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When the Bolide was first revealed as a thought experiment in late 2020, it presented a vision of a lightweight, track-only hyper sports car delivering incomparable performance, built around the iconic W16 engine. That ambitious dream is being transformed into reality, as the Bolide prototype begins its next phase of development testing.

At The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering in August 2021, Bugatti announced that the Bolide1 would be developed for a limited production run of just 40 units. Centered on the premise of creating the ultimate track-only Bugatti and set to be the most uncompromising model to ever emerge from Molsheim, it represents an entirely new level of engineering, aerodynamic and technological innovation.

For the Bolide, Bugatti started with the quad-turbo W16 engine, and then built the lightest possible car around it. Its minimal bodywork is designed carefully to leverage maximum downforce, most efficient cooling and exceptional power-to-weight ratio. In its final form, the Bolide is expected to deliver 1,600 PS and a dry weight of only 1,450 kg to better the magical 1:1 ratio.

Christophe Piochon, President of Bugatti Automobiles, said: “The Bolide is treading new ground for Bugatti. Never before has such a powerful engine been paired with an ultra-lightweight design to create a track car that delivers motorsport levels of performance. Almost every component has been analyzed and redesigned to ensure Bolide is as light, capable and reliable as our strict targets require it to be. The next phase of development is a major milestone in the creation of a car that takes Bugatti’s “form follows performance” philosophy to a new level.”

Creating the Bolide is a case of bespoke craftsmanship. Although the engine may be familiar in its layout and capacity, it is integrated into the Bolide in a fully different way. A newly shaped carbon monocoque compared with Chiron2 meant re-engineering many components, including cooling, transmission and suspension, each of which now had to be packaged within the incredibly compact and aerodynamic design of Bolide, with a matter of millimeters to spare. With new engine mountings, the suspension of Bolide’s drive unit is three times stiffer than the Chiron’s. Together with the uniball suspension bearings, the Bolide gives the driver even more precise feedback. The Bolide also uses 3D-printed titanium rockers to help create intricately shaped and lightweight components.

The engine itself is central to the Bolide experience, but subtly adapted for this car’s unique character. It always operates on all four of its turbochargers – perfect for the racetrack where engine revs are consistently high, but also for weight and packaging reasons. The team has tuned the engine to deliver higher revs per minute and successfully paired it to a modified transmission designed to deliver even sharper performance.

The braking system offers entirely new levels of performance and innovation. In the Chiron, the brakes are an effective and long-lasting carbon ceramic system but the Bolide uses even more heat-resistant carbon-carbon brakes. These must be thoroughly warmed before they reach their peak effectiveness so Bugatti engineers designed completely new calipers that would more efficiently generate and absorb heat. With 18-inch tires, 390 mm brake discs were created and a carbon cover placed on each wheel to help protect the rims from the extreme heat generated by the brakes.

Befitting its status as a track car with the performance of a top-level motorsport machine, the Bolide is fitted with slick tires which – at the rear – can only be found on LMDh vehicles racing in the FIA World Endurance Championship. Thanks to tire manufacturer Michelin’s long-standing partnership with Bugatti, these tires can be used for the Bolide.

First deliveries of the Bolide will commence in 2024, with production limited to just 40 units at a net unit price of four million euros each.


Maserati vuelve al campo en el Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters

Módena, febrero de 2023 : ha llegado el momento de un nuevo encuentro sobre tierra batida en el Principado de Mónaco, donde los nombres más importantes del tenis mundial se reunirán con los modelos más elegantes e icónicos de la Casa del Tridente. Por segundo año consecutivo, Maserati pisa las canchas del Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters, como patrocinador principal y auto oficial del torneo.
Maserati combina sus valores de estilo, competitividad y pasión deportiva con un evento que durante más de un siglo, en el magnífico escenario del Principado de Mónaco, ha reunido la quintaesencia de todo lo único, desde el rendimiento hasta el lujo más refinado .

Maserati GranTurismo Folgore.  rugiendo en california

Maserati GranTurismo Folgore. rugiendo en california

El ímpetu competitivo siempre ha sido un factor importante en el alma de Maserati, el aliado ideal cuando se trata de los más altos niveles en el mundo del deporte. Es perfecto para representar el atractivo atemporal de una de las disciplinas más apasionantes, que comparte los mismos valores de excelencia, tenacidad y dedicación con la marca italiana.

La renovación de la asociación ganadora entre Maserati y el Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters dará como resultado la oportunidad de escribir un nuevo capítulo de amor por el deporte, para una audiencia internacional. Un elemento recurrente en la narrativa del Tridente, sus coches a la vanguardia del diseño y la tecnología protagonizarán las carreteras del Principado, como impecables embajadores de uno de los eventos más exclusivos del mundo, para personificar el ADN del fabricante con sede en Módena. .

Maserati MC20 Cielo

Maserati MC20 Cielo

El primer evento europeo de la serie ATP Tour Masters 1000 animará las gradas del 8 al 16 de abril, cuando los nombres más importantes del firmamento del tenis estarán listos para competir por uno de los títulos más codiciados de la temporada. A lo largo del torneo, los jugadores e invitados viajarán a bordo de la flota Maserati para participar con estilo, incluso fuera de la cancha.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produce una gama completa de automóviles únicos, inmediatamente reconocibles por su extraordinaria personalidad. Gracias a su estilo, tecnología y carácter exclusivo innato, hacen las delicias de los gustos más exigentes y exigentes y siempre han sido un referente para la industria automotriz mundial. Una tradición de autos exitosos, cada uno de los cuales redefine lo que hace un auto deportivo italiano en términos de diseño, rendimiento, comodidad, elegancia y seguridad, actualmente disponible en más de setenta mercados a nivel internacional. Los embajadores de esta herencia son el buque insignia Quattroporte, el sedán deportivo Ghibli y el Levante, el primer SUV fabricado por Maserati, todos modelos caracterizados por el uso de materiales de la más alta calidad y excelentes soluciones técnicas. El Ghibli y el Levante ahora también están disponibles en versiones híbridas y son los primeros autos eléctricos de la marca Trident. Una gama completa, equipada con motores de gasolina híbridos V6 y V8 de 4 cilindros, con tracción trasera y tracción integral. La Colección Trofeo, que comprende Ghibli, Quattroporte y Levante, equipada con el potente motor V8 de 580 hp, encarna el ADN de desempeño de la marca Trident. El tope de gama es el superdeportivo MC20, propulsado por el innovador motor Nettuno V6, que incorpora por primera vez tecnologías derivadas de la F1 disponibles en la unidad de potencia de un coche de producción estándar. equipado con el potente motor V8 de 580 hp, representa el ADN de rendimiento de la marca Trident. El tope de gama es el superdeportivo MC20, propulsado por el innovador motor Nettuno V6, que incorpora por primera vez tecnologías derivadas de la F1 disponibles en la unidad de potencia de un coche de producción estándar. equipado con el potente motor V8 de 580 hp, representa el ADN de rendimiento de la marca Trident. El tope de gama es el superdeportivo MC20, propulsado por el innovador motor Nettuno V6, que incorpora por primera vez tecnologías derivadas de la F1 disponibles en la unidad de potencia de un coche de producción estándar


Con un total de casi 90 autos deportivos en una lista diversa de marcas, el hilo común que une a la Colección Carrera es su impresionante diversidad. Una selección casi enciclopédica de autos deportivos Porsche representa la mayoría de los modelos, incluidos los primeros 356 ejemplares, los 928 grand tourers de primera línea, así como múltiples generaciones del legendario cupé deportivo 911. La colección también incluye una variedad de atractivos clásicos modernos de marcas como Alfa Romeo, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Alpina y Chevrolet. Cabe destacar que todos los coches de la colección se ofrecerán sin reserva.

La Colección Carrera se ofrecerá en dos ventas, una en Suiza y otra en Italia. Muy pronto se anunciarán más detalles, y lo alentamos a que se registre para obtener una cuenta de RM Sotheby’s para obtener las últimas actualizaciones.

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Entregas en 2022: Porsche registra un ligero aumento

Porsche tuvo un desempeño sólido en el año fiscal 2022, con un ligero aumento en las entregas. El fabricante de autos deportivos entregó un total de 309,884 autos en los últimos 12 meses, un 3 por ciento más que en 2021, a pesar de varias crisis globales.

Porsche cumple los sueños de sus clientes, como lo demuestran las sólidas cifras de entrega y la continua buena situación de los pedidos para el año fiscal 2022. En todo el mundo, el fabricante de automóviles deportivos entregó 309.884 vehículos a clientes el año pasado, un aumento del 3 por ciento con respecto al año anterior.

Detlev von Platen, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de Ventas y Marketing de Porsche AG

“Los muchos desafíos causados por la guerra en Ucrania, las cadenas de suministro interrumpidas y la actual crisis de los semiconductores dieron forma al año pasado y nos pusieron a prueba”, dice Detlev von Platen, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de Ventas y Marketing de Porsche AG. “Así que estoy más orgulloso de todo el equipo Porsche. En este entorno difícil, hemos logrado cumplir el sueño de tener un Porsche para más clientes que nunca”.

Entregas en Europa un 7% por encima del año anterior

En la región de ventas de Europa, Porsche entregó 62.685 automóviles en 2022. Esto es un 7 por ciento más que el año anterior. En su mercado local de Alemania, 29.512 clientes recibieron sus automóviles, un aumento del 3 por ciento. En América del Norte, Porsche registró 79.260 entregas, igualando el nivel del año anterior. Este fue un desempeño particularmente sólido en vista de los desafíos logísticos y de suministro que comenzaron el año. En el que sigue siendo el mercado individual más grande, China, se entregaron 93 286 automóviles a los clientes    (-2 %). La ligera caída aquí se debe principalmente a los efectos de la pandemia de COVID. Olas de infección, bloqueos relacionados con COVID y desafíos logísticos afectaron las entregas. La región de ventas de Ultramar y Mercados Emergentes continúa desarrollándose positivamente con un aumento en las entregas del 13 por ciento. Se entregaron unos 45.141 automóviles a clientes en esta región durante 2022.

Los SUV siguen siendo populares entre los clientes

Los modelos con mayor demanda nuevamente en 2022 fueron los SUV de la marca: el Porsche Cayenne se entregó un total de 95.604 veces. El Macan siguió en segundo lugar con 86.724 unidades entregadas. Con 40.410 entregas (+5 por ciento), el Porsche 911 también sigue siendo muy popular. La berlina deportiva Panamera se entregó a 34.142 clientes (+13%).

El Taycan se mantiene en un alto nivel de pedidos. En 2022, Porsche entregó 34 801 automóviles de la línea de modelos en todo el mundo (-16 por ciento). La disminución se debió a los cuellos de botella de la cadena de suministro y la disponibilidad limitada de componentes. Ambos problemas afectaron en particular al deportivo eléctrico. Los clientes recibieron 18.203 unidades de los modelos 718 Boxster y 718 Cayman.


Taycan GTS y Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“Por el lado de las ventas, los resultados han sido positivos en 2022”, dice von Platen. “Porsche está en una posición sólida. Y estamos construyendo sobre esa base”.

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%

Descargo de responsabilidad

Este anuncio contiene “declaraciones prospectivas” que reflejan la visión actual de Porsche sobre los eventos futuros.

Palabras como ‘voluntad’, ‘presumir’, ‘como meta’, ‘podría’, ‘posiblemente’, ‘debería’, ‘creer’, ‘pretender’, ‘plan’, ‘en preparación’ y ‘objetivo’ se utilizan para indicar declaraciones relacionadas con el futuro. Estas declaraciones están sujetas a una variedad de riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones. Si cualquiera de estos riesgos o incertidumbres se materializa o si las suposiciones subyacentes a las declaraciones prospectivas de Porsche resultan infundadas, los resultados reales podrían diferir significativamente de los que Porsche ha asumido expresa o implícitamente en estas declaraciones. Las declaraciones a futuro en este comunicado de prensa se basan únicamente en las circunstancias correspondientes al día de la publicación.

