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PRODRIVE HUNTER – The Worlds First all Terrain Hypercar

PRODRIVE HUNTER – The Worlds First all Terrain Hypercar

Prodrive has revealed the Hunter, a 600 bhp, four-wheel drive all-terrain adventure vehicle with an unrivalled ability and performance across any landscape.

Born out of the Bahrain Raid Xtreme competition car driven by nine-time World Champion, Sebastien Loeb, to compete on the toughest motorsport race in the world the Dakar, it thrives in desert sand, dunes and rough mountain tracks. Indeed, this Hunter is even more extreme than that driven by Loeb, with a 50% increase in power from the 3.5 litre V6 twin turbo engine and more suspension travel to absorb the harshest of terrain.

But while the car is even faster and more capable than the race car, it is also more refined. Ian Callum, who styled the exterior of the original competition car, has returned to the project to create a new interior more in keeping with every day use than racing. A digital display gives the driver all the important information they need, while the centre console houses the more traditional controls found on a road car.

The Hunter is the product of over 40 years of successful off road competition at Prodrive whose chairman, David Richards, said: “There are numerous hypercars on the market, however they all need good roads or even race tracks to show their performance. We identified that in certain parts of the world, particularly the Middle East, there are vast expanses still to be explored that go way beyond the access provided by asphalt roads. Therefore why not create a vehicle that gives the opportunity to explore these regions with performance way beyond that offered by any off-road vehicle before.”

The Hunter retains the Dakar competition car’s engine, drivetrain and suspension, but to improve driveability, the manual sequential gear box has been replaced by a six speed paddle shift, giving a smooth gear change in just milliseconds.

As the hypercar does not have to comply with strict competition regulations power has been increased by more than 50%. The 3.5 litre twin turbo V6 has been refined and retuned on Prodrive’s advanced transient dyno in Banbury, UK to produce over 600bhp and 700 Nm of torque while making its power delivery smoother and easier to drive.

Prodrive estimates that this would give it a 0-100 kph time in less than four seconds and a top speed of nearly 300 kph, however the vehicle is fitted with bespoke 35” off-road tyres designed to optimise grip over rough terrain and sand rather than on tarmac.

Richards said: “We took the deliberate decision to keep the Hunter Hypercar as close to the original as possible. It’s about giving owners the opportunity to experience what it is like to drive Loeb’s Dakar car across the desert, but with all the comforts of a road car and the ability to drive it from your home, through a city, to any destination of your choice.”

The whole car is built around a high tensile steel space frame chassis, giving both a rigid platform to optimise the suspension geometry and performance and an FIA standard safety cage to protect the occupants.

The all-round double wishbone suspension with twin adjustable dampers on each corner has 400mm of travel –an increase from 350mm on the competition car – to give a smoother ride and even greater ability to cross the roughest terrain at speeds unimaginable in any other vehicle. Six pot racing brake calipers and vented discs all round give it plenty of stopping power both on and off-road.

The whole vehicle has been designed to minimise overall weight and optimise the weight distribution and centre of gravity. All the bodywork is made from lightweight carbon composite, which includes recycled materials produced by Prodrive Composites.

Richards said: The first development vehicle is currently touring the Middle East where customers are being offered the opportunity of driving the Hunter and confirming their personal specification for production vehicles to be delivered later this year.”

To learn more about the Hunter click here



Front-mid 3.5 litre V6 twin turbo

Single plenum/throttle

Dry sump

Power over 600 bhp

Torque 700 Nm


4 wheel drive

Six speed paddle shift gearbox

Front, centre and rear differentials


High strength steel tubular structure

Carbon fibre composite bodywork including recycled materials


Double wishbone

Two adjustable dampers per wheel


Carbon fibre seats

Six-point safety harness

Dual fire extinguisher system

Lightweight lithium-ion battery


480 litre in safety cell


Six pot calipers front & rear

Vented discs


8.5J x 172 forged aluminium rims

35/12.5-17 off road tyres


£1.25m plus local taxes

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PRODRIVE HUNTER – El primer hipercoche todoterreno del mundo


Prodrive ha presentado el Hunter, un vehículo de aventuras todo terreno con tracción en las cuatro ruedas y 600 CV con una capacidad y un rendimiento inigualables en cualquier terreno.

