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Rodin Cars anuncia oficialmente que el hipercoche de pista de menos de 700 kg de 1200 hp, el FZERO, llegará en 2023

Rodin Cars anuncia oficialmente que el hipercoche de pista de menos de 700 kg de 1200 hp, el FZERO, llegará en 2023

  • Rodin Cars revela Track Weapon como su segundo modelo desde la creación del fabricante
  • Capaz de velocidades superiores a 360 kph
  • Creado para aquellos que buscan la experiencia más rápida disponible en la pista, sin las limitaciones de las normas de carretera o de carreras.
  • 1176 caballos de fuerza de un nuevo motor híbrido biturbo V10 de 4.0 litros, construido y diseñado desde cero según las especificaciones de Rodin Cars
  • Con un peso de solo 698 kg en mojado, se espera que el automóvil tenga una relación potencia-peso de 1,662 (PS/kg)
  • Oportunidad de propiedad exclusiva con solo 27 unidades planeadas para la venta

10 de agosto de 2022 – Circuito de Donington Park, Reino Unido:  Esta semana, el fabricante neozelandés de automóviles de alto rendimiento Rodin Cars ha anunciado que su nuevo hipercoche de pista, el Rodin FZERO, está entrando oficialmente en producción.

Tres años después de que se revelara por primera vez como la próxima aventura de Rodin, la compañía con visión de futuro ha publicado más detalles de producción de FZERO, incluidas algunas especificaciones impresionantes, una fecha de lanzamiento y la presentación pública de los principales componentes completos del vehículo en su sala de exhibición de Donington Park.

El automóvil más ambicioso y esperado de Rodin hasta el momento, el FZERO continúa donde lo dejó el modelo anterior, el FZED. Donde el propósito del FZED es brindar una experiencia de conducción alineada con estar detrás del volante de un automóvil de Fórmula Uno moderno, el FZERO da un paso más allá, con el objetivo de ser lo último en rendimiento en la pista, mucho más allá de lo que se ha visto antes.

Construir un automóvil sin las restricciones de las leyes viales o las regulaciones de las series de carreras significa que puede desarrollarse sin límites, lo que permite un rendimiento que de otro modo sería inalcanzable. El único objetivo del Rodin FZERO es ser el coche más rápido en circuito, sin excepción.

“El Rodin FZERO es la representación física de las alturas máximas en rendimiento de vehículos. Sin las restricciones de construir según un conjunto de reglas, podemos hacer que el automóvil sea más liviano, más potente y produzca una carga aerodinámica significativamente mayor. Las únicas restricciones reales a las que nos enfrentamos son las leyes de la física, e incluso las hemos llevado al límite absoluto. Esperamos llevar la experiencia de conducción más intensa que se pueda concebir a las pistas de todo el mundo”.
David Dicker, fundador de Rodin Cars

El Rodin FZERO estará disponible para los clientes en una configuración de su elección, lo que les permitirá personalizar aspectos específicos del automóvil en función de su estilo de conducción y la pista en la que lo utilizarán. Además, los propietarios de Rodin reciben acceso a servicios personalizados de ropa de carreras, almacenamiento y entrega de vehículos, y capacitación completa para conductores en las pintorescas pistas de carreras privadas de Rodin.

Con sede en Nueva Zelanda, David Dicker ha creado Rodin Cars desde cero, lo que ha dado como resultado posiblemente la instalación de fabricación de vehículos más exclusiva y técnicamente avanzada del mundo. Ubicado en una propiedad remota de 550 hectáreas en la Isla Sur, a la sombra de una cadena montañosa irregular, el sitio impresionante, completo con una planta de fabricación, instalaciones de construcción, recursos de impresión 3D líderes en el mundo y tres pistas de prueba, ciertamente tiene las credenciales. para lograr la visión de la compañía: construir el automóvil más rápido del mundo.

27 Rodin FZERO estarán disponibles para los compradores, y el primero saldrá de la línea de montaje en el verano del próximo año.


Dado que el automóvil está hecho para atacar los tiempos de vuelta, el énfasis del FZERO está en el peso y la aerodinámica del flujo de aire. El chasis está construido desde el morro hasta la cola con compuesto de fibra de carbono, y todos los componentes se fabrican in situ en Rodin Cars.

Longitud 5500mm
Ancho 2200mm
Altura 1130 mm
Riel, Delantero 1852mm
Pista, Trasero 1790mm
distancia entre ejes 3000mm


Diseñado y desarrollado desde cero por Rodin Cars y en conjunto con el famoso fabricante de motores Neil Brown Engineering, el Rodin FZERO está propulsado por un revolucionario motor V10 biturbo de 4.0 litros con la ayuda de una unidad de energía eléctrica.

Con solo 132 kg, el motor llamado RCTEN está diseñado para ser el V10 más liviano y compacto jamás construido. Un logro muy impresionante dado que el motor no ha comprometido la potencia, aún produce un par combinado de 1176 PS y 1026 Nm. Todo mientras acelera hasta las 10.000 rpm.

