Tag Archive for: Complication

Overseas tourbillon skeleton: Un soplo de aire fresco para una complicación emblemática

  • Primer reloj tourbillon skeleton de la colección Overseas
  • Dos versiones en oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates y titanio grado 5 respectivamente 
  • Primer modelo Vacheron Constantin totalmente de titanio con brazalete integrado
  • Calibre Manufactura 2160 SQ, rediseñado y esqueletizado con un nuevo espiral con espiral Breguet

Ginebra, 30 de marzo de 2022 – El tourbillon, una de las complicaciones más emblemáticas de la Alta Relojería , se une a la colección Overseas en una versión esqueletizada. El Calibre Manufactura 2160 ha sido rediseñado para la ocasión con un espíritu contemporáneo, completamente calado. Disponible en oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates y titanio de grado 5, el primer modelo de Vacheron Constantin fabricado íntegramente en este metal, en versiones con brazalete integrado, este reloj se acompaña de una meticulosa atención al acabado del movimiento y la caja.

Vacheron Constantin continúa el espíritu viajero de los relojes Overseas con este nuevo modelo de esqueleto de tourbillon, el primero en esta colección lanzada en 1996. Bellamente aerodinámico con su movimiento totalmente calado; sofisticado con su caja robusta; rigurosamente disciplinado con su movimiento impulsado por tourbillon que garantiza una cómoda reserva de marcha de más de tres días, este reloj está diseñado para los mejores viajes, exactamente como lo haría sin duda François Constantin, el viajero incansable que firmó una alianza duradera con Jacques-Barthélémi Vacheron en 1819. haberlo presentado.

El reloj se presenta en dos versiones, una en oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates y la otra en titanio grado 5. El modelo de titanio es el primero de la Maison fabricado íntegramente con este mismo metal, desde la corona hasta el bisel y desde el brazalete hasta la caja. El calibre de cuerda automática 2160 de la Manufactura que impulsa estos relojes ha sido completamente esqueletizado en un espíritu contemporáneo con un grado de atención al detalle que surge de una auténtica búsqueda estética celebrada a través del tema “Anatomy of Beauty ®” de Vacheron Constantin para 2022.

Un movimiento finamente elaborado, Calibre Manufactura 2160 SQ

El trabajo de esqueletización llevado a cabo en el calibre automático 2160 ha permitido no solo una reducción del 20 % en el peso del movimiento, sino también un replanteamiento completo de su arquitectura. Su curvatura es, por tanto, muy esbelta, con apenas 5,65 mm de espesor, una verdadera hazaña técnica teniendo en cuenta los requisitos vinculados a la integración de un carro de tourbillon. Esta delgadez se debe en particular a la elección de una masa oscilante periférica de oro, que también permite una visión completamente clara de la parte trasera del movimiento. Se puede admirar claramente el trabajo realizado en la placa base y los cuatro puentes, con el tratamiento superficial NAC (N-acetilcisteína) aplicado por electrólisis que le confiere un tinte gris antracita. Este toque contemporáneo dado al movimiento se mezcla perfectamente con la clásica alta relojería.acabados en forma de flancos dibujados a mano y biselados a mano con biseles pulidos para acentuar el juego de luces entre los componentes. La placa principal y los puentes también están delicadamente decorados para crear un acabado de ranuras muy finas y perfectamente horizontales. Tal preocupación por los detalles es un credo que sostiene que incluso la parte más pequeña merece la misma atención meticulosa que las que son perfectamente visibles.

El mismo tratamiento de superficie NAC se puede encontrar en el barril, cuyo tambor y tapa han sido completamente calados, creando una forma de rosa de los vientos en el lado de la esfera, otra característica original del Calibre 2160 SQ. Para completar el calado de este movimiento de 186 componentes, las ruedas también se han aligerado, mientras que el tourbillon está sostenido por un puente superior redondeado. El regulador del tourbillon, que gira una vez por minuto, funciona a una velocidad de 18.000 alternancias por hora (2,5 Hz) y sirve de pequeño segundero mediante uno de los cuatro tornillos de fijación del carro, que es gris en la versión de oro rosa y flameado en la versión de titanio.

