Tag Archive for: ASTON MARTIN

  • El Valour celebra el 110 aniversario de Aston Martin haciendo honor a su tradición de crear magníficos deportivos con motor delantero
  • Transmisión manual de 6 velocidades de diseño exclusivo acoplada a un motor V12 biturbo de 5,2 litros para ofrecer el máximo compromiso con el conductor y un atractivo clásico atemporal
  • Como el último de una era, el Valour fusiona un aspecto inconfundible, un rendimiento inigualable y un carácter dinámico para deleitar a los más puristas con una experiencia de conducción suprema
  • Producción limitada a 110 unidades para todo el mundo
  • Su espectacular diseño reimagina el icónico V8 Vantage de los años 70 y 80 y el legendario “Muncher” de Le Mans utilizando materiales y tecnología de vanguardia

11 de julio 2023, Gaydon, UK. Para celebrar su 110 aniversario, Aston Martin se enorgullece de presentar el Valour, una espectacular edición especial ultraexclusiva con motor V12 y transmisión manual, creada para honrar la larga tradición de la marca de extraordinarios deportivos con motor delantero y deleitar a los puristas que anhelan experiencias de conducción auténticas y sin concesiones.

Lawrence Stroll, Executive Chairman de Aston Martin, ha hablado de esta nueva y emocionante edición especial: “El Valour es una homenaje a la pasión de Aston Martin por la conducción y a su extraordinario legado, pero también es un símbolo de la vibrante y revitalizada marca actual. Como un icono moderno que fusiona el carácter clásico con la ejecución contemporánea, el Valour captura la esencia de la emoción y la exclusividad que definen a esta histórica marca automovilística. Como muestra de nuestras capacidades de diseño, ingeniería y fabricación de primera clase, el Valour es una prueba más de la posición de Aston Martin como campeón de automovilismo y fabricante de los coches de ultralujo y altas prestaciones más excitantes, exclusivos y deseados del mundo”.

Dirigido directamente a aquellos que disfrutan de una experiencia de conducción realmente envolvente, el compromiso del Valour con el rendimiento y los estímulos que definen una época es insuperable. Este deportivo V12 con motor delantero es el único disponible con transmisión manual, y su enfoque tan purista resulta único en 2023 y un emocionante homenaje a una época dorada de la automoción.

Motivado por esta rica herencia, el Valour se ha desarrollado utilizando la tecnología, los métodos y los materiales más avanzados. Como tal, es una fusión de las cualidades esenciales que han llegado a definir los mejores modelos con motor delantero de Aston Martin. El Valour es lo mejor del pasado y del presente de Aston Martin y el antídoto contra los vehículos que pretenden aislar al conductor de la experiencia de la conducción.

El linaje del Valour es insuperable. Inspirado en el V8 Vantage original y en el magnífico Vantage RHAM/1 “Muncher” de Le Mans de 1980, hace gala de la potencia desenfrenada tan típica de los deportivos de Aston Martin. Máquinas como el V600 Vantage con doble sobrealimentación de los años 90, que durante un tiempo fue el coche de producción más potente del mundo. Su diseño inmaculado y su ejecución impecable recuerdan a los del extraordinario superdeportivo One-77, mientras que su intenso carácter centrado en el conductor recuerda al Aston Martin Victor.

Con una producción limitada a 110 unidades para todo el mundo, la exclusividad del Valour garantiza que será uno de los Aston Martin más coleccionables. Un exquisito equipamiento de fin de época, que combina por primera vez el extraordinario V12 biturbo de 5,2 litros y 715 CV/753 Nm con una transmisión manual de seis velocidades, garantiza una experiencia realmente única y asegura el lugar del Valour en el panteón de los grandes automóviles de todos los tiempos.

Gracias a la exclusiva configuración del sistema de propulsión, la inmensa potencia y el par del Valour no tienen límites y ofrecen al conductor un rendimiento pleno y el máximo control en todas las marchas. Un diferencial mecánico de deslizamiento limitado aumenta la sensación de conexión analógica directa entre el coche y el conductor, con el apoyo y la seguridad añadidos de los sistemas electrónicos de control de tracción y estabilidad. Los modos de conducción del Valour -Sport, Sport+ y Track- también se han ajustado para ofrecer una respuesta del acelerador, una gestión del par y una respuesta sonora meticulosamente estudiados.

Para subrayar sus credenciales dinámicas, el Valour ha recibido una suspensión a medida, con amortiguadores adaptativos, muelles y barras estabilizadoras adaptados específicamente al coche. La geometría de alineación de las ruedas tiene ajustes específicos de caída, avance y convergencia. Estas características garantizan que el Valour posea unas cualidades de conducción y maniobrabilidad claramente definidas. Como ante todo es un coche de calle, el Valour es capaz de mantener un buen equilibrio entre su carácter deportivo con un control preciso de los movimientos verticales y laterales de la carrocería y todo lo necesario para brillar en buenas carreteras.

