Tag Archive for: AGENCY

IM+C, la agencia liderada por Alberto Fernández, Fundador y CEO

IM+C, la agencia liderada por Alberto Fernández, Fundador y CEO, incorpora talentos al equipo en un momento de muchas transformaciones. Fundada en Londres hace ocho años como consultora estratégica de medios internacionales en el mercado inglés abrió oficina en Barcelona, con el objetivo de atender al mercado como agencia de medios especializada en desarrollar y gestionar campañas a nivel global e internacional. Hoy, IM+C está totalmente internacionalizada y cuenta con oficinas en Barcelona, Madrid, Londres, Miami y El Salvador y una red de agencias “partners” en los principales mercados de América, Europa y en China. Alberto revela como “un talento joven puede desde su óptica aportar a las empresas su trabajo y sus ideas”. La compañía se adapta a los cambios en el modelo de trabajo, el rol de las marcas y las expectativas para el futuro.

¿Qué es IM+C y que objetivos tiene para los próximos años? .

IM+C es una agencia independiente única, totalmente integrada y comprometida con la sostenibilidad que ofrece el servicio boutique con una manera de trabajar diferente, bajo el mismo techo o trabajando en remoto, todos los proyectos son elaborados por un magnífico grupo de personas que aportan su conocimiento desde sus especialidades para llevar las mejores soluciones a los problemas de nuestros clientes.

Todo esto sin luchas de ego, rentabilidades o P&L, ya que solo hay una cuenta de resultados para todos los clientes y países con los que trabajamos, esto da una gran independencia a los equipos que nos lleva a poder ofrecer mejores resultados.

Para los próximos años, mi objetivo es consolidar la manera de trabajar y, sobre todo, que las marcas entiendan lo positivo de trabajar integrados “de verdad” y con responsabilidad social. Somos de la nueva generación de empresas con propósito y seguiremos creciendo con estos criterios.

¿Qué es lo más difícil de ser una agencia independiente? .

En todos los posicionamientos hay cosas buenas y malas, por mi experiencia trabajando en varias agencias, las “indies” tienen un balance más positivo en muchos aspectos. Transparencia, confianza, flexibilidad y un mejor nivel de servicio, más personalizado y hecho a medida,  son las principales cualidades de las agencias indie.  Lo más difícil es que no tienes el “pulmón” financiero de los grandes grupos, por ejemplo, si quieres abrir una nueva oficina en un país estratégico, el recorrido es siempre largo antes de dar beneficio o llegar al “break even” y unos se los pueden permitir y otros no siempre podemos.

También el acceso a clientes globales, es mucho más complejo desde una agencia independiente.

¿Cuáles son los valores que debe tener una marca hoy para ser exitosa con sus consumidores?

Una marca debe entender siempre quién es su consumidor ahora y en el futuro, entenderle y adaptarse lo antes posible a sus necesidades, porque éstas cambian constantemente y si una marca que ahora está en el “top of mind” de su consumidor, no consigue adaptarse, dejará de ser una marca de referencia para ese consumidor, eso es lo que hace tan complejo el mundo del marketing, porque los consumidores son individuos (sociales, pero individuos) y no cambian en bloque, lo que a un consumidor le parece bien ahora, las tendencias, las modas y las influencias le llevarán a otro tipo de necesidades.

Obviamente hay tendencias globales actualmente, diferentes para cada “generación” de consumidores, la sostenibilidad en sentido amplio, el cambio climático, la transparencia, la tecnología, la comodidad, la accesibilidad,…


. ¿Cómo ha evolucionado la empresa con la pandemia?

Nuestra empresa es relativamente joven, y la pandemia nos ha ido muy bien para conocernos mejor, alinearnos internamente, y crear procesos que permitan hacer el tipo de comunicación que tenemos en la cabeza para nuestros clientes.

Estamos creando una agencia única, totalmente integrada, sensible con el medio ambiente y responsable con el tema de la sostenibilidad, con una manera de trabajar diferente. Desde enero de 2021 hemos doblado la plantilla en todos los países, y nuestra facturación ha crecido un 150% en el 2021 respecto al 2020, gracias a nuestros clientes y a su confianza.


¿Qué se lleva de la expo. 2020 Dubai, sin contar con el premio del pabellón de El Salvador?

Para una agencia de publicidad, la experiencia de la conceptualización, diseño, producción audiovisual, construcción, y gestión de todo el pabellón durante 6 meses es algo extraordinario, en el sentido literal.