Para este nuevo calibre, los relojeros de Vacheron Constantin también han rediseñado el órgano regulador alojado en el carro del tourbillon junto con el escape. Se diseñó internamente un nuevo resorte de equilibrio, equipado con una bobina Breguet (curva terminal). Al plegar la espiral exterior del resorte hacia el centro, fuera de su plano horizontal, esta disposición fuerza un desarrollo plano del resorte, asegurando así un mejor isocronismo.

El arte de los detalles

El cristal de zafiro que sirve como esfera revela todos los detalles del calibre, como una anatomía relojera que toma forma con cada componente. Los índices fijados a este cristal son de oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates con baño de rodio o de oro blanco de 18 quilates, según el modelo. Los mismos metales nobles se utilizan para las agujas que, al igual que los índices horarios, están recubiertas de Super-LumiNova®, lo que garantiza una perfecta visibilidad nocturna. El aro de la esfera está disponible en oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N lacado en negro o en oro blanco de 18 quilates con tratamiento de PVD azul.

Se ha prestado especial atención al acabado de la caja y el brazalete. El anillo del bisel tiene un cepillado satinado circular en la versión de oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates y pulido con chorro de arena en la iteración de titanio de grado 5. La caja y el brazalete de ambos modelos están satinados verticalmente con ángulos pulidos en los eslabones del brazalete, cuya forma está inspirada en el emblema de la Cruz de Malta de Vacheron Constantin.

Ambos relojes cuentan con el sistema de correa intercambiable específico de la colección Overseas. Se presentan con dos correas de piel de becerro y caucho: negra con dos hebillas ardillón de oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates para el modelo dorado; y azul con cierre desplegable de titanio intercambiable para el modelo de titanio.

La Anatomía de la Belleza ®

El reloj Overseas tourbillon skeleton presenta una arquitectura y acabados meticulosos en cada detalle, lo que refleja la búsqueda de la excelencia apreciada por la Maison, cuyo tema “Anatomy of Beauty®” de 2022 rinde homenaje al extraordinario trabajo de sus artesanos. Este cuidado extraordinariamente minucioso se expresa a través de las elecciones y preferencias estéticas de los diseñadores, así como en el minucioso trabajo de acabado realizado por los artesanos. Todos los componentes de un reloj Vacheron Constantin se benefician de esta atención escrupulosa, incluso aquellos que permanecen invisibles una vez que se ha ensamblado el movimiento. Un buen ojo notará el fino trabajo guilloché en un dial o la escala de minutos engastada con gemas; distinguirá los contornos de la Maisonemblema de la cruz de Malta en los eslabones de una pulsera; notará el pequeño tornillo azulado que sirve como indicador de segundos en un carro de tourbillon y el brillo de espejo de un martillo repetidor de minutos; apreciará el toque delicado de los artesanos al biselar una placa o redondear un puente; y, por último, admirará la pintura de esmalte en miniatura que representa un barco sacudido por un mar tormentoso salpicado de rayos. En Vacheron Constantin, la preocupación por los detalles da forma con delicadeza a una anatomía de la belleza en la que nada se deja al azar.***********************


Varias “primicias” caracterizan el nuevo modelo Overseas tourbillon skeleton. Es el primer reloj de la colección equipado con un movimiento tourbillon en una versión esqueletizada. El nuevo Calibre Manufactura 2160 SQ, con acabados artesanales característicos de la alta relojeríapero en un espíritu contemporáneo, está equipado con un órgano de regulación original que presenta una espiral con una bobina Breguet. El calado del cuerpo revela una tapa con forma de rosa de los vientos, un diseño novedoso para Vacheron Constantin. Disponible en oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates y titanio de grado 5, esta última versión es el primer reloj Vacheron Constantin fabricado íntegramente en este metal, incluidos el bisel y la corona. Este soplo de aire fresco, totalmente en consonancia con el espíritu viajero de la colección Overseas, va acompañado de una meticulosa atención al acabado del movimiento y de la caja. Cada componente se reelabora y se acaba a mano, ilustrando a la perfección el tema Anatomía de la belleza de Maison para 2022, que destaca toda la riqueza y sutileza de los detalles que aparecen en un reloj Vacheron Constantin.



