Tag Archive for: drawings

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA presentado en el Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Milán rodeado de dibujos originales de Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Estreno mundial del nuevo Hypercar de Pagani en el espléndido escenario de la Sala del Cenacolo del Museo
  • Seis dibujos originales de Leonardo da Vinci, cedidos con carácter excepcional por la Biblioteca Ambrosiana, sirven de telón de fondo a la Utopía Pagani
  • Para la inauguración, una exposición especial “La forma del aire: de Leonardo a la utopía de Pagani” curada científicamente por Pietro C. Marani, autor de numerosas publicaciones sobre el artista. Una doble exploración de los estudios sobre el aire del erudito italiano y la génesis de la Utopía Pagani
  • Un elemento común: la estrecha conexión entre Arte y Ciencia, el principio Leonardiano que inspira la filosofía de Horacio Pagani, Pagani Automobili Founder & Chief Designer
PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Milán, 13 de septiembre de 2022 – El Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Italia en el centro de Milán es el lugar para el debut oficial del nuevo Pagani Hypercar, el vehículo que escribirá el tercer capítulo en la historia de la marca, con el título: Pagani Utopia. En el espléndido marco de la Sala del Cenacolo, rodeada de dibujos originales de Leonardo da Vinci, la última creación del taller de Módena diseñada por Horacio Pagani encarna una visión utópica y visionaria del automovilismo, un concepto no convencional separado románticamente del significado contemporáneo de automóvil. Y lo hace en el más puro espíritu Pagani, donde el elemento rector que sustenta los coches de la compañía siempre ha sido el principio de Arte y Ciencia de Leonardo.

No se podría haber elegido un lugar mejor para presentar a la recién llegada: Milán, la ciudad cosmopolita que fue el hogar del artista, y el Museo que alberga las Galerías Leonardo, la exposición permanente más grande del mundo sobre Leonardo da Vinci, ingeniero, humanista y estudioso de la naturaleza.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

“A la entrada del Museo, el visitante es recibido por una frase de profundo significado: Scienza è Cultura – La ciencia es cultura. La expresión representa la esencia misma del Museo como lugar dedicado a Leonardo da Vinci y, como el propio artista, condensa las interrelaciones entre diferentes pero complementarias ramas del saber que, juntas, ayudan a comprender la realidad. Este diálogo entre arte, ciencia y tecnología es un rasgo distintivo de la identidad del Museo. Además, el descubrimiento y la invención que nunca dejan de sorprendernos se combinan con la capacidad fundamental de diseñar y construir, dando así un valor concreto al ingenio humano”, dice Fiorenzo Galli, Gerente General del Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.

Reforzar los lazos entre el diseño de Pagani Hypercars y Leonardo da Vinci es un préstamo excepcional de la Biblioteca Ambrosiana, que, para la presentación del nuevo coche, ha concedido permiso para que seis dibujos originales de los estudios de Leonardo sobre el aire, salgan de sus bóvedas en una base temporal para la exposición “La forma del aire: de Leonardo a Pagani Utopía”.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Comisariada por Pagani Automobili y Pietro C. Marani, un destacado experto en Leonardo da Vinci y autor de numerosos libros sobre el artista toscano, la exposición ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de una exploración dual. Por un lado, el asombroso genio de un hombre con la capacidad -hace seis siglos- de representar hasta lo invisible, plasmado en una colección de hojas del Codex Atlanticus sobre el estudio del aire y sus aplicaciones; por otro, el pensamiento que llevó al diseñador Horacio Pagani y su equipo a concebir el proyecto Utopía. Una visión binaria de forma y función.

“La presentación de nuestro nuevo automóvil en el marco extraordinario del Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Milán tiene un significado especial”, dice Horacio Pagani. “Leonardo fue muy creativo aquí en Milán, donde disfrutó de un período maravilloso. Ha sido una gran influencia en mi vida desde que era un niño, es la inspiración de los conceptos fundamentales de Arte y Ciencia que guían nuestro trabajo. Así que estar en el museo que lleva su nombre y tener sus dibujos originales al lado de nuestro auto es una emoción verdaderamente indescriptible para mí”.

