Tag Archive for: Electric

Foto estática, Color: Verde azulado ártico

Como cuarto modelo de la serie, el concepto Audi activesphere marca la culminación de los vehículos conceptuales esféricos presentados por la marca de los cuatro aros. Tras el Audi skysphere roadster en 2021, y tanto el Audi grandsphere sedán como el Audi urbansphere space concept en abril de 2022, ahora hace su debut un crossover coupé de cuatro puertas con un diseño de carrocería asombrosamente versátil. Con una longitud de 4,98 metros, el elegante automóvil es más que un mero automóvil deportivo de lujo, con una impresionante distancia al suelo y grandes ruedas de 22 pulgadas que anuncian su talento todoterreno. La parte trasera Sportback del activesphere puede convertirse en una plataforma de carga abierta (“espalda activa”) con solo tocar un botón, perfecta para transportar equipos recreativos como bicicletas eléctricas o equipos para deportes acuáticos e invernales.

Al combinar opuestos en una síntesis perfecta, el Audi activesphere demuestra ser un versátil transgresor de fronteras, con un sistema de propulsión y una suspensión que lo hacen igualmente hábil tanto dentro como fuera de la carretera. El volante y los pedales permiten al conductor controlar activamente el automóvil, al tiempo que ofrecen una conducción autónoma para un tiempo más relajado en la carretera. Como un coupé que es tan elegante como dinámico, presenta proporciones y líneas clásicas, pero en solo unos segundos, el automóvil se transforma en una camioneta para transportar equipos deportivos de primera clase: incluso hay espacio suficiente para dos bicicletas eléctricas. en la plataforma de carga.

El concept car fue concebido y diseñado en el Audi Design Studio en Malibu, a tiro de piedra de la Pacific Coast Highway, la legendaria carretera costera. El gerente del estudio Gael Buzyn y su equipo son las mentes creativas detrás del proyecto. Él describe la idea detrás del proyecto: “La esfera activa es única. Es un nuevo tipo de crossover que combina hábilmente la elegancia de un Audi Sportback, la practicidad de un SUV y verdaderas capacidades todoterreno”.

Con un accionamiento eléctrico y tecnología de carga rápida del sistema modular PPE de Audi, el Audi activesphere se une a la familia de vehículos de concepto de esfera. Sin emisiones locales, una autonomía de más de 600 km y tiempos de carga extremadamente rápidos gracias a la tecnología de 800 voltios, combina la sostenibilidad, el dinamismo y la capacidad de larga distancia de los vehículos eléctricos de última generación.

Oliver Hoffmann, miembro del Consejo de Administración de Desarrollo Técnico : “Los vehículos de concepto de esfera muestran nuestra visión de la movilidad premium del futuro. Estamos experimentando un cambio de paradigma, especialmente en el interior de nuestros futuros modelos Audi. El interior se convierte en un lugar donde los pasajeros se sienten como en casa y pueden conectarse con el mundo exterior al mismo tiempo. La innovación técnica más importante en Audi activesphere es nuestra adaptación de la realidad aumentada para la movilidad. Audi dimension crea la síntesis perfecta entre el entorno y la realidad digital”.

La capacidad de conducción autónoma en terreno adecuado brinda a los conductores y pasajeros un nuevo nivel de libertad que, gracias a la nueva pantalla y tecnología operativa, se puede utilizar en la esfera activa de varias maneras. El concepto operativo innovador, las dimensiones de Audi, combina los mundos físico y virtual (es decir, realidad mixta) al mostrar contenido digital en los campos de visión de los ocupantes en tiempo real.

Los auriculares de alta tecnología brindan una vista del entorno real y la ruta, al mismo tiempo que muestran contenido 3D y elementos interactivos, configurables individualmente para conductores y pasajeros.

Esto significa que se puede mostrar toda la información relevante para el conductor, como el estado de conducción y la navegación. Y en el interior, los usuarios de auriculares pueden ver los paneles de control y otras pantallas virtuales en un diseño ordenado y minimalista que permanece oculto a simple vista. La óptica de realidad mixta brinda a los usuarios la capacidad de interactuar con precisión con estas zonas sensibles al tacto reales, pero invisibles, ya que los auriculares muestran y realizan funciones al reaccionar en tiempo real cuando los usuarios los tocan.

Como todoterreno perfecto, el concepto Audi activesphere es ideal para las altas exigencias de una generación de clientes Audi orientada al futuro: personas para quienes la movilidad individual y la sostenibilidad no son mutuamente excluyentes. Además, los propietarios que esperan que su vehículo brinde la estética y el dinamismo típicos de la marca en el más alto grado, combinados con tecnología orientada al futuro. Para estos clientes, el concepto Audi activesphere actúa como una visión fascinante de cruzar los límites entre estas dimensiones.

Foto estática, Color: Verde azulado ártico

Elegancia robusta – diseño exterior

Sus dimensiones -4,98 metros de largo, 2,07 metros de ancho y 1,60 metros de alto- hacen del Audi activesphere concept un miembro del segmento premium. Típico de un coche eléctrico, la distancia entre ejes es de unos generosos 2,97 metros, lo que proporciona el máximo espacio para las piernas de los pasajeros. Los voladizos delantero y trasero son correspondientemente cortos para una impresión mucho más compacta de lo que indican los números. Desde todas las perspectivas, el concepto Audi activesphere parece monolítico, como si fuera de un solo molde.

Las grandes llantas de 22 pulgadas y la sorprendente distancia al suelo, la cabina plana tan típica de un Audi y un arco de techo dinámico le dan al automóvil proporciones que recuerdan claramente a un automóvil deportivo.

Los neumáticos 285/55 son lo suficientemente voluminosos para todo tipo de terreno, y su banda de rodadura contorneada destaca el talento del activesphere para el uso todoterreno. Las ruedas cuentan con segmentos móviles: cuando se usan fuera de la carretera, se abren para una ventilación óptima y se cierran en la carretera para una aerodinámica óptima. Los espejos de cámara elegantes y con estilo en las dos puertas delanteras también están diseñados específicamente para minimizar la resistencia.

La ausencia de bordes duros da como resultado transiciones suaves entre superficies convexas y cóncavas en todo el cuerpo, así como sombras suaves. Vistos desde el lateral y la parte trasera, los huecos de las ruedas traseras parecen marcadamente horizontales, visualizando el potencial dinámico del vehículo conceptual.

Las superficies de vidrio constituyen una parte importante de la carrocería del vehículo, y de ninguna manera solo a la altura de la cabeza. El extremo delantero del activesphere presenta la cara de la marca, el Singleframe, diseñado como un acristalamiento transparente para brindar a los pasajeros una vista sin obstrucciones a través del gran tramo de la carretera frente al vehículo.

También hay superficies de vidrio en el costado en el área inferior de la puerta, que parecen disolver el límite entre el mundo natural y el interior cuando la esfera activa está en modo todoterreno. El portón trasero ancho y curvo presenta un amplio acristalamiento para una iluminación óptima, mientras que incluso el techo es transparente, lo que deja entrar mucha luz natural en el interior.

El aspecto exterior señala específicamente la capacidad todoterreno del vehículo y, con sus voluminosos pasos de rueda, retrata la tracción total quattro variable y controlada electrónicamente. La distancia al suelo del Audi activesphere también es variable; ideal para uso todoterreno, puede aumentarse en 40 milímetros desde la altura básica de 208 milímetros, o reducirse en la misma cantidad cuando se conduce por carretera. Esto beneficia tanto al centro de gravedad como a la aerodinámica cuando se conduce rápido. El ángulo de aproximación del Audi activesphere, relevante para la conducción todoterreno, es de 18,9 grados, el ángulo de salida de 28,1 grados.

La distancia al suelo variable recuerda a una familia de modelos Audi que ha atraído a una base de seguidores leales y entusiastas en los segmentos C y B posteriores desde 2000: el Audi allroad. Desde la primera generación, esta familia también cuenta con suspensión neumática con distancia al suelo variable y un conjunto de piso visualmente desplazado con elementos de protección antiempotramiento como una característica de diseño importante. Igualmente importante para todos los modelos allroad es la opción del paquete Avant.

El activesphere marca la primera vez que un automóvil con un hatchback Sportback incorpora los elementos de diseño y el equipamiento técnico de un allroad. Por este motivo, Audi llama a la nueva variante de carrocería “sportback activo” en contraste con el allroad.

Otra nueva variación del tema allroad: el Audi activesphere concept cuenta con acabados de pintura oscuros de alto brillo en Arctic Teal en la parte delantera y trasera, así como debajo de las puertas en el área lateral, además de superficies mate que yuxtaponen visualmente el conjunto del piso y la cabina. . Aquí se integran listones de metal con montantes verticales ligeramente desplazados, dispuestos en paralelo entre sí. Estos elementos se despliegan cuando se aumenta la distancia al suelo, visualizando el modo todoterreno.

Al igual que con su pariente, el Audi grandsphere concept, las puertas del Audi activesphere, que están unidas a los pilares A y C en la parte delantera y trasera, se abren en direcciones opuestas; aquí tampoco hay un pilar B. Esta innovación significa que todo el espacio interior se abre a los pasajeros tan pronto como se suben al automóvil.

A derecha e izquierda sobre el Singleframe, las estrechas unidades de los faros parecen ojos enfocados. Las unidades de iluminación hacen eco del logotipo de la marca con los cuatro aros al agrandar y aislar la intersección de dos anillos para formar una pupila: una nueva e inconfundible firma de luz digital que Audi introdujo por primera vez en el Audi grandsphere: el Audi eye. En la esfera activa, esta firma ahora es variada: los modos de conducción en carretera y fuera de carretera tienen cada uno su propia variante. Las luces de circulación diurna y las luces traseras utilizan tecnología micro-LED ultrafina para una precisión y un contraste aún mayores.

Sportback y espalda activa: arquitectura trasera variable

El Audi activesphere concept es un transgresor de fronteras, lo que significa que es un maestro de la metamorfosis. Su sección trasera, en particular, refleja el estilo de vida activo de sus clientes y permite transportar incluso equipos deportivos voluminosos, sin sacrificar la elegancia y la deportividad de la silueta Sportback.

Si es necesario, las correderas transparentes de la luneta trasera quedan casi al mismo nivel que el techo del Audi activesphere. Al mismo tiempo, el segmento vertical inferior de la parte trasera se pliega horizontalmente, lo que abre una amplia plataforma de carga llamada respaldo activo que cuenta con soportes para bicicletas eléctricas, por ejemplo. Las superficies laterales de la parte trasera, los pilares C, permanecen en posición para mantener la silueta dinámica de la esfera activa, mientras que un mamparo motorizado se despliega desde detrás de los asientos traseros para aislar la cabina de los elementos.

Un portaesquís está integrado en el centro de la estructura del techo. Completamente enrasado en posición nominal y prácticamente invisible en el arco del techo, se extiende si es necesario, para que los esquís puedan sujetarse y transportarse con seguridad.

Interior priorizado: centrado en las personas

“Sphere” marca la pauta: el componente de nombre común del Audi skysphere, grandsphere, urbansphere, y ahora también activesphere, alude al interior. Los kilovatios y los km/h o la aceleración lateral ya no están en la parte superior de las especificaciones de diseño para esta nueva generación de automóviles. En cambio, el punto de partida es el interior, la esfera de vida y experiencia de los ocupantes mientras viajan. Sus necesidades y deseos dan forma al espacio, la arquitectura y las funciones.

Con esa reevaluación, el proceso de diseño en sí mismo cambia. Al comienzo de todas las discusiones, la atención se dirige hacia el interior y su diseño. Solo entonces se diseñan el paquete, las proporciones y las líneas del exterior.


Funcional y minimalista: el interior

El epítome de la claridad y el orden: esta es la primera impresión para los pasajeros cuando suben al interior del Audi activesphere a través de las puertas abiertas de par en par.

Las superficies verticales y horizontales, junto con los ángulos rectos, dominan la arquitectura del espacio. Las zonas interiores cuentan con colores contrastantes horizontales y la pieza central reinante son las superficies de los asientos, las puertas y los paneles frontales en cálido rojo lava, que contrastan con el exterior oscuro incluso cuando se mira a través de las ventanas laterales. Por encima y por debajo de esta zona central, también dominan los colores oscuros (negro, antracita y gris oscuro).

Los cuatro asientos individuales están suspendidos como extensiones de la consola central alta y de cuerpo entero. Descansando sobre la consola central, el extremo superior del lado interior de la carcasa del asiento tiene forma horizontal de reposabrazos. Los diseñadores imaginaron las superficies del asiento, el respaldo y los hombros como tres carcasas circunferenciales separadas; la apariencia visual por sí sola ya promete un buen soporte lateral. También parecen tan ligeros que flotan y, por lo tanto, mantienen el equilibrio entre la función automotriz y la elegancia de un sillón.

Cuando el Audi activesphere concept se conduce en modo autónomo, el salpicadero, el volante y los pedales desaparecen en una posición invisible. Especialmente en la primera fila de asientos, se abre un amplio espacio frente al conductor, que se extiende hasta el extremo delantero de la esfera activa y más allá. Para un campo de visión claro, el Singleframe completamente acristalado brinda a los pasajeros una vista sin obstáculos de la carretera.

El tablero en sí funciona como una barra de sonido extra grande (a través de las láminas de madera), así como una salida de aire inteligente de ancho completo, tanto en la posición desplegada como guardada.

Si el conductor quiere tomar el volante, el tablero de instrumentos, junto con el volante, gira desde su posición al ras debajo del parabrisas; cada conductor puede ajustar la posición ergonómica ideal individualmente. Los controles sin contacto MMI en las puertas siempre están accesibles a la vista y la mano, por ejemplo, para controlar las ventanas y los ajustes de los asientos.

La arquitectura y la sensación de espacio en el Audi activesphere están determinadas en gran medida por la consola central alta y completa. Por supuesto, en los coches eléctricos ya no se necesita la consola para sostener un eje cardán, sino que ofrece espacio para almacenamiento y una barra a bordo, ya sea refrigerada o calentada. La tapa superior es transparente, lo que permite ver la botella y los vasos, pero también integra visualmente la voluminosa consola en el interior. Además, hay una consola en el techo, directamente encima de la consola central y que refleja sus dimensiones, donde los cuatro auriculares AR para el sistema de realidad mixta se mantienen al alcance de todos los pasajeros.

