Tag Archive for: 1953

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

  • Aston Martin presenta el DBR22, un impresionante concepto de cabina abierta de dos plazas en la Semana del Automóvil de Monterey
  • El concepto de diseño celebra el décimo aniversario de Q by Aston Martin, la división a medida de la marca de ultra lujo
  • El diseño único construido por el entrenador evoca a los icónicos autos de carrera de Aston Martin, como el DBR1 y el DB3S.
  • La nueva carrocería de fibra de carbono viste un potente tren motriz V12 Twin-Turbo
  • Escaparate de nuevas técnicas de producción, como el subchasis trasero impreso en 3D
  • Velocidad máxima de 198 mph, 0-60 en 3,4 segundos
  • El concepto de diseño DBR22 se convertirá en realidad de producción para clientes selectos de Q by Aston Martin

15 de agosto de 2022, Monterey, California : Aston Martin ha elegido la Semana del Automóvil de Monterey 2022 para presentar por primera vez el espectacular DBR22: un concepto de diseño de autocar de dos plazas con motor V12, que celebra la extraordinaria línea de sangre de la marca en los deportes de cabina abierta. corredores

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

La creación del concepto de diseño DBR22, presentado en California, es el último de una larga lista de proyectos extraordinarios manejados por expertos por la división interna a medida, Q by Aston Martin, que este año celebra una década de fabricación de autos exclusivos para los más grandes del mundo. clientes exigentes. Comisiones únicas icónicas como Aston Martin Victor y especiales de bajo volumen como Vulcan, limitado a 24 ejemplares en todo el mundo, y Vantage V600, limitado a solo 14, son ejemplos verdaderamente magníficos de estas colaboraciones. Entonces, parece apropiado que el concepto de diseño DBR22 también forme la base de un ejemplo de realidad de producción para un número ultra exclusivo de clientes Q by Aston Martin.

Al combinar el arte clásico de la construcción de carrocerías con materiales avanzados y tecnologías de fabricación de vanguardia, DBR22 es una combinación perfecta de pureza de diseño, precisión de ingeniería, rendimiento deslumbrante y verdadera pasión. Una celebración perfecta de Q by Aston Martin y su potencial ilimitado. Todo subrayado por el conocimiento de que es uno de los Aston Martin más raros en los 109 años de historia de la marca.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Con proporciones clásicas y curvas musculosas e inmaculadas, el DBR22 habla descaradamente de la tradición, específicamente del linaje de toda la vida de Aston Martin de autos deportivos de cabina abierta de dos plazas líderes en el mundo, como el DBR1 y el DB3S, pero lo expresa con una nueva y dinámica versión de este atractivo tema. .

DB3S representa una parte importante de la historia de competición de Aston Martin. Presentada en 1953, la carrocería DB3S de aleación de Frank Feeley se hizo conocida por sus curvas y su eficiencia aerodinámica, lo que convirtió a Aston Martin en un serio contendiente de Le Mans y obtuvo algunos resultados impresionantes en el camino. DBR1, conocido como el mejor auto deportivo de Aston Martin, llevó el lenguaje de diseño de Feeleys un paso más allá y se convirtió en uno de los Aston Martin más importantes e influyentes de todos los tiempos: ganó varias carreras notables, la más famosa, por supuesto, fue Le Mans en 1959. conducido por Carroll Shelby y Roy Salvadori, y llevando al equipo Aston Martin a la victoria final: ganar el Campeonato Mundial de Autos Deportivos en el mismo año (’59).

El concepto de diseño DBR22 muestra un cuerpo completamente nuevo de los diseñadores de Aston Martin. Su excepcional forma de carrocería se crea a partir de un número mínimo de paneles de carrocería para crear una presencia más esculpida y musculosa. El resultado: una combinación suave y sin esfuerzo de excepcional dramatismo y elegancia, con varias características de diseño únicas para complementar.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Una característica particularmente notable es la parrilla delantera completamente nueva que incorpora un diseño único de fibra de carbono en lugar de las vetas habituales que se ven en la producción en serie de Aston Martins. Este diseño se inspira directamente en DBR1 y DB3S, lo que le da una identidad única; uno que claramente se basa en la herencia de Aston Martin pero usa esta inspiración para crear un diseño verdaderamente contemporáneo.

