo está equipado con una ventana electrocrómica (vidrio inteligente) de última generación que puede transformarse instantáneamente de transparente a opaco con solo tocar un botón en la pantalla central, cortesía de la tecnología Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC). . El techo también es el mejor de su clase en términos de aislamiento térmico y velocidad de apertura y cierre (solo 12 segundos).
Cortesía de este epítome de la tecnología, el MC20 Cielo brinda una experiencia de manejo multisensorial: que lo abarca todo con el techo cerrado y opaco; único por la luminosidad en la cabina cuando el techo es transparente; holístico con la parte superior hacia abajo.

Desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Innovación de Maserati y producido en la histórica planta de Viale Ciro Menotti, el spyder es 100 % fabricado en Italia y 100 % fabricado en Módena, al igual que la versión coupé.

MC20 Cielo está diseñado para la perfección. Pesa solo 65 kg más que el coupé, gracias a un trabajo minucioso y preciso durante las etapas de diseño del automóvil. Además de su excelente relación peso-potencia, el chasis de fibra de carbono (el mismo para las tres configuraciones por venir: coupé, spyder y la futura versión eléctrica) también garantiza una rigidez torsional sin concesiones, ofreciendo una combinación de manejo extraordinario en la carretera. y en la pista.

El nuevo spyder es un coche con un diseño elegante pero muy deportivo. Su carácter y personalidad son verdaderamente llamativos por la pureza de sus formas y la refinada aerodinámica sometida a pruebas de 360° en túnel de viento, ya sea con el techo abierto o cerrado.
Nada es superfluo en el diseño; todo tiene su propia función. La única concesión al efecto sorpresa son las puertas de mariposa, como en el superdeportivo MC20.
La puerta de mariposa proporciona un acceso mucho más fácil dentro y fuera de la cabina, además de mostrar la cabina de fibra de carbono y la rueda delantera completamente descubierta.

Desde una perspectiva estética, la versión de lanzamiento presenta un nuevo color metálico de tres capas conocido como Acquamarina, disponible como parte del programa de personalización Maserati Fuoriserie.
Un color que interactúa con la luz, revelándose de manera sorprendente  La base es un gris pastel inspirado en las carreras, que recuerda el ADN deportivo del MC20, acompañado de una mica aguamarina iridiscente que anima el tono y lo hace excepcional.

El nuevo modelo añade además una amplia gama de Sistemas de Seguridad Activa. Además de los sensores de estacionamiento, la cámara retrovisora ​​y el monitoreo de ángulo muerto incluidos en el MC20 desde el MY22, el nuevo spyder presenta un freno de emergencia autónomo, información de señales de tránsito y una nueva cámara de 360°.

El MC20 Cielo está equipado con un sistema de audio High Premium Sonus faber opcional. El sistema MC20 Coupé, un sistema de audio para vehículos ganador del premio EISA, ha sido optimizado específicamente para adaptarse a las necesidades acústicas y de posicionamiento únicas de la cabina del spyder, ubicando los 12 parlantes del sistema para dar como resultado el sonido natural que distingue a los sistemas de audio Faber de Sonus. .
Finalmente, la experiencia en el automóvil se gestiona desde el sistema multimedia Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) y desde Maserati Connect.

En el estreno mundial del nuevo Maserati spyder, el vínculo con el cielo será el tema central, para llevarte a una nueva dimensión holística: simplemente levanta los ojos y mira hacia el cielo.

