Tag Archive for: Bentley


  • Prototipo único de la primera colaboración de productos revelado
  • Innovador recipiente horizontal para albergar excepcional whisky de malta única
  • Seis materiales clave reciclados, reutilizados o de origen ético se unen para crear un diseño impresionante y sostenible
  • Cobre reciclado, madera reutilizada, aluminio reciclado y cuero bajo en CO2 elaborados a mano
  • Desarrollado conjuntamente entre los equipos de diseño de Bentley y The Macallan
  • Representa el siguiente paso en una asociación fundada en la sostenibilidad.
  • Se lanzará en el verano de 2023

(Crewe y Speyside, 22 de agosto de 2022)  Bentley Motors y The Macallan han revelado hoy el diseño innovador de The Macallan Horizon, el primer whisky de malta de edición limitada creado por la colaboración de la marca.

Reflejando el núcleo de sustentabilidad que está en el corazón de la asociación junto con un propósito conjunto de innovación, el prototipo de The Macallan Horizon fusiona artesanía tradicional, materiales reciclados y un diseño horizontal exclusivo. Creado tras un extenso desarrollo conjunto entre Bentley Motors y The Macallan, el prototipo encapsula la ambición conjunta de construir un futuro sostenible a partir de la rica herencia de ambas marcas.

En homenaje a los aclamados Six Pillars de The Macallan, las piedras angulares de la marca que dan cuenta de sus distintivos whiskies de malta única, The Macallan Horizon incorpora seis materiales únicos reciclados, reutilizados o de origen ético que son parte integral de The Macallan y Bentley Motors.

Una armonía de seis materiales sostenibles clave

El recipiente prototipo que se ha elaborado conjuntamente es diferente a cualquier botella de whisky en la historia. El diseño único desafía la estética vertical tradicional de una botella de whisky y refleja la trayectoria horizontal de un automóvil, empujando los límites y el arte de lo posible. En consecuencia, la embarcación se asienta horizontalmente en una cuna especialmente diseñada y no tiene una base permanente.

En el centro del diseño se encuentra una botella de vidrio hecha a mano con un extraordinario giro de 180 grados, que representa el dominio del espacio y el tiempo logrado por The Macallan y Bentley Motors al crear el prototipo.

Luego, la embarcación está rodeada por una estructura 3D intrincadamente retorcida fabricada en un conjunto de hermosos materiales sostenibles. Los brazos de la estructura están elaborados en:

  • Cobre reciclado de los alambiques curiosamente pequeños en desuso que se encontraban dentro de la antigua destilería de The Macallan.
  • Aluminio recuperado de la producción del Continental GT, Flying Spur y Bentayga en la casa de Bentley en Crewe, Inglaterra
  • Madera reciclada de ambas marcas
  • El cuero con menor CO2 del mundo, de origen local en Escocia, y también utilizado en el muy exclusivo Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer presentado ayer.

El componente final será el extraordinario whisky puro de malta que se está elaborando para el lanzamiento, que también contará su propia historia de reciclaje y sostenibilidad.

Chris Cooke, gerente de diseño de productos y estilo de vida de Bentley, comenta:

“Nuestro prototipo para The Macallan Horizon es verdaderamente pionero tanto en su diseño como en el uso de materiales. Es una fusión del ADN de diseño de Bentley nítidamente definido pero curvilíneo, la innovación de The Macallan y materiales reciclados de ambas marcas británicas icónicas. La forma del diseño nos ha permitido tratar la luz como un material en sí mismo, y la interacción entre la luz y la madera reutilizada, el aluminio y el cobre es extraordinaria. Al ser un objeto de belleza en sí mismo y tener elementos de sostenibilidad tan fuertes, es una representación de lo que vendrá después de nuestra asociación”.

Jaume Ferras, director creativo global de The Macallan, comenta:

“Inspirándonos en la industria automotriz, estamos mostrando nuestro desarrollo creativo de The Macallan Horizon, que se encuentra entre los proyectos más innovadores en los que nos hemos embarcado en nuestros 200 años de historia.