DESPLAZAMIENTO [cc] 4.000 cc no creado para aburrirse a 4,5 l o 5,0 l
POTENCIA MÁXIMA DEL MOTOR [CV] a rpm 1000 a 9000 rpm
PAR MÁXIMO DEL MOTOR [Nm]@rpm 910 a 7250 rpm
DIÁMETRO [mm] x CARRERA [mm] 86 mm x 68,8 mm
INYECCIÓN DE COMBUSTIBLE Bosch directo funcionando a 200 bar
ACELERADOR Drive-by-wire de Bosch
PESO TOTAL DE LA UNIDAD [kg] 132 kg sin incluir los sistemas de admisión y escape
Potencia del motor híbrido 130kW


Una unidad de caja de cambios a medida fabricada en conjunto con Ricardo UK le da al FZERO 8 marchas y solo agrega poco menos de 66 kg. La caja de cambios está encerrada en una caja impresa en 3D de titanio, impresa in situ en las instalaciones de impresión 3D de última generación de Rodin Cars.

El diferencial es hidráulico y controlado por computadora.

Con un peso de solo 698 kg, el FZERO tiene una gran capacidad de respuesta con una fuerza de frenado mínima. Sin embargo, el coche ha sido equipado con frenos PFC Carbon-Carbon de 380 mm delanteros y traseros, con pinzas de titanio (delanteros de 6 pistones y traseros de 4 pistones). El sistema de frenos tiene ABS y control de tracción.

No solo se utilizan para detener el automóvil, los frenos también ofrecen frenado regenerativo del sistema híbrido.

Las ruedas son un conjunto personalizado de llantas de magnesio forjado de 18 pulgadas, fabricadas en conjunto con OZ Racing y producidas según los estándares de la F1. Las llantas son de 18 x 14 pulgadas en la parte delantera y de 18 x 16 pulgadas en la parte trasera.

Los neumáticos son un compuesto totalmente resbaladizo con especificaciones de carrera desarrollado por Avon y se pueden cambiar según el clima.

Las enormes alas y el piso del FZERO son capaces de producir hasta 4000 kg de carga aerodinámica, lo que, en comparación con el peso del auto de solo 698 kg, es impresionante.


Rodin Cars representa la visión de toda la vida del fundador, David Dicker.

Después de años de perfeccionar el diseño de un automóvil de pista de un solo asiento, el Rodin FZERO, el proyecto Rodin Cars autofinanciado se estableció oficialmente con una fuerza laboral de ingeniería de tiempo completo en 2016 en la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda.

El programa se expandió con la adquisición del programa Lotus T125 cercano a la madurez por parte de Dicker casi al mismo tiempo. Durante tres años, Rodin Cars ha perfeccionado el concepto de vehículos abiertos. Hoy, ese vehículo ha sido reinventado, rediseñado y rediseñado en el Rodin FZED.

Su lanzamiento anuncia la introducción de una categoría completamente nueva en la conducción de alto rendimiento: un segmento dedicado a los autos de pista de ruedas abiertas de alto rendimiento.

El compromiso de Rodin Cars con la excelencia, el enfoque en la ingeniería de alta precisión y sus componentes de alto rendimiento hechos a mano se han desarrollado teniendo en cuenta las carreras puras.

Rodin Cars es un constructor de automóviles emergente de alta tecnología y alto rendimiento que desarrolla los mejores autos de pista para los pilotos y corredores más serios del mundo.

El Rodin FZERO , que aún no se ha lanzado oficialmente, ha sido diseñado para dar vueltas en un circuito más rápido que un corredor de Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 actual. Con la ingeniería que cambia la industria incorporada en cada componente, se proyecta que el prototipo Rodin FZERO se complete a finales de este año.


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Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

  • Rodin Cars reveal track weapon as their second model since the manufacturer’s inception
  • Capable of speeds exceeding 360 kph
  • Built for those looking for the fastest experience available on track, without the limitations of road or racing regulations
  • 1176 horsepower from an all-new 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo hybrid motor, built and designed from the ground up to Rodin Cars specifications
  • With a weight of just 698kg wet, the car is expected to have a power-to-weight ratio of 1.662 (PS/kg)
  • Exclusive ownership opportunity with only 27 units planned for sale

10 August 2022 – Donington Park Circuit, UK: This week, New Zealand performance car manufacturer Rodin Cars has announced that their new track hypercar, The Rodin FZERO, is officially entering production.

Three years after it was first revealed as Rodin’s next venture, the forward-thinking company has released more FZERO production details, including some impressive specs, a release date and the public unveiling of major completed vehicle components at their Donington Park showroom.

Rodin’s most ambitious and eagerly anticipated car yet, the FZERO continues where the previous model, the FZED, left off. Where the purpose of the FZED is to deliver a driver experience aligned with being behind the wheel of a modern Formula One car, the FZERO takes that a leap further, aiming to be the ultimate in track performance, far beyond that of anything seen before.

Building a car without restrictions of road laws or race series regulations, means it can be developed with no limits, allowing for performance that would otherwise be unobtainable. The singular goal of the Rodin FZERO is to be the fastest car around track, without exception.

“The Rodin FZERO is the physical representation of the ultimate heights in vehicle performance. Without the restrictions of building to a set of rules, we are able to make the car lighter, more powerful, and produce significantly more downforce. The only real restrictions we face are the laws of physics, and we have even pushed those to the absolute limit. We look forward to bringing the most intense driving experience conceivable to tracks around the world.”
David Dicker, Founder of Rodin Cars

The Rodin FZERO will be available to customers in a configuration of their choice, allowing them to customize specific aspects of the car based on their driving style and the track on which they will be using it. In addition, Rodin owners receive access to custom racewear services, vehicle storage and delivery, and full driver training at Rodin’s picturesque private race tracks.