Maserati España
Maserati produce una gama completa de automóviles únicos, inmediatamente reconocibles por su extraordinaria personalidad. Gracias a su estilo, tecnología y carácter innatamente exclusivo, hacen las delicias de los gustos más exigentes y exigentes y siempre han sido un punto de referencia para la industria automotriz mundial. Una tradición de autos exitosos, cada uno de los cuales redefine lo que hace un auto deportivo italiano en términos de diseño, rendimiento, comodidad, elegancia y seguridad, actualmente disponible en más de setenta mercados a nivel internacional. Embajadores de esta herencia son el buque insignia Quattroporte, el sedán deportivo Ghibli, el Levante, el primer SUV fabricado por Maserati, y el Grecale, el nuevo SUV “todos los días excepcional”, todos modelos caracterizados por el uso de materiales de la más alta calidad y excelentes soluciones técnicas. ghibli, Grecale y Levante también están disponibles en versiones híbridas. Una gama completa, equipada con motores híbridos de 4 cilindros, V6 de gasolina y V8 de gasolina, con tracción trasera y en las cuatro ruedas, que encarna el ADN de rendimiento de la marca Trident. El tope de gama es el superdeportivo MC20, propulsado por el innovador motor Nettuno V6, que incorpora por primera vez tecnologías derivadas de la F1 disponibles en la unidad de potencia de un coche de producción estándar.


New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

Modena, 25 May 2022 – The MC20 super sports car, now also a spyder: Maserati presents MC20 Cielo, a one-of-a-kind car that can deliver the performance of a true super sports car, together with a holistic and immersive driving pleasure the like of which has never been seen before.

MC20 Cielo announces its special features in its very name: MC stands for Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20 refers to 2020, the year that began the brand’s new era; Cielo (‘sky’) highlights the fact that it is a model devoted to driving pleasure in the great outdoors, while maintaining all the prerogatives of the coupé.

Equipped with the revolutionary V6 Nettuno engine, the Cielo offers a perfect mix of sportiness and luxury, courtesy of a specification unique to the segment: the innovative retractable glass roof.
In actual fact, the new spyder acts a meeting point between Maserati audacity and the infinite sky, featuring a special “sky feeling”.
The model is equipped with a state-of-the-art electrochromic (smart glass) window that can instantly be transformed from clear to opaque at the touch of a button on the central screen, courtesy of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. The roof is also best-in-class in terms of thermal insulation and of opening and closing speed (just 12 seconds).
Courtesy of this epitome of technology, MC20 Cielo provides a multi-sensory driving experience: all-encompassing with the roof closed and opaque; unique for the in-cabin brightness when the roof is transparent; holistic with the top down.

Developed at the Maserati Innovation Lab and produced at the historic plant on Viale Ciro Menotti, the spyder is 100% made in Italy and 100% made in Modena, as is the coupé version.

MC20 Cielo is designed for perfection. It weighs just 65 kg more than the coupé, made possible by meticulous, precise work during the stages of the car’s design. As well as its outstanding weight-to-power ratio, the carbon fibre chassis (the same for all three configurations to come: coupé, spyder and the future electric version) also guarantees uncompromising torsional rigidity, offering a combination of extraordinary handling on the road and on the track.

The new spyder is a car with an elegant yet highly sporty design. Its character and personality are truly eye-catching for the purity of its forms and the refined aerodynamics subjected to 360° testing in a wind tunnel, whether the roof is open or closed.
Nothing is superfluous in the design; everything has its own function. The only concession to a surprise effect is the butterfly doors, as in the MC20 super sports car.
The butterfly door provides much easier access into and out of the cabin, as well as showing off the carbon fibre cockpit and the completely unmasked front wheel.

From an aesthetic perspective, the launch version features a new three-layer metallic colour known as Acquamarina, available as part of the Maserati Fuoriserie customisation programme.
A colour that interacts with light, revealing itself in a surprising way. The base is a pastel grey inspired by racing, reminiscent of the MC20’s sporty DNA, accompanied by an iridescent aquamarine mica that enlivens the hue and makes it exceptional.

The new model also adds a wide range of Active Safety Systems. As well as the parking sensors, rear-view camera and blind spot monitoring included in the MC20 since the MY22, the new spyder introduces autonomous emergency brake, traffic sign information and a new 360° camera.