Los visitantes podrán rastrear la génesis del proyecto Pagani Utopia en una serie de paneles especiales: desde las fuentes de inspiración hasta los primeros bocetos del automóvil, la paleta de colores y los materiales utilizados, condensados ​​en un moodboard tridimensional. La ruta creativa llega a su punto culminante en la Sala del Cenacolo para ver de cerca el nuevo Pagani Hypercar. Desde el exterior, una carrocería de líneas suaves y elegantes construida en materiales compuestos de alta tecnología; en el interior, el poderoso corazón del motor Pagani V12.

Los seis dibujos originales de Da Vinci seleccionados por Marani proporcionan el marco ideal para la nueva Utopía de Pagani. Seis obras que ponen de manifiesto cómo el artista supo representar lo invisible, plasmar “la existencia de la nada”, esa infinita extensión intersticial que envuelve todos los cuerpos, en contacto con el aire. Junto con el agua, el aire es uno de los cuatro elementos (incluidos la tierra y el fuego) que más intrigaron a Leonardo, cuyos movimientos y manifestaciones se esforzó en retratar.

“Un hilo conecta las observaciones de Leonardo y sus conocimientos sobre aerodinámica con las creaciones de Horacio Pagani”, comenta Pietro C. Marani. “Es como si el diseñador finalmente hubiera dado forma concreta a lo que Leonardo simplemente intuyó sobre la forma en que el aire ‘forja’ y esculpe formas, que se puede ver, por ejemplo, en los dos dibujos de fortalezas de la exposición”.

La exposición se enriquece con una sección titulada “Historia de un sueño”, la aventura del joven Horacio Pagani que llegó a Módena desde Argentina con una ambición: crear los autos más bellos del mundo. Los invitados podrán juzgar por sí mismos si ese sueño se hizo realidad: en los claustros, junto con el nuevo Pagani Utopia, se exhibirán dos modelos históricos -el Zonda C12 (1999) y el Huayra Coupé (2011)- para contar la historia de una marca que pronto celebrará su 25 aniversario.

El acompañamiento musical de la exposición es una interesante obra sinfónica escrita por el Conservatorio de Milán a partir de las composiciones para piano del joven Horacio Pagani, que ahora es la banda sonora de la nueva Utopía de Pagani.


Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Leonardo da Vinci | Via San Vittore 21, 20123 Milán

miércoles 14 – domingo 25 de septiembre de 2022

Horario: martes a viernes de 9:30 a 17:00; Sábado, domingo y festivos 9.30-18.30

Última entrada: 1 hora antes del cierre.

La exposición está incluida en la entrada al Museo

Museum Tickets > https://museoscienza.vivaticket.com/must/landingmuseo.htm


Pagani Automobili


press.office@pagani. com

Christopher Pagani

Luigi Ganzerli


Facebook: facebook.com/PaganiAutomobili

Instagram: paganiautomobili

Youtube: youtube.com/PaganiAutomobili

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology Museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

  • World premiere of Pagani’s new Hypercar in the splendid setting of the Museum’s Sala del Cenacolo 
  • Six original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, loaned on an exceptional basis by the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, provide the backdrop for the Pagani Utopia
  • For the unveiling, a special exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia” scientifically curated by Pietro C. Marani, author of numerous publications on the artist. A dual exploration of the Italian polymath’s studies on air and the genesis of the Pagani Utopia
  • A common element: the close connection between Art and Science, the Leonardian principle that inspires the philosophy of Horacio Pagani, Pagani Automobili Founder & Chief Designer
PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Milan, 13 September 2022 – Italy’s National Science & Technology Museum in central Milan is the venue for the official debut of the new Pagani Hypercar, the vehicle that will write the third chapter in the brand’s history, with the title: Pagani Utopia. In the splendid setting of the Sala del Cenacolo refectory hall, surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, the Modena-based atelier’s latest creation designed by Horacio Pagani embodies a visionary utopian idea of motoring, an unconventional concept romantically detached from the contemporary meaning of automobile. And it does so in the purest Pagani spirit, where the guiding element underpinning the company’s cars has always been Leonardo’s principle of Art and Science.