El capó cuenta con una ventilación de herradura espectacular, empotrada para facilitar el flujo de aire del motor V12 Twin-Turbo de 5.2 litros que se encuentra debajo. Esta línea larga e ininterrumpida del capó atrae la vista hacia la cabina, sobre el deflector de viento de línea baja y los delicados espejos, que están montados en la parte superior de las puertas en brazos delgados de fibra de carbono que engañan al viento.

Ubicado perfectamente dentro de los arcos de las ruedas hay un juego de llantas de aleación de 21 pulgadas completamente nuevas. Con un diseño único de 14 radios creado especialmente para el DBR22, estas llantas livianas cuentan con un buje de bloqueo central derivado de los deportes de motor, que también está disponible según las especificaciones de una amplia paleta de colores.

El concepto de diseño del DBR22 también muestra un color de pintura totalmente personalizado, desarrollado específicamente para la ocasión utilizando ‘Paint to Sample’, una opción exclusiva disponible a través de Q by Aston Martin, que demuestra nuevamente las amplias posibilidades de diseño que se pueden lograr a través del servicio personalizado de la marca.

La cabina del DBR22 continúa la fusión de enfoques clásicos y contemporáneos con muchos componentes únicos y un amplio uso de cuero y fibra de carbono expuesta. Con una arquitectura definida por el tablero completamente nuevo y las elegantes pantallas de infoentretenimiento, marca la pauta para un entorno limpio y despejado. Aunque se inspiró en los autos de competencia de Aston Martin que batieron el mundo, el DBR22 no es un corredor básico por dentro. Suaves pieles aromáticas envuelven el tablero de instrumentos contemporáneo, los asientos de rendimiento de fibra de carbono y se extienden sobre la parte superior de las puertas para crear un toque acogedor en el interior.

Detrás de los asientos se elevan dos góndolas gemelas que suavizan el flujo de aire detrás de las cabezas del conductor y del pasajero. En la parte trasera, el concepto de diseño DBR22 tiene un gráfico de luz horizontal inconfundible, cortesía de la delgada barra de luces de ancho completo hecha especialmente para esta aplicación. Debajo se encuentra un panel perforado para permitir que el aire caliente salga por la cola. Esta hermosa pieza escultórica es otro punto culminante único del intrigante diseño DBR22. Junto con el difusor suavemente integrado y un par de tubos de escape de gran diámetro, el DBR22 tiene una increíble presencia en la carretera, capturando perfectamente la emoción pura de la experiencia de conducción.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Con una amplia paleta de opciones disponible a través del célebre servicio personalizado, Q by Aston Martin ofrece a los clientes de todos los modelos de Aston Martin la oportunidad de crear algo completamente único. Además de los colores y acabados de la pintura, los gráficos personalizados hasta los carbones tintados y los materiales personalizados tanto en el interior como en el exterior, cada automóvil Q by Aston Martin puede superar los límites del diseño y el deseo y se adapta completamente al cliente.

Gracias a un tren motriz V12 Twin-Turbo inmensamente potente de 5.2 litros, el DBR22 respalda su aspecto extraordinario con un rendimiento verdaderamente impresionante; potencias máximas de 715 CV y ​​753 Nm que proporcionan suficiente propulsión para acelerar el DBR22 desde cero hasta 60 mph en solo 3,4 segundos y hasta una velocidad máxima de 198 mph/319 kmh. Con nada más que la estela entre el conductor y el inolvidable aullido de doce cilindros de este motor épico, el DBR22 promete ser una intensa estimulación sensorial.

Dinámicamente, el DBR22 apunta a una verdadera conexión con el conductor, con un chasis perfeccionado para brindar precisión, agilidad y tacto en igual medida. La calibración única del motor y la transmisión automática de cambio de paletas de 8 velocidades utiliza la conformación del par para darle al DBR22 una manera y entrega como ningún otro modelo. Una columna de dirección anclada brinda una mayor precisión, pero también proporciona información más detallada para que el conductor pueda crear una imagen más precisa del agarre disponible.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

También se ha prestado atención a la estructura del chasis del DBR22. Los exclusivos paneles de corte delanteros y traseros aumentan aún más la rigidez torsional, con una calibración personalizada para los amortiguadores adaptativos que proporciona precisión y flexibilidad para una combinación de control de la carrocería y refinamiento de la conducción que hará que conducir el DBR22 sea un placer absoluto, en carretera o en circuito.

