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Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams 2023 pictures by Japanese photographer Yuriko Takagi



La exposición Dior Designer of Dreams en Tokio presenta una exhibición sin precedentes de prendas que trazan la sucesión de Monsieur Dior

En  #Dior , la pasión está en el corazón de nuestras creaciones.

La exposición #DiorDesignerofDreams en Tokio presenta una muestra sin precedentes de prendas que trazan la sucesión de Monsieur Dior desde creaciones de archivo de anteriores directores artísticos de la casa hasta diseños contemporáneos de  #MariaGraziaChiuri . Las piezas exclusivas se pueden descubrir de otra forma, ya que son redefinidas por el talentoso fotógrafo,  #YurikoTakagi .

Through Takagi’s poetic lens, these images capture the intricate beauty of each couture design in movement. Honoring the deep respect for tradition and craftsmanship held dear to both Monsieur Dior and Japanese culture, Takagi is able to breathe life into her photographs using a prolonged shutter speed as seen in this breathtaking display. Delve behind the scenes to see the making-of these moving photos.
A través de la lente poética de Takagi, estas imágenes capturan la intrincada belleza de cada diseño de alta costura en movimiento. Honrando el profundo respeto por la tradición y la artesanía apreciados tanto por Monsieur Dior como por la cultura japonesa, Takagi puede dar vida a sus fotografías utilizando una velocidad de obturación prolongada, como se ve en esta impresionante exhibición. Sumérjase entre bastidores para ver cómo se hicieron estas fotos conmovedoras.

Imágenes de Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams 2023 de la fotógrafa japonesa Yuriko Takagi

Imágenes de Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams 2023 de la fotógrafa japonesa Yuriko Takagi

Christian Dior: diseñador de sueños

Tras su éxito en el Musée des Arts Décoratifs de París, y tras haber viajado por el mundo de Londres a Nueva York(*1), la exposición Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams se presentará en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Tokio a partir del 21 de diciembre. , 2022; un evento excepcional que celebra los lazos sinceros y singulares entre Dior y Japón.

Acompasada por un nuevo relato escenográfico diseñado -como homenaje a la cultura japonesa- por el arquitecto Shohei Shigematsu(*2), socio de OMA, esta retrospectiva, que se reinventa bajo la curaduría de Florence Müller, destaca más de setenta y cinco años de pasión audaz, marcada por maravillosos descubrimientos: desde las influencias artísticas del modisto fundador hasta su amor por los jardines, desde la suntuosa magia de los bailes hasta su fascinación por la riqueza creativa de Japón, que inspiró las colecciones de Dior desde el principio. Esta amistad inquebrantable, consolidada por colaboraciones únicas y admiración mutua, se refleja en valiosos documentos de archivo, la mayoría de los cuales nunca se han mostrado al público.

Desvelados uno a uno, accesorios y modelos de alta costura del pasado al presente, soñados por Christian Dior –incluido el traje Bar por excelencia, emblema eterno del New Look– y por los distintos Directores Artísticos que le han sucedido: Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Gianfranco Ferré, John Galliano, Raf Simons y Maria Grazia Chiuri. Los visitantes podrán descubrir una selección de cautivadoras y prestigiosas obras de la colección del MOT, así como fotografías de la fotógrafa japonesa Yuriko Takagi(*3) especialmente creadas para esta exposición y para su cartel. Perpetuando el espíritu visionario de Christian Dior, también se exponen iconos innovadores, como el bolso Lady Dior reinterpretado en los proyectos Dior Lady Art y Lady Dior As Seen By, junto con los mundos de los perfumes Miss Dior y J’adore,

*1 Esta exposición se ha llevado a cabo de diferentes formas en el Victoria & Albert Museum de Londres, el Long Museum West Bund de Shanghái, el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Chendgu, el Museo de Brooklyn de Nueva York y la M7 de Doha.

*2 OMA es una asociación internacional que practica la arquitectura, el urbanismo y el análisis cultural. Shohei Shigematsu es socio de OMA Nueva York y lidera la diversa cartera de la empresa en las Américas y Japón.

*3 El fotógrafo japonés también ha contribuido al catálogo de esta nueva retrospectiva.


Imágenes de Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams 2023 de la fotógrafa japonesa Yuriko Takagi

GUCCI Fall Winter 2023 Women's Collection Fashion Show

Desfile de moda de la colección femenina Otoño Invierno 2023 de GUCCI

Un nuevo concepto de herencia toma forma en la colección de mujer Otoño Invierno 2023 con siluetas evocadoras coloreadas en tonos eléctricos y enriquecidas con acentos opulentos.
GUCCI Fall Winter 2023 Women's Collection Fashion Show

GUCCI Fall Winter 2023 Women’s Collection Fashion Show

#GucciFW23#MFW  #myluxepoint #luxury #fashion

Due to the world’s recent state, the Metropolitan Museum of Art had to postpone its blockbuster spring 2020 Costume Institute art exhibition“About Time: Fashion and Duration” Met Galawhich was originally planned to take place on 4th May 2020.