Estas declaraciones prospectivas no se actualizarán más adelante. Estas afirmaciones son verdaderas el día de su publicación y pueden ser superadas por hechos posteriores.

Morgan reinventa Plus Four y Plus Six, estableciendo un nuevo pilar de productos ‘Plus’

  • Morgan está estableciendo su línea de modelos ‘Plus’, que comprende Plus Four y Plus Six, que se sientan junto a ‘Super’ para formar los dos pilares de productos de la gama Morgan.
  • Plus Four y Plus Six se beneficiarán de una serie de actualizaciones visuales y dinámicas, introducidas en todos los autos fabricados a partir de enero de 2023
  • Los cambios clave en el diseño incluyen un nuevo interior, que presenta una extensa lista de telas seleccionadas, acabados interiores de madera, comodidad mejorada y nuevas opciones de marquetería.
  • Las adiciones dinámicas incluyen control electrónico de estabilidad con nuevo sistema de frenos, amortiguadores y casquillos de suspensión, calibraciones de caja de cambios automática reconfiguradas y bolsas de aire.
  • Morgan se asocia con la marca de audio líder, Sennheiser, para ofrecer un nuevo y revolucionario sistema de sonido liviano que brinda un sonido envolvente y de alta fidelidad.
  • La reinvención de los modelos principales de Morgan representa un compromiso con la evolución continua, celebrando la filosofía de la empresa de combinar la artesanía tradicional y el diseño atemporal, al tiempo que presenta la última tecnología en una aplicación relevante.

Malvern, 9 de noviembre
De acuerdo con su filosofía de evolución continua, Morgan Motor Company está reinventando sus modelos Plus Four y Plus Six. Las mejoras, que se están introduciendo como parte de un reconocimiento formal de una nueva línea ‘Plus’, estarán presentes en todos los modelos Plus Four y Plus Six a partir de enero de 2023.

El nombre ‘Plus’ significa un pilar de la producción de Morgan y se encuentra junto al pilar ‘Super’ recientemente introducido. La placa de identificación se vio por primera vez en el Plus 4, presentado en 1950. Plus representa más de 70 años de herencia, pero mira firmemente hacia el futuro, adopta nueva tecnología relevante y reinventa la experiencia de un automóvil deportivo moderno y hecho a mano para el siglo XXI.

El diseño de los modelos Plus, construidos sobre la plataforma de aluminio aglomerado CX-Generation de la compañía, es atemporal y duradero. El Plus Four, con su carrocería ligeramente más estrecha y ruedas de radios, es más parecido a los vehículos originales en su estética. Plus Six, que es más ancho con una apariencia más asertiva, presenta una estética más contemporánea. Ambos vehículos se beneficiarán de las nuevas funciones y su lista de opciones y configuraciones estará estrechamente alineada, lo que garantizará una experiencia de personalización cohesiva para los clientes.

“La nueva línea Morgan Plus celebra la esencia de la conducción no convencional y la ingeniería ética. Une el diseño atemporal y la artesanía con el compromiso de conducción más emocionante. Con Plus queremos honrar a aquellas personas que creen que conducir no se trata de estatus, sino más bien de carácter, autenticidad y placer”.

Massimo Fumarola, Director Ejecutivo, Morgan Motor Company

estética interior
Las mejoras a los últimos modelos Plus de la compañía están encabezadas por cambios significativos en el interior, que ofrecen mayores niveles de refinamiento, más oportunidades de personalización y una mayor facilidad de uso en comparación con las generaciones anteriores.

La introducción de una nueva gama de revestimientos de marquetería, que se extienden a través del vehículo a través de su consola central, refuerza el compromiso de la empresa con la artesanía y la confección a medida, celebrando los materiales naturales, el diseño y la forma, sinónimo de la marca Morgan.

‘Spokes In Flight’ y ‘Kinetic Diamond’ son motivos abstractos para radios en movimiento, inspirados en las ruedas con radios que han aparecido en los autos Morgan durante décadas. ‘Engineered’, la tercera opción de chapa, presenta tiras de aluminio entre la madera, lo que significa el uso de los dos materiales principales por parte de la empresa.

Un nuevo tablero y panel de instrumentos de aluminio superformado se puede especificar en plata mate, negro mate o en el color de la carrocería, y ahora se puede especificar una designación de modelo en el lado del pasajero del tablero. El salpicadero alberga nuevos instrumentos que cuentan con un nuevo diseño frontal. El diseño del instrumento está simplificado y se inspira en relojes de primera calidad, exudando una estética minimalista y ordenada. Además del nuevo diseño de instrumentos, se incorporó una nueva pantalla LCD de información en el diseño del tablero. Situada directamente frente al conductor, la pantalla es más grande que la pantalla anterior y tiene una mayor resolución. Los gráficos de pantalla actualizados con animación mejorada y la introducción de fondos dependientes del modo de conducción ayudan a mejorar la usabilidad para los conductores. La pantalla es sutil y muestra la información estrictamente necesaria, continuando con la filosofía de la empresa de introducir adecuadamente la tecnología en sus vehículos.

Un riel inferior de madera maciza coordina con la columna central y está situado debajo del tablero de aluminio. Configurable en una variedad de acabados y colores, cada sección de madera está meticulosamente hecha a mano por los hábiles artesanos de Morgan. Debajo del riel inferior de madera hay una nueva guantera, una característica introducida por primera vez en un modelo Plus. La guantera está tapizada en cuero a juego y alberga tomas de corriente USB en su interior.

El volante ahora está disponible con una sección central pulida satinada. Cuando se especifica, este acabado coordina con otros embellecedores internos, como la rejilla del altavoz, la manija de la puerta, el freno de mano y los marcos de la palanca de cambios.

El tejido bicolor, que contrasta en los asientos y los paneles de las puertas, ofrece una mezcla de texturas y ha sido diseñado específicamente para los últimos modelos Plus. El cuero de grano de guijarro negro y la tela negra se especifican de serie, con otras seis combinaciones de colores y cuero de grano opcionales.

Tejido a partir de lana peinada con finos hilos de marga, el tejido natural abarca una pureza de composición. Cada tela se combina con una combinación de colores de cuero complementaria, lo que garantiza que el cuero se use con moderación, celebrándolo como un material noble.

Las tarjetas de puertas redefinidas brindan la base para una gama seleccionada de opciones de telas de dos tonos, presentadas por primera vez en un modelo Morgan de cuatro ruedas, y rejillas de altavoces de la marca Sennheiser (cuando se especifica con el sistema de audio Sennheiser).

Una nueva manija de la puerta con cerrojo, situada en la sección inferior de la puerta, es el cambio más notable en el interior de la puerta. Creado a partir de acero inoxidable lacado y cuero de sillín de alta calidad, proporciona un realce material y estético, al tiempo que introduce una sensación mecánica duradera para los ocupantes que salen del vehículo.

Tanto las opciones de asiento estándar como Comfort Plus se benefician de innumerables mejoras. El reposacabezas de ambas variantes de asiento se ha rediseñado por completo y ahora muestra una estética más delgada con detalles de puntadas intrincadas. El asiento Comfort Plus ahora cuenta con un refuerzo para los muslos ajustable y una palanca de ajuste de reclinación de metal estriado. En otra primicia para los modelos de cuatro ruedas de Morgan, los nuevos modelos Plus ahora cuentan con un portavasos integrado opcional, que es desmontable y encaja en la base del asiento del pasajero.

“La línea Plus en 2023 presenta una marcada evolución del Morgan de cuatro ruedas. Al igual que con cualquier diseño duradero, es fundamental lograr un equilibrio entre avanzar y complementar las cualidades establecidas del producto.

“El equipo de diseño tiene la suerte de trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los ingenieros mecánicos y de calidad, así como con los artesanos de Pickersleigh Road. Los diseñadores pueden ofrecer soluciones que envuelvan una clara comprensión de las limitaciones y oportunidades. A través de este entendimiento, hemos podido introducir importantes tecnologías y características nuevas, al mismo tiempo que mejoramos la calidad percibida de los automóviles Morgan Plus.

“Un estudio holístico de todo el vehículo ha considerado los cambios más significativos, a través de múltiples actualizaciones de diseño más matizadas: la mayor impresión de calidad será evidente”.

Jonathan Wells, director de diseño, Morgan Motor Company

Dinámica atractiva del vehículo
Por encima de todo, un automóvil deportivo Morgan debe ser liviano, emocionante de conducir y ofrecer una conexión única entre el conductor y la máquina. Los equipos de ingeniería internos de Morgan han trabajado con socios externos líderes en la industria para garantizar la evolución dinámica continua de los modelos Plus. A lo largo de este proceso, los principios clave de la experiencia de conducción de Morgan se han mantenido primordiales, junto con los requisitos para la tecnología futura, la seguridad y los requisitos legislativos.

Las mejoras dinámicas a los modelos Plus están encabezadas por la introducción del control electrónico de estabilidad (ESC) y un sistema de frenado completamente nuevo, desarrollado junto con Continental y AP Racing. ESC se introducirá en todos los modelos Plus Four y Plus Six. Según el modo, el ESC se ha ajustado para cada modelo y variante de caja de cambios, y se puede cambiar entre niveles de asistencia según el modo de conducción.

El sistema de frenado AP Racing es completamente nuevo y se ha desarrollado junto con el programa ESC para brindar un frenado de alto rendimiento.

Se han desarrollado calibraciones de caja de cambios a medida, en colaboración con BMW, para la variante automática de los modelos Plus Four y Plus Six respectivamente. Las calibraciones de la caja de cambios reciben más inteligencia y se integran más profundamente en el vehículo, adaptándose a la retroalimentación de los sistemas de control en todo momento.

En el modo de conducción “normal”, cuatro calibraciones adaptarán el cambio de marchas en función de la presión de los frenos y el ángulo de dirección. En los modos ‘Sport’ y ‘Sport+’, otras cuatro calibraciones, programadas para ser más dinámicas, adaptarán el cambio de marchas, también en función de la presión de los frenos y el ángulo de dirección.

La nueva detección de pendientes utiliza un acelerómetro y la demanda de par del conductor para seleccionar automáticamente una marcha más baja para pendientes pronunciadas. Además de ayudar a la capacidad de conducción y aumentar el rendimiento, las nuevas calibraciones también brindan un aumento en la eficiencia.

La adición de nuevos amortiguadores y casquillos de suspensión completa las mejoras dinámicas de los modelos Plus. La nueva clasificación de casquillos brindará un mayor refinamiento sobre las ondulaciones de la carretera de baja frecuencia, mientras que los nuevos amortiguadores mejoran el cumplimiento de la conducción, la velocidad progresiva y el rendimiento a alta velocidad.

La adición de bolsas de aire, instaladas como parte de la especificación estándar, refuerza el compromiso de la empresa de desarrollar y evolucionar continuamente sus productos. Situada detrás del nuevo salpicadero de aluminio y dentro del volante, la nueva incorporación representa un importante proyecto de ingeniería y supera los requisitos de homologación del vehículo.

“La introducción de nuevas características dinámicas en nuestros últimos modelos Plus refleja la filosofía de evolución continua de Morgan. Por encima de todo, los autos deportivos Morgan deben ser divertidos de conducir, brindando a los ocupantes una experiencia única y memorable. Nuestras últimas presentaciones celebran estas cualidades, al mismo tiempo que aumentan el nivel de seguridad y preparan nuestros modelos para el futuro frente a los requisitos legislativos en constante cambio”.

Matt Hole, director técnico, Morgan Motor Company

Audio de Sennheiser
Continuando con su filosofía de combinar métodos tradicionales de construcción de carrocerías con la última tecnología, Morgan se asocia con Sennheiser para ofrecer un sistema de audio revolucionario en sus nuevos modelos Plus. Con más de 75 años de experiencia en audio y música, la experiencia de Sennheiser no tiene paralelo.