Ningún pabellón de la Expo 2020 (casi 200) ni en las expos anteriores fue creado ni gestionado por una agencia de comunicación, de ahí el éxito del pabellón de El Salvador, entendiendo muy bien lo que el país quiere transmitir al mundo pudimos crear una experiencia única que impactó a centenares de miles de personas que no sabían ni que existía el país.


¿Qué ha supuesto el premio de la Expo Universal de Dubái para IM+C?

Gracias a este proyecto, premiado con un Oro por la interpretación de la temática, en la primera presencia de El Salvador en una Expo, se nos han acercado varios países interesados en poder trabajar juntos para la siguiente Expo de Osaka en 2025.

Estamos preparando el mejor equipo de profesionales para que nuestra aportación en la Expo 2025 sea aún mejor.

¿Por qué la creatividad es tan importante en el trabajo de la agencia?

La creatividad es importante en todos los aspectos de la vida, en los negocios más, y en las agencias publicitarias es principal.

Cuando nuestros clientes buscan soluciones, la creatividad siempre aporta ese plus que les permite distinguir sus productos o servicios del resto de sus competidores.

¿Qué proyectos hay a corto y largo plazo?

A parte de la Expo Osaka 2025, que es largo plazo pero que ya estamos trabajando, estamos preparando un gran acontecimiento excepcional en Centroamérica y Caribe para el próximo verano 2023, del que todavía no podemos hablar por confidencialidad.

Además de seguir aportando valor a nuestros clientes actuales ayudándoles a encontrar soluciones tecnológicas de valor, que les permitan hacer crecer sus negocios y ser más relevantes en su comunicación a diferentes targets.

¿Qué sectores abarca la empresa y cuales se quieren potenciar?

Trabajamos para todo tipo de sectores en diferentes mercados, aunque nuestra experiencia internacional en decenas de países para clientes de turismo/travel es notable.

¿A qué nivel se implica la empresa en la sociedad y el medio ambiente?

Como indicaba anteriormente IM+C es una agencia profundamente comprometida con la sostenibilidad y el medio ambiente, a parte de las políticas sociales que aplicamos a todo el personal estamos intentando aplicar el máximo de las ODS, desde la movilidad sostenible, el consumo ecológico y muchas más medidas que nos permitirán en muy breve periodo de tiempo obtener la certificación BCorp, así como haber lanzado la primera guía verde de la publicidad en español para ayudar a las agencias y productoras a ser más responsables y cuidar el planeta.

¿Qué es la guía verde?

Es un manifiesto de sostenibilidad en la profesión publicitaria, lo hemos estado trabajando durante meses para ayudar a todas las empresas a medir y minimizar el impacto medioambiental en nuestros procesos de creación de campañas y producción de contenidos. También damos herramientas para compensar las emisiones que no se puedan evitar, métodos y herramientas muy sencillos para alcanzar las emisiones cero. Para actuar con responsabilidad global profesional y personalmente.

¿Cómo debe ser la imagen de un Ceo ante su agencia?

Pues creo que como todo el mundo le gustaría, cercano, sin soberbia, responsable en términos amplios, innovador y valiente.

¿Invertiría en nuevos talentos y emprendedores?

Por supuesto que sí, de hecho, ayudamos a numerosos emprendedores en sus pasos iniciales para ayudarles a levantar sus empresas, incluso antes de que sus amigos o familiares confíen en su viabilidad.

¿Qué opinión tiene de las Startup?

Son las que moverán la economía del futuro, los oficios que no existen vendrán de la mano de los emprendedores y visionarios jóvenes, y no tan jóvenes, que están diseñando los negocios que vendrán pronto y adaptándose mejor a las necesidades de los consumidores, más tecnológicos, rápidos, conscientes y cambiantes.

IM+C, the agency led by Alberto Fernández, Founder and CEO

IM+C, the agency led by Alberto Fernández, Founder and CEO, incorporates talents into the team at a time of many transformations. Founded in London eight years ago as a strategic consultant for international media in the English market, it opened an office in Barcelona, ​​with the aim of serving the market as a media agency specializing in developing and managing global and international campaigns. Today, IM+C is fully internationalized and has offices in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, London, Miami and El Salvador and a network of partner agencies in the main markets of America, Europe and China. Alberto reveals how “a young talent can, from his point of view, contribute his work and ideas to companies”. The company adapts to changes in the work model, the role of brands and expectations for the future.

