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Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at masterworks.com/cd.

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services.

Masterworks.io, LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Combatir la inflación con bellas artes

Un nuevo estudio de Allianz Life informa que la inflación está obligando a muchos estadounidenses a modificar sus planes de jubilación:

  • El 43% dijo que tuvo que echar mano de sus ahorros para la jubilación debido a la inflación.
  • El 54% dijo que han detenido o reducido los ahorros para la jubilación debido a la inflación.
  • Al 75% le preocupa que el aumento del costo de vida afecte sus planes de jubilación.

Con una inflación por encima del 8% y en su tasa más alta en más de 40 años, es difícil culparlos.

Y puede que no se alivie mucho tan pronto…

El banco de inversión de 1,5 billones de dólares Deutsche Bank predijo recientemente que es probable que EE. UU. vea que las presiones de los precios se mantendrán elevadas y tardarán dos años en caer incluso por debajo del 6%, y rondarán ese nivel en cinco años.

Si está buscando soluciones de cartera para ayudar a combatir la inflación, considere el arte contemporáneo…

El arte contemporáneo se ha revalorizado a un ritmo medio del 13,5% anual en periodos de alta inflación, como ahora. Y durante esos tiempos, ha superado significativamente a los bonos corporativos estadounidenses (0,5 %), el S&P 500 (5,5 %), las acciones de mercados emergentes (3,9 %) y el oro (3,2 %), según el índice MW All-Art.

Con Masterworks, puede agregar arte contemporáneo a su cartera como cobertura contra la inflación.

Empieza ahora. La inflación podría permanecer obstinadamente alta.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks ” según la Regulación A de la Ley de Valores de 1933. Masterworks solo podrá realizar ventas después de que se haya presentado una declaración de oferta ante la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) y la SEC haya “calificado” la declaración de oferta . no se solicita dinero u otra consideración, y si se envía en respuesta, no se aceptará. no se puede aceptar ninguna oferta para comprar los valores y no se puede recibir ninguna parte del precio de compra hasta que la declaración de oferta presentada por el emisor ante la SEC haya sido calificada por la SEC, cualquier oferta de este tipo puede retirarse o revocarse, sin obligación o compromiso de cualquier tipo, en cualquier momento antes de la notificación de aceptación dada después de la fecha de calificación. una indicación de interés no implica obligación o compromiso de ningún tipo. Debe leer los documentos de oferta presentados ante la SEC antes de invertir y la información adicional disponible en masterworks.com/cd.

*Refleja la apreciación del precio ponderado por valor de todo el Arte Contemporáneo (obras producidas después de 1945) vendidas al menos dos veces en subasta pública. Existen diferencias significativas entre las inversiones en arte y las acciones.

Masterworks no está registrado, licenciado o supervisado como corredor de bolsa o asesor de inversiones por la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC), la Autoridad Reguladora de la Industria Financiera (FINRA) o cualquier otra autoridad reguladora financiera ni tiene licencia para proporcionar asesoramiento o servicios financieros.

Masterworks.io, LLC se encuentra en 225 Liberty Street, Nueva York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at masterworks.com/cd.

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services.

Masterworks.io, LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at masterworks.com/cd.

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services.

Masterworks.io, LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at masterworks.com/cd.

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services.

Masterworks.io, LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

El arte del caviar francés por Prunier

En medio de varias hectáreas de terreno preservado en el borde de Isle, uno de los afluentes del Dordoña, en Montpon-Ménestérol, cerca de Burdeos, la Manufactura Prunier continúa con su herencia tradicional produciendo su caviar en un entorno totalmente controlado.

Para obtener un caviar “perfecto”, la Manufactura cría dos esturiones: el acipenser baerii y el acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transformar estos huevos en caviar requiere una cuidadosa preparación según un saber hacer desarrollado hace 100 años por la casa Prunier.

5 datos sobre la Manufactura Podadora ¿Sabías que…?

1 . Prunier es uno de los principales productores de caviar del mundo

La Manufactura Prunier es la única granja en Francia que cría sus esturiones a partir de sus propios alevines y produce su propio caviar vendido bajo su marca.

2 . En 1994, la Manufactura Prunier se convirtió en el primer productor en obtener caviar de esturiones de piscifactoría.

