Tag Archive for: Auction

Intereses/Derechos de desarrollo exclusivos para un archipiélago poco común protegido por más de 100 islas que no se subastará en diciembre

La Reserva Widi es un archipiélago de atolones de coral que cuenta con más de 100 islas tropicales vírgenes y deshabitadas bordeadas por 150 kilómetros de playas de arena blanca como el polvo, prósperos arrecifes de coral y aguas privadas, de aguas profundas y ricas en nutrientes.

Sinónimo de ubicaciones de resorts de lujo de clase mundial, como The Brando en la Polinesia Francesa (pero en una escala asombrosa 50 veces más grande), Widi Reserve representa la naturaleza en su forma más prístina.

Ahora, una oportunidad única en una generación para conservar y desarrollar de manera sostenible uno de los ecosistemas de atolones de coral más intactos mediante la adquisición de participaciones en PT. Leadership Islands Indonesia (LII) está disponible a su precio de oferta.

Esta cadena de islas es uno de los ecosistemas de atolones de coral más intactos que quedan en la tierra y un reino animal de proporciones épicas, hogar de cientos de especies raras y en peligro de extinción.

Se puede aprovechar un equipo internacional superior de expertos ya compilados para producir un desarrollo impresionante que es casi 100% natural y sostenible, incluidos los diseños del diseñador de hoteles de renombre mundial, Bill Bensley.

Arrecifes de coral en el Parque Nacional de Komodo, Indonesia. Los arrecifes de coral son los ecosistemas más diversos y complejos del océano y sustentan el 25 % de toda la vida marina, incluidas 800 especies de corales formadores de arrecifes y más de un millón de especies animales y vegetales. Cada coral es una colonia que consta de muchos pólipos individuales parecidos a anémonas de mar que están todos interconectados. Foto: Paul Hilton para Greenpeace

Establecido para mostrar la capacidad de la humanidad para vivir en armonía con la naturaleza, esta rara oportunidad se subastará a través de las Subastas Concierge de Sotheby’s en diciembre.

Ha sido un honor trabajar con [PT Leadership Islands Indonesia] para crear una visión única de eco-resorts específicamente para Widi. Esperamos con ansias el futuro de lo que se convierte la Reserva…”

— Sr. Bill Bensley, diseñador de hoteles de renombre mundial,

NUEVA YORK, NUEVA YORK, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 8 de noviembre de 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Una oportunidad única en una generación para conservar y desarrollar de manera sostenible uno de los ecosistemas de atolones de coral más intactos, la Reserva Widi, mediante la adquisición de participaciones en PT. Liderazgo Islas Indonesia (LII) espera. LII ha pasado varios años cuidadosamente planificando, diseñando y otorgando licencias para uno de los desarrollos de residencias y resorts de lujo de baja densidad más sensibles al medio ambiente en el mundo en asociación con el arquitecto y diseñador de hoteles de renombre mundial, Bill Bensley. Si bien la ley de Indonesia no permite la propiedad privada de las islas, las acciones en un negocio con derechos de desarrollo se pueden vender a cualquier persona. Esta rara oportunidad se subastará en diciembre, vendiendo sin reserva al mejor postor a través de Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions en cooperación con JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group. La licitación está programada para abrir el 8 de diciembre y concluir el 14 de diciembre en vivo en Sotheby’s Nueva York, el principal destino mundial de arte y lujo. Las ofertas también estarán disponibles en el mercado en línea de Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions, casothebys.com, lo que permitirá a los compradores ofertar digitalmente desde cualquier parte del mundo.

“Cada multimillonario puede poseer una isla privada; pero solo uno puede poseer esta oportunidad exclusiva distribuida en más de 100 islas”, dijo Charlie Smith, vicepresidente ejecutivo de EMEA de Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions. “Estamos presentando una excelente oportunidad para que cualquier comprador exigente del mundo participe en la conservación y el desarrollo de una de las áreas más vírgenes del mundo, todo disponible por el precio de su oferta”.

