Tag Archive for: DELFIN TOWER


El concepto de lujo moderno a la venta de pisos en Benidorm

La finalización de esta edificación supone un hito para el sector residencial de lujo en la ciudad costera, donde la demanda de viviendas en propiedad de alto standing todavía es


Benidorm, 21 de julio de 2022. Benidorm da un paso más como destino residencial de lujo gracias a la inauguración de Delfin Tower. La apertura del edificio, concebido desde su inicio como un hito arquitectónico y de sostenibilidad, marcará el sector inmobiliario de la ciudad, ya que supone el impulso del concepto de lujo moderno en un mercado donde la demanda en propiedad de alto standing todavía resulta incipiente.

Con 98 metros de altura, 22 plantas y 39 viviendas (33 de ellas ya vendidas), este rascacielos se configura como el último edificio residencial de apartamentos en venta en Benidorm en primera línea de playa que verá la luz en muchos años. Por ello, con el objetivo de poner punto final a su proceso de edificación y dar comienzo a su nueva etapa como rascacielos exclusivo de referencia en la localidad, Goya Real Estate, promotora que ha levantado la construcción del inmueble, celebró ayer la inauguración del edificio y procedió a su apertura. Esto significa que la torre residencial ya está disponible para sus propietarios actuales y futuros.

“Queríamos crear un edificio icónico que destacara sobre el resto. En una ciudad como Benidorm, conocida por todos como ‘la ciudad de los rascacielos’, era un auténtico reto levantar una torre que no pasase desapercibida. Sin embargo, aplicando los más altos estándares en cuanto a diseño, innovación y sostenibilidad, lo hemos conseguido”, indica Sergio Vidal, CEO de Goya Real Estate. “Todos los proyectos que llevamos a cabo desde nuestra promotora se basan en cuatro aspectos clave: arquitectura vanguardista, sostenibilidad, producto inmobiliario prime y solidez financiera.

Delfin Tower, representa, sin duda, todos ellos”, añade. Edificio a la vanguardia de la innovación y la sostenibilidad Su emplazamiento junto al mar Mediterráneo es solo una de las múltiples particularidades destacadas que caracterizan a Delfin Tower. Hay otros muchos aspectos que sitúan a este rascacielos residencial a la vanguardia del diseño, la innovación y la sostenibilidad:

• Arquitectura llamativa. Caracterizado por una peculiar forma de vela, la doble curvatura de la fachada del edificio no sólo ha supuesto un auténtico reto arquitectónico, también ha permitido que cada piso tenga un carácter único, alejándose del concepto de superposición de plantas repetidas.

• Construcción con sello sostenible, gracias a su certificado Leed Gold. Se trata de la primera torre residencial de Benidorm en contar con este estándar. Dicha distinción avala sus elevados
estándares en cuanto al uso de materiales sostenibles y de calidad, eficiencia energética e hídrica o calidad del aire interior.

• Intimidad y confort. Para su diseño, se han tenido en cuenta diversos aspectos: gran espacio entre planta y planta para lograr una mayor sensación de amplitud, mucha iluminación natural, vistas ininterrumpidas a la playa y al mar, terraza individual, gran nivel de intimidad, ya que el primer piso de viviendas se corresponde realmente con una 4ª o 5ª planta, etc.


The concept of modern luxury for sale of flats in Benidorm

The completion of this building is a milestone for the luxury residential sector in the coastal city, where the demand for high-end home ownership is stillincipiente.

Benidorm, July 21, 2022. Benidorm goes one step further as a luxury residential destination thanks to the inauguration of the Delfin Tower. The opening of the building, conceived from the outset as an architectural and sustainability milestone, will mark the city’s real estate sector, since it represents the impetus for the concept of modern luxury in a market where the demand for high-end property is still in its infancy.

With 98 meters in height, 22 floors and 39 homes (33 of them already sold), this skyscraper is configured as the last residential apartment building for sale in Benidorm on the beachfront that will see the light of day in many years. For this reason, with the aim of putting an end to its construction process and beginning its new stage as an exclusive skyscraper of reference in the town, Goya Real Estate, the developer that has carried out the construction of the property, yesterday celebrated the inauguration of the building and proceeded to open it. This means that the residential tower is now available to its current and future owners.