2160 SQ
Desarrollado y fabricado por Vacheron Constantin
Mecánico, automático, rotor periférico
31 mm (13½””) de diámetro, 5,65 mm de grosor
Aproximadamente 80 horas de reserva de
marcha 2,5 Hz (18.000 vibraciones por hora)
186 componentes
30 rubíes
Distintivo de Reloj certificado de Ginebra.

Horas, minutos, segundero pequeño en carro de tourbillon (tornillo de color)

Oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates / Titanio de grado 5
42,5 mm de diámetro, 10,39 mm de grosor
Anillo de la caja de hierro dulce que garantiza protección antimagnética Fondo de caja de
cristal de zafiro transparente Hermeticidad
probada a una presión de 5 bar (aprox. 50 metros)


Índices y agujas de horas y minutos de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N/oro blanco de 18 quilates resaltados con Super-LumiNova®

Brazalete Brazalete
de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N / Titanio grado 5 (eslabones en forma de media cruz de Malta pulidos y satinados), asegurado con un cierre desplegable de tres hojas de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N / Titanio grado 5 con pulsadores y sistema de ajuste cómodo

Correas adicionales
Piel de becerro negra/azul con pespuntes blancos Goma

6000V/110R-B934: cada correa adicional viene con un cierre desplegable intercambiable de oro rosa 5N de 18 quilates
6000V/110T-B935: titanio de grado 5

Árbitro. 6000V/110T-B935 (versión de titanio) solo disponible a través de las Boutiques Vacheron Constantin.

Vacheron Constantin – Les Cabinotiers Grande Complication Bacchus

  • This single-piece edition referring to astronomy and mythology combines engraving and gem-setting on the outside of the case.
  • Remarkable mastery of the art of craftsmanship, along with watchmaking expertise: 16 complications on a double-sided wristwatch, beating to the rhythm of in-house calibre 2755 GCC16.
  • Inspired by mythology, the decoration gracing the pink gold case takes the form of a bas-relief sculpture featuring vine leaves and clusters of grapes set with rubies in a nod to Bacchus.

Geneva, January 2022 – The single-piece edition Les Cabinotiers Grande Complication Bacchus combines Vacheron Constantin’s expertise in grand complication watches with its mastery of artistic crafts. This double-sided wristwatch comprises 16 complications, essentially astronomical and calendar-related, powered by Calibre 2755 GC16 with minute repeater and tourbillon. A technical feat housed in an 18K 5N gold case whose middle is sculpted in bas-relief. In tribute to the god of vines and wine, this “Bacchus” watch finds another source of inspiration in Johannes Kepler, resulting in a captivating association between mythology and astronomy.

The single-piece edition Les Cabinotiers Grand Complication Bacchus offers proof that the tradition of combining artistic crafts with watchmaking expertise remains alive and well within the Maison. Vacheron Constantin’s master engravers and gem-setters have worked together to make this watch an applied arts masterpiece powered by in-house Calibre 2755 GC16, whose complexity is expressed through its 16 complications. This double-sided creation dedicated to Bacchus, the Roman god of vines and wine is adorned with ruby grapes set in gold foliage hand-carved. In addition to these mythological references, the tourbillon and minute repeater movement displays virtually every astronomical and calendar-type complication a timepiece can muster. This association between the study of the stars and the divine world, between Bacchus and Johannes Kepler, makes this timepiece doubly remarkable.

Artistic crafts perform a duet

The 18K 5N pink gold case of this Les Cabinotiers timepiece features a decoration composed of vine leaves interspersed with bunches of ruby grapes. The engraver’s work is complemented by that of the gem-setter on the outside of the case in giving life to figurative motifs, making this watch a piece of fine craftsmanship. The two master artisans working on this model took turns, with the gem-setter first taking the case from the engraver’s hands and then returning it for the last finishing touches, a progressive duet-style operation that required more than 300 hours of combined dexterity.