Creó una alternativa sostenible y segura para las especies en peligro de extinción en el Mar Caspio. Hoy en día, el proceso de selección del grano, así como las recetas de la Manufactura Prunier, permiten elaborar caviares con sabores muy diferentes.

3 . Fue en 2010 cuando Prunier Manufacture lanzó el primer alevín Oscietra, el acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Desde entonces, las ha criado con mucho cuidado y paciencia… Hoy L’Osciètre Prunier te seduce con su color marrón carbón y el aspecto brillante de sus granos. En boca, se caracteriza por la típica salazón del ciruelo que le confiere un sabor sutil, agradablemente salado y a nuez.

Revelar el sabor del caviar es todo un arte para Prunier

El sabor del caviar rara vez se ha presentado como su principal atractivo, ya que sigue evolucionando incluso después del envasado. ¡Por lo tanto, es difícil para los simples importadores garantizar un sabor a menos que abran las latas!
Y sin embargo, las notas redactadas en 1932 por Alexander Scott, el experto en caviar de Maison Prunier detrás del primer caviar francés, muestran que la poca importancia dada al gusto en relación con el tamaño y el color ya estaba en discusión. En su momento, incluso se propuso educar a los consumidores, enseñarles a apreciar la maravillosa diversidad de aromas que ofrece el caviar y no solo a admirar su apariencia.
Es esta herencia de sabor la que la Manufactura Prunier perpetúa hoy, con cinco caviares franceses de esturión ascipenser baerii.

5 . Maison Prunier ofrece 5 recetas que revelan 5 grandes caviares

Como los grandes vinos, los sabores y aromas específicos de los caviares 5 Prunier se obtienen según los diferentes grados de maduración, la edad del pescado y las técnicas de preparación, que varían según los procesos desarrollados durante décadas por la Manufactura.

Caviar Podadora “Tradición”
Firme y oscuro, este caviar con finura y características únicas, representa el arquetipo del caviar Prunier, con un pronunciado sabor a nuez que es cada vez más apreciado. Desprende aromas muy francos y generosos de frutos secos y almendras, y tiene una buena longitud en boca.

Caviar Podadora “París”
Para apreciar todas sus sutilezas, el caviar de París con grandes granos de ámbar se consume muy rápidamente después de su preparación. Esta frescura se explica por la ínfima cantidad de sal utilizada: cuanto más ligera es la salazón, más volátiles son los aromas del caviar. Gracias a esta corta maduración, los huevos conservan una fragancia más concentrada. su carácter sutil y cremoso le otorga una complejidad aromática y una textura única. A esto se suma una frescura única que realza el placer de degustar este raro producto. El caviar de París solo está disponible unas pocas semanas al año, durante los períodos de pesca de primavera y otoño.

Caviar de poda “Saint-James”
Producido históricamente desde 1932 para la inauguración del restaurante Prunier en St James Street en Londres, Saint-James es el arquetipo de un gran Prunier Caviar. Elaborado con sal excepcional de origen iraní, alcanza la maduración perfecta dos meses después de la pesca. Este caviar muy audaz, picante y muy terroso tiene un ataque generoso y un sabor excelente en el paladar incluso una vez que ha sido devorado. Un caviar extraordinario.

Caviar Podadora “Malossol”
Este caviar específico también llamado “pura sal” es un caviar con un grano grueso negro profundo y aromas potentes. Es muy rico con una persistencia interminable de sabor en el paladar. Este caviar “distintivo, rico y concentrado” es especialmente apreciado por los conocedores más exigentes.

Caviar Prunier “Patrimonio”
Solo el 2% de la producción de Prunier merece ser elegido para la selección Héritage. Este producto excepcional se distingue por sus grandes granos claros pero también por sus sutiles notas terrosas. Es complejo y largo en boca. La textura cremosa se debe principalmente a la cuidadosa selección de los pescados más viejos y su singular preparación según el método persa.

¿Qué hace que el caviar Beluga sea legendario?


Procedente del esturión Acipenser Huso Huso, este legendario caviar tiene un grano de tamaño sorprendente y finura extrema. Reconocido por su sabor único; es cremoso, con delicadas notas mantecosas y persistente en boca. Su color es un gris perla antracita, que recuerda a las preciosas perlas de Tahití.


