Tag Archive for: 2023

#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

Mercedes-Benz Classic arranca la temporada 2023 en el Retro Classics

#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

En cuanto a los clásicos automovilísticos, ¡2023 vuelve a ver a la estrella de tres puntas a la cabeza!

Mercedes-Benz Classic tendrá presencia en numerosos eventos de alto perfil en los próximos meses. Comenzando con dos de las principales ferias alemanas de autos clásicos: Retro Classics (del 23 al 26 de febrero en Stuttgart) y Techno Classica (del 12 al 16 de abril en Essen).

Pero los fanáticos de los automóviles clásicos también pueden esperar que nuestra división de herencia participe en otros grandes eventos en todo el mundo a lo largo del año. Entre ellos se encuentran el ICE St. Moritz en Suiza, el 1000 Miglia en Italia, el Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​en el Reino Unido, el Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance en los EE. UU. y el London to Brighton Veteran Car Run en el Reino Unido.

#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

Estamos ansiosos por reunirnos con los clubes de la marca Mercedes-Benz oficialmente reconocidos y sus miembros, así como con todos los amantes de los autos clásicos interesados. ¡Porque después de todo, su dedicación ayuda a mantener viva la historia de nuestra marca!

  • Feria de cultura de conducción, del 23 al 26 de febrero de 2023 en Stuttgart
  • Los clubes de marca juegan un papel integral en la preservación del patrimonio de Mercedes-Benz
  • Perspectivas sobre la temporada de clásicos multifacéticos 2023

En cuanto a los clásicos automovilísticos, 2023 vuelve a ver a la estrella de tres puntas a la cabeza:
Mercedes-Benz Classic estará presente en numerosos eventos de alto perfil durante los próximos meses. La división Heritage del fabricante de automóviles más antiguo del mundo inicia la nueva temporada participando en las dos principales ferias comerciales alemanas: Retro Classics (del 23 al 26 de febrero de 2023 en Stuttgart) y Techno Classica (del 12 al 16 de abril de 2023 en Essen).

“En Retro Classics, el enfoque para nosotros estará en nuestro diálogo con los clubes de la marca Mercedes-Benz reconocidos oficialmente. 80 clubes en todo el mundo, con alrededor de 100.000 miembros, están en el corazón de nuestra activa comunidad Classic. Su dedicación ayuda a mantener viva la historia de nuestra marca y a crear conciencia sobre ella ante el ojo público. La ubicación del stand de la feria comercial de este año, inmediatamente adyacente a los clubes de marcas alemanas, también fomenta esta interacción cercana y cooperativa”.
Marcus Breitschwerdt, Director de Mercedes-Benz Heritage

Una selección de otras fechas de Mercedes-Benz Classic 2023:

  • “The ICE” St. Moritz (Suiza), 24 al 25 de febrero de 2023
    En el Concurso Internacional de Elegancia en el elegante complejo de deportes de invierno, los autos clásicos de Mercedes-Benz demostrarán su destreza en vueltas rápidas sobre el hielo y la nieve. Lago San Moritz.
  • 1000 Miglia (Italia), del 13 al 17 de junio de 2023
    Este año, la histórica carrera de regularidad en la estela de la legendaria carrera en ruta Mille Miglia discurrirá por Italia durante un período de cinco días. Mercedes-Benz Classic conmemora los momentos más destacados de la historia del automovilismo.
  • Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​(Reino Unido), del 13 al 16 de julio de 2023
    La “fiesta en el jardín del automóvil más grande del mundo” en la finca británica Goodwood House es un evento especial tanto para el público como para los participantes. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen carreras en la pista Hillclimb y el Rally Stage, así como presentaciones de vehículos.
  • Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance (EE. UU.), 20 de agosto de 2023
    (Clímax de la Monterey Car Week del 17 al 20 de agosto de 2023)
    Mercedes-Benz Classic presenta vehículos destacados de la historia de la marca en Pebble Beach. Las actividades incluirán la aparición espectacular de dos de los vehículos de aniversario de este año: el Mercedes-Benz 600 (W 100) y el “Pagoda” (W 113). Con una exhibición de los últimos modelos de gama alta, las marcas del Grupo Mercedes-Benz darán vida a las múltiples facetas de la elegancia automotriz en Pebble Beach.
    La Semana del Automóvil de Monterey será seguida por otro evento de clase alta: Mercedes-Benz Classic participará con dos vehículos en la reunión más grande de autos deportivos Mercedes-Benz de antes de la guerra en Sonoma, California.
  • London to Brighton Veteran Car Run (Reino Unido), 5 de noviembre de 2023
    Un evento de conducción que da vida a los emocionantes primeros días de la historia del automovilismo. La LBVCR conmemora la llamada “Carrera de Emancipación” de 1896. Los propietarios de automóviles británicos de la época celebraron la liberalización del límite de velocidad conduciendo desde Londres hasta el balneario de Brighton, a 60 millas (96 kilómetros) de distancia.

Aniversarios importantes en la historia de la marca Mercedes-Benz en 2023:

  • 60 años del Mercedes-Benz 600 (W 100)
    Este vehículo causó sensación en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de 1963. La marca publicitaba el nuevo modelo superior como “El ‘Grand Mercedes’ 600 – El vehículo exclusivo de gran prestigio”. Con lujo, comodidad y seguridad en la conducción, el “600” tomó la delantera entre el pequeño grupo de autos exquisitos y de alto prestigio. El Mercedes-Benz 600 estaba disponible como Berlina, Pullman Berlina y Landaulet. Fue producido en Sindelfingen en un proceso de producción acabado a mano hasta 1981.
  • 60 años del Mercedes-Benz SL “Pagoda” (W 113)
    En marzo de 1963, el Mercedes-Benz 230 SL de la serie W 113 sustituyó tanto al 300 SL Roadster (W 198) como al 190 SL (W 121) en el Mismo tiempo. Fue el primer automóvil deportivo del mundo con carrocería de seguridad. Este fue un principio desarrollado por Béla Barényi, con un compartimento de pasajeros sólido y zonas deformables. La serie W 113 recibió el sobrenombre de “Pagoda” debido al techo rígido cóncavo: la silueta del techo recuerda a los templos asiáticos del mismo nombre. A lo largo de los años hasta 1971, la W 113 se ofreció sucesivamente como 230 SL, 250 SL y 280 SL.
  • 30 años del 500 GE V8 de la serie 463
    El primer modelo Clase G con motor V8 debutó en marzo de 1993 en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra. El 500 GE V8 fue el precursor de las potentes y lujosas versiones de la Clase G en los años siguientes. El motor M 117 V8 con tecnología de dos válvulas desarrollaba 177 kW (240 hp) y 375 Newton-metro de torque con una cilindrada de 4973 centímetros cúbicos. La velocidad máxima era de 180 km/h, mientras que la aceleración de 0 a 100 km/h se lograba en 11,4 segundos.
  • 30 años de la Clase C de la serie 202
    En mayo de 1993, Mercedes-Benz presentó la segunda generación de la clase compacta. El sucesor del exitoso “190” (serie 201) estableció una nueva nomenclatura en la gama de modelos de la marca: a partir de ese momento, la clase compacta se denominó “Clase C”, en consonancia con la denominación familiar “Clase S”. . En la década de 1990, esta lógica también se aplicó a la Clase E y la Clase G, así como a las nuevas series de modelos como la Clase A, B y M. Entre otras cosas, el primer Mercedes-Benz Clase C introdujo el concepto de diferentes líneas de diseño y equipamiento, así como sistemas adicionales de seguridad activa y pasiva para este segmento de vehículos.

Vehículos de Mercedes-Benz Classic en Retro Classics 2023

Automóvil de patente Benz, 1886.