Before embarking on such a project, an initial gem-setting test had to be performed on part of the case middle that had been prepared beforehand, so as to ensure the feasibility of the project and the various phases of its development. After putting the decoration in place using a scribing tool, the engraver began to prepare the model using the bas-relief technique that consists of creating cells or troughs by delicately “gouging” the material with a burin to make the foliage motif stand out. This preparation included the 113 recessed spaces for the five different sized rubies that form the grapes along with enough surrounding material to hold them in place. The gem-setter then took over, in successive phases, in order to set the cabochon-cut rubies using a technique combining prong and bezel setting, involving a minimum of three points of attachment.

Once the bunches of grapes had been formed, the engraver took over the model to perform the finishing, while facing the added difficulty of having to work around the gem-set parts without touching them. The vine leaves were thus delicately modelled using the intaglio engraving technique that involve hollowing out the material and then polished. And because every detail is important, the engraver took the trouble to dig slightly below the outline of each leaf so as to accentuate the 3D visual effect. This foliage thus emerges clearly against the case middle, especially as the base has been delicately chased. To achieve this sandblasted effect, the engraver hammers the surface point by point so as to enhance the contrast with the raised polished elements.

The case decoration continues on the bezel and case-back with a hand engraving depicting vine leaves. The difficulty implied by this intaglio engraving lies in the absence of a border or contour line. Hollowed out across the entire width of the bezel, the garland thus stands alone thanks to the metronomic regularity of the motif. This latter aspect is picked up on the two fastening options – folding clasp and pin buckle – accompanying the watch and which required a full week’s work in themselves.

Calibre 2755 GC16

To create the movement of this highly complicated watch, Vacheron Constantin’s watchmakers took the Tour de l’Île as a reference, a timepiece presented in 2005 as a tribute to 250 years of watchmaking expertise cultivated by the Geneva-based Manufacture. In the same spirit, the Les Cabinotiers – Bacchus timepiece combines 16 complications, making it one of the most complex watches produced by the Maison. For the sake of precision timekeeping, its manual winding Calibre 2755 GC16 is equipped with a tourbillon regulator to compensate for the effects of the earth’s gravity on the mechanism. Featuring a cage shaped like Vacheron Constantin’s signature Maltese cross emblem, the tourbillon completes one full rotation per minute, thus serving as a small seconds indicator. This watch also incorporates a minute repeater chiming the hours, quarters and minutes on demand. To avoid unnecessary noise as well as wear and tear on the mechanism, the striking of the gongs is equipped with an ingenious centripetal flying strike regulator. This perfectly silent device regulates the duration of the musical sequences so as to obtain clear, distinct and regular sounds.

The calendar and astronomical functions play a starring role on both sides of the watch. On the front, where the mechanical ballet of the tourbillon can be admired at 6 o’clock, the perpetual calendar indications are displayed on three counters. Positioned in the upper part of the dial, they respectively show the date, day and month. Designed to keep track of the Gregorian calendar’s vagaries without any need for adjustment until 2100, this horological complication is further enhanced by the indication of the leap-year cycle. The latter appears in a small aperture next to the hand indicating the torque of the minute repeater mechanism between 1 and 2 o’clock. This striking mechanism power reserve is matched by an indication of the movement power reserve, which can be read by means of a serpentine pointer coaxial with the day of the week hand.

The complex mechanics of this piece also provide an astronomical reading of time representing a tribute to Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), regarded as one of the founders of modern astronomy for having discovered the laws of planetary motion, in perfect agreement with Copernicus’ heliocentric hypotheses. The first astronomical functions thus appear on this same opaline champagne-coloured dial, starting with the equation of time positioned between 10 and 11 o’clock. As the Earth’s path around the Sun is not circular but elliptical, and since the Earth’s axis is inclined at 24° to the plane of its orbit, the time between two zenith passages of the Sun is not the same throughout the year. This difference between the (true) solar day and the (average) 24-hour civil day ranges from -16 to +14 minutes depending on the time of year and coincides only four times a year. Called the equation of time, or time correction in astronomical language, this differential is displayed by a dedicated pointer, while sunrise and sunset times – adjusted according to a reference city – appear at the bottom of the dial.

