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La sostenibilidad se combina con el lujo y el hogar ecológico de Igbc NR HOUSE, NA ARQUITECTOS

En las vistas panorámicas de Jubilee Hills, India, se encuentra una residencia privada desarrollada a partir de las mentes creativas de la firma de arquitectos NA Architects. El proyecto de diseño de interiores se concibió como un espacio tipo galería, que implicaba no solo crear áreas abiertas claras sino también invitar a la luz hacia adentro, particularmente desde arriba. NR House se convirtió en el matrimonio perfecto para los muebles de declaración de Boca do Lobo.

La sostenibilidad se combina con el lujo y el hogar ecológico de


Private luxury home

Private luxury home

“Como arquitectos, el objetivo principal era lograr la sostenibilidad con lujo. Queríamos cambiar el concepto de sostenibilidad de manera simple y rústica. Queríamos mostrarle al mundo que los hogares sostenibles pueden ser lujosos. Al ser nuestra propia casa, queríamos experimentar con el concepto en nuestra casa “. – NA Architects, sobre NR House, que es el hogar de Niroop y Rupana Reddy, el arquitecto y diseñador de interiores respectivamente, detrás de esta residencia privada.

Private luxury home

Private luxury home

Una paleta orgánica, detalles en piedra semipreciosa y natural, características de agua en expansión y techos estructurados incrustados de diseño son las características más destacadas de esta residencia de lujo y sostenible. Las ventanas del triforio cuidadosamente colocadas lavan el interior con luz natural y brindan visiones enmarcadas del dosel de pinos en las laderas sobre la propiedad, lo que también ayudó a determinar la sección del techo ondulado.

La casa mantiene la necesidad constante de un flujo ilimitado de luz y aire, ventilación cruzada adecuada y vistas desde cada una de las habitaciones a la vegetación circundante.

luxury home

luxury home

El primer objetivo de NA Architects fue tratar de maximizar la percepción del espacio y la compañía logró garantizarlo mediante la creación de generosos espacios cubiertos al aire libre, que hacen sentir que los interiores se derraman hacia afuera.

luxury home

luxury home

Los acabados interiores contrastan el hormigón crudo y expresivo en el sofito. La materialidad natural enfatiza la arquitectura como una extensión del paisaje, mientras que el mármol micheal angelo hacia la parte posterior de la sala de estar acentúa la ilusión de profundidad, mejorando aún más la sensación de espacio.

luxury home

luxury home


Una puerta principal de 20 pies de altura es el punto focal de este proyecto de diseño de interiores y marca la entrada de la casa. La imponente puerta de entrada tiene una abertura de vidrio simple de 20 pies y una pared revestida de piedra monolítica que agrega un diseño de declaración singular a la experiencia de ingresar a la residencia privada.

living room

living room

La sala de estar es la extensión de la vida formal con una pared rústica revestida de piedra que forma el telón de fondo del sofá y la mesa central de olas, de Boca do Lobo. La chimenea está integrada en la unidad de televisión y los escalones que conducen al vestíbulo central de las escaleras son piezas de rocas que fueron cortadas y articuladas a la forma deseada como punto focal. Desde la sala de estar y el vestíbulo de las escaleras, la piscina de entrenamiento está conectada con toda el área al aire libre. La piscina de entrenamiento está en el fondo de toda la longitud de la planta baja, lo que permite esta conexión entre todos los espacios.

El área del comedor se abre hacia el jardín este y el lavado del comedor está metido en una abertura de vidrio para una vista despejada de la piscina. Heritage Dining Table, de la marca portuguesa Boca do Lobo, es el personaje principal del espacio que permite el significado de “espacio tipo galería”.

La planta baja también alberga dos habitaciones de invitados. Todo este piso está diseñado para facilitar el entretenimiento conveniente tanto en interiores como en exteriores y está amueblado para disfrutar de vistas panorámicas del bosque, como plantaciones y el área de la cubierta de la piscina.

dining area

Con algunas de las marcas de diseño más opulentas del mundo, como Roberto Cavalli, Trussardi, Giorgetti y, por supuesto, Boca do Lobo, la firma de arquitectos muestra perfectamente su visión de nunca comprometer el diseño de interiores.

No es de extrañar que el principal punto de referencia de la casa sea el pasillo en el medio de la casa, con todas las habitaciones que se extienden desde ella. La orientación de las habitaciones de la casa se basa en las mejores vistas al jardín.