No better location could have been chosen to present the new arrival: Milan, the cosmopolitan city that was home to the artist, and the Museum that houses the Leonardo Galleries, the world’s largest permanent exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci – engineer, humanist and scholar of nature.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

At the entrance to the Museum, the visitor is welcomed by a phrase with a profound significance: Scienza è Cultura – Science is Culture. The expression represents the very essence of the Museum as a place dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci and, like the artist himself, condenses the interrelations between different but complementary branches of knowledge, which, together, help us understand reality. This dialogue between art, science and technology is a distinguishing feature of the Museum’s identity. Furthermore, the discovery and invention that never cease to surprise us are combined with the fundamental ability to design and build, thus giving concrete value to human ingenuity,” says Fiorenzo Galli, General Manager of the National Science & Technology Museum.

Enhancing the ties between the design of Pagani Hypercars and Leonardo da Vinci is an exceptional loan from the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, which, for the presentation of the new car, has granted permission for six original drawings of Leonardo’s studies on air, to leave its vaults on a temporary basis for the exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia”.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Curated by Pagani Automobili and Pietro C. Marani, a leading expert on Leonardo da Vinci and author of numerous books about the Tuscan artist, the exhibition offers visitors the opportunity for dual exploration. On one hand, the astonishing genius of a man with the ability – six centuries ago – to represent even the invisible, displayed in a collection of leaves from the Codex Atlanticus on the study of air and its applications; on the other, the thinking that led designer Horacio Pagani and his team to conceive the Utopia project.  A binary vision of form and function.

“The presentation of our new car in the extraordinary setting of the National Science & Technology Museum in Milan has a special significance,” says Horacio Pagani. “Leonardo was very creative here in Milan, where he enjoyed a wonderful period. He has been a huge influence in my life since I was a boy, he is the inspiration for the fundamental concepts of Art and Science that guide our work. So to be in the museum that bears his name and to have his original drawings next to our car is a truly indescribable emotion for me.”

Visitors will be able to trace the genesis of the Pagani Utopia project on a series of special panels: from the sources of inspiration to the first sketches of the car, the colour palette and the materials used, condensed in a three-dimensional moodboard. The creative route reaches its culmination in the Sala del Cenacolo for a close-up look at the new Pagani Hypercar. From the outside, a body with soft, elegant lines built in hi-tech composite materials; inside, the powerful heart of the Pagani V12 engine.

Providing the ideal frame for the new Pagani Utopia are the six original Da Vinci drawings selected by Marani. Six works that highlight how the artist was able to represent the invisible, to depict “the existence of nothingness”, that infinite interstitial extension that surrounds all bodies, in contact with the air. Together with water, air is one of the four elements (including earth and fire) that most intrigued Leonardo, whose movements and manifestations he strove to portray.

“A thread links Leonardo’s observations and his insights into aerodynamics with the creations of Horacio Pagani,” comments Pietro C. Marani. “It’s as if the designer had finally given concrete shape to what Leonardo simply intuited about the way the air ‘forges’ and sculpts forms, which you can see, for example, in the two drawings of fortresses in the exhibition.” 

The exhibizion is enhanced with a section entitled “Story of a Dream”, the adventure of the young Horacio Pagani who came to Modena from Argentina with an ambition: to create the most beautiful cars in the world. Guests will be able to judge for themselves whether that dream came true: in the cloisters, together with the new Pagani Utopia, two historic models will be on display – the Zonda C12 (1999) and the Huayra Coupé (2011) – to tell the story of a brand that will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The musical accompaniment to the exhibition is an interesting symphonic work written by the Milan Conservatory starting from the compositions for piano of the young Horacio Pagani, which is now the soundtrack of the new Pagani Utopia.


National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci | Via San Vittore 21, 20123 Milan

Wednesday 14 – Sunday 25 September 2022

Opening times: Tuesday-Friday 9.30-17.00; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 9.30-18.30

Last admission: 1 hour before closing time.

