Tag Archive for: DeAntonioYachts

De Antonio Yachts se consolida como marca líder en innovación y diseño durante la 60 edición del Salón Náutico de Barcelona.

Durante la apertura del salón, De Antonio Yachts recibió en su stand la visita de SM el Rey Felipe VI y se embarcó a bordo del D42 Open.

La marca de yates De Antonio Yachts, fundada por Marc de Antonio y Stanislas Chmielewski, ha participado en una nueva edición del Salón Náutico de Barcelona.

Durante la feria se exhibieron los principales modelos de la marca: el D50 Open, el D42 Open, el nuevo D36 Open y el D28 Open. Además, De Antonio Yachts contó con un stand a la entrada del salón dedicado al nuevo D28 Cupra Formentor e-Hybrid, una embarcación de propulsión híbrida, desarrollada junto a Cupra, que incorpora un motor fueraborda oculto de 400 CV y dos motores eléctricos retráctiles en la parte delantera. popa.

Visita del Rey Felipe VI al stand de De Antonio Yachts

Durante esta edición, el astillero español ha recibido en su stand la visita de Su Majestad el Rey Felipe VI quien se interesó por los últimos modelos de la marca y se subió a bordo del modelo D42 Open expuesto en el salón comprobando de primera mano el diseño y su innovadora solución de fuerabordas ocultos, presentes en toda la gama. Durante su visita también recorrió toda la cubierta hasta el puesto de mando del barco y se interesó por las formas del casco y el diseño de proa recta, una de las señas de identidad de los barcos de De Antonio Yachts.

El modelo de barco visitado por el Rey: D42 Open

El D42, que embarcó SM el Rey, es un yate que ofrece lo mejor de la navegación con una incomparable plataforma hidráulica en popa para ajustar su altura al nivel del mar. Su espectacular diseño walkaround con grandes solariums, la zona de estar tipo lounge y convertible en tres configuraciones diferentes junto con la cocina exterior lo hacen único. El D42 supera todas las expectativas, con su habitabilidad interior que destaca por su amplitud, soluciones como un garaje central para un pequeño auxiliar junto a la acertada y reconocida innovación de la marca en el motor fueraborda oculto que en este caso son tres motores de 300 CV. . Un crucero familiar ideal de 12 metros con rendimiento deportivo, soluciones inteligentes y un diseño excepcional.

De Antonio Yachts ha vuelto a demostrar durante la feria que es la marca líder en innovación y diseño en su segmento, posicionándose como una de las marcas preferidas y más visitadas durante la edición de este año.

Acerca de Yates De Antonio

De Antonio Yachts nace en 2012 de la pasión de sus fundadores, Marc de Antonio y Stan Chmielewski, por el mar y el diseño, con la inquietud de innovar creando embarcaciones de líneas sencillas y vanguardistas. Diez años después se ha convertido en un astillero de referencia mundial con centros de producción en Polonia y España.

Al ofrecer al mercado nuevas soluciones, como innovadores motores fuera de borda ocultos para todos los modelos y aplicar conceptos que mejoran la eficiencia, la facilidad de uso y el rendimiento, De Antonio Yachts se ha convertido en un referente en el sector de la navegación.

Gracias a ello, la compañía se ha expandido internacionalmente, con presencia en los cinco continentes y con una amplia red de distribuidores exclusivos, gracias a la gama de sus 8 modelos de diferentes esloras, que han conseguido 3 nominaciones y 1 premio a European Motor Boat de del Año, junto a otras nominaciones y reconocimientos como los premios BOB o los premios FAD.

Todo este trabajo les ha posicionado como el astillero español con más proyección además de consolidar su éxito internacional gracias a sus últimos lanzamientos, como el D50 Open, su buque insignia.

Una de sus últimas colaboraciones ha sido con Cupra, con quien han desarrollado una versión que combina un motor de combustión fueraborda con dos motores eléctricos, presentada recientemente bajo el nombre de De Antonio Yachts-Cupra D28 Formentor e-Hybrid.

Dos centros de producción, Polonia y España

La producción de sus ocho modelos se distribuye entre sus centros de producción en España y Polonia, que suman más de 10.000 m2 y un equipo de más de 300 personas.

En Polonia han ampliado recientemente su capacidad productiva, con nuevas instalaciones para la producción de su modelo más grande, el D50 Open y su nueva variante, el D50 Coupé, que se presentará en enero en el Salón del Automóvil de Düsseldorf.