Con el fin de perfeccionar aún más su carácter dinámico único, la estructura a medida de la carrocería del Valour cuenta con paneles de refuerzo delanteros y traseros, un refuerzo en las torretas de la suspensión trasera y refuerzos en el depósito de combustible. Estos elementos proporcionan la máxima rigidez torsional y lateral, dotando a la suspensión de una estructura optimizada para ofrecer un control más preciso de la carrocería y un mayor refinamiento. Además, un nuevo sistema de dirección filtra las reacciones no deseadas para ofrecer al conductor una mayor sensación de conexión e inmediatez.

Con los frenos cerámicos de carbono de serie, el Valour tiene una gran potencia de frenado gracias a los discos delanteros de 410 mm x 38 mm con pinzas de 6 pistones. En la parte trasera, los discos de 360 mm x 32 mm se combinan con pinzas de 4 pistones. Estos discos CCB, que ofrecen un mayor rendimiento de frenado y una significativa reducción de 23 kg de masa no suspendida en comparación con los frenos de acero, están diseñados para resistir el desgaste de los frenos a temperaturas de hasta 800 grados, lo que permite al conductor exprimir todo el potencial de rendimiento del Valour con la máxima confianza y un control preciso.

Completando el impresionante paquete de equipamiento del Valour se encuentran unas preciosas llantas de aleación forjada ligera de 21″ en forma de panal de abeja, calzadas con los últimos neumáticos Michelin Pilot Sport S 5 específicos para AML (275/35 R21 delante y 325/30 R21 detrás), que proporcionan una maniobrabilidad y un agarre a la carretera excelentes tanto en seco como en mojado.

Simon Newton, Director of Vehicle Performance de Aston Martin, ha declarado: “Inspirándonos en los icónicos muscle cars de nuestro pasado, hemos dotado al Valour de una gran potencia y par motor, utilizando al mismo tiempo tecnología e ingeniería modernas para hacer que esas prestaciones sean más aprovechables y agradables. Una parte importante de honrar ese carácter para el conductor fue acoplar nuestro fabuloso motor V12 a una transmisión manual. Se trataba de una parte única del encargo y el resultado final es algo realmente inolvidable: un coche de última generación al que le encanta que lo pongan al límite y que tiene el corazón y el alma de un clásico analógico atemporal”.

Esas inmensas capacidades de rendimiento e intensas características de conducción se expresan claramente en la presencia y el físico altamente desarrollado del Valour. Fabricada íntegramente en fibra de carbono, la carrocería combina el lenguaje de diseño contemporáneo de Aston Martin con rasgos inmediatamente reconocibles del icónico V8 Vantage de los años setenta. El resultado es audaz e inconfundible desde cualquier ángulo.

El capó en forma de concha de almeja cuenta con una gran rejilla de ventilación en forma de herradura y dos conductos NACA para proporcionar una amplia ventilación al V12 biturbo que se encuentra debajo. La icónica parrilla de Aston Martin ha evolucionado para mejorar tanto su forma como su funcionalidad. Su sección central está definida por tirantes de aluminio, mientras que las grandes tomas de fibra de carbono situadas a ambos lados suministran aire frío al motor y a los frenos. También destacan los faros LED redondos de inspiración clásica, exclusivos del Valour y que se sitúan bajo la parrilla en forma de ceja con un aspecto intimidante.

El moderno concepto aerodinámico se ha incorporado sin esfuerzo en el diseño, con una experta gestión del flujo de aire que optimiza la estabilidad al tiempo que consigue un diseño único. El prominente splitter delantero y las rejillas de ventilación de las aletas delanteras incorporadas en los flancos del Valour trabajan en armonía con los elementos generadores de vórtices del parabrisas trasero, el elegante spoiler Kamm y el prominente difusor para lograr un perfecto equilibrio aerodinámico.

La zaga también presenta un espectacular diseño de los faros traseros, con grupos de luces LED (seis a cada lado) que recuerdan al innovador hiperdeportivo Valkyrie. Una moldura de aluminio en toda la anchura -fresada a partir de una pieza maciza y pulida hasta conseguir un acabado impecable- delimita la zaga, separando las secciones superior e inferior con un efecto espectacular. Situado entre los elementos profundos del difusor trasero se encuentra la pieza central del extraordinario diseño trasero del Valour: un sistema de escape de triple salida fabricado en acero inoxidable ligero. Con un grosor de menos de 1 mm, este tubo especial supone un ahorro de peso de 7 kg respecto a un sistema tradicional, aunque emite una banda sonora gloriosamente poderosa.