“Trabajar con Bentley Motors nos ha inspirado a ver las cosas de manera diferente. En el mundo del whisky, todo está en posición vertical, como nuestros alambiques y nuestras botellas. Cuando observamos la dirección horizontal seguida por Bentley Motors como parte de la industria automotriz, nos hizo considerar si y cómo podríamos adaptar este formato para el whisky, que en última instancia requiere ser vertido.

“Estoy increíblemente orgulloso del diseño revolucionario que hemos creado para The Macallan Horizon y los materiales sostenibles únicos que estamos incorporando como parte de nuestro compromiso con un mundo mejor. Simplemente no sería posible sin la artesanía y la creatividad incomparables por las que The Macallan y Bentley Motors son reconocidos, y es la personificación de la excelencia inigualable que persigue The Macallan desde 1824”.

The Macallan Horizon se lanzará en el verano de 2023.

Bentley Motors y The Macallan lanzaron su asociación de marca global en julio de 2021. Unidas por la dedicación a la artesanía, la creatividad, la innovación y la sostenibilidad, ambas marcas se han comprometido a compartir los aprendizajes de sus respectivas industrias mientras continúan buscando la excelencia inquebrantable por la que son reconocidas. . The Macallan Horizon celebra su unión y su búsqueda de un futuro mejor.

Fabricado sin compromiso.
Saborea The Macallan con responsabilidad.
Si bebes no conduzcas.

Bentley Motors es la marca de automóviles de lujo más buscada del mundo. La sede central de la empresa en Crewe alberga todas sus operaciones, incluido el diseño, la investigación y el desarrollo, la ingeniería, Mulliner y la producción de las cinco líneas de modelos de la empresa: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga y Bentayga EWB. La combinación de la artesanía fina, el uso de habilidades que se han transmitido de generación en generación, junto con la experiencia en ingeniería y la tecnología de punta es exclusiva de las marcas de automóviles de lujo del Reino Unido, como Bentley. También es un ejemplo de lo mejor de la fabricación británica de alto valor. Bentley emplea a unas 4000 personas en Crewe.

Fundado en 1824 en una meseta sobre el río Spey en el noreste de Escocia, The Macallan es reconocido mundialmente por su incomparable artesanía, creatividad e innovación con cada botella de whisky de malta que revela su dominio único de la madera y el espíritu. La sostenibilidad social y ambiental está en el corazón de The Macallan, y como parte de su compromiso de establecer un legado positivo, reveló su nueva destilería galardonada en 2018. Diseñado por arquitectos de renombre internacional, el edificio se inspira en las antiguas colinas escocesas circundantes. y está ubicado en la hermosa finca de 485 acres de The Macallan. Hasta el día de hoy, la mayor influencia en la codiciada cartera de whiskies de malta de The Macallan son sus barricas de roble curadas con jerez de las que sus whiskies obtienen sus sabores, aromas y color natural distintivos.


  • Unique prototype of first product collaboration revealed
  • Ground-breaking horizontal vessel to hold exceptional single malt whisky
  • Six key upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials unite to create a stunning, sustainable design
  • Recycled copper, reused wood, recycled aluminium and low CO2 leather crafted together by hand
  • Jointly developed between design teams at Bentley and The Macallan
  • Represents the next step in a partnership founded in sustainability
  • To be launched in Summer 2023

(Crewe and Speyside, 22 August 2022) Bentley Motors and The Macallan have today revealed the ground-breaking design of The Macallan Horizon – the first limited edition single malt whisky being created by the brand collaboration.

Reflecting the sustainability core that’s at the heart of the partnership together with a joint purpose of innovation, the prototype of The Macallan Horizon fuses traditional craftsmanship, recycled materials and an exclusive horizontal design. Created following extensive joint development between Bentley Motors and The Macallan, the prototype encapsulates a joint ambition of building a sustainable future from the rich heritage of both brands.

In homage to The Macallan’s acclaimed Six Pillars – the foundation stones of the brand that account for its distinctive single malt whiskies – The Macallan Horizon incorporates six unique upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials which are integral to The Macallan and Bentley Motors.