#8 Datos sobre la beluga

#1. Su nombre científico es Huso Huso.

#2. Es una especie de esturión endémica del Mar Caspio.

#3. Su primo es el Huso Dauricus, endémico del río Amur.

#4. Es el más grande de los esturiones y puede medir hasta 6 metros.

#5. Ambos esturiones de Huso son carnívoros.

#6. La beluga es un animal prehistórico que data del período Jura (200 millones de años)

y puede vivir más de 100 años en su medio natural.

#7. Beluga es el caviar más caro del mundo, debido a su rareza.

#8. Beluga es el caviar favorito de James Bond.

En conclusión, no hay mejor caviar en el mercado. Si no nos crees, ¡pruébalo tú mismo!

Disponible a través de nuestra boutique de compras en línea.

Haga clic aquí para ver el producto destacado

Click here to view featured product

The art of French caviar by Prunier

In the middle of several hectares of preserved land on the edge of Isle, one of the tributaries of the Dordogne, in Montpon-Ménestérol near Bordeaux, the Prunier Manufacture continues its traditional heritage by producing its caviar in a totally controlled environment.

To obtain a “perfect” caviar, the Manufacture breeds two sturgeons: the acipenser baerii and the acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transforming these eggs into caviar requires careful preparation according to a know-how developed 100 years ago by the Prunier house.

5 facts about the Manufacture Prunier Did you know that …?

1 . Prunier is one of the main caviar producers in the world

The Prunier Manufacture is the only farm in France to raise its sturgeons from its own fry and to produce its own caviar sold under its brand.

2 . In 1994, the Manufacture Prunier became the first producer to obtain caviar from farmed sturgeons.

It created a sustainable and safe alternative for endangered species in the Caspian Sea. Today, the grain selection process as well as the recipes of the Prunier Manufacture, make it possible to produce caviars with very different flavours.

3 . It was in 2010 that Prunier Manufacture launched the first Oscietra fry, the acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Since then, it has bred them with great care and patience … Today L’Osciètre Prunier seduces you with its charcoal-brown colour and the shiny appearance of its grains. On the palate, it is characterised by the typical salting of Plum tree which gives it a subtle, pleasantly salty and nutty taste.

  1. Revealing the flavour of caviar is an absolute art for Prunier

The flavour of caviar has rarely been presented as its main attraction as it continues to evolve even after packaging. It is therefore difficult for simple importers to guarantee a taste unless they open the tins!
And yet the notes drafted in 1932 by Alexander Scott, the caviar expert from Maison Prunier behind the first French caviar, show that the little importance given to taste in relation to size and colour was already up for debate. At the time, he even proposed to educate consumers, to teach them to appreciate the wonderful diversity of aromas that caviar offers and not just to admire its appearance.
It is this heritage of taste that the Prunier Manufacture perpetuates today, with five French caviars from ascipenser baerii sturgeon.

5 . Maison Prunier offers 5 recipes revealing 5 great caviars 

Such as great wines, the specific flavours and fragrances of the 5 Prunier caviars are obtained according to the different degrees of maturation, the age of the fish and the preparation techniques, which vary according to processes developed for decades by the Manufacture.

Caviar Prunier “Tradition”
Firm and dark, this caviar with finesse and unique characteristics, represents the archetypal Prunier caviar, with a pronounced nutty taste that is increasingly appreciated. It gives off very frank, generous aromas of nuts and almonds, and has a good length in the mouth.

Caviar Prunier “Paris”
In order to appreciate all its subtleties, Paris caviar with large amber grains is consumed very quickly after preparation. This freshness is explained by the very small amount of salt used: the lighter the salting, the more volatile the aromas of the caviar. Thanks to this short maturation, the eggs retain a more concentrated fragrance. its subtle and creamy character gives it an aromatic complexity and a unique texture. Added to this a unique freshness which enhances the pleasure of tasting this rare product. Paris caviar is only available a few weeks a year, during the spring and autumn fishing periods.