MC20 Cielo is equipped with an optional High Premium Sonus faber audio system. The MC20 Coupé system, an EISA award-winning in-vehicle audio system, has been specifically optimized to fit the unique acoustic and positioning needs of the spyder’s cabin, situating the system’s 12 speakers to result in the Natural Sound that distinguishes Sonus faber audio systems.
Finally, the in-car experience is managed from the Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) Multimedia system, and from Maserati Connect.

At the World Premiere of the new Maserati spyder, the bond with the sky will be the central theme, to take you into a new, holistic dimension: just raise your eyes and look up to the sky.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable by their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a reference point for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. Ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante, the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Grecale and Levante are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top-of-the-range is the MC20 super sports car, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.

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New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

Modena, 25 May 2022 – The MC20 super sports car, now also a spyder: Maserati presents MC20 Cielo, a one-of-a-kind car that can deliver the performance of a true super sports car, together with a holistic and immersive driving pleasure the like of which has never been seen before.

MC20 Cielo announces its special features in its very name: MC stands for Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20 refers to 2020, the year that began the brand’s new era; Cielo (‘sky’) highlights the fact that it is a model devoted to driving pleasure in the great outdoors, while maintaining all the prerogatives of the coupé.

Equipped with the revolutionary V6 Nettuno engine, the Cielo offers a perfect mix of sportiness and luxury, courtesy of a specification unique to the segment: the innovative retractable glass roof.
In actual fact, the new spyder acts a meeting point between Maserati audacity and the infinite sky, featuring a special “sky feeling”.
The model is equipped with a state-of-the-art electrochromic (smart glass) window that can instantly be transformed from clear to opaque at the touch of a button on the central screen, courtesy of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. The roof is also best-in-class in terms of thermal insulation and of opening and closing speed (just 12 seconds).
Courtesy of this epitome of technology, MC20 Cielo provides a multi-sensory driving experience: all-encompassing with the roof closed and opaque; unique for the in-cabin brightness when the roof is transparent; holistic with the top down.

Developed at the Maserati Innovation Lab and produced at the historic plant on Viale Ciro Menotti, the spyder is 100% made in Italy and 100% made in Modena, as is the coupé version.

MC20 Cielo is designed for perfection. It weighs just 65 kg more than the coupé, made possible by meticulous, precise work during the stages of the car’s design. As well as its outstanding weight-to-power ratio, the carbon fibre chassis (the same for all three configurations to come: coupé, spyder and the future electric version) also guarantees uncompromising torsional rigidity, offering a combination of extraordinary handling on the road and on the track.

The new spyder is a car with an elegant yet highly sporty design. Its character and personality are truly eye-catching for the purity of its forms and the refined aerodynamics subjected to 360° testing in a wind tunnel, whether the roof is open or closed.
Nothing is superfluous in the design; everything has its own function. The only concession to a surprise effect is the butterfly doors, as in the MC20 super sports car.
The butterfly door provides much easier access into and out of the cabin, as well as showing off the carbon fibre cockpit and the completely unmasked front wheel.

From an aesthetic perspective, the launch version features a new three-layer metallic colour known as Acquamarina, available as part of the Maserati Fuoriserie customisation programme.
A colour that interacts with light, revealing itself in a surprising way. The base is a pastel grey inspired by racing, reminiscent of the MC20’s sporty DNA, accompanied by an iridescent aquamarine mica that enlivens the hue and makes it exceptional.

The new model also adds a wide range of Active Safety Systems. As well as the parking sensors, rear-view camera and blind spot monitoring included in the MC20 since the MY22, the new spyder introduces autonomous emergency brake, traffic sign information and a new 360° camera.

MC20 Cielo is equipped with an optional High Premium Sonus faber audio system. The MC20 Coupé system, an EISA award-winning in-vehicle audio system, has been specifically optimized to fit the unique acoustic and positioning needs of the spyder’s cabin, situating the system’s 12 speakers to result in the Natural Sound that distinguishes Sonus faber audio systems.
Finally, the in-car experience is managed from the Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) Multimedia system, and from Maserati Connect.