Based in New Zealand, David Dicker has crafted Rodin Cars from the ground up, resulting in possibly the most unique and technically advanced vehicle manufacturing facility in the world. Located on a remote 550-hectare property in the South Island, in the shadow of a jagged mountain range, the impressive site, complete with a manufacturing plant, build facility, world-leading 3D printing resources and three test tracks, certainly has the credentials to achieve the company’s vision – to build the fastest car on earth.

27 Rodin FZEROs will be available to buyers, with the first coming off the assembly line in the summer of next year.


As the car is made to attack lap times, the emphasis of the FZERO is on weight and airflow aerodynamics. The chassis is constructed from nose to tail of carbon fibre composite, with all components manufactured on site at Rodin Cars.

  Length 5500 mm
  Width 2200 mm
  Height 1130mm
  Track, Front 1852 mm
  Track, Rear 1790 mm
  Wheelbase 3000 mm


Designed and developed from the ground up by Rodin Cars and in conjunction with famed engine manufacturer Neil Brown Engineering, the Rodin FZERO is powered by a revolutionary 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo engine with the assistance of an electric power unit.

At just 132 kg, the engine named the RCTEN, is designed to be the lightest and most compact V10 ever built. A very impressive accomplishment given the engine hasn’t compromised on power, still producing a combined 1176 PS and 1026 Nm of torque. All whilst revving all the way up to 10,000 rpm.

DISPLACEMENT [cc] 4,000cc not created to be bored to 4.5L or 5.0L
MAX ENGINE POWER [PS]@ rpm 1000 @ 9000 rpm
MAX ENGINE TORQUE [Nm]@ rpm 910 @ 7250 rpm
MAX ENGINE SPEED [rpm] 10,000 rpm
BORE [mm] x STROKE [mm] 86 mm x 68.8 mm
FUEL INJECTION Direct Bosch running at 200 bar
THROTTLE Bosch drive-by-wire
OVERALL UNIT WEIGHT [kg] 132 kg not including intake and exhaust systems
Hybrid motor power 130kW


A bespoke gearbox unit manufactured in conjunction with Ricardo UK gives the FZERO 8 gears whilst only adding just under 66kg. The gearbox is encased in a titanium 3D printed case, printed on site in Rodin Cars’ state-of-the-art 3D printing facility.

The differential is hydraulic, and computer controlled.

Weighing just 698kg, the FZERO is ultra-responsive to minimal braking force. However, the car has been equipped with front and rear 380mm PFC Carbon-Carbon brakes, with Titanium callipers (6-piston front and 4-piston rear). The braking system has both ABS and traction control.

Not just used for stopping the car, the brakes also offer regenerative braking from the hybrid system.

The wheels are a bespoke set of 18-inch forged magnesium rims, manufactured in conjunction with OZ Racing and produced to F1 standards. The rims are 18 x 14-inch at the front and 18” x 16-inch at the rear.

The tyres are a race-spec full-slick compound developed by Avon and can be changed depending on weather.

The massive wings and floor of the FZERO are capable of producing up to 4000kg of downforce, which when compared to the cars weight of just 698kg is impressive.


Rodin Cars represents the life-long vision of founder, David Dicker.

After years of perfecting the design of a single-seat track car, the Rodin FZERO, the self-funded Rodin Cars project was officially established with a full-time engineering workforce in 2016 in the South Island of New Zealand.

The program expanded with the acquisition of the close-to-maturity Lotus T125 program by Dicker around the same time. For three years Rodin Cars has honed and perfected the open-wheeler concept. Today, that vehicle has been reimagined, redesigned and re-engineered into the Rodin FZED.

Its launch heralds the introduction of an all-new category in high-performance driving – a segment dedicated to high-performance open-wheel track cars.

Rodin Cars’ commitment to excellence, focus on high-precision engineering, and its hand-crafted, high-performance components have been developed with pure racing in mind.

Rodin Cars is an emerging high-technology, high-performance car constructor developing the ultimate track cars for the world’s most serious drivers and racers.

The yet-to-be officially released Rodin FZERO has been engineered to lap a circuit faster than a current Grand Prix Formula 1 racer. With industry-changing engineering being built into every component, the Rodin FZERO prototype is projected for completion later this year.


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Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

  • Rodin Cars reveal track weapon as their second model since the manufacturer’s inception
  • Capable of speeds exceeding 360 kph
  • Built for those looking for the fastest experience available on track, without the limitations of road or racing regulations
  • 1176 horsepower from an all-new 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo hybrid motor, built and designed from the ground up to Rodin Cars specifications
  • With a weight of just 698kg wet, the car is expected to have a power-to-weight ratio of 1.662 (PS/kg)
  • Exclusive ownership opportunity with only 27 units planned for sale

10 August 2022 – Donington Park Circuit, UK: This week, New Zealand performance car manufacturer Rodin Cars has announced that their new track hypercar, The Rodin FZERO, is officially entering production.

Three years after it was first revealed as Rodin’s next venture, the forward-thinking company has released more FZERO production details, including some impressive specs, a release date and the public unveiling of major completed vehicle components at their Donington Park showroom.

