Tag Archive for: Bedroom

Diseño minimalista 2022, una tendencia de verano para el interior de su hogar de lujo

El diseño minimalista es cada vez más apreciado y utilizado, ya sea porinterioresodiseñadores entusiastasEl diseño minimalista no es solo unaelección estética, es unapráctica que demuestra un increíble rigoryse enfocaenlas decisiones de decoración, y verás esta forma de vivir a lo largo del artículo.

¿Qué es el diseño minimalista?

El diseño minimalista es la antítesis del diseño maximalista , y su esencia misma es centrarse en unos pocos elementos seleccionados específicamente. El diseño minimalista involucra solo uno o dos colores en la habitación, una fuerte inclinación hacia los muebles y los motivos geométricos, y muebles de usos múltiples : menos piezas en la habitación significan que aquellos que hacen el corte tienen que trabajar más.

Diseño minimalista: sala de estar

En otras palabras, el diseño minimalista se caracteriza por la sencillez , las líneas limpias y una paleta monocromática con el color como acento. En este estilo de decoración , por lo general se puede encontrar un plano de planta abierto , mucha luz y muebles funcionales , y se centra en la forma , el color y la textura de sólo un puñado de elementos esenciales .

Cómo crear un diseño minimalista, habitación por habitación

El diseño minimalista puede estar presente en varios tipos de diseños de interiores, como el japonés , el moderno y el escandinavo .

Un dormitorio minimalista privilegia un somier bajo sin cabecero ; puede ser tapizado o de madera , pero debe estar limpio y sin adornos evidentes.

Diseño minimalista- Dormitorio
Diseño minimalista- Dormitorio

Los muebles de cabecera en un diseño de dormitorio minimalista , ya sean gabinetes cúbicos o un estante flotante, deben tener la misma altura que la cama.

Diseño minimalista- Dormitorio

La cuestión de la luz es muy relevante, ya que debe ser en forma de aplique integrado o de lámpara única . Los armarios pueden ser empotrados o, en su lugar, de una sola pieza de almacenaje, como una cómoda.

Diseño minimalista- Dormitorio
Sala de estar minimalista

Para crear un diseño minimalista en la sala de estar, debe comenzar por elegir la misma forma de muebles para toda la habitación.

Diseño minimalista: sala de estar

Una sala de estar minimalista puede tener un par de sillones cúbicos que se sientan junto a un sofá elegante y alargado que comparte la misma altura de los brazos , el respaldo bajo y los contornos nítidos.

Diseño minimalista: sala de estar
Diseño minimalista: sala de estar

Los espejos de forma cuadrada y las formas cuadradas en las mesas de café deben estar a la altura más baja posible para permitir que el ojo lo encuentre a su debido tiempo.

Diseño minimalista: sala de estar
Comedor minimalista

Un comedor minimalista sigue las mismas reglas que el resto de las zonas de estar. Los muebles lacados y brillantes con siluetas sencillas son una excelente elección.

Diseño minimalista - Comedor
Baño Minimalista

El diseño minimalista abarca todo tipo de baño , desde suites de lujo hasta baños familiares.

Diseño minimalista - Baño

Un diseño minimalista favorecerá las baldosas de mayor formato, ya que hay menos líneas divisorias y lechada que complican el aspecto.

Diseño minimalista - Baño

Un flujo continuo del mismo material, como el concreto que se desliza desde la pared hasta el piso, incluso el borde de la bañera puede tallarse en él, mantiene el movimiento amplio y fluido. O el mármol de Carrara , que es lujoso sin ornamentación superflua .

los recién llegados

Minimalist Design 2022, a Summer Trend For Your Luxury Home Interior

Minimalist Design is increasingly appreciated and used, whether by interior designers or enthusiast designers. Minimalist design is not just an aesthetic choice, it is a practice that demonstrates incredible rigour and focuses in decorating decisions, and you will see this way of living throughout the article.

What Is Minimalist Design?