El primer piso alberga las master suites y habitaciones infantiles. El revestimiento de graffiti como telón de fondo de la cama en el dormitorio principal y la gran terraza privada del jardín refuerzan el uso y la función de cada espacio por dentro y por fuera.

La suite principal se abre a una terraza con vistas a la ciudad en dirección sur oeste y un jardín privado con jacuzzi al aire libre. La habitación de los hijos es una habitación con sala de estar y espacio de estudio en el nivel inferior y área de descanso con baño en el nivel superior. La habitación de la hija es de temática blanca clásica moderna adornada con flores de porcelana hechas a mano de la marca Villari. El resultado es una jerarquía de espacios inteligente y sofisticada, cada habitación situada para aprovechar al máximo la vida interior y exterior.


El cine en casa y el bar se encuentran en este piso. Un scooter lambretta antiguo de 1920 ha sido restaurado a los colores italianos originales y utilizado como barra de bar es el punto focal de la barra. Los muebles y acabados europeos importados de alta calidad introducen una sensación de lujo discreto con una versión contemporánea de un diseño retro de mediados de siglo. Las terrazas tienen vegetación orgánica y paneles solares que generan electricidad a la casa.

La piscina, que cae en cascada por una pendiente que une una zona de asientos de martini con la piscina principal junto con las líneas limpias de las alas laterales, acentúa las líneas de perspectiva, exagera la longitud de la propiedad, conduce la vista hacia el horizonte y contribuye aún más a la ilusión del espacio.

El proyecto está calificado como platino como hogar ecológico IGBC.

Wave Center Table

Los verdaderos clásicos nunca dejan de impresionar y este es sin duda el caso de la Wave Table from Boca do Lobo.. Hoy en día, la mesa de centro tradicional ya no es la única forma de decorar la sala de estar; Recientemente, las mesas de café están tomando formas y diseños originales que le dan a la sala de estar un aspecto único a través de formas inusuales y nuevos materiales. Wave es una mesa de centro original y elegante para una sala de estar moderna, ya que también es una mesa central poco convencional para su sala de estar. Con gran estilo y elegancia, crea un ambiente exclusivo para sus interiores modernos. Desarrollada por un artesano de la joyería portuguesa, esta pieza está hecha de cobre martillado a mano con una parte superior de espejo negro.

Versailles Sofa

El sofá Versailles es más que una pieza de tapicería exclusiva, que reúne siglos de historia y cultura en un diseño único. Inspirada en la grandeza y la pompa de la corte francesa, esta lujosa pieza de tapicería, inspirada en hitos arquitectónicos y culturales del siglo XVII, fue creada para enriquecer la decoración de su sala de estar.


Boca do Lobo busca alentar y representar las técnicas artesanales más auténticas en todo el mundo mediante la comprensión e interpretación del pasado, a través de la tecnología y el diseño contemporáneo. Nos atrevemos a diseñar productos artísticos y piezas hechas a mano con precisión con años de legado.

Somos intrépidos y ansiamos la innovación, pudiendo ofrecer una experiencia incomparable y satisfacer los deseos y necesidades de nuestros clientes más exigentes.



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Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home NR HOUSE, NA ARCHITECTS

In the sprawling sights of Jubilee Hills, India, lies a private residence evolved from the creative minds of architectural firm NA Architects. The interior design project was conceived as a gallery‐typed space, which involved not only creating clear open areas but also inviting the light in, particularly from above. NR House became to be the perfect marriage for Boca do Lobo statement furniture.

Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home


Private luxury home

Private luxury home

“We being architects the main goal was to achieve sustainability with luxury. We wanted to change the concept of sustainability being simple and rustic. We wanted to show the world that sustainable homes can be luxurious. Being our own home, we wanted to experiment with the concept on our home.”NA Architects, about NR House, which is the home of Niroop and Rupana Reddy, the architect and interior designer respectively, behind this private residence.

Private luxury home

Private luxury home

An organic palette, semi-precious and natural stone accents, sprawling water features and design embedded structured ceilings are the highlight features of this luxury and sustainable residence.  Carefully placed clerestory windows wash the interior with natural light and provide framed glimpses of the canopy of pines on the slopes above the property, which also helped determine the section of the undulating ceiling.