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Unraveling Details About Met Galas About Time Fashion and Duration

Met Gala‘s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” was set to explore fashion’s unique ability to time travel, melding clothing styles from different periods together to create ‘new’ ideas, moving in cycles at the same time as moving forward, and ensuring that some styles are considered timeless and ephemeral. Let’s take a look!

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 12

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 9

Left: Suit, Gabrielle Chanel, Spring/Summer 1963; Brooklyn museum costume collection at the MET, a gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Jane Holzer, 1977 | Right: Suit, Karl Lagerfeld for the house of Chanel, Spring/Summer 1994; courtesy CHANEL Patrimoine collection, Paris; all garment images © Nicholas Alan Cope, courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 10

Left: Dress, Iris Van Herpen, Fall/Winter 2012–13 Haute Couture; gift of Iris Van Herpen, in honor of Harold Koda, 2016 | Right: Ballgown, Charles James, 1951; Brooklyn museum costume collection at the MET, a gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulson, 1964

While the Met is still closed, the organization decided to share its curated collection of contemporary and historic garments which traces a century and a half of fashion. Scheduled to open to the public on October 29, 2020, the presented work dates as far back as 1870, in honor of the museum’s 150th anniversary.

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 1

Left: Dinner dress, Mrs. Arnold; Brooklyn museum costume collection at the MET, a gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; gift of Sally Ingalls, 1932 | Right: Ensemble, Comme des Garçons, Fall/Winter 2004–5; courtesy Comme des Garçons

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 2

left: riding jacket, Morin Blossier; gift of Miss Irene Lewisohn, 1937 | Right: ensemble, Nicolas Ghesquière for Louis Vuitton, Spring/Summer 2018; courtesy collection Louis Vuitton

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 3

left: evening dress, Weeks; Brooklyn museum costume collection at the MET, a gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; gift of the estate of Mrs. Arthur F. Schermerhorn, 1957 | right: dress, Comme des Garçons, Fall/Winter 2012–13; courtesy Comme des Garçons

Presented entirely with black garments, the Met Gala‘s “About time: fashion and duration” emphasizes the evolving silhouettes and use of secondary detailing. With the collection of pieces ranging from 1870 to the present, curators aim to connect the concept of “duration” with debates about diversity, inclusivity, sustainability, and other ethical issues that will surely express a continuing impact throughout the next decade of luxury fashion. Employing Henri Bergson’s concept of la durée (duration), it will explore how clothes generate temporal associations that conflate past, present, and future. Virginia Woolf will serve as the “ghost narrator” of the exhibition.

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 4

left: dress, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Fall/Winter 1984– 85; purchase, friends of the costume institute gifts, 2010 | right: ‘tulip’ evening dress, Charles James; gift of Elizabeth de Cuevas, 2015

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 5left: ensemble, Viktor & Rolf, Spring/Summer 2005; on loan from the central museum, Utrecht | right: evening dress, Madeleine Vionnet, 1939; gift of Mrs Harrison Williams, 1952

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 6

left: afternoon dress, American, ca. 1877; gift of Theodore Fischer Ells, 1975 | right: ‘bumster’ skirt, Alexander McQueen, Fall/Winter 1995–96, edition 2010; courtesy Alexander McQueen

A timeline of 120 garments will unfold in two adjacent galleries fabricated as enormous clock faces and organized around the principle of sixty minutes of fashion. Each “minute” will feature a pair of garments—the primary work representing the linear nature of fashion and the secondary work its cyclical character. Each pair will be connected through shape, motif, material, pattern, technique, or decoration. For example, a black silk faille princess-line dress from the late 1870s will be paired with an Alexander McQueen “bumster” skirt from 1995.

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 7left: evening dress, probably American, ca. 1928; gift of Richard Martin and Harold Koda, 1992 | right: dress, John Galliano, Spring/Summer 1997, edition 2008; gift of John Galliano, 2012

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 8

left: evening jacket, Elsa Schiaparelli, winter 1938–39; gift of Mrs. Pauline potter, 1950 | right: ‘broken mirrors’ ensemble, Yves Saint Laurent, Fall/Winter 1978–79; courtesy Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris © Yves Saint Laurent

Unraveling Details About Met Gala's "About Time: Fashion and Duration" Unraveling Details About Met Gala’s “About Time: Fashion and Duration” Discover The Luxury Fashion Garments Behind The Postponed Met Gala 11

All of the primary garments will be black, to emphasize their evolving silhouettes, and the second will be either black or white, to underscore their mutually reinforcing associations. The exhibition will conclude with a small selection of garments from 2020 that links the concept of duration to debates about diversity, inclusivity, sustainability, traceability, transparency, longevity, collaboration, and other ethical issues germane to the next decade of fashion. The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalog.

Still yet to be seen is the theatrical design of the gallery space, which is scheduled to be unveiled this fall.

“Fashion is indelibly connected to time. It not only reflects and represents the spirit of the times, but it also changes and develops with the times, serving as an especially sensitive and accurate timepiece. Through a series of chronologies, the exhibition will use the concept of duration to analyze the temporal twists and turns of fashion history.” – Andrew Bolton, the Wendy Yu curator in charge of the Met Gala‘s costume institute

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