Dimensiones de Audi: atravesando mundos

Cruzar fronteras es la fuerza del concepto Audi activesphere, y esto también se aplica a la interfaz entre el automóvil, el usuario y el medio ambiente. Por primera vez, el nuevo sistema combina la realidad física y la esfera digital para crear un nuevo mundo: las dimensiones de Audi.

La pieza central del nuevo sistema son los innovadores auriculares de realidad mixta, disponibles individualmente para cada conductor y pasajero. Los usuarios también tienen acceso a un completo ecosistema digital mientras están en Audi activesphere.

En los primeros días, las gafas de realidad virtual se limitaban a representar una realidad virtual sin ningún elemento del mundo real. Sin embargo, la tecnología evolucionó hacia la realidad aumentada, en la que el mundo real se superpone al contenido virtual. La realidad mixta ahora puede representar contenido virtual con referencia espacial al mundo real en tres dimensiones. No hay duda al respecto: en el futuro, la realidad mixta llevará las posibilidades de las pantallas frontales AR a un nivel completamente nuevo en términos de flexibilidad, precisión y contenido visualizable.

El Audi activesphere concept es el primero en utilizar una generación pionera de esta tecnología, que a su vez añade la dimensión de la interacción a la dimensión de los mundos real y digital superpuestos. Con una precisión óptica sin precedentes, la más alta resolución y un excelente contraste, el sistema trae superficies de control y pantallas, invisibles a simple vista, al campo de visión del usuario mientras está detrás del volante.

En otras palabras, el usuario puede ver contenido virtual, que inicialmente es solo para información. Si el usuario enfoca con sus ojos la información, mostrando así interés, el sistema muestra información más detallada. El contenido se convierte en un elemento activo e interactivo tan pronto como el usuario se concentra y participa, es decir, con gestos.

Luego, la mano puede seguir intuitivamente la mirada del usuario para controlar las funciones del automóvil, mientras que la interfaz de usuario (la pantalla virtual en los auriculares) reacciona a los cambios en tiempo real como un instrumento convencional. Una característica particularmente fácil de usar, el control virtual se mueve hacia el usuario para que pueda interactuar cómodamente con la interfaz de usuario, independientemente de la posición en la que se siente.

El interior ordenado y espacioso del Audi activesphere ya no tiene que quedar relegado a la función de los teclados y las baterías de básculas, como siempre ocurría en los habitáculos de los coches clásicos. Solo cuando los usuarios necesitan un elemento, este aparece y se puede operar de manera tan intuitiva como lo haría en el mundo real. Importante: Las diversas funciones del automóvil ahora no están organizadas de la forma típica en que lo están hoy en día en un automóvil con pantallas y funciones físicas. Pero, en cambio, se ubican lógicamente directamente frente a los elementos con los que están relacionados. Solo dos ejemplos: las aspiradoras de control de CA frente a la salida de aire, las aspiradoras del panel interactivo de entretenimiento y sonido sobre el altavoz.

Sin embargo, las posibilidades de esta tecnología no están agotadas. En el modo todoterreno, por ejemplo, se pueden proyectar gráficos topográficos en 3D de alta resolución sobre el paisaje real y se puede mostrar información sobre la navegación y el destino. La información de seguridad del tráfico, es decir, alertas de atascos o carreteras resbaladizas, también se puede utilizar aquí.

Dependiendo de sus necesidades y tareas, los pasajeros y los conductores reciben contenido muy individual en sus respectivos auriculares de realidad mixta. Con el conductor concentrado en la dirección mientras está activo detrás del volante, los pasajeros pueden comenzar a investigar e incluso preparar actividades en el destino.

Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, también pueden controlar la temperatura y el suministro de aire para su área de asientos con el aire acondicionado, así como navegar por la selección de música del sistema de sonido, que cada ocupante puede usar individualmente. Debido a que los auriculares están diseñados con precisión para coincidir con la geometría del interior de la esfera activa, incluso pueden proyectar fichas virtuales en la consola central para visualizar el acceso al contenido web. Dado que los sensores de los cascos de realidad mixta miden el interior con precisión milimétrica, el contenido virtual puede superponerse según los requisitos personales e incluso utilizarse para la interacción individual.

La conexión entre los usuarios de los auriculares y el automóvil, junto con su ecosistema, ofrece innumerables posibilidades, incluso fuera del automóvil. Por ejemplo, mientras que las rutas de navegación o el mantenimiento del vehículo se pueden preparar hoy desde la sala de su casa en una computadora portátil o tableta, en el futuro la tecnología de realidad mixta y los auriculares serán el único hardware requerido.

Por el contrario, el pasajero de activesphere puede sacar sus auriculares del automóvil y llevarlos a la pista de esquí para ayudarlo a navegar por el sendero para bicicletas o para encontrar el descenso ideal cuando esquía alpino.

También se puede acceder a la información sobre el automóvil en sí, la autonomía de la batería y las estaciones de carga más cercanas dentro y fuera del vehículo. Y cuando sea necesario, también hay advertencias anticipadas, como la presión baja de los neumáticos, así como una función de pronóstico del tiempo como criterio para seleccionar una ruta.

PPE: tecnología de conducción personalizada

Debido a sus dimensiones y nivel de rendimiento, el concepto Audi activesphere se presta al uso del sistema de propulsión eléctrica más innovador de Audi: Premium Platform Electric, o PPE para abreviar.

Al igual que los prototipos relacionados Audi grandsphere y Audi urbansphere, el concepto activesphere se basa en este sistema modular para la producción en serie. Se está desarrollando bajo el liderazgo de Audi junto con Porsche AG: los primeros vehículos de producción de Audi basados ​​​​en PPE se presentarán, uno tras otro, antes de finales de 2023.

El PPE está diseñado exclusivamente para sistemas de conducción eléctrica a batería y, por lo tanto, puede aprovechar al máximo todos los beneficios de esta tecnología, para mejorar las características de conducción, la economía y las opciones de paquete de los automóviles.

Como resultado, Audi puede expandir efectivamente la gama de vehículos eléctricos en su cartera a través de los segmentos B y C de alto volumen. Además, las economías de escala permitirán que la tecnología de clase de lujo y varias versiones de modelos diferentes se incorporen a una amplia gama de modelos sin rival en el mercado premium.

El PPE es la primera plataforma diseñada para adaptarse a una gama sin precedentes de automóviles de gran volumen, incluidos SUV y CUV con una gran distancia al suelo, así como automóviles con una silueta plana que forman parte de la gama de productos principales de Audi, como la serie Audi A6. cuyas dimensiones exteriores y distancia entre ejes son casi idénticas a las del Audi activesphere concept.

El elemento clave de la futura flota de EPI es un módulo de batería entre los ejes; en el Audi activesphere concept, contiene alrededor de 100 kWh de energía. El uso de todo el ancho del automóvil entre los ejes permite lograr un diseño relativamente plano para la batería.

Los motores eléctricos en los ejes delantero y trasero del Audi activesphere concept de tracción total ofrecen una potencia total de 325 kW y un par de sistema de 720 Newton metro. Las ruedas delanteras y traseras están conectadas a través de un eje de cinco brazos. El prototipo cuenta con suspensión neumática adaptativa de Audi con amortiguadores adaptativos.

Carga rápida con 800 voltios

El corazón de la tecnología de accionamiento en todos los futuros modelos de PPE será la tecnología de carga de 800 voltios. Esto garantiza que la batería, como la del Audi e-tron GT quattro1 anterior, se pueda cargar con hasta 270 kW en muy poco tiempo en las estaciones de carga rápida. Esta tecnología revolucionaria entrará por primera vez en los segmentos de gama media y lujo de alto volumen con el PPE.

La tecnología PPE permite tiempos de carga que se acercan a una parada de repostaje convencional para un automóvil con motor de combustión. Solo 10 minutos es tiempo suficiente para llevar suficiente energía a bordo para hacer funcionar el automóvil durante más de 300 kilómetros.

Y en menos de 25 minutos, la batería de 100 kWh se carga del 5 al 80 por ciento. Junto con su autonomía de más de 600 kilómetros, el Audi activesphere se posiciona así como incondicionalmente adecuado para largas distancias, cuando sea necesario.



The all-new and all-electric Lotus Eletre is a striking and progressive Hyper SUV. It takes the core principles and Lotus DNA from more than 70 years of sports car design and engineering, evolving them into a desirable all-new lifestyle car. Eletre has an elegant and exotic look with active aerodynamics and a dramatic porous design. The use of pioneering sustainable materials gives a new level of premium for every journey.






A true Lotus experience. Optimal structural rigidity and active dynamics, combined with a perfect blend of high power and torque, provide the kind of performance that is expected from a Lotus. With powerful electric motors and a low centre of gravity, this new icon makes ordinary driving, extra.


The world’s first deployable LiDAR system and advanced autonomous driving capabilities make this the most technically advanced Lotus, ever. Eletre is the first global SUV with 800V architecture, providing exceptional range and charging options, meaning less time plugged in and more time driving.
The deployable sensors are hidden when not required, ensuring the car’s striking design shines through and only emerging from the top of the windscreen, the top of the rear glass, and from the front wheel arches as required.

Add in a dynamic walk-up sequence, advanced interface and heads-up display, Eletre makes the everyday special.


Rolls-Royce reflects on heritage of electric power ahead of historic announcement. Electrification has long been promoted as the future of automotive propulsion. Ahead of further official statements, we invite the media to reflect on the marque’s unique heritage in electric power, which pre-dates the founding of Rolls-Royce the company itself, and involves many of the principal protagonists whose names are forever associated with it.

  • Rolls-Royce reflects on heritage of electric power ahead of historic announcement
  • Extraordinary prophecy of founding father, Charles Rolls, revealed
  • Rolls championed electric cars in 1900, deeming Columbia model best of its type
  • Royce, one of the first electrical engineers, supplied motors to earliest electric cars
  • CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, pledged to bring Rolls-Royce electric this decade
  • Visit www.rolls-roycemotorcars.com on 29 September at 13.00 BST for the next chapter in this story

“In April 1900, our founding forefather, Charles Rolls, made a prescient prophecy about automotive electrification.  Move forward over 120 years to when I made a public promise, on the record, that we would bring the first fully electric Rolls‑Royce to market within the current decade.  And, right now, our company is embarking on an historic undertaking to create the first, super-luxury car of its type.  This will happen sooner than many thought possible, through the incredible skills, expertise, vision and dedication of our engineers, designers and specialists at the Home of Rolls-Royce.

“In this ground-breaking endeavour, we are drawing on a remarkable heritage, unique in our industry.  Our founders and those who worked alongside them in the marque’s formative years were all important pioneers of electric power, as well as their era’s leading experts in automotive engineering.  As we herald a new electric future at Rolls-Royce, I am proud and humbled to share their inspiring stories, which have never been told in one place before, and shine a fresh and fascinating light on our company’s earliest days.”

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars


Electrification has long been promoted as the future of automotive propulsion.  Mainstream manufacturers are increasingly embracing hybrid and battery electric vehicle (BEV) technology, supported by the expansion of national charging infrastructures.

To date, Rolls-Royce has communicated its electrification strategy in three simple statements:

  • The marque will introduce an all-electric car this decade (2020 – 2030).
  • This car will be a pure BEV, not a hybrid of any kind.
  • It will be launched only when the time is right, and every element meets Rolls-Royce’s technical, aesthetic and performance standards.

There is considerable interest and media speculation surrounding Rolls-Royce’s plans.  Ahead of further official statements, we invite the media to reflect on the marque’s unique heritage in electric power, which pre-dates the founding of Rolls-Royce the company itself, and involves many of the principal protagonists whose names are forever associated with it.

The internal combustion engine (ICE) was not the only, nor the default, means of propulsion for early motor cars at the beginning of the 20th century.  Indeed, in the early 1900s engineers and manufacturers initially divided their loyalties precisely between three competing technologies: the ICE, steam power and electricity.

Steam power, though well understood, relatively sophisticated and, at the time, ubiquitous in industry and other forms of transport, quickly proved less practical for use in motor cars.  It therefore fell to internal combustion and electricity to vie for supremacy.

Electric power lost the battle for two main reasons: extremely limited range and the absence of a charging infrastructure.  A century later, despite significant advances, these remain as barriers to widespread adoption (although increasingly less so), both in terms of technology and consumer perception.

But the characteristics that first drew engineers to electric power – silent operation, instant torque, tremendous power and the absence of exhaust fumes – remain highly alluring, particularly for luxury motor cars.  Indeed, some have speculated that, had he been able to solve the range and charging issues, Sir Henry Royce might have chosen electric power alone for his motor cars.

The innate and perfect suitability of electric power underpins the marque’s explicit commitment to deliver an all-electric Rolls-Royce this decade.  In doing so, it can draw on a unique history and heritage; a connection with electric power that pre-dates the company itself, and featuring the main protagonists who would, between them, create the world’s most famous automotive brand – beginning with Sir Henry Royce himself.

Born in 1863, Henry Royce was one of the world’s first electrical engineers.  After his apprenticeship with the Great Northern Railway was cut short for family financial reasons, he worked briefly as a toolmaker at Greenwood & Batley in Leeds, where he first developed an interest in electrical power.

In 1881, he joined the Electric Light & Power Generating Company (EL&PG) in Southwark. During this time, he attended evening classes in electrics at the City & Guilds of London Institute, having received only a year of formal schooling as a child.  A year later, aged just 19, he moved to the EL&PG’s new subsidiary, the Lancashire Maxim-Weston Electric Co. Ltd, as Chief Electrician, providing street and theatre lighting to the city of Liverpool.  But within two years, the company folded, and the famously driven, hardworking Royce struck out on his own.

His new enterprise, F H Royce & Co, initially made small electrical appliances such as doorbells, lamps, fuses and switches.  The business thrived, and was soon producing larger, more complex devices including dynamos, electric motors and winches.  In 1902, Royce supplied electric motors for Pritchett & Gold, a London-based battery-maker that had diversified into building electric cars.