Rodin’s most ambitious and eagerly anticipated car yet, the FZERO continues where the previous model, the FZED, left off. Where the purpose of the FZED is to deliver a driver experience aligned with being behind the wheel of a modern Formula One car, the FZERO takes that a leap further, aiming to be the ultimate in track performance, far beyond that of anything seen before.

Building a car without restrictions of road laws or race series regulations, means it can be developed with no limits, allowing for performance that would otherwise be unobtainable. The singular goal of the Rodin FZERO is to be the fastest car around track, without exception.

“The Rodin FZERO is the physical representation of the ultimate heights in vehicle performance. Without the restrictions of building to a set of rules, we are able to make the car lighter, more powerful, and produce significantly more downforce. The only real restrictions we face are the laws of physics, and we have even pushed those to the absolute limit. We look forward to bringing the most intense driving experience conceivable to tracks around the world.”
David Dicker, Founder of Rodin Cars

The Rodin FZERO will be available to customers in a configuration of their choice, allowing them to customize specific aspects of the car based on their driving style and the track on which they will be using it. In addition, Rodin owners receive access to custom racewear services, vehicle storage and delivery, and full driver training at Rodin’s picturesque private race tracks.

Based in New Zealand, David Dicker has crafted Rodin Cars from the ground up, resulting in possibly the most unique and technically advanced vehicle manufacturing facility in the world. Located on a remote 550-hectare property in the South Island, in the shadow of a jagged mountain range, the impressive site, complete with a manufacturing plant, build facility, world-leading 3D printing resources and three test tracks, certainly has the credentials to achieve the company’s vision – to build the fastest car on earth.

27 Rodin FZEROs will be available to buyers, with the first coming off the assembly line in the summer of next year.


As the car is made to attack lap times, the emphasis of the FZERO is on weight and airflow aerodynamics. The chassis is constructed from nose to tail of carbon fibre composite, with all components manufactured on site at Rodin Cars.

  Length 5500 mm
  Width 2200 mm
  Height 1130mm
  Track, Front 1852 mm
  Track, Rear 1790 mm
  Wheelbase 3000 mm


Designed and developed from the ground up by Rodin Cars and in conjunction with famed engine manufacturer Neil Brown Engineering, the Rodin FZERO is powered by a revolutionary 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo engine with the assistance of an electric power unit.

At just 132 kg, the engine named the RCTEN, is designed to be the lightest and most compact V10 ever built. A very impressive accomplishment given the engine hasn’t compromised on power, still producing a combined 1176 PS and 1026 Nm of torque. All whilst revving all the way up to 10,000 rpm.

DISPLACEMENT [cc] 4,000cc not created to be bored to 4.5L or 5.0L
MAX ENGINE POWER [PS]@ rpm 1000 @ 9000 rpm
MAX ENGINE TORQUE [Nm]@ rpm 910 @ 7250 rpm
MAX ENGINE SPEED [rpm] 10,000 rpm
BORE [mm] x STROKE [mm] 86 mm x 68.8 mm
FUEL INJECTION Direct Bosch running at 200 bar
THROTTLE Bosch drive-by-wire
OVERALL UNIT WEIGHT [kg] 132 kg not including intake and exhaust systems
Hybrid motor power 130kW


A bespoke gearbox unit manufactured in conjunction with Ricardo UK gives the FZERO 8 gears whilst only adding just under 66kg. The gearbox is encased in a titanium 3D printed case, printed on site in Rodin Cars’ state-of-the-art 3D printing facility.

The differential is hydraulic, and computer controlled.

Weighing just 698kg, the FZERO is ultra-responsive to minimal braking force. However, the car has been equipped with front and rear 380mm PFC Carbon-Carbon brakes, with Titanium callipers (6-piston front and 4-piston rear). The braking system has both ABS and traction control.

Not just used for stopping the car, the brakes also offer regenerative braking from the hybrid system.

The wheels are a bespoke set of 18-inch forged magnesium rims, manufactured in conjunction with OZ Racing and produced to F1 standards. The rims are 18 x 14-inch at the front and 18” x 16-inch at the rear.

The tyres are a race-spec full-slick compound developed by Avon and can be changed depending on weather.

The massive wings and floor of the FZERO are capable of producing up to 4000kg of downforce, which when compared to the cars weight of just 698kg is impressive.


Rodin Cars represents the life-long vision of founder, David Dicker.

After years of perfecting the design of a single-seat track car, the Rodin FZERO, the self-funded Rodin Cars project was officially established with a full-time engineering workforce in 2016 in the South Island of New Zealand.

The program expanded with the acquisition of the close-to-maturity Lotus T125 program by Dicker around the same time. For three years Rodin Cars has honed and perfected the open-wheeler concept. Today, that vehicle has been reimagined, redesigned and re-engineered into the Rodin FZED.

Its launch heralds the introduction of an all-new category in high-performance driving – a segment dedicated to high-performance open-wheel track cars.

Rodin Cars’ commitment to excellence, focus on high-precision engineering, and its hand-crafted, high-performance components have been developed with pure racing in mind.

Rodin Cars is an emerging high-technology, high-performance car constructor developing the ultimate track cars for the world’s most serious drivers and racers.

The yet-to-be officially released Rodin FZERO has been engineered to lap a circuit faster than a current Grand Prix Formula 1 racer. With industry-changing engineering being built into every component, the Rodin FZERO prototype is projected for completion later this year.