The exhibition is included in the Museum entrance ticket

Museum Tickets > https://museoscienza.vivaticket.com/must/landingmuseo.htm


Pagani Automobili


press.office@pagani. com

Christopher Pagani

Luigi Ganzerli


Facebook: facebook.com/PaganiAutomobili

Instagram: paganiautomobili

Youtube: youtube.com/PaganiAutomobili

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology Museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

  • World premiere of Pagani’s new Hypercar in the splendid setting of the Museum’s Sala del Cenacolo 
  • Six original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, loaned on an exceptional basis by the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, provide the backdrop for the Pagani Utopia
  • For the unveiling, a special exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia” scientifically curated by Pietro C. Marani, author of numerous publications on the artist. A dual exploration of the Italian polymath’s studies on air and the genesis of the Pagani Utopia
  • A common element: the close connection between Art and Science, the Leonardian principle that inspires the philosophy of Horacio Pagani, Pagani Automobili Founder & Chief Designer
PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Milan, 13 September 2022 – Italy’s National Science & Technology Museum in central Milan is the venue for the official debut of the new Pagani Hypercar, the vehicle that will write the third chapter in the brand’s history, with the title: Pagani Utopia. In the splendid setting of the Sala del Cenacolo refectory hall, surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, the Modena-based atelier’s latest creation designed by Horacio Pagani embodies a visionary utopian idea of motoring, an unconventional concept romantically detached from the contemporary meaning of automobile. And it does so in the purest Pagani spirit, where the guiding element underpinning the company’s cars has always been Leonardo’s principle of Art and Science.

No better location could have been chosen to present the new arrival: Milan, the cosmopolitan city that was home to the artist, and the Museum that houses the Leonardo Galleries, the world’s largest permanent exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci – engineer, humanist and scholar of nature.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

At the entrance to the Museum, the visitor is welcomed by a phrase with a profound significance: Scienza è Cultura – Science is Culture. The expression represents the very essence of the Museum as a place dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci and, like the artist himself, condenses the interrelations between different but complementary branches of knowledge, which, together, help us understand reality. This dialogue between art, science and technology is a distinguishing feature of the Museum’s identity. Furthermore, the discovery and invention that never cease to surprise us are combined with the fundamental ability to design and build, thus giving concrete value to human ingenuity,” says Fiorenzo Galli, General Manager of the National Science & Technology Museum.

Enhancing the ties between the design of Pagani Hypercars and Leonardo da Vinci is an exceptional loan from the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, which, for the presentation of the new car, has granted permission for six original drawings of Leonardo’s studies on air, to leave its vaults on a temporary basis for the exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia”.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Curated by Pagani Automobili and Pietro C. Marani, a leading expert on Leonardo da Vinci and author of numerous books about the Tuscan artist, the exhibition offers visitors the opportunity for dual exploration. On one hand, the astonishing genius of a man with the ability – six centuries ago – to represent even the invisible, displayed in a collection of leaves from the Codex Atlanticus on the study of air and its applications; on the other, the thinking that led designer Horacio Pagani and his team to conceive the Utopia project.  A binary vision of form and function.

“The presentation of our new car in the extraordinary setting of the National Science & Technology Museum in Milan has a special significance,” says Horacio Pagani. “Leonardo was very creative here in Milan, where he enjoyed a wonderful period. He has been a huge influence in my life since I was a boy, he is the inspiration for the fundamental concepts of Art and Science that guide our work. So to be in the museum that bears his name and to have his original drawings next to our car is a truly indescribable emotion for me.”

Visitors will be able to trace the genesis of the Pagani Utopia project on a series of special panels: from the sources of inspiration to the first sketches of the car, the colour palette and the materials used, condensed in a three-dimensional moodboard. The creative route reaches its culmination in the Sala del Cenacolo for a close-up look at the new Pagani Hypercar. From the outside, a body with soft, elegant lines built in hi-tech composite materials; inside, the powerful heart of the Pagani V12 engine.

Providing the ideal frame for the new Pagani Utopia are the six original Da Vinci drawings selected by Marani. Six works that highlight how the artist was able to represent the invisible, to depict “the existence of nothingness”, that infinite interstitial extension that surrounds all bodies, in contact with the air. Together with water, air is one of the four elements (including earth and fire) that most intrigued Leonardo, whose movements and manifestations he strove to portray.