Though Royce himself never built or owned an electric motor car, he created internal combustion engines that delivered the driving experience we associate with electric propulsion today: effortless torque, silent running and the sensation of one continuous, powerful gear. His technical expertise and pioneering achievements underpin the marque’s historical claim as a world leader in electrification in both luxury and social settings.

The Hon. Charles Rolls was also a highly gifted engineer; but his enthusiasm for electricity began even earlier in life.  When he was just nine years old, he rigged up an electric bell between his bedroom and the stables at The Hendre, the family’s ancestral home in Monmouthshire.  He also planned and supervised the installation of electricity in the servants’ quarters; deploying the powers of salesmanship that would later make him world-famous, he persuaded his father, Lord Llangattock, to pay for it.

Rolls’ passion for motor cars was equally precocious.  In 1896, aged 18, he travelled to Paris and bought his first car, a 3¾ hp Peugeot Phaeton. Two years later, while still an engineering student at Cambridge, he acquired his only electric-powered car, an American-made vehicle called The Columbia Electric Carriage, imported into the UK by Paris Singer (heir to the sewing machine dynasty) and sold as the ‘City & Suburban’ car. Rolls regarded this as the best then available.

In an interview published in The Motor-Car Journal in April 1900, Rolls described electric propulsion, in terms that, over a century later, carry the ring of prescient prophecy:
“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean.  There is no smell or vibration, and they should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.  But for now, I do not anticipate that they will be very serviceable – at least for many years to come.”

Rolls made his own small contribution to solving the problem, by providing a battery-charging station at his car showroom on Lillie Road in Fulham for the private or rentable electric Broughams that were all the rage in London at the time.

In 1904, Charles Rolls agreed to become an agent for the Contal Electromobile electric car.  But on meeting Henry Royce and seeing his new motor car, he cancelled the agreement.

As he correctly predicted, it would be a long time before electric vehicles became truly viable on any scale.  But it is tempting to think that had this visionary entrepreneur survived the air crash that claimed his life at the young age of just 32, the day might have come rather sooner.

While Rolls and Royce are immortalised as the founders, others, perhaps less well-known, were intimately and crucially involved in the events that led to the creation of the Rolls-Royce marque.  They, too, were luminaries in the worlds of motoring and electric power around the beginning of the 20th century; history and the marque are indebted to all of the following:

In his early career, Henry Royce worked for Brush Electrical Engineering Company Ltd, where he met Henry Edmunds, the company’s engineer.  Edmunds earned his place in history when, on 4 May 1904 at the Midland Hotel in Manchester, he announced: “Mr. Royce, may I introduce you to Charles Rolls”.

The man who would be remembered by posterity as ‘The Godfather of Rolls-Royce’ was a towering figure in his own right.  A friend of Joseph Swan (the inventor of the incandescent lightbulb) and Thomas Edison (the inventor of almost everything else), he was a pioneer of electric lighting, traction and telephony, and was present at both the first successful sound recording and telephone call.  He also brought into being the world’s first electrified underground railway, when he persuaded the engineer in charge of London’s City & Southwick Railway (now the City branch of the Northern Line) to operate trains powered by electricity rather than steam.

In 1888, Edmunds established W T Glover & Company, which became the world’s leading manufacturer of electricity cabling.  In 1894, he supplied lighting cables for a vast dock complex and industrial estate (the world’s first) serving the Manchester Ship Canal: the lighting itself was designed and installed by Henry Royce.

No proof exists that Edmunds played any part in the development of Royce’s motor cars. He was, however, the most experienced motorist among Royce’s friends and colleagues, so presumably offered expert advice and encouragement as Royce painstakingly turned his ideas into reality.

Conventional wisdom states that Royce co-founded F H Royce & Co with a partner, E A Claremont.  However, research has shown that Claremont joined the company some six months after its formation; Royce himself wrote, ‘I was induced to found… a small company in my own name’ and none but his was ever used.

While the original myth may be flawed, it is certainly true that the two men’s careers were closely entwined for many years.  Claremont was a partner in F H Royce & Company, Joint Managing Director of F H Royce & Company Limited, Chairman of Royce Limited and the first Chairman of Rolls-Royce Limited; both were also Members of the Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Broad-shouldered, extroverted and a talented salesman, Johnson was the self-styled ‘Hyphen in Rolls-Royce’.  In 1903, he quit his role as secretary of the Automobile Club of Great Britain & Ireland – whose members included the aforementioned Henry Edmunds – to work for Paris Singer’s City & Suburban Electric Carriage company.

After less than a year, however, Johnson left to join C S Rolls and Co, later becoming Managing Director of Rolls-Royce Ltd.  He was responsible for much of the company’s early publicity: in advertisements produced for the UK and US markets, he described Rolls-Royce as ‘a petrol car as smooth and quiet as an electric’.  And to complete the symmetry, Paris Singer became the world’s first owner of a Rolls-Royce motor car.

In the spirit of these founding figures, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars remains an electrification pioneer today.  When the first production fully electric Rolls-Royce reaches the market, it will be the culmination of research and development work that has been in progress at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood, for well over a decade.

2011 – PHANTOM EE (102EX)
In 2011, the marque released Phantom Experimental Electric (EE), codenamed 102EX; a fully operational and road-legal battery-electric version of its pinnacle product.

Phantom EE was never intended for production, serving instead as a working test-bed for clients, VIPs, the media and enthusiasts to experience electric propulsion and share their experiences, thoughts and considerations directly with Rolls-Royce designers and engineers.

The car’s 6.75-litre V12 petrol engine and gearbox were replaced with a lithium-ion battery pack and two electric motors mounted on the rear sub-frame, connected to a single-speed transmission with integrated differential.  This system gave a maximum power output of 290kW and torque of 800Nm, compared to 338kW and maximum torque of 720Nm, delivered at 3,500rpm, for the V12 Phantom of the time.

While Phantom EE drew widespread acclaim for its technical accomplishment, particularly its near-total silence and impressive torque delivery, its limited range, long charging cycles and three-year battery life remained significant hurdles that Rolls-Royce would need to address in order to satisfy the expectations of its clients.

Launched in 2016, this radically innovative concept car set out to define the marque’s long-term vision of luxury mobility.  It presented the motor car as offering truly individualised personal mobility, and an immersive emotional and sensory experience.

103EX was built around four key design tenets:
Coachbuilt bodywork will allow clients to commission a car that reflects their personal vision.  A virtual assistant and chauffeur powered by artificial intelligence offer an effortless journey. The interior creates a Grand Sanctuary, crafted from rare and exclusive materials.  And with its size and scale – 5.9 metres long and 1.6 metres high – the car ensures a Grand Arrival on reaching its destination.

Built on an advanced lightweight platform and powered by a proprietary, all-electric drive train, the motor car is completely autonomous.

The EX-suffix confirms that 103EX was a purely experimental car, never destined to enter production.  Following a spectacular debut in London, the car embarked on a three-year world tour, returning to the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood in 2019.

Visit www.rolls-roycemotorcars.com on 29 September at 13.00 BST for the next chapter in this extraordinary story.



The Overland-E Gen2 is a ground up designed, electric all terrain vehicle. With practical capability at the forefront of its design, the Gen2 offers a completely new driving experience.



With recent advancements in battery technology we are able to have at least a range of have 750 miles.





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Charge Cars create brand new, hand-built Electric Mustangs

Only 499 brand-new electric Mustangs available for reservation

We are currently taking reservations for a limited series of only 499 brand-new electric 1960’s Mustangs. The officially licensed shells preserve the classic design and styling of the legendary Ford Mustang.

The luxury bespoke interiors, rich in ambience and detail, provide a modern high-end driving experience for connoisseurs of speed and technology. Equipped with state-of-the-art components and a personalised digital interface, these classic vehicles are back to cutting edge once again.

The price for this model starts at £350,000 and varies upon options and accessories included.

64 kWh

Battery Capacity

50 kW

DC Charging

200 mi


3.9 sec

0 — 60 mph

400 kW

Peak Power

1500 Nm

Motor Torque





Our vehicles are built using core components from our partner Arrival

Digital Interface

Battery Packs

Power Electronics


Buy yours

The price for this model starts at
and varies upon options and accessories included


Charge Cars is a British company based in London. Our team has extensive experience in the development of luxury and high performance vehicles. Our engineers contributed to various projects for McLaren Automotive, Jaguar Land Rover and F1 Racing Teams. Moreover, we are passionate about eternal automobile classics!

We redefine great classic cars with advanced electric technology while preserving their iconic design. We believe in an emission-free future while giving ultimate performance to epic autolegends.

We work in close collaboration with recognised industry leaders like EV technology company Arrival, the world’s first AI racing platform Roborace and tyre manufacturer Michelin. That brings to our products the most advanced technologies and components including motors, power electronics, battery systems, intelligent software and stunning user interfaces.

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

  • Second concept car from Polestar builds on Precept design language
  • Bespoke aluminum platform showcases quality and rigidity
  • Sustainability and technology ambitions take next steps toward greater circularity with recycled polyester thermoplastic mono-material and aluminum labeling
  • Autonomous cinematic drone mixes innovation with fun
Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – March 2, 2022. Polestar, the pure play electric performance car brand, has revealed a new concept car that redefines sports roadsters for the electric age. Named Polestar O2, the hard-top convertible is Polestar’s vision of open-top performance and a thrilling driving experience – with all the benefits of electric mobility.

“Polestar O2 is the hero car for our brand,” comments Thomas Ingenlath, Polestar CEO. “It opens the door to our secret chamber of future potential. This is a taste of what we can design and engineer with the talent and technology we have in-house. It looks incredible, and being able to lower the roof and not hear an engine promises a superb sensation.”


Maximilian Missoni, Polestar’s Head of Design, says: “Polestar O2 is our vision of a new era for sports cars. By mixing the joy of open top driving with the purity of electric mobility, it unlocks a new mix of emotions in a car. But as with all our cars, we are about more than just straight-line sprints. It’s when you turn the steering wheel that the true fun begins.

The driving experience in the Polestar O2 is designed to be lively, light and full of confidence. Predictability and playfulness are core to exciting, spirited driving. Tight body control, high rigidity and intuitive dynamics are inherent benefits of the bespoke bonded aluminum platform, which is adapted from the Polestar 5, developed in-house by Polestar’s R&D team in the UK.

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

The high quality and rigidity of the bonded aluminum platform are geared toward heightened dynamic response. Handling dynamics are taut thanks also to small roll angles and high roll damping, and the agile, direct steering feel is linear, with great steering torque build-up.

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters


Clearly related to the Polestar Precept concept car but with its own distinct character, the look of Polestar O2 shows how Polestar’s evolving design language can be adapted to different body styles with a strong family resemblance. The low and wide body with an assertive stance, compact 2+2 cabin design, minimal overhangs and a long wheelbase, embody classic sports car proportions but with a clearly modern, electric feel.

“This car is a meeting point between technology and art, between precision and sculpture, with a determined but not aggressive stance,” continues Maximilian Missoni.

Aerodynamics are manipulated to maximize range thanks to disguised design features like integrated ducts that improve laminar air flow over the wheels and body sides, and the rear lights that function as air blades to reduce turbulence behind the car.

Sustainability and technology

Polestar O2 also showcases advances in sustainability and technology. A new thermoplastic mono-material features extensively in the interior. The term “mono-material” describes the use of a single base material to manufacture different components.

In Polestar O2, recycled polyester is the sole material used for all the soft components of the interior: foam, adhesive, 3D knit fibers and non-woven lamination. This simplifies recycling and is a significant step towards greater circularity, while also reducing weight and waste.

Polestar sustainability teams believe that materials should be recycled, not downcycled. In Polestar O2, they have integrated a new method of controlling recycled content and improving circularity of metal components. Different grades of aluminum are used throughout the chassis to help deliver a thrilling driving experience.

These different grades are labeled, allowing them to be recycled more effectively and for their properties to be retained. High grade aluminum remains high grade, while other grades maintain their varied characteristics, allowing for greater material efficiency and a lower requirement for virgin aluminum.

INTERIOR Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

INTERIOR Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters


In a world increasingly driven by social media, the Polestar O2 features an autonomous cinematic drone integrated behind the rear seats. Developed in collaboration with Aerofugia’s consumer electronics brand Hoco Flow, the concept drone can be deployed while the car is moving, to record the perfect driving sequence.

Polestar engineers have developed a specialized aerofoil that raises behind the rear seats to create a calm area of negative pressure that allows the drone to take off when the car is on the move. The drone operates autonomously, automatically following the car at speeds up to 56 mph (90 km/h), and the driver can choose between an atmospheric sequence – great for a coastline cruise – or a more action-filled sequence with a sportier expression. After filming, the drone can autonomously return to the car. Video clips can be edited and shared directly from the 15-inch center display when the car is parked.

“We wanted to emphasize the experience you can have with a car like the Polestar O2 in new and unusual ways,” continues Maximilian Missoni. “Integrating an autonomous cinematic drone was something that allowed us to push the boundaries on the innovation front. Not needing to stop and off-load the drone before filming, but rather deploying it at speed, is a key benefit to this innovative design.”

Polestar O2 continues the strong foundations laid by Polestar Precept as a vision of the company’s future design, technology and sustainability ambitions. Polestar plans to launch three new cars over the coming three years, starting in 2022, each of which has potential to gradually realize some of the ideas presented by these concept cars.

Polestar also intends to list on the Nasdaq in a proposed business combination with Gores Guggenheim, Inc. (Nasdaq: GGPI, GGPIW, and GGPIU), which is expected to close in the first half of 2022.

About Polestar

Polestar was established as a new, standalone Swedish premium electric vehicle manufacturer in 2017. Founded by Volvo Cars and Geely Holding, Polestar enjoys specific technological and engineering synergies with Volvo Cars and benefits from significant economies of scale as a result.

Polestar is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, and its vehicles are currently available and on the road in markets across Europe, North America, China and Asia Pacific. By 2023, the company plans that its cars will be available in an aggregate of 30 markets. Polestar cars are currently manufactured in two facilities in China, with additional future manufacturing planned in the USA.

In September 2021, Polestar announced its intention to list as a public company on the Nasdaq in a business combination agreement with Gores Guggenheim, Inc. Full information on this definitive agreement can be found here.

