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Sp80 presenta el diseño final del barco en busca del récord mundial de velocidad de navegación

Sp80 presenta el diseño final del barco en busca del récord mundial de velocidad de navegación

• El SP80 está listo para mostrarle al mundo el diseño final, que alcanzará los 80 nudos (150 km/h) impulsado por el viento.
• En construcción desde el verano de 2021, este barco futurista de 10 por 7 metros contará con dos pilotos.
• El “cohete marino” se lanzará a finales de año, con los primeros intentos de récord planeados para el verano de 2023.
• Ya patrocinado por la marca relojera suiza Richard Mille, SP80 está lanzando una campaña para identificar un grupo final de patrocinadores .

Del concepto a la realidad Establecido en 2018, SP80 ha estado coordinando la etapa crítica de la producción de embarcaciones durante los últimos 6 meses. Este velero con forma de nave espacial ha sido diseñado para alcanzar los 80 nudos (150 km/h), rompiendo el récord mundial de velocidad de navegación. Limitada por los requisitos de confidencialidad, la empresa suiza hasta ahora solo ha mostrado un concepto que permite a los espectadores comprender los principios de funcionamiento del barco, sin revelar ningún elemento de diseño definitivo.

Hoy, la construcción ha avanzado hasta la etapa en que el equipo se siente listo para revelar el diseño final. Si bien los principios siguen siendo los mismos, un velero extraordinario remolcado por una cometa, el barco será más grande que el concepto inicial (es decir, 10 m de largo y 7 m de ancho). Con una forma más elegante y líneas alargadas y agresivas, también se han refinado otros elementos para aumentar la estabilidad de la estructura; un punto clave en la estrategia de récord defendida por SP80. La joven empresa suiza está en camino de redefinir los códigos arquitectónicos del mundo de la navegación.

Una cabina con espacio para dos Recién terminado por el reconocido astillero Persico Marine, el casco principal llegará en abril a las instalaciones del SP80 en Renens (Suiza). Esta primera parte revela un elemento crucial de la cabina: puede llevar dos pilotos a bordo. Uno pilotará la cometa mientras que el otro dirigirá el bote. “Muy temprano en nuestra fase de desarrollo, estaba claro que estar solo a bordo no era una opción para acelerar con seguridad hasta 80 nudos”. – dice Benoît Gaudiot, cofundador y piloto. “¡A 150 km/h, es fundamental concentrarse en una sola tarea! Así, tendremos un piloto dirigiendo la cometa, mientras que un copiloto asegurará la trayectoria del barco. Sin embargo, a velocidades bajas, es decir, alrededor de 30 nudos, el barco se puede navegar solo, lo que nos permitirá dar la bienvenida a los pasajeros a bordo para experimentar algo extraordinario”. A 80 nudos, es fundamental garantizar la máxima seguridad para los pilotos. ¡La cabina ha sido diseñada para soportar aceleraciones de hasta 50G! También se ha reforzado con Kevlar® para proteger a sus ocupantes de posibles esquirlas de carbono en caso de colisión. Como un barco que navega a 150 km/h en el agua equivale a un Fórmula 1 en tierra, los pilotos irán equipados en consecuencia: asientos baquet, arneses de 6 puntos y cascos. 

En caso de emergencia, también tendrán a su disposición máscaras de oxígeno, ¡algo nunca antes visto en el mundo de la vela! los conductores estarán debidamente equipados: asientos baquet, arneses de 6 puntos y cascos. En caso de emergencia, también tendrán a su disposición máscaras de oxígeno, ¡algo nunca antes visto en el mundo de la vela! los conductores estarán debidamente equipados: asientos baquet, arneses de 6 puntos y cascos. En caso de emergencia, también tendrán a su disposición máscaras de oxígeno, ¡algo nunca antes visto en el mundo de la vela!
Calendario y próximos pasos Mientras el astillero continúa con la construcción de la manga y los flotadores, el equipo SP80 se hará cargo del casco principal e integrará todos los sistemas mecánicos. El montaje final del barco está previsto para el próximo otoño con una botadura oficial antes de finales de 2022. Tras unos meses de optimización y pruebas, los primeros intentos de récord tendrán lugar en el verano de 2023 en el sur de Francia.

