Tag Archive for: French

El arte del caviar francés por Prunier

En medio de varias hectáreas de terreno preservado en el borde de Isle, uno de los afluentes del Dordoña, en Montpon-Ménestérol, cerca de Burdeos, la Manufactura Prunier continúa con su herencia tradicional produciendo su caviar en un entorno totalmente controlado.

Para obtener un caviar “perfecto”, la Manufactura cría dos esturiones: el acipenser baerii y el acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transformar estos huevos en caviar requiere una cuidadosa preparación según un saber hacer desarrollado hace 100 años por la casa Prunier.

5 datos sobre la Manufactura Podadora ¿Sabías que…?

1 . Prunier es uno de los principales productores de caviar del mundo

La Manufactura Prunier es la única granja en Francia que cría sus esturiones a partir de sus propios alevines y produce su propio caviar vendido bajo su marca.

2 . En 1994, la Manufactura Prunier se convirtió en el primer productor en obtener caviar de esturiones de piscifactoría.

Creó una alternativa sostenible y segura para las especies en peligro de extinción en el Mar Caspio. Hoy en día, el proceso de selección del grano, así como las recetas de la Manufactura Prunier, permiten elaborar caviares con sabores muy diferentes.

3 . Fue en 2010 cuando Prunier Manufacture lanzó el primer alevín Oscietra, el acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Desde entonces, las ha criado con mucho cuidado y paciencia… Hoy L’Osciètre Prunier te seduce con su color marrón carbón y el aspecto brillante de sus granos. En boca, se caracteriza por la típica salazón del ciruelo que le confiere un sabor sutil, agradablemente salado y a nuez.

Revelar el sabor del caviar es todo un arte para Prunier

El sabor del caviar rara vez se ha presentado como su principal atractivo, ya que sigue evolucionando incluso después del envasado. ¡Por lo tanto, es difícil para los simples importadores garantizar un sabor a menos que abran las latas!
Y sin embargo, las notas redactadas en 1932 por Alexander Scott, el experto en caviar de Maison Prunier detrás del primer caviar francés, muestran que la poca importancia dada al gusto en relación con el tamaño y el color ya estaba en discusión. En su momento, incluso se propuso educar a los consumidores, enseñarles a apreciar la maravillosa diversidad de aromas que ofrece el caviar y no solo a admirar su apariencia.
Es esta herencia de sabor la que la Manufactura Prunier perpetúa hoy, con cinco caviares franceses de esturión ascipenser baerii.

5 . Maison Prunier ofrece 5 recetas que revelan 5 grandes caviares

Como los grandes vinos, los sabores y aromas específicos de los caviares 5 Prunier se obtienen según los diferentes grados de maduración, la edad del pescado y las técnicas de preparación, que varían según los procesos desarrollados durante décadas por la Manufactura.

Caviar Podadora “Tradición”
Firme y oscuro, este caviar con finura y características únicas, representa el arquetipo del caviar Prunier, con un pronunciado sabor a nuez que es cada vez más apreciado. Desprende aromas muy francos y generosos de frutos secos y almendras, y tiene una buena longitud en boca.

Caviar Podadora “París”
Para apreciar todas sus sutilezas, el caviar de París con grandes granos de ámbar se consume muy rápidamente después de su preparación. Esta frescura se explica por la ínfima cantidad de sal utilizada: cuanto más ligera es la salazón, más volátiles son los aromas del caviar. Gracias a esta corta maduración, los huevos conservan una fragancia más concentrada. su carácter sutil y cremoso le otorga una complejidad aromática y una textura única. A esto se suma una frescura única que realza el placer de degustar este raro producto. El caviar de París solo está disponible unas pocas semanas al año, durante los períodos de pesca de primavera y otoño.

Caviar de poda “Saint-James”
Producido históricamente desde 1932 para la inauguración del restaurante Prunier en St James Street en Londres, Saint-James es el arquetipo de un gran Prunier Caviar. Elaborado con sal excepcional de origen iraní, alcanza la maduración perfecta dos meses después de la pesca. Este caviar muy audaz, picante y muy terroso tiene un ataque generoso y un sabor excelente en el paladar incluso una vez que ha sido devorado. Un caviar extraordinario.

Caviar Podadora “Malossol”
Este caviar específico también llamado “pura sal” es un caviar con un grano grueso negro profundo y aromas potentes. Es muy rico con una persistencia interminable de sabor en el paladar. Este caviar “distintivo, rico y concentrado” es especialmente apreciado por los conocedores más exigentes.