Tras el lanzamiento de sus nuevos modelos, De Antonio Yachts está trabajando en nuevos barcos para 2023, que se anunciarán más adelante en el año.

Crecimiento constante durante una década de éxito

De Antonio Yachts ha ido creciendo y consolidando su presencia en el mercado nacional e internacional, exportando el 60% de sus embarcaciones. La compañía cerró 2021 con la entrega de 65 unidades, lo que supuso un crecimiento de la facturación del 45% respecto al año anterior. Esta progresión se mantiene para este 2022, con 75 unidades vendidas, 90 unidades confirmadas para 2023 y el 50% de producción ya reservado para 2024.

Los objetivos a corto plazo incluyen seguir evolucionando hacia una gama de embarcaciones más sostenible, reduciendo el impacto ambiental mediante el uso de materiales reciclados y la implantación de su nuevo sistema híbrido en toda la gama, además de la introducción de los primeros modelos totalmente eléctricos en 2024.

De Antonio Yachts consolidates its position as a leading brand in innovation and design during the 60th edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the opening of the show, De Antonio Yachts received the visit of HM King Felipe VI at its stand and went aboard D42 Open.

The yacht brand De Antonio Yachts, founded by Marc de Antonio and Stanislas Chmielewski, has participated in a new edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the show the main models of the brand were exhibited: the D50 Open, the D42 Open, the new D36 Open and the D28 Open. In addition, De Antonio Yachts had a stand at the entrance of the show dedicated to the new D28 Cupra Formentor e-Hybrid, a hybrid propulsion boat, developed together with Cupra, which incorporates a 400HP concealed outboard engine and two retractable electric motors at the stern.

Visit of King Felipe VI to De Antonio Yachts stand

During this edition, the Spanish shipyard has received the visit of His Majesty King Felipe VI at its stand who was interested in the latest models of the brand and climbed aboard the D42 Open model exhibited at the show checking firsthand the design and its innovative solution of hidden outboards, present throughout the range. During his visit he also toured the entire deck up to the helm station of the boat and was interested in the hull shapes and the straight bow design, one of the hallmarks of De Antonio Yachts’ boats.

The boat model visited by the King: D42 Open

The D42, which SM the King boarded, is a yacht that offers the best of sailing with an incomparable hydraulic stern platform to adjust its height to sea level. Its spectacular walkaround design with large sundecks, the lounge type living area and convertible into three different configurations together with the exterior galley make it unique. The D42 exceeds all expectations, with its interior habitability that stands out for its spaciousness, solutions such as a central garage for a small auxiliary together with the successful and recognized innovation of the brand in the hidden outboard engine that in this case is three 300HP engines. An ideal 12-meter family cruiser with sporty performance, intelligent solutions and exceptional design.

De Antonio Yachts has once again demonstrated during the show that it is the leading brand in innovation and design in its segment, positioning itself as one of the preferred and most visited brands during this year’s edition.

About De Antonio Yachts

De Antonio Yachts was born in 2012 from the passion of its founders, Marc de Antonio and Stan Chmielewski, for the sea and design, with the interest to innovate by creating boats with simple and avant-garde lines. Ten years later it has become a worldwide reference shipyard with production centers in Poland and Spain.

By offering the market new solutions, such as innovative concealed outboard engines for all models and applying concepts that improve efficiency, ease of use and performance, De Antonio Yachts has become a benchmark in the yachting sector.

As a result, the company has expanded internationally, with presence in the five continents and with a wide network of exclusive distributors, thanks to the range of its 8 models of different lengths, which have achieved 3 nominations and 1 award for European Motor Boat of the Year, along with other nominations and recognitions such as BOB awards or FAD awards.

All this work has positioned them as the Spanish shipyard with more projection in addition to consolidating their international success thanks to their latest launches, such as the D50 Open, their flagship.

One of their latest collaborations has been with Cupra, with whom they have developed a version that combines an outboard combustion engine with two electric motors, recently presented under the name of De Antonio Yachts-Cupra D28 Formentor e-Hybrid.

Two production centers, Poland and Spain

The production of its eight models is distributed between its production centers in Spain and Poland, totaling more than 10,000 m2 and a team of more than 300 people.