Si bien las iteraciones anteriores del auto deportivo Morgan han ofrecido un sistema de audio, la experiencia de audio de la solución de Sennheiser es fiel a su reputación de primera, superando cualquier oferta anterior. El sistema de sonido ofrece un sonido envolvente con un escenario sonoro único que lleva la fidelidad del audio a su nivel más alto.

La afinación de Sennheiser crea la ilusión mágica de un escenario sonoro frente a los pasajeros, brindando una banda sonora de alta calidad para esos viajes inolvidables. Gracias al algoritmo AMBEO Contrabass, el sistema de audio ofrece una respuesta de graves única optimizada para definición, potencia y profundidad, manteniendo el sistema lo más eficiente y compacto posible.

El sistema incluye ocho transductores: cuatro altavoces convencionales en la puerta y el panel trasero, y cuatro altavoces invisibles, de los cuales tres están detrás del salpicadero y uno en el panel del compartimento inferior para la reproducción de graves. Los transductores están controlados por un nuevo amplificador con un DSP dedicado, alimentado por el software de procesamiento de audio de Sennheiser.

La integración se ha llevado a cabo de acuerdo con la filosofía clave de Morgan de introducir adecuadamente tecnología moderna en sus vehículos. El diseño de la cabina no se modifica y el uso de altavoces invisibles garantiza que el peso adicional se mantenga al mínimo, algo imprescindible para cualquier automóvil deportivo. Incluso en las exigentes condiciones de un vehículo deportivo descapotable, este sistema mantiene una calidad de sonido superior.

Las señales visuales llegan en forma de una sutil marca Sennheiser, visible en la rejilla del altavoz situada en cada puerta. El diseño de las rejillas de los altavoces se inspira en las icónicas lamas Morgan que están estampadas en cada capó de los modelos Plus. Cada rejilla de los altavoces tiene un acabado satinado pulido, a juego con otros embellecedores visibles dentro de la cabina del vehículo.

Veronique Larcher, directora de Sennheiser Mobility, dijo: “Ambas empresas colaboraron estrechamente para crear un producto único en su tipo sin comprometer la reproducción de sonido, el rendimiento, el diseño y la calidad. No podríamos haber celebrado mejor nuestro debut en la carretera que con una marca cuya búsqueda de la calidad y la excelencia en la artesanía está totalmente alineada con los valores de Sennheiser”.

Individualidad celebrada
Los automóviles Morgan celebran la individualidad y atraen a los propietarios para que encarguen su propio modelo Plus a medida, seleccionando entre una lista casi interminable de posibilidades. A cada cliente se le presenta la oportunidad de hacer realidad su sueño y crear un producto verdaderamente único, que refleje su propio estilo y gusto individual.

Para ayudar a los clientes potenciales en su viaje de puesta en marcha, el equipo de diseño de Morgan ha creado una serie de temas de especificaciones que ayudan a dar vida a cada modelo. Estas especificaciones reflejan los entornos que frecuentan los automóviles Morgan y celebran la naturaleza versátil del diseño de Morgan.

Los temas de especificación incluyen Nordic, Riviera, Britannia, Stateside, Alpine y Urban, y cada uno se puede seleccionar en el configurador en línea de Morgan en 2023.

Como homenaje al arraigo de la empresa en el automovilismo y al éxito en las pruebas, estarán disponibles 12 nuevos paquetes gráficos, que incluyen círculos, rayas en el capó y números tachados, para los modelos 2023. Agregando un método adicional de personalización, todos los gráficos están disponibles en vinilo blanco, negro y transparente. Los propietarios también tendrán la opción de seleccionar entre un distintivo de llamada de “piloto” y “copiloto” que se ubicará en el exterior del vehículo.

Las últimas presentaciones de Morgan se producirán a partir de enero de 2023, y se invitará a los clientes potenciales a comenzar su propia comisión Plus a medida a partir de hoy.

Acerca de Morgan Motor Company
Morgan Motor Company ha estado fabricando autos deportivos a mano desde 1909 y es uno de los carroceros más importantes del mundo. Al ser pionero en su combinación única de artesanía tradicional y tecnología moderna, cada Morgan está hecho a mano por encargo.

La casa histórica de Morgan está en Pickersleigh Road en Malvern Link, Worcestershire. Este es el único lugar del mundo donde se fabrican los coches Morgan. Cargados de historia, los sagrados edificios de ladrillo rojo albergan una de las instalaciones de producción de automóviles más singulares del mundo.

Los autos deportivos Morgan están hechos a mano utilizando tres elementos principales: fresno, aluminio y cuero. Cada automóvil es completamente único, construido con los más altos estándares por artesanos apasionados, cuyas habilidades se transmiten de generación en generación y se perfeccionan a lo largo de la vida, reuniendo herencia, innovación y tecnología de punta.


James Gilbert
Email: james.gilbert@morgan-motor.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0) 1684 580151
Web: https://media.morgan-motor.com

Morgan reimagines Plus Four and Plus Six, establishing new ‘Plus’ product pillar

  • Morgan is establishing its ‘Plus’ line of models, comprising Plus Four and Plus Six, which sit alongside ‘Super’ to form the two product pillars of the Morgan range
  • Plus Four and Plus Six will benefit from a host of visual and dynamic updates, introduced on all cars built from January 2023
  • Key design changes include a new interior, featuring an extensive list of curated fabrics, interior wood finishes, enhanced comfort and new marquetry options
  • Dynamic additions include Electronic Stability Control with new braking system, suspension dampers and bushes, reconfigured automatic gearbox calibrations and airbags
  • Morgan is partnering with leading audio brand, Sennheiser, to offer a revolutionary new lightweight sound system that delivers enveloping, high fidelity sound
  • The reimagining of Morgan’s core models represents a commitment to continual evolution, celebrating the company’s philosophy of combining traditional craftsmanship and timeless design, whilst introducing the latest technology in a relevant application

Malvern, 9 November
In line with its philosophy of continual evolution, Morgan Motor Company is reimagining its Plus Four and Plus Six models. The enhancements, which are being introduced as part of a formal recognition of a new ‘Plus’ line, will feature on all Plus Four and Plus Six models from January 2023.

The name ‘Plus’ signifies a mainstay of Morgan production, and sits alongside the newly introduced ‘Super’ pillar. The nameplate was first witnessed on the Plus 4, introduced in 1950. Plus represents more than 70 years of heritage, yet looks firmly to the future, embracing relevant new technology and reimagining the experience of a modern, handcrafted sports car for the 21st Century.

Coach-built on the company’s lightweight CX-Generation bonded aluminium platform, the design of Plus models is timeless and enduring. Plus Four, with its slightly narrower body and wire wheels, is more akin to the original vehicles in its aesthetic. Plus Six, which is wider with a more assertive appearance, presents a more contemporary aesthetic. Both vehicles will benefit from the new features, and their list of options and configurations will be closely aligned, ensuring a cohesive tailoring experience for customers.

“The new Morgan Plus line celebrates the essence of unconventional driving and ethical engineering. It unites timeless design and craftsmanship with the most exhilarating driving engagement. With Plus we want to honour those individuals who believe that motoring is not about status, but more about character, authenticity, and pleasure.”

Massimo Fumarola, Chief Executive Officer, Morgan Motor Company

Interior aesthetic
The enhancements to the company’s latest Plus models are headlined by significant changes to the interior, offering greater levels of refinement, further personalisation opportunities, and increased usability over earlier generations.

The introduction of a new range of marquetry veneers, which extend through the vehicle via its centre console, reinforce the company’s commitment to craftsmanship and bespoke tailoring, celebrating the natural materials, design, and form, synonymous with the Morgan marque.

‘Spokes In Flight’ and ‘Kinetic Diamond’ are abstract motifs for moving spokes, inspired by the spoked wheels that have featured on Morgan cars for decades. ‘Engineered’ – the third veneer option – features aluminium strips between wood, signifying the company’s use of the two core materials.

A new superformed aluminium dashboard and instrument panel can be specified in matte silver, matte black or matched to body colour, and a model designation can now be specified on the passenger side of the dashboard. The dashboard is home to new instruments which feature new face artwork. The instrument artwork is simplified and draws inspiration from premium timepieces, exuding a minimal and clutter-free aesthetic. In addition to the new instrument artwork, a new LCD information display screen has been incorporated into the dashboard design. Situated directly in front of the driver, the screen is larger than the previous screen, and has increased resolution. Updated screen graphics with enhanced animation, and the introduction of driving mode dependant backdrops, help to improve usability for drivers. The screen is subtle and displays strictly necessary information, continuing the company’s philosophy of appropriately introducing technology into its vehicles.

A solid wooden lower rail coordinates with the centre column and is situated beneath the aluminium dashboard. Configurable in a range of finishes and colours, each wooden section is meticulously hand crafted by Morgan’s skilled craftspeople. Beneath the wooden lower rail is a new glovebox, a feature introduced for the first time on a Plus model. The glovebox is trimmed in matching leather, and houses USB power sockets inside.

The steering wheel is now available with a satin polished centre section. When specified, this finish coordinates with other internal embellishers including the speaker grille, door handle, handbrake, and gear shift surrounds.

Two-tone fabric, which contrasts on the seats and door cards, offers a mix of textures and has been designed specifically for the latest Plus models. Black pebble grain leather and black fabric is specified as standard, with a further six colourways and leather grains optional.

Woven from worsted wool using fine marl yarns, the natural textile embraces a purity of composition. Each fabric is paired with a complimentary leather colourway, ensuring leather is used sparingly, celebrating it as a fine material.

Redefined door cards provide the base for a curated range of two-tone fabric options – introduced for the first time on a Morgan four-wheeled model – and Sennheiser branded speaker grilles (when specified with Sennheiser audio system).

A new ‘bolt-action’ door handle, situated on the lower section of the door, is the most notable change to the door interior. Created from lacquered stainless steel and high-quality saddle leather, it provides a material and aesthetic uplift, whilst introducing a lasting mechanical sensation for occupants exiting the vehicle.

Both the standard and Comfort Plus seat options benefit from myriad enhancements. The headrest on both seat variants has undergone a full redesign, and now displays a slimmer aesthetic featuring intricate stitch detailing. The Comfort Plus seat now features an adjustable thigh bolster and knurled metal recline adjustment lever. In another first for Morgan’s four-wheeled models, new Plus models now feature an optional integrated cup holder, which is detachable and fits into the base of the passenger seat.

“The Plus line in 2023 presents a marked evolution of the four-wheeled Morgan. As with any enduring design, it is crucial to strike a balance between moving forward whilst complementing established product qualities.  

“The design team is fortunate to work in proximity with mechanical and quality engineers, as well as the craftsmen at Pickersleigh road. Designers can deliver solutions that envelope a clear understanding of constraints and opportunities. Through this understanding, we have been able to introduce sizeable new technologies and features, whilst also enhancing the perceived quality of Morgan Plus cars.

“A holistic whole vehicle study has considered the more significant changes, through to multiple more nuanced design updates – the increased impression of quality will be evident.” 

Jonathan Wells, Chief Design Officer, Morgan Motor Company

Engaging vehicle dynamics
Above all else, a Morgan sports car should be lightweight, exciting to drive, and offer a unique connection between driver and machine. Morgan’s in-house engineering teams have worked with industry leading external partners to ensure the continual dynamic evolution of Plus models. Throughout this process, the key principles of the Morgan driving experience have remained paramount, alongside requirements for future technology, safety, and legislative requirements.

Dynamic enhancements to Plus models are headlined by the introduction of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and all-new braking system, developed alongside Continental and AP Racing. ESC will be introduced on all Plus Four and Plus Six models. Mode-dependent, the ESC has been tuned for each model and gearbox variant, and can be switched between levels of assistance depending on driving mode.

The AP Racing braking system is all-new and has been developed alongside the ESC programme to deliver high-performance braking.

Bespoke gearbox calibrations have been developed, in partnership with BMW, for the automatic variant of Plus Four and Plus Six models respectively. Gearbox calibrations receive further intelligence and are integrated deeper into the vehicle, adapting to feedback from control systems throughout.