El 29 de enero de 1886, el sueño de Carl Benz se hizo realidad: el diseñador de Mannheim solicitó una patente para su “vehículo con funcionamiento con motor de gas”. El número de patente DRP 37435 se considera el certificado de nacimiento del automóvil y le dio su nombre a Patent Motor Car. El primer automóvil del mundo fue un diseño completamente independiente, con una unidad orgánica compuesta por motor y chasis. Benz lo diseñó como un vehículo de tres ruedas, ya que no le convenció la dirección de la barra de tiro que se utiliza para los carruajes. El logro decisivo de Carl Benz fue la implementación sistemática de su visión del “carruaje sin caballos”: tuvo la idea de un automóvil, lo patentó, lo diseñó, lo construyó y lo probó. Lanzó el vehículo al mercado; lo produjo en masa, lo desarrolló aún más y así hizo que su invento fuera utilizable. El Benz Patent Motor Car marcó el comienzo de una nueva era de movilidad personal. Los visitantes de Retro Classics pueden embarcarse en un viaje en el tiempo y vivir de cerca este hito en la historia de la tecnología. En el stand de Mercedes-Benz Classic, hay una réplica fiel del vehículo como punto de fotografía. El Patent Motor Car va acompañado de una actriz vestida de Bertha Benz. La esposa de Carl Benz apoyó el desarrollo de su marido con gran vigor e influencia, y en agosto de 1888 incluso emprendió el primer viaje de larga distancia en automóvil, de Mannheim a Pforzheim y viceversa.

Datos técnicos del Automóvil Patentado Benz
Año de construcción: 1886 (fiel reconstrucción)
Cilindros: 1
Cilindrada: 954 cc
Potencia: 0,55 kW (0,75 hp) a 400 rpm
Velocidad máxima: 16 km/h

Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupé “Chasis rodante” (W 198), 1954

En febrero de 1954 se presentó en Nueva York el deportivo de serie 300 SL Coupé (W 198). Sus puertas de ala de gaviota no eran un fin estético en sí mismas, sino una necesidad técnica. Esto se debió a que el vehículo se basó en un marco tubular liviano y extremadamente resistente a la torsión. Fue construido tan alto en los lados que los diseños de puertas convencionales no se pudieron realizar. Incluso en 1954, año de su estreno, la marca utilizó un chasis con tecnología visible como fascinante exhibición en los principales salones del automóvil. El marco tubular, que pesaba alrededor de 75 kilogramos, se soldó a partir de tubos que se ensamblaron en triángulos y, por lo tanto, solo bajo cargas de tracción y compresión. La exposición muestra claramente la instalación en ángulo del motor de seis cilindros, así como todo el tren de transmisión con caja de cambios, ejes y eje de transmisión.

Datos técnicos Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Rolling Chassis” (W 198)
Año de construcción: 1954
Cilindros: 6/en línea
Cilindrada: 2.996 cc
Potencia: 158 kW (215 CV) a 5.800 rpm
Velocidad máxima: hasta 260 km/h

Dolce Gabbana | Duo Mert&Marcus, Kim Kardashian, muse and face of the Women's Spring-Summer 2023 Campaign

Dúo Mert&Marcus, Kim Kardashian, musa y rostro de la Campaña Mujer Primavera-Verano 2023


Interpretada por el célebre dúo de fotógrafos Mert&Marcus , Kim Kardashian , musa y rostro de la campaña femenina Primavera-Verano 2023, viste singulares reinterpretaciones de piezas de archivo de #DolceGabbana. Sensual y elegante, la Colección #DGSS23 es un viaje por el ADN más auténtico de la marca.

Explore the collection at https://www.dolcegabbana.com/es/kim-kardashian-ss23/

#CiaoKim #Madeinitaly

Two unforgettable Four Seasons drive Experience itineraries unveiled for 2023

 Dos itinerarios inolvidables de Four Seasons drive Experience presentados para 2023

Te esperan impresionantes vistas, ofertas culinarias y culturales incomparables y acceso privilegiado especial, junto con estadías en las propiedades de Four Seasons en Ginebra, Megève y Napa Valley.
febrero de 2023, Toronto, Canadá

Tras el éxito del  Four Seasons Drive Experience  inaugural a través de la Toscana, la empresa líder en hospitalidad de lujo anuncia  dos nuevos itinerarios para 2023  que mostrarán lo mejor de los Alpes europeos y una de las capitales de la comida y el vino de América del Norte, Napa Valley.

Al volante de un vehículo de lujo, los huéspedes pueden esperar experiencias gastronómicas únicas en la vida, rutas personalizadas y acceso privilegiado al talento local y ofertas culturales únicas, lo que permite descubrir cada destino desde una nueva perspectiva. Four Seasons Drive Experience en el corazón de los Alpes  del 12 al 18 de junio de 2023 y Four Seasons Drive Experience a través del valle de Napa  del 29 de octubre al 4 de noviembre de 2023 ofrecerán experiencias de conducción que muestran lo mejor de estos nuevos destinos de itinerario. Cuando no estén de viaje, los huéspedes en los Alpes se hospedarán en Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Ginebra  y  Four Seasons Hotel Megève . Mientras estén en Napa Valley, los viajeros se hospedarán en      Four Seasons Resort y Residencias Napa Valley .

“Four Seasons Drive Experience es una extensión natural de lo que somos y de lo que brindamos: crea experiencias seleccionadas que permiten a los huéspedes descubrir el carácter de un lugar de maneras nuevas e inesperadas”, dice Alejandro Reynal, presidente y director ejecutivo de Four  Seasons Hotels and centros turísticos. “Al volante de un vehículo de lujo, los huéspedes disfrutarán de una experiencia de manejo excepcional, siempre con el servicio Four Seasons y un corazón genuino como guía”.

Desde el alojamiento y el itinerario del viaje hasta las excursiones exclusivas y las experiencias locales personalizadas, todo se entregará con la atención al detalle, la calidad excepcional y el servicio atento por el que Four Seasons es reconocido. Los huéspedes que reserven una experiencia Four Seasons Drive disfrutarán de experiencias seleccionadas por expertos con maravillas menos conocidas y lugares ocultos adaptados a cada viajero, organizados por el equipo de Four Seasons, para un viaje verdaderamente incomparable.

“Four Seasons Drive Experience ha redefinido el mundo de los recorridos de conducción de lujo, creando experiencias excepcionales al reunir la experiencia de Four Seasons y nuestros socios en Canossa Events”, dice  Marc Speichert , vicepresidente ejecutivo y director comercial. “En 2023, llevaremos Four Seasons Drive Experience a destinos nuevos y muy solicitados en función de un profundo conocimiento de nuestros huéspedes, brindando una experiencia de lujo que refleje el cuidado y la empatía genuinos que son el núcleo de Four Seasons”.

De principio a fin, ambos itinerarios están diseñados para celebrar el romance de los viajes por carretera y saborear cada momento del viaje, así como el destino, ya sea desde el vehículo de lujo de un huésped o uno coordinado por el equipo dedicado de servicios para huéspedes.

“No podríamos estar más contentos con los comentarios de los huéspedes que recibimos después del itinerario de la Toscana del año pasado, que se conceptualizó en torno al amor por los automóviles y la programación inmersiva para experimentar todo lo que el destino tiene para ofrecer”, dice Luigi Orlandini, presidente y director ejecutivo de Canossa  Events . “Con Tuscany ahora en el espejo retrovisor, estamos emocionados de cautivar a los huéspedes con estas nuevas y deseables ofertas con Four Seasons que crearán recuerdos para toda la vida”.