Polestar has produced two electric performance cars. The Polestar 1 was built between 2019 and 2021 as a low-volume electric performance hybrid GT with a carbon fiber body, 609 hp, 1,000 Nm and an electric-only range of 124 km (WLTP) – the longest of any hybrid car in the world.

The Polestar 2 electric performance fastback is the company’s first fully electric, high volume car. The Polestar 2 model range includes three variants with a combination of long- and standard range batteries as large as 78 kWh, and dual- and single-motor powertrains with as much as 300 kW / 408 hp and 660 Nm.

In the coming three years, Polestar plans to launch one new electric vehicle per year, starting with Polestar 3 in 2022 – the company’s first electric performance SUV. Polestar 4 is expected to follow in 2023, a smaller electric performance SUV coupe.

In 2024, the Polestar 5 electric performance 4-door GT is planned to be launched as the production evolution of Polestar Precept – the manifesto concept car that Polestar released in 2020 that showcases the brand’s future vision in terms of design, technology, and sustainability. As the company seeks to reduce its climate impact with every new model, Polestar aims to produce a truly climate-neutral car by 2030.

About Gores Guggenheim, Inc

Gores Guggenheim, Inc. (Nasdaq: GGPI, GGPIW, and GGPIU) is a special purpose acquisition company sponsored by an affiliate of The Gores Group, LLC, founded by Alec Gores, and by an affiliate of Guggenheim Capital, LLC. Gores Guggenheim completed its initial public offering in April 2021, raising approximately USD 800 million in cash proceeds for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. Gores Guggenheim’s strategy is to identify and complete business combinations with market leading companies with strong equity stories that will benefit from the growth capital of the public equity markets and be enhanced by the experience and expertise of Gores’ and Guggenheim’s long history and track record of investing in and operating businesses.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release (“Press Release”) may be considered “forward-looking statements” as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or the future financial or operating performance of Gores Guggenheim, Inc. (“Gores Guggenheim”), Polestar Performance AB and/or its affiliates (the “Company”) and Polestar Automotive Holding UK Limited (“ListCo”). For example, projections of future Adjusted EBITDA or revenue and other metrics are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “may”, “should”, “expect”, “intend”, “will”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “predict”, “potential”, “forecast”, “plan”, “seek”, “future”, “propose” or “continue”, or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar terminology. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Gores Guggenheim and its management, and the Company and its management, as the case may be, are inherently uncertain. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: (1) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of definitive agreements with respect to the Business Combination; (2) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against Gores Guggenheim, the combined company or others following the announcement of the Business Combination and any definitive agreements with respect thereto; (3) the inability to complete the Business Combination due to the failure to obtain approval of the stockholders of Gores Guggenheim, to obtain financing to complete the Business Combination or to satisfy other conditions to closing; (4) changes to the proposed structure of the Business Combination that may be required or appropriate as a result of applicable laws or regulations or as a condition to obtaining regulatory approval of the Business Combination; (5) the ability to meet stock exchange listing standards following the consummation of the Business Combination; (6) the risk that the Business Combination disrupts current plans and operations of the Company as a result of the announcement and consummation of the Business Combination; (7) the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Business Combination, which may be affected by, among other things, competition, the ability of the combined company to grow and manage growth profitably, maintain relationships with customers and suppliers and retain its management and key employees; (8) costs related to the Business Combination; (9) risks associated with changes in applicable laws or regulations and the Company’s international operations; (10) the possibility that the Company or the combined company may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; (11) the Company’s estimates of expenses and profitability; (12) the Company’s ability to maintain agreements or partnerships with its strategic partners Volvo Cars and Geely and to develop new agreements or partnerships; (13) the Company’s ability to maintain relationships with its existing suppliers and strategic partners, and source new suppliers for its critical components, and to complete building out its supply chain, while effectively managing the risks due to such relationships; (14) the Company’s reliance on its partnerships with vehicle charging networks to provide charging solutions for its vehicles and its strategic partners for servicing its vehicles and their integrated software; (15) the Company’s ability to establish its brand and capture additional market share, and the risks associated with negative press or reputational harm, including from lithium-ion battery cells catching fire or venting smoke; (16) delays in the design, manufacture, launch and financing of the Company’s vehicles and the Company’s reliance on a limited number of vehicle models to generate revenues; (17) the Company’s ability to continuously and rapidly innovate, develop and market new products; (18) risks related to future market adoption of the Company’s offerings; (19) increases in costs, disruption of supply or shortage of materials, in particular for lithium-ion cells or semiconductors; (20) the Company’s reliance on its partners to manufacture vehicles at a high volume, some of which have limited experience in producing electric vehicles, and on the allocation of sufficient production capacity to the Company by its partners in order for the Company to be able to increase its vehicle production capacities; (21) risks related to the Company’s distribution model; (22) the effects of competition and the high barriers to entry in the automotive industry, and the pace and depth of electric vehicle adoption generally on the Company’s future business; (23) changes in regulatory requirements, governmental incentives and fuel and energy prices; (24) the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on Gores Guggenheim, the Company, the Company’s post business combination’s projected results of operations, financial performance or other financial metrics, or on any of the foregoing risks; and (25) other risks and uncertainties set forth in the section entitled “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” in Gores Guggenheim’s final prospectus relating to its initial public offering (File No. 333-253338) declared effective by the SEC on March 22, 2021, and other documents filed, or to be filed, with the SEC by Gores Guggenheim or ListCo, including the Registration/Proxy Statement. There may be additional risks that neither Gores Guggenheim, the Company nor ListCo presently know or that Gores Guggenheim, the Company or ListCo currently believe are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements.

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Additional Information

In connection with the proposed Business Combination, (i) ListCo has filed with the SEC a Registration/Proxy Statement, and (ii) Gores Guggenheim will file a definitive proxy statement relating to the proposed Business Combination (the “Definitive Proxy Statement”) and will mail the Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant materials to its stockholders after the Registration/Proxy Statement is declared effective. The Registration/Proxy Statement will contain important information about the proposed Business Combination and the other matters to be voted upon at a meeting of Gores Guggenheim stockholders to be held to approve the proposed Business Combination. This Press Release does not contain all the information that should be considered concerning the proposed Business Combination and is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision or any other decision in respect of the Business Combination. Before making any voting or other investment decisions, securityholders of Gores Guggenheim and other interested persons are advised to read, the Registration/Proxy Statement and the amendments thereto and the Definitive Proxy Statement and other documents filed in connection with the proposed Business Combination, as these materials will contain important information about Gores Guggenheim, the Company, ListCo and the Business Combination. When available, the Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant materials for the proposed Business Combination will be mailed to stockholders of Gores Guggenheim as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed Business Combination. Stockholders will also be able to obtain copies of the Registration/Proxy Statement, the Definitive Proxy Statement and other documents filed with the SEC, without charge, once available, at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov, or by directing a request to: Gores Guggenheim, Inc., 6260 Lookout Rd., Boulder, CO 80301, attention: Jennifer Kwon Chou.


Participants in the Solicitation

Gores Guggenheim and certain of its directors and executive officers may be deemed participants in the solicitation of proxies from Gores Guggenheim’s stockholders with respect to the proposed Business Combination. A list of the names of those directors and executive officers and a description of their interests in Gores Guggenheim is set forth in Gores Guggenheim’s filings with the SEC (including Gores Guggenheim’s final prospectus related to its initial public offering (File No. 333-253338) declared effective by the SEC on March 22, 2021), and are available free of charge at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov, or by directing a request to Gores Guggenheim, Inc., 6260 Lookout Rd., Boulder, CO 80301, attention: Jennifer Kwon Chou. Additional information regarding the interests of such participants is contained in the Registration/Proxy Statement.

The Company and ListCo, and certain of their directors and executive officers may also be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the stockholders of Gores Guggenheim in connection with the proposed Business Combination. A list of the names of such directors and executive officers and information regarding their interests in the proposed Business Combination is included in the Registration/Proxy Statement.

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This Press Release is not a proxy statement or solicitation of a proxy, consent or authorization with respect to any securities or in respect of the potential transaction and shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities of Gores Guggenheim, the Company or ListCo, nor shall there be any sale of any such securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state or jurisdiction. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


Press releases, Cars, Design, Technology, Sustainability , Polestar O₂

VISION EQXX: takes electric range and efficiency to a whole new level

The road trip reinvented with a new technological model for series production

Stuttgart. Range and efficiency are set to define the electric age. Exceptional range will make electric cars suitable for every journey and accelerate their adoption. The exceptional efficiency will create a virtuous cycle of reducing battery size and weight, allowing us to go further with less. Mercedes-Benz is determined to lead the way. We already lead the real range charts with the 245 kW EQS (WLTP combined electricity consumption: 19.8-15.7 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km)[1], as shown by the recent test of Edmunds where an EQS 450+ traveled 422 miles on a single charge, 77 miles more than any other car previously tested.

The VISION EQXX displays

But Mercedes-Benz does not rest. Driven by the idea of ​​zero impact on our planet and highly responsible use of green energy, we inspire our engineers to go further. They are working hard to take range and efficiency to a whole new level. The VISION EQXX is the result of a mission we set out to break down technological barriers across the board and take energy efficiency to new heights. It demonstrates the gains that are possible by rethinking fundamentals from scratch. This includes advances in all elements of its state-of-the-art electric drivetrain, as well as the use of lightweight engineering and sustainable materials. Complete with a host of innovative and smart efficiency measures, including advanced software,

“The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is how we envision the future of electric cars. Just a year and a half ago, we started this project that led to the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built, with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometers. It has a range of more than 1,000 kilometers[2] on a single charge using a battery that would fit even in a compact vehicle. The VISION EQXX is an advanced car in many dimensions, and it even looks impressive and futuristic. With that, he underscores where our entire company is headed: we will build the most desirable electric cars in the world.” Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG

VISION EQXX  : designed for the road trip to electromobility

There’s a reason road trips have been a cultural touchstone for at least 70 years, telling stories of the road in books, movies, and music. The road trip defines freedom, individuality, the very spirit of the automobile and of the passing world. Stick a pin in the map and drive. Be in tune with the asphalt and with the car. This drive to explore, discover and delight in the world beyond our horizon is part of what it is to be human. It is the pioneering spirit that unites the vision with the tenacity to make it happen.

The journey to electric mobility is a road trip; as exciting as it is challenging, as unknown as it is safe. The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is a vehicle designed for that road trip. It responds to the progressive demands of a modern generation of customers and emotionality through innovation. As part of a far-reaching technology program, this software-defined research prototype was designed by women and men with the creativity, ingenuity and determination to deliver one of the most efficient cars on the planet, in every way. They did it using the latest digital technology, the agility of a start-up and the speed of Formula 1.

The result is a masterpiece of efficiency that, based on internal digital simulations in real traffic conditions, will be capable of exceeding 1,000 kilometers  [3]   on a single charge with exceptional energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometers ( efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh).

Breaking the automotive engineering rulebook, Mercedes-Benz has built a software-driven electric car that reimagines road travel for the electric age. At the same time, it presents a highly progressive interpretation of the fundamental Mercedes-Benz principles of modern luxury and sensual purity. Instead of simply increasing battery size, the cross-functional international team focused on maximizing long-distance efficiency. They pulled out all the stops in powertrain efficiency, energy density, aerodynamics, and lightweight design.

“The technology program behind  VISION EQXXit will define and enable future Mercedes-Benz models and features,” says Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, Chief Technology Officer responsible for Development and Acquisitions. “As a halo car, the VISION EQXX firmly establishes Mercedes-Benz as the brand that combines luxury with technology in the automotive world and beyond. And the way we develop it is as revolutionary as the vehicle itself. VISION EQXX has seen the best minds from our R&D centers work together with engineers from our Formula 1 and Formula E programmes. They are proving that motorsport innovations, where powertrains are already highly electrified, have relevance. immediate for the development of road cars.

The  VISION EQXX  is an exciting, inspiring and completely realistic path to electric vehicle technology. In addition to its revolutionary energy efficiency, it offers significant answers to pressing problems. For example, sustainable materials considerably reduce the carbon footprint. Its UI/UX features a radical new one-piece display that comes to life with real-time responsive graphics and spans the full width of the vehicle. Other UI/UX elements help the car and driver work together as one, and even use technology that mimics how the human brain works. And the software-driven development process that delivered it revolutionizes the way electric cars are designed.

This car is one of the results of an ongoing program that is delivering a blueprint for the future of automotive engineering. Many of its features and developments are already being integrated into production, including the next generation of MMA: Mercedes-Benz’s modular architecture for compact and midsize cars.

The VISION EQXX shows how Mercedes-Benz envisions the future of electric cars.
The VISION EQXX is how Mercedes-Benz envisions the future of electric cars.

VISION EQXX: main points at a glance

A car with a mission: the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built

Efficiency means achieving more with less. The VISION EQXX is packed with efficiency improvements that push the limits with a combination of advanced technology and talented teamwork. The result will be a road-legal research prototype that offers more range with less power, more tangible luxury and comfort with less impact on nature, and more electric mobility with less waste. A host of digital tools and a software-based approach have also delivered more cars in less time.

#EnergyWizard: Overall, efficiency engineering achievements resulted in staggering energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 km (efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh)

#ElectricDrive: radical new system designed and built in-house – achieves 95% baseline efficiency from battery to wheels

#RangeBuster: 1000+ km (620+ miles)[4] on a single charge on public roads puts an end to range anxiety

#EnergyDensity: With expert engineering and Formula 1 thinking, our battery chemists squeezed the energy of the EQS into the dimensions of a compact car. The VISION EQXX battery pack packs nearly 100 kWh of energy, but is 50% less volume and 30% lighter than the EQS reference pack.

#AeroChamp: Exterior designers and aerodynamicists achieved a reference coefficient of drag of 0.17 cd[5]

#SustainableMaterials: Innovative plant-based and recycled materials eliminate waste from landfills and reduce carbon footprint

#UpliftMindset: A pioneering team of Mercedes-Benz engineers worked with the world’s fastest racing lab on High Performance Powertrains (HPP) and Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix (MGP) to design a highly efficient and compact electric drivetrain and a lightweight battery box

#BionicEngineering: Inspired by natural forms and in partnership with innovative startups, engineers used advanced digital tools to reduce weight and reduce waste by removing excess material with the help of 3D printing.