La Reserva Widi, uno de los raros tesoros de la Tierra

Ubicada en el extremo este de Indonesia, en el corazón del Triángulo de Coral, la Reserva de Widi es un archipiélago de atolones de coral que cuenta con más de 100 islas tropicales vírgenes y deshabitadas bordeadas por 150 kilómetros de playas de arena blanca como el polvo, prósperos arrecifes de coral y zonas privadas de aguas profundas. , aguas ricas en nutrientes. Esta cadena de islas es uno de los ecosistemas de atolones de coral más intactos que quedan en la tierra y un reino animal de proporciones épicas, hogar de cientos de especies raras y en peligro de extinción, incluidas ballenas azules, tiburones ballena, 600 especies documentadas de mamíferos marinos, peces, aves e insectos. y lagartijas, y especies aún por descubrir. Separada no solo por el espacio y el tiempo, sino también por una extraordinaria belleza natural y total privacidad, es una de las propiedades más impresionantes de la Tierra. Ubicado dentro del Área Marina Protegida de 315,000 hectáreas (780,000 acres), 10,000 hectáreas (25,000 acres) de selvas tropicales, manglares, lagunas turquesas, lagos y playas esperan un posible desarrollo ecológico. Con una visión para miembros privados, invitados especiales y los mejores conservacionistas que deseen experimentar uno de los últimos grandes espacios naturales de la tierra, la Reserva Widi es un paraíso aislado de otro mundo.

Prominencia de la ubicación en la industria turística

Sinónimo de ubicaciones de resorts de lujo de clase mundial, como The Brando en la Polinesia Francesa, pero en una escala asombrosa cincuenta veces más grande, Widi Reserve representa la naturaleza en su forma más prístina, beneficiándose de niveles extremadamente altos de biodiversidad, limpieza del océano (libre de grandes contaminación plástica), falta de interferencia humana, como perforación en alta mar o rutas de navegación concurridas, y caza furtiva mínima. Las aguas profundas que rodean la Reserva son ideales para inmersiones de profundidad y avanzadas, así como para la apnea. Se pueden observar ballenas y delfines desde la Reserva durante todo el año y la laguna interior del atolón Este, con profundidades estimadas de 200 metros, alberga un área de cría de tiburones y vivero de muchas especies marinas en peligro de extinción. Los destinos populares para vivir en el extranjero están a solo una noche de navegación, mientras que el sur de Flores, también accesible en barco para vivir en el extranjero, es conocido como uno de los mejores sitios de buceo alrededor del Parque Nacional de Komodo. Transporte a los invitados a las islas vírgenes a través del bote Candella o un jet privado Pilatus con planes potenciales para construir una pista de aterrizaje de 1,000 metros de largo en una de las islas más grandes. Bali, Singapur, Hong Kong, Cairns y Yakarta ofrecen destinos de acceso óptimo, con tiempos de vuelo que van desde solo dos a cuatro horas y media.

El principal potencial de desarrollo espera

El desarrollo sustentable se encuentra en el corazón de la Reserva Widi y las 10,000 hectáreas (25,000 acres) disponibles para posibles construcciones ecológicas y respetuosas, ya sea para un importante negocio turístico para uso comercial o un escondite tropical para uso personal. Como parte de los derechos de licencia exclusivos, se pueden desarrollar al menos 50 “claves” de eco-resort/residencia de lujo en los próximos años con la máxima capacidad de desarrollo sostenible en 500 claves distribuidas en 17 islas. Si bien una sola llave tiene la oportunidad de incluir una villa de 1 a 8 dormitorios, la cantidad de habitaciones, sin embargo, solo se limita al área total cubierta del techo de 16,5 hectáreas (40,7 acres). El permiso para construir sobre las lagunas internas podría obtenerse potencialmente en otras 8 islas, elevando el potencial total de islas urbanizables a 25 con otras 20 hectáreas (50 acres) de área de techo cubierto.

También se puede aprovechar un equipo internacional superior de expertos ya compilados para producir un desarrollo impresionante que es casi 100% natural y sostenible, incluidos los diseños del diseñador de hoteles de renombre mundial, Bill Bensley y el constructor, PT Tunas Jaya Sanur.