La celebración de la herencia de Aston Martin por parte del Valour continúa en el interior, con un puesto de conducción biplaza atemporal de una sencillez poco común y un tacto cautivador. El elemento central es la palanca de cambios de la transmisión manual. Con una selección de aluminio mecanizado, titanio, fibra de carbono o nogal para el pomo de la palanca de cambios, y un mecanismo de cambio expuesto para enfatizar la conexión mecánica, el Valour se centra en ofrecer el compromiso físico y emocional que se ha perdido con el paso del tiempo.

El uso magistral de los materiales ha sido durante mucho tiempo un sello distintivo de Aston Martin, por lo que no es de extrañar que el interior del Valour brille con combinaciones originales a partir de las cuales los clientes pueden crear su propia y única especificación. Por ejemplo, el tradicional tweed de lana inspirado en las fundas de los asientos del Aston Martin DBR1, ganador de Le Mans en 1959, ofrece un maravilloso contraste con el tejido de fibra de carbono de alta tecnología utilizado para formar las carcasas de los asientos ligeros de altas prestaciones del Valour, los paneles de las puertas hechos a medida, las salidas de aire del salpicadero, la consola central superior y el túnel de transmisión.

La personalización se completa con un método flexible en la carrocería. Al dividir la carrocería del Valour en cuatro zonas (frontal, capó, laterales y parte trasera), los clientes pueden elegir entre una amplia gama de diseños de gráficos y franjas pintados a mano, que pueden aplicarse en cualquiera de los 21 colores de pintura.

Si un cliente desea ir más allá de la gama estándar de opciones del Valour, puede contratar los servicios de Q by Aston Martin para crear una especificación realmente personalizada. Ejemplos de esto incluyen el diseño de una decoración única, una carrocería de fibra de carbono 2×2 twill totalmente expuesta con una opción de tinte rojo, azul o verde, llantas pintadas, detalles interiores de fibra de carbono Mokume o una selección de telas de tweed y cachemira de Johnsons of Elgin para los asientos y el revestimiento del techo.

Miles Nurnberger, Director of Design de Aston Martin, ha declarado: “En Aston Martin nuestro diseño es siempre progresivo, pero cuando se trata de celebrar un hito importante -en este caso, nuestro 110 cumpleaños- nos permitimos un poco de libertad. En consecuencia, el Valour es un modelo glorioso y sin complejos, una bestia de la vieja escuela refinada y reimaginada bajo el prisma de 2023. Vuelve a las formas cinceladas, alejándose de las formas más esculturales que definen a los Aston Martin de serie actuales, con detalles atrevidos y materiales modernos anclados en el presente. Queríamos asegurarnos de que su aspecto reflejara la experiencia de conducción. La crudeza física de sus formas debería decirte todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las feroces prestaciones y la emoción analógica de domar un deportivo de 715 CV con transmisión manual, pero el claro uso de la última tecnología apunta a un coche con un comportamiento y unas capacidades dinámicas excepcionales”.

Está previsto que la producción del Valour comience en la sede central de Aston Martin, en Gaydon, en el tercer trimestre de 2023, con las primeras entregas programadas para el cuarto trimestre de 2023. Preparado para convertirse en uno de los coches más codiciados del inigualable catálogo de ediciones especiales con motor delantero de Aston Martin, el Valour es una auténtica pieza de coleccionista que exige ser conducida.

Sobre Aston Martin Lagonda:

La visión de Aston Martin es ser la marca británica de ultralujo más deseada del mundo, creando los automóviles de altas prestaciones más exquisitamente adictivos.

Fundada en 1913 por Lionel Martin y Robert Bamford, Aston Martin es reconocida como una marca icónica mundial, sinónimo de estilo, lujo, prestaciones y exclusividad. Aston Martin fusiona la tecnología más avanzada, la artesanía más tradicional y un estilo de gran belleza para producir una gama de modelos de lujo aclamados por la crítica, entre los que se incluye el Vantage, el DB12, el DBS, el DBX y su primer hypercar, el Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Con sede en Gaydon (Inglaterra), Aston Martin Lagonda diseña, crea y exporta automóviles que se venden en 56 países de todo el mundo. Sus deportivos se fabrican en Gaydon, mientras que su gama de SUV de lujo DBX se fabrica con orgullo en St Athan, Gales.

Lagonda fue fundada en 1899 y Aston Martin en 1913. Las dos marcas se unieron en 1947, cuando ambas fueron adquiridas por el difundo Sir David Brown. La empresa cotiza actualmente en la Bolsa de Londres como Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

En 2020, Lawrence Stroll se convirtió en Executive Chairman de la compañía, junto con nuevas e importantes inversiones, un movimiento que condujo al regreso de Aston Martin a la cima del automovilismo con el Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One™ Team y dio comienzo a una nueva era para la emblemática marca británica.