Minimalist design is the antithesis of maximalist design, and its very essence is to focus on a few specifically selected items. The minimalist design involves just one or two colours in the room, a strong leaning towards furniture and geometric motifs, and multi-purpose furniture – fewer pieces in the room mean that those making the cut have to work harder.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

In other words, the minimalist design it’s characterised by simplicity, clean lines and a monochromatic palette with colour used as an accent. In this style decor, you can usually find an open floor plan, lots of light, and functionally furniture, and it focuses on the shape, colour and texture of just a handful of essential elements.

How To Create A Minimalist Design, Room By Room

Minimalist design can be present in various types of interior designs, such as Japanese, Modern and Scandinavian.

A minimalist bedroom favours a low bed base without a headboard; it can be upholstered or wooden, but it should be clean and have no obvious ornamentation.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Design- Bedroom

Bedside furniture in minimalist bedroom design, whether it’s cubic cabinets or a floating shelf, should be the same height as the bed.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom

The question of light is very relevant, as it must be in the form of an integrated wall light or a single lamp. Wardrobes can be built-in or, instead, a single storage piece, such as a chest of drawers.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Living Room

To create a minimalist design in the living room, you should start by choosing the same shape of furniture for the entire room.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

A minimalist living room might have a pair of cubic armchairs that sit next to a sleek, elongated sofa that shares the same arm height, low back, and crisp contours.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Design- Living Room

Square-shaped mirrors and square shapes in the coffee tables should be at the lowest possible height to allow the eye to find it in its own time.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Dining Room

A minimalist dining room follows the same rules as the remaining living areas. Lacquered and glossy furniture with simple silhouettes is an excellent choice.

Minimalist Design- Dining Room
Minimalist Bathroom

The minimalist design encompasses every type of bathroom, from luxury suites to family bathrooms.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A minimalist design will favour larger format tiles as there are fewer dividing lines and grout that complicate the look.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A continuous flow of the same material, like concrete that slides from the wall to the floor – even the edge of the bathtub can be carved from it – keeps the movement-wide and fluid. Or Carrara marble, which is luxurious without superfluous ornamentation.

new arrivals

Minimalist Design 2022, a Summer Trend For Your Luxury Home Interior

Minimalist Design is increasingly appreciated and used, whether by interior designers or enthusiast designers. Minimalist design is not just an aesthetic choice, it is a practice that demonstrates incredible rigour and focuses in decorating decisions, and you will see this way of living throughout the article.

What Is Minimalist Design?

Minimalist design is the antithesis of maximalist design, and its very essence is to focus on a few specifically selected items. The minimalist design involves just one or two colours in the room, a strong leaning towards furniture and geometric motifs, and multi-purpose furniture – fewer pieces in the room mean that those making the cut have to work harder.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

In other words, the minimalist design it’s characterised by simplicity, clean lines and a monochromatic palette with colour used as an accent. In this style decor, you can usually find an open floor plan, lots of light, and functionally furniture, and it focuses on the shape, colour and texture of just a handful of essential elements.

How To Create A Minimalist Design, Room By Room

Minimalist design can be present in various types of interior designs, such as Japanese, Modern and Scandinavian.

A minimalist bedroom favours a low bed base without a headboard; it can be upholstered or wooden, but it should be clean and have no obvious ornamentation.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Design- Bedroom

Bedside furniture in minimalist bedroom design, whether it’s cubic cabinets or a floating shelf, should be the same height as the bed.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom

The question of light is very relevant, as it must be in the form of an integrated wall light or a single lamp. Wardrobes can be built-in or, instead, a single storage piece, such as a chest of drawers.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Living Room

To create a minimalist design in the living room, you should start by choosing the same shape of furniture for the entire room.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

A minimalist living room might have a pair of cubic armchairs that sit next to a sleek, elongated sofa that shares the same arm height, low back, and crisp contours.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Design- Living Room

Square-shaped mirrors and square shapes in the coffee tables should be at the lowest possible height to allow the eye to find it in its own time.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Dining Room

A minimalist dining room follows the same rules as the remaining living areas. Lacquered and glossy furniture with simple silhouettes is an excellent choice.