A Harmony of Six Key Sustainable Materials

The prototype vessel that has been jointly crafted is unlike any bottle of whisky in history. The unique design defies the traditional vertical aesthetic of a whisky bottle and reflects the horizontal trajectory of a car, pushing the boundaries and the art of the possible. Accordingly, the vessel sits horizontally in a purpose-build cradle, and has no standing base.

At the centre of the design is a hand-made glass bottle with an extraordinary 180-degree twist, representing the mastery of space and time achieved by The Macallan and Bentley Motors in creating the prototype.

The vessel is then surrounded by an intricately twisted 3D structure crafted in a suite of beautiful, sustainable materials. The arms of the structure are crafted in:

  • Recycled copper from the disused, curiously small spirit stills which were located within The Macallan’s former distillery
  • Aluminium recovered from the production of the Continental GT, Flying Spur and Bentayga at Bentley’s home in Crewe, England
  • Recycled wood from both brands
  • The world’s lowest CO2 leather, locally-sourced in Scotland, and also used in the highly exclusive Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer unveiled yesterday

The final component will be the extraordinary single malt whisky being crafted for the release, which will also tell its own story of recycling and sustainability.

Bentley’s Product and Lifestyle Design Manager, Chris Cooke, comments:

“Our prototype for The Macallan Horizon is truly pioneering in both its design and use of materials. It’s a fusion of the sharply defined yet curvaceous Bentley design DNA, The Macallan’s innovation and recycled materials from both iconic British brands. The form of the design has allowed us to treat light as a material in itself, and the interplay between light and repurposed wood, aluminium and copper is extraordinary. In being both an object of beauty in itself and having such strong sustainability elements, it’s a representation of what’s coming next from our partnership.”

Jaume Ferras, Global Creative Director for The Macallan, comments:

“Taking inspiration from the car industry, we are showcasing our creative development of The Macallan Horizon, which is among the most ground-breaking projects we have embarked on in our 200-year history.

“Working with Bentley Motors has inspired us to see things differently. In the whisky world, everything is upright, such as our stills and our bottles. When we looked at the horizontal direction pursued by Bentley Motors as part of the automotive industry, it made us consider if and how we could adapt this format for whisky, which ultimately requires to be poured.

“I am incredibly proud of the revolutionary design we have created for The Macallan Horizon and the unique sustainable materials we are incorporating as part of our commitment to a better world. It simply would not be possible without the incomparable craftsmanship and creativity for which The Macallan and Bentley Motors are renowned, and is the embodiment of the uncompromised excellence pursued by The Macallan since 1824.”

The Macallan Horizon will launch in Summer 2023.

Bentley Motors and The Macallan launched their global brand partnership in July 2021. United by a dedication to craftsmanship, creativity, innovation and sustainability, both brands have committed to share learnings from their respective industries while continuing to pursue the uncompromised excellence for which they are renowned. The Macallan Horizon celebrates their union and their pursuit of a better future.

Crafted without compromise.
Please savour The Macallan responsibly.
Do not drink and drive.

Bentley Motors is the most sought-after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering, Mulliner and production of the company’s five model lines: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

Founded in 1824 on a plateau above the River Spey in north-east Scotland, The Macallan is renowned globally for its incomparable craftsmanship, creativity and innovation with each bottle of single malt whisky revealing its unique mastery of wood and spirit. Social and environmental sustainability is at the heart of The Macallan, and as part of its commitment to establishing a positive legacy it revealed its award-winning new Distillery in 2018. Designed by internationally acclaimed architects, the building takes inspiration from the surrounding ancient Scottish hills and is located on The Macallan’s beautiful 485-acre Estate. To this day, the single greatest influence on The Macallan’s sought after portfolio of single malts is its sherry seasoned oak casks from which its whiskies derive their distinctive flavours, aromas and natural colour.