** Answer the following questions ** .
What is IM+C and what goals does it have for the coming years? .

IM+C is a unique independent agency, fully integrated and committed to sustainability that offers a boutique service with a different way of working, under the same roof or working remotely, all projects are developed by a magnificent group of people who contribute their knowledge from their specialties to bring the best solutions to our clients’ problems.
All this without ego struggles, returns or P&L, since there is only one income statement for all the clients and countries with which we work, this gives great independence to the teams that leads us to be able to offer better results.

For the next few years, my goal is to consolidate the way of working and, above all, that the brands understand the positive of working “truly” integrated and with social responsibility. We are from the new generation of companies with a purpose and we will continue to grow with these criteria.

What is the hardest thing about being an independent agency? .

In all positions there are good and bad things, from my experience working in several agencies, the “indies” have a more positive balance in many aspects. Transparency, trust, flexibility and a better level of service, more personalized and tailor-made, are the main qualities of indie agencies. The most difficult thing is that you don’t have the financial “lung” of the big groups, for example, if you want to open a new office in a strategic country, the journey is always long before making a profit or reaching the “break even” and some they can allow them and others we can’t always.
Also access to global clients is much more complex from an independent agency.

What are the values ​​that a brand must have today to be successful with its consumers?

A brand must always understand who its consumer is now and in the future, understand them and adapt as soon as possible to their needs, because these are constantly changing and if a brand that is now in the “top of mind” of its consumer, fails to adapt , it will cease to be a reference brand for that consumer, that is what makes the world of marketing so complex, because consumers are individuals (social, but individuals) and do not change en bloc, which seems fine to a consumer now , trends, fashions and influences will lead you to other types of needs.
Obviously there are currently global trends, different for each “generation” of consumers, sustainability in a broad sense, climate change, transparency, technology, comfort, accessibility,…

. How has the company evolved with the pandemic?

Our company is relatively young, and the pandemic has helped us get to know each other better, align ourselves internally, and create processes that allow us to carry out the type of communication we have in mind for our clients.

We are creating a unique agency, fully integrated, sensitive to the environment and responsible for the issue of sustainability, with a different way of working. Since January 2021 we have doubled the workforce in all countries, and our turnover has grown by 150% in 2021 compared to 2020, thanks to our customers and their trust.

What is taking away from the expo. 2020 Dubai, without counting on the El Salvador pavilion prize?

For an advertising agency, the experience of conceptualization, design, audiovisual production, construction, and management of the entire pavilion for 6 months is something extraordinary, in the literal sense.
No pavilion at Expo 2020 (almost 200) or in previous expos was created or managed by a communication agency, hence the success of the El Salvador pavilion, understanding very well what the country wants to convey to the world, we were able to create an experience the only one that impacted hundreds of thousands of people who did not even know that the country existed.

• What has the Dubai World Expo award meant for IM+C?

Thanks to this project, awarded with a Gold for the interpretation of the theme, in the first presence of El Salvador in an Expo, we have been approached by several countries interested in being able to work together for the next Expo in Osaka in 2025.
We are preparing the best team of professionals so that our contribution to Expo 2025 is even better.

• Why is creativity so important in the agency’s work?

Creativity is important in all aspects of life, in business more, and in advertising agencies it is essential.
When our clients look for solutions, creativity always provides that plus that allows them to distinguish their products or services from the rest of their competitors.

• What projects are there in the short and long term?

Apart from Expo Osaka 2025, which is long-term but we are already working on it, we are preparing a great exceptional event in Central America and the Caribbean for next summer 2023, which we still cannot talk about due to confidentiality.

In addition to continuing to add value to our current clients, helping them find valuable technological solutions that allow them to grow their businesses and be more relevant in their communication to different targets.

• What sectors does the company cover and which ones do you want to promote?

We work for all kinds of sectors in different markets, although our international experience in dozens of countries for tourism/travel clients is remarkable.

• At what level is the company involved in society and the environment?

As previously indicated, IM+C is an agency deeply committed to sustainability and the environment, apart from the social policies that we apply to all staff, we are trying to apply the maximum of the SDGs, from sustainable mobility, ecological consumption and many more measures that will allow us to obtain BCorp certification in a very short period of time, as well as having launched the first green guide to advertising in Spanish to help agencies and production companies to be more responsible and take care of the planet.

