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Quantum Technologies resuenan en el MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resuenan en el MWC2022

Del 28 de febrero  al 3 de marzo , el Mobile World Congress 2022 (MWC) acogió  The European Quantum Space , una zona dedicada a mostrar la innovación y el desarrollo en  Quantum Technologies  que Europa está impulsando. El espacio de 70m2 exhibió los últimos logros y avances en el campo de las tecnologías cuánticas para tres áreas principales: The  Quantum Flagship ,  Iniciativas Regionales  y  Start-ups/Empresas , todas enfocadas principalmente en comunicación cuántica y computación, dos de las áreas de mayor interés dentro el campo.

Las tecnologías cuánticas resuenan en el MWC2022

Las tecnologías cuánticas resuenan en el MWC2022

A lo largo de cuatro intensas jornadas y con una asistencia global estimada de casi 70.000 personas a todo el evento, el stand recibió, además del público general, diversas visitas institucionales: representantes del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones de Finlandia, representantes de la Delegación de Alberta, Canadá, representantes del Consulado Americano en Barcelona, ​​así como Asesores Comerciales de la Delegación de Dinamarca de la Comisión Europea, entre otros.

Las tecnologías cuánticas resuenan en el MWC2022

Las tecnologías cuánticas resuenan en el MWC2022

Sorprendentemente, muchos de los asistentes estaban al tanto del surgimiento de las tecnologías cuánticas y de cómo están impulsando una nueva ola de tecnologías que van a dar forma, de alguna manera, al futuro de nuestra sociedad, al cambiar la forma en que vemos las cosas, interactuamos y nos comunicamos. Algunos estaban realmente interesados ​​en aprender sobre el buque insignia y los logros de los proyectos subyacentes, el surgimiento de iniciativas regionales europeas, como  Quantum Valley Lower Saxony , de Alemania, y  QuantumCAT., de Cataluña, y otros estaban interesados ​​en gadgets reales y productos tangibles y querían ver qué traían al evento las cinco empresas de comunicación y computación cuántica, IQM, LuxQuanta, Qblox, Qilimanjaro, Quside, de interés para la audiencia de telecomunicaciones. , núcleo del ecosistema móvil que reúne el MWC.

Además de aquellos con más conocimientos, los que se acercaron al stand para escuchar por primera vez sobre tecnologías cuánticas estaban ansiosos y entusiasmados por comprender qué eran realmente, cómo podrían ayudar a desarrollar aún más el ecosistema móvil y las tecnologías en general. qué exhibían en el stand las empresas, y cómo las tecnologías que estaban desarrollando se podían encontrar ya en el mercado para mejorar las existentes.

Para la industria móvil, el mayor impacto
estará relacionado con un nuevo fundamento seguro
conectividad a Internet que se nos traerá
por tecnologías de comunicaciones cuánticas.


En total, más de 200 profesionales se detuvieron y entablaron conversaciones interesantes con los principales representantes presentes en el evento. En nombre de Quantum Flagship , Jaya Baloo , directora de seguridad de la información (CISO) de Avast Software y vicepresidenta de la Junta Asesora Estratégica de Quantum Flagship, participó en el panel de discusión del MWC ” Seguridad 5G: un nuevo panorama de amenazas “, y enfatizó durante su visita al stand que “Las tecnologías cuánticas tendrán un impacto profundo y profundo en la forma en que llevamos a cabo nuestra vida diaria, tanto en el ámbito digital como físico. Para la industria móvil, el mayor impacto estará relacionado con una nueva conectividad de Internet fundamental y segura que nos brindarán las tecnologías de comunicaciones cuánticas. Este aspecto, que es un sueño para cualquier profesional de la seguridad como yo mismo, nos permitirá realizar lo que se denomina defensa en profundidad, una red híbrida donde podremos fusionar comunicaciones cuánticas , distribución de claves cuánticas e incluso técnicas criptográficas post cuánticas para dar una capa de defensa mucho más sólida contra cualquier ataque potencial. ”

Las tecnologías cuánticas se están desarrollando lentamente y muestran el potencial de convertirse en un cambio de juego en el futuro de nuestra sociedad. Con los resultados vistos este año, el buque insignia pretende estar presente el próximo año, en el MWC23, y ampliar las fronteras de las tecnologías cuánticas con el objetivo de mostrar una mayor variedad de tecnologías que ya están en el mercado y que pueden beneficiar al campo de las telecomunicaciones, así como a otras empresas tecnológicas pioneras que parecen muy ansiosas por convertirse en usuarios finales de esta tecnología.

fuente: Tecnología cuántica | El futuro es cuántico

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Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

From February 28th to March 3rd, the Mobile World Congress 2022 (MWC) hosted The European Quantum Space, a zone dedicated to showcasing the innovation and development in Quantum Technologies that Europe is driving forward. The 70m2 space exhibited the latest achievements and advances in the field of quantum technologies for three main areas: The Quantum FlagshipRegional Initiatives and Start-ups/Companies, all mainly focusing on quantum communication and computing, two of the areas of major interest within the field.

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Throughout four intense days and with an overall estimated attendance of almost 70.000 people to the entire event, the stand received, in addition to the general audience, a variety of institutional visits: representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland, representatives of the Delegation of Alberta, Canada, representatives of the American Consulate in Barcelona, as well as Commercial Advisors of the Denmark Delegation of the European Commission, among others.