The house keeps the constant need for an unfettered flow of light and air, adequate cross-ventilation and views from each of the rooms to the surrounding greenery.

luxury home

luxury home

NA Architects first objective was to try to maximize the perception of space and the company managed to guarantee that by creating generous outdoor covered spaces, which make it feel as if the interiors spill outwards.

luxury home

luxury home

The interior finishes contrast raw, expressive concrete on the soffit. The natural materiality emphasizes the architecture as an extension of the landscape, while the micheal angelo marble towards the back of the living area accentuates the illusion of depth, further enhancing the sense of space.

luxury home

luxury home


A 20 feet high main door is the focal point of this interior design project and marks the entry of the house. The imposing entrance door is sided with 20 feet single glass opening and Monolithic stone‐clad wall that adds a singular statement design to the experience of entering into the private residence.

living room

living room

The living room is the extension of the formal living with a rustic stone cladded wall forms the backdrop of the sofa and the wave center table, from Boca do Lobo. The fire place is integrated into the tv unit and the steps leading to the central stairs lobby are pieces of boulders which were cut and articulated to the desired shape are focal point. From the living room and stairs lobby the lap pool is connected with the entire outdoor area. The lap pool happens to be in the background of the entire length of the ground floor allowing this connection between all spaces.

The dining area opens up towards the east garden and the dining wash is tucked into a glass opening for uncluttered pool view. Heritage Dining Table, by the Portuguese brand Boca do Lobo, is the main character of the space allowing the meaning of ‘gallery‐typed space’.

Ground floor also houses two guest bedrooms. This entire floor is designed to facilitate convenient entertainment both indoors and outdoors and is furnished to enjoy panoramic views of the forest like plantation and the pool deck area.

dining area

Sporting some of the world’s most opulent design brands, such as Roberto Cavalli, Trussardi, Giorgetti and of course Boca do Lobo, the architectural firm perfectly showcases their vision of never compromising interior design.

It’s no wonder that the main reference point of the house is the hallway in middle of the house, with all rooms extending from it. The orientation of the rooms in the house is all based on the best garden views.


The first floor houses the master suites and children rooms. The graffiti wall covering as bed backdrop in the master bedroom and the large private garden terrace reinforce the use and function of each space inside and out.

The master suite opens up into a terrace with views of the city in the south western direction and a private garden with an outdoor jacuzzi. Sons room is a room with in a room with lounge and study space on the lower level and sleeping area with toilet on the upper level. The daughter’s room is of modern classical white theme adorned with handmade porcelain flowers from Villari brand.  The result is a cleaver and sophisticated hierarchy of spaces, each room situated to take full advantage of indoor-outdoor living.


Home theatre and bar are housed in this floor. A 1920 old lambretta scooter has been restored to original Italian colors and used as bar counter is the focal point of bar. High‐quality imported European furnishings and finishes introduce a sense of understated luxury with a contemporary take on pared‐back mid‐century design. The terraces have organic vegetation and solar panels which generate electricity to the house.

The pool, which cascades down an incline linking a martini seating area with the main swimming pool together with the clean lines of the side wings, accentuates the lines of perspective, exaggerating the length of the property, leading the eye to the horizon and further contributing to the illusion of space.

The Project is platinum rated as IGBC green home.

from boca do lobo

Wave Center Table

True classics never fail to make an impression and this is certainly the case for the Wave Table from Boca do Lobo. Nowadays, the traditional coffee table is no longer the only way to decorate the living room; recently coffee tables are taking original shapes and designs that give the living room a whole unique look through unusual forms and new materials. Wave is an original and a stylish coffee table for a modern living room as it is also an unconventional center table for your sitting room. With great style and elegance, it creates an exclusive ambiance to your modern interiors. Developed by a Portuguese jewelry artisan, this piece is made of hand hammered copper with a black mirror top.

Versailles Sofa

The Versailles Sofa is more than an exclusive upholstery piece, which reunites centuries of history and culture into a unique design. Inspired by the French Court’s greatness and pomp, this luxury upholstery piece, inspired by 17th century architectural and cultural landmarks, was created to enrich your living room decoration.


Boca do Lobo seeks to encourage and represent the most authentic handcrafting techniques around the world by understanding and interpreting the past, through technology and contemporary design. We dare to design artistic products and accurately handcrafted pieces with years of legacy.

We are fearless and crave for innovation, being able to deliver an unparalleled experience and fulfill our most demanding clients’ desires and needs.