Guiada por sólidos valores, la compañía ya ha asegurado varias asociaciones notables. Actualmente, el equipo está comenzando su última campaña de búsqueda de socios. Las investigaciones se centran en las marcas suizas, con el objetivo de crear colaboraciones que vayan más allá de los acuerdos de patrocinio.

“Gracias a nuestros socios actuales, hemos podido realizar este barco revolucionario con una fecha de lanzamiento a finales de este otoño”. – dice Mayeul van den Broek, cofundadora y directora de proyectos.
“2023 será un año decisivo, con los últimos preparativos para batir el récord de 80 nudos y hacer historia en la navegación. Actualmente estamos buscando las últimas alianzas financieras y técnicas para llevar la aventura hasta la meta. ¡Todo el equipo está muy orgulloso de que este concepto se haga realidad y estamos ansiosos por revelar y probar finalmente nuestro diseño final en el agua! ”

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Sp80 unveils final boat design in pursuit of the world Sailing Speed Record

Sp80 unveils final boat design in pursuit of the world Sailing Speed Record

• SP80 is ready to show the world the final design, which is set to reach 80 knots (150km/h) powered by the wind.
• Under construction since the summer of 2021, this futuristic 10 by 7 meter boat will feature two pilots.
• The “sea rocket” will be launched at the end of the year, with the first record attempts planned for thesummer of 2023.
• Already sponsored by the Swiss watchmaking brand Richard Mille, SP80 is launching a campaign to identify a final group of sponsors.

From concept to reality Established in 2018, SP80 has been coordinating the critical stage of the boat production over the last 6 months. This spaceship-like sailboat has been designed to reach 80 knots (150km/h), shattering the world sailing speed record. Limited by confidentiality requirements, the Swiss company has so far only shown a the concept that allows viewers to understand the boat’s operating principles, without revealing any definitive design elements.

Today, the construction has advanced to the stage where the team feels ready to reveal the final design. While the principles remain the same – an extraordinary sailboat towed by a kite – the boat will be bigger than the initial concept (i.e. 10m long and 7m wide). With a sleeker shape and stretched, aggressive lines, other elements have also been refined to increase the stability of the structure; a key point in the record-breaking strategy defended by SP80. The young Swiss company is on its way to redefine the architectural codes of the sailing world.

A cockpit with room for two Freshly finished by the renowned shipyard Persico Marine, the main hull will arrive in April to SP80’s premises in Renens (Switzerland). This first part reveals a crucial element of the cockpit: it can take two pilots on board. One will pilot the kite while the other will steer the boat. “Very early in our development phase, it was clear that being alone on board was not an option to accelerate safely up to 80 knots.” – says Benoît Gaudiot, co-founder and pilot. “At 150 km/h, it is essential to be focused on one task!We will thus have a pilot steering the kite, while a co-pilot will ensure the boat’s trajectory. However, at low speeds, that is around 30 knots, the boat can be sailed solo, which will allow us to welcome passengers onboard to experience something extraordinary !” At 80 knots, it is critical to ensure maximum safety for the pilots. The cockpit has been designed to withstand accelerations of up to 50G! It has also been reinforced with Kevlar® to protect its occupants from possible carbon shards in the event of a crash. As a boat sailing at 150km/h on water is equivalent to a Formula 1 on land, the drivers will be equipped accordingly: bucket seats, 6 point-harnesses and helmets. In case of emergency, they will also have oxygen masks at their disposal, something that has never been seen before in the sailing world!
Calendar and next steps While the shipyard continues the construction of the beam and floats, the SP80 team will take over the main hull and integrate all the mechanical systems. The final assembly of the boat is scheduled for next autumn with an official launch before the end of 2022. After a few months of optimisation and testing, the first record attempts will take place in summer 2023 in the south of France.