El DBR22 también cuenta con un subchasis trasero impreso en 3D, la primera vez que Aston Martin presenta un método de este tipo. El componente está hecho de múltiples piezas impresas en 3D impresas en aluminio, que luego se unen para formar el bastidor auxiliar terminado. Las ventajas son claras, con un importante ahorro de peso y sin reducción de la rigidez, además de la capacidad de fabricar piezas especiales para modelos de volumen ultrabajo, cuando sea necesario.

Roberto Fedeli, director técnico de Aston Martin, dijo: “La tecnología es fundamental en la construcción de DBR22, con un uso extensivo de fibra de carbono en todas partes y el uso de impresión 3D para la fabricación de un componente estructural. Como tal, DBR22 muestra las capacidades únicas de Aston Martin, con un diseño de clase mundial combinado con un enfoque ágil e inteligente para la ingeniería y la producción. Para un automóvil que fue diseñado para celebrar el último servicio de personalización a medida, los desarrollos de ingeniería significan que DBR22 realmente tiene el escenario dinámico para igualar, asegurando que la conducción sea tan adictiva como su apariencia”.

Marek Reichman, director creativo de Aston Martin, agregó: “Configuramos nuestros sistemas de diseño para que sean hiperimpulsados, impulsando aún más la exploración del formalismo y esforzándonos por expresar un futuro en el aquí, hoy. Adónde podríamos llegar con las superficies, la proporción y la forma. Combinando este enfoque con procesos, tecnología y materiales avanzados, hemos modernizado efectivamente nuestra línea de sangre de carreras y hemos creado un nuevo pedigrí. El DBR22 es un deportivo Aston Martin de pura raza y sangre caliente, repleto de velocidad, agilidad y espíritu, y una máquina que creemos que será la base de muchos de los iconos del mañana”.

El concepto de diseño DBR22 estará en exhibición en Pebble Beach Concours D’ Elegance del viernes 19 al  domingo 21 de agosto  .

Acerca de Aston Martin Lagonda:
La visión de Aston Martin es ser la marca británica de ultra lujo más deseable del mundo, creando los autos de rendimiento más exquisitamente adictivos.

Fundada en 1913 por Lionel Martin y Robert Bamford, Aston Martin es reconocida como una marca global icónica sinónimo de estilo, lujo, desempeño y exclusividad. Aston Martin fusiona la última tecnología, la artesanía tradicional y un hermoso estilo para producir una gama de modelos de lujo aclamados por la crítica, incluidos el Vantage, el DB11, el DBS, el DBX y su primer hipercoche, el Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Con sede en Gaydon, Inglaterra, Aston Martin Lagonda diseña, crea y exporta automóviles que se venden en 56 países de todo el mundo. Sus autos deportivos se fabrican en Gaydon con su gama de SUV DBX de lujo fabricada con orgullo en St Athan, Gales.

Lagonda se fundó en 1899 y Aston Martin en 1913. Las dos marcas se unieron en 1947 cuando ambas fueron compradas por el difunto Sir David Brown, y la compañía ahora cotiza en la Bolsa de Valores de Londres como Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

En 2020, Lawrence Stroll se convirtió en el presidente ejecutivo de la compañía, junto con una importante inversión nueva, un movimiento que condujo al regreso de Aston Martin a la cima del automovilismo con el equipo Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One™ y comenzó una nueva era para la icónica marca británica.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

  • Aston Martin unveil DBR22 – a stunning two-seater open cockpit concept at Monterey Car Week
  • Design concept celebrates 10th anniversary of Q by Aston Martin, the ultra-luxury marques’ bespoke division
  • Unique, coach-built design evokes iconic Aston Martin racers such as DBR1 and DB3S
  • All-new carbon fibre bodywork clothes potent V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain
  • Showcase for new production techniques, such as 3D-printed rear subframe
  • Top speed of 198mph, 0-60 in 3.4 seconds
  • DBR22 design concept to become production reality for select Q by Aston Martin customers

15 August 2022, Monterey, California: Aston Martin has chosen the 2022 Monterey Car Week to unveil the spectacular DBR22 for the first time: A V12-engined two-seater coach-built design concept, celebrating the marque’s extraordinary bloodline of open-cockpit sports racers.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

The creation of the DBR22 design concept, unveiled in California, is the latest in a long line of extraordinary projects expertly handled by in-house bespoke division, Q by Aston Martin, which this year celebrates a decade of building exclusive cars for the world’s most discerning customers. Iconic one-off commissions such as Aston Martin Victor, and low volume specials such as Vulcan – limited to 24 examples worldwide, and Vantage V600 – limited to just 14, are truly magnificent examples of these collaborations. It seems only fitting then, that the DBR22 design concept should also form the basis of a production reality example for an ultra-exclusive number of Q by Aston Martin customers.