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Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

  • Rodin Cars reveal track weapon as their second model since the manufacturer’s inception
  • Capable of speeds exceeding 360 kph
  • Built for those looking for the fastest experience available on track, without the limitations of road or racing regulations
  • 1176 horsepower from an all-new 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo hybrid motor, built and designed from the ground up to Rodin Cars specifications
  • With a weight of just 698kg wet, the car is expected to have a power-to-weight ratio of 1.662 (PS/kg)
  • Exclusive ownership opportunity with only 27 units planned for sale

10 August 2022 – Donington Park Circuit, UK: This week, New Zealand performance car manufacturer Rodin Cars has announced that their new track hypercar, The Rodin FZERO, is officially entering production.

Three years after it was first revealed as Rodin’s next venture, the forward-thinking company has released more FZERO production details, including some impressive specs, a release date and the public unveiling of major completed vehicle components at their Donington Park showroom.

Rodin’s most ambitious and eagerly anticipated car yet, the FZERO continues where the previous model, the FZED, left off. Where the purpose of the FZED is to deliver a driver experience aligned with being behind the wheel of a modern Formula One car, the FZERO takes that a leap further, aiming to be the ultimate in track performance, far beyond that of anything seen before.

Building a car without restrictions of road laws or race series regulations, means it can be developed with no limits, allowing for performance that would otherwise be unobtainable. The singular goal of the Rodin FZERO is to be the fastest car around track, without exception.

“The Rodin FZERO is the physical representation of the ultimate heights in vehicle performance. Without the restrictions of building to a set of rules, we are able to make the car lighter, more powerful, and produce significantly more downforce. The only real restrictions we face are the laws of physics, and we have even pushed those to the absolute limit. We look forward to bringing the most intense driving experience conceivable to tracks around the world.”
David Dicker, Founder of Rodin Cars

The Rodin FZERO will be available to customers in a configuration of their choice, allowing them to customize specific aspects of the car based on their driving style and the track on which they will be using it. In addition, Rodin owners receive access to custom racewear services, vehicle storage and delivery, and full driver training at Rodin’s picturesque private race tracks.

Based in New Zealand, David Dicker has crafted Rodin Cars from the ground up, resulting in possibly the most unique and technically advanced vehicle manufacturing facility in the world. Located on a remote 550-hectare property in the South Island, in the shadow of a jagged mountain range, the impressive site, complete with a manufacturing plant, build facility, world-leading 3D printing resources and three test tracks, certainly has the credentials to achieve the company’s vision – to build the fastest car on earth.

27 Rodin FZEROs will be available to buyers, with the first coming off the assembly line in the summer of next year.


As the car is made to attack lap times, the emphasis of the FZERO is on weight and airflow aerodynamics. The chassis is constructed from nose to tail of carbon fibre composite, with all components manufactured on site at Rodin Cars.

  Length 5500 mm
  Width 2200 mm
  Height 1130mm
  Track, Front 1852 mm
  Track, Rear 1790 mm
  Wheelbase 3000 mm


Designed and developed from the ground up by Rodin Cars and in conjunction with famed engine manufacturer Neil Brown Engineering, the Rodin FZERO is powered by a revolutionary 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo engine with the assistance of an electric power unit.

At just 132 kg, the engine named the RCTEN, is designed to be the lightest and most compact V10 ever built. A very impressive accomplishment given the engine hasn’t compromised on power, still producing a combined 1176 PS and 1026 Nm of torque. All whilst revving all the way up to 10,000 rpm.

DISPLACEMENT [cc] 4,000cc not created to be bored to 4.5L or 5.0L
MAX ENGINE POWER [PS]@ rpm 1000 @ 9000 rpm
MAX ENGINE TORQUE [Nm]@ rpm 910 @ 7250 rpm
MAX ENGINE SPEED [rpm] 10,000 rpm
BORE [mm] x STROKE [mm] 86 mm x 68.8 mm
FUEL INJECTION Direct Bosch running at 200 bar
THROTTLE Bosch drive-by-wire
OVERALL UNIT WEIGHT [kg] 132 kg not including intake and exhaust systems
Hybrid motor power 130kW


A bespoke gearbox unit manufactured in conjunction with Ricardo UK gives the FZERO 8 gears whilst only adding just under 66kg. The gearbox is encased in a titanium 3D printed case, printed on site in Rodin Cars’ state-of-the-art 3D printing facility.

The differential is hydraulic, and computer controlled.

Weighing just 698kg, the FZERO is ultra-responsive to minimal braking force. However, the car has been equipped with front and rear 380mm PFC Carbon-Carbon brakes, with Titanium callipers (6-piston front and 4-piston rear). The braking system has both ABS and traction control.

Not just used for stopping the car, the brakes also offer regenerative braking from the hybrid system.

The wheels are a bespoke set of 18-inch forged magnesium rims, manufactured in conjunction with OZ Racing and produced to F1 standards. The rims are 18 x 14-inch at the front and 18” x 16-inch at the rear.

The tyres are a race-spec full-slick compound developed by Avon and can be changed depending on weather.

The massive wings and floor of the FZERO are capable of producing up to 4000kg of downforce, which when compared to the cars weight of just 698kg is impressive.


Rodin Cars represents the life-long vision of founder, David Dicker.