“Saint-James” Prunier Caviar
Historically produced since 1932 for the inauguration of the Prunier restaurant on St James Street in London, Saint-James is the archetype of a great Prunier Caviar. Prepared with exceptional salt of Iranian origin, it reaches perfect maturation two months after fishing. This very bold, racy and highly earthy caviar has a generous attack and a superb flavour on the palate even once it’s been devoured. An extraordinary caviar.

Caviar Prunier “Malossol”
This specific caviar also called “pure salt” is a caviar with a deep black coarse grain and powerful aromas. It is very rich with an interminable linger of flavour on the palate. This “distinctive, rich and concentrated” caviar is particularly appreciated by demanding connoisseurs.

Caviar Prunier “Héritage”
Only 2% of the Prunier production deserves to be chosen for the Héritage selection. This exceptional product is distinguished by its large clear grains but also by its subtle earthy notes. It is complex and lingers on the palate. The creamy texture is mainly due to the careful selection of the oldest fish and its unique preparation according to the Persian method.

What Makes Beluga Caviar Legendary?


From the Acipenser Huso Huso sturgeon, this legendary caviar has a grain of surprising size and extreme finesse. Recognised for its unique taste; it is creamy, with delicate buttery notes and lingers in the mouth. Its colour is an anthracite pearl gray, reminiscent of precious Tahitian pearls.

Did you know?

#8 Facts About The Beluga

#1. Its scientific name is Huso Huso.

#2. It is a species of sturgeon endemic to the Caspian Sea.

#3. Its cousin is the Huso Dauricus, endemic to the Amur River.

#4. It is the largest of the sturgeon and can measure up to 6 meters.

#5. Both Huso sturgeons are carnivorous.

#6. The Beluga is a prehistoric animal dating back to the Jura period (200 million years)

and can live more than 100 years in its natural environment.

#7. Beluga is the most expensive caviar in the world, due to its rarity.

#8. Beluga is James Bond’s favorite caviar.

In conclusion, there is no better caviar on the market. If you don’t believe us, try it for yourself!

Available via our online shopping boutique.

Click here to view featured product

The art of French caviar by Prunier

In the middle of several hectares of preserved land on the edge of Isle, one of the tributaries of the Dordogne, in Montpon-Ménestérol near Bordeaux, the Prunier Manufacture continues its traditional heritage by producing its caviar in a totally controlled environment.

To obtain a “perfect” caviar, the Manufacture breeds two sturgeons: the acipenser baerii and the acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transforming these eggs into caviar requires careful preparation according to a know-how developed 100 years ago by the Prunier house.

5 facts about the Manufacture Prunier Did you know that …?

1 . Prunier is one of the main caviar producers in the world

The Prunier Manufacture is the only farm in France to raise its sturgeons from its own fry and to produce its own caviar sold under its brand.

2 . In 1994, the Manufacture Prunier became the first producer to obtain caviar from farmed sturgeons.

It created a sustainable and safe alternative for endangered species in the Caspian Sea. Today, the grain selection process as well as the recipes of the Prunier Manufacture, make it possible to produce caviars with very different flavours.

3 . It was in 2010 that Prunier Manufacture launched the first Oscietra fry, the acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Since then, it has bred them with great care and patience … Today L’Osciètre Prunier seduces you with its charcoal-brown colour and the shiny appearance of its grains. On the palate, it is characterised by the typical salting of Plum tree which gives it a subtle, pleasantly salty and nutty taste.

  1. Revealing the flavour of caviar is an absolute art for Prunier

The flavour of caviar has rarely been presented as its main attraction as it continues to evolve even after packaging. It is therefore difficult for simple importers to guarantee a taste unless they open the tins!
And yet the notes drafted in 1932 by Alexander Scott, the caviar expert from Maison Prunier behind the first French caviar, show that the little importance given to taste in relation to size and colour was already up for debate. At the time, he even proposed to educate consumers, to teach them to appreciate the wonderful diversity of aromas that caviar offers and not just to admire its appearance.
It is this heritage of taste that the Prunier Manufacture perpetuates today, with five French caviars from ascipenser baerii sturgeon.

5 . Maison Prunier offers 5 recipes revealing 5 great caviars 

Such as great wines, the specific flavours and fragrances of the 5 Prunier caviars are obtained according to the different degrees of maturation, the age of the fish and the preparation techniques, which vary according to processes developed for decades by the Manufacture.