In Poland they have recently expanded their production capacity, with new facilities for the production of their largest model, the D50 Open and its new variant, the D50 Coupé, which will be presented in January at the Düsseldorf Motor Show.

Following the launch of its new models, De Antonio Yachts is working on new vessels for 2023, which will be announced later in the year.

Steady growth during a decade of success

De Antonio Yachts has been growing and consolidating its presence in the national and international market, with 60% of its boats being exported. The company closed 2021 with the delivery of 65 units, representing a 45% growth in turnover over the previous year. This progression is maintained for this 2022, with 75 units sold, 90 units confirmed for 2023 and 50% of production already booked for 2024.

Short-term objectives include continuing to evolve towards a more sustainable range of boats, reducing environmental impact through the use of recycled materials and the implementation of its new hybrid system across the entire range, in addition to the introduction of the first fully electric models in 2024.

De Antonio Yachts consolidates its position as a leading brand in innovation and design during the 60th edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the opening of the show, De Antonio Yachts received the visit of HM King Felipe VI at its stand and went aboard D42 Open.

The yacht brand De Antonio Yachts, founded by Marc de Antonio and Stanislas Chmielewski, has participated in a new edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the show the main models of the brand were exhibited: the D50 Open, the D42 Open, the new D36 Open and the D28 Open. In addition, De Antonio Yachts had a stand at the entrance of the show dedicated to the new D28 Cupra Formentor e-Hybrid, a hybrid propulsion boat, developed together with Cupra, which incorporates a 400HP concealed outboard engine and two retractable electric motors at the stern.

Visit of King Felipe VI to De Antonio Yachts stand

During this edition, the Spanish shipyard has received the visit of His Majesty King Felipe VI at its stand who was interested in the latest models of the brand and climbed aboard the D42 Open model exhibited at the show checking firsthand the design and its innovative solution of hidden outboards, present throughout the range. During his visit he also toured the entire deck up to the helm station of the boat and was interested in the hull shapes and the straight bow design, one of the hallmarks of De Antonio Yachts’ boats.

The boat model visited by the King: D42 Open

The D42, which SM the King boarded, is a yacht that offers the best of sailing with an incomparable hydraulic stern platform to adjust its height to sea level. Its spectacular walkaround design with large sundecks, the lounge type living area and convertible into three different configurations together with the exterior galley make it unique. The D42 exceeds all expectations, with its interior habitability that stands out for its spaciousness, solutions such as a central garage for a small auxiliary together with the successful and recognized innovation of the brand in the hidden outboard engine that in this case is three 300HP engines. An ideal 12-meter family cruiser with sporty performance, intelligent solutions and exceptional design.

De Antonio Yachts has once again demonstrated during the show that it is the leading brand in innovation and design in its segment, positioning itself as one of the preferred and most visited brands during this year’s edition.

About De Antonio Yachts

De Antonio Yachts was born in 2012 from the passion of its founders, Marc de Antonio and Stan Chmielewski, for the sea and design, with the interest to innovate by creating boats with simple and avant-garde lines. Ten years later it has become a worldwide reference shipyard with production centers in Poland and Spain.

By offering the market new solutions, such as innovative concealed outboard engines for all models and applying concepts that improve efficiency, ease of use and performance, De Antonio Yachts has become a benchmark in the yachting sector.

As a result, the company has expanded internationally, with presence in the five continents and with a wide network of exclusive distributors, thanks to the range of its 8 models of different lengths, which have achieved 3 nominations and 1 award for European Motor Boat of the Year, along with other nominations and recognitions such as BOB awards or FAD awards.

All this work has positioned them as the Spanish shipyard with more projection in addition to consolidating their international success thanks to their latest launches, such as the D50 Open, their flagship.

One of their latest collaborations has been with Cupra, with whom they have developed a version that combines an outboard combustion engine with two electric motors, recently presented under the name of De Antonio Yachts-Cupra D28 Formentor e-Hybrid.

Two production centers, Poland and Spain

The production of its eight models is distributed between its production centers in Spain and Poland, totaling more than 10,000 m2 and a team of more than 300 people.

In Poland they have recently expanded their production capacity, with new facilities for the production of their largest model, the D50 Open and its new variant, the D50 Coupé, which will be presented in January at the Düsseldorf Motor Show.