Experiencia Four Seasons Drive en el corazón de los Alpes , del 12 al 18 de junio de 2023

El itinerario de una semana comenzará en  Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Ginebra , que servirá como base de operaciones durante los próximos días, con vistas encantadoras del lago de Ginebra y un telón de fondo icónico de los Alpes nevados. Una cena de bienvenida será el escenario perfecto para conocer a otros viajeros. Durante su estancia en Ginebra, los huéspedes visitarán Gruy è re Village, considerado uno de los pueblos más bellos de la región y hogar del conocido queso suizo. A partir de entonces, se embarcarán en un recorrido panorámico por Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, un tramo de tierra de 30 kilómetros (19 millas) con sorprendentes terrazas en las laderas, antes de ser escoltados a través de fincas vinícolas históricas que datan de la Edad Media para un vino suizo. y maridaje de quesos.

En los días siguientes, los viajeros viajarán hacia el destino final de Megève, deteniéndose en el camino para aprender sobre el arte atemporal de la relojería, desde el diseño y el desarrollo de prototipos hasta el mecanizado. La tarde incluirá un recorrido lleno de adrenalina que pasará por el Chateau d’Avully, conocido por sus altísimas torres y su icónica arquitectura, antes de llegar al  Four Seasons Hotel Megève  para descansar y recargar energías.

La programación en Megève incluye un emocionante viaje a la ciudad alpina de Annecy, serpenteando por las míticas carreteras de Aravis y cruzando montañas que perforan el cielo; una visita al macizo del Mont Blanc, una impresionante cadena montañosa que ofrece impresionantes vistas de 360 ​​grados de los Alpes franceses, suizos e italianos; y tomar el remoto puerto de montaña Grand Saint Bernard que conecta Italia y Suiza para concluir su viaje de regreso a Megève.

Four Seasons Drive Experience a través del Valle de Napa,  del 29 de octubre al 4 de noviembre de 2023

Este itinerario para los entusiastas de la comida y el vino se centra en las mejores bodegas y experiencias culinarias que prometen revitalizar los paladares y tentar las papilas gustativas. En una de las capitales de la comida y el vino de América del Norte, los huéspedes llegarán al  Four Seasons Resort and Residences Napa Valley , hogar durante los próximos siete días.

El viaje comenzará con una celebración de la gastronomía innovadora: una cena de bienvenida en el Vineyard Barn de la propiedad que presenta un diseño arquitectónico que encarna la rica herencia agrícola de Napa, enmarcado por bosques pintorescos y vistas despejadas de las montañas. El día siguiente comenzará con un viaje panorámico a la Bahía de Tomales para una experiencia inmersiva de cultivo de ostras seguida de un almuerzo gourmet con vista a la bahía. Por la noche, los huéspedes disfrutarán de una suntuosa cena para los sentidos, complementada con los vinos especiales de la región.

Los días siguientes estarán dedicados a descubrir sabores únicos y sumergirse en las fragantes notas del vino recorriendo las bodegas más comentadas de Napa, solo accesibles para los  huéspedes de Four Seasons Drive Experience, incluida Opus One Winery, nacida de la colaboración entre dos de las figuras enológicas más estimadas. : Baron Philippe de Rothschild de Château Mouton Rothschild y Robert Mondavi.

Para los últimos días del itinerario, los huéspedes realizarán un recorrido en ferry privado por la Bahía de San Francisco y finalizarán la experiencia de siete días en las nubes con paseos en globo aerostático que ofrecen vistas panorámicas de los viñedos y las ondulantes montañas.

Infomación sobre reservas

Los viajeros interesados ​​en obtener más información sobre Four Seasons  Drive  Experience In the Heart of the Alps  o   Four Seasons  Drive Experience Through Napa Valley  están invitados a  hacer clic aquí  para obtener detalles adicionales de la reserva o enviar un correo electrónico  a drive@fourseasons.com . Las reservas también se pueden hacer por teléfono: EU +39 052 2421 096 y US +1 831 521 5190.

Además de una creciente cartera global de hoteles y resorts, las ofertas de estilo de vida de lujo incluyen una  experiencia de jet privado a medida ; villas de lujo y alquileres de casas de vacaciones ; una  línea de artículos para el hogar y de viaje seleccionados ; una cartera global de  residencias privadas y recientemente anunció su entrada en el  espacio de los yates de lujo  , Four Seasons continúa redefiniendo la búsqueda de viajes extraordinarios y lleva su legendario servicio Four Seasons a cada viaje, ya sea por agua, aire o carretera. .

Sobre Canossa Eventos

Canossa Events  se formó en 2010 y es sinónimo de excelencia en eventos de turismo por carretera. La compañía organiza casi 300 eventos al año, incluido el legendario Modena Cento Ore, que se abre camino en el impresionante paisaje de Italia y también presenta carreras en algunos de los circuitos más famosos. Canossa es mejor conocido por sus rallyes de autos clásicos y sus eventos de turismos de superdeportivos que combinan autos coleccionables exóticos, hospitalidad de clase mundial y aventuras en la carretera ambientadas en algunos de los paisajes más pintorescos del mundo en Europa, EE. UU. y Medio Oriente. La familia Canossa también incluye a Cavallino, editor de la famosa revista homónima desde 1978 y organizador del Concorso d’Eleganza más importante del mundo dedicado íntegramente a Ferrari. Desde 2019 Canossa forma parte de Motorsport Network.

Jumeirah Group Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance for a More Responsible Future

United Arab Emirates, Dubai, January 2023: Jumeirah Group has become the newest member of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, joining forces with other world-leading hotel brands and partners to address key challenges and collectively accelerate towards a more responsible industry.

Operating a range of initiatives spanning both the environment and community engagement, the luxury hospitality leader and member of Dubai Holding is bolstering its commitment to sustainability through this partnership. Its eco initiatives include working to eliminate single-use plastics, beginning with the removal of plastic straws and transitioning to sustainable packaging across their properties and restaurants. In addition, the Group has begun to roll out onsite water bottling and filtration systems providing guests with safe bottled drinking water in glass or reusable bottles and preventing over nine million single-use plastic bottles from reaching landfills and the ocean per year.

Jumeirah Group has also played a pivotal role in protecting biodiversity through the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project, releasing 2,050 rehabilitated turtles back to their natural habitat since its inception in 2004, combined with free environmental education programmes for school children. Other initiatives include setting up an on-site hydroponic farm to supply fresh produce to their restaurants which uses 70% less water per yield, and implementing innovative food tech systems to not only help reduce waste but also convert the waste to fertiliser for local use.

The Group is also focused on gender equality and community engagement. Through its partnership with Evolvin Women, it invites female placements from developing nations and provides training to build the skillsets for successful hospitality careers in their home countries, raising the economic potential within their own communities. The company, which recently appointed Katerina Giannouka as its first female CEO, also has robust corporate governance, combined with learning and development programmes, to support equal opportunity, gender parity, equal pay and other indicators of gender equality.

By joining the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, Jumeirah Group has become part of the world’s leading responsible hospitality network, which brings together 40% of the industry by rooms along with strategic and supply chain partners to create shared solutions for environmental and social challenges. Their work includes climate action, water stewardship and responsible resourcing, alongside human rights, employability and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Thomas B. Meier, Chief Operating Officer of Jumeirah Group said: “Jumeirah Group is committed to identifying and co-creating new ways to incorporate sustainable and inclusive practices across our business ecosystem, to shape the best possible future where everyone can thrive. The hospitality industry touches many communities and industries worldwide, and we believe we have the opportunity with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to bring about transformative change, by working alongside our industry peers and finding practical solutions that will ultimately set the foundations for long term value creation and sustainable growth.”


