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Oakley – Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™ 2020 for 20th-Anniversary

En un año donde no hay medallas, celebramos el 20 aniversario de OVERTHETOP ™. Honrando los juegos que nunca sucedieron, y aquellos que se encuentran en un mundo de incertidumbre, es correcto volver a presentar el producto que definió la disrupción.

Oakley – Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™ 2020 for 20th-Anniversary

El estilo audaz que traspasa los límites desafía el status quo décadas después del primer lanzamiento

Jueves 6 de agosto de 2020: Oakley® trae de vuelta el OVERTHETOP, el diseño único y disruptivo que se presentó en el escenario deportivo más grande del mundo hace veinte años. Para celebrar el aniversario, Oakley lanzará el “Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP” mañana, ya que los Juegos de Verano de 2020 habrían llegado a su fin.

La nueva iteración se ha creado a partir del molde original, con el mismo diseño revolucionario sin vástago que se coloca sobre la parte superior de la cabeza en lugar de alrededor. OVERTHETOP, más conocido y usado por su estética innovadora, fue diseñado originalmente para resolver el problema del rebote de las gafas en la cara de un corredor.

“Al crear nuevos productos, nuestro objetivo es encontrar una solución a un problema que enfrentan nuestros atletas”, dice Brian Takumi, vicepresidente de Producto Creativo en Oakley. “El OVERTHETOP nació con el propósito de minimizar los puntos de presión y reducir el rebote creado por la fuerza, específicamente en nuestros atletas de pista y campo. Sabíamos que el diseño era único, pero nunca esperábamos toda la atención que recibimos de todo el mundo: el producto realmente creó un momento global “.

Oakley puso la innovación a prueba en Sydney en los Juegos de Verano de 2000, cuando el popular velocista Ato Boldon, conocido por sus atrevidas gafas en la pista, debutó con el OVERTHETOP en los 100 metros masculinos. Boldon, con unas gafas inusuales, se convirtió rápidamente en una de las imágenes más memorables de los Juegos y en uno de los momentos más disruptivos en la historia de Oakley.

“Veinte años después, todavía recuerdo la prisa”, dice Ato Boldon, cuatro veces medallista en pista y campo. “Usar las Oakley OVERTHETOP en Sydney fue un momento icónico en mi carrera, y no puedo agradecer lo suficiente a Oakley por traspasar los límites y continuar creando gafas que permiten a los atletas rendir al máximo en el escenario mundial”.

Con un tratamiento de color degradado que se desvanece del oro envejecido a la plata y el bronce, las gafas se lanzan en reconocimiento a los Juegos que no sucedieron y rinden homenaje a aquellos que tienen el valor de superar la adversidad.

Nacidos del molde original utilizado en 2000, estos serán los últimos productos que saldrán de esta herramienta. Solo 20 unidades de Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP se han producido en todo el mundo y cada una se venderá por $ 2,000 exclusivamente en Oakley.com. El diseño sin vástago está fabricado con O Matter ™, un material de marco para una comodidad duradera y liviana. Cada cuadro está estampado con un número de serie único y viene equipado con el Prizm ™ líder de Oakley. Tecnología de lentes, diseñada para mejorar el color y el contraste para que los atletas puedan ver más detalles.

Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP ™

Se necesita un estado de ánimo único para resistir la prueba del tiempo. Nacido del molde original utilizado en 2000 y como último ejemplar de la herramienta, este es tu momento para hacer historia. La combinación de colores Precious Mettle de oro, plata y bronce envejecidos celebra algo más grande que terminar primero, segundo o tercero. Honra la victoria de la humanidad.

Oakley Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP se lanza el viernes 7 de agosto de 2020 a las 9 a. M. PST exclusivamente en


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Oakley – Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™ 2020 for 20th-Anniversary

In a year where there are no medals, we celebrate the 20 year anniversary of OVERTHETOP™. Honoring the games that never happened, and those who stand in a world of uncertainty, it’s only right to re-introduce the product that defined disruption.

Oakley – Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™ 2020 for 20th-Anniversary

Bold, Boundary-Pushing Style Challenges Status Quo Decades After First Release

Thursday, August 6, 2020 – Oakley® is bringing back the OVERTHETOP, the unique, disruptive design that was unveiled on the world’s biggest sports stage twenty years ago. To celebrate the anniversary, Oakley will release the “Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP” tomorrow, as the 2020 Summer Games would have been coming to an end.

The new iteration has been created from the original mold, featuring the same revolutionary, stemless design that fits over the top of the head rather than around it. Best known and worn for its innovative aesthetic, OVERTHETOP was originally designed to solve the problem of eyewear bouncing on a runner’s face.