“A thread links Leonardo’s observations and his insights into aerodynamics with the creations of Horacio Pagani,” comments Pietro C. Marani. “It’s as if the designer had finally given concrete shape to what Leonardo simply intuited about the way the air ‘forges’ and sculpts forms, which you can see, for example, in the two drawings of fortresses in the exhibition.” 

The exhibizion is enhanced with a section entitled “Story of a Dream”, the adventure of the young Horacio Pagani who came to Modena from Argentina with an ambition: to create the most beautiful cars in the world. Guests will be able to judge for themselves whether that dream came true: in the cloisters, together with the new Pagani Utopia, two historic models will be on display – the Zonda C12 (1999) and the Huayra Coupé (2011) – to tell the story of a brand that will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The musical accompaniment to the exhibition is an interesting symphonic work written by the Milan Conservatory starting from the compositions for piano of the young Horacio Pagani, which is now the soundtrack of the new Pagani Utopia.


National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci | Via San Vittore 21, 20123 Milan

Wednesday 14 – Sunday 25 September 2022

Opening times: Tuesday-Friday 9.30-17.00; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 9.30-18.30

Last admission: 1 hour before closing time.

The exhibition is included in the Museum entrance ticket

Museum Tickets > https://museoscienza.vivaticket.com/must/landingmuseo.htm


Pagani Automobili


press.office@pagani. com

Christopher Pagani

Luigi Ganzerli


Facebook: facebook.com/PaganiAutomobili

Instagram: paganiautomobili

Youtube: youtube.com/PaganiAutomobili

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology Museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

  • World premiere of Pagani’s new Hypercar in the splendid setting of the Museum’s Sala del Cenacolo 
  • Six original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, loaned on an exceptional basis by the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, provide the backdrop for the Pagani Utopia
  • For the unveiling, a special exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia” scientifically curated by Pietro C. Marani, author of numerous publications on the artist. A dual exploration of the Italian polymath’s studies on air and the genesis of the Pagani Utopia
  • A common element: the close connection between Art and Science, the Leonardian principle that inspires the philosophy of Horacio Pagani, Pagani Automobili Founder & Chief Designer
PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Milan, 13 September 2022 – Italy’s National Science & Technology Museum in central Milan is the venue for the official debut of the new Pagani Hypercar, the vehicle that will write the third chapter in the brand’s history, with the title: Pagani Utopia. In the splendid setting of the Sala del Cenacolo refectory hall, surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, the Modena-based atelier’s latest creation designed by Horacio Pagani embodies a visionary utopian idea of motoring, an unconventional concept romantically detached from the contemporary meaning of automobile. And it does so in the purest Pagani spirit, where the guiding element underpinning the company’s cars has always been Leonardo’s principle of Art and Science.

No better location could have been chosen to present the new arrival: Milan, the cosmopolitan city that was home to the artist, and the Museum that houses the Leonardo Galleries, the world’s largest permanent exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci – engineer, humanist and scholar of nature.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

At the entrance to the Museum, the visitor is welcomed by a phrase with a profound significance: Scienza è Cultura – Science is Culture. The expression represents the very essence of the Museum as a place dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci and, like the artist himself, condenses the interrelations between different but complementary branches of knowledge, which, together, help us understand reality. This dialogue between art, science and technology is a distinguishing feature of the Museum’s identity. Furthermore, the discovery and invention that never cease to surprise us are combined with the fundamental ability to design and build, thus giving concrete value to human ingenuity,” says Fiorenzo Galli, General Manager of the National Science & Technology Museum.

Enhancing the ties between the design of Pagani Hypercars and Leonardo da Vinci is an exceptional loan from the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, which, for the presentation of the new car, has granted permission for six original drawings of Leonardo’s studies on air, to leave its vaults on a temporary basis for the exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia”.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Curated by Pagani Automobili and Pietro C. Marani, a leading expert on Leonardo da Vinci and author of numerous books about the Tuscan artist, the exhibition offers visitors the opportunity for dual exploration. On one hand, the astonishing genius of a man with the ability – six centuries ago – to represent even the invisible, displayed in a collection of leaves from the Codex Atlanticus on the study of air and its applications; on the other, the thinking that led designer Horacio Pagani and his team to conceive the Utopia project.  A binary vision of form and function.