In ‘normal’ driving mode, four calibrations will adapt gear shifting based on brake pressure and steering angle. In ‘Sport’ and ‘Sport+’ modes, a further four calibrations, programmed to be more dynamic, will adapt gear shifting, also based on brake pressure and steering angle.

New hill detection uses an accelerometer and driver torque demand to automatically select a lower gear for steep inclines. In addition to aiding drivability and increasing performance, the new calibrations also deliver an increase in efficiency.

The addition of new suspension dampers and bushes completes the dynamic enhancements to Plus models. The new bush rating will deliver further refinement over low-frequency road undulations, whilst the new dampers improve ride compliance, progressive rate, and high-speed performance.

The addition of airbags, fitted as part of the standard specification, reinforce the company’s commitment to continually developing and evolving its products. Situated behind the new aluminium dashboard and within the steering wheel, the new addition represents a significant engineering project and exceeds the homologation requirements for the vehicle.

“The introduction of new dynamic features to our latest Plus models reflects Morgan’s philosophy of continual evolution. Above all, Morgan sports cars should be fun to drive, providing occupants with a unique and memorable experience. Our latest introductions celebrate these qualities, whilst also increasing the level of safety, and future-proofing our models against everchanging legislative requirements.”

Matt Hole, Chief Technical Officer, Morgan Motor Company

Audio by Sennheiser
Continuing its philosophy of combining traditional coachbuilding methods with the latest technology, Morgan is partnering with Sennheiser to offer a revolutionary audio system in its new Plus models. With more than 75 years of experience in audio and music, Sennheiser’s expertise is unparalleled.

Whilst previous iterations of Morgan sports car have offered an audio system, the audio experience of the Sennheiser solution is true to its premium reputation, surpassing any offering that has come before it. The sound system delivers an enveloping sound with a unique soundstage that takes audio fidelity to its highest level.

Sennheiser’s tuning creates the magical illusion of a sound stage in front of the passengers, providing a high-quality soundtrack to those unforgettable drives. Thanks to the AMBEO Contrabass algorithm, the audio system delivers a unique bass response optimised for definition, punch, and depth while keeping the system as efficient and compact as possible.

The system includes eight transducers: four conventional speakers in the door and rear panel, and four invisible speakers, of which three are behind the dashboard and one in the lower compartment panel for bass reproduction. The transducers are controlled by a new amplifier with a dedicated DSP, powered by Sennheiser’s audio processing software.

The integration has been carried out in line with Morgan’s key philosophy of appropriately introducing modern technology into its vehicles. The cabin design is unaltered, and the use of invisible speakers ensures that additional weight is kept to a minimum, a must for any sports car. Even under the demanding conditions of an open-top sports vehicle, this system maintains premium sound quality.

Visual cues arrive in the form of subtle Sennheiser branding, visible on the speaker grille situated on each door. The design of the speaker grilles takes inspiration from the iconic Morgan louvres that are stamped into each bonnet of Plus models. Each speaker grille is finished in polished satin, coordinating with other embellishers visible within the cockpit of the vehicle.

Veronique Larcher, Head of Sennheiser Mobility, said: “Both companies collaborated closely to create a one-of-a-kind product with no compromise in sound reproduction, performance, design, and quality. We couldn’t have celebrated our road debut better than with a brand whose pursuit of quality and excellence in craftsmanship is so fully aligned with Sennheiser’s values.”

Individuality celebrated
Morgan cars celebrate individuality and entice owners to commission their own bespoke Plus model, selecting from an almost endless list of possibilities. Each customer is presented with the opportunity to bring their dream to reality and create a true one-off, reflecting their own individual style and taste.

To help prospective clients on their commissioning journey, Morgan’s design team has created a series of specification themes that help bring each model to life. These specifications reflect the environs that Morgan cars frequent, and celebrate the versatile nature of Morgan design.

Specification themes include Nordic, Riviera, Britannia, Stateside, Alpine and Urban, with each one being selectable on Morgan’s online configurator in 2023.

Paying homage to the company’s rooting in motorsport and trialling success, 12 new graphic packs – including roundels, bonnet stripes and strikethrough numbers – will be available for 2023 models. Adding a further method of personalisation, all graphics are available in white, black and clear vinyl. Owners will also have the option to select from a ‘pilot’ and ‘co-pilot’ call sign to be situated on the exterior of the vehicle.

Morgan’s latest introductions will be produced from January 2023, with prospective customers being invited to begin their own bespoke Plus commission from today.

About Morgan Motor Company
Morgan Motor Company has been handcrafting sports cars since 1909 and is one of the world’s pre-eminent coachbuilders. Pioneering its unique blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology, every Morgan is handmade to order.

The historic home of Morgan is at Pickersleigh Road in Malvern Link, Worcestershire. This is the only place in the world where Morgan cars are built. Steeped in history, the hallowed red brick buildings are home to one of the most unique automotive production facilities in the world.

Morgan sports cars are hand crafted using three core elements: ash, aluminium, and leather. Every car is entirely unique, built to the highest standards by passionate craftsmen and women, whose skills are handed down through generations and perfected over a lifetime, bringing together heritage, innovation, and cutting-edge technology.

Morgan’s model line-up comprises Super 3, Plus Four and Plus Six. Characterised by its analogue driving experience, whichever model you choose, every journey in a Morgan is an adventure.

For further information please contact:
James Gilbert
Email: james.gilbert@morgan-motor.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0) 1684 580151
Web: https://media.morgan-motor.com

Morgan reimagines Plus Four and Plus Six, establishing new ‘Plus’ product pillar

  • Morgan is establishing its ‘Plus’ line of models, comprising Plus Four and Plus Six, which sit alongside ‘Super’ to form the two product pillars of the Morgan range
  • Plus Four and Plus Six will benefit from a host of visual and dynamic updates, introduced on all cars built from January 2023
  • Key design changes include a new interior, featuring an extensive list of curated fabrics, interior wood finishes, enhanced comfort and new marquetry options
  • Dynamic additions include Electronic Stability Control with new braking system, suspension dampers and bushes, reconfigured automatic gearbox calibrations and airbags
  • Morgan is partnering with leading audio brand, Sennheiser, to offer a revolutionary new lightweight sound system that delivers enveloping, high fidelity sound
  • The reimagining of Morgan’s core models represents a commitment to continual evolution, celebrating the company’s philosophy of combining traditional craftsmanship and timeless design, whilst introducing the latest technology in a relevant application

Malvern, 9 November
In line with its philosophy of continual evolution, Morgan Motor Company is reimagining its Plus Four and Plus Six models. The enhancements, which are being introduced as part of a formal recognition of a new ‘Plus’ line, will feature on all Plus Four and Plus Six models from January 2023.

The name ‘Plus’ signifies a mainstay of Morgan production, and sits alongside the newly introduced ‘Super’ pillar. The nameplate was first witnessed on the Plus 4, introduced in 1950. Plus represents more than 70 years of heritage, yet looks firmly to the future, embracing relevant new technology and reimagining the experience of a modern, handcrafted sports car for the 21st Century.

Coach-built on the company’s lightweight CX-Generation bonded aluminium platform, the design of Plus models is timeless and enduring. Plus Four, with its slightly narrower body and wire wheels, is more akin to the original vehicles in its aesthetic. Plus Six, which is wider with a more assertive appearance, presents a more contemporary aesthetic. Both vehicles will benefit from the new features, and their list of options and configurations will be closely aligned, ensuring a cohesive tailoring experience for customers.

“The new Morgan Plus line celebrates the essence of unconventional driving and ethical engineering. It unites timeless design and craftsmanship with the most exhilarating driving engagement. With Plus we want to honour those individuals who believe that motoring is not about status, but more about character, authenticity, and pleasure.”

Massimo Fumarola, Chief Executive Officer, Morgan Motor Company

Interior aesthetic
The enhancements to the company’s latest Plus models are headlined by significant changes to the interior, offering greater levels of refinement, further personalisation opportunities, and increased usability over earlier generations.

The introduction of a new range of marquetry veneers, which extend through the vehicle via its centre console, reinforce the company’s commitment to craftsmanship and bespoke tailoring, celebrating the natural materials, design, and form, synonymous with the Morgan marque.

‘Spokes In Flight’ and ‘Kinetic Diamond’ are abstract motifs for moving spokes, inspired by the spoked wheels that have featured on Morgan cars for decades. ‘Engineered’ – the third veneer option – features aluminium strips between wood, signifying the company’s use of the two core materials.

A new superformed aluminium dashboard and instrument panel can be specified in matte silver, matte black or matched to body colour, and a model designation can now be specified on the passenger side of the dashboard. The dashboard is home to new instruments which feature new face artwork. The instrument artwork is simplified and draws inspiration from premium timepieces, exuding a minimal and clutter-free aesthetic. In addition to the new instrument artwork, a new LCD information display screen has been incorporated into the dashboard design. Situated directly in front of the driver, the screen is larger than the previous screen, and has increased resolution. Updated screen graphics with enhanced animation, and the introduction of driving mode dependant backdrops, help to improve usability for drivers. The screen is subtle and displays strictly necessary information, continuing the company’s philosophy of appropriately introducing technology into its vehicles.

A solid wooden lower rail coordinates with the centre column and is situated beneath the aluminium dashboard. Configurable in a range of finishes and colours, each wooden section is meticulously hand crafted by Morgan’s skilled craftspeople. Beneath the wooden lower rail is a new glovebox, a feature introduced for the first time on a Plus model. The glovebox is trimmed in matching leather, and houses USB power sockets inside.

The steering wheel is now available with a satin polished centre section. When specified, this finish coordinates with other internal embellishers including the speaker grille, door handle, handbrake, and gear shift surrounds.

Two-tone fabric, which contrasts on the seats and door cards, offers a mix of textures and has been designed specifically for the latest Plus models. Black pebble grain leather and black fabric is specified as standard, with a further six colourways and leather grains optional.

Woven from worsted wool using fine marl yarns, the natural textile embraces a purity of composition. Each fabric is paired with a complimentary leather colourway, ensuring leather is used sparingly, celebrating it as a fine material.

Redefined door cards provide the base for a curated range of two-tone fabric options – introduced for the first time on a Morgan four-wheeled model – and Sennheiser branded speaker grilles (when specified with Sennheiser audio system).

A new ‘bolt-action’ door handle, situated on the lower section of the door, is the most notable change to the door interior. Created from lacquered stainless steel and high-quality saddle leather, it provides a material and aesthetic uplift, whilst introducing a lasting mechanical sensation for occupants exiting the vehicle.

Both the standard and Comfort Plus seat options benefit from myriad enhancements. The headrest on both seat variants has undergone a full redesign, and now displays a slimmer aesthetic featuring intricate stitch detailing. The Comfort Plus seat now features an adjustable thigh bolster and knurled metal recline adjustment lever. In another first for Morgan’s four-wheeled models, new Plus models now feature an optional integrated cup holder, which is detachable and fits into the base of the passenger seat.

“The Plus line in 2023 presents a marked evolution of the four-wheeled Morgan. As with any enduring design, it is crucial to strike a balance between moving forward whilst complementing established product qualities.  

“The design team is fortunate to work in proximity with mechanical and quality engineers, as well as the craftsmen at Pickersleigh road. Designers can deliver solutions that envelope a clear understanding of constraints and opportunities. Through this understanding, we have been able to introduce sizeable new technologies and features, whilst also enhancing the perceived quality of Morgan Plus cars.

“A holistic whole vehicle study has considered the more significant changes, through to multiple more nuanced design updates – the increased impression of quality will be evident.” 

Jonathan Wells, Chief Design Officer, Morgan Motor Company

Engaging vehicle dynamics
Above all else, a Morgan sports car should be lightweight, exciting to drive, and offer a unique connection between driver and machine. Morgan’s in-house engineering teams have worked with industry leading external partners to ensure the continual dynamic evolution of Plus models. Throughout this process, the key principles of the Morgan driving experience have remained paramount, alongside requirements for future technology, safety, and legislative requirements.