Glenn Mandziuk, CEO of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, added: “Each new member brings a unique perspective and set of experiences which complement our existing community of responsible businesses, which enables us to better support the wider hotel industry around the world – at all stages of their sustainability journeys. We are delighted to welcome Jumeirah Group to the Alliance and look forward to their insights and contribution as, together, we support the industry to achieve net positive hospitality.”

For more information about Jumeirah Group, please visit www.jumeirah.com.



Maserati returns to the field at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters

Modena, February 2023 – The time has come for a new meet on clay in the Principality of Monaco, where the biggest names in world tennis will be coming together with the House of the Trident’s most elegant and iconic models. For the second year running, Maserati is taking to the courts at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters, as the tournament’s main sponsor and official car.
Maserati is combining its values of style, competitiveness and sporting passion with an event that for over a century – in the magnificent setting of the Principality of Monaco – has brought together the quintessence of all things unique, from performance to the most refined luxury.

Maserati GranTurismo Folgore. Roaring in California

Maserati GranTurismo Folgore. Roaring in California

Competitive impetus has always been a major factor in the soul of Maserati, the ideal ally when it comes to the highest levels in the world of sport. It is perfect to represent the timeless appeal of one of the most enthralling disciplines, which shares the same values of excellence, tenacity and dedication with the Italian brand.

The renewal of the winning partnership between Maserati and the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters will result in the opportunity to write a new chapter of love for sport, for an international audience. A recurring feature of the Trident’s narrative, its cars at the forefront of design and technology will star on the roads of the Principality – as impeccable ambassadors of one of the most exclusive events in the world – to epitomise the DNA of the Modena-based manufacturer.

Maserati MC20 Cielo

Maserati MC20 Cielo

The first European event in the ATP Tour Masters 1000 series will enliven the stands from 8 to 16 April, when the biggest names in the tennis firmament will be ready to compete for one of the most coveted titles in the season. Throughout the tournament, the players and guests will be travelling aboard the Maserati fleet, to take part in style, even off the court.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable for their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a benchmark for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. The ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan and the Levante – the first SUV made by Maserati, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. The Ghibli and Levante are now also available in hybrid versions and are the first electrified cars from the Trident brand. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid V6 and V8 petrol engines, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive. The Trofeo Collection, comprising Ghibli, Quattroporte and Levante, equipped with the powerful 580- hp V8 engine, embodies the performance DNA of the Trident brand. The top of the range is the MC20 super sports car, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.


Comprising a total of nearly 90 sports cars across a diverse list of marques, the common thread that unites The Carrera Collection is its impressive diversity. An almost encyclopedic selection of Porsche sports cars represents the majority of the models, including early 356 examples, top-of-the-line 928 grand tourers, as well as multiple generations of the legendary 911 sports coupe. The collection also includes a variety of desirable modern classics from marques including Alfa Romeo, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Alpina, and Chevrolet. Notably, every car in the collection will be offered without reserve.

The Carrera Collection will be offered across two sales, one in Switzerland and the other in Italy. More details will be announced very soon, and we encourage you to register for an RM Sotheby’s account for the latest updates.

Mercedes-Maybach launches its first plug-in hybrid model

  • The Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e (preliminary values, fuel consumption combined, weighted: 1.0‑0.8 l/100 km, CO2 emissions combined, weighted: 23‑18 g/km, electricity consumption combined, weighted: 25.0‑22.9 kWh/100 km)1 marks the beginning of a new era for the brand with a more than 100‑year heritage.
  • With an electric range of up to 100 kilometres (WLTP)1 depending on the vehicle’s configuration and an electric-drive output of 110 kW/150 hp the luxury saloon can travel locally CO2 emission-free, both in the city and on interurban journeys.
  • The Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e is initially available in China, followed by Thailand, Europe and other countries.

The Mercedes‑Maybach brand has been regarded as the benchmark for automotive luxury, style and status since Wilhelm and Karl Maybach began building automobiles in 1921. Their aim was to create “the very best of the very best,” an aspiration that continues to characterise the unique aura of Mercedes‑Maybach to this day. The legendary brand is continually reinventing itself to exceed the highest expectations of the extraordinary. With success: the current Mercedes‑Maybach S‑Class has seen steadily growing demand since its market launch in 2021.

With our first plug-in hybrid model, we are combining the luxury experience typical of Maybach with emission-free local driving when in electric driving mode. The Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e represents a pivotal step in the transformation of our heritage brand into an electric future. We will present our first fully electric model as early as 2023.”
Daniel Lescow, Head of Mercedes‑Maybach at Mercedes‑Benz Group AG

The Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e opens up an even more impressive experience of silence. In purely electric driving mode, the already exceptionally quiet interior becomes even quieter. The saloon glides along almost silently and with zero local emissions. Electric-specific features are discreetly integrated with typical Maybach expertise – such as the concealed charging socket on the left side of the vehicle and blue colour accents in the headlights or the battery charging state in the instrument panel.

The basis of the hybrid drive is a highly efficient inline six-cylinder engine from the current Mercedes‑Benz petrol engine generation, combining 270 kW/367 hp of powerful performance with low fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. A combined system output of 375 kW/510 hp and maximum torque of 750 Nm guarantees superior driving performance. The electric motor’s maximum torque of 440 Nm is available immediately from the first engine revolution, resulting in rapid acceleration and dynamic handling. The Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e accelerates from 0-100 km/h in 5.1 seconds.

An 11 kW charger is fitted as standard for three-phase charging from the AC mains. A 60 kW DC charger for fast charging with direct current is available as an option. Even when the battery is almost completely empty, a full charge can be achieved in around 30 minutes using the latter.

The most important data at a glance

S 580 e
Cylinders petrol engine (arrangement; number) I6
Displacement petrol engine cc 2,999
Rated output petrol engine kW/hp 270/367
at rpm 5,500-6,100
Rated torque petrol engine Nm 500
at rpm 1,600-4,500
Rated output electric motor kW/hp 110/150
Rated torque electric motor Nm 440
System output kW/hp 375/510
System torque Nm 750
Combined fuel consumption, weighted (WLTP)2 l/100 km 1.0-0.8
Combined CO2 emissions, weighted(WLTP)2 g/km 23-18
Combined electrical consumption, weighted (WLTP)2 kWh/100 km 25.0-22.9
Electric range (WLTP: EAER combined)2 km up to 100
Acceleration 0-100 km/h s 5.1
Top speed km/h 250
Top speed electric km/h 140

1Figures for fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and power consumption are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. EC type approval and a certificate of conformity with official figures are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official values are possible.

2Figures for fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and power consumption are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. EC type approval and a certificate of conformity with official figures are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official values are possible.

Lamborghini V12 supercar era, ushering in the hybrid age

Se han creado dos autos únicos, un roadster y un coupé, para celebrar el final de la era de los superdeportivos V12, marcando el comienzo de la era híbrida.

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 6 de febrero de 2023  – A pocas semanas del debut del primer superdeportivo híbrido de Lamborghini, la firma italiana celebra su renombrado V12 atmosférico con el Invencible coupé y el Auténtica roadster: dos únicos, uno -off cars que resaltan el ADN de la marca y representan la cúspide del acento exclusivo de Lamborghini en la personalización, al involucrar al cliente desde el principio para crear modelos que son verdaderamente personalizados.

“El motor V12 es uno de los pilares de nuestra historia y del éxito de nuestra marca”,  dijo Stephan Winkelmann, presidente y director ejecutivo de Automobili Lamborghini.  “A medida que avanzamos hacia la adopción de una nueva era de hibridación en el corazón de nuestra estrategia Cor Tauri, esta es la forma en que Lamborghini celebra el V12 de aspiración natural con dos vehículos únicos que representan perfectamente nuestro concepto de excelencia en la personalización”.