By mating the classic art of coachbuilding with advanced materials and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, DBR22 is a perfect blend of design purity, engineering precision, heart-pounding performance and true passion. A perfect celebration of Q by Aston Martin and its limitless potential. All underlined by the knowledge it is one of the rarest Aston Martins in the marque’s rich 109-year history

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With classic proportions and immaculate, muscular curves, DBR22 unashamedly speaks of tradition – specifically Aston Martin’s lifelong lineage of world-beating two-seater open-cockpit sportscars such as the DBR1 and DB3S – but expresses it with a dynamic new take on this compelling theme.

DB3S represents an important piece of Aston Martin’s competition history. Introduced in 1953, Frank Feeley’s alloy DB3S body became known for its curves and aerodynamic efficiency, establishing Aston Martin as a serious Le Mans contender and scoring some impressive results along the way. DBR1, known as the ultimate Aston Martin sportscar, took Feeleys design language a stage further and became one of the most important, influential Aston Martins of all time – winning a number of notable races, the most famous of course being Le Mans in 1959, driven by Carroll Shelby and Roy Salvadori, and taking the Aston Martin team onto the ultimate victory: winning the World Sports Car Championship in the same year (‘59.)

The DBR22 design concept showcases a completely new body from the designers at Aston Martin. Its exceptional coach-built form is created from a minimal number of body panels to create a more sculpted, muscular presence.  The result: a smooth and effortless blend of exceptional drama and elegance, with several unique design features to compliment.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

A particularly noteworthy feature is the entirely new front grille which incorporates a unique carbon fibre design in place of the usual veins seen on series production Aston Martins. This design takes inspiration directly from the DBR1 and DB3S, giving a unique identity; one which clearly draws from Aston Martin’s heritage but uses this inspiration to create a truly contemporary design.

The bonnet features a dramatic horseshoe vent, recessed to aid airflow from the 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo engine that sits beneath it. This long, unbroken bonnet line draws your eye back towards the cockpit, over the lowline wind deflector and delicate mirrors, which are mounted to the tops of the doors on slender, wind-cheating carbon fibre arms.

Sitting perfectly within the wheel arches is a set of all-new 21in alloy wheels. Featuring a unique 14-spoke design created especially for the DBR22, these lightweight wheels feature a motorsport-derived centre-lock hub, which is also available to spec from an extensive colour pallet.

The DBR22 design concept also showcases an entirely bespoke paint colour, developed specifically for the occasion using ‘Paint to Sample’ – an exclusive option available through Q by Aston Martin, demonstrating again the vast design possibilities attainable through the marques bespoke service.

The DBR22’s cockpit continues the fusion of classic and contemporary approaches with many unique components and an extensive use of both leather and exposed carbon fibre. With architecture defined by the all-new dashboard and sleek infotainment displays, it sets the tone for a clean, uncluttered environment. Though taking inspiration from Aston Martin’s world-beating competition cars, the DBR22 is no bare-bones racer inside. Supple aromatic hides swathe the contemporary dashboard, the carbon fibre performance seats and extend over the tops of the doors to create an inviting hint of the interior.

Rising from behind the seats are twin nacelles which smooth the airflow behind the driver and passenger’s heads.  At the rear, DBR22 design concept has an unmistakable horizontal light graphic courtesy of the slim, full-width light bar made specially for this application. Beneath it sits a perforated panel to allow hot air to exit the tail. This beautifully sculptural piece is yet another unique highlight of the DBR22 intriguing design. Together with the smoothly integrated diffuser and pair of large diameter exhaust tailpipes, the DBR22 has incredible road presence, perfectly capturing the raw emotion of the driving experience.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With an extensive options palette available through the celebrated bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin offers customers of all Aston Martin models the chance to create something completely unique. As well as paint colours and finishes, bespoke graphics through to tinted carbons and bespoke materials on both the interior and exterior, every Q by Aston Martin car can push the limits of design and desire and is completely tailored to the customer.