  • Unique prototype of first product collaboration revealed
  • Ground-breaking horizontal vessel to hold exceptional single malt whisky
  • Six key upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials unite to create a stunning, sustainable design
  • Recycled copper, reused wood, recycled aluminium and low CO2 leather crafted together by hand
  • Jointly developed between design teams at Bentley and The Macallan
  • Represents the next step in a partnership founded in sustainability
  • To be launched in Summer 2023

(Crewe and Speyside, 22 August 2022) Bentley Motors and The Macallan have today revealed the ground-breaking design of The Macallan Horizon – the first limited edition single malt whisky being created by the brand collaboration.

Reflecting the sustainability core that’s at the heart of the partnership together with a joint purpose of innovation, the prototype of The Macallan Horizon fuses traditional craftsmanship, recycled materials and an exclusive horizontal design. Created following extensive joint development between Bentley Motors and The Macallan, the prototype encapsulates a joint ambition of building a sustainable future from the rich heritage of both brands.

In homage to The Macallan’s acclaimed Six Pillars – the foundation stones of the brand that account for its distinctive single malt whiskies – The Macallan Horizon incorporates six unique upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials which are integral to The Macallan and Bentley Motors.

A Harmony of Six Key Sustainable Materials

The prototype vessel that has been jointly crafted is unlike any bottle of whisky in history. The unique design defies the traditional vertical aesthetic of a whisky bottle and reflects the horizontal trajectory of a car, pushing the boundaries and the art of the possible. Accordingly, the vessel sits horizontally in a purpose-build cradle, and has no standing base.

At the centre of the design is a hand-made glass bottle with an extraordinary 180-degree twist, representing the mastery of space and time achieved by The Macallan and Bentley Motors in creating the prototype.

The vessel is then surrounded by an intricately twisted 3D structure crafted in a suite of beautiful, sustainable materials. The arms of the structure are crafted in:

  • Recycled copper from the disused, curiously small spirit stills which were located within The Macallan’s former distillery
  • Aluminium recovered from the production of the Continental GT, Flying Spur and Bentayga at Bentley’s home in Crewe, England
  • Recycled wood from both brands
  • The world’s lowest CO2 leather, locally-sourced in Scotland, and also used in the highly exclusive Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer unveiled yesterday

The final component will be the extraordinary single malt whisky being crafted for the release, which will also tell its own story of recycling and sustainability.

Bentley’s Product and Lifestyle Design Manager, Chris Cooke, comments:

“Our prototype for The Macallan Horizon is truly pioneering in both its design and use of materials. It’s a fusion of the sharply defined yet curvaceous Bentley design DNA, The Macallan’s innovation and recycled materials from both iconic British brands. The form of the design has allowed us to treat light as a material in itself, and the interplay between light and repurposed wood, aluminium and copper is extraordinary. In being both an object of beauty in itself and having such strong sustainability elements, it’s a representation of what’s coming next from our partnership.”

Jaume Ferras, Global Creative Director for The Macallan, comments:

“Taking inspiration from the car industry, we are showcasing our creative development of The Macallan Horizon, which is among the most ground-breaking projects we have embarked on in our 200-year history.

“Working with Bentley Motors has inspired us to see things differently. In the whisky world, everything is upright, such as our stills and our bottles. When we looked at the horizontal direction pursued by Bentley Motors as part of the automotive industry, it made us consider if and how we could adapt this format for whisky, which ultimately requires to be poured.

“I am incredibly proud of the revolutionary design we have created for The Macallan Horizon and the unique sustainable materials we are incorporating as part of our commitment to a better world. It simply would not be possible without the incomparable craftsmanship and creativity for which The Macallan and Bentley Motors are renowned, and is the embodiment of the uncompromised excellence pursued by The Macallan since 1824.”

The Macallan Horizon will launch in Summer 2023.

Bentley Motors and The Macallan launched their global brand partnership in July 2021. United by a dedication to craftsmanship, creativity, innovation and sustainability, both brands have committed to share learnings from their respective industries while continuing to pursue the uncompromised excellence for which they are renowned. The Macallan Horizon celebrates their union and their pursuit of a better future.

Crafted without compromise.
Please savour The Macallan responsibly.
Do not drink and drive.