“The presentation of our new car in the extraordinary setting of the National Science & Technology Museum in Milan has a special significance,” says Horacio Pagani. “Leonardo was very creative here in Milan, where he enjoyed a wonderful period. He has been a huge influence in my life since I was a boy, he is the inspiration for the fundamental concepts of Art and Science that guide our work. So to be in the museum that bears his name and to have his original drawings next to our car is a truly indescribable emotion for me.”

Visitors will be able to trace the genesis of the Pagani Utopia project on a series of special panels: from the sources of inspiration to the first sketches of the car, the colour palette and the materials used, condensed in a three-dimensional moodboard. The creative route reaches its culmination in the Sala del Cenacolo for a close-up look at the new Pagani Hypercar. From the outside, a body with soft, elegant lines built in hi-tech composite materials; inside, the powerful heart of the Pagani V12 engine.

Providing the ideal frame for the new Pagani Utopia are the six original Da Vinci drawings selected by Marani. Six works that highlight how the artist was able to represent the invisible, to depict “the existence of nothingness”, that infinite interstitial extension that surrounds all bodies, in contact with the air. Together with water, air is one of the four elements (including earth and fire) that most intrigued Leonardo, whose movements and manifestations he strove to portray.

“A thread links Leonardo’s observations and his insights into aerodynamics with the creations of Horacio Pagani,” comments Pietro C. Marani. “It’s as if the designer had finally given concrete shape to what Leonardo simply intuited about the way the air ‘forges’ and sculpts forms, which you can see, for example, in the two drawings of fortresses in the exhibition.” 

The exhibizion is enhanced with a section entitled “Story of a Dream”, the adventure of the young Horacio Pagani who came to Modena from Argentina with an ambition: to create the most beautiful cars in the world. Guests will be able to judge for themselves whether that dream came true: in the cloisters, together with the new Pagani Utopia, two historic models will be on display – the Zonda C12 (1999) and the Huayra Coupé (2011) – to tell the story of a brand that will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The musical accompaniment to the exhibition is an interesting symphonic work written by the Milan Conservatory starting from the compositions for piano of the young Horacio Pagani, which is now the soundtrack of the new Pagani Utopia.


National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci | Via San Vittore 21, 20123 Milan

Wednesday 14 – Sunday 25 September 2022

Opening times: Tuesday-Friday 9.30-17.00; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 9.30-18.30

Last admission: 1 hour before closing time.

The exhibition is included in the Museum entrance ticket

Museum Tickets > https://museoscienza.vivaticket.com/must/landingmuseo.htm


Pagani Automobili


press.office@pagani. com

Christopher Pagani

Luigi Ganzerli


Facebook: facebook.com/PaganiAutomobili

Instagram: paganiautomobili

Youtube: youtube.com/PaganiAutomobili

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology Museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

  • World premiere of Pagani’s new Hypercar in the splendid setting of the Museum’s Sala del Cenacolo 
  • Six original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, loaned on an exceptional basis by the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, provide the backdrop for the Pagani Utopia
  • For the unveiling, a special exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia” scientifically curated by Pietro C. Marani, author of numerous publications on the artist. A dual exploration of the Italian polymath’s studies on air and the genesis of the Pagani Utopia
  • A common element: the close connection between Art and Science, the Leonardian principle that inspires the philosophy of Horacio Pagani, Pagani Automobili Founder & Chief Designer
PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Milan, 13 September 2022 – Italy’s National Science & Technology Museum in central Milan is the venue for the official debut of the new Pagani Hypercar, the vehicle that will write the third chapter in the brand’s history, with the title: Pagani Utopia. In the splendid setting of the Sala del Cenacolo refectory hall, surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, the Modena-based atelier’s latest creation designed by Horacio Pagani embodies a visionary utopian idea of motoring, an unconventional concept romantically detached from the contemporary meaning of automobile. And it does so in the purest Pagani spirit, where the guiding element underpinning the company’s cars has always been Leonardo’s principle of Art and Science.