Thanks to an immensely potent 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain the DBR22 backs-up its extraordinary looks with truly breath-taking performance; peak outputs of 715PS and 753Nm providing sufficient propulsion to accelerate the DBR22 from a standstill to 60mph in just 3.4sec and on to a top speed of 198mph/319kmh. With nothing but the slipstream between the driver and this epic engine’s unforgettable twelve-cylinder howl, the DBR22 promises to be an intense sensory stimulation.

Dynamically the DBR22 targets true driver connection, with a chassis honed to deliver precision, agility and tactility in equal measure. Unique calibration of the engine and 8-speed paddle-shift automatic transmission uses torque shaping to give the DBR22 a manner and delivery unlike any other model. A pinned steering column brings greater accuracy but also provides more detailed feedback so the driver can build a more accurate picture of available grip.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Attention has also been paid to the DBR22’s chassis structure. Unique front and rear shear panels further increase tortional rigidity, with a bespoke calibration for the adaptive dampers providing precision and pliancy for a blend of body control and ride refinement that will make the DBR22 an absolute pleasure to drive – on road or racetrack.

The DBR22 also features a 3D printed rear subframe – the first time Aston Martin has introduced such a method. The component is made from multiple 3D printed parts printed from aluminium, which are then bonded to form the finished subframe. The advantages are clear, with a significant weight saving and no reduction in stiffness, plus the ability to make special parts for ultra-low volume models, where required.

Roberto Fedeli, Aston Martin Chief Technical Officer, said “Technology is pivotal in the construction of DBR22, with extensive use of carbon fibre throughout, and the use of 3D printing for the manufacture of a structural component. As such DBR22 showcases Aston Martin’s unique capabilities, with world-class design combined with an agile, intelligent approach to engineering and production. For a car that was designed to celebrate the ultimate bespoke customisation service, the engineering developments mean DBR22 truly has the dynamic theatre to match, ensuring the drive is just as addictive as its looks.”

Marek Reichman, Aston Martin Chief Creative Officer, added: “We set our design systems to “hyper-drive”, pushing the exploration of formalism further and endeavouring to express a future in the here today. Where could we go with the surfaces, proportion and form. Combining this approach with advanced process, technology, and materials, we’ve effectively modernised our racing bloodline and created a new pedigree. DBR22 is a hot-blooded, purebred Aston Martin sports car full of speed, agility and spirit, and a machine that we think will be the basis of many of tomorrow’s icons”.

The DBR22 design concept will be on display at Pebble Beach Concours D’ Elegance from Friday 19th – Sunday 21st August.

About Aston Martin Lagonda:
Aston Martin’s vision is to be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most exquisitely addictive performance cars.

Founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford, Aston Martin is acknowledged as an iconic global brand synonymous with style, luxury, performance, and exclusivity. Aston Martin fuses the latest technology, time honoured craftsmanship and beautiful styling to produce a range of critically acclaimed luxury models including the Vantage, DB11, DBS, DBX and its first hypercar, the Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Based in Gaydon, England, Aston Martin Lagonda designs, creates and exports cars which are sold in 56 countries around the world. Its sports cars are manufactured in Gaydon with its luxury DBX SUV range proudly manufactured in St Athan, Wales.

Lagonda was founded in 1899 and Aston Martin in 1913. The two brands came together in 1947 when both were purchased by the late Sir David Brown, and the company is now listed on the London Stock Exchange as Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

2020 saw Lawrence Stroll become the company’s Executive Chairman, alongside significant new investment, a move that led to Aston Martin’s return to the pinnacle of motorsport with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One™ Team and commenced new era for the iconic British marque.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

  • Aston Martin unveil DBR22 – a stunning two-seater open cockpit concept at Monterey Car Week
  • Design concept celebrates 10th anniversary of Q by Aston Martin, the ultra-luxury marques’ bespoke division
  • Unique, coach-built design evokes iconic Aston Martin racers such as DBR1 and DB3S
  • All-new carbon fibre bodywork clothes potent V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain
  • Showcase for new production techniques, such as 3D-printed rear subframe
  • Top speed of 198mph, 0-60 in 3.4 seconds
  • DBR22 design concept to become production reality for select Q by Aston Martin customers