After years of perfecting the design of a single-seat track car, the Rodin FZERO, the self-funded Rodin Cars project was officially established with a full-time engineering workforce in 2016 in the South Island of New Zealand.

The program expanded with the acquisition of the close-to-maturity Lotus T125 program by Dicker around the same time. For three years Rodin Cars has honed and perfected the open-wheeler concept. Today, that vehicle has been reimagined, redesigned and re-engineered into the Rodin FZED.

Its launch heralds the introduction of an all-new category in high-performance driving – a segment dedicated to high-performance open-wheel track cars.

Rodin Cars’ commitment to excellence, focus on high-precision engineering, and its hand-crafted, high-performance components have been developed with pure racing in mind.

Rodin Cars is an emerging high-technology, high-performance car constructor developing the ultimate track cars for the world’s most serious drivers and racers.

The yet-to-be officially released Rodin FZERO has been engineered to lap a circuit faster than a current Grand Prix Formula 1 racer. With industry-changing engineering being built into every component, the Rodin FZERO prototype is projected for completion later this year.


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Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

  • Rodin Cars reveal track weapon as their second model since the manufacturer’s inception
  • Capable of speeds exceeding 360 kph
  • Built for those looking for the fastest experience available on track, without the limitations of road or racing regulations
  • 1176 horsepower from an all-new 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo hybrid motor, built and designed from the ground up to Rodin Cars specifications
  • With a weight of just 698kg wet, the car is expected to have a power-to-weight ratio of 1.662 (PS/kg)
  • Exclusive ownership opportunity with only 27 units planned for sale

10 August 2022 – Donington Park Circuit, UK: This week, New Zealand performance car manufacturer Rodin Cars has announced that their new track hypercar, The Rodin FZERO, is officially entering production.

Three years after it was first revealed as Rodin’s next venture, the forward-thinking company has released more FZERO production details, including some impressive specs, a release date and the public unveiling of major completed vehicle components at their Donington Park showroom.

Rodin’s most ambitious and eagerly anticipated car yet, the FZERO continues where the previous model, the FZED, left off. Where the purpose of the FZED is to deliver a driver experience aligned with being behind the wheel of a modern Formula One car, the FZERO takes that a leap further, aiming to be the ultimate in track performance, far beyond that of anything seen before.

Building a car without restrictions of road laws or race series regulations, means it can be developed with no limits, allowing for performance that would otherwise be unobtainable. The singular goal of the Rodin FZERO is to be the fastest car around track, without exception.

“The Rodin FZERO is the physical representation of the ultimate heights in vehicle performance. Without the restrictions of building to a set of rules, we are able to make the car lighter, more powerful, and produce significantly more downforce. The only real restrictions we face are the laws of physics, and we have even pushed those to the absolute limit. We look forward to bringing the most intense driving experience conceivable to tracks around the world.”
David Dicker, Founder of Rodin Cars

The Rodin FZERO will be available to customers in a configuration of their choice, allowing them to customize specific aspects of the car based on their driving style and the track on which they will be using it. In addition, Rodin owners receive access to custom racewear services, vehicle storage and delivery, and full driver training at Rodin’s picturesque private race tracks.

Based in New Zealand, David Dicker has crafted Rodin Cars from the ground up, resulting in possibly the most unique and technically advanced vehicle manufacturing facility in the world. Located on a remote 550-hectare property in the South Island, in the shadow of a jagged mountain range, the impressive site, complete with a manufacturing plant, build facility, world-leading 3D printing resources and three test tracks, certainly has the credentials to achieve the company’s vision – to build the fastest car on earth.

27 Rodin FZEROs will be available to buyers, with the first coming off the assembly line in the summer of next year.


As the car is made to attack lap times, the emphasis of the FZERO is on weight and airflow aerodynamics. The chassis is constructed from nose to tail of carbon fibre composite, with all components manufactured on site at Rodin Cars.

  Length 5500 mm
  Width 2200 mm
  Height 1130mm
  Track, Front 1852 mm
  Track, Rear 1790 mm
  Wheelbase 3000 mm


Designed and developed from the ground up by Rodin Cars and in conjunction with famed engine manufacturer Neil Brown Engineering, the Rodin FZERO is powered by a revolutionary 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo engine with the assistance of an electric power unit.

At just 132 kg, the engine named the RCTEN, is designed to be the lightest and most compact V10 ever built. A very impressive accomplishment given the engine hasn’t compromised on power, still producing a combined 1176 PS and 1026 Nm of torque. All whilst revving all the way up to 10,000 rpm.

DISPLACEMENT [cc] 4,000cc not created to be bored to 4.5L or 5.0L
MAX ENGINE POWER [PS]@ rpm 1000 @ 9000 rpm
MAX ENGINE TORQUE [Nm]@ rpm 910 @ 7250 rpm
MAX ENGINE SPEED [rpm] 10,000 rpm
BORE [mm] x STROKE [mm] 86 mm x 68.8 mm
FUEL INJECTION Direct Bosch running at 200 bar
THROTTLE Bosch drive-by-wire
OVERALL UNIT WEIGHT [kg] 132 kg not including intake and exhaust systems
Hybrid motor power 130kW


A bespoke gearbox unit manufactured in conjunction with Ricardo UK gives the FZERO 8 gears whilst only adding just under 66kg. The gearbox is encased in a titanium 3D printed case, printed on site in Rodin Cars’ state-of-the-art 3D printing facility.