Los dos inconfundibles autos únicos fueron diseñados por Lamborghini Centro Stile como la quintaesencia de la máxima creatividad utilizando la plataforma V12, reflejando las claves de diseño que han contribuido a la importancia icónica de la compañía, además de dibujar un carácter deportivo inspirado en la pista de carreras. .

Invencible y Auténtica rinden homenaje a las obras maestras del diseño de Lamborghini: el Sesto Elemento, un homenaje a la ligereza y el automovilismo caracterizado por un gran alerón trasero; el Reventón con su estilo aeronáutico único; y el Veneno, que lleva al extremo la búsqueda de la perfección aerodinámica.

“Hemos creado dos autos únicos con su propio carácter único, inspirados en los días de pista y el entorno de circuito de alto octanaje”, dijo  Mitja Borkert, directora de diseño de Automobili Lamborghini. “Están diseñados  por Lamborghini Centro Stile, ejerciendo la máxima creatividad sobre la plataforma V12. Estos diseños únicos se basan en nuestro ADN de diseño único y, una vez más, elevan nuestra herencia de diseño a un nuevo nivel”.

Ambos autos nuevos comparten el mismo monocasco de fibra de carbono del Aventador, producido en Sant’Agata Bolognese, junto con una carrocería completamente de carbono que incorpora diseño y tecnologías probadas con éxito por Lamborghini en el automovilismo. El imponente capó repite el del Essenza SCV12, junto con el divisor frontal pronunciado completo con puntales verticales diseñados para administrar el flujo de aire de la manera más eficiente.

El hexágono, un motivo bien conocido del diseño moderno de Lamborghini, se integra de manera armoniosa pero llamativa en los elementos visuales distintivos del automóvil, comenzando con el llamativo conjunto de luces delanteras y traseras resaltado por innovadoras luces LED hexagonales. En el capó, las tomas de aire recuerdan a las del Sesto Elemento, y las mismas señales se repiten en el triple escape central con puntas de Inconel: una aleación especial de acero de alto rendimiento derivada de la industria aeroespacial.

El interior de ambos coches está dominado por líneas limpias, con un salpicadero minimalista realzado por salidas de aire hexagonales impresas en 3D y sin instrumentación en la consola, para subrayar la ligereza de la cabina y centrar la atención en el puro placer de conducir. La cabina en sí está enmarcada en fibra de carbono, con una lectura digital que presenta gráficos dedicados para cada automóvil.

El Invencible coupé se caracteriza por el sutil contraste entre el tono dominante de rojo y los elementos con aspecto de carbono realzados por “copos” rojos. La carrocería del Rosso Efesto se complementa con umbrales y marcos de las puertas de carbono, al igual que las pinzas de freno del Rosso Mars, que se asientan detrás de ruedas de una sola tuerca con carenados de fibra de carbono para ventilar el conjunto de frenos. En las clásicas puertas de tijera, hay dos tricolores hexagonales prominentes: un homenaje a la bandera italiana que se repite en los revestimientos de las puertas y en el volante.

El interior, en el mismo color que la carrocería, contrasta con el cuero Rosso Alala y Nero Cosmus Alcantara, acentuado por bordados personalizados en Rosso Alala y Nero Ade. El salpicadero presenta un logotipo de Lamborghini en Rosso Efesto: el mismo color que se utiliza para las levas de cambio de marchas en el volante.

En una línea similar, manteniendo su carácter verdaderamente único, el roadster Auténtica presenta una carrocería en Grigio Titans con detalles en Matt Black y una decoración Giallo Auge: un color que se repite en las pinzas de freno, así como en los principales elementos aerodinámicos. Estos incluyen el divisor delantero y el alerón trasero derivado de los deportes de motor que optimiza la carga aerodinámica, flanqueado por un par de aletas. El perfil del automóvil se vuelve único gracias a dos cúpulas con barras antivuelco integradas, inspiradas en los autos de carreras descapotables del pasado. El interior al aire libre cuenta con elegantes bordados en Giallo Taurus, con tapicería de cuero Nero Ade en contraste y Nero Cosmus bicolor y Grigio Octans Alcantara.

El Invencible y el Auténtica son los últimos automóviles producidos por Lamborghini equipados con un motor de 12 cilindros y 6,5 l montado longitudinalmente en la parte trasera (Longitudinale Posteriore: ‘LP’) antes de la transición a una era híbrida. El saludo final al tren motriz Lamborghini V12 saliente ofrece 780 CV y ​​un par máximo de 720 Nm a 6.750 rpm, acoplado a una caja de cambios ISR de siete velocidades, tracción en las cuatro ruedas y el sistema Lamborghini Dynamic Steering que controla las cuatro ruedas.

Take Your Passions Further With the New Samsung Galaxy S23 Series: Designed for a Premium Experience Today and Beyond

Galaxy S23 Ultra’s most advanced camera, next-level gaming performance, and more eco-conscious design come together in Samsung’s most innovative Galaxy S series yet.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – February, 2023 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today unveiled the Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23, marking a new era of Samsung Galaxy’s ultimate premium phone experience. Samsung Galaxy’s epic camera gives users more freedom to explore their creativity, like capturing truly cinematic Nightography videos with transformative AI. The Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy unleashes premium experiences, including groundbreaking AI, future-ready mobile gaming feature and powerfully sustained game play with the world’s fastest mobile graphics.1 On the Galaxy S23 Ultra, an embedded S Pen2 that many long-time Samsung Galaxy users know and love offers more possibilities for productivity, notetaking, hobbies and more. All the Galaxy S23 series’ new standard-setting innovations are housed within a striking design that advances the company’s sustainability commitment with more components made using recycled materials than any other Samsung Galaxy smartphone.3

“The value of impactful technology is measured, not just by what it enables for people today, but also how it contributes to a better future,” said TM Roh, President and Head of Mobile eXperience Business at Samsung Electronics. “The entire Galaxy S23 series is the new standard-bearer of trustworthy premium smartphone experiences. We’re on a mission to redefine peak performance by bringing together powerful, lasting innovations and sustainability.”

A Samsung Galaxy Camera with More Megapixels and Extensive Creative Controls, From Day to Night
Galaxy S23 Ultra makes it easier for any level of photographer to capture phenomenal content. It offers Samsung Galaxy’s most advanced camera system, tailored for nearly any lighting conditions and engineered to render incredible detail. Improved Nightography capabilities transform how the Galaxy S series optimizes photos and videos in a wide range of ambient conditions. Filming a favorite song at a concert, snapping a selfie at the aquarium, or grabbing a group shot of friends at dinner — users can get sharper images and videos.4 Visual noise that usually ruins low-light images is corrected by a new AI-powered image signal processing (ISP) algorithm that enhances object details and color tone.

In a Samsung Galaxy first, Galaxy S23 Ultra boasts a new 200MP Adaptive Pixel sensor that captures epic moments with incredible precision. It uses pixel binning to support multiple levels of high-resolution processing at once.5 And because selfie cameras are more important than ever to how we communicate today, the Galaxy S23 series introduces fast autofocus and our first Super HDR selfie camera, jumping from 30fps to 60fps, for noticeably better front-facing images and videos.

For users who want the ultimate creative control and customization, the Galaxy S23 series offers a suite of tools that differentiate any photography experience. The Expert RAW app,6 available exclusively on Samsung Galaxy, enables DSLR-style image shooting and editing in RAW and JPEG — no bulky camera equipment is required. Users can experiment with Multiple exposures photo art or capture a clear view of the Milky Way with Astrophoto settings, and now, after being downloaded on Galaxy S23, Expert RAW features can be accessed within Samsung’s native Camera app. Meanwhile, the new zoom capabilities on Galaxy Watch5 series’ Camera Controller app7 empower users to capture a perfectly framed shot right from their wrist.