Bentley Motors is the most sought-after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering, Mulliner and production of the company’s five model lines: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

Founded in 1824 on a plateau above the River Spey in north-east Scotland, The Macallan is renowned globally for its incomparable craftsmanship, creativity and innovation with each bottle of single malt whisky revealing its unique mastery of wood and spirit. Social and environmental sustainability is at the heart of The Macallan, and as part of its commitment to establishing a positive legacy it revealed its award-winning new Distillery in 2018. Designed by internationally acclaimed architects, the building takes inspiration from the surrounding ancient Scottish hills and is located on The Macallan’s beautiful 485-acre Estate. To this day, the single greatest influence on The Macallan’s sought after portfolio of single malts is its sherry seasoned oak casks from which its whiskies derive their distinctive flavours, aromas and natural colour.


  • Unique prototype of first product collaboration revealed
  • Ground-breaking horizontal vessel to hold exceptional single malt whisky
  • Six key upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials unite to create a stunning, sustainable design
  • Recycled copper, reused wood, recycled aluminium and low CO2 leather crafted together by hand
  • Jointly developed between design teams at Bentley and The Macallan
  • Represents the next step in a partnership founded in sustainability
  • To be launched in Summer 2023

(Crewe and Speyside, 22 August 2022) Bentley Motors and The Macallan have today revealed the ground-breaking design of The Macallan Horizon – the first limited edition single malt whisky being created by the brand collaboration.

Reflecting the sustainability core that’s at the heart of the partnership together with a joint purpose of innovation, the prototype of The Macallan Horizon fuses traditional craftsmanship, recycled materials and an exclusive horizontal design. Created following extensive joint development between Bentley Motors and The Macallan, the prototype encapsulates a joint ambition of building a sustainable future from the rich heritage of both brands.

In homage to The Macallan’s acclaimed Six Pillars – the foundation stones of the brand that account for its distinctive single malt whiskies – The Macallan Horizon incorporates six unique upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials which are integral to The Macallan and Bentley Motors.

A Harmony of Six Key Sustainable Materials

The prototype vessel that has been jointly crafted is unlike any bottle of whisky in history. The unique design defies the traditional vertical aesthetic of a whisky bottle and reflects the horizontal trajectory of a car, pushing the boundaries and the art of the possible. Accordingly, the vessel sits horizontally in a purpose-build cradle, and has no standing base.

At the centre of the design is a hand-made glass bottle with an extraordinary 180-degree twist, representing the mastery of space and time achieved by The Macallan and Bentley Motors in creating the prototype.

The vessel is then surrounded by an intricately twisted 3D structure crafted in a suite of beautiful, sustainable materials. The arms of the structure are crafted in:

  • Recycled copper from the disused, curiously small spirit stills which were located within The Macallan’s former distillery
  • Aluminium recovered from the production of the Continental GT, Flying Spur and Bentayga at Bentley’s home in Crewe, England
  • Recycled wood from both brands
  • The world’s lowest CO2 leather, locally-sourced in Scotland, and also used in the highly exclusive Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer unveiled yesterday

The final component will be the extraordinary single malt whisky being crafted for the release, which will also tell its own story of recycling and sustainability.

Bentley’s Product and Lifestyle Design Manager, Chris Cooke, comments:

“Our prototype for The Macallan Horizon is truly pioneering in both its design and use of materials. It’s a fusion of the sharply defined yet curvaceous Bentley design DNA, The Macallan’s innovation and recycled materials from both iconic British brands. The form of the design has allowed us to treat light as a material in itself, and the interplay between light and repurposed wood, aluminium and copper is extraordinary. In being both an object of beauty in itself and having such strong sustainability elements, it’s a representation of what’s coming next from our partnership.”

Jaume Ferras, Global Creative Director for The Macallan, comments:

“Taking inspiration from the car industry, we are showcasing our creative development of The Macallan Horizon, which is among the most ground-breaking projects we have embarked on in our 200-year history.