Fernando Alonso and Kimoa present: The FA AMF1 Collection

#Astonmartinf1 #AstonMartinF1xKimoa #TodoAlVerde

The collection, jointly designed by Kimoa and AMF1, will be on sale at Kimoa.com and other motorsport channels

Madrid, February 28, 2023. Kimoa joins forces with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One Team with driver Fernando Alonso to launch the “FA AMF1 Collection”.

Kimoa’s relationship with the premier motor category is linked to its co-founder, Fernando Alonso, since the launch of the brand in 2017. With the driver joining the British team, this relationship is destined to continue. In this regard Kimoa launches its most special collection to date, with new product categories that complement the already iconic caps.

Here is the announcement of a long-awaited partnership “I am tremendously proud of what we have achieved with Kimoa over the years. The strong commitment to using recycled materials with which we have managed to combine quality, design, and responsibility with the environment, have been the result of strong investments in R&D. When presenting the project to the Aston Martin F1 team and passing its demanding quality and design standards, we knew that the effort of these years was worth it”, states Fernando Alonso.

The Fernando Alonso capsule collection of the Aston Martin F1 Team is made up of two t-shirts, one sweatshirt, one hoodie, two polo shirts, a windbreaker, and three caps. In addition, Kimoa is launching the hoodie and one of the t-shirts in kids size. The entire collection is a tribute to the flagship colours of Aston Martin with green as the main color, accented fluorine lime, and black, which merges the distinctive elements of the Asturian driver: the number 14 and his iconic logo with a lightning bolt. Reinventing the classic patterns that maintain the traditional essence of the team adapted to the new times.

This collection is the first work under the creative direction of María Núñez, who has taken special care in the details of the garments, incorporating technical finishes such as heat-sealing and silicone prints and maintaining the Kimoa philosophy with the use of recycled cotton, organic cotton, pre-consumer cotton, and recycled polyester.

The pre-order of the collection is available today at www.kimoa.com/AstonMartin . Shortly it will be available at the new SimplyEV Superstore in Wynwood, Kimoa’s preferred point of sale, the AMF1 e-comm store and other global retailers. The collection.

About Kimoa

It is a lifestyle and activewear brand, which is inspired by nature and a sustainable vision mode to create clothing and accessories that combine design with sustainability. It was born in 2017 with Fernando Alonso as co-founder of the project, and it was acquired by the American business group, Revolution Brands International, in 2021. The influence of motorsport, in terms of cutting-edge technology, is reflected both in the finish of the garments and accessories with the use of avant-garde fabrics and materials obtained from recycled materials. Free spirit, traveling, exploring, discovering, feeling the speed and above all, feeling like yourself are the engines that drive the Kimoa philosophy. www.kimoa.com/AstonMartin

About AMF1

The legendary Aston Martin marque first raced in Formula One in 1959 and returned to the sport in 2021 under the leadership of Canadian entrepreneur Lawrence Stroll. With a team of passionate people at its heart, and a talented squad of drivers – including double World Champion Fernando Alonso and Canada’s Lance Stroll – this is a team with both a rich heritage and a fresh perspective. Alongside collaborative and strategic partners, the Silverstone-based team is bringing new energy to the sport with a determination to shake up the order and compete at the sharp end. www.astonmartinf1.com

About Revolution Brands

Revolution Brands is a leading global designer, manufacturer, retailer and distributor of recreational electric vehicles, performance sports and lifestyle products and accessories. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, the organization operates as the parent company for a diverse portfolio of well-recognized brands across its core segments that include Kimoa, SimplyEV, Kimoa, MiniMotors USA providing consumers with a wide range of high-quality and future-forward products through customer service-focused e-commerce and an expanding network of retail locations.

Para más información o gestión de entrevistas:

Europa press Comunicación – 91 359 26 00

Leticia Gómez (600 90 56 48) – leticiagomez@europapress.es

Girard-Perregaux – Tourbillon with three flying bridges -Aston Martin Edition

  • New Tourbillon with Three Flying Bridges – Aston Martin Edition celebrates the shared passions of the two luxury brands
  • This is the first timepiece to be offered after Girard-Perregaux was announced as Official Watch Partner of Aston Martin in February
  • World premiere – black calf leather strap featuring Girard-Perregaux’s exclusive Rubber Alloy
  • Just 18 Tourbillon with Three Flying Bridges – Aston Martin Edition will be made

La Chaux-de-Fonds – Switzerland: The first timepiece borne of the recently announced partnership between Girard-Perregaux and Aston Martin has been revealed today. The Tourbillon with Three Flying Bridges – Aston Martin Edition unites the watchmaking expertise of Girard-Perregaux with Aston Martin’s unique knowledge of luxury and performance.