Following the launch of its new models, De Antonio Yachts is working on new vessels for 2023, which will be announced later in the year.

Steady growth during a decade of success

De Antonio Yachts has been growing and consolidating its presence in the national and international market, with 60% of its boats being exported. The company closed 2021 with the delivery of 65 units, representing a 45% growth in turnover over the previous year. This progression is maintained for this 2022, with 75 units sold, 90 units confirmed for 2023 and 50% of production already booked for 2024.

Short-term objectives include continuing to evolve towards a more sustainable range of boats, reducing environmental impact through the use of recycled materials and the implementation of its new hybrid system across the entire range, in addition to the introduction of the first fully electric models in 2024.

De Antonio Yachts consolidates its position as a leading brand in innovation and design during the 60th edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the opening of the show, De Antonio Yachts received the visit of HM King Felipe VI at its stand and went aboard D42 Open.

The yacht brand De Antonio Yachts, founded by Marc de Antonio and Stanislas Chmielewski, has participated in a new edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the show the main models of the brand were exhibited: the D50 Open, the D42 Open, the new D36 Open and the D28 Open. In addition, De Antonio Yachts had a stand at the entrance of the show dedicated to the new D28 Cupra Formentor e-Hybrid, a hybrid propulsion boat, developed together with Cupra, which incorporates a 400HP concealed outboard engine and two retractable electric motors at the stern.

Visit of King Felipe VI to De Antonio Yachts stand

During this edition, the Spanish shipyard has received the visit of His Majesty King Felipe VI at its stand who was interested in the latest models of the brand and climbed aboard the D42 Open model exhibited at the show checking firsthand the design and its innovative solution of hidden outboards, present throughout the range. During his visit he also toured the entire deck up to the helm station of the boat and was interested in the hull shapes and the straight bow design, one of the hallmarks of De Antonio Yachts’ boats.

The boat model visited by the King: D42 Open

The D42, which SM the King boarded, is a yacht that offers the best of sailing with an incomparable hydraulic stern platform to adjust its height to sea level. Its spectacular walkaround design with large sundecks, the lounge type living area and convertible into three different configurations together with the exterior galley make it unique. The D42 exceeds all expectations, with its interior habitability that stands out for its spaciousness, solutions such as a central garage for a small auxiliary together with the successful and recognized innovation of the brand in the hidden outboard engine that in this case is three 300HP engines. An ideal 12-meter family cruiser with sporty performance, intelligent solutions and exceptional design.

De Antonio Yachts has once again demonstrated during the show that it is the leading brand in innovation and design in its segment, positioning itself as one of the preferred and most visited brands during this year’s edition.

About De Antonio Yachts

De Antonio Yachts was born in 2012 from the passion of its founders, Marc de Antonio and Stan Chmielewski, for the sea and design, with the interest to innovate by creating boats with simple and avant-garde lines. Ten years later it has become a worldwide reference shipyard with production centers in Poland and Spain.

By offering the market new solutions, such as innovative concealed outboard engines for all models and applying concepts that improve efficiency, ease of use and performance, De Antonio Yachts has become a benchmark in the yachting sector.

As a result, the company has expanded internationally, with presence in the five continents and with a wide network of exclusive distributors, thanks to the range of its 8 models of different lengths, which have achieved 3 nominations and 1 award for European Motor Boat of the Year, along with other nominations and recognitions such as BOB awards or FAD awards.

All this work has positioned them as the Spanish shipyard with more projection in addition to consolidating their international success thanks to their latest launches, such as the D50 Open, their flagship.

One of their latest collaborations has been with Cupra, with whom they have developed a version that combines an outboard combustion engine with two electric motors, recently presented under the name of De Antonio Yachts-Cupra D28 Formentor e-Hybrid.

Two production centers, Poland and Spain

The production of its eight models is distributed between its production centers in Spain and Poland, totaling more than 10,000 m2 and a team of more than 300 people.

In Poland they have recently expanded their production capacity, with new facilities for the production of their largest model, the D50 Open and its new variant, the D50 Coupé, which will be presented in January at the Düsseldorf Motor Show.

Following the launch of its new models, De Antonio Yachts is working on new vessels for 2023, which will be announced later in the year.