Additional camera advancements include:

  • Low-light or in situations that would normally create a blur, videos are stable with doubled optical image stabilizer (OIS) angles in all directions on Galaxy S23 Ultra.
  • Recording videos feel more cinematic with enhanced 8K video8 at 30 frames per second with a wider angle.
  • Advanced, object-based AI analyzes each detail in the frame, even down to minute facial features, such as hair and eyes, to carefully reflect a person’s dynamic characteristics.
  • For an even more enhanced video experience, the new 360 Audio Recording feature9 on Galaxy Buds2 Pro creates multi-dimensional sound.

On Galaxy S23+ and Galaxy S23, the iconic Samsung Galaxy camera also gets an upgraded look. The contour housing has been removed, marking a new era of essential Galaxy design that makes the entire series stand out.

Premium Performance Makes Way for the Future of Mobile Gaming
For creators and gamers alike, the desire to push limits and constantly reimagine what’s possible requires technology that outpaces expectations. Together, Samsung and Qualcomm optimized the Samsung Galaxy experience with the brand-new Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy, the most powerful and efficient platform ever in a Samsung Galaxy smartphone and the fastest10 Snapdragon available today. Meanwhile, on the Galaxy S23 Ultra, a 5000mAh battery11 powers a larger camera than Galaxy S22 Ultra without increasing the device’s size.

A newly designed CPU micro architecture boosts the processing abilities of the Galaxy S23 series by about 30 percent compared to the Galaxy S22 series.12 Capturing stunning photos in low light requires trillions of calculations per second, so Samsung Galaxy’s highly efficient NPU architecture has been optimized by 49 percent to balance performance and power while using an AI algorithm to help users take epic photos and videos.12 One of the most significant improvements to the Galaxy S23 series is the optimized GPU, which is approximately 41 percent faster compared to Galaxy 22 series and designed especially for power users.12

In anticipation of the future of ultimate digital realism, Galaxy S23 Ultra comes ready to support real-time ray tracing as it comes to the mobile gaming mainstream. Users will be able to see noticeably more lifelike renderings of scenes, thanks to technology that simulates and tracks every ray of light. Plus, Samsung Galaxy’s vapor chamber, now bigger13 and on every Galaxy S23 series model, keeps your gaming marathon going.

All this power underpins Galaxy S23 Ultra’s expansive 6.8-inch14 edge display with a reduced curvature to create a larger and flatter surface area15 for the best visual experience on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Samsung Galaxy’s unique Enhanced comfort feature allows users to adjust color tones and contrast levels, lessening eye strain from screen time at night. Vision booster now adjusts at three levels of lighting instead of two to combat brightness and glare in daylight.

Designed with the Planet in Mind
The Galaxy S23 series raises the bar for premium technology that can enrich people’s lives and help contribute to a healthier planet. Since the Galaxy S22 series, Samsung Galaxy increases its use of recycled materials from six internal components in Galaxy S22 Ultra to 12 internal and external components in Galaxy S23 Ultra. Galaxy S23 series also has a wider variety of recycled materials than any other Galaxy smartphone, including pre-consumer recycled aluminum and glass and post-consumer recycled plastics sourced from discarded fishing nets, PET bottles and water barrels.

The new S series is the first to feature Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus® 2, offering durability for long-term use and consisting of an average of 22 percent pre-consumer recycled content16. Plus, every Galaxy S23 smartphone comes in a redesigned packaging box which applied paper made with 100 percent recycled paper.

With the Galaxy S23 series, Samsung Galaxy is doing more to minimize its impact on the environment without compromising quality and aesthetic. The Galaxy S23 series is UL ECOLOGO® certified17, meaning that the product has been certified for reduced environmental impact.

For users who want to extend the life of their device, the Galaxy S23 series’ premium experience can be sustained through the years with four generations of OS upgrades and five years of security updates18. To enhance its longevity, users can also leverage programs such as Samsung Care+19, a support service for accidental damages, repairs and more.

User-Friendly Security and Privacy Enable a Transparent Experience without Compromise
Secure and private experiences are the foundation of the Galaxy S23 series. Every smartphone comes with Samsung’s end-to-end Samsung Knox protection, which has received more government and industry certifications than any other mobile device, platform or solution on the market. The Security and Privacy Dashboard on Samsung Galaxy gives users full visibility over who has access to their data and how it’s being used. With just a glance, it’s easy to see if personal data is at risk and receive simple prompts to change settings for a more secure experience. Users can also decide exactly which applications and programs get access to their data and how it can be used.

For an added layer of security, Knox Vault, which was first introduced on the Galaxy S21 series, protects critical information on the Galaxy S23 series by isolating it from the rest of the device, including the OS, for added protection against vulnerabilities.

More Freedom and Flexibility for Connected Lifestyles
At the core of the Samsung Galaxy S series’ premium experience is the uncompromising innovation of Samsung Galaxy Ultra. But the power and creative capabilities of Samsung Galaxy Ultra don’t stop at smartphones. With the brand new, first-ever Galaxy Book3 Ultra, and the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, users can now enjoy an ultimate Samsung Galaxy’s ecosystem.

Across every Galaxy S series model, connected experiences get added benefits. Samsung Multi Control,20 which connects mouse and keyboard functionality between a Samsung Galaxy PC and tablet, now extends to Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23 for the ultimate flexibility between devices. Plus, enhanced text usability makes it easy to copy and paste text, like URLs, from one device to another to pick up an activity on another device. On Galaxy S23 Ultra, Google Meet paired with Samsung Notes and the embedded S Pen now make video calls even more collaborative. With Google Meet live sharing, participants can simultaneously co-edit21 a document from each of their Android devices, rather than viewing a shared screen.22

The Galaxy S23 series comes in four nature-inspired matte hues: Phantom Black, Cream, Green and Lavender23.

Starting on February 17, 2023, Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+ and Galaxy S23 will be widely available in carriers and retailers, and on https://samsung.com.

For more information about Galaxy S23 series, please visit: https://www.samsungmobilepress.comhttps://news.samsung.com/global or https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/.

Galaxy S23 Ultra
Display 6.8-inch QHD+ Edge*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (1~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
*Measured diagonally, actual viewable area is less due to rounded corners and camera hole. 
Dimensions & Weight 78.1 X 163.4 X 8.9mm, 234g
Camera 12MP Ultra-Wide Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 120˚

200MP Wide Camera

  • F1.7, FOV 85˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 3x Optical Zoom, F2.4, FOV 36˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 10x Optical Zoom, F4.9, FOV 11˚

12MP Front Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 80˚
*100X Space Zoom includes 10x Optical Zoom and 10x digital zoom with AI Super Resolution technology.
Zooming in past 10x may cause some image deterioration.
AP Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy
Memory 12GB + 1TB
12 + 512GB
12 + 256GB
8 + 256GB
*Available storage capacity is subject to preloaded software.
*Memory option may vary by market.
Battery 5,000mAh
*Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated (minimum) capacity is 4,855mAh. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
Charging Wired charging*: Up to 65% charge in around 30 mins with 45W Adapter** and 5A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
*Wired charging compatible with QC2.0 and AFC.
**45W Power Adapter sold separately. Use only Samsung-approved chargers and cables.