15 August 2022, Monterey, California: Aston Martin has chosen the 2022 Monterey Car Week to unveil the spectacular DBR22 for the first time: A V12-engined two-seater coach-built design concept, celebrating the marque’s extraordinary bloodline of open-cockpit sports racers.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

The creation of the DBR22 design concept, unveiled in California, is the latest in a long line of extraordinary projects expertly handled by in-house bespoke division, Q by Aston Martin, which this year celebrates a decade of building exclusive cars for the world’s most discerning customers. Iconic one-off commissions such as Aston Martin Victor, and low volume specials such as Vulcan – limited to 24 examples worldwide, and Vantage V600 – limited to just 14, are truly magnificent examples of these collaborations. It seems only fitting then, that the DBR22 design concept should also form the basis of a production reality example for an ultra-exclusive number of Q by Aston Martin customers.

By mating the classic art of coachbuilding with advanced materials and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, DBR22 is a perfect blend of design purity, engineering precision, heart-pounding performance and true passion. A perfect celebration of Q by Aston Martin and its limitless potential. All underlined by the knowledge it is one of the rarest Aston Martins in the marque’s rich 109-year history

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With classic proportions and immaculate, muscular curves, DBR22 unashamedly speaks of tradition – specifically Aston Martin’s lifelong lineage of world-beating two-seater open-cockpit sportscars such as the DBR1 and DB3S – but expresses it with a dynamic new take on this compelling theme.

DB3S represents an important piece of Aston Martin’s competition history. Introduced in 1953, Frank Feeley’s alloy DB3S body became known for its curves and aerodynamic efficiency, establishing Aston Martin as a serious Le Mans contender and scoring some impressive results along the way. DBR1, known as the ultimate Aston Martin sportscar, took Feeleys design language a stage further and became one of the most important, influential Aston Martins of all time – winning a number of notable races, the most famous of course being Le Mans in 1959, driven by Carroll Shelby and Roy Salvadori, and taking the Aston Martin team onto the ultimate victory: winning the World Sports Car Championship in the same year (‘59.)

The DBR22 design concept showcases a completely new body from the designers at Aston Martin. Its exceptional coach-built form is created from a minimal number of body panels to create a more sculpted, muscular presence.  The result: a smooth and effortless blend of exceptional drama and elegance, with several unique design features to compliment.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

A particularly noteworthy feature is the entirely new front grille which incorporates a unique carbon fibre design in place of the usual veins seen on series production Aston Martins. This design takes inspiration directly from the DBR1 and DB3S, giving a unique identity; one which clearly draws from Aston Martin’s heritage but uses this inspiration to create a truly contemporary design.

The bonnet features a dramatic horseshoe vent, recessed to aid airflow from the 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo engine that sits beneath it. This long, unbroken bonnet line draws your eye back towards the cockpit, over the lowline wind deflector and delicate mirrors, which are mounted to the tops of the doors on slender, wind-cheating carbon fibre arms.

Sitting perfectly within the wheel arches is a set of all-new 21in alloy wheels. Featuring a unique 14-spoke design created especially for the DBR22, these lightweight wheels feature a motorsport-derived centre-lock hub, which is also available to spec from an extensive colour pallet.

The DBR22 design concept also showcases an entirely bespoke paint colour, developed specifically for the occasion using ‘Paint to Sample’ – an exclusive option available through Q by Aston Martin, demonstrating again the vast design possibilities attainable through the marques bespoke service.

The DBR22’s cockpit continues the fusion of classic and contemporary approaches with many unique components and an extensive use of both leather and exposed carbon fibre. With architecture defined by the all-new dashboard and sleek infotainment displays, it sets the tone for a clean, uncluttered environment. Though taking inspiration from Aston Martin’s world-beating competition cars, the DBR22 is no bare-bones racer inside. Supple aromatic hides swathe the contemporary dashboard, the carbon fibre performance seats and extend over the tops of the doors to create an inviting hint of the interior.