“We wanted to create an iconic building that would stand out from the rest. In a city like Benidorm, known by all as ‘the city of skyscrapers’, it was a real challenge to build a tower that would not go unnoticed. However, by applying the highest standards in terms of design, innovation and sustainability, we have achieved it”, indicates Sergio Vidal, CEO of Goya Real Estate. “All the projects that we carry out from our promoter are based on four key aspects: avant-garde architecture, sustainability, prime real estate product and financial strength.

Delfin Tower, represents, without a doubt, all of them”, he adds. Building at the forefront of innovation and sustainability Its location next to the Mediterranean Sea is just one of the many outstanding features that characterize Delfin Tower. There are many other aspects that place this residential skyscraper at the forefront of design, innovation and sustainability:

• Striking architecture. Characterized by a peculiar sail shape, the double curvature of the building’s façade has not only been a true architectural challenge, it has also allowed each floor to have a unique character, moving away from the concept of overlapping repeated floors.

• Construction with a sustainable seal, thanks to its Leed Gold certificate. It is the first residential tower in Benidorm to have this standard. This distinction guarantees its high
standards regarding the use of sustainable and quality materials, energy and water efficiency or indoor air quality.

• Privacy and comfort. For its design, various aspects have been taken into account: large space between floor and floor to achieve a greater sense of spaciousness, lots of natural lighting, uninterrupted views of the beach and the sea, individual terrace, high level of privacy, since the first floor of housing really corresponds to a 4th or 5th floor, etc.


The concept of modern luxury for sale of flats in Benidorm

The completion of this building is a milestone for the luxury residential sector in the coastal city, where the demand for high-end home ownership is stillincipiente.

Benidorm, July 21, 2022. Benidorm goes one step further as a luxury residential destination thanks to the inauguration of the Delfin Tower. The opening of the building, conceived from the outset as an architectural and sustainability milestone, will mark the city’s real estate sector, since it represents the impetus for the concept of modern luxury in a market where the demand for high-end property is still in its infancy.

With 98 meters in height, 22 floors and 39 homes (33 of them already sold), this skyscraper is configured as the last residential apartment building for sale in Benidorm on the beachfront that will see the light of day in many years. For this reason, with the aim of putting an end to its construction process and beginning its new stage as an exclusive skyscraper of reference in the town, Goya Real Estate, the developer that has carried out the construction of the property, yesterday celebrated the inauguration of the building and proceeded to open it. This means that the residential tower is now available to its current and future owners.

“We wanted to create an iconic building that would stand out from the rest. In a city like Benidorm, known by all as ‘the city of skyscrapers’, it was a real challenge to build a tower that would not go unnoticed. However, by applying the highest standards in terms of design, innovation and sustainability, we have achieved it”, indicates Sergio Vidal, CEO of Goya Real Estate. “All the projects that we carry out from our promoter are based on four key aspects: avant-garde architecture, sustainability, prime real estate product and financial strength.

Delfin Tower, represents, without a doubt, all of them”, he adds. Building at the forefront of innovation and sustainability Its location next to the Mediterranean Sea is just one of the many outstanding features that characterize Delfin Tower. There are many other aspects that place this residential skyscraper at the forefront of design, innovation and sustainability:

• Striking architecture. Characterized by a peculiar sail shape, the double curvature of the building’s façade has not only been a true architectural challenge, it has also allowed each floor to have a unique character, moving away from the concept of overlapping repeated floors.

• Construction with a sustainable seal, thanks to its Leed Gold certificate. It is the first residential tower in Benidorm to have this standard. This distinction guarantees its high
standards regarding the use of sustainable and quality materials, energy and water efficiency or indoor air quality.

• Privacy and comfort. For its design, various aspects have been taken into account: large space between floor and floor to achieve a greater sense of spaciousness, lots of natural lighting, uninterrupted views of the beach and the sea, individual terrace, high level of privacy, since the first floor of housing really corresponds to a 4th or 5th floor, etc.


The concept of modern luxury for sale of flats in Benidorm

The completion of this building is a milestone for the luxury residential sector in the coastal city, where the demand for high-end home ownership is stillincipiente.

Benidorm, July 21, 2022. Benidorm goes one step further as a luxury residential destination thanks to the inauguration of the Delfin Tower. The opening of the building, conceived from the outset as an architectural and sustainability milestone, will mark the city’s real estate sector, since it represents the impetus for the concept of modern luxury in a market where the demand for high-end property is still in its infancy.