#RollingEfficiency: Ultra-low rolling resistance tires with optimized aerodynamic geometry are combined with lightweight magnesium wheels for increased range

#BrakingLightly: Lightweight brake discs made of aluminum alloy fit the VISION EQXX perfectly and help keep the weight down

#EfficiencyOnTheRoad: F1’s lightweight subframe electric-only chassis brings racing efficiency to the road

#SolarPower: ultra-thin roof panels power the battery system for up to 25km of extra range

#HumanMachineMerge: Intuitive and intelligent user interface and user experience with guidance and assistance for efficient driving brings harmony even closer to the electric age

#SensualPurity: EV’s fully focused exterior/interior design ethic underscores role as a halo car for the all-electric future. Mercedes-Benz will make the most desirable cars

#FastTechProg: From a clean sheet to being on the road in just 18 months. The VISION EQXX is part of a technology program that can bring innovative technologies to series production faster than ever.

#Transformation: VISION EQXX demonstrates the transformation of Mercedes-Benz into an all-electric, software-driven company

#SoftwareDriven: Software-based approach key to success in achieving efficiency goals and a rapid development process, including an innovative battery management system.

#GlobalResponsibleLeadership: VISION EQXX accelerates Mercedes-Benz’s goal to “Lead in Electricity” and set benchmarks in sustainable mobility.

The VISION EQXX shows how Mercedes-Benz envisions the future of electric cars.
The VISION EQXX is how Mercedes-Benz envisions the future of electric cars.

VISION EQXX: key technical data at a glance[6]

Battery energy content, usable kWh <100
max. system voltage volts >900
Energy consumption kWh/100 km (miles/kWh) <10(>6)
dc value 0.17 [7]
max. power output kilowatts ~150
distance between axis cm 280
gross vehicle weight kg ~1,750

Efficiency is the new currency

In essence, efficiency means achieving more with less. This is nothing new: Mercedes-Benz has always strived for efficiency in its vehicles, making massive technological advances over the decades. These have benefited consumers through consistent improvements in fuel economy, comfort and convenience. However, the imperatives of electric mobility and sustainability have changed the framework for efficiency.

The most familiar expression of automotive efficiency is that of fuel consumption or fuel economy. This is expressed in different ways depending on where you are in the world (for example, liters per 100 kilometers, miles per gallon, or kilometers per liter). Regardless of convention, they all relate units of fuel (energy) to units of distance. Electric mobility is no different in that regard.

By making efficiency the new currency, Mercedes-Benz has created a common denominator to quantify technological development across the board, beyond fuel efficiency. As well as meaning more range with less power, it also means more tangible luxury and comfort with less impact on nature and more electric mobility with less waste.

The VISION EQXX proves that all of this is within easy reach in a real-world vehicle that pushes limits on every front. It gives Mercedes-Benz customers a clear view of what premium efficiency for the electric and digital age looks and feels like. Beautiful design and intuitive operation enhanced by advanced digital technologies deliver sustainable long-distance electric mobility that has Mercedes-Benz written all over it.

“The suffix XX augments the Mercedes-Benz brand with the X-factor of electric mobility that thinks beyond limitations and an agile collaborative development approach from the X division,” explains Markus Schäfer, continuing: “This enhances the breadth and depth of development. skills within Mercedes-Benz AG with highly advanced digital tools, as well as industry-leading expertise from a wide range of partner companies, start-ups and institutions around the world.”

From its innovative powertrain to its lightweight “bionic” structure, and from its ingenious thermal management to its serenely slick exterior, efficiency engineering in every detail adds to the VISION EQXX’s remarkable power consumption and true range.

“Electric cooking sounds easy, but it is a complex technical challenge. The easiest way is to put a larger battery in the car. However, this leads to diminishing returns due to size and weight. This is definitely not the smartest route and it’s also not the best use of scarce resources. With VISION EQXX, we present the results of an extraordinary challenge: we take efficiency to a whole new level. And we explore new ways to increase the range of an electric car.” Joerg Bartels, Vice President of Vehicle Engineering and General Vehicle Functions.

This remarkable project went from white paper to full vehicle in just 18 months. He attracted talent not only from Stuttgart, but also from Formula 1 and from a diverse range of start-ups, partners and institutions from around the world in a cross-functional and multi-disciplinary team. Facing each other, they applied the latest technologies and ideas to develop advanced, high-efficiency solutions with real potential for the near future.

The VISION EQXX shows how Mercedes-Benz envisions the future of electric cars.
The VISION EQXX is how Mercedes-Benz envisions the future of electric cars.

Pioneer transmission for the electric age: don’t waste, don’t want

On any road trip, it’s the car that does the work, soaking up the miles and letting the driver and passengers experience the journey. In the long-distance mindset that makes the VISION EQXX so special, efficiency is king.

Producing around 150kW, the super-efficient electric drivetrain (encompassing everything from the battery to the electric drive unit to the wheels) in the VISION EQXX provides the power and toughness to sustain this exceptional long-distance runner. distance. More than a composition of individual parts, it is an engineering work of art in its own right. Tasked with a very clear and specific set of goals, the team set out to create an electric powertrain with a world-leading combination of efficiency, energy density and lightweight engineering. So let’s add a figure here: 95% efficiency. That means up to 95% of the battery’s energy ends up in the wheels, pure and simple.

The Formula 1 experts at Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains (HPP) in Brixworth, UK know a thing or two about how to harness every kilojoule of energy. In close collaboration, Mercedes-Benz R&D worked hand-in-hand with them to redesign the powertrain and reduce system losses.

“One of the best ways to improve efficiency is to reduce losses,” explains Eva Greiner, chief engineer of the electric drive system at Mercedes-Benz. “We work on every part of the system to reduce energy consumption and losses through system design, material selection, lubrication and heat management. And our fantastic simulation tools helped us quickly figure out what works and what doesn’t.”

The electric drive unit of the VISION EQXX is a dedicated unit consisting of the electric motor, transmission and power electronics with a new generation of silicon carbide. The power electronics unit is based on that of the upcoming Mercedes-AMG Project ONE hypercar.

Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX
, interior Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX, interior

The best in battery development in collaboration with HPP

Instead of simply increasing the size of the battery, Mercedes-Benz and the HPP team developed an entirely new battery pack for the VISION EQXX, achieving a remarkable energy density of close to 400 Wh/l. This benchmark figure is what made it possible to fit a battery pack with just under 100 kWh of usable energy into the compact dimensions of the VISION EQXX.

“In effect, we matched the power of the EQS to the vehicle dimensions of a compact car,” says Adam Allsopp, director of advanced technology at HPP. “The battery has about the same amount of power but is half the size and 30% lighter. The battery management system and power electronics have been designed with an absolute focus on loss reduction. By achieving this efficiency milestone, we learned a lot that will flow into future development programs.”

The substantial increase in energy density stems in part from significant progress in anode chemistry. Their higher silicon content and advanced composition mean they can hold much more energy than commonly used anodes. Another feature that contributed to the impressive power density is the high level of integration in the battery pack. This platform, jointly developed by Mercedes-Benz R&D and HPP, created more space for the cells and helped reduce overall weight. The separate compartment for electrical and electronic (EE) components, called the OneBox, also made more space for the cells, with added benefits for installation and removal.

Tasked with pushing the limits of technical feasibility at every level, the battery development team also decided to experiment with unusually high voltage. Increasing the voltage to over 900 volts proved to be an extremely useful research tool for power electronics development. The team was able to collect a lot of valuable data and is currently evaluating the potential benefits and implications for future series production.

Several more aspects of the battery’s design add to its exceptional efficiency. For example, its lightweight lid was jointly designed by Mercedes-AMG HPP and its chassis partners at Mercedes-Grand Prix. The lid is made from a unique and sustainable composite material derived from sugar cane waste, reinforced with carbon fibre, as used in Formula 1. The battery also features active cell balancing, which means extracting the power evenly from the cells while the car is running. conduction, in effect, giving it greater resistance. In general, the battery weighs around 495 kilograms, including the OneBox.

Taking the heat: the innovative thermal management system

Those who paid attention in physics class will know that heat is a form of energy in a new guise. It can be your enemy or your friend. The VISION EQXX has an advanced thermal management system. On the one hand, it conserves thermal energy, and on the other, it significantly reduces cooling resistance. Both contribute to maximum efficiency.

How? Mercedes-Benz’s “cooling on demand” concept has been further developed for the VISION EQXX not only for optimal cooling depending on prevailing circumstances. The exceptional efficiency of the electric drive unit means it generates only minimal waste heat. This helped keep the thermal management system extremely small and light. The carefully designed interplay of airfoil shutters, coolant valves and water pumps ensures that the electric drive unit, comprising power electronics, electric motor and transmission, maintains the most cost-efficient temperature balance. minimum energy. Technically,

The cooling plate is installed in the floor of the vehicle, allowing you to take advantage of the air that flows along the bottom of the VISION EQXX. This is the most aerodynamically efficient way of keeping the electric drive unit cool under normal conditions, allowing the vehicle to gain around 20 kilometers of range in the most aerodynamic mode.

Only when it is hot or the driving style is “lively”, the cooling system increases a little. Normally closed louvers at the front of the VISION EQXX open when things get hot, sending additional cooling air through a system of air guides. The inlets for these air guides are cleverly located along the highest pressure area of ​​the front bumper. Rather, the outlets are in low-pressure zones along the top of the hood.

The beauty of this “cooling on demand” approach is that when the shutters are open, it adds just seven points (0.007) to the drag coefficient. If cooling is required when the vehicle is stationary, a backup cooling fan is activated (thermal efficiency mode).

Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX
, interior Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX, interior

Keeping the heat: a heat pump makes the most of ambient and waste heat

The VISION EQXX’s innovative heat pump absorbs heat generated by the drivetrain and outside ambient air to keep the cabin cozy. Its impressive efficiency is a huge boost for battery life in the coldest parts of the world.

This multi-source heat pump recovers waste heat from the powertrain and has an external heat exchanger that extracts heat from the ambient air. Not available on earlier Mercedes-Benz heat pumps, this feature increases the operating temperature range. This is especially useful for quickly heating up the cabin and is very effective at lower temperatures. And to squeeze out every last calorie of heat, it even uses “evaporator enthalpy” when dehumidifying humid room air. Enthalpy is the latent energy released as heat when water vapor in the air changes state from gas to water.

Let the sun in: more range thanks to solar energy

The sun is the original source of all energy on Earth, but it can take a very crooked path. So it made perfect sense for Mercedes-Benz development engineers to cut out the “middle man” and go straight to the big boiler in the sky for a little extra oomph.

The electrical system that powers many of the VISION EQXX’s accessories draws additional power from 117 solar cells on the roof. It was developed in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, the largest solar energy research institute in Europe. The net result of reducing power consumption on the high voltage system is an increase in range. In a single day and under ideal conditions, this can add up to 25 km of range on long-distance trips.

Solar energy is stored in a lightweight lithium iron phosphate battery, which powers a climate fan, lights, infotainment system and other accessories. Mercedes-Benz and its partners are working to use solar energy to charge the high-voltage system as well.

Design and aerodynamics: a master class in conflict resolution

Over long distances on the open road, one of the biggest obstacles to efficiency is staring us in the face, but we can’t see it. The air may be fresh and inviting, but it wants to hold us in its hands. Aerodynamic drag can have a big impact on range. On a regular long-distance trip, a typical electric vehicle devotes almost two-thirds of its battery capacity to making its way through the air, which is why the VISON EQXX has an ultra-slick and slippery coefficient of drag of 0.17[8] .

However, the disciplines of aerodynamics and design often have opposing interests, as Gorden Wagener, Head of Design at Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, explains: „The VISION EQXX is a vision of the future that embodies the desire for the next mercedes level of luxury As designers, we always think in terms of technology and aesthetics. The aerodynamics of the VISION EQXX embodies this fusion of technology and aesthetics for us as designers. In line with our philosophy of Sensual Purity, we create spectacular proportions that combine beauty with efficiency. The resulting body flow offers revolutionary aerodynamics. The fact that the end result is as beautiful as it is demonstrates the skill of our design team working closely with aerodynamics experts.”

The Mercedes-Benz team has a long tradition of working closely together to achieve striking design with class-leading aerodynamics, from the W 125[9] in 1937 and the 540K Streamliner of 1938 to the Concept C111[10] from the 1970s to the current RCT. Another excellent example is the IAA Concept from 2015[11], which provided significant inspiration for the VISION EQXX. It was, for example, the first Mercedes-Benz vehicle to make extensive use of active aerodynamic features to achieve notable improvements in drag coefficient combined with the distinctively elegant lines of Mercedes-Benz design.

A great deal of work went into integrating the painstaking passive and active aerodynamic features into the external shape of the VISION EQXX. The remarkable result was achieved in an impressively short time. The interdisciplinary team used advanced digital modeling techniques to arrive at a compromise that reduces drag while retaining the sensuous purity of the Mercedes-Benz design language and the practicalities of a road car.

“Usually it takes about a year to finalize the form,” says Mercedes-Benz aerodynamics chief Teddy Woll. “We had less than half of that for VISION EQXX. Lean and agile processes and mature digital tools make collaborative work much easier, with faster decision-making and more agile engagements. We also needed fewer models and less time in the wind tunnel.”

Despite the practical challenges and compressed time scale, the success of the collaboration is clearly evident in the sophistication and balance of the exterior design. The surfaces of the VISION EQXX run smoothly from the front, developing powerful yet sensuous shoulders above the rear wheel arches. This natural flow is concluded with a clearly defined, aerodynamically effective tear-off edge, accentuated by gloss black trim, highlighted by the taillight clusters.


Painted in a striking silver Mercedes-Benz Alubeam look, the body of the VISION EQXX cradles the smooth greenhouse dome as it flows gracefully like a drop of water to the rear. The retractable rear diffuser is a powerful example of the collaboration between design, aerodynamics and engineering: it deploys only at higher speeds when the air becomes a considerably tougher opponent. When retracted, it fits seamlessly into the bodywork, retaining the balance, proportions and lightweight aesthetics of the rear.