Caviar Prunier “Tradition”
Firm and dark, this caviar with finesse and unique characteristics, represents the archetypal Prunier caviar, with a pronounced nutty taste that is increasingly appreciated. It gives off very frank, generous aromas of nuts and almonds, and has a good length in the mouth.

Caviar Prunier “Paris”
In order to appreciate all its subtleties, Paris caviar with large amber grains is consumed very quickly after preparation. This freshness is explained by the very small amount of salt used: the lighter the salting, the more volatile the aromas of the caviar. Thanks to this short maturation, the eggs retain a more concentrated fragrance. its subtle and creamy character gives it an aromatic complexity and a unique texture. Added to this a unique freshness which enhances the pleasure of tasting this rare product. Paris caviar is only available a few weeks a year, during the spring and autumn fishing periods.

“Saint-James” Prunier Caviar
Historically produced since 1932 for the inauguration of the Prunier restaurant on St James Street in London, Saint-James is the archetype of a great Prunier Caviar. Prepared with exceptional salt of Iranian origin, it reaches perfect maturation two months after fishing. This very bold, racy and highly earthy caviar has a generous attack and a superb flavour on the palate even once it’s been devoured. An extraordinary caviar.

Caviar Prunier “Malossol”
This specific caviar also called “pure salt” is a caviar with a deep black coarse grain and powerful aromas. It is very rich with an interminable linger of flavour on the palate. This “distinctive, rich and concentrated” caviar is particularly appreciated by demanding connoisseurs.

Caviar Prunier “Héritage”
Only 2% of the Prunier production deserves to be chosen for the Héritage selection. This exceptional product is distinguished by its large clear grains but also by its subtle earthy notes. It is complex and lingers on the palate. The creamy texture is mainly due to the careful selection of the oldest fish and its unique preparation according to the Persian method.

What Makes Beluga Caviar Legendary?


From the Acipenser Huso Huso sturgeon, this legendary caviar has a grain of surprising size and extreme finesse. Recognised for its unique taste; it is creamy, with delicate buttery notes and lingers in the mouth. Its colour is an anthracite pearl gray, reminiscent of precious Tahitian pearls.

Did you know?

#8 Facts About The Beluga

#1. Its scientific name is Huso Huso.

#2. It is a species of sturgeon endemic to the Caspian Sea.

#3. Its cousin is the Huso Dauricus, endemic to the Amur River.

#4. It is the largest of the sturgeon and can measure up to 6 meters.

#5. Both Huso sturgeons are carnivorous.

#6. The Beluga is a prehistoric animal dating back to the Jura period (200 million years)

and can live more than 100 years in its natural environment.

#7. Beluga is the most expensive caviar in the world, due to its rarity.

#8. Beluga is James Bond’s favorite caviar.

In conclusion, there is no better caviar on the market. If you don’t believe us, try it for yourself!

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artworks by Andy Warhol

“Andy Warhol: Cars” – Mercedes-Benz Art Collection muestra las obras maestras de Warhol en Los Ángeles

Stuttgart/Los Angeles
  • 23 de julio de 2022 al 22 de enero de 2023 en el Petersen Automotive Museum de Los Ángeles
  •  Exposición presenta 40 obras de la importante serie Cars de Andy Warhol 
  • Las obras se exhiben junto con cinco de los modelos de vehículos Mercedes-Benz retratados por Warhol
  • La serie regresa a los EE. UU. por primera vez en más de 30 años

Del 23 de julio de 2022 al 22 de enero de 2023 , la Colección de Arte de Mercedes-Benz exhibirá algunos de sus tesoros más importantes y posiblemente más conocidos en el Petersen Automotive Museum de Los Ángeles: la exposición “Andy Warhol:  Cars  – Works”. de la colección de arte Mercedes-Benz” presenta 27 serigrafías sobre lienzo y 13 dibujos de la mundialmente famosa  Cars de Andy Warhol serie. En las imágenes, el artista pop estadounidense utiliza ocho modelos seleccionados de Mercedes-Benz para documentar la historia del automóvil, desde el Benz Patent Motor Car de 1886 hasta el automóvil de investigación C 111-II construido en 1970. En el Petersen Automotive Museum, uno de los museos automotrices más grandes del mundo, las obras se exhiben junto con cinco de los ocho vehículos retratados por Warhol, incluido el auto de carreras Mercedes-Benz Formula One W 196 R con carrocería aerodinámica, el Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Gullwing” Coupé (W 198) y el coche de carreras de Fórmula Mercedes-Benz de 750 kilogramos W 125.