The differential is hydraulic, and computer controlled.

Weighing just 698kg, the FZERO is ultra-responsive to minimal braking force. However, the car has been equipped with front and rear 380mm PFC Carbon-Carbon brakes, with Titanium callipers (6-piston front and 4-piston rear). The braking system has both ABS and traction control.

Not just used for stopping the car, the brakes also offer regenerative braking from the hybrid system.

The wheels are a bespoke set of 18-inch forged magnesium rims, manufactured in conjunction with OZ Racing and produced to F1 standards. The rims are 18 x 14-inch at the front and 18” x 16-inch at the rear.

The tyres are a race-spec full-slick compound developed by Avon and can be changed depending on weather.

The massive wings and floor of the FZERO are capable of producing up to 4000kg of downforce, which when compared to the cars weight of just 698kg is impressive.


Rodin Cars represents the life-long vision of founder, David Dicker.

After years of perfecting the design of a single-seat track car, the Rodin FZERO, the self-funded Rodin Cars project was officially established with a full-time engineering workforce in 2016 in the South Island of New Zealand.

The program expanded with the acquisition of the close-to-maturity Lotus T125 program by Dicker around the same time. For three years Rodin Cars has honed and perfected the open-wheeler concept. Today, that vehicle has been reimagined, redesigned and re-engineered into the Rodin FZED.

Its launch heralds the introduction of an all-new category in high-performance driving – a segment dedicated to high-performance open-wheel track cars.

Rodin Cars’ commitment to excellence, focus on high-precision engineering, and its hand-crafted, high-performance components have been developed with pure racing in mind.

Rodin Cars is an emerging high-technology, high-performance car constructor developing the ultimate track cars for the world’s most serious drivers and racers.

The yet-to-be officially released Rodin FZERO has been engineered to lap a circuit faster than a current Grand Prix Formula 1 racer. With industry-changing engineering being built into every component, the Rodin FZERO prototype is projected for completion later this year.


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Rodin Cars anuncia oficialmente que el hipercoche de pista de menos de 700 kg de 1200 hp, el FZERO, llegará en 2023

Rodin Cars anuncia oficialmente que el hipercoche de pista de menos de 700 kg de 1200 hp, el FZERO, llegará en 2023

  • Rodin Cars revela Track Weapon como su segundo modelo desde la creación del fabricante
  • Capaz de velocidades superiores a 360 kph
  • Creado para aquellos que buscan la experiencia más rápida disponible en la pista, sin las limitaciones de las normas de carretera o de carreras.
  • 1176 caballos de fuerza de un nuevo motor híbrido biturbo V10 de 4.0 litros, construido y diseñado desde cero según las especificaciones de Rodin Cars
  • Con un peso de solo 698 kg en mojado, se espera que el automóvil tenga una relación potencia-peso de 1,662 (PS/kg)
  • Oportunidad de propiedad exclusiva con solo 27 unidades planeadas para la venta

10 de agosto de 2022 – Circuito de Donington Park, Reino Unido:  Esta semana, el fabricante neozelandés de automóviles de alto rendimiento Rodin Cars ha anunciado que su nuevo hipercoche de pista, el Rodin FZERO, está entrando oficialmente en producción.

Tres años después de que se revelara por primera vez como la próxima aventura de Rodin, la compañía con visión de futuro ha publicado más detalles de producción de FZERO, incluidas algunas especificaciones impresionantes, una fecha de lanzamiento y la presentación pública de los principales componentes completos del vehículo en su sala de exhibición de Donington Park.

El automóvil más ambicioso y esperado de Rodin hasta el momento, el FZERO continúa donde lo dejó el modelo anterior, el FZED. Donde el propósito del FZED es brindar una experiencia de conducción alineada con estar detrás del volante de un automóvil de Fórmula Uno moderno, el FZERO da un paso más allá, con el objetivo de ser lo último en rendimiento en la pista, mucho más allá de lo que se ha visto antes.

Construir un automóvil sin las restricciones de las leyes viales o las regulaciones de las series de carreras significa que puede desarrollarse sin límites, lo que permite un rendimiento que de otro modo sería inalcanzable. El único objetivo del Rodin FZERO es ser el coche más rápido en circuito, sin excepción.

“El Rodin FZERO es la representación física de las alturas máximas en rendimiento de vehículos. Sin las restricciones de construir según un conjunto de reglas, podemos hacer que el automóvil sea más liviano, más potente y produzca una carga aerodinámica significativamente mayor. Las únicas restricciones reales a las que nos enfrentamos son las leyes de la física, e incluso las hemos llevado al límite absoluto. Esperamos llevar la experiencia de conducción más intensa que se pueda concebir a las pistas de todo el mundo”.
David Dicker, fundador de Rodin Cars

El Rodin FZERO estará disponible para los clientes en una configuración de su elección, lo que les permitirá personalizar aspectos específicos del automóvil en función de su estilo de conducción y la pista en la que lo utilizarán. Además, los propietarios de Rodin reciben acceso a servicios personalizados de ropa de carreras, almacenamiento y entrega de vehículos, y capacitación completa para conductores en las pintorescas pistas de carreras privadas de Rodin.