Dynamic enhancements to Plus models are headlined by the introduction of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and all-new braking system, developed alongside Continental and AP Racing. ESC will be introduced on all Plus Four and Plus Six models. Mode-dependent, the ESC has been tuned for each model and gearbox variant, and can be switched between levels of assistance depending on driving mode.

The AP Racing braking system is all-new and has been developed alongside the ESC programme to deliver high-performance braking.

Bespoke gearbox calibrations have been developed, in partnership with BMW, for the automatic variant of Plus Four and Plus Six models respectively. Gearbox calibrations receive further intelligence and are integrated deeper into the vehicle, adapting to feedback from control systems throughout.

In ‘normal’ driving mode, four calibrations will adapt gear shifting based on brake pressure and steering angle. In ‘Sport’ and ‘Sport+’ modes, a further four calibrations, programmed to be more dynamic, will adapt gear shifting, also based on brake pressure and steering angle.

New hill detection uses an accelerometer and driver torque demand to automatically select a lower gear for steep inclines. In addition to aiding drivability and increasing performance, the new calibrations also deliver an increase in efficiency.

The addition of new suspension dampers and bushes completes the dynamic enhancements to Plus models. The new bush rating will deliver further refinement over low-frequency road undulations, whilst the new dampers improve ride compliance, progressive rate, and high-speed performance.

The addition of airbags, fitted as part of the standard specification, reinforce the company’s commitment to continually developing and evolving its products. Situated behind the new aluminium dashboard and within the steering wheel, the new addition represents a significant engineering project and exceeds the homologation requirements for the vehicle.

“The introduction of new dynamic features to our latest Plus models reflects Morgan’s philosophy of continual evolution. Above all, Morgan sports cars should be fun to drive, providing occupants with a unique and memorable experience. Our latest introductions celebrate these qualities, whilst also increasing the level of safety, and future-proofing our models against everchanging legislative requirements.”

Matt Hole, Chief Technical Officer, Morgan Motor Company

Audio by Sennheiser
Continuing its philosophy of combining traditional coachbuilding methods with the latest technology, Morgan is partnering with Sennheiser to offer a revolutionary audio system in its new Plus models. With more than 75 years of experience in audio and music, Sennheiser’s expertise is unparalleled.

Whilst previous iterations of Morgan sports car have offered an audio system, the audio experience of the Sennheiser solution is true to its premium reputation, surpassing any offering that has come before it. The sound system delivers an enveloping sound with a unique soundstage that takes audio fidelity to its highest level.

Sennheiser’s tuning creates the magical illusion of a sound stage in front of the passengers, providing a high-quality soundtrack to those unforgettable drives. Thanks to the AMBEO Contrabass algorithm, the audio system delivers a unique bass response optimised for definition, punch, and depth while keeping the system as efficient and compact as possible.

The system includes eight transducers: four conventional speakers in the door and rear panel, and four invisible speakers, of which three are behind the dashboard and one in the lower compartment panel for bass reproduction. The transducers are controlled by a new amplifier with a dedicated DSP, powered by Sennheiser’s audio processing software.

The integration has been carried out in line with Morgan’s key philosophy of appropriately introducing modern technology into its vehicles. The cabin design is unaltered, and the use of invisible speakers ensures that additional weight is kept to a minimum, a must for any sports car. Even under the demanding conditions of an open-top sports vehicle, this system maintains premium sound quality.

Visual cues arrive in the form of subtle Sennheiser branding, visible on the speaker grille situated on each door. The design of the speaker grilles takes inspiration from the iconic Morgan louvres that are stamped into each bonnet of Plus models. Each speaker grille is finished in polished satin, coordinating with other embellishers visible within the cockpit of the vehicle.

Veronique Larcher, Head of Sennheiser Mobility, said: “Both companies collaborated closely to create a one-of-a-kind product with no compromise in sound reproduction, performance, design, and quality. We couldn’t have celebrated our road debut better than with a brand whose pursuit of quality and excellence in craftsmanship is so fully aligned with Sennheiser’s values.”

Individuality celebrated
Morgan cars celebrate individuality and entice owners to commission their own bespoke Plus model, selecting from an almost endless list of possibilities. Each customer is presented with the opportunity to bring their dream to reality and create a true one-off, reflecting their own individual style and taste.

To help prospective clients on their commissioning journey, Morgan’s design team has created a series of specification themes that help bring each model to life. These specifications reflect the environs that Morgan cars frequent, and celebrate the versatile nature of Morgan design.

Specification themes include Nordic, Riviera, Britannia, Stateside, Alpine and Urban, with each one being selectable on Morgan’s online configurator in 2023.

Paying homage to the company’s rooting in motorsport and trialling success, 12 new graphic packs – including roundels, bonnet stripes and strikethrough numbers – will be available for 2023 models. Adding a further method of personalisation, all graphics are available in white, black and clear vinyl. Owners will also have the option to select from a ‘pilot’ and ‘co-pilot’ call sign to be situated on the exterior of the vehicle.

Morgan’s latest introductions will be produced from January 2023, with prospective customers being invited to begin their own bespoke Plus commission from today.

About Morgan Motor Company
Morgan Motor Company has been handcrafting sports cars since 1909 and is one of the world’s pre-eminent coachbuilders. Pioneering its unique blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology, every Morgan is handmade to order.

The historic home of Morgan is at Pickersleigh Road in Malvern Link, Worcestershire. This is the only place in the world where Morgan cars are built. Steeped in history, the hallowed red brick buildings are home to one of the most unique automotive production facilities in the world.

Morgan sports cars are hand crafted using three core elements: ash, aluminium, and leather. Every car is entirely unique, built to the highest standards by passionate craftsmen and women, whose skills are handed down through generations and perfected over a lifetime, bringing together heritage, innovation, and cutting-edge technology.

Morgan’s model line-up comprises Super 3, Plus Four and Plus Six. Characterised by its analogue driving experience, whichever model you choose, every journey in a Morgan is an adventure.

For further information please contact:
James Gilbert
Email: james.gilbert@morgan-motor.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0) 1684 580151
Web: https://media.morgan-motor.com


  • Rolls-Royce debuts Spectre, the marque’s first fully-electric motor car
  • Spectre is a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed
  • Spectre “demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification”
  • Spectre heralds the beginning of all-electric era for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
  • Built on the Rolls-Royce all-aluminium Architecture of Luxury
  • Spectre uses new SPIRIT software architecture with full Whispers integration
  • World’s first Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé is spiritual successor to Phantom Coupé
  • First customer cars to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023

“Spectre possesses all the qualities that have secured the Rolls-Royce legend. This incredible motor car, conceived from the very beginning as our first fully-electric model, is silent, powerful and demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification. Spectre’s all-electric powertrain will assure the marque’s sustained success and relevance while dramatically increasing the definition of each characteristic that makes a Rolls-Royce a Rolls-Royce.

“At Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, perfection is about more than making the very best products. It is a culture, an attitude and our guiding philosophy. Indeed, it is our founding father Sir Henry Royce who said, ‘strive for perfection in everything you do’. Spectre has been conceived within this culture. It is perfectly in tune with the sensibilities of our time. It states the direction for the future of our marque and perfectly answers a call from the most discerning individuals in the world to elevate the electric motor car experience, because Spectre is a Rolls-Royce first and an electric car second.

“This is the start of a bold new chapter for our marque, our extraordinary clients and the luxury industry. For this reason, I believe Spectre is the most perfect product that Rolls-Royce has ever produced.”

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”
The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, Co-Founder, Rolls-Royce, 1900


In 1900, Rolls-Royce co-founder, Charles Rolls, prophesised an electric future for the motor car. Having acquired an electric vehicle named The Columbia Electric Carriage, he foresaw its suitability as a clean, noiseless alternative to the internal combustion engine – providing there was sufficient infrastructure to support it. Today, more than 120 years later, the time has come for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to fulfil the prophecy of its founding father.

This prophecy could not have been fulfilled without a more recent promise, when Rolls-Royce CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, made a public commitment to electrification by announcing that he would bring a fully-electric Rolls-Royce to market within the current decade. Charles Rolls’ prophecy and Torsten Müller-Ötvös’ promise led to an historic moment. In September 2021, the marque confirmed that it had commenced testing of Spectre, the first Rolls-Royce to be conceived and engineered from the very beginning as an electric car.

To ensure that this transformative motor car was sufficiently prepared for the most demanding consumer in the world – the Rolls-Royce client – the marque devised the most exhaustive testing programme it had ever conceived. Spectre is being subjected to a journey of more than 2.5 million kilometres, simulating more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce. On its completion in 2023, Spectre will represent a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed.

Spectre is not only an historic moment for Rolls-Royce, but also an historic moment for electrification – with Spectre, the marque confirms that the technology has reached a standard that can contain the Rolls-Royce experience. To that end, Rolls-Royce has confirmed that by the end of 2030 its entire product portfolio will be fully-electric.


Spectre is more than a motor car. It is a statement of intent and a symbol of a bright, bold future as Rolls-Royce progresses into an all-electric era. This commitment to an all-electric powertrain will only enhance the Rolls-Royce experience – instant torque, silent running and the sense of one imperceptible gear have defined the characteristics of an extraordinary canon of products dating back to the very first Rolls-Royce, the 1904 10 H.P.

With Spectre, Rolls-Royce has harnessed a revolutionary ‘Decentralised Intelligence’ system that allows for the free and direct exchange of information between more than 1,000 vehicle functions, further elevating the marque’s celebrated quality of ride. Its designers have captured a contemporary yet timeless aesthetic that significantly progresses the brand’s iconography as it embarks on its electric age. Its craftspeople have created a suite of contemporary prêt-à-porter personalisation possibilities, including Starlight Doors and Illuminated Fascia, inspiring clients to realise their own Bespoke visions.


In unveiling Spectre, Rolls-Royce sets a new precedent in the creation of an entirely original class of motor car: the Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé. This designation refers to Spectre’s indulgent proportions, specified in response to a commitment that there is no greater luxury than that of space.

The marque’s designers are deeply rooted in the context occupied by their motor cars. Therefore, their inspiration is drawn from worlds far beyond automotive, including haute couture, modernist sculpture, nautical design, tailoring and contemporary art. In conceiving the principal sketches for Spectre, the marque’s creatives were drawn to modern yacht concepts, specifically the clarity and precision of line, intelligent use of reflection and application of taper to emotionalise silhouettes.

From the front, Spectre’s split headlight treatment is intersected by the widest grille ever bestowed on a Rolls-Royce. The vanes of the Pantheon grille are now smoother in section and a flusher fit, designed to help guide the air around the motor car’s front.

The relaxed angle and polished stainless steel finish of the grille does much to enhance Spectre’s presence using environmental reflection. Along with an aero-tuned Spirit of Ecstasy figurine – itself the product of 830 combined hours of design modelling and wind tunnel testing – the grille enhances the motor car’s unprecedented drag coefficient, which at just 0.25cd makes Spectre Rolls-Royce’s most aerodynamic motor car, ever.

This intelligent treatment has been married to the iconography of Spectre’s spiritual predecessor, the Phantom Coupé. Spectre clearly acknowledges its forebear with its generous proportions and split headlight treatment – a contemporary Rolls-Royce design tenet. Spectre’s sharp daylight running lights emphasise the motor car’s imperious two-metre width and are offset with lower lamp clusters that appear darkened, at first glance, but hide jewellery box-like darkened chromium housings for the headlights. To affirm Spectre’s expression after dark, the grille is softly illuminated, with 22 LEDs lighting up the sandblasted rear side of each of the vanes, their gentle glow reflected in the polished front surfaces for a subtle and three-dimensional night signature.

In profile, the sharp, vertical bow line at the front of Spectre draws the eye rearward to its monolithic flanks. The lower line – known as the ‘waft line’ – borrows directly from yacht design. Instead of exaggerating movement with busy detailing or appliqués, Spectre’s coachwork gently tucks into the sill, lightening the surfacing and creating an uncomplicated sense of motion by reflecting the road passing beneath it, much as the hull of a racing yacht reflects the ocean as it cuts through water. This ‘waft line’ is the visual representation of the ‘magic carpet ride’ and its upwards sweep toward the front is inspired by the gently lifting bow of an accelerating power boat.