Renate Wiehager, Directora de la Colección de Arte Mercedes-Benz: “Desde la aclamada presentación en el Museo Guggenheim de Nueva York en 1988, la  serie Cars de Andy Warhol  ha sido invitada en los principales museos del mundo. Estamos muy complacidos de que después de más de 30 años, ahora se vuelva a ver extensamente en los EE. UU. El nombre Warhol tiene una atracción ‘mítica’ en el contexto del arte, como lo demuestra el número de visitantes a sus exposiciones. Esto también es cierto para la marca Mercedes-Benz en su contexto, que, materializado en el símbolo de la estrella, tiene un campo seguro de connotaciones: bello, rápido, moderno, lujoso, de calidad”.

Renata Jungo Brüngger, miembro del Consejo de Administración de Mercedes-Benz Group para Integridad y Asuntos Legales, también es responsable de la Colección de Arte Mercedes-Benz: “Estamos encantados de volver a hacer accesibles estas excelentes imágenes a una amplia audiencia internacional en la exposición de Los Ángeles y así contribuir a la promoción de la cultura y la educación. Porque ese es precisamente el objetivo de nuestra colección de arte: con nuestro compromiso social con la cultura y la educación, queremos crear un beneficio reconocible para el bien común. Las obras de arte de Andy Warhol han inspirado a personas durante generaciones, al igual que los vehículos Mercedes-Benz. Dos grandes marcas se encuentran en la   serie Cars ”.

La  serie Cars  : enlace legendario entre Andy Warhol y Mercedes-Benz

La serie  Cars  es uno de los últimos grupos coherentes de obras de Andy Warhol antes de su muerte en febrero de 1987. El artista creó la serie a fines del año 1986/87 en nombre de la entonces Daimler-Benz AG con motivo de la 100 aniversario del automóvil. Originalmente, se planearon 80 imágenes de 20 modelos de automóviles de ocho décadas diferentes, pero solo se pudieron completar 36 serigrafías sobre lienzo y 13 dibujos. Hasta la fecha, 30 serigrafías y los dibujos de la serie forman parte de la Colección de Arte Mercedes-Benz. Las obras son accesibles en los distintos sitios del Grupo Mercedes-Benz para los empleados y el público en visitas guiadas registradas.

Renate Wiehager: “Warhol se vio a sí mismo como socio de situaciones de encargo cuyo objetivo era transferir un producto a otro contexto: al contexto del arte, al contexto del ‘aura de Warhol’. Sin embargo, tal transferencia de productos tiene éxito sobre todo cuando dos productos se encuentran en el mismo plano. La alianza de la comisión entre Andy Warhol y Mercedes-Benz puede describirse como un golpe de suerte en “igualdad de condiciones”. Dos productos top se han encontrado aquí, cada uno de los cuales es absolutamente ‘top’ en su campo”.

En su  serie Cars  , Andy Warhol se dedica por primera vez a un producto industrial de origen europeo. Después de las “Botellas de Coca-Cola”, las “Latas de sopa Campbell” o los billetes de dólar que hicieron famoso al estadounidense en la década de 1960, una marca legendaria de la historia automotriz alemana es ahora el foco de su arte. Con los ocho modelos de vehículos retratados, Warhol muestra simultáneamente la capacidad de cambio y el carácter histórico de un producto. Para la serie anterior de Warhol con motivos de Campbell’s, Heinz o Del Monte, era de vital importancia que los productos estadounidenses se pudieran entregar en todas partes y estuvieran disponibles sin fin. En las pinturas de Warhol de la década de 1980, este “ahora-temporalidad” se transforma en una actitud que también permite el pasado y el desarrollo.