Nacido del coche de competición Bahrain Raid Xtreme conducido por el nueve veces campeón mundial, Sebastien Loeb, para competir en la carrera de automovilismo más dura del mundo, el Dakar, prospera en la arena del desierto, las dunas y las pistas de montaña accidentadas. De hecho, esta Hunter es incluso más extrema que la impulsada por Loeb, con un aumento del 50 % en la potencia del motor biturbo V6 de 3,5 litros y más recorrido de la suspensión para absorber los terrenos más duros.

Pero si bien el automóvil es incluso más rápido y capaz que el de carreras, también es más refinado. Ian Callum, que diseñó el exterior del coche de competición original, ha vuelto al proyecto para crear un nuevo interior más acorde con el uso diario que con las carreras. Una pantalla digital brinda al conductor toda la información importante que necesita, mientras que la consola central alberga los controles más tradicionales que se encuentran en un automóvil de carretera.

El Hunter es el producto de más de 40 años de exitosa competencia todoterreno en Prodrive, cuyo presidente, David Richards, dijo: “Hay numerosos hipercoches en el mercado, sin embargo, todos necesitan buenos caminos o incluso pistas de carreras para mostrar su rendimiento. Identificamos que en ciertas partes del mundo, particularmente en el Medio Oriente, existen vastas extensiones por explorar que van mucho más allá del acceso que brindan las carreteras asfaltadas. Por lo tanto, ¿por qué no crear un vehículo que brinde la oportunidad de explorar estas regiones con un rendimiento mucho mayor que el ofrecido por cualquier vehículo todoterreno anterior?

El Hunter conserva el motor, la transmisión y la suspensión del coche de competición del Dakar, pero para mejorar la facilidad de conducción, la caja de cambios secuencial manual ha sido sustituida por una paleta de cambios de seis velocidades, lo que proporciona un cambio de marcha suave en solo milisegundos.

Como el hipercoche no tiene que cumplir con las estrictas normas de competencia, la potencia se ha incrementado en más del 50%. El motor V6 biturbo de 3,5 litros ha sido refinado y reajustado en el banco de pruebas transitorio avanzado de Prodrive en Banbury, Reino Unido, para producir más de 600 CV y ​​700 Nm de par, al tiempo que hace que su entrega de potencia sea más suave y fácil de conducir.

Prodrive estima que esto le daría un tiempo de 0 a 100 km/h en menos de cuatro segundos y una velocidad máxima de casi 300 km/h, sin embargo, el vehículo está equipado con neumáticos todoterreno de 35” hechos a medida, diseñados para optimizar el agarre sobre terreno accidentado y arena en lugar de que en asfalto.

Richards dijo: “Tomamos la decisión deliberada de mantener el Hunter Hypercar lo más cerca posible del original. Se trata de dar a los propietarios la oportunidad de experimentar lo que es conducir el coche Dakar de Loeb por el desierto, pero con todas las comodidades de un coche de calle y la posibilidad de conducirlo desde su casa, a través de una ciudad, a cualquier destino de su elección. .”

Todo el automóvil está construido alrededor de un chasis de marco espacial de acero de alta resistencia a la tracción, lo que brinda una plataforma rígida para optimizar la geometría y el rendimiento de la suspensión y una jaula de seguridad estándar de la FIA para proteger a los ocupantes.

La suspensión integral de doble horquilla con amortiguadores dobles ajustables en cada esquina tiene 400 mm de recorrido, un aumento de 350 mm en el auto de competencia, para brindar una conducción más suave y una capacidad aún mayor para cruzar los terrenos más difíciles a velocidades inimaginables en cualquier otro vehículo. Las pinzas de freno de carreras de seis pistones y los discos ventilados le dan una gran potencia de frenado tanto dentro como fuera de la carretera.

Todo el vehículo ha sido diseñado para minimizar el peso total y optimizar la distribución del peso y el centro de gravedad. Toda la carrocería está hecha de compuesto de carbono ligero, que incluye materiales reciclados producidos por Prodrive Composites.

Richards dijo:  El primer vehículo de desarrollo está actualmente de gira por el Medio Oriente, donde a los clientes se les ofrece la oportunidad de conducir el Hunter y confirmar sus especificaciones personales para los vehículos de producción que se entregarán más adelante este año”.