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Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home NR HOUSE, NA ARCHITECTS

In the sprawling sights of Jubilee Hills, India, lies a private residence evolved from the creative minds of architectural firm NA Architects. The interior design project was conceived as a gallery‐typed space, which involved not only creating clear open areas but also inviting the light in, particularly from above. NR House became to be the perfect marriage for Boca do Lobo statement furniture.

Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home


Private luxury home

Private luxury home

“We being architects the main goal was to achieve sustainability with luxury. We wanted to change the concept of sustainability being simple and rustic. We wanted to show the world that sustainable homes can be luxurious. Being our own home, we wanted to experiment with the concept on our home.”NA Architects, about NR House, which is the home of Niroop and Rupana Reddy, the architect and interior designer respectively, behind this private residence.

Private luxury home

Private luxury home

An organic palette, semi-precious and natural stone accents, sprawling water features and design embedded structured ceilings are the highlight features of this luxury and sustainable residence.  Carefully placed clerestory windows wash the interior with natural light and provide framed glimpses of the canopy of pines on the slopes above the property, which also helped determine the section of the undulating ceiling.

The house keeps the constant need for an unfettered flow of light and air, adequate cross-ventilation and views from each of the rooms to the surrounding greenery.

luxury home

luxury home

NA Architects first objective was to try to maximize the perception of space and the company managed to guarantee that by creating generous outdoor covered spaces, which make it feel as if the interiors spill outwards.

luxury home

luxury home

The interior finishes contrast raw, expressive concrete on the soffit. The natural materiality emphasizes the architecture as an extension of the landscape, while the micheal angelo marble towards the back of the living area accentuates the illusion of depth, further enhancing the sense of space.

luxury home

luxury home


A 20 feet high main door is the focal point of this interior design project and marks the entry of the house. The imposing entrance door is sided with 20 feet single glass opening and Monolithic stone‐clad wall that adds a singular statement design to the experience of entering into the private residence.

living room

living room

The living room is the extension of the formal living with a rustic stone cladded wall forms the backdrop of the sofa and the wave center table, from Boca do Lobo. The fire place is integrated into the tv unit and the steps leading to the central stairs lobby are pieces of boulders which were cut and articulated to the desired shape are focal point. From the living room and stairs lobby the lap pool is connected with the entire outdoor area. The lap pool happens to be in the background of the entire length of the ground floor allowing this connection between all spaces.

The dining area opens up towards the east garden and the dining wash is tucked into a glass opening for uncluttered pool view. Heritage Dining Table, by the Portuguese brand Boca do Lobo, is the main character of the space allowing the meaning of ‘gallery‐typed space’.

Ground floor also houses two guest bedrooms. This entire floor is designed to facilitate convenient entertainment both indoors and outdoors and is furnished to enjoy panoramic views of the forest like plantation and the pool deck area.

dining area

Sporting some of the world’s most opulent design brands, such as Roberto Cavalli, Trussardi, Giorgetti and of course Boca do Lobo, the architectural firm perfectly showcases their vision of never compromising interior design.

It’s no wonder that the main reference point of the house is the hallway in middle of the house, with all rooms extending from it. The orientation of the rooms in the house is all based on the best garden views.


The first floor houses the master suites and children rooms. The graffiti wall covering as bed backdrop in the master bedroom and the large private garden terrace reinforce the use and function of each space inside and out.

The master suite opens up into a terrace with views of the city in the south western direction and a private garden with an outdoor jacuzzi. Sons room is a room with in a room with lounge and study space on the lower level and sleeping area with toilet on the upper level. The daughter’s room is of modern classical white theme adorned with handmade porcelain flowers from Villari brand.  The result is a cleaver and sophisticated hierarchy of spaces, each room situated to take full advantage of indoor-outdoor living.


Home theatre and bar are housed in this floor. A 1920 old lambretta scooter has been restored to original Italian colors and used as bar counter is the focal point of bar. High‐quality imported European furnishings and finishes introduce a sense of understated luxury with a contemporary take on pared‐back mid‐century design. The terraces have organic vegetation and solar panels which generate electricity to the house.

The pool, which cascades down an incline linking a martini seating area with the main swimming pool together with the clean lines of the side wings, accentuates the lines of perspective, exaggerating the length of the property, leading the eye to the horizon and further contributing to the illusion of space.