“Working with Bentley Motors has inspired us to see things differently. In the whisky world, everything is upright, such as our stills and our bottles. When we looked at the horizontal direction pursued by Bentley Motors as part of the automotive industry, it made us consider if and how we could adapt this format for whisky, which ultimately requires to be poured.

“I am incredibly proud of the revolutionary design we have created for The Macallan Horizon and the unique sustainable materials we are incorporating as part of our commitment to a better world. It simply would not be possible without the incomparable craftsmanship and creativity for which The Macallan and Bentley Motors are renowned, and is the embodiment of the uncompromised excellence pursued by The Macallan since 1824.”
The Macallan Horizon will launch in Summer 2023.

Bentley Motors and The Macallan launched their global brand partnership in July 2021. United by a dedication to craftsmanship, creativity, innovation and sustainability, both brands have committed to share learnings from their respective industries while continuing to pursue the uncompromised excellence for which they are renowned. The Macallan Horizon celebrates their union and their pursuit of a better future.

Crafted without compromise.
Please savour The Macallan responsibly.
Do not drink and drive.

Bentley Motors is the most sought-after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering, Mulliner and production of the company’s five model lines: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

Founded in 1824 on a plateau above the River Spey in north-east Scotland, The Macallan is renowned globally for its incomparable craftsmanship, creativity and innovation with each bottle of single malt whisky revealing its unique mastery of wood and spirit. Social and environmental sustainability is at the heart of The Macallan, and as part of its commitment to establishing a positive legacy it revealed its award-winning new Distillery in 2018. Designed by internationally acclaimed architects, the building takes inspiration from the surrounding ancient Scottish hills and is located on The Macallan’s beautiful 485-acre Estate. To this day, the single greatest influence on The Macallan’s sought after portfolio of single malts is its sherry seasoned oak casks from which its whiskies derive their distinctive flavours, aromas and natural colour.


(Crewe, August, 2022) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of SIMON+SIMON as its new global lifestyle communications agency. It is part of a wider marketing agency refresh as the iconic brand prepares for full electrification across its product range by 2030 and diversifies its offering to be one of the world’s leading luxury lifestyle brands.

SIMON+SIMON will be working with Bentley’s communications team to deliver strategic and creative relationships with non-automotive media, influencers and affluent communities. Its solid expertise in the luxury sector will support Bentley’s increased emphasis on reaching new audiences through earned media.

At SIMON+SIMON, the account will be headed by Jakob Huth supported by a team and will report directly to Wayne Bruce, Director of Communications at Bentley Motors. SIMON+SIMON has handled the UK lifestyle PR for Bentley Fragrances licensing partner Lalique Group since 2014.

Bentley Motors announced its Beyond100 strategy in 2020 – a reinvention of every aspect of its business, to become an end-to-end carbon neutral organisation.

Wayne Bruce, Director of Communications at Bentley Motors, commented: “Having worked with Cécile in a couple of former lives, we are delighted to now welcome SIMON+SIMON into our team at such an exciting time for Bentley. Our financial growth forms the platform for Bentley’s Beyond100 objectives, reinforcing our aim to be global leaders in sustainable luxury mobility.”

Cécile Simon, MD of SIMON+SIMON added: “We feel honoured to support Bentley with their global lifestyle communications and the objective of the Beyond100 strategy. A very exciting time to join an essential luxury brand, after it started 2022 with its best-ever half year!” 

The agency replaces Keko London, with special thanks to Nina Eadie, who has successfully supported Bentley on its journey in the last four years.

For further information: Jakob@simonplussimon.com
IG: @simonplussimon
Web: Simonplussimon.com

Bentley Residences Miami spectacular luxury experience!