The silhouette’s most dramatic feature is Spectre’s fastback, which recalls the most evocative motor cars and watercraft in history. The seamlessness of the greenhouse surfacing significantly contributes to achieving the lowest drag coefficient ever for a Rolls-Royce. Following the roofline back, the tail lamps are set into the largest single body panel ever produced for a Rolls-Royce, which extends from the A-pillar to the luggage compartment. The jewel-like vertical tail lamps themselves are colourless for neutrality, in anticipation of the myriad of colourways selected by clients during the commissioning process. Their precision and reduced dimension complement the generous flow of the bodywork from the muscular shoulders backwards into the tail section with its characteristic tapering plan view.

The proportional demands of Spectre’s scale required Rolls-Royce to embolden its wheel strategy. Spectre is the first production two-door coupé to be equipped with 23-inch wheels in almost one hundred years.

Inside, Spectre is provisioned with the most technologically advanced Bespoke features yet, drawing inspiration from the timeless mystique of the night’s sky. For the first time on a series production Rolls-Royce, Spectre is available with Starlight Doors, which incorporate 4,796 softly illuminated ‘stars’. The coach doors can also be commissioned with a backdrop of wood Canadel Panelling, which takes its name from the cove in the South of France where Sir Henry Royce and his design team spent their winters.

The ethereal night-time theme continues with Spectre’s Illuminated Fascia. Developed over the course of two years and more than 10,000 collective hours, it incorporates the Spectre nameplate surrounded by a cluster of over 5,500 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the illuminations are completely invisible when the motor car is not in operation.

Alongside the extraordinary, illuminated surfaces, Spectre is equipped with a completely redesigned digital architecture of luxury named SPIRIT, presented in quintessential Rolls-Royce style. Not only will SPIRIT manage the motor car’s functions, but it is seamlessly integrated into the marque’s Whispers application, allowing clients to interact with their car remotely, and receive live information curated by the marque’s luxury intelligence specialists.

For the first time ever, clients are now able to extend their Bespoke commission beyond the physical world and into the digital architecture that underpins SPIRIT. Inspired by the marque’s clients’ love of bespoke timepieces, the colour of the dials can now complement the interior hue of the motor car.

As with all Rolls-Royce motor cars, Spectre’s interior suite offers clients near-infinite Bespoke possibilities. The all-new front seat design has been inspired by British tailoring, with lapel sections that can be rendered in contrasting or matching colours to the main base. Bespoke stitching, embroidery and intricate piping has, as ever, been considered in their inception.


2003 saw the first Goodwood-era Phantom, built upon its own Bespoke architecture. This renaissance of the brand was Rolls-Royce 1.0. Following this, the ‘Architecture of Luxury’ was conceived – a new, highly flexible all-aluminium spaceframe architecture, and visionary feat of engineering, that could be tailored for electric drive, as well as today’s Phantom, Cullinan and Ghost models, and Coachbuild projects. This expansion of the marque’s offering was Rolls-Royce 2.0. The ability to tailor the Architecture of Luxury for electric drive was a fundamental consideration when it was first conceived. However, it is only now that electric drive technology is advanced enough to fulfil the Rolls-Royce experience. The introduction of a fully-electric powertrain and Decentralised Intelligence into the marque’s portfolio represents Rolls-Royce 3.0 and the beginning of the bold new all-electric era.

By ensuring from the outset that the Architecture of Luxury could be tailored to the requirements of an all-electric Rolls-Royce, the marque’s engineers ensured the continuity of experience from its current portfolio, each evolution of which has done much to secure the brand’s ongoing global success. Indeed, the inherent flexibility of the architecture and ease of integration of an electric powertrain has freed engineers, designers and craftspeople to focus on the quality of experience, authenticity of design and innovation in Bespoke.

For Spectre, Rolls-Royce engineers have unlocked further benefits. The sophisticated extruded aluminium sections and integration of the battery into the structure of the motor car enable it to be 30% stiffer than any previous Rolls-Royce. The flexibility of the architecture has also allowed engineers to place the floor halfway between the sill structures rather than on top or underneath them. A channel has been created for wiring and climate control pipework between the battery and the floor, with the battery mounted underneath, providing a perfectly smooth underfloor profile. This not only creates a low seating position and enveloping cabin but realises a secondary function for the battery – almost 700kg of sound deadening.


For Spectre, Rolls-Royce’s engineers have seen much of their discipline pivot from the workshop to the digital space. Spectre is the most connected Rolls-Royce in history, and in harnessing the power of the motor car’s remarkable Decentralised Intelligence processing capabilities there is more requirement than ever for expert human experience.

To ensure the continuity of the Rolls-Royce experience, as well as its progression, the marque selected the most experienced test and development engineers to lead the project, some of whom have been with the marque for more than two decades and were responsible for creating the first ‘Goodwood-era’ Phantom. These engineers describe the experience offered by Spectre as akin to “Rolls-Royce in high definition” on account of the speed and accuracy of the motor car’s response to a worldwide spread of road and weather conditions.

For this to be realised, a dedicated control has been handmade for each of the 141,200 sender-receiver variables, and in nearly all cases engineers have designed several more sub-variables for variations in climate, ground speed, road type, vehicle status and driving style. These have been crafted over the course of Spectre’s 2.5 million kilometre testing programme both on advanced proving grounds and on real roads around the world.


In testing Spectre, the process includes extreme driving conditions – development of the motor car began just 55km from the arctic circle in Arjeplog, Sweden, at temperatures as low as -40 degrees centigrade, and it will continue across Southern Africa, in temperatures of up to 55 degrees centigrade. Yet, 55% of testing is taking place on the very roads that many production Spectres will be driven on. Of particular significance was the French Riviera. It was on the Côte d’Azur that Spectre’s digitally integrated evolution of the renowned Planar suspension system was finalised.

Planar suspension is an orchestra of systems with precisely defined responses to driver inputs and road conditions, made possible by the latest software and hardware developments, delivering Rolls-Royce’s hallmark ‘magic carpet ride’.

Using a suite of new hardware components and leveraging Spectre’s high-speed processing capabilities, the Planar system can decouple the car’s anti-roll bars allowing each wheel to act independently, preventing the rocking motion that occurs when one side of a vehicle hits an undulation in the road. This also reduces high-frequency ride imperfections caused by shortcomings in road surface quality.

Once a corner is identified as imminent, the Planar system recouples the components and stiffens the dampers, the four-wheel steering system is then prepared for activation to ensure effortless entry and exit. Under cornering, 18 sensors are monitored, and steering, braking, power delivery and suspension parameters are adjusted so that Spectre remains stable. The result is effortless control.


The final power, acceleration and range figures are still being refined, as the extraordinary undertaking of finessing Spectre enters its final phase before concluding in the second quarter of 2023. Preliminary data shows that Spectre is expected to have an all-electric range of 320 miles/520 kilometres WLTP and offer 900Nm of torque from its 430kW powertrain. It is anticipated to achieve 0-60mph in 4.4 seconds (0-100km/h in 4.5 seconds).

With many months of testing and optimisation of Spectre still ahead, these figures are subject to change ahead of official confirmation prior to market launch in Q4 2023.

Number of doors / seats         2 doors / 4 seats

Vehicle length                         5453 mm / 214.685 in

Vehicle width                           2080 mm / 81.889 in

Vehicle height (unladen)          1559 mm / 61.377 in

Wheelbase                              3210 mm / 126.378 in

Turning circle                           12.7 m

Kerb weight                             2975 kg



Spectre is available for commission immediately, with first client deliveries commencing in Q4 2023. Spectre pricing will be positioned between Cullinan and Phantom.


WLTP: Power consumption: 2.9 mi/kWh. / 21.5 kWh/100km*. Electric range: 323 miles / 520 kilometres*. Co2 emissions 0 g/km.

*Preliminary data not yet confirmed, subject to change.


  • Rolls-Royce debuts Spectre, the marque’s first fully-electric motor car
  • Spectre is a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed
  • Spectre “demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification”
  • Spectre heralds the beginning of all-electric era for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
  • Built on the Rolls-Royce all-aluminium Architecture of Luxury
  • Spectre uses new SPIRIT software architecture with full Whispers integration
  • World’s first Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé is spiritual successor to Phantom Coupé
  • First customer cars to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023

“Spectre possesses all the qualities that have secured the Rolls-Royce legend. This incredible motor car, conceived from the very beginning as our first fully-electric model, is silent, powerful and demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification. Spectre’s all-electric powertrain will assure the marque’s sustained success and relevance while dramatically increasing the definition of each characteristic that makes a Rolls-Royce a Rolls-Royce.

“At Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, perfection is about more than making the very best products. It is a culture, an attitude and our guiding philosophy. Indeed, it is our founding father Sir Henry Royce who said, ‘strive for perfection in everything you do’. Spectre has been conceived within this culture. It is perfectly in tune with the sensibilities of our time. It states the direction for the future of our marque and perfectly answers a call from the most discerning individuals in the world to elevate the electric motor car experience, because Spectre is a Rolls-Royce first and an electric car second.

“This is the start of a bold new chapter for our marque, our extraordinary clients and the luxury industry. For this reason, I believe Spectre is the most perfect product that Rolls-Royce has ever produced.”

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”
The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, Co-Founder, Rolls-Royce, 1900


In 1900, Rolls-Royce co-founder, Charles Rolls, prophesised an electric future for the motor car. Having acquired an electric vehicle named The Columbia Electric Carriage, he foresaw its suitability as a clean, noiseless alternative to the internal combustion engine – providing there was sufficient infrastructure to support it. Today, more than 120 years later, the time has come for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to fulfil the prophecy of its founding father.

This prophecy could not have been fulfilled without a more recent promise, when Rolls-Royce CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, made a public commitment to electrification by announcing that he would bring a fully-electric Rolls-Royce to market within the current decade. Charles Rolls’ prophecy and Torsten Müller-Ötvös’ promise led to an historic moment. In September 2021, the marque confirmed that it had commenced testing of Spectre, the first Rolls-Royce to be conceived and engineered from the very beginning as an electric car.

To ensure that this transformative motor car was sufficiently prepared for the most demanding consumer in the world – the Rolls-Royce client – the marque devised the most exhaustive testing programme it had ever conceived. Spectre is being subjected to a journey of more than 2.5 million kilometres, simulating more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce. On its completion in 2023, Spectre will represent a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed.

Spectre is not only an historic moment for Rolls-Royce, but also an historic moment for electrification – with Spectre, the marque confirms that the technology has reached a standard that can contain the Rolls-Royce experience. To that end, Rolls-Royce has confirmed that by the end of 2030 its entire product portfolio will be fully-electric.


Spectre is more than a motor car. It is a statement of intent and a symbol of a bright, bold future as Rolls-Royce progresses into an all-electric era. This commitment to an all-electric powertrain will only enhance the Rolls-Royce experience – instant torque, silent running and the sense of one imperceptible gear have defined the characteristics of an extraordinary canon of products dating back to the very first Rolls-Royce, the 1904 10 H.P.

With Spectre, Rolls-Royce has harnessed a revolutionary ‘Decentralised Intelligence’ system that allows for the free and direct exchange of information between more than 1,000 vehicle functions, further elevating the marque’s celebrated quality of ride. Its designers have captured a contemporary yet timeless aesthetic that significantly progresses the brand’s iconography as it embarks on its electric age. Its craftspeople have created a suite of contemporary prêt-à-porter personalisation possibilities, including Starlight Doors and Illuminated Fascia, inspiring clients to realise their own Bespoke visions.


In unveiling Spectre, Rolls-Royce sets a new precedent in the creation of an entirely original class of motor car: the Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé. This designation refers to Spectre’s indulgent proportions, specified in response to a commitment that there is no greater luxury than that of space.