The Project is platinum rated as IGBC green home.

from boca do lobo

Wave Center Table

True classics never fail to make an impression and this is certainly the case for the Wave Table from Boca do Lobo. Nowadays, the traditional coffee table is no longer the only way to decorate the living room; recently coffee tables are taking original shapes and designs that give the living room a whole unique look through unusual forms and new materials. Wave is an original and a stylish coffee table for a modern living room as it is also an unconventional center table for your sitting room. With great style and elegance, it creates an exclusive ambiance to your modern interiors. Developed by a Portuguese jewelry artisan, this piece is made of hand hammered copper with a black mirror top.

Versailles Sofa

The Versailles Sofa is more than an exclusive upholstery piece, which reunites centuries of history and culture into a unique design. Inspired by the French Court’s greatness and pomp, this luxury upholstery piece, inspired by 17th century architectural and cultural landmarks, was created to enrich your living room decoration.


Boca do Lobo seeks to encourage and represent the most authentic handcrafting techniques around the world by understanding and interpreting the past, through technology and contemporary design. We dare to design artistic products and accurately handcrafted pieces with years of legacy.

We are fearless and crave for innovation, being able to deliver an unparalleled experience and fulfill our most demanding clients’ desires and needs.



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Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home NR HOUSE, NA ARCHITECTS

In the sprawling sights of Jubilee Hills, India, lies a private residence evolved from the creative minds of architectural firm NA Architects. The interior design project was conceived as a gallery‐typed space, which involved not only creating clear open areas but also inviting the light in, particularly from above. NR House became to be the perfect marriage for Boca do Lobo statement furniture.

Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home


Private luxury home

Private luxury home

“We being architects the main goal was to achieve sustainability with luxury. We wanted to change the concept of sustainability being simple and rustic. We wanted to show the world that sustainable homes can be luxurious. Being our own home, we wanted to experiment with the concept on our home.”NA Architects, about NR House, which is the home of Niroop and Rupana Reddy, the architect and interior designer respectively, behind this private residence.

Private luxury home

Private luxury home

An organic palette, semi-precious and natural stone accents, sprawling water features and design embedded structured ceilings are the highlight features of this luxury and sustainable residence.  Carefully placed clerestory windows wash the interior with natural light and provide framed glimpses of the canopy of pines on the slopes above the property, which also helped determine the section of the undulating ceiling.

The house keeps the constant need for an unfettered flow of light and air, adequate cross-ventilation and views from each of the rooms to the surrounding greenery.

luxury home

luxury home

NA Architects first objective was to try to maximize the perception of space and the company managed to guarantee that by creating generous outdoor covered spaces, which make it feel as if the interiors spill outwards.

luxury home

luxury home

The interior finishes contrast raw, expressive concrete on the soffit. The natural materiality emphasizes the architecture as an extension of the landscape, while the micheal angelo marble towards the back of the living area accentuates the illusion of depth, further enhancing the sense of space.

luxury home

luxury home


A 20 feet high main door is the focal point of this interior design project and marks the entry of the house. The imposing entrance door is sided with 20 feet single glass opening and Monolithic stone‐clad wall that adds a singular statement design to the experience of entering into the private residence.

living room

living room

The living room is the extension of the formal living with a rustic stone cladded wall forms the backdrop of the sofa and the wave center table, from Boca do Lobo. The fire place is integrated into the tv unit and the steps leading to the central stairs lobby are pieces of boulders which were cut and articulated to the desired shape are focal point. From the living room and stairs lobby the lap pool is connected with the entire outdoor area. The lap pool happens to be in the background of the entire length of the ground floor allowing this connection between all spaces.

The dining area opens up towards the east garden and the dining wash is tucked into a glass opening for uncluttered pool view. Heritage Dining Table, by the Portuguese brand Boca do Lobo, is the main character of the space allowing the meaning of ‘gallery‐typed space’.

Ground floor also houses two guest bedrooms. This entire floor is designed to facilitate convenient entertainment both indoors and outdoors and is furnished to enjoy panoramic views of the forest like plantation and the pool deck area.

dining area

Sporting some of the world’s most opulent design brands, such as Roberto Cavalli, Trussardi, Giorgetti and of course Boca do Lobo, the architectural firm perfectly showcases their vision of never compromising interior design.

It’s no wonder that the main reference point of the house is the hallway in middle of the house, with all rooms extending from it. The orientation of the rooms in the house is all based on the best garden views.


The first floor houses the master suites and children rooms. The graffiti wall covering as bed backdrop in the master bedroom and the large private garden terrace reinforce the use and function of each space inside and out.