Both brands demonstrate a passion for refined craftsmanship and have been working together, sharing their understanding of design, materials and technology. This latest model celebrates the iconic Three Bridges pocket watch from the 19th century in a decidedly contemporary way, down to the smallest details, including the strap. The latter is a world premiere, presented in black calf leather and featuring Rubber Alloy, an innovative rubber insert injected with white gold. The design of the strap is intended to evoke thoughts of Aston Martin racing cars of the past.

Upholding Girard-Perregaux tradition, this model skilfully plays with proportions and shapes much to the delight of aesthetes.The 44 millimetre case of the Tourbillon with Three Flying Bridges – Aston Martin Edition is formed of Grade 5 titanium, a strong, hypoallergenic alloy selected by Aston Martin for its
lightweight properties. It is suffused with black DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon), bestowing the watch with a stealthy appearance. Interestingly, titanium ore was discovered in Great Britain, the home of Aston Martin, back in 1791 by an English clergyman, William Gregor, in the same year Girard-Perregaux was founded.

A sapphire crystal ‘box’ is positioned front of house, as well as to the rear, coaxing light to illuminate the case interior, thereby augmenting readability. The movement eschews a mainplate, sitting between both panes of sapphire crystal and seemingly floating in mid-air. Three bridges, an iconic signature of Girard-Perregaux, span the dial and are formed of titanium with black PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) treatment and polished angles. The design endows the timepiece with an airy appearance, affording breathtaking views of movement components ordinarily hidden from view. While Girard-Perregaux has a long history of making the invisible visible, in this instance it has ventured off-piste, creating a watch whose movement appears to levitate within the case. This is achieved by paring back the movement, causing the mainplate to seemingly disappear, thereby creating the illusion of the movement flying within the case. It was this particular characteristic that led to the term ‘Flying Bridges’.

The cage of the tourbillon, positioned in the lower portion of the dial, is ‘lyre-shaped’, a characteristic found on all the company’s tourbillons dating back to the 19th century. A blued hand affixed to the cage imparts the running seconds. The tourbillon cage, measuring a mere 10mm in diameter, is composed of 79 components which collectively weigh only 0.25 grams. This remarkably low figure helps mitigate energy consumption.

The barrel, positioned at 12 o’clock, is openworked, affording partial views of the mainspring. A white gold micro-rotor, positioned beneath the barrel, energises the mainspring and, unlike most automatic watches, it grants unobstructed views of the movement. The car company’s name is engraved on the vertical flank of the micro-rotor and is filled with white luminescent treatment which appears blue in restricted light. Likewise, the indexes and hands are also treated with white luminescent treatment and, once again, emit a blue glow in dim light.

Patrick Pruniaux, CEO of Girard-Perregaux, said, “We are delighted to partner with Aston Martin, entrusting their team with arguably our most iconic timepiece, delivering a fresh perspective on Haute Horlogerie. Rarely do we work with others to reinterpret the Three Bridges, however, on this occasion, we have made an exception, mindful of Aston Martin’s prowess for design.

“When viewing the design of an Aston Martin, you will note the firm’s distinctive front grille, first seen on the DB Mark III of the late 50s. Likewise, the scoops and side strakes found on the company’s modern-day models are functional elements, intended to improve airflow while enriching the overall appearance of each car.”

“At Girard-Perregaux we share a similar philosophy. For example, when the Maison released the now-legendary Tourbillon with Three Gold Bridges in 1867, it transformed three functional elements into attractive aesthetic features and demonstrated an approach that we continue to employ today. Finally, this latest partnership provides a fascinating chapter in Girard-Perregaux’s 230-year history.”Marek Reichman, Aston Martin Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer adds: ‘The greatest of the challenges we faced with the design of this new timepiece were those of scale, as you can imagine. We had to consider lines and proportion on a far smaller scale than we are used to in the realm of automotive design. That said, good design is good design, whether it is a watch or a car, the principles remain the same. I’m delighted with the finished watch and congratulate everyone who worked on this project as this collaboration has produced a timepiece of great beauty.

The Tourbillon with Three Flying Bridges – Aston Martin Edition, a limited edition of 18 pieces, is immediately available worldwide in all authorised Girard-Perregaux retailers.


Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.


  • Especificación opcional histórica DBR1 ofrecida para vehículos deportivos viscerales con cabina abierta
  • Los detalles meticulosamente elaborados rinden homenaje al original ganador de Le Mans de 1959
  • 88 ejemplos del Aston Martin V12 Speedster que se construirán

28 de abril de 2021, Gaydon, Reino Unido: Aston Martin revela hoy más detalles de su próximo V12 Speedster, la celebración de cabina abierta del orgulloso pasado y emocionante futuro de la marca británica de autos deportivos de lujo.