With 98 meters in height, 22 floors and 39 homes (33 of them already sold), this skyscraper is configured as the last residential apartment building for sale in Benidorm on the beachfront that will see the light of day in many years. For this reason, with the aim of putting an end to its construction process and beginning its new stage as an exclusive skyscraper of reference in the town, Goya Real Estate, the developer that has carried out the construction of the property, yesterday celebrated the inauguration of the building and proceeded to open it. This means that the residential tower is now available to its current and future owners.

“We wanted to create an iconic building that would stand out from the rest. In a city like Benidorm, known by all as ‘the city of skyscrapers’, it was a real challenge to build a tower that would not go unnoticed. However, by applying the highest standards in terms of design, innovation and sustainability, we have achieved it”, indicates Sergio Vidal, CEO of Goya Real Estate. “All the projects that we carry out from our promoter are based on four key aspects: avant-garde architecture, sustainability, prime real estate product and financial strength.

Delfin Tower, represents, without a doubt, all of them”, he adds. Building at the forefront of innovation and sustainability Its location next to the Mediterranean Sea is just one of the many outstanding features that characterize Delfin Tower. There are many other aspects that place this residential skyscraper at the forefront of design, innovation and sustainability:

• Striking architecture. Characterized by a peculiar sail shape, the double curvature of the building’s façade has not only been a true architectural challenge, it has also allowed each floor to have a unique character, moving away from the concept of overlapping repeated floors.

• Construction with a sustainable seal, thanks to its Leed Gold certificate. It is the first residential tower in Benidorm to have this standard. This distinction guarantees its high
standards regarding the use of sustainable and quality materials, energy and water efficiency or indoor air quality.

• Privacy and comfort. For its design, various aspects have been taken into account: large space between floor and floor to achieve a greater sense of spaciousness, lots of natural lighting, uninterrupted views of the beach and the sea, individual terrace, high level of privacy, since the first floor of housing really corresponds to a 4th or 5th floor, etc.


The concept of modern luxury for sale of flats in Benidorm

The completion of this building is a milestone for the luxury residential sector in the coastal city, where the demand for high-end home ownership is stillincipiente.

Benidorm, July 21, 2022. Benidorm goes one step further as a luxury residential destination thanks to the inauguration of the Delfin Tower. The opening of the building, conceived from the outset as an architectural and sustainability milestone, will mark the city’s real estate sector, since it represents the impetus for the concept of modern luxury in a market where the demand for high-end property is still in its infancy.

With 98 meters in height, 22 floors and 39 homes (33 of them already sold), this skyscraper is configured as the last residential apartment building for sale in Benidorm on the beachfront that will see the light of day in many years. For this reason, with the aim of putting an end to its construction process and beginning its new stage as an exclusive skyscraper of reference in the town, Goya Real Estate, the developer that has carried out the construction of the property, yesterday celebrated the inauguration of the building and proceeded to open it. This means that the residential tower is now available to its current and future owners.

“We wanted to create an iconic building that would stand out from the rest. In a city like Benidorm, known by all as ‘the city of skyscrapers’, it was a real challenge to build a tower that would not go unnoticed. However, by applying the highest standards in terms of design, innovation and sustainability, we have achieved it”, indicates Sergio Vidal, CEO of Goya Real Estate. “All the projects that we carry out from our promoter are based on four key aspects: avant-garde architecture, sustainability, prime real estate product and financial strength.

Delfin Tower, represents, without a doubt, all of them”, he adds. Building at the forefront of innovation and sustainability Its location next to the Mediterranean Sea is just one of the many outstanding features that characterize Delfin Tower. There are many other aspects that place this residential skyscraper at the forefront of design, innovation and sustainability:

• Striking architecture. Characterized by a peculiar sail shape, the double curvature of the building’s façade has not only been a true architectural challenge, it has also allowed each floor to have a unique character, moving away from the concept of overlapping repeated floors.

• Construction with a sustainable seal, thanks to its Leed Gold certificate. It is the first residential tower in Benidorm to have this standard. This distinction guarantees its high
standards regarding the use of sustainable and quality materials, energy and water efficiency or indoor air quality.

• Privacy and comfort. For its design, various aspects have been taken into account: large space between floor and floor to achieve a greater sense of spaciousness, lots of natural lighting, uninterrupted views of the beach and the sea, individual terrace, high level of privacy, since the first floor of housing really corresponds to a 4th or 5th floor, etc.