***Results from internal Samsung lab tests, conducted with 45W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23 Ultra while device had 0% of power remaining, with all services, features and screen turned off. Actual charging speed may vary depending on the actual usage, charging conditions and other factors.
****Wireless charging compatible with WPC.
*****Limited to Samsung or other brand smartphones with Qi wireless charging, such as Galaxy S23 Ultra, S23+, S23, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, S22 series, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip3 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21 series, Z Fold2, Note20 series, S20 series, Z Flip, Note10, Note10+, S10e, S10, S10+, Fold, S9, S9+, S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 edge, S7 Active, S6, S6 edge, S6 Active, S6 edge+, Note9, Note8, Note FE and Note5. Only available with certain Samsung Galaxy wearables such as Galaxy Buds2 Pro, Buds2, Buds Pro, Buds Live, Watch5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch4, Watch4 Classic, Watch3, Watch Active2, Watch Active, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Buds. If battery power is lower than 30% Wireless PowerShare may not function. May not work with certain accessories, covers, other brand devices or some Samsung wearables. During PowerShare, it may affect call reception or data services, depending on your network environment.
OS Android 13
One UI 5.1
Network & Connectivity 5G*, LTE**, Wi-Fi 6E***, Wi-Fi Direct Bluetooth® v 5.3
*Requires optimal 5G network connection, available in select markets. Check with your carrier for availability and details. Download and streaming speeds may vary based on content provider, server connection and other factors.
**Availability of LTE model varies by market and carrier. Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
***Wi-Fi 6E network availability may vary by market, network provider and user environment. Requires optimal connection. Will require a Wi-Fi 6E router.
Security Samsung Knox, Samsung Knox Vault
Water Resistance IP68
*IP68 Rating: Conducted under lab test conditions. Water resistant in up to 1.5 meters of fresh water for up to 30 minutes and protected from dust, dirt, and sand. Rinse residue/dry after wet. Not advised for beach or pool use. Water and dust resistance of your device is not permanent and may diminish over time.
Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+
Display Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23+
6.1-inch FHD+*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (48~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
6.6-inch FHD+*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (48~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
*Measured diagonally, Galaxy S23’s screen size is 6.1-inch in the full rectangle and 5.9-inch with accounting for the rounded corners, Galaxy S23+’s screen size is 6.6-inch in the full rectangle and 6.4-inch with accounting for the rounded corners; actual viewable area is less due to the rounded corners and camera hole.
Dimensions & Weight 70.9 x 146.3 x 7.6mm, 168g 76.2 x 157.8 x 7.6mm, 196g
Camera 12MP Ultra-Wide Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 120˚

50MP Wide Camera

  • F1.8, FOV 85˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 3x Optical Zoom, F2.4, FOV 36˚

12MP Front Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 80˚
AP Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy
Memory 8 + 512GB
8 + 256GB
8 + 128GB
8 + 512GB
8 + 256GB
*Available storage capacity is subject to preloaded software.
*Memory option may vary by market.
Battery 3,900mAh 4,700mAh
*Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated (minimum) capacity is 3,785mAh for Galaxy S23 and 4,563mAh for Galaxy S23+. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
Charging Wired Charging*: Up to 50% charge in around 30 mins with 25W Adapter** and 3A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
Wired charging*: Up to 65% charge in around 30 mins with 45W Adapter** and 5A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
*Wired charging compatible with QC2.0 and AFC.
**Power Adapter and data cable sold separately. Using the original Samsung 45W Power Adapter and data cable is recommended for Galaxy S23+ and the original Samsung 25W Power Adapter and data cable recommended for Galaxy S23.
***Results from internal Samsung lab tests, conducted with 25W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23 and 45W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23+ while a device had 0% of power remaining, with all services, features and screen turned off. Actual charging speed may vary depending on the actual usage, charging conditions and other factors.
****Wireless charging compatible with WPC.

*****Limited to Samsung or other brand smartphones with Qi wireless charging, such as Galaxy S23 Ultra, S23+, S23, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, S22 series, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip3 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21 series, Z Fold2, Note20 series, S20 series, Z Flip, Note10, Note10+, S10e, S10, S10+, Fold, S9, S9+, S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 edge, S7 Active, S6, S6 edge, S6 Active, S6 edge+, Note9, Note8, Note FE and Note5. Only available with certain Samsung Galaxy wearables such as Galaxy Buds2 Pro, Buds2, Buds Pro, Buds Live, Watch5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch4, Watch4 Classic, Watch3, Watch Active2, Watch Active, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Buds. If battery power is lower than 30% Wireless PowerShare may not function. May not work with certain accessories, covers, other brand devices or some Samsung wearables. During PowerShare, it may affect call reception or data services, depending on your network environment.
OS Android 13
One UI 5.1
Network & Connectivity
5G*, LTE**, Wi-Fi 6E***, Wi-Fi Direct Bluetooth® v 5.3
*5G services are only supported in 5G network enabled locations. Requires optimal 5G connection. Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
**Availability of LTE model varies by market and carrier.
***Wi-Fi 6E network availability may vary by market, network provider and user environment. Requires optimal connection. Will require a Wi-Fi 6E router.
Security Samsung Knox, Samsung Knox Vault
Water Resistance IP68
*IP68 Rating: Conducted under lab test conditions. Water resistant in up to 1.5 meters of fresh water for up to 30 minutes and protected from dust, dirt, and sand. Rinse residue/dry after wet. Not advised for beach or pool use. Water and dust resistance of your device is not permanent and may diminish over time.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung inspires the world and shapes the future with transformative ideas and technologies. The company is redefining the worlds of TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, digital appliances, network systems, and memory, system LSI, foundry and LED solutions. For the latest news, please visit the Samsung Newsroom at news.samsung.com.

1 Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy is optimized for Samsung and exclusive at the time of Galaxy S23 series’ launch. World’s fastest Snapdragon claim true as of February 1, 2023.
2 S pen support is only available on Galaxy S23 Ultra. Not available on Galaxy S23+ or Galaxy S23.
3 Galaxy S23 Ultra uses recycled materials in 12 internal and external components (Galaxy S23+ and S23: 11 internal and external components), compared to six internal components in the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
4 Compared to Galaxy S22 Ultra.
5 Samsung’s updated pixel binning technology for Galaxy S23 Ultra provides 200MP, 50MP, and 12MP output options.
6 Expert RAW must be downloaded separately from the Galaxy Store, for free, before use. Expert RAW app is available on Galaxy S23 series (S23 Ultra, S23+, S23), Z Fold4, Galaxy S22 Series (S22 Ultra/S22+/S22), Z Fold3, S21 Ultra, S20 Ultra, Z Fold2, and Note 20 Ultra.
7 Camera Controller app is preloaded on Galaxy Watch5 series.
8 8K video playback is available only on devices supporting 8K resolution.
9 The feature will be available on Galaxy Buds2 Pro paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone running One UI 5.0 or above with LE Audio support, including Galaxy S23 series. Installation of the latest software versions of Samsung Galaxy smartphone and Galaxy Buds devices is required. To activate the feature, go to Samsung Camera app > tap Camera settings after selecting Video mode > tap Advanced video options > turn on 360 Audio Recording.
10 World’s fastest Snapdragon claim true as of February 1, 2023.
11 Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated capacity is 4855mAh for Galaxy S23 Ultra. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
12 AP performance improvements shown compared to prior generation chipset. Actual performance will depend on user environment, conditions, and pre-installed software and applications.
13 Compared to Galaxy S22 Ultra.
14 Display measurements are diagonal. Actual viewable area is less due to rounded corners and camera hole.
15 Compared to the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
16 Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus® 2 is incorporated into front screen and back cover of Galaxy S23 series.
17 UL ECOLOGO® Certified products and services are verified for reduced environmental impact based on environmental performance criteria throughout its life cycle, including energy reduction, materials, health, environment, manufacturing and operations. Galaxy S23 series met the UL 110.
18 Availability and timing of Android OS upgrades and security updates may vary by device model and market. Devices eligible for four generations of Android OS upgrades and five years of security updates currently include Galaxy S23 series (S23 Ultra/S23+/S23), Galaxy S22 series (S22/S22+/S22 Ultra), S21 series (S21/S21+/S21 Ultra/S21 FE), Z Fold4, Z Flip4, Z Fold3, Z Flip3, and Tab S8 series (Tab S8/Tab S8+/Tab S8 Ultra).
19 Terms and conditions apply. Samsung Care+ coverage, service type and redemption may vary by market and deductibles (additional service fee) may apply. For detailed Samsung Care+ information, please visit https://www.samsung.com/samsung-care-plus/.
20 Samsung Multi Control works on Galaxy tablets with One UI 4.1 or above, Galaxy phones with One UI 5.1 or above and Galaxy Book series devices launched in 2021 or later with either Samsung Settings v1.5 (Intel) or Samsung Settings v3.3 (ARM). Some models may have limited feature support and both phone and PC must be signed into same Samsung account.
21 Co-edit is currently available on Galaxy S23 Ultra.
22 Users are required to log in both their Samsung and Google account to their device.
23 Availability may vary by market.