Solo 88 ejemplos del Aston Martin V12 Speedster están disponibles para compradores en todo el mundo y hoy la marca está revelando detalles de una especificación personalizada que seguramente subrayará el estado de los autos como artículos de colección instantáneos.

El nuevo automóvil se alinea elegantemente con una herencia que presenta no solo el excepcional DBR1, sino también el impresionante CC100 que se presentó en 2013 como una celebración impresionante del siglo de excelencia de los autos deportivos de Aston Martin, lo que refleja la herencia deportiva y la capacidad de diseño excepcional entretejida en todo el edificio. más de 100 años de historia de Aston Martin.

El DBR1 es, hasta la fecha, la máquina de carreras de mayor éxito construida por Aston Martin, habiendo triunfado en 1959 tanto en las 24 horas de Le Mans como en los 1.000 km de Nürburgring, ganando también este último en 1957 y 1958.

Después de su debut en 1956, el DBR1 registró una serie de victorias famosas, incluso en la Spa Sportscar Race (1957, Tony Brooks); el Goodwood Tourist Trophy (1958, Sir Stirling Moss, Tony Brookes; 1959, Sir Stirling Moss, Carroll Shelby, Jack Fairman); y los 1000 Km en Nurburgring (1959, Sir Stirling Moss y Jack Fairman) en el mismo año que el famoso triunfo de Le Mans que culminó con Aston Martin ganando el Campeonato Mundial de Automóviles Deportivos.

Aunque es un coche hecho para las carreras competitivas, el DBR1 también fue un precursor de algunos de los coches de carretera “DB” más conocidos de la marca. Fue diseñado internamente por un diseñador de gran talento, Frank Feeley, y, trabajando junto al diseñador jefe de carreras Ted Cutting, representa lo que es sin duda su ‘mejor momento’; de hecho, la forma del DBR1 sigue siendo una de las más hermosas y elegantes. todo el tiempo.

En el corazón del automóvil a partir de 1958 se encontraba un motor de seis cilindros en línea de 2.992 cc acoplado a una caja de cambios de cinco velocidades David Brown. Fue capaz de alimentar este c. Coche deportivo de 800 kg a una velocidad máxima estimada de más de 150 mph.

Producido como un modelo de carreras puro, no derivado directamente de un automóvil de carretera, solo se construyeron cinco ejemplos de DBR1: cuatro utilizados con un efecto tan dominante por el equipo de Aston Martin Works, y un solo automóvil para uso privado.

Con una historia tan rica e importante, no es de extrañar, entonces, que la marca deba optar por crear una especificación DBR1 opcional dedicada para su nuevo V12 Speedster.

Con elementos personalizados inteligentemente integrados que recuerdan al auto de carreras ganador de Le Mans, la especificación Aston Martin V12 Speedster DBR1 ofrece aspectos destacados como el icónico Aston
Acabado de pintura Martin Racing Green, raya diplomática y redondas Clubsport White, una rejilla anodizada en Satin Silver con el gráfico de lápiz labial Clubsport, cuero Conker y textil técnico Viridian Green / cuero Caithness. Todas estas características insinúan los atributos de época que hicieron de DBR1 el icono indiscutible que sigue siendo hoy.

Los exclusivos cascos Aston Martin Racing Green para el conductor y el pasajero se colocan debajo de las “ventanas” transparentes, mientras que las insignias de las “alas” de plata maciza brillan debajo del esmalte transparente. La fina aplicación de fibra de carbono brillante, cuero Caithness Green y conmutadores de aluminio cepillado plateado satinado en la cabina abierta del V12 Speedster subrayan el elegante homenaje a un verdadero motorista.

Las ruedas de bloqueo central de 21 pulgadas torneadas con diamante negro satinado son una característica de esta especificación especializada, en la que cada Aston Martin V12 Speedster pasa más de 50 horas solo en el proceso de pintura en las instalaciones de pintura avanzadas de la marca.

El director creativo de Aston Martin, Marek Reichman, destacó la razón fundamental detrás de esta especificación tributo al V12 Speedster y dijo: “La emoción y la exclusividad están en el corazón de este automóvil. Un Aston Martin raro y excepcional, ha sido diseñado para ofrecer una experiencia de conducción visceral que contradice su forma elegante y artística.

“Crear una especificación a medida que haga un guiño a la gloria del DBR1 ha sido un gran privilegio para mi equipo y para mí, y estoy ansioso por ver estos coches conducidos con el mismo entusiasmo que hemos aplicado a su diseño”.

En el corazón del nuevo automóvil se encuentra una variante de alto rendimiento del ahora icónico motor V12 Twin-Turbo de 5.2 litros de Aston Martin, capaz de generar una potencia de alrededor de 700 CV y 753 Nm. Ofreciendo una amplitud convincente de rendimiento, excelente respuesta y una emocionante banda sonora V12, el motor está acoplado a una transmisión automática ZF de 8 velocidades montada hacia la parte trasera del automóvil.