An astronomical watch as conceived by the watchmakers at Vacheron Constantin would not be complete without a sidereal time indication. This display finds its place the back of the watch in the shape of a rotating disc depicting the celestial vault with its constellations observable from the Northern hemisphere. Taking a fixed star in the sky as a reference point, the time required for the Earth to complete a full 360° rotation, or sidereal day, is exactly 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. Since the Earth is both spinning on its axis and revolving around the Sun, it takes about four minutes less than a calendar day to return to its point of origin relative to a given star. On this model, the “celestial” disc thus performs a complete rotation according to sidereal time with the time displayed on the periphery, opposite the date appearing on the periphery of the mobile disc. This same date is read off by a large central hand moving over the fixed outer flange bearing a scale graduated in five-day increments. This hand also indicates the sign of the zodiac, the season and the four dates corresponding to the solstices and equinoxes. Finally, the small central hand indicates the age of the moon, i.e. the number of days that have elapsed since the last full moon.

Comprising 839 parts and measuring a total 33.90 mm in diameter and 12.15 mm thick, this movement endowed with a 58-hour power reserve represents a technical feat that is all the rarer in that it displays all its functions in a perfectly legible manner on both sides. Equipped with a balance oscillating at a rate of 18,000 vibrations per hour (2.5 Hz), it is housed in a 47 mm-diameter 18K 5N pink gold case, of which the characteristics been specifically designed to provide the best possible sound quality for the minute repeater.

“Le Temps Céleste”

 Each year, the Les Cabinotiers department unveils a range of single-piece editions relating to a theme cherished by Vacheron Constantin. The year 2021 is dedicated to “Le Temps Céleste” (which means Celestial Time), with timepieces referring to the astronomical origins of time measurement.

From the dawn of civilisations, the cycle of days and seasons, the evolution of constellations in the night sky, the phases of the moon and eclipses have exerted an almost mystical fascination. Eager to unravel the mysteries of the universe, the first human beings found in mythological tales a cosmogony blending legends with poetry. At a very early stage, the first scientific minds attempted to decipher the rhythms of Nature and to organise them according to predictable patterns.

It was from these calculations, and with the appearance of writing, that the first calendars were born, before the Babylonian sexagesimal system gave meaning to the physical division of time into units of angle. Traditional watchmaking is a direct heir to this rigorous and scientific approach, expressed today on watches with depictions of the calendar, the sky chart, moon phases, tides and seasons, and even civil, solar and sidereal time with their differentials. Vacheron Constantin has nevertheless sought to endow these genuine observation instruments with all the charm of the founding myths through the subtlety of its craftsmanship, through its work in guilloché engraving and the engraving of symbolic motifs, or in the “stellar” glittering of gem-set stones. This new Les Cabinotiers range is the expression of exceptional expertise in astronomical watches, dedicated to the poetry of time.

Vacheron Constantin and astronomical watches

Astronomical watches enjoy a rich and longstanding tradition within the Maison. The Vacheron Constantin archives reveal a first perpetual calendar in 1884, integrated into a double-sided yellow gold pocket watch, now part of the Maison’s private collection. This was the beginning of a mechanical “epic” that would singularly take shape at the turn of the century. In 1900, the Maison set up a workshop exclusively dedicated to the assembly of watches with complications, often incorporating astronomical functions. Orders flooded in for complicated and even very complicated watches. The perpetual calendar was then combined with other technical feats such as those enriching a 1905 pocket watch comprising a minute repeater, split-seconds chronograph and perpetual calendar with phases and age of the moon.