Con sede en Nueva Zelanda, David Dicker ha creado Rodin Cars desde cero, lo que ha dado como resultado posiblemente la instalación de fabricación de vehículos más exclusiva y técnicamente avanzada del mundo. Ubicado en una propiedad remota de 550 hectáreas en la Isla Sur, a la sombra de una cadena montañosa irregular, el sitio impresionante, completo con una planta de fabricación, instalaciones de construcción, recursos de impresión 3D líderes en el mundo y tres pistas de prueba, ciertamente tiene las credenciales. para lograr la visión de la compañía: construir el automóvil más rápido del mundo.

27 Rodin FZERO estarán disponibles para los compradores, y el primero saldrá de la línea de montaje en el verano del próximo año.


Dado que el automóvil está hecho para atacar los tiempos de vuelta, el énfasis del FZERO está en el peso y la aerodinámica del flujo de aire. El chasis está construido desde el morro hasta la cola con compuesto de fibra de carbono, y todos los componentes se fabrican in situ en Rodin Cars.

Longitud 5500mm
Ancho 2200mm
Altura 1130 mm
Riel, Delantero 1852mm
Pista, Trasero 1790mm
distancia entre ejes 3000mm


Diseñado y desarrollado desde cero por Rodin Cars y en conjunto con el famoso fabricante de motores Neil Brown Engineering, el Rodin FZERO está propulsado por un revolucionario motor V10 biturbo de 4.0 litros con la ayuda de una unidad de energía eléctrica.

Con solo 132 kg, el motor llamado RCTEN está diseñado para ser el V10 más liviano y compacto jamás construido. Un logro muy impresionante dado que el motor no ha comprometido la potencia, aún produce un par combinado de 1176 PS y 1026 Nm. Todo mientras acelera hasta las 10.000 rpm.

DESPLAZAMIENTO [cc] 4.000 cc no creado para aburrirse a 4,5 l o 5,0 l
POTENCIA MÁXIMA DEL MOTOR [CV] a rpm 1000 a 9000 rpm
PAR MÁXIMO DEL MOTOR [Nm]@rpm 910 a 7250 rpm
DIÁMETRO [mm] x CARRERA [mm] 86 mm x 68,8 mm
INYECCIÓN DE COMBUSTIBLE Bosch directo funcionando a 200 bar
ACELERADOR Drive-by-wire de Bosch
PESO TOTAL DE LA UNIDAD [kg] 132 kg sin incluir los sistemas de admisión y escape
Potencia del motor híbrido 130kW


Una unidad de caja de cambios a medida fabricada en conjunto con Ricardo UK le da al FZERO 8 marchas y solo agrega poco menos de 66 kg. La caja de cambios está encerrada en una caja impresa en 3D de titanio, impresa in situ en las instalaciones de impresión 3D de última generación de Rodin Cars.

El diferencial es hidráulico y controlado por computadora.

Con un peso de solo 698 kg, el FZERO tiene una gran capacidad de respuesta con una fuerza de frenado mínima. Sin embargo, el coche ha sido equipado con frenos PFC Carbon-Carbon de 380 mm delanteros y traseros, con pinzas de titanio (delanteros de 6 pistones y traseros de 4 pistones). El sistema de frenos tiene ABS y control de tracción.

No solo se utilizan para detener el automóvil, los frenos también ofrecen frenado regenerativo del sistema híbrido.

Las ruedas son un conjunto personalizado de llantas de magnesio forjado de 18 pulgadas, fabricadas en conjunto con OZ Racing y producidas según los estándares de la F1. Las llantas son de 18 x 14 pulgadas en la parte delantera y de 18 x 16 pulgadas en la parte trasera.

Los neumáticos son un compuesto totalmente resbaladizo con especificaciones de carrera desarrollado por Avon y se pueden cambiar según el clima.

Las enormes alas y el piso del FZERO son capaces de producir hasta 4000 kg de carga aerodinámica, lo que, en comparación con el peso del auto de solo 698 kg, es impresionante.


Rodin Cars representa la visión de toda la vida del fundador, David Dicker.

Después de años de perfeccionar el diseño de un automóvil de pista de un solo asiento, el Rodin FZERO, el proyecto Rodin Cars autofinanciado se estableció oficialmente con una fuerza laboral de ingeniería de tiempo completo en 2016 en la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda.

El programa se expandió con la adquisición del programa Lotus T125 cercano a la madurez por parte de Dicker casi al mismo tiempo. Durante tres años, Rodin Cars ha perfeccionado el concepto de vehículos abiertos. Hoy, ese vehículo ha sido reinventado, rediseñado y rediseñado en el Rodin FZED.

Su lanzamiento anuncia la introducción de una categoría completamente nueva en la conducción de alto rendimiento: un segmento dedicado a los autos de pista de ruedas abiertas de alto rendimiento.

El compromiso de Rodin Cars con la excelencia, el enfoque en la ingeniería de alta precisión y sus componentes de alto rendimiento hechos a mano se han desarrollado teniendo en cuenta las carreras puras.

Rodin Cars es un constructor de automóviles emergente de alta tecnología y alto rendimiento que desarrolla los mejores autos de pista para los pilotos y corredores más serios del mundo.

El Rodin FZERO , que aún no se ha lanzado oficialmente, ha sido diseñado para dar vueltas en un circuito más rápido que un corredor de Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 actual. Con la ingeniería que cambia la industria incorporada en cada componente, se proyecta que el prototipo Rodin FZERO se complete a finales de este año.


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