Tag Archive for: Fine

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at masterworks.com/cd.

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services.

Masterworks.io, LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at masterworks.com/cd.

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services.

Masterworks.io, LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at masterworks.com/cd.

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services.

Masterworks.io, LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Australia’s gold coast latest addition is absolutely stunning and has an interior that is to die for. Mim Design completely renovated The Star Casino, which was a project that made part of the $850 million renovation investment.

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant by Mim Design Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 5

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant by Mim Design Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 9

Melbourne-based Mim Design did a wonderful job for this restaurant design. Nineteen at The Star is the newest rooftop restaurant located on the 19th floor of the Darling Hotel. The 150-seat luxury restaurant was designed with the intention of reflecting the beauty of the Gold Coast’s skyline.

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 3

“The interior feel of each space captures the elements of the Gold Coast – luminescent water line views, dappled sunsets, and strong horizon lines all play a part in its design philosophy,” says Mim Design’s Principal, Miriam Fanning.

Mim Design‘s color palette for this fine dining restaurant intentionally reflects the surrounding environment. The elevators and bar area graciously invade the room with its shiny golden gilded brass elements, that contrast beautifully with the rest of the luxury design.

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 16

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 17

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 2

Reflecting on the nightlights of the city, these golden elements are the perfect combination with the rest of the restaurant design ideas. Curving custom bench seats and chairs are upholstered in shades of teal and ocean-blue velvet.

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 7

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 4

Mim Design thought about every single detail for this restaurant interior. Rich greens represent the Tamborine and Springbrook mountain areas of Australia, green marble for the flamboyant ceiling panels in the dining room, and for the bathroom counters.

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 15

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 8

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 6

Mim Design‘s creativity for this luxury design has no limits, and there’s even a custom glass-framed wine room that holds up to 3,500 bottles. For the most honorable members, such as VIP’s, the private bar includes luxurious elements such as a cognac wall, black marble, and red velvet carpet floor.

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 14

Australia's New Rooftop Restaurant Australias New Rooftop Restaurant 12

Even the luxury furniture thrives in this interior design project. For the final touch, a series of floating chandeliers were carefully placed to enhance the imposing ambiance. The pattern chosen for this project is obvious, Mim Design stepped up its game and made this more than a fancy restaurant. Gold, blue, and green, everything was thoroughly thought of to magnify the essence of the gold coast while providing the most glamorous experience.

Odette Sofa news pieces 2 odette

Rémy Martin ha celebrado en Barcelona la Opulence Revealed: una exclusiva cata sensorial diseñada para descubrir los aromas y sabores de Rémy Martin XO Fine Champagne a través de la experiencia de los asistentes; rompiendo con los códigos habituales de este tipo de degustaciones. Estas sesiones confirman la excelencia del cognac Rémy Martin XO y revelan toda la opulencia y el saber hacer de la Maison Rémy Martin. Hasta final de año las catas recorrerán diferentes ciudades de la geogArafía española para dar a conocer los secretos de este aromático y exclusivo destilado.

Rémy Martin XO Fine Champagne revela todos sus aromas y sabores en las exclusivas catas “Opulence Revealed”

La última cata experiencial se realizó el pasado miércoles 27 de noviembre en el Hotel Seventy Barcelona. Los invitados se deleitaron con una degustación de más de 40 ingredientes gourmet: cuidadosamente seleccionados, dispuestos en armonía sobre una lujosa mesa y ordenados para revelar los espectros de los aromas y los sabores de este selecto cognac para entender su más pura esencia. Toda la sesión fue guiada por Ramón Quesada, Director de Marketing de Rémy Martin en España.

Rémy Martin XO es un cognac con una amplia complejidad en el que se revelan múltiples aromas a frutas, flores y especias. Su aroma se caracteriza por un amplio espectro de frutas de finales de verano que se pudieron degustar en la cata, combinado con ricas notas a flores blancas como el jazmín, chocolate, vainilla o roble. La expresión perfecta de la opulencia en el paladar con sabores maduros a ciruelas jugosas, naranjas confitadas, con un toque de avellanas y canela. Como contrapunto final, un parmesano de 24 meses de envejecimiento permitió a los invitados sumergirse en la pura esencia de Rémy Martin XO.

Las Opulence Revealed no solo son un deleite para el paladar pues también agudizan los sentidos como la vista y el olfato con las diferentes tonalidades y fragancias que desprenden los distintos ingredientes y el propio cognac.

Los eau-de-vie más selectos de la Grande y Petite Champagne: Fine Champagne

Durante la cata se ofrece una explicación detallada, y dirigida a través de los ingredientes, sobre los pasos de elaboración de Rémy Martin XO. Un cognac a partir de la mezcla de más de 400 eaux-de-vie que fueron añejados en barricas de roble francés de Limousin, como mínimo 10 años para formar parte de este exclusivo cognac.

Rémy Martin XO se elabora desde 1981 con los mejores eaux-de-vie de los crus más exclusivos de la región francesa de Cognac: Grande y Petite Champagne.  El resultado es sin duda un magnífico cognac persistente, refinado y opulento.

La Maison Rémy Martin ha apostado por la calidad y la excelencia desde 1724. Todos sus cognacs comparten un mismo sello: son armoniosos, complejos, intensos y aromáticos.


Sobre Amer Gourmet

Amer Gourmet, una empresa familiar con dos generaciones en el equipo directivo y un catálogo de destilados considerado como el más completo y de mayor prestigio en España. Desde 1992 importan y distribuyen a nivel nacional, atendiendo a los mejores clientes de los canales on y off trade. El grupo distribuye en exclusiva marcas como Gin MG, Santísima trinidad o Le Tribute. También apuesta por marcas como Cointreau, The Botanist, o Rémy Martin, todas ellas pertenecientes al prestigioso grupo francés Rémy-Cointreau. Hoy en día, se encuentran presentes en los principales hoteles, restaurantes, bares, coctelerías, tiendas, cash & carries y cadenas de distribución de toda España. Trabaja en selección de nuevas marcas y están atentos a las necesidades del mercado. Colaboran con marcas que buscan una implantación sólida y de continuidad en el mercado español. Dotando a las marcas de una identidad propia que refuerza sus puntos fuertes. www.amergourmet.com