Minimalist Design- Dining Room
Minimalist Bathroom

The minimalist design encompasses every type of bathroom, from luxury suites to family bathrooms.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A minimalist design will favour larger format tiles as there are fewer dividing lines and grout that complicate the look.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A continuous flow of the same material, like concrete that slides from the wall to the floor – even the edge of the bathtub can be carved from it – keeps the movement-wide and fluid. Or Carrara marble, which is luxurious without superfluous ornamentation.

new arrivals

Minimalist Design 2022, a Summer Trend For Your Luxury Home Interior

Minimalist Design is increasingly appreciated and used, whether by interior designers or enthusiast designers. Minimalist design is not just an aesthetic choice, it is a practice that demonstrates incredible rigour and focuses in decorating decisions, and you will see this way of living throughout the article.

What Is Minimalist Design?

Minimalist design is the antithesis of maximalist design, and its very essence is to focus on a few specifically selected items. The minimalist design involves just one or two colours in the room, a strong leaning towards furniture and geometric motifs, and multi-purpose furniture – fewer pieces in the room mean that those making the cut have to work harder.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

In other words, the minimalist design it’s characterised by simplicity, clean lines and a monochromatic palette with colour used as an accent. In this style decor, you can usually find an open floor plan, lots of light, and functionally furniture, and it focuses on the shape, colour and texture of just a handful of essential elements.

How To Create A Minimalist Design, Room By Room

Minimalist design can be present in various types of interior designs, such as Japanese, Modern and Scandinavian.

A minimalist bedroom favours a low bed base without a headboard; it can be upholstered or wooden, but it should be clean and have no obvious ornamentation.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Design- Bedroom

Bedside furniture in minimalist bedroom design, whether it’s cubic cabinets or a floating shelf, should be the same height as the bed.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom

The question of light is very relevant, as it must be in the form of an integrated wall light or a single lamp. Wardrobes can be built-in or, instead, a single storage piece, such as a chest of drawers.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Living Room

To create a minimalist design in the living room, you should start by choosing the same shape of furniture for the entire room.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

A minimalist living room might have a pair of cubic armchairs that sit next to a sleek, elongated sofa that shares the same arm height, low back, and crisp contours.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Design- Living Room

Square-shaped mirrors and square shapes in the coffee tables should be at the lowest possible height to allow the eye to find it in its own time.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Dining Room

A minimalist dining room follows the same rules as the remaining living areas. Lacquered and glossy furniture with simple silhouettes is an excellent choice.

Minimalist Design- Dining Room
Minimalist Bathroom

The minimalist design encompasses every type of bathroom, from luxury suites to family bathrooms.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A minimalist design will favour larger format tiles as there are fewer dividing lines and grout that complicate the look.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A continuous flow of the same material, like concrete that slides from the wall to the floor – even the edge of the bathtub can be carved from it – keeps the movement-wide and fluid. Or Carrara marble, which is luxurious without superfluous ornamentation.

new arrivals

Minimalist Design 2022, a Summer Trend For Your Luxury Home Interior

Minimalist Design is increasingly appreciated and used, whether by interior designers or enthusiast designers. Minimalist design is not just an aesthetic choice, it is a practice that demonstrates incredible rigour and focuses in decorating decisions, and you will see this way of living throughout the article.

What Is Minimalist Design?

Minimalist design is the antithesis of maximalist design, and its very essence is to focus on a few specifically selected items. The minimalist design involves just one or two colours in the room, a strong leaning towards furniture and geometric motifs, and multi-purpose furniture – fewer pieces in the room mean that those making the cut have to work harder.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

In other words, the minimalist design it’s characterised by simplicity, clean lines and a monochromatic palette with colour used as an accent. In this style decor, you can usually find an open floor plan, lots of light, and functionally furniture, and it focuses on the shape, colour and texture of just a handful of essential elements.

How To Create A Minimalist Design, Room By Room

Minimalist design can be present in various types of interior designs, such as Japanese, Modern and Scandinavian.