obras de arte de Andy Warhol

obras de arte de Andy Warhol

La colección de arte de Mercedes-Benz

La Colección de Arte Mercedes-Benz fue fundada en 1977 y es hoy una de las colecciones corporativas europeas más importantes con reputación internacional. La colección incluye alrededor de 3.000 obras de más de 650 artistas. El interés temprano, inicialmente relacionado con obras pictóricas, se dirigió a artistas del sur de Alemania. Estos incluyeron profesores y estudiantes de la Academia de Stuttgart como Adolf Hölzel, Oskar Schlemmer, Willi Baumeister, Hans Arp y Max Bill. Mientras tanto, la Colección de Arte Mercedes-Benz también incluye arte internacional y tiene un claro perfil basado en el arte y la ciencia. Esto se basa en la estructura sistemática de la colección con un enfoque de contenido concentrado en el arte abstracto-constructivo, conceptual y minimalista, así como en la fotografía contemporánea y el arte de los medios.

Las exposiciones de las obras en la empresa, en el Mercedes-Benz Contemporary en Potsdamer Platz Berlin y en museos internacionales (Nueva York, Detroit, Johannesburgo, Tokio, Singapur, Sao Paulo y Buenos Aires), permiten al público interesado en el arte interactuar con la colección a gran escala. Además, la Colección de Arte Mercedes-Benz otorga premios de patrocinio para el arte joven y ofrece un programa educativo complementario para escolares. La colección corporativa pone gran énfasis en los procesos sostenibles: por ejemplo, muestra exposiciones temáticas en diferentes lugares y utiliza materiales y tecnología para los conceptos de exposición de forma multifuncional. Al mismo tiempo, planifica el embalaje y el transporte de manera eficiente y para un uso a largo plazo, y reduce las distancias de viaje en la medida de lo posible.

Más información sobre la Mercedes-Benz Art Collection está disponible en Internet:  mercedes-benz.art/

Los boletos para la exhibición y más información sobre el Museo del Automóvil Petersen en Los Ángeles están disponibles en  www.Petersen.org .

La Fundación Andy Warhol llama la atención sobre el hecho de que el permiso para reproducir las imágenes se otorga únicamente para su uso junto con  reportajes de los medios sobre la exposición “Andy Warhol:  Cars  – Works from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection” en el Petersen Automotive Museum en Los Ángeles  del 23 de julio de 2022 al 22 de enero de 2023. Todas las reproducciones de las imágenes deben ir acompañadas de la siguiente  leyenda :  © 2022 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Con licencia de Artists Rights Society (ARS), Nueva York . . Las reproducciones digitales de las imágenes solo pueden publicarse con una resolución no superior a 72 dpi y un tamaño de máx. 4 pulgadas (ancho x alto). Es posible que las imágenes no se ofrezcan para su descarga.

artworks by Andy Warhol

“Andy Warhol: Cars” – Mercedes-Benz Art Collection shows Warhol’s masterpieces in Los Angeles

Stuttgart/Los Angeles
  • July 23, 2022 to January 22, 2023 at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles
  • Exhibition presents 40 artworks from Andy Warhol’s important Cars series
  • Works are exhibited together with five of the Mercedes-Benz vehicle models portrayed by Warhol
  • Series is back in the US for the first time in over 30 years

From July 23, 2022 to January 22, 2023, the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection will showcase some of its most top-class and arguably best-known treasures at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles: the exhibition “Andy Warhol: Cars – Works from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection” presents 27 screen prints on canvas and 13 drawings from Andy Warhol’s world-famous Cars series. In the pictures, the American pop artist uses eight selected Mercedes-Benz models to document the history of the automobile – from the Benz Patent Motor Car of 1886 to the C 111-II research car constructed in 1970. At the Petersen Automotive Museum – one of the largest automotive museums in the world – the works are on display together with five of the eight vehicles portrayed by Warhol – including the Mercedes-Benz Formula One racing car W 196 R with streamlined body, the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Gullwing” Coupé (W 198) and the Mercedes-Benz 750-kilogram formula racing car W 125.