The marque’s designers are deeply rooted in the context occupied by their motor cars. Therefore, their inspiration is drawn from worlds far beyond automotive, including haute couture, modernist sculpture, nautical design, tailoring and contemporary art. In conceiving the principal sketches for Spectre, the marque’s creatives were drawn to modern yacht concepts, specifically the clarity and precision of line, intelligent use of reflection and application of taper to emotionalise silhouettes.

From the front, Spectre’s split headlight treatment is intersected by the widest grille ever bestowed on a Rolls-Royce. The vanes of the Pantheon grille are now smoother in section and a flusher fit, designed to help guide the air around the motor car’s front.

The relaxed angle and polished stainless steel finish of the grille does much to enhance Spectre’s presence using environmental reflection. Along with an aero-tuned Spirit of Ecstasy figurine – itself the product of 830 combined hours of design modelling and wind tunnel testing – the grille enhances the motor car’s unprecedented drag coefficient, which at just 0.25cd makes Spectre Rolls-Royce’s most aerodynamic motor car, ever.

This intelligent treatment has been married to the iconography of Spectre’s spiritual predecessor, the Phantom Coupé. Spectre clearly acknowledges its forebear with its generous proportions and split headlight treatment – a contemporary Rolls-Royce design tenet. Spectre’s sharp daylight running lights emphasise the motor car’s imperious two-metre width and are offset with lower lamp clusters that appear darkened, at first glance, but hide jewellery box-like darkened chromium housings for the headlights. To affirm Spectre’s expression after dark, the grille is softly illuminated, with 22 LEDs lighting up the sandblasted rear side of each of the vanes, their gentle glow reflected in the polished front surfaces for a subtle and three-dimensional night signature.

In profile, the sharp, vertical bow line at the front of Spectre draws the eye rearward to its monolithic flanks. The lower line – known as the ‘waft line’ – borrows directly from yacht design. Instead of exaggerating movement with busy detailing or appliqués, Spectre’s coachwork gently tucks into the sill, lightening the surfacing and creating an uncomplicated sense of motion by reflecting the road passing beneath it, much as the hull of a racing yacht reflects the ocean as it cuts through water. This ‘waft line’ is the visual representation of the ‘magic carpet ride’ and its upwards sweep toward the front is inspired by the gently lifting bow of an accelerating power boat.

The silhouette’s most dramatic feature is Spectre’s fastback, which recalls the most evocative motor cars and watercraft in history. The seamlessness of the greenhouse surfacing significantly contributes to achieving the lowest drag coefficient ever for a Rolls-Royce. Following the roofline back, the tail lamps are set into the largest single body panel ever produced for a Rolls-Royce, which extends from the A-pillar to the luggage compartment. The jewel-like vertical tail lamps themselves are colourless for neutrality, in anticipation of the myriad of colourways selected by clients during the commissioning process. Their precision and reduced dimension complement the generous flow of the bodywork from the muscular shoulders backwards into the tail section with its characteristic tapering plan view.

The proportional demands of Spectre’s scale required Rolls-Royce to embolden its wheel strategy. Spectre is the first production two-door coupé to be equipped with 23-inch wheels in almost one hundred years.

Inside, Spectre is provisioned with the most technologically advanced Bespoke features yet, drawing inspiration from the timeless mystique of the night’s sky. For the first time on a series production Rolls-Royce, Spectre is available with Starlight Doors, which incorporate 4,796 softly illuminated ‘stars’. The coach doors can also be commissioned with a backdrop of wood Canadel Panelling, which takes its name from the cove in the South of France where Sir Henry Royce and his design team spent their winters.

The ethereal night-time theme continues with Spectre’s Illuminated Fascia. Developed over the course of two years and more than 10,000 collective hours, it incorporates the Spectre nameplate surrounded by a cluster of over 5,500 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the illuminations are completely invisible when the motor car is not in operation.

Alongside the extraordinary, illuminated surfaces, Spectre is equipped with a completely redesigned digital architecture of luxury named SPIRIT, presented in quintessential Rolls-Royce style. Not only will SPIRIT manage the motor car’s functions, but it is seamlessly integrated into the marque’s Whispers application, allowing clients to interact with their car remotely, and receive live information curated by the marque’s luxury intelligence specialists.

For the first time ever, clients are now able to extend their Bespoke commission beyond the physical world and into the digital architecture that underpins SPIRIT. Inspired by the marque’s clients’ love of bespoke timepieces, the colour of the dials can now complement the interior hue of the motor car.

As with all Rolls-Royce motor cars, Spectre’s interior suite offers clients near-infinite Bespoke possibilities. The all-new front seat design has been inspired by British tailoring, with lapel sections that can be rendered in contrasting or matching colours to the main base. Bespoke stitching, embroidery and intricate piping has, as ever, been considered in their inception.


2003 saw the first Goodwood-era Phantom, built upon its own Bespoke architecture. This renaissance of the brand was Rolls-Royce 1.0. Following this, the ‘Architecture of Luxury’ was conceived – a new, highly flexible all-aluminium spaceframe architecture, and visionary feat of engineering, that could be tailored for electric drive, as well as today’s Phantom, Cullinan and Ghost models, and Coachbuild projects. This expansion of the marque’s offering was Rolls-Royce 2.0. The ability to tailor the Architecture of Luxury for electric drive was a fundamental consideration when it was first conceived. However, it is only now that electric drive technology is advanced enough to fulfil the Rolls-Royce experience. The introduction of a fully-electric powertrain and Decentralised Intelligence into the marque’s portfolio represents Rolls-Royce 3.0 and the beginning of the bold new all-electric era.

By ensuring from the outset that the Architecture of Luxury could be tailored to the requirements of an all-electric Rolls-Royce, the marque’s engineers ensured the continuity of experience from its current portfolio, each evolution of which has done much to secure the brand’s ongoing global success. Indeed, the inherent flexibility of the architecture and ease of integration of an electric powertrain has freed engineers, designers and craftspeople to focus on the quality of experience, authenticity of design and innovation in Bespoke.

For Spectre, Rolls-Royce engineers have unlocked further benefits. The sophisticated extruded aluminium sections and integration of the battery into the structure of the motor car enable it to be 30% stiffer than any previous Rolls-Royce. The flexibility of the architecture has also allowed engineers to place the floor halfway between the sill structures rather than on top or underneath them. A channel has been created for wiring and climate control pipework between the battery and the floor, with the battery mounted underneath, providing a perfectly smooth underfloor profile. This not only creates a low seating position and enveloping cabin but realises a secondary function for the battery – almost 700kg of sound deadening.


For Spectre, Rolls-Royce’s engineers have seen much of their discipline pivot from the workshop to the digital space. Spectre is the most connected Rolls-Royce in history, and in harnessing the power of the motor car’s remarkable Decentralised Intelligence processing capabilities there is more requirement than ever for expert human experience.

To ensure the continuity of the Rolls-Royce experience, as well as its progression, the marque selected the most experienced test and development engineers to lead the project, some of whom have been with the marque for more than two decades and were responsible for creating the first ‘Goodwood-era’ Phantom. These engineers describe the experience offered by Spectre as akin to “Rolls-Royce in high definition” on account of the speed and accuracy of the motor car’s response to a worldwide spread of road and weather conditions.

For this to be realised, a dedicated control has been handmade for each of the 141,200 sender-receiver variables, and in nearly all cases engineers have designed several more sub-variables for variations in climate, ground speed, road type, vehicle status and driving style. These have been crafted over the course of Spectre’s 2.5 million kilometre testing programme both on advanced proving grounds and on real roads around the world.


In testing Spectre, the process includes extreme driving conditions – development of the motor car began just 55km from the arctic circle in Arjeplog, Sweden, at temperatures as low as -40 degrees centigrade, and it will continue across Southern Africa, in temperatures of up to 55 degrees centigrade. Yet, 55% of testing is taking place on the very roads that many production Spectres will be driven on. Of particular significance was the French Riviera. It was on the Côte d’Azur that Spectre’s digitally integrated evolution of the renowned Planar suspension system was finalised.

Planar suspension is an orchestra of systems with precisely defined responses to driver inputs and road conditions, made possible by the latest software and hardware developments, delivering Rolls-Royce’s hallmark ‘magic carpet ride’.

Using a suite of new hardware components and leveraging Spectre’s high-speed processing capabilities, the Planar system can decouple the car’s anti-roll bars allowing each wheel to act independently, preventing the rocking motion that occurs when one side of a vehicle hits an undulation in the road. This also reduces high-frequency ride imperfections caused by shortcomings in road surface quality.

Once a corner is identified as imminent, the Planar system recouples the components and stiffens the dampers, the four-wheel steering system is then prepared for activation to ensure effortless entry and exit. Under cornering, 18 sensors are monitored, and steering, braking, power delivery and suspension parameters are adjusted so that Spectre remains stable. The result is effortless control.


The final power, acceleration and range figures are still being refined, as the extraordinary undertaking of finessing Spectre enters its final phase before concluding in the second quarter of 2023. Preliminary data shows that Spectre is expected to have an all-electric range of 320 miles/520 kilometres WLTP and offer 900Nm of torque from its 430kW powertrain. It is anticipated to achieve 0-60mph in 4.4 seconds (0-100km/h in 4.5 seconds).

With many months of testing and optimisation of Spectre still ahead, these figures are subject to change ahead of official confirmation prior to market launch in Q4 2023.

Number of doors / seats         2 doors / 4 seats

Vehicle length                         5453 mm / 214.685 in

Vehicle width                           2080 mm / 81.889 in

Vehicle height (unladen)          1559 mm / 61.377 in

Wheelbase                              3210 mm / 126.378 in

Turning circle                           12.7 m

Kerb weight                             2975 kg


Spectre is available for commission immediately, with first client deliveries commencing in Q4 2023. Spectre pricing will be positioned between Cullinan and Phantom.


WLTP: Power consumption: 2.9 mi/kWh. / 21.5 kWh/100km*. Electric range: 323 miles / 520 kilometres*. Co2 emissions 0 g/km.

*Preliminary data not yet confirmed, subject to change.


  • Rolls-Royce debuts Spectre, the marque’s first fully-electric motor car
  • Spectre is a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed
  • Spectre “demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification”
  • Spectre heralds the beginning of all-electric era for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
  • Built on the Rolls-Royce all-aluminium Architecture of Luxury
  • Spectre uses new SPIRIT software architecture with full Whispers integration
  • World’s first Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé is spiritual successor to Phantom Coupé
  • First customer cars to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023

“Spectre possesses all the qualities that have secured the Rolls-Royce legend. This incredible motor car, conceived from the very beginning as our first fully-electric model, is silent, powerful and demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification. Spectre’s all-electric powertrain will assure the marque’s sustained success and relevance while dramatically increasing the definition of each characteristic that makes a Rolls-Royce a Rolls-Royce.

“At Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, perfection is about more than making the very best products. It is a culture, an attitude and our guiding philosophy. Indeed, it is our founding father Sir Henry Royce who said, ‘strive for perfection in everything you do’. Spectre has been conceived within this culture. It is perfectly in tune with the sensibilities of our time. It states the direction for the future of our marque and perfectly answers a call from the most discerning individuals in the world to elevate the electric motor car experience, because Spectre is a Rolls-Royce first and an electric car second.

“This is the start of a bold new chapter for our marque, our extraordinary clients and the luxury industry. For this reason, I believe Spectre is the most perfect product that Rolls-Royce has ever produced.”

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”
The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, Co-Founder, Rolls-Royce, 1900


In 1900, Rolls-Royce co-founder, Charles Rolls, prophesised an electric future for the motor car. Having acquired an electric vehicle named The Columbia Electric Carriage, he foresaw its suitability as a clean, noiseless alternative to the internal combustion engine – providing there was sufficient infrastructure to support it. Today, more than 120 years later, the time has come for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to fulfil the prophecy of its founding father.