A minimalist bedroom favours a low bed base without a headboard; it can be upholstered or wooden, but it should be clean and have no obvious ornamentation.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Design- Bedroom

Bedside furniture in minimalist bedroom design, whether it’s cubic cabinets or a floating shelf, should be the same height as the bed.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom

The question of light is very relevant, as it must be in the form of an integrated wall light or a single lamp. Wardrobes can be built-in or, instead, a single storage piece, such as a chest of drawers.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Living Room

To create a minimalist design in the living room, you should start by choosing the same shape of furniture for the entire room.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

A minimalist living room might have a pair of cubic armchairs that sit next to a sleek, elongated sofa that shares the same arm height, low back, and crisp contours.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Design- Living Room

Square-shaped mirrors and square shapes in the coffee tables should be at the lowest possible height to allow the eye to find it in its own time.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Dining Room

A minimalist dining room follows the same rules as the remaining living areas. Lacquered and glossy furniture with simple silhouettes is an excellent choice.

Minimalist Design- Dining Room
Minimalist Bathroom

The minimalist design encompasses every type of bathroom, from luxury suites to family bathrooms.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A minimalist design will favour larger format tiles as there are fewer dividing lines and grout that complicate the look.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A continuous flow of the same material, like concrete that slides from the wall to the floor – even the edge of the bathtub can be carved from it – keeps the movement-wide and fluid. Or Carrara marble, which is luxurious without superfluous ornamentation.

new arrivals

Minimalist Design 2022, a Summer Trend For Your Luxury Home Interior

Minimalist Design is increasingly appreciated and used, whether by interior designers or enthusiast designers. Minimalist design is not just an aesthetic choice, it is a practice that demonstrates incredible rigour and focuses in decorating decisions, and you will see this way of living throughout the article.

What Is Minimalist Design?

Minimalist design is the antithesis of maximalist design, and its very essence is to focus on a few specifically selected items. The minimalist design involves just one or two colours in the room, a strong leaning towards furniture and geometric motifs, and multi-purpose furniture – fewer pieces in the room mean that those making the cut have to work harder.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

In other words, the minimalist design it’s characterised by simplicity, clean lines and a monochromatic palette with colour used as an accent. In this style decor, you can usually find an open floor plan, lots of light, and functionally furniture, and it focuses on the shape, colour and texture of just a handful of essential elements.

How To Create A Minimalist Design, Room By Room

Minimalist design can be present in various types of interior designs, such as Japanese, Modern and Scandinavian.

A minimalist bedroom favours a low bed base without a headboard; it can be upholstered or wooden, but it should be clean and have no obvious ornamentation.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Design- Bedroom

Bedside furniture in minimalist bedroom design, whether it’s cubic cabinets or a floating shelf, should be the same height as the bed.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom

The question of light is very relevant, as it must be in the form of an integrated wall light or a single lamp. Wardrobes can be built-in or, instead, a single storage piece, such as a chest of drawers.

Minimalist Design- Bedroom
Minimalist Living Room

To create a minimalist design in the living room, you should start by choosing the same shape of furniture for the entire room.

Minimalist Design- Living Room

A minimalist living room might have a pair of cubic armchairs that sit next to a sleek, elongated sofa that shares the same arm height, low back, and crisp contours.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Design- Living Room

Square-shaped mirrors and square shapes in the coffee tables should be at the lowest possible height to allow the eye to find it in its own time.

Minimalist Design- Living Room
Minimalist Dining Room

A minimalist dining room follows the same rules as the remaining living areas. Lacquered and glossy furniture with simple silhouettes is an excellent choice.

Minimalist Design- Dining Room
Minimalist Bathroom

The minimalist design encompasses every type of bathroom, from luxury suites to family bathrooms.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A minimalist design will favour larger format tiles as there are fewer dividing lines and grout that complicate the look.

Minimalist Design- Bathroom

A continuous flow of the same material, like concrete that slides from the wall to the floor – even the edge of the bathtub can be carved from it – keeps the movement-wide and fluid. Or Carrara marble, which is luxurious without superfluous ornamentation.

new arrivals