Guided by strong values, the company has already secured several notable partnerships. The team is currently beginning its final partnership search campaign. Investigations are focused on Swiss brands, with the goal to create collaborations that go beyond sponsorship agreements.

“Thanks to our current partners, we have been able to realise this revolutionary boat with a launch date later this autumn.” – says Mayeul van den Broek, co-founder and project manager.
“2023 will be a decisive year, with the final preparations to break the 80 knots record and make sailing history. We are currently looking for the last financial and technical partnerships to take the adventure to the finish line. The whole team is so proud to see this concept becoming a reality and we can’t wait to finally unveil and test our final design on the water! ”

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Sp80 unveils final boat design in pursuit of the world Sailing Speed Record

Sp80 unveils final boat design in pursuit of the world Sailing Speed Record

• SP80 is ready to show the world the final design, which is set to reach 80 knots (150km/h) powered by the wind.
• Under construction since the summer of 2021, this futuristic 10 by 7 meter boat will feature two pilots.
• The “sea rocket” will be launched at the end of the year, with the first record attempts planned for thesummer of 2023.
• Already sponsored by the Swiss watchmaking brand Richard Mille, SP80 is launching a campaign to identify a final group of sponsors.

From concept to reality Established in 2018, SP80 has been coordinating the critical stage of the boat production over the last 6 months. This spaceship-like sailboat has been designed to reach 80 knots (150km/h), shattering the world sailing speed record. Limited by confidentiality requirements, the Swiss company has so far only shown a the concept that allows viewers to understand the boat’s operating principles, without revealing any definitive design elements.

Today, the construction has advanced to the stage where the team feels ready to reveal the final design. While the principles remain the same – an extraordinary sailboat towed by a kite – the boat will be bigger than the initial concept (i.e. 10m long and 7m wide). With a sleeker shape and stretched, aggressive lines, other elements have also been refined to increase the stability of the structure; a key point in the record-breaking strategy defended by SP80. The young Swiss company is on its way to redefine the architectural codes of the sailing world.

A cockpit with room for two Freshly finished by the renowned shipyard Persico Marine, the main hull will arrive in April to SP80’s premises in Renens (Switzerland). This first part reveals a crucial element of the cockpit: it can take two pilots on board. One will pilot the kite while the other will steer the boat. “Very early in our development phase, it was clear that being alone on board was not an option to accelerate safely up to 80 knots.” – says Benoît Gaudiot, co-founder and pilot. “At 150 km/h, it is essential to be focused on one task!We will thus have a pilot steering the kite, while a co-pilot will ensure the boat’s trajectory. However, at low speeds, that is around 30 knots, the boat can be sailed solo, which will allow us to welcome passengers onboard to experience something extraordinary !” At 80 knots, it is critical to ensure maximum safety for the pilots. The cockpit has been designed to withstand accelerations of up to 50G! It has also been reinforced with Kevlar® to protect its occupants from possible carbon shards in the event of a crash. As a boat sailing at 150km/h on water is equivalent to a Formula 1 on land, the drivers will be equipped accordingly: bucket seats, 6 point-harnesses and helmets. In case of emergency, they will also have oxygen masks at their disposal, something that has never been seen before in the sailing world!
Calendar and next steps While the shipyard continues the construction of the beam and floats, the SP80 team will take over the main hull and integrate all the mechanical systems. The final assembly of the boat is scheduled for next autumn with an official launch before the end of 2022. After a few months of optimisation and testing, the first record attempts will take place in summer 2023 in the south of France.

Guided by strong values, the company has already secured several notable partnerships. The team is currently beginning its final partnership search campaign. Investigations are focused on Swiss brands, with the goal to create collaborations that go beyond sponsorship agreements.

“Thanks to our current partners, we have been able to realise this revolutionary boat with a launch date later this autumn.” – says Mayeul van den Broek, co-founder and project manager.
“2023 will be a decisive year, with the final preparations to break the 80 knots record and make sailing history. We are currently looking for the last financial and technical partnerships to take the adventure to the finish line. The whole team is so proud to see this concept becoming a reality and we can’t wait to finally unveil and test our final design on the water! ”

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