What is the green guide?

It is a sustainability manifesto in the advertising profession, we have been working on it for months to help all companies measure and minimize the environmental impact in our campaign creation and content production processes. We also provide tools to offset emissions that cannot be avoided, very simple methods and tools to achieve zero emissions. To act with global responsibility professionally and personally.

How should the image of a CEO be before his agency?
Well, I think that as everyone would like, close, without arrogance, responsible in broad terms, innovative and brave.

Would you invest in new talent and entrepreneurs?
Of course we do, in fact, we help numerous entrepreneurs in their initial steps to help them build their companies, even before their friends or family trust their viability.

What is your opinion of Startups?
They are the ones that will move the economy of the future, the trades that do not exist will come from the hands of young entrepreneurs and visionaries, and not so young, who are designing the businesses that will come soon and adapting better to the needs of consumers, more technological , fast, conscious and changing.

IM+C, the agency led by Alberto Fernández, Founder and CEO

IM+C, the agency led by Alberto Fernández, Founder and CEO, incorporates talents into the team at a time of many transformations. Founded in London eight years ago as a strategic consultant for international media in the English market, it opened an office in Barcelona, ​​with the aim of serving the market as a media agency specializing in developing and managing global and international campaigns. Today, IM+C is fully internationalized and has offices in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, London, Miami and El Salvador and a network of partner agencies in the main markets of America, Europe and China. Alberto reveals how “a young talent can, from his point of view, contribute his work and ideas to companies”. The company adapts to changes in the work model, the role of brands and expectations for the future.

** Answer the following questions ** .
What is IM+C and what goals does it have for the coming years? .

IM+C is a unique independent agency, fully integrated and committed to sustainability that offers a boutique service with a different way of working, under the same roof or working remotely, all projects are developed by a magnificent group of people who contribute their knowledge from their specialties to bring the best solutions to our clients’ problems.
All this without ego struggles, returns or P&L, since there is only one income statement for all the clients and countries with which we work, this gives great independence to the teams that leads us to be able to offer better results.

For the next few years, my goal is to consolidate the way of working and, above all, that the brands understand the positive of working “truly” integrated and with social responsibility. We are from the new generation of companies with a purpose and we will continue to grow with these criteria.

What is the hardest thing about being an independent agency? .

In all positions there are good and bad things, from my experience working in several agencies, the “indies” have a more positive balance in many aspects. Transparency, trust, flexibility and a better level of service, more personalized and tailor-made, are the main qualities of indie agencies. The most difficult thing is that you don’t have the financial “lung” of the big groups, for example, if you want to open a new office in a strategic country, the journey is always long before making a profit or reaching the “break even” and some they can allow them and others we can’t always.
Also access to global clients is much more complex from an independent agency.

What are the values ​​that a brand must have today to be successful with its consumers?

A brand must always understand who its consumer is now and in the future, understand them and adapt as soon as possible to their needs, because these are constantly changing and if a brand that is now in the “top of mind” of its consumer, fails to adapt , it will cease to be a reference brand for that consumer, that is what makes the world of marketing so complex, because consumers are individuals (social, but individuals) and do not change en bloc, which seems fine to a consumer now , trends, fashions and influences will lead you to other types of needs.
Obviously there are currently global trends, different for each “generation” of consumers, sustainability in a broad sense, climate change, transparency, technology, comfort, accessibility,…

. How has the company evolved with the pandemic?

Our company is relatively young, and the pandemic has helped us get to know each other better, align ourselves internally, and create processes that allow us to carry out the type of communication we have in mind for our clients.

We are creating a unique agency, fully integrated, sensitive to the environment and responsible for the issue of sustainability, with a different way of working. Since January 2021 we have doubled the workforce in all countries, and our turnover has grown by 150% in 2021 compared to 2020, thanks to our customers and their trust.

What is taking away from the expo. 2020 Dubai, without counting on the El Salvador pavilion prize?

For an advertising agency, the experience of conceptualization, design, audiovisual production, construction, and management of the entire pavilion for 6 months is something extraordinary, in the literal sense.
No pavilion at Expo 2020 (almost 200) or in previous expos was created or managed by a communication agency, hence the success of the El Salvador pavilion, understanding very well what the country wants to convey to the world, we were able to create an experience the only one that impacted hundreds of thousands of people who did not even know that the country existed.

• What has the Dubai World Expo award meant for IM+C?