Caviar Prunier “Patrimonio”
Solo el 2% de la producción de Prunier merece ser elegido para la selección Héritage. Este producto excepcional se distingue por sus grandes granos claros pero también por sus sutiles notas terrosas. Es complejo y largo en boca. La textura cremosa se debe principalmente a la cuidadosa selección de los pescados más viejos y su singular preparación según el método persa.

¿Qué hace que el caviar Beluga sea legendario?


Procedente del esturión Acipenser Huso Huso, este legendario caviar tiene un grano de tamaño sorprendente y finura extrema. Reconocido por su sabor único; es cremoso, con delicadas notas mantecosas y persistente en boca. Su color es un gris perla antracita, que recuerda a las preciosas perlas de Tahití.


#8 Datos sobre la beluga

#1. Su nombre científico es Huso Huso.

#2. Es una especie de esturión endémica del Mar Caspio.

#3. Su primo es el Huso Dauricus, endémico del río Amur.

#4. Es el más grande de los esturiones y puede medir hasta 6 metros.

#5. Ambos esturiones de Huso son carnívoros.

#6. La beluga es un animal prehistórico que data del período Jura (200 millones de años)

y puede vivir más de 100 años en su medio natural.

#7. Beluga es el caviar más caro del mundo, debido a su rareza.

#8. Beluga es el caviar favorito de James Bond.

En conclusión, no hay mejor caviar en el mercado. Si no nos crees, ¡pruébalo tú mismo!

Disponible a través de nuestra boutique de compras en línea.

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The art of French caviar by Prunier

In the middle of several hectares of preserved land on the edge of Isle, one of the tributaries of the Dordogne, in Montpon-Ménestérol near Bordeaux, the Prunier Manufacture continues its traditional heritage by producing its caviar in a totally controlled environment.

To obtain a “perfect” caviar, the Manufacture breeds two sturgeons: the acipenser baerii and the acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transforming these eggs into caviar requires careful preparation according to a know-how developed 100 years ago by the Prunier house.

5 facts about the Manufacture Prunier Did you know that …?

1 . Prunier is one of the main caviar producers in the world

The Prunier Manufacture is the only farm in France to raise its sturgeons from its own fry and to produce its own caviar sold under its brand.

2 . In 1994, the Manufacture Prunier became the first producer to obtain caviar from farmed sturgeons.

It created a sustainable and safe alternative for endangered species in the Caspian Sea. Today, the grain selection process as well as the recipes of the Prunier Manufacture, make it possible to produce caviars with very different flavours.

3 . It was in 2010 that Prunier Manufacture launched the first Oscietra fry, the acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Since then, it has bred them with great care and patience … Today L’Osciètre Prunier seduces you with its charcoal-brown colour and the shiny appearance of its grains. On the palate, it is characterised by the typical salting of Plum tree which gives it a subtle, pleasantly salty and nutty taste.

  1. Revealing the flavour of caviar is an absolute art for Prunier

The flavour of caviar has rarely been presented as its main attraction as it continues to evolve even after packaging. It is therefore difficult for simple importers to guarantee a taste unless they open the tins!
And yet the notes drafted in 1932 by Alexander Scott, the caviar expert from Maison Prunier behind the first French caviar, show that the little importance given to taste in relation to size and colour was already up for debate. At the time, he even proposed to educate consumers, to teach them to appreciate the wonderful diversity of aromas that caviar offers and not just to admire its appearance.
It is this heritage of taste that the Prunier Manufacture perpetuates today, with five French caviars from ascipenser baerii sturgeon.

5 . Maison Prunier offers 5 recipes revealing 5 great caviars 

Such as great wines, the specific flavours and fragrances of the 5 Prunier caviars are obtained according to the different degrees of maturation, the age of the fish and the preparation techniques, which vary according to processes developed for decades by the Manufacture.

Caviar Prunier “Tradition”
Firm and dark, this caviar with finesse and unique characteristics, represents the archetypal Prunier caviar, with a pronounced nutty taste that is increasingly appreciated. It gives off very frank, generous aromas of nuts and almonds, and has a good length in the mouth.

Caviar Prunier “Paris”
In order to appreciate all its subtleties, Paris caviar with large amber grains is consumed very quickly after preparation. This freshness is explained by the very small amount of salt used: the lighter the salting, the more volatile the aromas of the caviar. Thanks to this short maturation, the eggs retain a more concentrated fragrance. its subtle and creamy character gives it an aromatic complexity and a unique texture. Added to this a unique freshness which enhances the pleasure of tasting this rare product. Paris caviar is only available a few weeks a year, during the spring and autumn fishing periods.