The master suite opens up into a terrace with views of the city in the south western direction and a private garden with an outdoor jacuzzi. Sons room is a room with in a room with lounge and study space on the lower level and sleeping area with toilet on the upper level. The daughter’s room is of modern classical white theme adorned with handmade porcelain flowers from Villari brand.  The result is a cleaver and sophisticated hierarchy of spaces, each room situated to take full advantage of indoor-outdoor living.


Home theatre and bar are housed in this floor. A 1920 old lambretta scooter has been restored to original Italian colors and used as bar counter is the focal point of bar. High‐quality imported European furnishings and finishes introduce a sense of understated luxury with a contemporary take on pared‐back mid‐century design. The terraces have organic vegetation and solar panels which generate electricity to the house.

The pool, which cascades down an incline linking a martini seating area with the main swimming pool together with the clean lines of the side wings, accentuates the lines of perspective, exaggerating the length of the property, leading the eye to the horizon and further contributing to the illusion of space.

The Project is platinum rated as IGBC green home.

from boca do lobo

Wave Center Table

True classics never fail to make an impression and this is certainly the case for the Wave Table from Boca do Lobo. Nowadays, the traditional coffee table is no longer the only way to decorate the living room; recently coffee tables are taking original shapes and designs that give the living room a whole unique look through unusual forms and new materials. Wave is an original and a stylish coffee table for a modern living room as it is also an unconventional center table for your sitting room. With great style and elegance, it creates an exclusive ambiance to your modern interiors. Developed by a Portuguese jewelry artisan, this piece is made of hand hammered copper with a black mirror top.

Versailles Sofa

The Versailles Sofa is more than an exclusive upholstery piece, which reunites centuries of history and culture into a unique design. Inspired by the French Court’s greatness and pomp, this luxury upholstery piece, inspired by 17th century architectural and cultural landmarks, was created to enrich your living room decoration.


Boca do Lobo seeks to encourage and represent the most authentic handcrafting techniques around the world by understanding and interpreting the past, through technology and contemporary design. We dare to design artistic products and accurately handcrafted pieces with years of legacy.

We are fearless and crave for innovation, being able to deliver an unparalleled experience and fulfill our most demanding clients’ desires and needs.



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Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home NR HOUSE, NA ARCHITECTS

In the sprawling sights of Jubilee Hills, India, lies a private residence evolved from the creative minds of architectural firm NA Architects. The interior design project was conceived as a gallery‐typed space, which involved not only creating clear open areas but also inviting the light in, particularly from above. NR House became to be the perfect marriage for Boca do Lobo statement furniture.

Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home


Private luxury home

Private luxury home

“We being architects the main goal was to achieve sustainability with luxury. We wanted to change the concept of sustainability being simple and rustic. We wanted to show the world that sustainable homes can be luxurious. Being our own home, we wanted to experiment with the concept on our home.”NA Architects, about NR House, which is the home of Niroop and Rupana Reddy, the architect and interior designer respectively, behind this private residence.

Private luxury home

Private luxury home

An organic palette, semi-precious and natural stone accents, sprawling water features and design embedded structured ceilings are the highlight features of this luxury and sustainable residence.  Carefully placed clerestory windows wash the interior with natural light and provide framed glimpses of the canopy of pines on the slopes above the property, which also helped determine the section of the undulating ceiling.

The house keeps the constant need for an unfettered flow of light and air, adequate cross-ventilation and views from each of the rooms to the surrounding greenery.

luxury home

luxury home

NA Architects first objective was to try to maximize the perception of space and the company managed to guarantee that by creating generous outdoor covered spaces, which make it feel as if the interiors spill outwards.

luxury home

luxury home

The interior finishes contrast raw, expressive concrete on the soffit. The natural materiality emphasizes the architecture as an extension of the landscape, while the micheal angelo marble towards the back of the living area accentuates the illusion of depth, further enhancing the sense of space.

luxury home

luxury home


A 20 feet high main door is the focal point of this interior design project and marks the entry of the house. The imposing entrance door is sided with 20 feet single glass opening and Monolithic stone‐clad wall that adds a singular statement design to the experience of entering into the private residence.

living room

living room

The living room is the extension of the formal living with a rustic stone cladded wall forms the backdrop of the sofa and the wave center table, from Boca do Lobo. The fire place is integrated into the tv unit and the steps leading to the central stairs lobby are pieces of boulders which were cut and articulated to the desired shape are focal point. From the living room and stairs lobby the lap pool is connected with the entire outdoor area. The lap pool happens to be in the background of the entire length of the ground floor allowing this connection between all spaces.