Para saber más sobre el Cazador haz clic aquí



V6 biturbo de 3,5 litros delantero medio

Plenum simple/acelerador

Sumidero seco

Potencia superior a 600 CV

Par 700 Nm


Tracción en las 4 ruedas

Caja de cambios de paletas de seis velocidades

Diferenciales delantero, central y trasero


Estructura tubular de acero de alta resistencia

Carrocería compuesta de fibra de carbono que incluye materiales reciclados


doble horquilla

Dos amortiguadores regulables por rueda


Asientos de fibra de carbono

Arnés de seguridad de seis puntos

Sistema de extinción de incendios dual

Batería ligera de iones de litio


480 litros en celda de seguridad


Pinzas de seis pistones delanteras y traseras

discos ventilados


Llantas de aluminio forjado 8.5J x 172

Neumáticos todoterreno 35/12.5-17


1,25 millones de libras esterlinas más impuestos locales

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PRODRIVE HUNTER – The Worlds First all Terrain Hypercar

PRODRIVE HUNTER – The Worlds First all Terrain Hypercar

Prodrive has revealed the Hunter, a 600 bhp, four-wheel drive all-terrain adventure vehicle with an unrivalled ability and performance across any landscape.

Born out of the Bahrain Raid Xtreme competition car driven by nine-time World Champion, Sebastien Loeb, to compete on the toughest motorsport race in the world the Dakar, it thrives in desert sand, dunes and rough mountain tracks. Indeed, this Hunter is even more extreme than that driven by Loeb, with a 50% increase in power from the 3.5 litre V6 twin turbo engine and more suspension travel to absorb the harshest of terrain.

But while the car is even faster and more capable than the race car, it is also more refined. Ian Callum, who styled the exterior of the original competition car, has returned to the project to create a new interior more in keeping with every day use than racing. A digital display gives the driver all the important information they need, while the centre console houses the more traditional controls found on a road car.

The Hunter is the product of over 40 years of successful off road competition at Prodrive whose chairman, David Richards, said: “There are numerous hypercars on the market, however they all need good roads or even race tracks to show their performance. We identified that in certain parts of the world, particularly the Middle East, there are vast expanses still to be explored that go way beyond the access provided by asphalt roads. Therefore why not create a vehicle that gives the opportunity to explore these regions with performance way beyond that offered by any off-road vehicle before.”

The Hunter retains the Dakar competition car’s engine, drivetrain and suspension, but to improve driveability, the manual sequential gear box has been replaced by a six speed paddle shift, giving a smooth gear change in just milliseconds.

As the hypercar does not have to comply with strict competition regulations power has been increased by more than 50%. The 3.5 litre twin turbo V6 has been refined and retuned on Prodrive’s advanced transient dyno in Banbury, UK to produce over 600bhp and 700 Nm of torque while making its power delivery smoother and easier to drive.

Prodrive estimates that this would give it a 0-100 kph time in less than four seconds and a top speed of nearly 300 kph, however the vehicle is fitted with bespoke 35” off-road tyres designed to optimise grip over rough terrain and sand rather than on tarmac.

Richards said: “We took the deliberate decision to keep the Hunter Hypercar as close to the original as possible. It’s about giving owners the opportunity to experience what it is like to drive Loeb’s Dakar car across the desert, but with all the comforts of a road car and the ability to drive it from your home, through a city, to any destination of your choice.”

The whole car is built around a high tensile steel space frame chassis, giving both a rigid platform to optimise the suspension geometry and performance and an FIA standard safety cage to protect the occupants.

The all-round double wishbone suspension with twin adjustable dampers on each corner has 400mm of travel –an increase from 350mm on the competition car – to give a smoother ride and even greater ability to cross the roughest terrain at speeds unimaginable in any other vehicle. Six pot racing brake calipers and vented discs all round give it plenty of stopping power both on and off-road.

The whole vehicle has been designed to minimise overall weight and optimise the weight distribution and centre of gravity. All the bodywork is made from lightweight carbon composite, which includes recycled materials produced by Prodrive Composites.

Richards said: The first development vehicle is currently touring the Middle East where customers are being offered the opportunity of driving the Hunter and confirming their personal specification for production vehicles to be delivered later this year.”

To learn more about the Hunter click here



Front-mid 3.5 litre V6 twin turbo

Single plenum/throttle

Dry sump

Power over 600 bhp

Torque 700 Nm


4 wheel drive

Six speed paddle shift gearbox

Front, centre and rear differentials


High strength steel tubular structure

Carbon fibre composite bodywork including recycled materials


Double wishbone

Two adjustable dampers per wheel


Carbon fibre seats

Six-point safety harness

Dual fire extinguisher system

Lightweight lithium-ion battery


480 litre in safety cell


Six pot calipers front & rear

Vented discs


8.5J x 172 forged aluminium rims

35/12.5-17 off road tyres


£1.25m plus local taxes

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