Renate Wiehager, Head of the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection: “Since the highly acclaimed presentation at the Guggenheim Museum New York in 1988, Andy Warhol’s Cars series has been a guest in major museums around the world. We are very pleased that after more than 30 years, it will now be seen again extensively in the US. The name Warhol has a ‘mythical’ attraction in the context of art, as the visitor numbers to his exhibitions show. This is also true of the brand name Mercedes-Benz in its context, which – materialised in the symbol of the star – has a secure field of connotations: beautiful, fast, modern, luxurious, quality.”

Renata Jungo Brüngger, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group for Integrity and Legal Affairs, is also responsible for the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection: “We are delighted to once again make these great pictures accessible to a broad international audience in the Los Angeles exhibition and thus contribute to the promotion of culture and education. Because that is precisely the point of our art collection: with our social commitment to culture and education, we want to create a recognizable benefit for the common good. Andy Warhol’s artworks have inspired people for generations – just like Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Two top brands meet in the Cars series.”

The Cars series: Legendary liaison between Andy Warhol and Mercedes-Benz

The series Cars is one of the last coherent groups of works by Andy Warhol before his death in February 1987. The artist created the series at the turn of the year 1986/87 on behalf of the then Daimler-Benz AG on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the automobile. Originally, 80 pictures of 20 car models from eight different decades were planned, but only 36 screen prints on canvas and 13 drawings could be completed. To date, 30 screen prints and the drawings from the series are part of the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection. The works are accessible at the various Mercedes-Benz Group sites to employees and to public in registered guided tours.

Renate Wiehager: “Warhol saw himself as a partner of commissioning situations whose aim was to transfer a product into another context: into the context of art, into the context of the ‘Warhol aura’. However, such a product transfer succeeds above all when two products meet on the same plane. The commission alliance between Andy Warhol and Mercedes-Benz can be described as a stroke of luck on ‘equal terms’. Two top products have met here, each of which is absolutely ‘top’ in its field.”

In his Cars series, Andy Warhol devoted himself for the first time to an industrial product of European origin. After the “Coca-Cola Bottles”, the “Campbell’s Soup Cans” or the dollar bills that made the American famous in the 1960s, a brand legend of German automotive history is now the focus of his art. With the eight vehicle models portrayed, Warhol simultaneously shows the changeability and the historical character of a product. For Warhol’s earlier series with motifs from Campbell’s, Heinz or Del Monte, it was of central importance that the American products were deliverable everywhere and endlessly available. In Warhol’s paintings of the 1980s, this “now-temporality” transforms into an attitude that also allows for the past and development.

artworks by Andy Warhol

artworks by Andy Warhol

The Mercedes-Benz Art Collection

The Mercedes-Benz Art Collection was founded in 1977 and is today one of the most important European corporate collections with an international reputation. The collection includes around 3,000 works by more than 650 artists. The early interest, initially related to pictorial works, was directed at artists from Southern Germany. These included teachers and students of the Stuttgart Academy such as Adolf Hölzel, Oskar Schlemmer, Willi Baumeister, Hans Arp and Max Bill. In the meantime, the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection also includes international art and has a clear art-science-based profile. This is based on the systematic structure of the collection with a concentrated content focus on abstract-constructive, conceptual and minimalist art as well as contemporary photography and media art.

Exhibitions of the works in the company, at the Mercedes-Benz Contemporary at Potsdamer Platz Berlin and in international museums (New York, Detroit, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Singapore, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires), enable the art-interested public to engage with the collection on a broad scale. In addition, the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection awards sponsorship prizes for young art and offers an accompanying educational programme for schoolchildren. The corporate collection places great emphasis on sustainable processes: for example, it shows thematic exhibitions at different locations and uses materials and technology for exhibition concepts in a multifunctional way. At the same time, it plans packaging and transport efficiently and for long-term use, and reduces travel distances where possible.

Further information on the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection is available on the internet: mercedes-benz.art/

Tickets for the exhibition and more information about the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles are available at www.Petersen.org.

The Andy Warhol Foundation draws attention to the fact that permission to reproduce the images is granted solely for use in conjunction with media reportage about the exhibition “Andy Warhol: Cars – Works from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection” at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles from July 23, 2022 to January 22, 2023. All reproductions of the images must be accompanied by the following caption© 2022 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.. Any digital reproductions of the images may only be published with a resolution no greater than 72 dpi and a size of max. 4 inches (W x H). The images may not be offered for download.