Steady growth during a decade of success

De Antonio Yachts has been growing and consolidating its presence in the national and international market, with 60% of its boats being exported. The company closed 2021 with the delivery of 65 units, representing a 45% growth in turnover over the previous year. This progression is maintained for this 2022, with 75 units sold, 90 units confirmed for 2023 and 50% of production already booked for 2024.

Short-term objectives include continuing to evolve towards a more sustainable range of boats, reducing environmental impact through the use of recycled materials and the implementation of its new hybrid system across the entire range, in addition to the introduction of the first fully electric models in 2024.

De Antonio Yachts consolidates its position as a leading brand in innovation and design during the 60th edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the opening of the show, De Antonio Yachts received the visit of HM King Felipe VI at its stand and went aboard D42 Open.

The yacht brand De Antonio Yachts, founded by Marc de Antonio and Stanislas Chmielewski, has participated in a new edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the show the main models of the brand were exhibited: the D50 Open, the D42 Open, the new D36 Open and the D28 Open. In addition, De Antonio Yachts had a stand at the entrance of the show dedicated to the new D28 Cupra Formentor e-Hybrid, a hybrid propulsion boat, developed together with Cupra, which incorporates a 400HP concealed outboard engine and two retractable electric motors at the stern.

Visit of King Felipe VI to De Antonio Yachts stand

During this edition, the Spanish shipyard has received the visit of His Majesty King Felipe VI at its stand who was interested in the latest models of the brand and climbed aboard the D42 Open model exhibited at the show checking firsthand the design and its innovative solution of hidden outboards, present throughout the range. During his visit he also toured the entire deck up to the helm station of the boat and was interested in the hull shapes and the straight bow design, one of the hallmarks of De Antonio Yachts’ boats.

The boat model visited by the King: D42 Open

The D42, which SM the King boarded, is a yacht that offers the best of sailing with an incomparable hydraulic stern platform to adjust its height to sea level. Its spectacular walkaround design with large sundecks, the lounge type living area and convertible into three different configurations together with the exterior galley make it unique. The D42 exceeds all expectations, with its interior habitability that stands out for its spaciousness, solutions such as a central garage for a small auxiliary together with the successful and recognized innovation of the brand in the hidden outboard engine that in this case is three 300HP engines. An ideal 12-meter family cruiser with sporty performance, intelligent solutions and exceptional design.

De Antonio Yachts has once again demonstrated during the show that it is the leading brand in innovation and design in its segment, positioning itself as one of the preferred and most visited brands during this year’s edition.

About De Antonio Yachts

De Antonio Yachts was born in 2012 from the passion of its founders, Marc de Antonio and Stan Chmielewski, for the sea and design, with the interest to innovate by creating boats with simple and avant-garde lines. Ten years later it has become a worldwide reference shipyard with production centers in Poland and Spain.

By offering the market new solutions, such as innovative concealed outboard engines for all models and applying concepts that improve efficiency, ease of use and performance, De Antonio Yachts has become a benchmark in the yachting sector.

As a result, the company has expanded internationally, with presence in the five continents and with a wide network of exclusive distributors, thanks to the range of its 8 models of different lengths, which have achieved 3 nominations and 1 award for European Motor Boat of the Year, along with other nominations and recognitions such as BOB awards or FAD awards.

All this work has positioned them as the Spanish shipyard with more projection in addition to consolidating their international success thanks to their latest launches, such as the D50 Open, their flagship.

One of their latest collaborations has been with Cupra, with whom they have developed a version that combines an outboard combustion engine with two electric motors, recently presented under the name of De Antonio Yachts-Cupra D28 Formentor e-Hybrid.

Two production centers, Poland and Spain

The production of its eight models is distributed between its production centers in Spain and Poland, totaling more than 10,000 m2 and a team of more than 300 people.

In Poland they have recently expanded their production capacity, with new facilities for the production of their largest model, the D50 Open and its new variant, the D50 Coupé, which will be presented in January at the Düsseldorf Motor Show.

Following the launch of its new models, De Antonio Yachts is working on new vessels for 2023, which will be announced later in the year.

Steady growth during a decade of success

De Antonio Yachts has been growing and consolidating its presence in the national and international market, with 60% of its boats being exported. The company closed 2021 with the delivery of 65 units, representing a 45% growth in turnover over the previous year. This progression is maintained for this 2022, with 75 units sold, 90 units confirmed for 2023 and 50% of production already booked for 2024.