Esto se traduce en un tiempo de 0 a 62 mph en el orden de 3.4 segundos y una velocidad máxima de 198 mph, lo que no es poca cosa en un automóvil sin techo o parabrisas.

Ahora se están tomando pedidos para los Speedsters V12 personalizados DBR1, cada uno de los cuales se fabrica a mano en la sede de la compañía en Gaydon, y se espera que las entregas comiencen a mediados de 2021.

September 2020, Gaydon: Aston Martin has revealed the AMR-C01 Racing Simulator, the ultimate luxury home simulator for drivers who want to compete in the virtual or the real world and the first of its kind to be offered by the British marque.


  • Aston Martin partners with Curv Racing Simulators to create the AMR-C01 racing simulator, offering the ultimate in luxury Esports experiences
  • Featuring a full carbon fibre monocoque, AMR-C01 provides a fully immersive driving experience for the home user
  • First deliveries of the limited edition simulator will start in Q4 2020
  • Curv is led by Aston Martin works driver and simulator specialist, Darren Turner

AMR-C01 is the first product to be borne of a new partnership between Aston Martin and British technology company, Curv Racing Simulators.

Designed by Aston Martin and engineered by Curv, the AMR-C01 has a lightweight carbon fibre monocoque and utilises the latest technology to provide a fully immersive driving experience for the home user. The seating position mirrors that of the Aston Martin Valkyrie, adding a futuristic hypercar feel to the simulator. Hand-assembled by Curv Racing Simulators, using the highest quality components and latest Assetto Corsa software, AMR-C01 is ready to transport its users into the thrilling virtual racing world.

The AMR-C01 will make a stylish addition to any luxury games room. The look of the simulator is unique, thanks to the work of the Aston Martin Design team based at the company’s Gaydon Headquarters. Crafted in carbon fibre, the front of the sim’s bodywork is shaped to invoke the signature Aston Martin Racing grille. AMR-C01 has a powerful-looking stance but at the same time keeps the level of refinement and surface quality and finish that customers expect from any Aston Martin. The all-carbon fibre monocoque provides a rigid structure, the design of which also adds to the sporting look of the simulator.

Aston Martin Chief Creative Officer, Marek Reichman said: “This was a challenge for the design team as, although the simulator isn’t a car, it is inspired by our racing cars. It needed to exude the same elegance, boasting the same dynamic lines and balance of proportions as any Aston Martin with a racing lineage. I can picture the AMR-C01 in the most beautiful of residences as a sculptural work of art in its own right.”

Esports racing has enjoyed exponential growth during when the world’s racing calendars were put on hold in 2020 and continues to thrive now that real-life racing has resumed. The AMR-C01 is the perfect choice for those who enjoy the virtual world of competitive Esports and also for dedicated racing drivers who want to hone their skills before their next race.

Curv Racing Simulators is led by Aston Martin works driver, Darren Turner, who is a simulator specialist with over 20 years’ experience in cutting edge Formula 1 simulation.

Turner said: “The AMR-C01 is all about the love of racing. We’ve created a home simulator with incredible immersion that offers users the opportunity to have a great time racing in the virtual world, from the comfort of their own home. Our goal was to create a simulator that provided as much enjoyment in virtual reality as real racing does. Racing cars is a lot of fun and it is great to see that with the growth of Esports racing, more people are now getting involved.

“We modelled the driving position on the Aston Martin Valkyrie so users of AMR-C01 can get the full hypercar experience. I’m very proud of what we’ve been able to achieve, with design and engineering creating what I believe to be the most beautiful home simulator available.”

Limited to just 150 examples, the order book for the British-built Aston Martin AMR-C01 is now open. The simulator comes with a base RRP of £57,500 plus tax. First deliveries are on schedule to take place in Q4 2020. For further information please visit: www.curvrs.com

Wednesday 4 March, Gaydon: The Aston Martin V12 Speedster has made its global debut today, with just 88 examples of this puristic limited-edition model set to hit the road.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car that draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Today’s example is showcased in a conceptual F/A-18 livery, also curated by the same artisans.

ASTON MARTIN V12 SPEEDSTER: a puristic limited edition for the most demanding drivers

Aston Martin Lagonda President and Group CEO, Dr Andy Palmer said: “It makes me enormously proud to reveal Aston Martin’s latest, most exciting special model today. The V12 Speedster is an incredible demonstration of the breadth of capability and determination from the ‘Q by Aston Martin’ team, who have worked tirelessly to create this stunning, two-seat sports car aimed at our most demanding and enthusiastic customers.”

Conceived a little over 12 months ago, the V12 Speedster has undergone an intensive development programme, going from drawing board to production reality within that short period. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of ‘Q by Aston Martin’ and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range.