No better location could have been chosen to present the new arrival: Milan, the cosmopolitan city that was home to the artist, and the Museum that houses the Leonardo Galleries, the world’s largest permanent exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci – engineer, humanist and scholar of nature.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

At the entrance to the Museum, the visitor is welcomed by a phrase with a profound significance: Scienza è Cultura – Science is Culture. The expression represents the very essence of the Museum as a place dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci and, like the artist himself, condenses the interrelations between different but complementary branches of knowledge, which, together, help us understand reality. This dialogue between art, science and technology is a distinguishing feature of the Museum’s identity. Furthermore, the discovery and invention that never cease to surprise us are combined with the fundamental ability to design and build, thus giving concrete value to human ingenuity,” says Fiorenzo Galli, General Manager of the National Science & Technology Museum.

Enhancing the ties between the design of Pagani Hypercars and Leonardo da Vinci is an exceptional loan from the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, which, for the presentation of the new car, has granted permission for six original drawings of Leonardo’s studies on air, to leave its vaults on a temporary basis for the exhibition “The shape of air: from Leonardo to Pagani Utopia”.

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

PAGANI UTOPIA unveiled at the national science technology museum in milan surrounded by original drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci

Curated by Pagani Automobili and Pietro C. Marani, a leading expert on Leonardo da Vinci and author of numerous books about the Tuscan artist, the exhibition offers visitors the opportunity for dual exploration. On one hand, the astonishing genius of a man with the ability – six centuries ago – to represent even the invisible, displayed in a collection of leaves from the Codex Atlanticus on the study of air and its applications; on the other, the thinking that led designer Horacio Pagani and his team to conceive the Utopia project.  A binary vision of form and function.

“The presentation of our new car in the extraordinary setting of the National Science & Technology Museum in Milan has a special significance,” says Horacio Pagani. “Leonardo was very creative here in Milan, where he enjoyed a wonderful period. He has been a huge influence in my life since I was a boy, he is the inspiration for the fundamental concepts of Art and Science that guide our work. So to be in the museum that bears his name and to have his original drawings next to our car is a truly indescribable emotion for me.”

Visitors will be able to trace the genesis of the Pagani Utopia project on a series of special panels: from the sources of inspiration to the first sketches of the car, the colour palette and the materials used, condensed in a three-dimensional moodboard. The creative route reaches its culmination in the Sala del Cenacolo for a close-up look at the new Pagani Hypercar. From the outside, a body with soft, elegant lines built in hi-tech composite materials; inside, the powerful heart of the Pagani V12 engine.

Providing the ideal frame for the new Pagani Utopia are the six original Da Vinci drawings selected by Marani. Six works that highlight how the artist was able to represent the invisible, to depict “the existence of nothingness”, that infinite interstitial extension that surrounds all bodies, in contact with the air. Together with water, air is one of the four elements (including earth and fire) that most intrigued Leonardo, whose movements and manifestations he strove to portray.

“A thread links Leonardo’s observations and his insights into aerodynamics with the creations of Horacio Pagani,” comments Pietro C. Marani. “It’s as if the designer had finally given concrete shape to what Leonardo simply intuited about the way the air ‘forges’ and sculpts forms, which you can see, for example, in the two drawings of fortresses in the exhibition.” 

The exhibizion is enhanced with a section entitled “Story of a Dream”, the adventure of the young Horacio Pagani who came to Modena from Argentina with an ambition: to create the most beautiful cars in the world. Guests will be able to judge for themselves whether that dream came true: in the cloisters, together with the new Pagani Utopia, two historic models will be on display – the Zonda C12 (1999) and the Huayra Coupé (2011) – to tell the story of a brand that will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The musical accompaniment to the exhibition is an interesting symphonic work written by the Milan Conservatory starting from the compositions for piano of the young Horacio Pagani, which is now the soundtrack of the new Pagani Utopia.


National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci | Via San Vittore 21, 20123 Milan

Wednesday 14 – Sunday 25 September 2022

Opening times: Tuesday-Friday 9.30-17.00; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 9.30-18.30

Last admission: 1 hour before closing time.

The exhibition is included in the Museum entrance ticket

Museum Tickets > https://museoscienza.vivaticket.com/must/landingmuseo.htm


Pagani Automobili


press.office@pagani. com

Christopher Pagani

Luigi Ganzerli


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