“La Reserva Widi es realmente uno de los lugares más bellos de toda Asia”, agregó el Sr. Bill Bensley. “Ha sido un honor trabajar con este equipo para crear una visión única de eco-resorts específicamente para Widi. Esperamos con ansias el futuro de lo que se convierte la Reserva y la oportunidad de participar en el proceso”.

Además de los alojamientos ecológicos, las propiedades en islas privadas y otras estructuras posibles, también existe una amplia gama de oportunidades comerciales sostenibles y responsables, con atractivas oportunidades de rendimiento en un entorno de una belleza impresionante. La comunidad local, con sede en el continente, se beneficiará significativamente de la formación profesional y de una amplia gama de oportunidades de empleo. Algunos se convertirán en guardabosques y se unirán a un equipo internacional de expertos en conservación para ayudar a proteger este increíble hábitat oceánico.

PT Liderazgo Islas Indonesia

La Reserva Widi está configurada para mostrar la capacidad de la humanidad para vivir en verdadera armonía con el mundo natural. PT. Leadership Islands Indonesia (LII) ha pasado varios años cuidadosamente planificando, diseñando y otorgando licencias para uno de los complejos turísticos y residenciales de lujo de baja densidad más sensibles al medio ambiente del mundo. La oportunidad de conservar y desarrollar de forma sostenible la Reserva Widi mediante la adquisición de participaciones en LII presenta una oportunidad única en una generación. La ley de Indonesia no permite la propiedad privada de las islas, sin embargo, las acciones en un negocio con derechos de desarrollo se pueden vender a cualquier persona.

Widi Reserve está disponible para recorridos con cita previa y, además, disponible para recorridos virtuales privados.

Presentadas simultáneamente en Sothebys.com y casothebys.com y exhibidas en Londres, Hong Kong, Singapur y Dubái, las propiedades cuidadosamente seleccionadas para la Venta global se beneficiarán de la exposición y el posicionamiento global junto con los mejores artículos de lujo del mundo. Vea todas estas increíbles propiedades en casothebys.com

Como parte del programa de donaciones Key for Key® de Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions en asociación con Giveback Homes, el cierre dará como resultado la construcción de una nueva casa para una familia necesitada.

Los agentes serán compensados ​​de acuerdo con la información que figura en la página de la propiedad. Consulte los Términos y condiciones de la subasta para obtener todos los detalles. Para obtener más información, incluidos detalles de la propiedad, recorrido virtual exclusivo, documentos de diligencia y más, visite casothebys.com o llame al +

Acerca de las subastas de conserjería de Sotheby’s
Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions es el mercado de subastas de bienes raíces de lujo más grande del mundo, con una plataforma de licitación, vista previa de propiedades y marketing digital de última generación. La firma conecta a los vendedores de casas únicas con algunos de los conocedores de propiedades más capaces del planeta. Los vendedores obtienen un alcance, velocidad y certeza inigualables. Los compradores reciben oportunidades seleccionadas. Los agentes ganan su comisión en 30 días. En noviembre de 2021, la empresa fue adquirida por Sotheby’s, el principal destino mundial de artículos de lujo y bellas artes, y Anywhere Real Estate, Inc. (NYSE: HOUS), la empresa de servicios inmobiliarios residenciales de servicio completo más grande de los Estados Unidos. con una participación conjunta del 80 por ciento. Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions continúa operando de forma independiente, asociándose con agentes inmobiliarios afiliados a muchas de las principales casas de bolsa de la industria para organizar subastas de lujo para los clientes. Desde el inicio de Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions en 2008, ha generado miles de millones de dólares en ventas, ha batido récords mundiales de viviendas de mayor precio jamás vendidas en subastas y ha realizado subastas en 46 estados de EE. UU. y 34 países. La firma posee una de las bases de datos más completas e inteligentes de compradores y vendedores de bienes raíces de alto valor neto en la industria, y se ha comprometido a construir más de 300 viviendas a través de su programa de donaciones Key For Key® en asociación con Giveback Homes™. , que garantiza que por cada inmueble que vende la empresa, se financia una nueva vivienda para una familia necesitada. Para obtener más información, visite casothebys.com.