Rising from behind the seats are twin nacelles which smooth the airflow behind the driver and passenger’s heads.  At the rear, DBR22 design concept has an unmistakable horizontal light graphic courtesy of the slim, full-width light bar made specially for this application. Beneath it sits a perforated panel to allow hot air to exit the tail. This beautifully sculptural piece is yet another unique highlight of the DBR22 intriguing design. Together with the smoothly integrated diffuser and pair of large diameter exhaust tailpipes, the DBR22 has incredible road presence, perfectly capturing the raw emotion of the driving experience.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With an extensive options palette available through the celebrated bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin offers customers of all Aston Martin models the chance to create something completely unique. As well as paint colours and finishes, bespoke graphics through to tinted carbons and bespoke materials on both the interior and exterior, every Q by Aston Martin car can push the limits of design and desire and is completely tailored to the customer.

Thanks to an immensely potent 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain the DBR22 backs-up its extraordinary looks with truly breath-taking performance; peak outputs of 715PS and 753Nm providing sufficient propulsion to accelerate the DBR22 from a standstill to 60mph in just 3.4sec and on to a top speed of 198mph/319kmh. With nothing but the slipstream between the driver and this epic engine’s unforgettable twelve-cylinder howl, the DBR22 promises to be an intense sensory stimulation.

Dynamically the DBR22 targets true driver connection, with a chassis honed to deliver precision, agility and tactility in equal measure. Unique calibration of the engine and 8-speed paddle-shift automatic transmission uses torque shaping to give the DBR22 a manner and delivery unlike any other model. A pinned steering column brings greater accuracy but also provides more detailed feedback so the driver can build a more accurate picture of available grip.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Attention has also been paid to the DBR22’s chassis structure. Unique front and rear shear panels further increase tortional rigidity, with a bespoke calibration for the adaptive dampers providing precision and pliancy for a blend of body control and ride refinement that will make the DBR22 an absolute pleasure to drive – on road or racetrack.

The DBR22 also features a 3D printed rear subframe – the first time Aston Martin has introduced such a method. The component is made from multiple 3D printed parts printed from aluminium, which are then bonded to form the finished subframe. The advantages are clear, with a significant weight saving and no reduction in stiffness, plus the ability to make special parts for ultra-low volume models, where required.

Roberto Fedeli, Aston Martin Chief Technical Officer, said “Technology is pivotal in the construction of DBR22, with extensive use of carbon fibre throughout, and the use of 3D printing for the manufacture of a structural component. As such DBR22 showcases Aston Martin’s unique capabilities, with world-class design combined with an agile, intelligent approach to engineering and production. For a car that was designed to celebrate the ultimate bespoke customisation service, the engineering developments mean DBR22 truly has the dynamic theatre to match, ensuring the drive is just as addictive as its looks.”

Marek Reichman, Aston Martin Chief Creative Officer, added: “We set our design systems to “hyper-drive”, pushing the exploration of formalism further and endeavouring to express a future in the here today. Where could we go with the surfaces, proportion and form. Combining this approach with advanced process, technology, and materials, we’ve effectively modernised our racing bloodline and created a new pedigree. DBR22 is a hot-blooded, purebred Aston Martin sports car full of speed, agility and spirit, and a machine that we think will be the basis of many of tomorrow’s icons”.

The DBR22 design concept will be on display at Pebble Beach Concours D’ Elegance from Friday 19th – Sunday 21st August.

About Aston Martin Lagonda:
Aston Martin’s vision is to be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most exquisitely addictive performance cars.

Founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford, Aston Martin is acknowledged as an iconic global brand synonymous with style, luxury, performance, and exclusivity. Aston Martin fuses the latest technology, time honoured craftsmanship and beautiful styling to produce a range of critically acclaimed luxury models including the Vantage, DB11, DBS, DBX and its first hypercar, the Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Based in Gaydon, England, Aston Martin Lagonda designs, creates and exports cars which are sold in 56 countries around the world. Its sports cars are manufactured in Gaydon with its luxury DBX SUV range proudly manufactured in St Athan, Wales.

Lagonda was founded in 1899 and Aston Martin in 1913. The two brands came together in 1947 when both were purchased by the late Sir David Brown, and the company is now listed on the London Stock Exchange as Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

2020 saw Lawrence Stroll become the company’s Executive Chairman, alongside significant new investment, a move that led to Aston Martin’s return to the pinnacle of motorsport with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One™ Team and commenced new era for the iconic British marque.