Delivered in 1929, the pocket watch made for King Fouad I of Egypt with chronograph, perpetual calendar, Grande and Petite Sonnerie and minute repeater functions is characteristic of this golden age. This exceptional watchmaking expertise, later applied to wristwatches, would be powerfully expressed in the Tour de l’Île with its 16 horological and astronomical complications, produced in 2005 to mark the 250th anniversary of the Maison. It features a sky chart, a complication that has become a speciality of Vacheron Constantin. Reference 57260, which has 57 complications, also features a sky chart, notably accompanied by sidereal time and a secular Hebrew calendar. In 2017, Vacheron Constantin once again innovated with Calibre 3600, powering displays of civil, solar and sidereal time, the latter synchronised with a mobile representation of constellations.

Les Cabinotiers: single-piece editions

In the Vacheron Constantin universe, Les Cabinotiers represents a department in its own right dedicated to the personalisation of Grand Complication models and single-piece editions. This tradition dates back to the 18th century, an age when master-watchmakers were called cabinotiers and worked in ateliers bathed in natural light, known as cabinets and located on the top floors of Geneva’s buildings. In the hands of these learned artisans, open to the new ideas of the Enlightenment, exceptional timepieces were born, inspired by astronomy, mechanical engineering and the arts. This expertise, which constitutes the great Geneva watchmaking tradition, has been flowing through Vacheron Constantin’s veins since 1755.



Astronomy and mythology meet and mingle in the Vacheron Constantin Les Cabinotiers Grand Complication Bacchus watch. This union of science and art finds an original field of expression in this highly sophisticated Grand Complication timepiece. The mythological references to Bacchus, the god of vines and wine, are symbolised by the ornamentation of the case with a vineyard motif. The Maison’s master engravers and gem-setters have worked together to create a bas-relief vine foliage on the case middle of the watch, embellished with ruby-set bunches of grapes. A masterpiece of applied arts, this model is doubly remarkable for its Calibre 2755 GC16 movement powering 16 complications and representing one of the most complex ever made by the Manufacture. A tourbillon and striking watch with a minute repeater mechanism, Les Cabinotiers Grand Complication Bacchus brings together on its double-sided display the essential calendar and astronomical functions in tribute to Johannes Kepler, one of the founders of modern astronomy. The perpetual calendar offers an equation of time indication as well as sunrise and sunset times on the front, complemented on the back by a display of sidereal time with a rotating sky chart of the constellations, the age of the moon along with indications of the date, seasons and signs of the zodiac. Through this timepiece, Vacheron Constantin perpetuates the grand watchmaking tradition of pocket watches that are both mechanically complex and richly decorated.



Reference 9700C/000R-B755

Caliber 2755 GC16
Developed and manufactured by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, manual-winding
33.90 mm diameter, 12.15 mm thick
Approximately 58 hours of power reserve
2.5Hz (18,000 vibrations/hour)
839 components
42 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Front side: Hours, minutes, small second at 6 o’clock on tourbillon carriage – Minute repeater – Tourbillon – Perpetual calendar (date, day of the week, month, leap year) – Power reserve indication – Equation of time – Sunrise time – Sunset time – Alarm torque indication
Back side: Sky chart – Age and phases of the moon – Sidereal hours and minutes – Seasons, zodiac signs

Hours and minutes adjustment: winding crown (2 positions)
Moon phase adjustment: correction push-piece on the case
Perpetual calendar adjustment: two correction push-pieces on the case
Sky chart adjustment: with crown and screwed-down push-piece

18K 5N pink gold with bezel and back side hand-engraved with “vine leaves” and case band hand-engraved with “vine leaves” and gem-set with 113 rubies for a total weight of approximately 1.84 cts representing bunch of grapes
47 mm diameter, 19.10 mm thick

Dials (face & back side)
Champagne opaline dials
18K 5N pink gold applied hour-markers
18K 5N pink gold hands

Dark brown Mississippiensis alligator leather, hand-stitched, saddle-finish, large square scales

18K 5N pink gold folding clasp and buckle hand-engraved with a “vine leaves” pattern
Half Maltese cross-shaped

Les Cabinotiers Prestige box

Delivered with a corrector pen and a magnifying glass
A winder box

Single-piece edition
« Les Cabinotiers », « Pièce unique », « AC » hallmark engraved on caseback