Emily Roberts
Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions
+1 212-202-2940
email us here

Widi Reserve | Protected Archipelago with Exclusive Development Rights | Northeast of Bali

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Sotheby’s | Debut en subasta del retrato a gran escala de su esposa de Picasso, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

Liderará la subasta nocturna de arte moderno de Sotheby’s en Hong Kong este octubre
*Mantenido en la colección de la misma familia durante más de 50 años y no visto en público durante 30 años*

EST. 60 millones de dólares de Hong Kong – 80 millones/7,7 millones de dólares estadounidenses – 10 millones

Este otoño en Hong Kong, por cuarta temporada consecutiva[1], Sotheby’s volverá a presentar una obra excepcional de Pablo Picasso en Asia. Femme assise à la galette des rois, un retrato cariñoso de la segunda esposa del artista, Jacqueline Roque, debutará en una subasta y no se ha visto en público durante más de treinta años. Encabezará la subasta nocturna de arte moderno de Sotheby’s en Hong Kong el 7 de octubre con un presupuesto de HK$60-80 millones / US$7,7-10 millones.

Picasso conoció a Jacqueline por primera vez en 1952 en el estudio de cerámica Madoura en Vallauris, en el sur de Francia; rápidamente se convirtió en su amante y musa y permanecería a su lado hasta su muerte en 1973. Ninguna otra figura ocupa un lugar más importante en la vida y el arte de Picasso que Jacqueline: de todas las mujeres asociadas con Picasso, Jacqueline sería la que aparecería con mayor frecuencia como su sujeto. Sus rasgos legendarios aparecieron por primera vez en la producción de Picasso en 1954 y las dos décadas siguientes, que el historiador del arte John Richardson llamó “l’epoque Jacqueline”, revelan el papel esencial que desempeñó en la carrera artística tardía de Picasso.

En Femme assise à la galette des rois, aunque la imagen de la modelo ha sido parcialmente abstraída, las cejas oscuras, los párpados bellamente curvados y la nariz firme y recta son inequívocamente los de Jacqueline. Picasso representa a su esposa como una belleza clásica que todo lo ve, investida de un sentido de autoridad real con una corona colocada sobre su cabeza. También se ve a Jacqueline sosteniendo la galette des rois (Pastel del Rey), un pastel horneado tradicionalmente para celebrar la Epifanía, que contiene un pequeño amuleto o figurita en el interior que otorga el apodo de “rey por un día” a quien lo encuentra. Este encantador detalle ofrece una visión personal de la vida del artista y su musa, y evoca una atmósfera de celebración lúdica que resume su vida en pareja.

La paleta vibrante de verde, negro y dorado, y la naturaleza comparativamente formal de la postura de Jacqueline, reflejan la influencia en Picasso de los viejos maestros como Velázquez. A lo largo de la década de 1960, Picasso recurrió reiteradamente a la reinterpretación e investigación de los artistas del pasado que veneraba, proceso a través del cual reafirmó su linaje con algunos de los más grandes pintores de la historia del arte. Estos logros fueron posibles gracias a la amorosa compañía de Jacqueline, quien inspiró muchas de sus composiciones más significativas de la época.

Femme assise à la galette des rois sale a subasta de una colección privada suiza y ha permanecido en posesión de la misma familia durante más de 50 años. En 1988 (hasta 1989), la pintura se incluyó en la gran retrospectiva de Picasso en el Moderna Museet de Estocolmo. Ahora, unas tres décadas después, el público tendrá una vez más la oportunidad esperada de apreciar la pintura visualmente impresionante de Picasso de las mujeres que significaron tanto para él.

La obra se presentará junto con una selección de pinturas de maestros modernos de renombre internacional, incluida Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 de Pierre Soulages, una rara composición a gran escala del artista abstracto, Personnage dans la nuit – de Joan Miró, una sorprendente obra colorida con los motivos icónicos de Miró, Branches de Sanyu, una de las pinturas de flores más grandes del artista, y 15.02.65 de Zao Wou-Ki, una obra fundamental de su aclamado Período de huracanes.