Short-term objectives include continuing to evolve towards a more sustainable range of boats, reducing environmental impact through the use of recycled materials and the implementation of its new hybrid system across the entire range, in addition to the introduction of the first fully electric models in 2024.

De Antonio Yachts consolidates its position as a leading brand in innovation and design during the 60th edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the opening of the show, De Antonio Yachts received the visit of HM King Felipe VI at its stand and went aboard D42 Open.

The yacht brand De Antonio Yachts, founded by Marc de Antonio and Stanislas Chmielewski, has participated in a new edition of the Barcelona Boat Show.

During the show the main models of the brand were exhibited: the D50 Open, the D42 Open, the new D36 Open and the D28 Open. In addition, De Antonio Yachts had a stand at the entrance of the show dedicated to the new D28 Cupra Formentor e-Hybrid, a hybrid propulsion boat, developed together with Cupra, which incorporates a 400HP concealed outboard engine and two retractable electric motors at the stern.

Visit of King Felipe VI to De Antonio Yachts stand

During this edition, the Spanish shipyard has received the visit of His Majesty King Felipe VI at its stand who was interested in the latest models of the brand and climbed aboard the D42 Open model exhibited at the show checking firsthand the design and its innovative solution of hidden outboards, present throughout the range. During his visit he also toured the entire deck up to the helm station of the boat and was interested in the hull shapes and the straight bow design, one of the hallmarks of De Antonio Yachts’ boats.

The boat model visited by the King: D42 Open

The D42, which SM the King boarded, is a yacht that offers the best of sailing with an incomparable hydraulic stern platform to adjust its height to sea level. Its spectacular walkaround design with large sundecks, the lounge type living area and convertible into three different configurations together with the exterior galley make it unique. The D42 exceeds all expectations, with its interior habitability that stands out for its spaciousness, solutions such as a central garage for a small auxiliary together with the successful and recognized innovation of the brand in the hidden outboard engine that in this case is three 300HP engines. An ideal 12-meter family cruiser with sporty performance, intelligent solutions and exceptional design.

De Antonio Yachts has once again demonstrated during the show that it is the leading brand in innovation and design in its segment, positioning itself as one of the preferred and most visited brands during this year’s edition.

About De Antonio Yachts

De Antonio Yachts was born in 2012 from the passion of its founders, Marc de Antonio and Stan Chmielewski, for the sea and design, with the interest to innovate by creating boats with simple and avant-garde lines. Ten years later it has become a worldwide reference shipyard with production centers in Poland and Spain.

By offering the market new solutions, such as innovative concealed outboard engines for all models and applying concepts that improve efficiency, ease of use and performance, De Antonio Yachts has become a benchmark in the yachting sector.

As a result, the company has expanded internationally, with presence in the five continents and with a wide network of exclusive distributors, thanks to the range of its 8 models of different lengths, which have achieved 3 nominations and 1 award for European Motor Boat of the Year, along with other nominations and recognitions such as BOB awards or FAD awards.

All this work has positioned them as the Spanish shipyard with more projection in addition to consolidating their international success thanks to their latest launches, such as the D50 Open, their flagship.

One of their latest collaborations has been with Cupra, with whom they have developed a version that combines an outboard combustion engine with two electric motors, recently presented under the name of De Antonio Yachts-Cupra D28 Formentor e-Hybrid.

Two production centers, Poland and Spain

The production of its eight models is distributed between its production centers in Spain and Poland, totaling more than 10,000 m2 and a team of more than 300 people.

In Poland they have recently expanded their production capacity, with new facilities for the production of their largest model, the D50 Open and its new variant, the D50 Coupé, which will be presented in January at the Düsseldorf Motor Show.

Following the launch of its new models, De Antonio Yachts is working on new vessels for 2023, which will be announced later in the year.

Steady growth during a decade of success

De Antonio Yachts has been growing and consolidating its presence in the national and international market, with 60% of its boats being exported. The company closed 2021 with the delivery of 65 units, representing a 45% growth in turnover over the previous year. This progression is maintained for this 2022, with 75 units sold, 90 units confirmed for 2023 and 50% of production already booked for 2024.

Short-term objectives include continuing to evolve towards a more sustainable range of boats, reducing environmental impact through the use of recycled materials and the implementation of its new hybrid system across the entire range, in addition to the introduction of the first fully electric models in 2024.