At the World Premiere of the new Maserati spyder, the bond with the sky will be the central theme, to take you into a new, holistic dimension: just raise your eyes and look up to the sky.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable by their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a reference point for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. Ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante, the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Grecale and Levante are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top-of-the-range is the MC20 super sports car, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.

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New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

Modena, 25 May 2022 – The MC20 super sports car, now also a spyder: Maserati presents MC20 Cielo, a one-of-a-kind car that can deliver the performance of a true super sports car, together with a holistic and immersive driving pleasure the like of which has never been seen before.

MC20 Cielo announces its special features in its very name: MC stands for Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20 refers to 2020, the year that began the brand’s new era; Cielo (‘sky’) highlights the fact that it is a model devoted to driving pleasure in the great outdoors, while maintaining all the prerogatives of the coupé.

Equipped with the revolutionary V6 Nettuno engine, the Cielo offers a perfect mix of sportiness and luxury, courtesy of a specification unique to the segment: the innovative retractable glass roof.
In actual fact, the new spyder acts a meeting point between Maserati audacity and the infinite sky, featuring a special “sky feeling”.
The model is equipped with a state-of-the-art electrochromic (smart glass) window that can instantly be transformed from clear to opaque at the touch of a button on the central screen, courtesy of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. The roof is also best-in-class in terms of thermal insulation and of opening and closing speed (just 12 seconds).
Courtesy of this epitome of technology, MC20 Cielo provides a multi-sensory driving experience: all-encompassing with the roof closed and opaque; unique for the in-cabin brightness when the roof is transparent; holistic with the top down.

Developed at the Maserati Innovation Lab and produced at the historic plant on Viale Ciro Menotti, the spyder is 100% made in Italy and 100% made in Modena, as is the coupé version.

MC20 Cielo is designed for perfection. It weighs just 65 kg more than the coupé, made possible by meticulous, precise work during the stages of the car’s design. As well as its outstanding weight-to-power ratio, the carbon fibre chassis (the same for all three configurations to come: coupé, spyder and the future electric version) also guarantees uncompromising torsional rigidity, offering a combination of extraordinary handling on the road and on the track.

The new spyder is a car with an elegant yet highly sporty design. Its character and personality are truly eye-catching for the purity of its forms and the refined aerodynamics subjected to 360° testing in a wind tunnel, whether the roof is open or closed.
Nothing is superfluous in the design; everything has its own function. The only concession to a surprise effect is the butterfly doors, as in the MC20 super sports car.
The butterfly door provides much easier access into and out of the cabin, as well as showing off the carbon fibre cockpit and the completely unmasked front wheel.

From an aesthetic perspective, the launch version features a new three-layer metallic colour known as Acquamarina, available as part of the Maserati Fuoriserie customisation programme.
A colour that interacts with light, revealing itself in a surprising way. The base is a pastel grey inspired by racing, reminiscent of the MC20’s sporty DNA, accompanied by an iridescent aquamarine mica that enlivens the hue and makes it exceptional.

The new model also adds a wide range of Active Safety Systems. As well as the parking sensors, rear-view camera and blind spot monitoring included in the MC20 since the MY22, the new spyder introduces autonomous emergency brake, traffic sign information and a new 360° camera.

MC20 Cielo is equipped with an optional High Premium Sonus faber audio system. The MC20 Coupé system, an EISA award-winning in-vehicle audio system, has been specifically optimized to fit the unique acoustic and positioning needs of the spyder’s cabin, situating the system’s 12 speakers to result in the Natural Sound that distinguishes Sonus faber audio systems.
Finally, the in-car experience is managed from the Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) Multimedia system, and from Maserati Connect.

At the World Premiere of the new Maserati spyder, the bond with the sky will be the central theme, to take you into a new, holistic dimension: just raise your eyes and look up to the sky.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable by their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a reference point for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. Ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante, the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Grecale and Levante are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top-of-the-range is the MC20 super sports car, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.

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