2 – 7 de octubre de 2022

Pabellón 1, Centro de exposiciones y convenciones de Hong Kong 

Subasta nocturna moderna

7 de octubre de 2022

Pabellón 1, Centro de exposiciones y convenciones de Hong Kong

[1] Abril de 2021: Buste de matador, vendido por 140 millones de dólares de Hong Kong; Octubre de 2021: Femme Accroupie, vendida por 192 millones de dólares de Hong Kong; Abril de 2022: Dora Maar, vendida por 169 millones de dólares de Hong Kong


Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
AUCTIONModern Evening Auction7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
AUCTIONModern Evening Auction7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
AUCTIONModern Evening Auction7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

AUCTIONModern Evening Auction

7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

AUCTIONModern Evening Auction

7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

AUCTIONModern Evening Auction

7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

AUCTIONModern Evening Auction

7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Auction Debut for Picasso’s Large-Scale Portrait of His Wife, Jacqueline Roque: Femme assise à la galette des rois

Hong Kong

To Lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction this October
*Held in the Same Family Collection for Over 50 Years & Unseen in Public for 30 Years *

EST. HK$60M – 80M/ US$7.7M – 10M

This Autumn in Hong Kong, for the fourth consecutive season[1], Sotheby’s will once again present an exceptional work by Pablo Picasso in Asia. Making its auction debut, and unseen in public for more than thirty years, Femme assise à la galette des rois – a loving portrait of the artist’s second wife, Jacqueline Roque – will lead Sotheby’s Hong Kong Modern Art Evening Auction on 7 October with an estimate of HK$60-80 million / US$7.7-10 million.

Picasso first met Jacqueline in 1952 at the Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris in the South of France; she quickly became his lover and muse and would remain by his side right up until his death in 1973. No other figure looms larger in Picasso’s life and art than Jacqueline – of all the women associated with Picasso, it was Jacqueline who would feature most often as his subject. Her legendary features first appeared in Picasso’s output in 1954 and the following two decades, which art historian John Richardson called “l’epoque Jacqueline”, reveal the essential role she played in Picasso’s late artistic career.

In Femme assise à la galette des rois, although the sitter’s image has been partially abstracted, the dark eyebrows, the beautifully curved eyelids and the firm, straight nose are unmistakably those of Jacqueline. Picasso depicts his wife as an all-seeing classical beauty, invested with a sense of regal authority with a crown placed upon her head. Jacqueline is also seen holding the galette des rois (King Cake), a cake traditionally baked to celebrate the Epiphany, containing a small charm or figurine inside bestowing the moniker of “king for a day” on whomever finds it. This charming detail offers a personal insight into the life of the artist and his muse, and evokes an atmosphere of playful celebration that encapsulates their life together as a couple.

The vibrant palette of green, black and gold, and the comparatively formal nature of Jacqueline’s posture, reflect the influence on Picasso of Old Masters such as Velázquez. Throughout the 1960s, Picasso turned repeatedly to the reinterpretation and investigation of the artists of the past that he revered, a process through which he reaffirmed his lineage to some of the greatest painters in the history of art. These achievements were made possible by the loving company of Jacqueline who inspired many of his most significant compositions of the period.

Femme assise à la galette des rois comes to auction from a Swiss private collection and has remained in the possession of the same family for over 50 years. In 1988 (to 1989), the painting was included in Picasso’s major retrospective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now, some three decades later, the public will once more have a long overdue opportunity to appreciate Picasso’s visually stunning painting of the women who meant so much to him.

The work will be presented alongside a selection of paintings by internationally renowned Modern masters, including Pierre Soulages’ Peinture 195 x 130 cm, 3 décembre 1956 – a rare large-scale composition by the abstract artist, Joan Miró’s Personnage dans la nuit – a strikingly colourful work featuring Miró’s iconic motifs, Sanyu’s Branches – one of the artist’s largest flower paintings, and Zao Wou-Ki’s 15.02.65 – a seminal work from his acclaimed Hurricane Period.

PREVIEW2 – 7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

AUCTIONModern Evening Auction

7 October 2022

Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

[1] 2021 April: Buste de matador, sold for HK$140m; 2021 October: Femme Accroupie, sold for HK$192m; 2022 April: Dora Maar, sold for HK$169m