The dining area opens up towards the east garden and the dining wash is tucked into a glass opening for uncluttered pool view. Heritage Dining Table, by the Portuguese brand Boca do Lobo, is the main character of the space allowing the meaning of ‘gallery‐typed space’.

Ground floor also houses two guest bedrooms. This entire floor is designed to facilitate convenient entertainment both indoors and outdoors and is furnished to enjoy panoramic views of the forest like plantation and the pool deck area.

dining area

Sporting some of the world’s most opulent design brands, such as Roberto Cavalli, Trussardi, Giorgetti and of course Boca do Lobo, the architectural firm perfectly showcases their vision of never compromising interior design.

It’s no wonder that the main reference point of the house is the hallway in middle of the house, with all rooms extending from it. The orientation of the rooms in the house is all based on the best garden views.


The first floor houses the master suites and children rooms. The graffiti wall covering as bed backdrop in the master bedroom and the large private garden terrace reinforce the use and function of each space inside and out.

The master suite opens up into a terrace with views of the city in the south western direction and a private garden with an outdoor jacuzzi. Sons room is a room with in a room with lounge and study space on the lower level and sleeping area with toilet on the upper level. The daughter’s room is of modern classical white theme adorned with handmade porcelain flowers from Villari brand.  The result is a cleaver and sophisticated hierarchy of spaces, each room situated to take full advantage of indoor-outdoor living.


Home theatre and bar are housed in this floor. A 1920 old lambretta scooter has been restored to original Italian colors and used as bar counter is the focal point of bar. High‐quality imported European furnishings and finishes introduce a sense of understated luxury with a contemporary take on pared‐back mid‐century design. The terraces have organic vegetation and solar panels which generate electricity to the house.

The pool, which cascades down an incline linking a martini seating area with the main swimming pool together with the clean lines of the side wings, accentuates the lines of perspective, exaggerating the length of the property, leading the eye to the horizon and further contributing to the illusion of space.

The Project is platinum rated as IGBC green home.

from boca do lobo

Wave Center Table

True classics never fail to make an impression and this is certainly the case for the Wave Table from Boca do Lobo. Nowadays, the traditional coffee table is no longer the only way to decorate the living room; recently coffee tables are taking original shapes and designs that give the living room a whole unique look through unusual forms and new materials. Wave is an original and a stylish coffee table for a modern living room as it is also an unconventional center table for your sitting room. With great style and elegance, it creates an exclusive ambiance to your modern interiors. Developed by a Portuguese jewelry artisan, this piece is made of hand hammered copper with a black mirror top.

Versailles Sofa

The Versailles Sofa is more than an exclusive upholstery piece, which reunites centuries of history and culture into a unique design. Inspired by the French Court’s greatness and pomp, this luxury upholstery piece, inspired by 17th century architectural and cultural landmarks, was created to enrich your living room decoration.


Boca do Lobo seeks to encourage and represent the most authentic handcrafting techniques around the world by understanding and interpreting the past, through technology and contemporary design. We dare to design artistic products and accurately handcrafted pieces with years of legacy.

We are fearless and crave for innovation, being able to deliver an unparalleled experience and fulfill our most demanding clients’ desires and needs.



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Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home NR HOUSE, NA ARCHITECTS

In the sprawling sights of Jubilee Hills, India, lies a private residence evolved from the creative minds of architectural firm NA Architects. The interior design project was conceived as a gallery‐typed space, which involved not only creating clear open areas but also inviting the light in, particularly from above. NR House became to be the perfect marriage for Boca do Lobo statement furniture.

Sustainability Meets Luxury an Igbc Green Home


Private luxury home

Private luxury home

“We being architects the main goal was to achieve sustainability with luxury. We wanted to change the concept of sustainability being simple and rustic. We wanted to show the world that sustainable homes can be luxurious. Being our own home, we wanted to experiment with the concept on our home.”NA Architects, about NR House, which is the home of Niroop and Rupana Reddy, the architect and interior designer respectively, behind this private residence.

Private luxury home

Private luxury home

An organic palette, semi-precious and natural stone accents, sprawling water features and design embedded structured ceilings are the highlight features of this luxury and sustainable residence.  Carefully placed clerestory windows wash the interior with natural light and provide framed glimpses of the canopy of pines on the slopes above the property, which also helped determine the section of the undulating ceiling.