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Surprisingly enough, many attendees were aware of the emergence of quantum techs and how they are driving a new wave of technologies that are going to shape, somehow, the future of our society, by changing the way we see things, interact and communicate. Some were really interested in learning about the flagship and the underlying projects’ achievements, the emergence of European regional initiatives, such the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony, from Germany, and QuantumCAT, from Catalonia, and others were interested in real gadgets and tangible products and thus wanting to see what the five quantum communication and computing companies, IQM, LuxQuanta, Qblox, Qilimanjaro, Quside, were bringing to the event, of interest to the telecommunication audience, core to the mobile ecosystem that the MWC brings together.

In addition to those with more know-how, those that came to the stand to hear for the first time about quantum technologies were eager and enthusiastic to understand what these actually were, how they could help further develop the mobile ecosystem and technologies in general, what was being exhibited in the stand by the companies, and how the technologies they were developing could be found already on the market to improve existing ones.

For the mobile industry, the greatest impact
will be related to a new secure foundational
internet connectivity that will be brought to us
by quantum communications technologies.


All in all, over 200 professionals stopped by and engaged in insightful conversations with the flagship representatives present at the event. On behalf of the Quantum Flagship, Jaya Baloo, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Avast Software and Vice-Chair of the Quantum Flagship Strategic Advisory Board, participated in the MWC discussion panel “5G Security: A New Threat Landscape”, and emphasized during her visit to the stand that “quantum technologies will have a deep and profound impact on the way that we conduct our daily lives, both in the digital and physical realm. For the mobile industry, the greatest impact will be related to a new secure foundational internet connectivity that will be brought to us by quantum communications technologies. This aspect, which is a dream for any security professional as myself, will allow us to accomplish what is called defense in-depth, a hybrid network where we will be able to fuse quantum communications, quantum key distribution and even post quantum cryptographic techniques to give a much more solid layer defense against any potential attack.

Quantum technologies are slowly unfolding and showing the potential to become a game-changer in the future of our society. With the results seen this year, the flagship aims to be present next year, at MWC23, and broaden the frontiers of quantum techs by aiming to showcase a larger variety of technologies already on the market and that can benefit the telecom arena, as well as other trailblazing technological companies that seem very eager to become end-users of this technology.

source: Quantum Technology | The future is Quantum

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Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

From February 28th to March 3rd, the Mobile World Congress 2022 (MWC) hosted The European Quantum Space, a zone dedicated to showcasing the innovation and development in Quantum Technologies that Europe is driving forward. The 70m2 space exhibited the latest achievements and advances in the field of quantum technologies for three main areas: The Quantum FlagshipRegional Initiatives and Start-ups/Companies, all mainly focusing on quantum communication and computing, two of the areas of major interest within the field.

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Throughout four intense days and with an overall estimated attendance of almost 70.000 people to the entire event, the stand received, in addition to the general audience, a variety of institutional visits: representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland, representatives of the Delegation of Alberta, Canada, representatives of the American Consulate in Barcelona, as well as Commercial Advisors of the Denmark Delegation of the European Commission, among others.

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Surprisingly enough, many attendees were aware of the emergence of quantum techs and how they are driving a new wave of technologies that are going to shape, somehow, the future of our society, by changing the way we see things, interact and communicate. Some were really interested in learning about the flagship and the underlying projects’ achievements, the emergence of European regional initiatives, such the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony, from Germany, and QuantumCAT, from Catalonia, and others were interested in real gadgets and tangible products and thus wanting to see what the five quantum communication and computing companies, IQM, LuxQuanta, Qblox, Qilimanjaro, Quside, were bringing to the event, of interest to the telecommunication audience, core to the mobile ecosystem that the MWC brings together.

In addition to those with more know-how, those that came to the stand to hear for the first time about quantum technologies were eager and enthusiastic to understand what these actually were, how they could help further develop the mobile ecosystem and technologies in general, what was being exhibited in the stand by the companies, and how the technologies they were developing could be found already on the market to improve existing ones.

For the mobile industry, the greatest impact
will be related to a new secure foundational
internet connectivity that will be brought to us
by quantum communications technologies.


All in all, over 200 professionals stopped by and engaged in insightful conversations with the flagship representatives present at the event. On behalf of the Quantum Flagship, Jaya Baloo, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Avast Software and Vice-Chair of the Quantum Flagship Strategic Advisory Board, participated in the MWC discussion panel “5G Security: A New Threat Landscape”, and emphasized during her visit to the stand that “quantum technologies will have a deep and profound impact on the way that we conduct our daily lives, both in the digital and physical realm. For the mobile industry, the greatest impact will be related to a new secure foundational internet connectivity that will be brought to us by quantum communications technologies. This aspect, which is a dream for any security professional as myself, will allow us to accomplish what is called defense in-depth, a hybrid network where we will be able to fuse quantum communications, quantum key distribution and even post quantum cryptographic techniques to give a much more solid layer defense against any potential attack.

Quantum technologies are slowly unfolding and showing the potential to become a game-changer in the future of our society. With the results seen this year, the flagship aims to be present next year, at MWC23, and broaden the frontiers of quantum techs by aiming to showcase a larger variety of technologies already on the market and that can benefit the telecom arena, as well as other trailblazing technological companies that seem very eager to become end-users of this technology.

source: Quantum Technology | The future is Quantum

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