However, it presented a significant engineering challenge. Standing face to face with the laws of physics, the development engineers working on it had to ensure that this seemingly simple mechanism met a number of requirements. In addition to operating in all conditions, it also had to weigh next to nothing and retract instantly in the event of a rear-end collision.

The VISION EQXX has a number of less visually obvious but equally important active and passive aerodynamic details, such as its small frontal area. In fact, it is less than that of the current CLA or even that of smart vehicles. And how many would notice that the rear track is 50 millimeters shorter than the front? Another is the air curtain/air vent in the front bumper. This clever design combines with the wheel covers to eliminate almost every last murmur of aerodynamic separation from the front wheels. And while all that’s going on, the airways even guide additional cooling air over the hood, opening the cooling louvers if necessary.

Despite its small frontal area, the front end of the VISION EQXX packs a big design punch. A band of light above the gloss black grille with rose gold accents flows effortlessly into the fuel-efficient headlamps, reminiscent of those on the EQS. Each headlight consists of two star-shaped elements, the larger housing the low beam and low beam assemblies behind a bright central lens. This arrangement, along with the 2D star pattern on the front bumper, provides a preview of the front-end design details that will be featured on future Mercedes-Benz models.

Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX, Design, Skizze, Interieur
Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX, design sketch interior

Efficient wheels and tires – optimized for rolling resistance and aerodynamics

In all cars, it is the tires that form the most important interface with the road. For the VISION EQXX, Mercedes-Benz engineers worked in cooperation with Bridgestone. Together, they harnessed Bridgestone’s Turanza Eco tire combined with lightweight, environmentally friendly ENLITEN and ologic technology that enables ultra-low rolling resistance.

The tire design also features aerodynamically optimized sidewalls to match the casings mounted on the lightweight 20-inch forged magnesium wheels. The semi-transparent, twin-spoke design of these covers meets all aerodynamic requirements while preserving the view of the rose gold accents that adorn the wheels.

The beautiful simplicity of light interior design

Marking the launch of a new super purist design style, VISION EQXX represents a new expression of efficiency in interior design. Moving away from the conventional design approach, the interior design focuses on a few modules and the beautiful simplicity of lightweight design. This is expressed through the absence of complex shapes and the integration of light structures into the interior aesthetics in a totally organic way, making traditional trim elements superfluous.

From mushrooms to vegan silk, nature’s influence continues as we step into the VISION EQXX. The light luxury feel of the interior comes from the extensive use of lightweight, sustainable materials and organically inspired design details. The basic principle is maximum comfort and style with minimum weight, and absolutely no products derived from animals.

The interior features a host of innovative materials sourced from startups around the world. For example, the door handles are made from AMsilk’s Biosteel® fiber. This vegan-certified, biotech-based, high-strength silk-like fabric comes from the inventor of bio-manufactured (nature-identical) fiber. Combining groundbreaking science with true environmental integrity, its use here marks an automotive industry first.

Another sustainable material that adorns the interior of the VISION EQXX is MyloTM, a verified vegan leather alternative made from mycelium, which is the underground root-like structure of fungi. It is certified biobased, meaning it is made predominantly from renewable ingredients found in nature. This entirely new category of material created by the power of biotechnology is designed to be less harmful to the environment and is used for the seat cushion details on the VISION EQXX.

The animal-free leather alternative called Deserttex® is a sustainable cactus-based biomaterial made from powdered cactus fibers combined with a sustainable bio-based polyurethane matrix. In this combination, the leather alternative has an exceptionally supple finish that is extremely soft to the touch. Future versions have a higher cactus content, giving this material the potential to halve the ecological footprint associated with conventional artificial leathers.

On the floor, the VISION EQXX carpets are made from 100% bamboo fiber. As well as being renewable and fast growing, this natural raw material offers an extremely luxurious look and feel. Mercedes-Benz chose these sustainable, innovative, high-performance materials because they and others like them have the potential to replace all kinds of petroleum and animal products currently used in automotive applications. Together, they show a way forward for luxury design that conserves resources and is in balance with nature.

Elsewhere, the VISION EQXX makes extensive use of recycled waste materials, such as recycled PET bottles used in a shiny fabric to enhance the floor area and door trim. Higher up in the interior, the designers used DINAMICA® made from 38% recycled PET to create a wrap-around effect that joins the top edge of the one-piece screen with the doors and headliner. The interior also features UBQ material, a sustainable plastic substitute made from household waste and municipal landfills.

“Working with these innovative and sustainable materials to design the interior of the VISION EQXX was a hugely liberating and exciting experience,” says Gorden Wagener. “They open up entirely new avenues of creativity, and the visual and tactile finishes are exquisite. The luxurious feel of the interior through the use of ambient lighting as well as silver, rose gold and gloss black accents is a very progressive interpretation of modern luxury for the all-electric age.”

The VISION EQXX UI/UX shows the potential of game engine-based interfaces, with outstanding graphics and highly responsive design.
The UI/UX in VISION EQXX showcases the potential of game engine-driven interfaces, with never-before-seen graphics and highly responsive design.

Body in white: smart, efficient and sustainable through bionic engineering and advanced materials

When it comes to light engineering, the best thing on Earth is Mother Nature. No one else comes close. Over millions of years, it has perfected the best examples of highly efficient long-distance travelers, from the monarch butterfly to the arctic tern.

With a considerably shorter timescale for the VISION EQXX, Mercedes-Benz engineers drew inspiration from their creations and enlisted some lateral-thinking outside experts to help. The result is a weight efficient design derived from engineering excellence coupled with a sustainable mix of trash and tinsel.

This clever use of nature-inspired advanced sustainable materials and methods is called bionic engineering and was facilitated by a digital process called bionic mesh design. Mercedes-Benz has a long history of applying bionic engineering techniques dating back to its 2005 “bionic car” concept study.


Currently Mercedes-Benz’s largest aluminum structural casting, BIONEQXX is the main structural component at the rear of the VISION EQXX: the rear floor. It was developed in-house by Mercedes-Benz using fully digital techniques and a software approach that is absolutely unique within the automotive sector. The result is optimal functionality packed within the compact dimensions of the available space. Furthermore, the team created this impressive and manufacturable casting in just four months.

Taking organic forms as a reference, the development engineers sought to use material only where it was necessary for the structural function, that is, where loads are exerted. According to the laws of nature, where there is no charge there is no need for material.

The most important of the structural criteria is the need for very high stiffness and excellent crash performance. The beauty of the one-part BIONEQXX casting is the ability to combine it with functional integration within a single extremely lightweight component rather than an assembly of several joined parts.

Bionic simulation with a touch of Hollywood magic

So how did they accomplish this in such a short amount of time? By applying a fully digital vertical process that provides a blueprint for the future development of production vehicles. In addition to classic optimization techniques, the team also applied a unique collaboration model that included graphics and polygonal modeling tools used in the 3D gaming industry and Hollywood animation.

Used by Mercedes-Benz engineers in the automotive context, these tools help identify stresses and load paths in a component. All of this happens digitally, before anything is cast in metal, greatly speeding up the development process and making it possible to create a bionic layer structure in twice as fast time.

The resulting one-piece casting has a spiderweb-like appearance with gaps where there is no need for structural elements. However, the rear floor of a vehicle is subjected to more than just physical loads in everyday use. It has to withstand nature’s attempts to enter the car in the form of water and dirt. To address this, Mercedes-Benz engineers once again turned to external partner UBQ Materials. The sustainable plastic substitute developed by the Israel-based startup is made from the kind of waste that normally ends up in landfills. This includes food and yard waste, as well as mixed plastics, cardboard, and even baby diapers. One kilogram of UBQ removes 1.3 kilograms of garbage from the landfill, of which about 0.3 kilogram is water.
The cooperation between Mercedes and UBQ won the Automotive Sustainability Award 2021 in the category of “best start-up”[12]. UBQ is not only suitable for prototype applications, but also offers great potential for transfer to series production in the near future.

The openings in the BIONEQXX rear floor mold were closed with patches made of UBQ produced on a 3D printer. A total of 42 UBQ heads were designed using shape optimization to achieve extremely high stiffness and good sound damping qualities. Once inserted into the BIONEQXX casting using a special bonding process, the final unit is completely sealed against the ravages of water and dirt. The resulting part indicates that this innovative engineering approach has the potential to achieve 15-20% weight savings compared to a conventionally produced component. It marks a milestone in lightweight design that meets the stringent quality requirements of Mercedes-Benz.


BIONICAST is a registered trademark of Mercedes-Benz applied to structural castings designed according to the principles of nature. In addition to the BIONEQXX rear floor casting, another BIONICAST component featured on the VISION EQXX is the shock domes that accommodate the suspension components at the front of the car. Like the BIONEQXX casting, they also make a significant contribution to keeping weight to a minimum, saving around four kilograms compared to conventional pressed domes. The mount that carries the VISION EQXX’s windshield wipers and motor was also designed using bionic engineering principles. Here too,

This technology has already been transferred to Mercedes-Benz production models. For example, the chassis components of the new EQS have been modified to reduce weight while increasing stiffness.

Advanced body materials deliver advances in lightweight design, safety and sustainability

The VISION EQXX features a host of advanced materials that deliver practical functionality and safety to exacting Mercedes-Benz standards. Several of these materials are currently being used in the development of future production models.

The MS1500 ultra-high-strength martensitic steel used in the VISION EQXX marks a first for a Mercedes-Benz body-in-white application. The exceptional resistance of this material offers excellent protection to the occupants in the event of an impact, keeping the weight to a minimum.

The VISION EQXX body-in-white is one of the first Mercedes-Benz applications of low-CO2 flat steel produced from 100% scrap metal using an electric arc furnace technique. These low CO2 steel grades have only recently been introduced in Mercedes-Benz production vehicles and represent a blueprint for future models. In fact, the cooperation between Mercedes-Benz AG and Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH won the MATERIALICA Design + Technology Gold-Award 2021[13] in the category “CO2-Efficiency”.

The doors of the VISION EQXX are made from hybrid components of CFRP and GFRP (glass and carbon fiber reinforced plastics) with aluminum reinforcements. In addition to the weight benefits, this design also strikes a careful balance of stiffness and ductility in the event of a crash. Meanwhile, a new polyamide foam reinforces the lower edge of the door and optimizes energy absorption in the event of a side impact.

Lightweight design thinking was applied throughout the VISION EQXX. On the chassis, aluminum brake discs significantly reduce mass compared to cast steel discs. As well as being completely corrosion-free, this brake system designed by Mercedes-Benz Advanced Engineering also reduces brake dust emissions by up to 90% thanks to an innovative coating. Meanwhile, new advanced fiberglass-reinforced plastic springs developed in partnership with Rheinmetall Automotive shed more weight compared to conventional coil springs.

Neuromorphic computing: a car that thinks like you

Another key efficiency feature of the VISION EQXX that follows nature’s lead is the way it thinks. It uses an innovative form of information processing called neuromorphic computing. The hardware runs so-called spiking neural networks. Information is encoded into discrete spikes and power is only consumed when a spike occurs, reducing power consumption by orders of magnitude.

Working with artificial intelligence experts at California BrainChip, Mercedes-Benz engineers developed systems based on BrainChip’s Akida hardware and software. The example in the VISION EQXX is the detection of hot words “Hey Mercedes”. Structured according to neuromorphic principles, it is five to ten times more efficient than conventional voice control.

Although neuromorphic computing is still in its infancy, systems like these will be commercially available in a few years. When applied at scale across a vehicle, they have the potential to radically reduce the energy required to run the latest AI technologies.

UI/UX in VISION EQXX: the non-judgmental travel companion

On a road trip, it’s nice to have someone with you. A road trip companion helps with navigation. They could be in charge of the music selection. Or maybe they’re clutching the travel guide, pointing out places of interest and fascinating tidbits of information along the way. They might even offer an occasional “tip” on driving style. However, it is true that this type of “help” can also be a source of friction. In the VISION EQXX, all this and more is taken care of by the car, allowing driver and passenger to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

The VISION EQXX shows us the potential of game engine driven interfaces, with graphics like never before seen and a highly responsive design. The user interface demonstrates how real-time graphics enable new digital worlds that instantly respond to the driver’s needs and bring the real world into the car.

The user interface and user experience within VISION EQXX catapults us into a highly responsive, intelligent, and software-driven future. Stunning to look at, intuitive to work with and attuned to the human mind, the first fully integrated display in a Mercedes-Benz spans 47.5 inches from A-pillar to A-pillar. With a resolution of 8K (7680 × 660 pixels), the thin and light mini-LED display acts as a portal that connects the driver and occupants to the car and the outside world. A star cloud avatar, reminiscent of our namesake Mercedes Jelinek, is the ethereal guide. Changing shape in response to the needs of the driver and taking care of the passengers, it turns the journey into a luxurious experience.

The Mercedes-Benz team worked with navigation experts NAVIS Automotive Systems, inc. (NAVIS-AMS) to develop the first real-time 3D navigation system on a screen of this size. It performs continuous zoom and scroll functions from the satellite view up to a height of 10 meters in the 3D city representation. Executed on the one-piece screen, it offers the user an astonishingly clear, precise and intuitive route guidance.

It’s also fun to talk to your fellow road tripper in the VISION EQXX. The further development of the “Hey Mercedes” voice assistant is emotional and expressive thanks to a collaboration between Mercedes-Benz engineers and Sonantic speech synthesis experts. With the help of machine learning, the team has given “Hey Mercedes” its own distinctive character and personality. As well as sounding breathtakingly real, the emotional expression takes the conversation between driver and car to a whole new level that is more natural and intuitive, underscoring the progressive feel of modern luxury conveyed by the UI/UX in the VISION EQXX.

Efficient use of energy and information

The one-piece screen is also very energy efficient. Its mini-LED backlight features more than 3,000 local dimming zones, meaning it draws power only when needed on specific parts of the screen.

The 3D navigation screen adapts to the type of content being displayed. For example, if you’re driving in an urban area, the abstract display of surrounding buildings helps you orient yourself in the midst of densely populated streets. However, if you are traveling on a motorway or open road, the level of detail decreases to provide a clearer overview of the journey. This has the added efficiency benefit of reducing the display’s power consumption.

As well as providing smooth navigation, the intelligence of the VISION EQXX can extract data based on the car’s route, with the avatar at hand to function as an intelligent tour guide. It can even help you manage your music library and offer local suggestions.