  • Over 20,000 square feet of amenities across three levels, exquisitely designed by Bentley, featuring furnishings from the Bentley Home collection
  • Awe-inspiring three-story lobby with ocean views
  • Lobby Bar and Restaurant with 33-foot high floor-to-ceiling windows optimizing ocean views
  • Restaurant open breakfast, lunch, and dinner with strong emphasis on in-suite dining
  • Lounge and Whiskey Bar at mezzanine level inspired by the iconic matrix grille of Bentley’s cars
  • Private Dining Room for 16 people at mezzanine level
  • Movie Theater with plush seating for 14 people designed to mimic a Bentley car interior
  • Elegant Cigar Lounge with pool table and large screen TV
  • Lushly-landscaped oceanfront deck with resort-style heated swimming pool, spa, and poolside food and beverage service
  • Oceanfront Beauty Salon with hair, manicure, and pedicure stations
  • Exclusive beach amenities, including food and beverage service, beach attendants, chaise lounges, and umbrellas
  • Game Room featuring golf and racing simulators and virtual reality stations
  • Kid’s Club with children’s games and programmed activities
  • State-of-the-art indoor Fitness Center, including an outdoor terrace fitted with gym equipment
  • Outdoor Yoga Studio with an ocean view
  • Men’s and Women’s dressing rooms with lockers, showers, steam, and sauna
  • Transformative wellness Spa featuring outdoor relaxation for before and after treatments
  • Expansive revitalization Spa with single and couples treatment rooms
  • Dedicated Pet Spa for grooming
  • 24-hour valet service
  • 24-hour security and multilingual concierge service


Bentley Residences Miami espectacular experiencia de lujo!

  • Más de 20 000 pies cuadrados de servicios en tres niveles, exquisitamente diseñados por Bentley, con muebles de la colección Bentley Home
  • Impresionante lobby de tres pisos con vista al mar
  • Lobby Bar y restaurante con ventanas de piso a techo de 33 pies de altura que optimizan las vistas al océano
  • Restaurante abierto para desayuno, almuerzo y cena con fuerte énfasis en comidas en la suite
  • Lounge y Whisky Bar en el entrepiso inspirado en la icónica parrilla matricial de los autos Bentley
  • Comedor Privado para 16 personas en entrepiso
  • Sala de cine con lujosos asientos para 14 personas diseñada para imitar el interior de un automóvil Bentley
  • Elegante Cigar Lounge con mesa de billar y TV de pantalla grande
  • Terraza frente al mar con paisajes exuberantes con piscina climatizada estilo centro turístico, spa y servicio de alimentos y bebidas junto a la piscina
  • Salón de belleza frente al mar con estaciones de peluquería, manicura y pedicura
  • Amenidades exclusivas en la playa, que incluyen servicio de alimentos y bebidas, asistentes de playa, tumbonas y sombrillas
  • Sala de juegos con simuladores de golf y carreras y estaciones de realidad virtual
  • Kid’s Club con juegos infantiles y actividades programadas
  • Gimnasio interior de última generación, que incluye una terraza al aire libre equipada con equipos de gimnasia
  • Estudio de yoga al aire libre con vista al mar
  • Vestuarios de hombres y mujeres con casilleros, duchas, vapor y sauna
  • Spa de bienestar transformador que ofrece relajación al aire libre para antes y después de los tratamientos
  • Amplio spa de revitalización con salas de tratamiento individuales y para parejas
  • Spa dedicado para mascotas para el aseo
  • servicio de aparcacoches las 24 horas
  • Seguridad 24 horas y servicio de conserjería multilingüe


Bentley Residences Miami spectacular luxury experience!

  • Over 20,000 square feet of amenities across three levels, exquisitely designed by Bentley, featuring furnishings from the Bentley Home collection
  • Awe-inspiring three-story lobby with ocean views
  • Lobby Bar and Restaurant with 33-foot high floor-to-ceiling windows optimizing ocean views
  • Restaurant open breakfast, lunch, and dinner with strong emphasis on in-suite dining
  • Lounge and Whiskey Bar at mezzanine level inspired by the iconic matrix grille of Bentley’s cars
  • Private Dining Room for 16 people at mezzanine level
  • Movie Theater with plush seating for 14 people designed to mimic a Bentley car interior
  • Elegant Cigar Lounge with pool table and large screen TV
  • Lushly-landscaped oceanfront deck with resort-style heated swimming pool, spa, and poolside food and beverage service
  • Oceanfront Beauty Salon with hair, manicure, and pedicure stations
  • Exclusive beach amenities, including food and beverage service, beach attendants, chaise lounges, and umbrellas
  • Game Room featuring golf and racing simulators and virtual reality stations
  • Kid’s Club with children’s games and programmed activities
  • State-of-the-art indoor Fitness Center, including an outdoor terrace fitted with gym equipment
  • Outdoor Yoga Studio with an ocean view
  • Men’s and Women’s dressing rooms with lockers, showers, steam, and sauna
  • Transformative wellness Spa featuring outdoor relaxation for before and after treatments
  • Expansive revitalization Spa with single and couples treatment rooms
  • Dedicated Pet Spa for grooming
  • 24-hour valet service
  • 24-hour security and multilingual concierge service