The house keeps the constant need for an unfettered flow of light and air, adequate cross-ventilation and views from each of the rooms to the surrounding greenery.

luxury home

luxury home

NA Architects first objective was to try to maximize the perception of space and the company managed to guarantee that by creating generous outdoor covered spaces, which make it feel as if the interiors spill outwards.

luxury home

luxury home

The interior finishes contrast raw, expressive concrete on the soffit. The natural materiality emphasizes the architecture as an extension of the landscape, while the micheal angelo marble towards the back of the living area accentuates the illusion of depth, further enhancing the sense of space.

luxury home

luxury home


A 20 feet high main door is the focal point of this interior design project and marks the entry of the house. The imposing entrance door is sided with 20 feet single glass opening and Monolithic stone‐clad wall that adds a singular statement design to the experience of entering into the private residence.

living room

living room

The living room is the extension of the formal living with a rustic stone cladded wall forms the backdrop of the sofa and the wave center table, from Boca do Lobo. The fire place is integrated into the tv unit and the steps leading to the central stairs lobby are pieces of boulders which were cut and articulated to the desired shape are focal point. From the living room and stairs lobby the lap pool is connected with the entire outdoor area. The lap pool happens to be in the background of the entire length of the ground floor allowing this connection between all spaces.

The dining area opens up towards the east garden and the dining wash is tucked into a glass opening for uncluttered pool view. Heritage Dining Table, by the Portuguese brand Boca do Lobo, is the main character of the space allowing the meaning of ‘gallery‐typed space’.

Ground floor also houses two guest bedrooms. This entire floor is designed to facilitate convenient entertainment both indoors and outdoors and is furnished to enjoy panoramic views of the forest like plantation and the pool deck area.

dining area

Sporting some of the world’s most opulent design brands, such as Roberto Cavalli, Trussardi, Giorgetti and of course Boca do Lobo, the architectural firm perfectly showcases their vision of never compromising interior design.

It’s no wonder that the main reference point of the house is the hallway in middle of the house, with all rooms extending from it. The orientation of the rooms in the house is all based on the best garden views.


The first floor houses the master suites and children rooms. The graffiti wall covering as bed backdrop in the master bedroom and the large private garden terrace reinforce the use and function of each space inside and out.

The master suite opens up into a terrace with views of the city in the south western direction and a private garden with an outdoor jacuzzi. Sons room is a room with in a room with lounge and study space on the lower level and sleeping area with toilet on the upper level. The daughter’s room is of modern classical white theme adorned with handmade porcelain flowers from Villari brand.  The result is a cleaver and sophisticated hierarchy of spaces, each room situated to take full advantage of indoor-outdoor living.


Home theatre and bar are housed in this floor. A 1920 old lambretta scooter has been restored to original Italian colors and used as bar counter is the focal point of bar. High‐quality imported European furnishings and finishes introduce a sense of understated luxury with a contemporary take on pared‐back mid‐century design. The terraces have organic vegetation and solar panels which generate electricity to the house.

The pool, which cascades down an incline linking a martini seating area with the main swimming pool together with the clean lines of the side wings, accentuates the lines of perspective, exaggerating the length of the property, leading the eye to the horizon and further contributing to the illusion of space.

The Project is platinum rated as IGBC green home.

from boca do lobo

Wave Center Table

True classics never fail to make an impression and this is certainly the case for the Wave Table from Boca do Lobo. Nowadays, the traditional coffee table is no longer the only way to decorate the living room; recently coffee tables are taking original shapes and designs that give the living room a whole unique look through unusual forms and new materials. Wave is an original and a stylish coffee table for a modern living room as it is also an unconventional center table for your sitting room. With great style and elegance, it creates an exclusive ambiance to your modern interiors. Developed by a Portuguese jewelry artisan, this piece is made of hand hammered copper with a black mirror top.

Versailles Sofa

The Versailles Sofa is more than an exclusive upholstery piece, which reunites centuries of history and culture into a unique design. Inspired by the French Court’s greatness and pomp, this luxury upholstery piece, inspired by 17th century architectural and cultural landmarks, was created to enrich your living room decoration.


Boca do Lobo seeks to encourage and represent the most authentic handcrafting techniques around the world by understanding and interpreting the past, through technology and contemporary design. We dare to design artistic products and accurately handcrafted pieces with years of legacy.

We are fearless and crave for innovation, being able to deliver an unparalleled experience and fulfill our most demanding clients’ desires and needs.



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