There is also a system to help you drive more efficiently. From power flow to terrain, battery status and even the direction and intensity of the wind and sun, the efficiency assistant selects all available information and suggests the most efficient driving style. This actually enhances the driver’s senses by providing information about external conditions that the driver himself cannot feel directly, in the same way that, for example, a cyclist can feel the force of the wind or the extra effort involved in pedaling uphill. . This sensory support is enhanced by the VISION EQXX’s ability to use map data to “see the future”, anticipating what lies ahead to help the driver take advantage of it in a way that maximizes efficiency.

And if you want more detailed information, a series of screens will tell you everything you need to know with easy-to-follow images and infographics. The influence of current acceleration, slope, wind and rolling resistance on energy consumption are displayed in real time. If it’s a complete analysis you want, it’s got it. Likewise, if you’re someone who prefers to travel on a “need to know” basis, the VISION EQXX will keep you schtum.

The simplicity of the interface is a further development of the Zero Layer concept first used in the EQS, which facilitates interaction between driver and vehicle by doing away with sub-menus. The interface is efficient and effective, thanks to intelligence and customization. Highly proactive, it shows you what you need when you need it, with an intuitive zoom function that provides access to all features. Your human road trip companion has its own zoom feature and entertainment zone. And if you prefer to travel alone, this part of the screen turns off to save energy.

Weaving sound into the equation

Finally, the VISION EQXX’s sound system is intertwined with the UI/UX to deliver a stunning 4D experience with exceptional power efficiency. A typical sound system can be a significant energy consumer, so Mercedes-Benz engineers took a close look at how to optimize the sound experience while minimizing energy consumption. This can be achieved by reducing the degradation that sound waves experience when they are absorbed by or bounced off interior surfaces.

Problem solved: Reducing the total number of speakers and placing them in close proximity to individual occupants dramatically reduces the distance sound travels. Two wideband speakers installed in each headrest are combined with a bass driver in each seat. The VISION EQXX uses the drivers for normal audio output as well as vehicle sounds, haptic feedback, and audio warning. The efficient combination of sound and haptic feedback is a highly efficient way to increase perception and awareness through the use of more stimuli.

In addition to reducing power consumption, the sound system design in the VISION EQXX also facilitates multiple different sound zones. Efficiency Assistant takes advantage of the sound system to communicate its recommendations to the driver through a series of intuitive audio ‘cues’. These were inspired by the signs used by Formula E racing to help drivers perform more efficiently.

The development and testing process: a software-driven digital journey

The global road trip to electric mobility is powered by advanced software and digital processes. The roads and byways are many and varied, the attractions and connections along the way inspiring.

Bringing together such a diverse array of experience and innovative ideas from around the world to create VISION EQXX in twice the time was a masterclass in software management. The team made extensive use of open source technology, augmented by elements created in-house. Agile working practices and monthly release planning ensured a seamless end-to-end feature flow and early solution integration.

The scale of the digital development work involved in the design and engineering of the VISION EQXX is truly groundbreaking. Highly advanced digital tools such as virtual and augmented reality have dispensed with the need for time-consuming physical mock-ups. It also facilitated the simultaneous development work of remote teams working in different parts of the world, from Stuttgart (Germany) to Bangalore (India) and from Brixworth (UK) to Sunnyvale (California). This massive improvement in digital power reduced the time spent in the wind tunnel from over 100 hours to just 46. It also meant that over 300,000 kilometers of test driving were covered virtually.

Digital development made extensive use of Software in the Loop (SiL) systems. This made the commissioning phases with the real hardware extremely short and allowed us to carry out large-scale tests early in the project. Using this approach, the team was able to install the drive unit, update the software and get the wheels rolling on the VISION EQXX in just two hours. This extremely agile, efficient and responsive teamwork was made possible by a combination of a sporty mentality and clever use of comprehensive testing options at Mercedes-Benz.

This highly effective and efficient digital development approach means that many of the innovations in the VISION EQXX could be quickly adapted for production applications.


…achieve more with less

Being efficient is about reducing waste to the absolute minimum in order to make the most of what you have, be it energy, time or resources. In the Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX, efficiency means more range with less energy, more tangible luxury and comfort with less impact on nature, and more electric mobility with less waste. It also means radically shorter development times through the application of advanced digital tools and cross-functional teamwork.

…can go from Berlin to Paris on a single charge

A single charge of the VISION EQXX would take you from Berlin to Paris, New York City to Cincinnati, Ohio, or Beijing to Nanjing. Not because it has a big battery, but because it is very efficient. Based on average distances driven per year, a driver in the US or China would need to fully recharge the VISION EQXX only twice a month and in Europe only once a month[14].

…it is the electrical equivalent of a “1 liter car”

The VISION EQXX uses less than 10 kWh of electrical energy to travel 100 km[15]. That is equivalent to traveling 6 miles on 1 kWh of electrical energy. But what does that mean? Translated into fossil fuel consumption, this is around the golden figure of 1 liter per 100 kilometers (235 mpg in the US or 282 mpg in the UK).

Here are some examples of what 10 kWh of energy offers in other areas of life:

  • Run a dryer for just over 3 hours.
  • Run an average home air conditioner for about 3 hours
  • Use an iron for 5 hours.
  • Watch a 50-inch LED TV for 100 hours
  • Run conventional (non-LED) floodlights in a major sports stadium for about 3 minutes

…is more streamlined than a football

On a long-distance trip, a typical EV uses about two-thirds of its energy just making its way through the air. At 0.17[16], the VISION EQXX’s innovative cd figure can make a big difference at highway cruising speeds. A reduction of just 0.01 adds about 2.5% to the range. Let’s put it in context with some other drag coefficients:

  • Penguin – 0.05
  • EQXX VISION – 0.1716
  • RCT – 0.20
  • American football – 0.18 to 0.2
  • Cyclist – 0.6 to >0.8
  • Person – 0.8 to 1.2
  • Parachute – 1.1 to 1.3

[1] Electricity consumption has been determined on the basis of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 according to WLTP

[2] Preliminary range figures and based on digital simulations under real traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

[3] Preliminary range figures and based on digital simulations under real traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

[4] Preliminary range figures and based on digital simulations under real traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

[5] cd figure measured in the Daimler aeroacoustic wind tunnel at a wind speed of 140 km/h

[6] Preliminary range figures and based on digital simulations under real traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

[7] cd figure measured in the Daimler aeroacoustic wind tunnel at a wind speed of 140 km/h

[8] cd figure measured in the Daimler aeroacoustic wind tunnel at a wind speed of 140 km/h

[9] On January 28, 1938, the record car Mercedes-Benz W 125 set the world speed record on public roads, which still stands today, with its cd value of 0.17: Rudolf Caracciola reached a speed of 432.7 km/h on the A5 motorway between Darmstadt and Frankfurt at the time.

[10] The record-breaking C111-III had a drag coefficient of 0.183

[11] First non-sports car from Mercedes-Benz to feature active aerodynamics for a drag coefficient of 0.19

[12]   Automotive Sustainability Award 2021 | Roland Berger

[13]   MATERIALICA Design + Technology Award 2021 | Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH

[14] The average American drives 13,500 miles (21,600 km) a year. In Europe, that figure is around 12,000 km (7,500 mi) and in China 20,000 km (12,500 mi). https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/onh00/bar8.htm   https://www.globalfueleconomy.org/transport/gfei/autotool/case_studies/apacific/china/cs_ap_china.asp   https://www. odyssee-mure.eu/publications/efficiency-by-sector/transport/distance-travelled-by-car.html

[15] Preliminary range figures and based on digital simulations in real traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

[16] cd figure measured in the Daimler aeroacoustic wind tunnel at a wind speed of 140 km/h

Leonardo and Vertical Aerospace announce collaboration on Fuselage Development Program

  • Vertical and Leonardo to collaborate on the development of the fuselage for Vertical’s VX4 electric aircraft
  • Leonardo is lending its expertise, honed on numerous civil and defence aerospace programs, to Vertical’s aircraft
  • The collaboration is for an initial six certification aircraft but may scale up to mass production of 2,000 VX4s per year, to meet Vertical’s market-leading pre-order book
  • The partnership between Vertical and Leonardo builds on Vertical’s unparalleled ecosystem of partners that already includes Honeywell, Rolls-Royce, Microsoft, GKN and Solvay

Rome, Italy, London, UK & New York, USA | February 2022 – Vertical Aerospace (“Vertical”) (NYSE:EVTL), a leading aerospace and technology company that is pioneering zero-emissions aviation, today announced that it has agreed a joint development program with Leonardo for the design, testing, manufacture and supply of the carbon composite fuselage for Vertical’s VX4 electric aircraft.

Vertical and Leonardo will work together on optimising lightweight composite structures, modular design, systems installation, and structural testing for the co-development of the aircraft’s fuse- lage. This is currently in place for at least six certification aircraft, up to the successful certification of the VX4. The agreement has also stated the potential to scale fuselage production to 2,000 aircraft a year to meet Vertical’s existing market-leading order book demand. Vertical has what it believes is the largest conditional pre-order book (by value) in the eVTOL industry, of up to 1,350 aircraft worth $5.4 billion from American Airlines, Avolon, Bristow and Iberojet, including pre-order options from Virgin Atlantic and Marubeni, and through Avolon’s placements, airlines JAL and Gol.

Leonardo has long-established expertise in composite aerostructures development and manufac- turing on civil and defense programs. The aerospace firm also has a close relationship with Vertical’s strategic composite materials supplier, Solvay. Vertical and Solvay are jointly developing advanced materials and manufacturing technologies that will enable high volume manufacture of the VX4.

Vertical’s partnership with Leonardo builds on its unparalleled ecosystem of partners, including Rolls-Royce, Honeywell, Solvay, GKN and Microsoft. Vertical continues to grow its team of expe- rienced engineers and aviation executives and expects to begin the VX4’s test flight programme later in 2022.

Vertical’s VX4 is paving the way for advanced air mobility and is expected to revolutionise the way we travel. The near silent, entirely electric, piloted aircraft is expected to have a range of over 100 miles and to reach top speeds of up to 200mph. With a four-passenger capacity, the zero operating emissions VX4 will also have a low cost per passenger mile, similar to that of a taxi.

Michael Cervenka, President of Vertical said: “Vertical is pioneering electric aviation and is on a mis- sion to transform the way people travel. I have been hugely impressed by Leonardos highly innovative and industry leading technical and manufacturing capabilities and our partnership has got off to a flying start. Im thrilled that Leonardo will be joining us in this journey. We have a market-leading pre-order book for our VX4, and this partnership will ensure that we can scale the programme to meet demand.”

Lucio Valerio Cioffi, Leonardos General Manager, said: Advanced air mobility is part of Leonardos mandate to innovate using our cutting edge, human-centred technology and industrialisation expertise. We’re proud to collaborate with Vertical as part of our strategic vision in this brand new sector.”

Giancarlo Schisano, Managing Director of Leonardo’s Aerostructures Division said: “Leonardo, as partner to the world’s leading commercial aircraft manufacturers, is specialised in the production and as- sembly of major structural composite and metallic components for commercial aircraft. Leonardo strives to bring new technologies, materials and processes into our established practices in our production sites. This will be the case at our Grottaglie plant in Southern Italy, where we will focus our VX4 activities; the plant is one of the most advanced facilities in Europe to produce composite aerostructures.

The continuous development and integration of cutting-edge solutions across all domains, such as Advanced Air Mobility, is a key element of Leonardo’s BeTomorrow2030 Strategic Plan.

About Vertical Aerospace

Vertical Aerospace is pioneering electric aviation. The company was founded in 2016 by Stephen Fitzpatrick, an established entrepreneur best known as the founder of the Ovo Group, a leading energy and technology group and Europe’s largest independent energy retailer. Over the past five years, Vertical has focused on building the most experienced and senior team in the eVTOL industry, who have over 1,700 combined years of engineering experience, and have certified and supported over 30 different civil and military aircraft and propulsion systems.

Vertical’s top-tier partner ecosystem is expected to de-risk operational execution and its path- way to certification allows for a lean cost structure and enables production at scale. Vertical has a market-leading pre-order book (by value) for a total of up to 1,350 aircraft from American Airlines, Avolon, Bristow and Iberojet, which includes conditional pre-order options from Virgin Atlantic and Marubeni, and in doing so, is creating multiple potential near term and actionable routes to market.

Vertical’s ordinary shares listed on the NYSE in December 2021 under the ticker “EVTL”. Find out more: vertical-aerospace.com

About Leonardo

Leonardo, a global high-technology company, is among the top world players in Aerospace, Defense and Security and Italy’s main industrial company. Organized into five business divisions, Leonardo has a significant industrial presence in Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland and the USA, where it also operates through subsidiaries that include Leonardo DRS (defense electronics), and joint ventures and partnerships: ATR, MBDA, Telespazio, Thales Alenia Space and Avio. Leonardo competes in the most important international markets by leveraging its areas of technological and

product leadership (Helicopters, Aircraft, Aerostructures, Electronics, Cyber Security and Space). Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange (LDO), in 2020 Leonardo recorded consolidated revenues of

€13.4 billion and invested €1.6 billion in Research and Development. The company has been part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) since 2010 and has been confirmed among the global sustainability leaders in 2021. Leonardo is also included in the MIB ESG index.

About VX4 eVTOL Aircraft

The four passenger, one pilot VX4 is projected to have speeds up to 200mph, a range over 100 miles, near silent when in flight, zero operating emissions and low cost per passenger mile. The VX4 is expected to open up advanced air mobility to a whole new range of passengers and trans- form how we travel. Find out more: vertical-aerospace.com

2022 Porsche Taycan GTS Sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

2022 Porsche Taycan GTS Sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

New performance model and Sport Turismo body style debut

Atlanta, Georgia. No matter the form of motive power, the GTS variant of any Porsche is the optimal combination of performance and luxury, without sacrificing everyday usability. The Taycan GTS sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo exemplifies this distinction. Enhanced styling and performance as well as unique suspension tuning and Electric Sport Sound among an array of changes that denote that this is the first electric GTS.