Bentley Residences Miami spectacular luxury experience!

  • Over 20,000 square feet of amenities across three levels, exquisitely designed by Bentley, featuring furnishings from the Bentley Home collection
  • Awe-inspiring three-story lobby with ocean views
  • Lobby Bar and Restaurant with 33-foot high floor-to-ceiling windows optimizing ocean views
  • Restaurant open breakfast, lunch, and dinner with strong emphasis on in-suite dining
  • Lounge and Whiskey Bar at mezzanine level inspired by the iconic matrix grille of Bentley’s cars
  • Private Dining Room for 16 people at mezzanine level
  • Movie Theater with plush seating for 14 people designed to mimic a Bentley car interior
  • Elegant Cigar Lounge with pool table and large screen TV
  • Lushly-landscaped oceanfront deck with resort-style heated swimming pool, spa, and poolside food and beverage service
  • Oceanfront Beauty Salon with hair, manicure, and pedicure stations
  • Exclusive beach amenities, including food and beverage service, beach attendants, chaise lounges, and umbrellas
  • Game Room featuring golf and racing simulators and virtual reality stations
  • Kid’s Club with children’s games and programmed activities
  • State-of-the-art indoor Fitness Center, including an outdoor terrace fitted with gym equipment
  • Outdoor Yoga Studio with an ocean view
  • Men’s and Women’s dressing rooms with lockers, showers, steam, and sauna
  • Transformative wellness Spa featuring outdoor relaxation for before and after treatments
  • Expansive revitalization Spa with single and couples treatment rooms
  • Dedicated Pet Spa for grooming
  • 24-hour valet service
  • 24-hour security and multilingual concierge service


Bentley Residences Miami spectacular luxury experience!

  • Over 20,000 square feet of amenities across three levels, exquisitely designed by Bentley, featuring furnishings from the Bentley Home collection
  • Awe-inspiring three-story lobby with ocean views
  • Lobby Bar and Restaurant with 33-foot high floor-to-ceiling windows optimizing ocean views
  • Restaurant open breakfast, lunch, and dinner with strong emphasis on in-suite dining
  • Lounge and Whiskey Bar at mezzanine level inspired by the iconic matrix grille of Bentley’s cars
  • Private Dining Room for 16 people at mezzanine level
  • Movie Theater with plush seating for 14 people designed to mimic a Bentley car interior
  • Elegant Cigar Lounge with pool table and large screen TV
  • Lushly-landscaped oceanfront deck with resort-style heated swimming pool, spa, and poolside food and beverage service
  • Oceanfront Beauty Salon with hair, manicure, and pedicure stations
  • Exclusive beach amenities, including food and beverage service, beach attendants, chaise lounges, and umbrellas
  • Game Room featuring golf and racing simulators and virtual reality stations
  • Kid’s Club with children’s games and programmed activities
  • State-of-the-art indoor Fitness Center, including an outdoor terrace fitted with gym equipment
  • Outdoor Yoga Studio with an ocean view
  • Men’s and Women’s dressing rooms with lockers, showers, steam, and sauna
  • Transformative wellness Spa featuring outdoor relaxation for before and after treatments
  • Expansive revitalization Spa with single and couples treatment rooms
  • Dedicated Pet Spa for grooming
  • 24-hour valet service
  • 24-hour security and multilingual concierge service