“When creating new products, our goal is to find a solution to a problem our athletes are facing,” says Brian Takumi Vice President of Product Creative at Oakley. “The OVERTHETOP was born with the purpose of minimizing pressure points and reducing bounce created by force, specifically in our Track & Field athletes. We knew the design was very unique, but we never expected all the attention we received from around the world– the product truly created a global moment.”

Oakley put the innovation to the test in Sydney at the 2000 Summer Games, when popular sprinter Ato Boldon – known for his bold eyewear on the track – debuted the OVERTHETOP in the Men’s 100 meters. Boldon wearing the unusual eyewear quickly became one of the Games’ most memorable images and one of the most disruptive moments in Oakley history.

“Twenty years later, I still remember the rush,” says Ato Boldon, four-time medallist in Track and Field. “Wearing the Oakley OVERTHETOP in Sydney was an iconic moment in my career, and I can’t thank Oakley enough for pushing the boundaries and continuing to create eyewear that allows athletes to perform at their best on the world stage.”

With a gradient color treatment that fades from aged gold to silver and bronze, the eyewear is launched in recognition of the Games that didn’t happen and pays tribute to those who have the mettle to push through and overcome adversity.

Born from the original mold used in 2000, these will be the last issue of products to come from this tool. Only 20 units of the Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP have been produced worldwide and each will retail for $2,000 exclusively on Oakley.com. The stemless design is manufactured with O Matter™, a frame material for durable, lightweight comfort. Each frame is stamped with a unique serial number and comes equipped with Oakley’s leading Prizm™? Lens Technology, designed to enhance color and contrast so athletes can see more detail.

Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™

It takes a unique frame of mind to stand the test of time. Born from the original mold used in 2000 and as the last issue to come from the tool, this is your moment to make history. The Precious Mettle colorway of aged gold, silver, and bronze celebrates something bigger than finishing first, second or third. It honors the victory of humanity.

Oakley Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP launches Friday, August 7, 2020 at 9AM PST exclusively on www.oakley.com.

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Oakley – Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™ 2020 for 20th-Anniversary

In a year where there are no medals, we celebrate the 20 year anniversary of OVERTHETOP™. Honoring the games that never happened, and those who stand in a world of uncertainty, it’s only right to re-introduce the product that defined disruption.

Oakley – Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™ 2020 for 20th-Anniversary

Bold, Boundary-Pushing Style Challenges Status Quo Decades After First Release

Thursday, August 6, 2020 – Oakley® is bringing back the OVERTHETOP, the unique, disruptive design that was unveiled on the world’s biggest sports stage twenty years ago. To celebrate the anniversary, Oakley will release the “Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP” tomorrow, as the 2020 Summer Games would have been coming to an end.

The new iteration has been created from the original mold, featuring the same revolutionary, stemless design that fits over the top of the head rather than around it. Best known and worn for its innovative aesthetic, OVERTHETOP was originally designed to solve the problem of eyewear bouncing on a runner’s face.

“When creating new products, our goal is to find a solution to a problem our athletes are facing,” says Brian Takumi Vice President of Product Creative at Oakley. “The OVERTHETOP was born with the purpose of minimizing pressure points and reducing bounce created by force, specifically in our Track & Field athletes. We knew the design was very unique, but we never expected all the attention we received from around the world– the product truly created a global moment.”

Oakley put the innovation to the test in Sydney at the 2000 Summer Games, when popular sprinter Ato Boldon – known for his bold eyewear on the track – debuted the OVERTHETOP in the Men’s 100 meters. Boldon wearing the unusual eyewear quickly became one of the Games’ most memorable images and one of the most disruptive moments in Oakley history.

“Twenty years later, I still remember the rush,” says Ato Boldon, four-time medallist in Track and Field. “Wearing the Oakley OVERTHETOP in Sydney was an iconic moment in my career, and I can’t thank Oakley enough for pushing the boundaries and continuing to create eyewear that allows athletes to perform at their best on the world stage.”

With a gradient color treatment that fades from aged gold to silver and bronze, the eyewear is launched in recognition of the Games that didn’t happen and pays tribute to those who have the mettle to push through and overcome adversity.

Born from the original mold used in 2000, these will be the last issue of products to come from this tool. Only 20 units of the Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP have been produced worldwide and each will retail for $2,000 exclusively on Oakley.com. The stemless design is manufactured with O Matter™, a frame material for durable, lightweight comfort. Each frame is stamped with a unique serial number and comes equipped with Oakley’s leading Prizm™? Lens Technology, designed to enhance color and contrast so athletes can see more detail.

Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP™

It takes a unique frame of mind to stand the test of time. Born from the original mold used in 2000 and as the last issue to come from the tool, this is your moment to make history. The Precious Mettle colorway of aged gold, silver, and bronze celebrates something bigger than finishing first, second or third. It honors the victory of humanity.

Oakley Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP launches Friday, August 7, 2020 at 9AM PST exclusively on www.oakley.com.

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