2022 Porsche Taycan GTS Sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

2022 Porsche Taycan GTS Sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

Pricing for the Taycan GTS sedan starts at $131,400, while the pricing for the Taycan GTS Sport Turismo will start at $133,300. Neither price includes $1,350 delivery, processing, and handling fee. Both Taycan GTS models are available to order now and U.S. deliveries will start in Q2 of 2022. EPA range and consumption figures will be available closer to delivery.


The Taycan GTS sedan and GTS Sport Turismo feature the same permanent magnet single-speed front motor, larger permanent magnet rear motor with a diameter of 245 mm and an active length of 210 mm, and two-speed rear transmission. This setup provides a total power output of 590 hp with Launch Control, slotting the GTS models in between the Taycan 4S (462 hp) and Taycan Turbo (670 hp).

Much like the Taycan Turbo and Taycan Turbo S, the Taycan GTS comes standard with the 93.4 kWh Performance Battery Plus and its 800-volt architecture means it can handle continuous demand while minimizing heat build-up. This translates to high charging speeds of up to 270 kW and is part of the reason it can charge from 5 to 80 percent in 22.5 minutes, while accelerating both variants from 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds.

Inside the Taycan GTS, the familiar multi-screen dash and ergonomic and sporty seating position remains. And many of the standard technology and comfort features from the other Taycan sports cars, such Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, automatic climate control, Porsche Connect with Porsche Charging Planner also come standard in the GTS variants.


Although numerous components of the Taycan GTS family are inherited from the top-model Taycan, there are notable differences. Visually, the GTS wears the SportDesign front fascia, and the SportDesign side skirts and side window trim in high-gloss black. The rear diffuser features a high-gloss black inlay. The side skirts feature GTS logos, and the badging on the rear is in matte black. The standard 20-inch Taycan Turbo S Aero Design wheel features an exclusive satin-black finish, and the rear light strip features the Porsche logo in black. Finally, the LED-Matrix-Design headlights with PDLS Plus are tinted in black, and the exterior mirror cap-bottoms are painted in body color while the base is in black.

Though the suspension and performance equipment is carried over from the top-model Taycan, the calibration and tuning are all bespoke to the GTS. All the standard and optional performance features have been massaged to make the car even more responsive and connected to the road than before. The standard braking system shares the same red six-piston front caliper and four-piston rear caliper as the 4S, but is equipped with larger 390 mm front rotors (vs 360 mm on the Taycan 4S). The rear rotor size is the same as the 4S, at 358 mm. Porsche Surface Coated Brakes, with tungsten carbide coating, and Porsche Ceramic Composite Brakes are also available. Even the Porsche Electric Sport Sound has been tuned to be deeper and louder for both bystanders and passengers alike.

Standard performance features include Adaptive Air Suspension with Smart Lift and Porsche Active Suspension Management, Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus and Sport Chrono Package including the GT Multifunction Steering Wheel and Mode Dial. Optionally available performance equipment includes Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control Sport, Rear-Axle Steering, and 21-inch RS Spyder Design wheels in satin black.


The Taycan GTS features a unique Race-Tex interior package that reflects similar treatments from other GTS model lines. Driver and passenger seats feature 18-way electric adjustability and memory functions with “GTS” logos on the front and rear headrests. The door sill guards and interior trim is in brushed black aluminum and the accent package is in black. Roof lining and steering-wheel are also covered in Race-Tex.

Optionally, an available GTS Interior Package includes deviated stitching in either Carmine red or Chalk on the dashboard, doors, armrests, steering wheel and seats, with matching seat belts, “GTS” embroidery on the front and rear headrests, Sport Chrono instrument dial and the Porsche logo on the floor mats. The trim on the steering wheel, center console and door trim are in matte carbon.

New Sport Turismo

If the Taycan Cross Turismo exemplifies all-weather, all-road capability, the Taycan GTS Sport Turismo sharpens the focus for the road. With the same interior dimensions as the Taycan Cross Turismo, the Taycan GTS Sport Turismo maintains the 15.7 cubic feet of rear cargo volume in the rear. Fold the rear seats forward, and a total of 42.8 cubic feet is available. Like the sedans and Cross Turismo, the GTS Sport Turismo also features a 2.9 cubic foot front trunk.

Like the Cross Turismo, the Taycan GTS Sport Turismo will also feature a glass roof and hard points to mount a Tequipment bike rack on the rear of the vehicle. Optional equipment includes roof rails, and an all-new Panoramic Roof with Variable Light Control. This system allows the driver to adjust the amount of light by activating nine liquid crystal film segments in the roof, much like a digital clock. There are four preset patterns, clear, matte, 40% (Semi), and 60% (Bold). Or each individual segment can be activated from the PCM. When the vehicle is switched off, the roof automatically switches to matte, and once restarted, the system will remember the previous roof setting. This option is also available on the sedan as well.

Visually, there are additional cues that separate the Taycan GTS Sport Turismo from the existing Cross Turismo family. The rear spoiler is paint matched to the body color, and there is no cladding over the wheel arches. The ride height for the Taycan GTS Sport Turismo is shared with the sedan, lowering the center of gravity even further.

About Porsche Cars North America, Inc. | One Porsche Drive, Atlanta, GA 30354 USA

Established in 1984, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA) is the exclusive U.S. importer of the Porsche 911, 718 Boxster, 718 Cayman, Macan, Cayenne, Panamera and Taycan. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, since 1998, PCNA is also home to the first Porsche Experience Center in North America featuring a module-based 1.6 mile driver development track, business center, and fine dining restaurant, 356. The company operates a second Porsche Experience Center near Los Angeles. That 53-acre complex features a driver development track with eight educational modules totaling 4.1 miles, a business center, and Restaurant 917. PCNA supports 193 independently owned and operated Porsche dealerships in the U.S., including supplying parts, service, marketing, and training. They, in turn, work to provide Porsche customers with a best-in-class experience that is in keeping with the Porsche brand’s 70-year history of leadership in the advancement of vehicle performance, safety, and efficiency. PCNA is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Porsche AG, which is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany.

At the core of this success is Porsche’s proud racing heritage that boasts some 30,000-plus motorsport wins to date.

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Mercedes-Benz – VISION EQXX – taking electric range and efficiency to an entirely new level

The road trip reimagined with a new technology blueprint for series production

Range and efficiency are set to define the electric era. Outstanding range will make electric cars suitable for every journey and will speed adoption. Exceptional efficiency will create a virtuous circle of battery size and weight reduction, allowing us to go further with less. Mercedes-Benz is determined to lead the way. We are already leading the charts of real-world range with the EQS with 245 kW (electrical consumption WLTP combined: 19.8-15.7 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km)1, as evidenced by the recent Edmunds test where an EQS 450+ travelled 422 miles on one charge, 77 miles further than any other car previously tested.

But Mercedes-Benz is not resting. Driven by the idea of zero impact on our planet and a highly responsible use of green energy, we inspired our engineers to go above and beyond. They are working intensively to take range and efficiency to a whole new level. The VISION EQXX is the result of a mission we set ourselves to break through technological barriers across the board and to lift energy efficiency to new heights. It demonstrates the gains that are possible through rethinking the fundamentals from the ground up. This includes advances across all elements of its cutting-edge electric drivetrain as well as the use of lightweight engineering and sustainable materials. Complete with a barrage of innovative and intelligent efficiency measures, including advanced software, VISION EQXX allows us to explore new frontiers of efficiency.

“The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is how we imagine the future of electric cars. Just one-and-a-half years ago, we started this project leading to the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built – with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometres. It has a range of more than 1,000 kilometres2 on a single charge using a battery that would fit even into a compact vehicle. The VISION EQXX is an advanced car in so many dimensions – and it even looks stunning and futuristic. With that, it underlines where our entire company is headed: We will build the world’s most desirable electric cars.” Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG

VISION EQXX – designed for the road trip to electromobility

There’s a reason why road trips have been a cultural touchstone for at least 70 years, telling stories from the highway in books, movies and music. The road trip defines freedom, individuality, the very spirit of the automobile and the passing world. Stick a pin in the map – and drive. Be in tune with the tarmac, and with the car. This urge to explore, discover and revel in the world beyond our horizon is part of what it is to be human. It’s the pioneering spirit that pairs vision with the tenacity to make it happen.

The journey to electric mobility is a road trip; as exhilarating as it is challenging, as unknown as it is certain. The Mercedes-Benz VISION EQXX is a vehicle designed for that road trip. It answers the progressive demands of a modern generation of customers for and emotionality through innovation. Part of a far-reaching technology programme, this software-defined research prototype was engineered by women and men with the creativity, ingenuity and determination to deliver one of the planet’s most efficient cars – in every respect. They did so using the latest digital technology, the agility of a start-up and the speed of Formula 1.

The result is an efficiency masterpiece that, based on internal digital simulations in real-life traffic conditions, will be capable of exceeding 1,000 kilometres2 on a single charge with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometres (efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh).

By ripping up the automotive engineering rule book, Mercedes-Benz has built a software-driven electric car that re-imagines the road trip for the electric era. At the same time, it presents a highly progressive interpretation of the fundamental Mercedes-Benz principles of modern luxury and Sensual Purity. Rather than simply increasing the size of the battery, the cross-functional, international team focused on maximising long-distance efficiency. They pulled out all the stops in drivetrain efficiency, energy density, aerodynamics and lightweight design.

“The technology programme behind the VISION EQXX will define and enable future Mercedes-Benz models and features,” says Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes‑Benz AG, Chief Technology Officer responsible for Development and Procurement. “As a halo car, the VISION EQXX firmly establishes Mercedes-Benz as the brand that pairs luxury with technology in the automotive world and beyond. And the way we developed it is as revolutionary as the vehicle itself. VISION EQXX has seen the best minds from our R&D centres work together with engineers from our Formula 1 and Formula E programmes. They are proving that innovations from motorsport – where powertrains are already highly electrified – have immediate relevance for road car development. We are challenging current development processes with innovative spirit and outside-the-box thinking. This truly is the way forward.”

The VISION EQXX is an exciting, inspirational, yet completely realistic way forward for electric vehicle technology. In addition to its ground-breaking energy efficiency, it offers meaningful answers to pressing issues. For instance, sustainable materials throughout cut the carbon footprint considerably. Its UI/UX features a radical new one-piece display that comes to life with responsive real-time graphics and spans the entire width of the vehicle. Other elements of the UI/UX help the car and driver work together as one, and even use technology that mimics the workings of the human brain. And the software-led development process that delivered it revolutionises the way electric cars are designed.

This car is one outcome of an ongoing programme that is delivering a blueprint for the future of automotive engineering. Many of its features and developments are already being integrated into production, including the next generation of the MMA – the Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture for compact and medium-sized cars.

VISION EQXX: main points at a glance

A car with a mission – the most efficient Mercedes-Benz ever built

Efficiency means achieving more from less. The VISION EQXX is packed with efficiency improvements that push the envelope with a mixture of advanced technology and talented teamwork. The outcome will be a road-legal research prototype that delivers more range from less energy, more tangible luxury and convenience with less impact on nature, and more electric mobility with less waste. A raft of digital tools and a software-led approach also delivered more car in less time.

#EnergyWizard: Across the board, efficiency engineering achievements delivered an astounding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 km (efficiency of more than 6 miles per kWh)

#ElectricDrive: Radical new system designed and built in-house – it achieves benchmark efficiency of 95% from battery to wheels

#RangeBuster: More than 1,000 km (over 620 miles)4  on a single charge on public roads puts an end to range anxiety

#EnergyDensity: With expert engineering and Formula 1 thinking, our battery chemists squeezed the energy of the EQS into the dimensions of a compact car. The battery pack in the VISION EQXX holds almost 100 kWh of energy, yet has 50% less volume and is 30% lighter than the already benchmark pack in EQS.

#AeroChamp: Exterior designers and aerodynamicists delivered a #benchmark drag coefficient of cd 0.173

#SustainableMaterials: Innovative recycled and plant-based materials remove waste from landfill and lower carbon footprint

#UpliftMindset: A pioneering team of Mercedes-Benz engineers worked with the world’s fastest race lab at High Performance Powertrains (HPP) and Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix (MGP) to engineer a highly efficient and compact electric drivetrain and lightweight battery case

#BionicEngineering: Inspired by natural forms and in partnership with innovative start-ups, engineers used advanced digital tools to lower weight and reduce waste by removing excess material assisted by 3D printing

#RollingEfficiency: Ultra-low-rolling-resistance tyres with optimised aerodynamic geometry combine with lightweight magnesium wheels for increased range

#BrakingLightly: Lightweight brake discs made from aluminium alloy are a great fit for the VISION EQXX and help keep weight down

#EfficiencyOnTheRoad: Electric-only chassis with lightweight F1 subframe brings racing efficiency to the road

#SolarPower: Ultra-thin roof panels feed the battery system for up to 25 km of extra range

#HumanMachineMerge: Intuitive and intelligent user interface and user experience with guidance and assistance for efficient driving brings even closer harmony for the electric age

#SensualPurity: Totally focused EV exterior/interior design ethos underlines role as halo car for the all-electric future. Mercedes-Benz will build the most desirable cars

#FastTechProg: From clean sheet to on-the-road in just 18 months. The VISION EQXX is part of a technology programme that can adapt innovative technologies for series production faster than ever before

#Transformation: VISION EQXX demonstrates Mercedes-Benz transformation into an all-electric and software-driven company

#SoftwareDriven: Software-driven approach key to success in achieving efficiency goals and a rapid development process, including ground-breaking battery management system.

#GlobalResponsibleLeadership: VISION EQXX accelerates Mercedes-Benz goal to “Lead in Electric” and set benchmarks in sustainable mobility.

VISION EQXX: key technical data at a glance2

Battery energy content, usable kWh <100
Max. system voltage Volts >900
Energy consumption kWh/100 km




cd value   0.173
Max. power output kW ~150
Wheelbase cm 280
Gross vehicle weight kg ~1,750

The complete press kit can be downloaded below.

1 Electrical consumption has been determined on the basis of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 according to WLTP

2 Range figures preliminary and based on digital simulations in real-life traffic conditions. The VISION EQXX has not undergone type approval or homologation.

3 cd figure measured in the Daimler aero-acoustic wind tunnel at a wind speed of 140 km/h