Utilising Aston Martin’s latest bonded aluminium architecture, the V12 Speedster utilises elements from both the DBS Superleggera and Vantage model lines to create its own unique platform. With independent double wishbone front, and multi-link rear suspension with coil springs and adaptive damping offering Sport, Sport+ and Track modes, the V12 Speedster also benefits from standard 21-inch forged centre lock alloy wheels. Carbon Ceramic Brakes of 410mm on the front axle and 360mm at the rear are also standard equipment.

Over the V12 Speedster’s unique chassis is a bespoke body constructed almost entirely from carbon fibre. Miles Nurnberger, Director of Design, Aston Martin Lagonda, said: “With the V12 Speedster we do go back a step and look into our past for inspiration. Since the DB11 launch, everything has been focused and very forward looking. Here though, we find a different tempo. There’s clear lineage from the 1959 Le Mans winning DBR1 to our Centenary celebratory CC100 Speedster Concept in 2013. There is also a bit of 1953 DB3S in the mid-section, so it really is our latest incarnation of the Speedster concept. It’s also inspired by fighter jets as much as it is by our history, and it has been created to deliver an incredibly visceral experience, hence why it is a V12, rather than a V8. With the V12 Speedster we are amplifying all the emotional strings that we can to the absolute maximum.”

Nurnberger adds: “No roof or screen, a big engine, low, with broad shoulders and exaggerated and emotional styling with twin humps and the spine separating the driver and passenger. The light, low, rear end contrasts with the bold, enlarged grille, unique headlights and bonnet nostril at the front. The bonnet nostril we haven’t done in a very long time, but we’ve brought them back. It’s a neat trick visually to allow us to win some space for the V12. It creates this iconic looking vent.”

The interior specification pushes new boundaries, using a mix of traditional and modern materials. Structural satin carbon fibre, contrasts with traditional hand-crafted Saddle Leather, chrome, aluminium and even 3D printed rubber. Visually and physically the interior reduces mass, for a leaner, efficient style, but one that retains all the emotion and craftsmanship Aston Martins are renowned for. In front of the passenger is a removable leather bag in place of a traditional glove box, while there’s additional storage space under the rear bumps for luggage.

Unveiled here today at Aston Martin’s Gaydon HQ, the V12 Speedster has been shown in a conceptual specification that is inspired by the legendary F/A-18 and will be available for customers to order. Born from an exciting new collaboration with Boeing and created by the brand’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, this striking livery takes the legendary fighter jet for inspiration and is finished in Skyfall Silver, with contrasting satin black on the exhaust tips, vent grilles and vanes. The dark theme is carried through to the interior, with satin dark chrome, machined aluminium, black leather, black technical textile, black carpets and vivid red Aston Martin scripted door pulls, creating a purposeful look for this conceptual styling.

Powering the V12 Speedster is Aston Martin’s scintillating 5.2-litre, Twin-Turbo V12 engine, with a peak output of 700hp1 and 753Nm1 of torque. Front mid-mounted, the all alloy, quad cam 48-valve engine is mated to a ZF 8-Speed automatic transmission with a limited-slip differential driving the rear wheels. The V12 Speedster is able to accelerate to 62mph (100km/h) in 3.5 seconds on the way to a limited top speed of 186mph (300km/h)1.

The iconic V12 engine promises scintillating performance, but further underlining the V12 Speedster’s abundant character and unparalleled commitment to a thrilling drive is an even more invigorating aural signature. To create this Aston Martin’s engineers have created a bespoke stainless-steel exhaust system exiting centrally into the diffuser surface at the rear of the car for an even more rousing, characterful sound from the drivetrain. With the V12 Speedster, every element of the drive is experiential, most obviously the removal of the windscreen adding to the visceral engagement, heightening the driving experience to new levels.

Matt Becker, Aston Martin Chief Engineer, said: “for raw, driving thrills the V12 Speedster is unparalleled, the fully open element of the car adding a new dimension to the experience. It engages on every level, delivering a precise, involving driving experience, with agility and poise backed by abundant power from Aston Martin’s twin-turbo 5.2-litre V12. Driving doesn’t get any purer than this.

Aston Martin Lagonda President and Group CEO, Dr Andy Palmer said: “nothing demonstrates Aston Martin’s commitment to providing unique, special models to its customers more than the V12 Speedster. The 88 hand-built cars will be sought after by driving enthusiasts and collectors alike all around the world. I’m excited not just about what they offer drivers, but of what it represents. The V12 Speedster not just showcases our incredible engineering capability and ambition, but also celebrating Aston Martin’s rich heritage.”

Orders are now being taken for the V12 Speedster, with pricing starting at £765,000 including VAT and deliveries expected to begin in the first quarter of 2021.