“Saint-James” Prunier Caviar
Historically produced since 1932 for the inauguration of the Prunier restaurant on St James Street in London, Saint-James is the archetype of a great Prunier Caviar. Prepared with exceptional salt of Iranian origin, it reaches perfect maturation two months after fishing. This very bold, racy and highly earthy caviar has a generous attack and a superb flavour on the palate even once it’s been devoured. An extraordinary caviar.

Caviar Prunier “Malossol”
This specific caviar also called “pure salt” is a caviar with a deep black coarse grain and powerful aromas. It is very rich with an interminable linger of flavour on the palate. This “distinctive, rich and concentrated” caviar is particularly appreciated by demanding connoisseurs.

Caviar Prunier “Héritage”
Only 2% of the Prunier production deserves to be chosen for the Héritage selection. This exceptional product is distinguished by its large clear grains but also by its subtle earthy notes. It is complex and lingers on the palate. The creamy texture is mainly due to the careful selection of the oldest fish and its unique preparation according to the Persian method.

What Makes Beluga Caviar Legendary?


From the Acipenser Huso Huso sturgeon, this legendary caviar has a grain of surprising size and extreme finesse. Recognised for its unique taste; it is creamy, with delicate buttery notes and lingers in the mouth. Its colour is an anthracite pearl gray, reminiscent of precious Tahitian pearls.

Did you know?

#8 Facts About The Beluga

#1. Its scientific name is Huso Huso.

#2. It is a species of sturgeon endemic to the Caspian Sea.

#3. Its cousin is the Huso Dauricus, endemic to the Amur River.

#4. It is the largest of the sturgeon and can measure up to 6 meters.

#5. Both Huso sturgeons are carnivorous.

#6. The Beluga is a prehistoric animal dating back to the Jura period (200 million years)

and can live more than 100 years in its natural environment.

#7. Beluga is the most expensive caviar in the world, due to its rarity.

#8. Beluga is James Bond’s favorite caviar.

In conclusion, there is no better caviar on the market. If you don’t believe us, try it for yourself!

Available via our online shopping boutique.

Click here to view featured product

The art of French caviar by Prunier

In the middle of several hectares of preserved land on the edge of Isle, one of the tributaries of the Dordogne, in Montpon-Ménestérol near Bordeaux, the Prunier Manufacture continues its traditional heritage by producing its caviar in a totally controlled environment.

To obtain a “perfect” caviar, the Manufacture breeds two sturgeons: the acipenser baerii and the acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transforming these eggs into caviar requires careful preparation according to a know-how developed 100 years ago by the Prunier house.

5 facts about the Manufacture Prunier Did you know that …?

1 . Prunier is one of the main caviar producers in the world

The Prunier Manufacture is the only farm in France to raise its sturgeons from its own fry and to produce its own caviar sold under its brand.

2 . In 1994, the Manufacture Prunier became the first producer to obtain caviar from farmed sturgeons.

It created a sustainable and safe alternative for endangered species in the Caspian Sea. Today, the grain selection process as well as the recipes of the Prunier Manufacture, make it possible to produce caviars with very different flavours.

3 . It was in 2010 that Prunier Manufacture launched the first Oscietra fry, the acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Since then, it has bred them with great care and patience … Today L’Osciètre Prunier seduces you with its charcoal-brown colour and the shiny appearance of its grains. On the palate, it is characterised by the typical salting of Plum tree which gives it a subtle, pleasantly salty and nutty taste.

  1. Revealing the flavour of caviar is an absolute art for Prunier

The flavour of caviar has rarely been presented as its main attraction as it continues to evolve even after packaging. It is therefore difficult for simple importers to guarantee a taste unless they open the tins!
And yet the notes drafted in 1932 by Alexander Scott, the caviar expert from Maison Prunier behind the first French caviar, show that the little importance given to taste in relation to size and colour was already up for debate. At the time, he even proposed to educate consumers, to teach them to appreciate the wonderful diversity of aromas that caviar offers and not just to admire its appearance.
It is this heritage of taste that the Prunier Manufacture perpetuates today, with five French caviars from ascipenser baerii sturgeon.

5 . Maison Prunier offers 5 recipes revealing 5 great caviars 

Such as great wines, the specific flavours and fragrances of the 5 Prunier caviars are obtained according to the different degrees of maturation, the age of the fish and the preparation techniques, which vary according to processes developed for decades by the Manufacture.

Caviar Prunier “Tradition”
Firm and dark, this caviar with finesse and unique characteristics, represents the archetypal Prunier caviar, with a pronounced nutty taste that is increasingly appreciated. It gives off very frank, generous aromas of nuts and almonds, and has a good length in the mouth.