This prophecy could not have been fulfilled without a more recent promise, when Rolls-Royce CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, made a public commitment to electrification by announcing that he would bring a fully-electric Rolls-Royce to market within the current decade. Charles Rolls’ prophecy and Torsten Müller-Ötvös’ promise led to an historic moment. In September 2021, the marque confirmed that it had commenced testing of Spectre, the first Rolls-Royce to be conceived and engineered from the very beginning as an electric car.

To ensure that this transformative motor car was sufficiently prepared for the most demanding consumer in the world – the Rolls-Royce client – the marque devised the most exhaustive testing programme it had ever conceived. Spectre is being subjected to a journey of more than 2.5 million kilometres, simulating more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce. On its completion in 2023, Spectre will represent a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed.

Spectre is not only an historic moment for Rolls-Royce, but also an historic moment for electrification – with Spectre, the marque confirms that the technology has reached a standard that can contain the Rolls-Royce experience. To that end, Rolls-Royce has confirmed that by the end of 2030 its entire product portfolio will be fully-electric.


Spectre is more than a motor car. It is a statement of intent and a symbol of a bright, bold future as Rolls-Royce progresses into an all-electric era. This commitment to an all-electric powertrain will only enhance the Rolls-Royce experience – instant torque, silent running and the sense of one imperceptible gear have defined the characteristics of an extraordinary canon of products dating back to the very first Rolls-Royce, the 1904 10 H.P.

With Spectre, Rolls-Royce has harnessed a revolutionary ‘Decentralised Intelligence’ system that allows for the free and direct exchange of information between more than 1,000 vehicle functions, further elevating the marque’s celebrated quality of ride. Its designers have captured a contemporary yet timeless aesthetic that significantly progresses the brand’s iconography as it embarks on its electric age. Its craftspeople have created a suite of contemporary prêt-à-porter personalisation possibilities, including Starlight Doors and Illuminated Fascia, inspiring clients to realise their own Bespoke visions.


In unveiling Spectre, Rolls-Royce sets a new precedent in the creation of an entirely original class of motor car: the Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé. This designation refers to Spectre’s indulgent proportions, specified in response to a commitment that there is no greater luxury than that of space.

The marque’s designers are deeply rooted in the context occupied by their motor cars. Therefore, their inspiration is drawn from worlds far beyond automotive, including haute couture, modernist sculpture, nautical design, tailoring and contemporary art. In conceiving the principal sketches for Spectre, the marque’s creatives were drawn to modern yacht concepts, specifically the clarity and precision of line, intelligent use of reflection and application of taper to emotionalise silhouettes.

From the front, Spectre’s split headlight treatment is intersected by the widest grille ever bestowed on a Rolls-Royce. The vanes of the Pantheon grille are now smoother in section and a flusher fit, designed to help guide the air around the motor car’s front.

The relaxed angle and polished stainless steel finish of the grille does much to enhance Spectre’s presence using environmental reflection. Along with an aero-tuned Spirit of Ecstasy figurine – itself the product of 830 combined hours of design modelling and wind tunnel testing – the grille enhances the motor car’s unprecedented drag coefficient, which at just 0.25cd makes Spectre Rolls-Royce’s most aerodynamic motor car, ever.

This intelligent treatment has been married to the iconography of Spectre’s spiritual predecessor, the Phantom Coupé. Spectre clearly acknowledges its forebear with its generous proportions and split headlight treatment – a contemporary Rolls-Royce design tenet. Spectre’s sharp daylight running lights emphasise the motor car’s imperious two-metre width and are offset with lower lamp clusters that appear darkened, at first glance, but hide jewellery box-like darkened chromium housings for the headlights. To affirm Spectre’s expression after dark, the grille is softly illuminated, with 22 LEDs lighting up the sandblasted rear side of each of the vanes, their gentle glow reflected in the polished front surfaces for a subtle and three-dimensional night signature.

In profile, the sharp, vertical bow line at the front of Spectre draws the eye rearward to its monolithic flanks. The lower line – known as the ‘waft line’ – borrows directly from yacht design. Instead of exaggerating movement with busy detailing or appliqués, Spectre’s coachwork gently tucks into the sill, lightening the surfacing and creating an uncomplicated sense of motion by reflecting the road passing beneath it, much as the hull of a racing yacht reflects the ocean as it cuts through water. This ‘waft line’ is the visual representation of the ‘magic carpet ride’ and its upwards sweep toward the front is inspired by the gently lifting bow of an accelerating power boat.

The silhouette’s most dramatic feature is Spectre’s fastback, which recalls the most evocative motor cars and watercraft in history. The seamlessness of the greenhouse surfacing significantly contributes to achieving the lowest drag coefficient ever for a Rolls-Royce. Following the roofline back, the tail lamps are set into the largest single body panel ever produced for a Rolls-Royce, which extends from the A-pillar to the luggage compartment. The jewel-like vertical tail lamps themselves are colourless for neutrality, in anticipation of the myriad of colourways selected by clients during the commissioning process. Their precision and reduced dimension complement the generous flow of the bodywork from the muscular shoulders backwards into the tail section with its characteristic tapering plan view.

The proportional demands of Spectre’s scale required Rolls-Royce to embolden its wheel strategy. Spectre is the first production two-door coupé to be equipped with 23-inch wheels in almost one hundred years.

Inside, Spectre is provisioned with the most technologically advanced Bespoke features yet, drawing inspiration from the timeless mystique of the night’s sky. For the first time on a series production Rolls-Royce, Spectre is available with Starlight Doors, which incorporate 4,796 softly illuminated ‘stars’. The coach doors can also be commissioned with a backdrop of wood Canadel Panelling, which takes its name from the cove in the South of France where Sir Henry Royce and his design team spent their winters.

The ethereal night-time theme continues with Spectre’s Illuminated Fascia. Developed over the course of two years and more than 10,000 collective hours, it incorporates the Spectre nameplate surrounded by a cluster of over 5,500 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the illuminations are completely invisible when the motor car is not in operation.

Alongside the extraordinary, illuminated surfaces, Spectre is equipped with a completely redesigned digital architecture of luxury named SPIRIT, presented in quintessential Rolls-Royce style. Not only will SPIRIT manage the motor car’s functions, but it is seamlessly integrated into the marque’s Whispers application, allowing clients to interact with their car remotely, and receive live information curated by the marque’s luxury intelligence specialists.

For the first time ever, clients are now able to extend their Bespoke commission beyond the physical world and into the digital architecture that underpins SPIRIT. Inspired by the marque’s clients’ love of bespoke timepieces, the colour of the dials can now complement the interior hue of the motor car.

As with all Rolls-Royce motor cars, Spectre’s interior suite offers clients near-infinite Bespoke possibilities. The all-new front seat design has been inspired by British tailoring, with lapel sections that can be rendered in contrasting or matching colours to the main base. Bespoke stitching, embroidery and intricate piping has, as ever, been considered in their inception.


2003 saw the first Goodwood-era Phantom, built upon its own Bespoke architecture. This renaissance of the brand was Rolls-Royce 1.0. Following this, the ‘Architecture of Luxury’ was conceived – a new, highly flexible all-aluminium spaceframe architecture, and visionary feat of engineering, that could be tailored for electric drive, as well as today’s Phantom, Cullinan and Ghost models, and Coachbuild projects. This expansion of the marque’s offering was Rolls-Royce 2.0. The ability to tailor the Architecture of Luxury for electric drive was a fundamental consideration when it was first conceived. However, it is only now that electric drive technology is advanced enough to fulfil the Rolls-Royce experience. The introduction of a fully-electric powertrain and Decentralised Intelligence into the marque’s portfolio represents Rolls-Royce 3.0 and the beginning of the bold new all-electric era.

By ensuring from the outset that the Architecture of Luxury could be tailored to the requirements of an all-electric Rolls-Royce, the marque’s engineers ensured the continuity of experience from its current portfolio, each evolution of which has done much to secure the brand’s ongoing global success. Indeed, the inherent flexibility of the architecture and ease of integration of an electric powertrain has freed engineers, designers and craftspeople to focus on the quality of experience, authenticity of design and innovation in Bespoke.

For Spectre, Rolls-Royce engineers have unlocked further benefits. The sophisticated extruded aluminium sections and integration of the battery into the structure of the motor car enable it to be 30% stiffer than any previous Rolls-Royce. The flexibility of the architecture has also allowed engineers to place the floor halfway between the sill structures rather than on top or underneath them. A channel has been created for wiring and climate control pipework between the battery and the floor, with the battery mounted underneath, providing a perfectly smooth underfloor profile. This not only creates a low seating position and enveloping cabin but realises a secondary function for the battery – almost 700kg of sound deadening.


For Spectre, Rolls-Royce’s engineers have seen much of their discipline pivot from the workshop to the digital space. Spectre is the most connected Rolls-Royce in history, and in harnessing the power of the motor car’s remarkable Decentralised Intelligence processing capabilities there is more requirement than ever for expert human experience.

To ensure the continuity of the Rolls-Royce experience, as well as its progression, the marque selected the most experienced test and development engineers to lead the project, some of whom have been with the marque for more than two decades and were responsible for creating the first ‘Goodwood-era’ Phantom. These engineers describe the experience offered by Spectre as akin to “Rolls-Royce in high definition” on account of the speed and accuracy of the motor car’s response to a worldwide spread of road and weather conditions.

For this to be realised, a dedicated control has been handmade for each of the 141,200 sender-receiver variables, and in nearly all cases engineers have designed several more sub-variables for variations in climate, ground speed, road type, vehicle status and driving style. These have been crafted over the course of Spectre’s 2.5 million kilometre testing programme both on advanced proving grounds and on real roads around the world.


In testing Spectre, the process includes extreme driving conditions – development of the motor car began just 55km from the arctic circle in Arjeplog, Sweden, at temperatures as low as -40 degrees centigrade, and it will continue across Southern Africa, in temperatures of up to 55 degrees centigrade. Yet, 55% of testing is taking place on the very roads that many production Spectres will be driven on. Of particular significance was the French Riviera. It was on the Côte d’Azur that Spectre’s digitally integrated evolution of the renowned Planar suspension system was finalised.

Planar suspension is an orchestra of systems with precisely defined responses to driver inputs and road conditions, made possible by the latest software and hardware developments, delivering Rolls-Royce’s hallmark ‘magic carpet ride’.

Using a suite of new hardware components and leveraging Spectre’s high-speed processing capabilities, the Planar system can decouple the car’s anti-roll bars allowing each wheel to act independently, preventing the rocking motion that occurs when one side of a vehicle hits an undulation in the road. This also reduces high-frequency ride imperfections caused by shortcomings in road surface quality.

Once a corner is identified as imminent, the Planar system recouples the components and stiffens the dampers, the four-wheel steering system is then prepared for activation to ensure effortless entry and exit. Under cornering, 18 sensors are monitored, and steering, braking, power delivery and suspension parameters are adjusted so that Spectre remains stable. The result is effortless control.


The final power, acceleration and range figures are still being refined, as the extraordinary undertaking of finessing Spectre enters its final phase before concluding in the second quarter of 2023. Preliminary data shows that Spectre is expected to have an all-electric range of 320 miles/520 kilometres WLTP and offer 900Nm of torque from its 430kW powertrain. It is anticipated to achieve 0-60mph in 4.4 seconds (0-100km/h in 4.5 seconds).

With many months of testing and optimisation of Spectre still ahead, these figures are subject to change ahead of official confirmation prior to market launch in Q4 2023.

Number of doors / seats         2 doors / 4 seats

Vehicle length                         5453 mm / 214.685 in

Vehicle width                           2080 mm / 81.889 in

Vehicle height (unladen)          1559 mm / 61.377 in

Wheelbase                              3210 mm / 126.378 in

Turning circle                           12.7 m

Kerb weight                             2975 kg


Spectre is available for commission immediately, with first client deliveries commencing in Q4 2023. Spectre pricing will be positioned between Cullinan and Phantom.


WLTP: Power consumption: 2.9 mi/kWh. / 21.5 kWh/100km*. Electric range: 323 miles / 520 kilometres*. Co2 emissions 0 g/km.

*Preliminary data not yet confirmed, subject to change.