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Una máquina de espresso R Cinquantotto de edición limitada hecha a mano en Milán por Rocket Espresso. 1 de 100 hecho a pedido exclusivamente para miembros del Rapha Cycling Club.

Algunos de nuestros productos más nuevos están disponibles exclusivamente para los miembros del Rapha Cycling Club durante un período de tiempo antes del lanzamiento general. Otros artículos, incluido el kit exclusivo del club y una serie de lanzamientos de ediciones especiales cada año, solo pueden ser comprados por miembros. Para obtener más información sobre los beneficios de la membresía y unirse al club, siga el enlace a continuación.


  • El ciclismo y el café son una combinación clásica. Hecha a mano en Milán, la máquina de espresso R58 de edición limitada de Rocket Espresso garantiza que cada viaje tenga el mejor comienzo posible. Para permitir una extracción óptima de cualquier tipo de café o estilo de tueste, el R58 cuenta con dos calderas controladas por PID de funcionamiento independiente. La tecnología de caldera inclinada permite un ajuste preciso de la temperatura del grupo y niveles inigualables de estabilidad de temperatura. Una bomba rotativa de alta calidad puede extraerse del depósito de agua interno de la máquina o de un suministro de agua directo de la red. Y para un control total con solo deslizar el dedo, todas las innumerables funciones de la máquina se operan a través de una pantalla táctil, ahora con una función de encendido / apagado automático para garantizar que su máquina esté siempre lista para preparar el mejor café del mundo.

Detalles sobre el proceso de pedido:

  • Cada máquina se construye a mano, se fabrica bajo pedido y se entrega dentro de las 12 semanas posteriores a la compra. Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación adicional de Rapha después de su compra, y una confirmación adicional cuando su máquina esté lista para enviarse, completa con un enlace de seguimiento.
  • Su máquina se configurará para utilizar la toma de corriente y el voltaje recomendados para su país de entrega que se proporcionaron en el momento de su pedido. Puede comunicarse con el RCC dentro de los siete días posteriores a la compra para modificar esto, pero no podemos modificar su dirección de entrega después de la compra.
  • Su máquina Rapha + Rocket Espresso se enviará directamente desde Rocket Espresso en Milán; el envío y los aranceles de importación aplicables están incluidos en el precio de compra. Si se le solicita que pague derechos de importación, comuníquese con el RCC en rcc@rapha.cc, quien se comunicará con Rocket en su nombre.
  • Cada máquina se construye a mano y se fabrica bajo pedido. Las cancelaciones y modificaciones solo son posibles dentro de los siete días posteriores a la compra, antes de que Rocket comience a producir su máquina.
  • Su máquina llegará en un palé de madera en una caja de madera personalizada con un peso total de 55 kg. Mientras se prepara para la entrega, tenga en cuenta que la caja mide 60 cm de alto, 56 cm de ancho y 40 cm de profundidad.
  • Asegúrese de que este producto sea el único artículo de su cesta. Si hay otros productos en su cesta, no podrá realizar el pago.


  • Calderas duales controladas por PID de 0,58 y 1,8 litros
  • Depósito de agua de 2,5 litros o opción de conexión directa de agua
  • Acceso al tanque en la parte trasera del almacenamiento de tazas
  • Capacidad del depósito de agua interno de 2 litros
  • Operación semiautomática
  • Cabezal de grupo tipo E61 de grado comercial
  • Varilla de vapor y agua sin quemaduras
  • Bomba rotatoria
  • Bandeja de goteo completa de acero inoxidable
  • Tubería de cobre con racores y tubos de latón
  • Cuerpo de acero inoxidable
  • Sabotaje de acero inoxidable
  • Dos portafiltros
  • Tamaño de la máquina: 310 mm de ancho x 440 mm de profundidad x 385 mm de alto
  • Peso de la máquina: 29 kg
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A limited edition R Cinquantotto espresso machine handmade in Milan by Rocket Espresso. 1 of 100 made to order exclusively for members of the Rapha Cycling Club.

Some of our newest products are available exclusively to members of the Rapha Cycling Club for a period of time before general release. Other items, including the club’s exclusive kit and a number of special edition releases each year, can only be purchased by members. To find out more about the benefits of membership and join the club follow the link below.


  • Cycling and coffee are a classic combination. Handmade in Milan, the limited edition R58 espresso machine from Rocket Espresso ensures every ride gets off to the best possible start. To allow optimal extraction of any coffee type or roast style, the R58 features two independently operated, PID controlled boilers. Inclined boiler technology makes for precise group temperature adjustment and unrivalled levels of temperature stability. A high-grade rotary pump can draw either from the machine’s internal water reservoir or from a direct mains water supply. And for complete control at the swipe of your finger, all of the machine’s myriad functions are operated via a touch-screen display, now with an automatic on/off function to ensure your machine is always ready to make the world’s finest coffee.