Caviar Prunier “Paris”
In order to appreciate all its subtleties, Paris caviar with large amber grains is consumed very quickly after preparation. This freshness is explained by the very small amount of salt used: the lighter the salting, the more volatile the aromas of the caviar. Thanks to this short maturation, the eggs retain a more concentrated fragrance. its subtle and creamy character gives it an aromatic complexity and a unique texture. Added to this a unique freshness which enhances the pleasure of tasting this rare product. Paris caviar is only available a few weeks a year, during the spring and autumn fishing periods.

“Saint-James” Prunier Caviar
Historically produced since 1932 for the inauguration of the Prunier restaurant on St James Street in London, Saint-James is the archetype of a great Prunier Caviar. Prepared with exceptional salt of Iranian origin, it reaches perfect maturation two months after fishing. This very bold, racy and highly earthy caviar has a generous attack and a superb flavour on the palate even once it’s been devoured. An extraordinary caviar.

Caviar Prunier “Malossol”
This specific caviar also called “pure salt” is a caviar with a deep black coarse grain and powerful aromas. It is very rich with an interminable linger of flavour on the palate. This “distinctive, rich and concentrated” caviar is particularly appreciated by demanding connoisseurs.

Caviar Prunier “Héritage”
Only 2% of the Prunier production deserves to be chosen for the Héritage selection. This exceptional product is distinguished by its large clear grains but also by its subtle earthy notes. It is complex and lingers on the palate. The creamy texture is mainly due to the careful selection of the oldest fish and its unique preparation according to the Persian method.

What Makes Beluga Caviar Legendary?


From the Acipenser Huso Huso sturgeon, this legendary caviar has a grain of surprising size and extreme finesse. Recognised for its unique taste; it is creamy, with delicate buttery notes and lingers in the mouth. Its colour is an anthracite pearl gray, reminiscent of precious Tahitian pearls.

Did you know?

#8 Facts About The Beluga

#1. Its scientific name is Huso Huso.

#2. It is a species of sturgeon endemic to the Caspian Sea.

#3. Its cousin is the Huso Dauricus, endemic to the Amur River.

#4. It is the largest of the sturgeon and can measure up to 6 meters.

#5. Both Huso sturgeons are carnivorous.

#6. The Beluga is a prehistoric animal dating back to the Jura period (200 million years)

and can live more than 100 years in its natural environment.

#7. Beluga is the most expensive caviar in the world, due to its rarity.

#8. Beluga is James Bond’s favorite caviar.

In conclusion, there is no better caviar on the market. If you don’t believe us, try it for yourself!

Available via our online shopping boutique.

Click here to view featured product

Opened in 2011, in Houston, Texas, Moxie Interiors, lives to provide designers, architects, and collectors from around the globe the most distinguished antiques, vintage modern, and custom furnishings all that at one amazing showroom! We are going to show you some of their exquisite pieces and luxury interior design ideas to inspire you on your own project!

Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
“I would start buying things when I would see them, and I got together with a couple of friends and we decided to open a showroom. For other designers to have that in-person look is important.” Designer Dennis Brackeen.

If you were wondering how the company was born, this is how, and what an amazing job!

Moxie primes for its exquisite, abnormal, yet luxury design. A prove of that is these beautiful and oddly comfortable chairs that will give a luxurious look to your living room!

Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
Moxie Interiors | Moose Antler Chair
Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
Moxie Interiors | Horn Hide Chair

Upholstery is also something they are really good at, besides out-of-the-box chairs. The Federal Style Banquette is a must-have on a luxury interior design project!

Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
Moxie Interiors | Federal Style Banquette

If you fancy a lounge, that’s far from being a problem! They got you covered with this luxury 1940s Italian Lounge Chair.

Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
Moxie Interiors | 1940s Italian Lounge Chair


Odette Sofa

Inspired by French design, both Süe Et Mare French Art Deco Desk and French Art Deco Iron & Marble Console will give a classic and modern look to your entryway or office relying upon and representing luxury itself!

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Moxie Interiors | Süe Et Mare French Art Deco Desk, La Compagnie Des Arts Français
Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
Moxie Interiors | French Art Deco Iron & Marble Console


Side Tables Boca do Lobo

The luxury ambiances they create are also one of the biggest attractions to the showroom. The decoration ornaments, the gold details, everything features to provide the most luxurious look!

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Moxie Interiors | Showroom Look
Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
Moxie Interiors | Showroom Look
Moxie Interiors - Luxury Showrooms in Houston - Showroom
Moxie Interiors | Showroom Look

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Thirty unique Mathusalem sculptural decanters entirely handmade at the famed Baccarat factory will be available this October.