Thanks to this project, awarded with a Gold for the interpretation of the theme, in the first presence of El Salvador in an Expo, we have been approached by several countries interested in being able to work together for the next Expo in Osaka in 2025.
We are preparing the best team of professionals so that our contribution to Expo 2025 is even better.

• Why is creativity so important in the agency’s work?

Creativity is important in all aspects of life, in business more, and in advertising agencies it is essential.
When our clients look for solutions, creativity always provides that plus that allows them to distinguish their products or services from the rest of their competitors.

• What projects are there in the short and long term?

Apart from Expo Osaka 2025, which is long-term but we are already working on it, we are preparing a great exceptional event in Central America and the Caribbean for next summer 2023, which we still cannot talk about due to confidentiality.

In addition to continuing to add value to our current clients, helping them find valuable technological solutions that allow them to grow their businesses and be more relevant in their communication to different targets.

• What sectors does the company cover and which ones do you want to promote?

We work for all kinds of sectors in different markets, although our international experience in dozens of countries for tourism/travel clients is remarkable.

• At what level is the company involved in society and the environment?

As previously indicated, IM+C is an agency deeply committed to sustainability and the environment, apart from the social policies that we apply to all staff, we are trying to apply the maximum of the SDGs, from sustainable mobility, ecological consumption and many more measures that will allow us to obtain BCorp certification in a very short period of time, as well as having launched the first green guide to advertising in Spanish to help agencies and production companies to be more responsible and take care of the planet.

What is the green guide?

It is a sustainability manifesto in the advertising profession, we have been working on it for months to help all companies measure and minimize the environmental impact in our campaign creation and content production processes. We also provide tools to offset emissions that cannot be avoided, very simple methods and tools to achieve zero emissions. To act with global responsibility professionally and personally.

How should the image of a CEO be before his agency?
Well, I think that as everyone would like, close, without arrogance, responsible in broad terms, innovative and brave.

Would you invest in new talent and entrepreneurs?
Of course we do, in fact, we help numerous entrepreneurs in their initial steps to help them build their companies, even before their friends or family trust their viability.

What is your opinion of Startups?
They are the ones that will move the economy of the future, the trades that do not exist will come from the hands of young entrepreneurs and visionaries, and not so young, who are designing the businesses that will come soon and adapting better to the needs of consumers, more technological , fast, conscious and changing.

Se parte de ese reducido número de personas que tienen la capacidad de cambiar su propia vida y el rumbo de la humanidad. Te invitamos a unirte a este desafío que nos permitirá testar en 2019 todo lo que necesitaremos en el 2035 en Marte.



Personas extraordinarias que abandonan su mundo ordinario para ser protagonistas de la segunda carrera espacial desde el minuto cero.


Un programa que hibrida lo presencial y lo virtual. Durante la primera parte de tu misión recibirás formación acompañado en remoto por un mentor personal. Junto con él podrás ver y evaluar cómo está progresando tu plan de preparación para la misión antes de atravesar las puertas que dan entrada a Ares Station.



Perfeccionaras tu inteligencia intrapersonal e interpersonal. Mejorarás tus capacidades adaptativas y aprenderás a gestionar tus miedos, relativizar y priorizar potenciando tus habilidades a través de llevar las herramientas de desarrollo personal al máximo nivel.


Desde el que podrás realizar un detallado plan de entrenamiento físico adaptado a tus posibilidades y diseñado para afrontar las necesidades de nuestro cuerpo en una atmósfera como la de Marte. Además de poder conectar tus dispositivos para seguir tu evolución, recibirás consejos dietéticos y dispondrás de un amplio repositorio de conocimiento y cultura espacial.



¿Cuánto cuesta la experiencia de AstroLand?

Como si de un paquete turístico de lujo se tratase, la experiencia de la Agencia Astroland . El precio del viaje es de 6.000 euros, y en caso de ser seleccionado, formarás una colonia humana con otros exploradores con un tamaño máximo de 10 personas. En caso de no formar el grupo mínimo, la empresa reembolsará la cantidad abonada. El programa estaría formado por la siguiente planificación:

  • 26 días de formación on-line antes de la misión (Astroland Virtual Campus)
  • 3 días de formación intensiva en Santander 4 días (3 noches) dentro de Ares Station (Cueva)
  • 1 última noche (después de abandonar la Ares Station) en el hotel de Santander, con cena de gala, photocall y ceremonia de entrega de diplomas