Details on order process:

  • Every machine is built by hand, made to order and delivered within 12 weeks of purchase. You will receive an additional confirmation email from Rapha after your purchase, and an additional confirmation when your machine is ready to ship, complete with tracking link.
  • Your machine will be configured to use the recommended power socket and voltage for your delivery country provided at the time of your order. You can contact the RCC within seven days of purchase to amend this, but we are unable to amend your delivery address after purchase.
  • Your Rapha + Rocket Espresso Machine will be dispatched directly from Rocket Espresso in Milan – shipping and any applicable import duties are included in the purchase price. If you are asked to pay any import duties, please contact the RCC at rcc@rapha.cc who will liaise with Rocket on your behalf.
  • Each machine is built by hand and made to order. Cancellations and amendments are only possible within seven days of purchase, before Rocket starts to produce your machine.
  • Your machine will arrive on a wooden pallet in a custom wooden crate with a total weight of 55kg. As you prepare for your delivery, be aware that the crate measures 60cm high,56cm wide, and 40cm deep.
  • Please make sure this product is the only item in your basket. If there are any other products in your basket, you will not be able to checkout.


  • Dual PID controlled boilers of 0.58 and 1.8 litres
  • 2.5 litre water reservoir or direct water connection option
  • Tank access at rear of cup storage
  • 2-litre internal water tank capacity
  • Semi-automatic operation
  • Commercial grade E61 type group head
  • No-burn steam and water wand
  • Rotary pump
  • Full stainless steel drip tray
  • Copper tubing with brass fittings and tubes
  • Stainless steel body
  • Stainless steel tamper
  • Two portafilter holders
  • Machine Size: 310mm wide x 440mm deep x 385mm high
  • Machine Weight: 29kg
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A limited edition R Cinquantotto espresso machine handmade in Milan by Rocket Espresso. 1 of 100 made to order exclusively for members of the Rapha Cycling Club.

Some of our newest products are available exclusively to members of the Rapha Cycling Club for a period of time before general release. Other items, including the club’s exclusive kit and a number of special edition releases each year, can only be purchased by members. To find out more about the benefits of membership and join the club follow the link below.


  • Cycling and coffee are a classic combination. Handmade in Milan, the limited edition R58 espresso machine from Rocket Espresso ensures every ride gets off to the best possible start. To allow optimal extraction of any coffee type or roast style, the R58 features two independently operated, PID controlled boilers. Inclined boiler technology makes for precise group temperature adjustment and unrivalled levels of temperature stability. A high-grade rotary pump can draw either from the machine’s internal water reservoir or from a direct mains water supply. And for complete control at the swipe of your finger, all of the machine’s myriad functions are operated via a touch-screen display, now with an automatic on/off function to ensure your machine is always ready to make the world’s finest coffee.

Details on order process:

  • Every machine is built by hand, made to order and delivered within 12 weeks of purchase. You will receive an additional confirmation email from Rapha after your purchase, and an additional confirmation when your machine is ready to ship, complete with tracking link.
  • Your machine will be configured to use the recommended power socket and voltage for your delivery country provided at the time of your order. You can contact the RCC within seven days of purchase to amend this, but we are unable to amend your delivery address after purchase.
  • Your Rapha + Rocket Espresso Machine will be dispatched directly from Rocket Espresso in Milan – shipping and any applicable import duties are included in the purchase price. If you are asked to pay any import duties, please contact the RCC at rcc@rapha.cc who will liaise with Rocket on your behalf.
  • Each machine is built by hand and made to order. Cancellations and amendments are only possible within seven days of purchase, before Rocket starts to produce your machine.
  • Your machine will arrive on a wooden pallet in a custom wooden crate with a total weight of 55kg. As you prepare for your delivery, be aware that the crate measures 60cm high,56cm wide, and 40cm deep.
  • Please make sure this product is the only item in your basket. If there are any other products in your basket, you will not be able to checkout.


  • Dual PID controlled boilers of 0.58 and 1.8 litres
  • 2.5 litre water reservoir or direct water connection option
  • Tank access at rear of cup storage
  • 2-litre internal water tank capacity
  • Semi-automatic operation
  • Commercial grade E61 type group head
  • No-burn steam and water wand
  • Rotary pump
  • Full stainless steel drip tray
  • Copper tubing with brass fittings and tubes
  • Stainless steel body
  • Stainless steel tamper
  • Two portafilter holders
  • Machine Size: 310mm wide x 440mm deep x 385mm high
  • Machine Weight: 29kg
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