Spanish wine

Barcelona Wine Week beats its own record and will bring together 800 wineries and 70 quality seals

More wineries and quality seals, more business opportunities and today’s leading experts will feature in Barcelona Wine Week 2023. Spanish wine’s flagship show at the Fira de Barcelona is gearing up for its best edition with 828 exhibiting wineries, 27% more than in 2022, and the participation of 70 vineyard seals and designations of origin renowned for their excellent quality.

Barcelona Wine Week (BWW), which will be held from 6 to 8 February at the Montjuic venue of Fira de Barcelona, consolidates its position as the flagship event in the industry for domestic and international purchasers of Spanish quality wine with record figures this edition: 828 exhibiting wineries, 70 prestigious seals represented and the presence of big names such as Protos, Matarromera, Rioja Vega, Pago de los Capellanes, Juvé & Camps, Recaredo and Freixenet.

In addition, there will also be hundreds of small and medium-sized wineries grouped into more than 70 Designations of Origin (D.Os), such as Cava, Ribera del Duero, Rueda, Priorat, Bierzo, Madrid, Valencia, Jumilla, Costers del Segre, Navarra and Valdeorras.

Javier Pagés, the show’s chairman and President of the Cava D.O., emphasises that “BWW will be the first big fair event of the year for the industry and aims to give visibility to the great wealth of terroirs this country has, analyse the future challenges of the wine-making industry and offer business opportunities both in the domestic and international markets.”

In this way, BWW will be a great business and networking forum that will bring together thousands of professionals and purchase decision-makers from large distribution groups, importers of recognised prestige, wholesale centres, specialised distributors, retailers and gourmet stores.  To this end, it has invited nearly 1,800 key buyers of Spanish wine, coming, in addition to Spain, from important export markets such as the United States, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium, China, Brazil and Japan. Representatives of all of Spain’s top distribution groups have also confirmed that they will be attending, as well as hotel chains, large restaurant franchise groups and individual restaurants. A total of more than 8,000 business meetings among the fair’s exhibitors and professional buyers are expected to take place.

Spain ranks third in the world’s wine producers (with 40.5 million hectolitres in 2022), is the number one exporter in terms of volume and the third in terms of value (over €2.9 billion exported in 2021).

A journey through the singularity of Spain’s soils

BWW 2023 proposes an immersive journey through the country’s many and varied terroirs and wines. With the slogan “Spain: a singular mosaic of soils”, the visitor will be able to participate in more than fifty tastings and talks given by almost 90 experts, sommeliers, producers, etc. Keynote sessions will bring together Masters of Wine (the highest distinction for wine knowledge) who produce their own wines, such as Norrel Robertson, who since 2003 has produced his wines in Calatayud; Fernando Mora, with vineyards in several locations in Aragon; and Andreas Kubach, director of Península Vinicultores, with vineyards in La Rioja Alavesa, among other locations. Multiple award-winning sommeliers who have become winemakers such as Bruno Murciano, Guillermo Cruz, Sergi Figueres and Xavi Nolla will also feature in a joint tasting.

Some fifteen renowned winery owners who cultivate their vines in unique soils will feature in sessions such as ‘The wise men of the terroir’, which will bring together three visionaries: René Barbier (Priorat) César Saldaña, (Jerez) and Felipe Blanco (Canary Islands). Álvaro Palacios and his nephew Ricardo P. Palacios will be showing off the richness of two wine growing areas that they have contributed to revolutionising: the Priorat and the Bierzo. The tasting session ‘Soils as unique as they are unbreakable’ will feature three wine growers: Esmeralda García, who works with the sandy soils of Santiuste (Segovia); Sara Pérez, in love with the terroirs of the Priorat and of the Montsant; and Cristina Yagüe, who makes wine in the Rías Baixas, Ribeira Sacra and Valdeorras.

Other interesting contributions will be those of the internationally renowned critic Tim Atkin, who will present his long-awaited Rioja 2023 Special Report and will guide a tasting of wines from the area; and that of Luís Gutiérrez, taster for Wine Advocate Robert Parker for Spain and author of the book “Los nuevos viñadores” (The new vignerons: A new generation of Spanish wine growers), who will lead a tasting of 6 great wines from 6 different soils. The programme will also include a tribute to the late Gérard Basset, considered the greatest sommelier of all time; a tasting of Cavas with the 100% quality seal with the Master of Wine Pedro Ballesteros; a talk by Santi Rivas, author of “Deja Todo o Deja el Vino” (Give up everything or give up wine), who will analyse 13 consumer trends through 13 wines; and the tasting ‘Magnificent 7 of the Priorat’, led by journalist and wine expert Ramon Francàs.

A prominent space will be the wine bar Wine Tasting Journey – Soils of Spain by #alimentosdespaña, which, in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, will offer a self-guided tasting with 58 wines in which the soil is an element of special importance. There will be wines from Bierzo, the Orotava Valley (Tenerife), from Jumilla, Mallorca, Jerez, León and Calatayud, among other territories.

Challenges, trends and more gastronomy
Likewise, the BWW Hub will host conferences and round tables on sustainability, innovation and digitalisation in wineries. Topics such as the management of vineyard soils in the face of climate change, the benefits of eco-design, new ways of reusing bottles, the digital transformation of viticulture, the protection of the country’s old vines and how to better convey Spanish wine will be analysed.

BWW will also make a firm commitment to strengthen the synergies of wine with haute cuisine, a great ambassador of the Spanish food industry abroad. Thus, in collaboration with ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, a round-table discussion will be held with international restaurants recognised with the Restaurants from Spain international gastronomic quality distinction. Participating, among others, will be Nacho Manzano, chef at Casa Marcial (**Michelin) and gastronomic director of the Ibérica Restaurants and Camino group (London) and José Pizarro, owner of 6 restaurants in London and collaborator of the BBC, where he divulges the benefits of Spanish produce.

Meanwhile, the space #BWW Gastronomy, Food & Wine Restaurant will offer visitors the opportunity to enjoy the best small dishes in combination with great wines from three of Barcelona’s most outstanding restaurants: Bar Alegría (Tomas Abellan), Cecconi’s (Alessio Biangini) and Kao (Josep Maria Kao). In addition, the BWW Likes the City! Project will convert Barcelona into the wine capital by associating it with locations in the city to offer special wine and food pairings and ideas during the show. Abac (***), Moments (**), Windsor and Gaig are among the participating restaurants.

Barcelona, 24th January 2023