Hennessy, the world’s best-selling Cognac, is proud to release an exclusive Mathusalem sculptural masterpiece designed by world-renowned architect Frank Gehry, marking the first time one of his designs is brought to life by Baccarat. After creating 150 limited-edition decanters for Hennessy X.O’s 150th anniversary in 2020, the prolific creator has once again collaborated with Hennessy Maison to design 30 never-to-be-repeated masterpieces, marrying his impressive and daring style with the greatness of Hennessy’s Extra Old Cognac.

“The legendary Frank Gehry’s daring creative vision was one that could only be brought to life by the most talented craftsmen of their kind, the artisans of Baccarat. This, coupled with the legacy of the Hennessy Maison, has resulted in a limited edition of thirty stunningly unique sculptures that prove to be more than just a decanter,” said Laurent Boillot, Hennessy President and Chief Executive Officer. “This design takes Frank Gehry’s signature sculptural style, Baccarat’s know-how, and Hennessy’s daring sensibilities to the next level. With crystal expertly carved in a way that mimics the look of the classic serve of Hennessy X.O over ice, something that provided inspiration to Gehry during the design process, this sculptural masterpiece showcases the richness of the spirit while paying homage to the craftsmanship that goes into making this exquisite product.”

Realized by the luxury French brand Baccarat, the art pieces are the result of a unique savoir-faire combined with the endless creativity of Frank Gehry. The monumental 6-liter Mathusalem decanter emerges in a powerful and daring posture that elicits imagery of melting ice punctuated by the rich color of Cognac Hennessy X.O.

For Frank Gehry, whose passion for the movement of light is at the heart of this new creation, eliciting emotion from those who see his masterpieces signifies the ultimate success. “I actually cried when I saw it, so I hope that it elecits the same emotional response in others who see it maybe because they’ve never seen anything like this,” the world-renowned architect said when speaking about the Mathusalem he designed. “To me, it’s exciting to see something that pushes the boundaries, that has never been done before. I hope what we’ve created lives up to the same passion and craftsmanship that the makers of Hennessy in Cognac put into their product.”

Inspired by a visit to Cognac and the craftsmanship that goes into the making of Cognac Hennessy X.O, Frank Gehry’s striking creation leverages the unique know-how of the Baccarat artisans, handed down from generation to generation since 1764 – a legacy that dates as far back as Maison Hennessy, founded in 1765 -to bring to life his vision that reflects the vitality of the vineyards, the waters of the Charente River running through Cognac, the richness of the Hennessy X.O blend and the ice that it is so well paired with.

When the teams of the manufacture received the design of the monumental bottle, they discovered the incredible challenge given by Frank Gehry. The design and the dimensions of this unique creation presented rare technical complexities which required thirty individual molds to create each unique sculpture. For the craftsmen of Baccarat, holders of unique know-how, no feat is impossible and they were determined to respect the original design and took much pride in working with one of the greatest architects in the world. In close collaboration with Maison Hennessy, real teamwork ensued. From preliminary sketches to the first molds, from the creation of the rocks to the final cut, each step illustrates Baccarat’s excellence, innovation, and creativity. The making of the bottle required the implementation of new techniques, the creation of specific tools and adapted thermal cycles. Several months were needed to shape this sculptural work whose organic and powerful form incorporates the key elements of Baccarat: earth, water, air, fire.


The Hennessy X.O Mathusalem by Frank Gehry embodies the passion and perfection of the three collaborators: Frank Gehry, Baccarat and Cognac Hennessy, all in perpetual quest for new challenges and experiences to evoke emotion and lasting impressions.
Valorizing the iconicity of Frank Gehry, the Mathusalem will have a select distribution in exclusive luxury retail and private sale points and will be sold for 150 000 € each.

To learn more about the Hennessy X.O Mathusalem by Frank Gehry, visit Hennesy.com or @Hennessy on Instagram.


Frank Gehry has built an illustrious architectural career that has spanned over six decades. His public and private work throughout the world – including the Bilbao Guggenheim, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, the Art Gallery of Ontario, Hong Kong’s Opus Tower, and the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris – is designed with a shared clear-cut philosophy that people must exist comfortably within his spaces and an insistence that his buildings address the context and culture of their sites. Early in his career, Frank Gehry also began to create both sculpture and furniture, which similarly reflected his love of inventive forms, texture and unexpected materials.
Throughout his illustrious career, Frank Gehry has also received honorary doctoral degrees from such esteemed institutions as the Rhode Island School of Design, Princeton University, and, most recently, the University of Oxford. He has also held teaching positions at many universities, including Harvard, UCLA, and Yale, where he is still teaching. His contribution to architecture has earned Frank Gehry some of its most significant recognitions in the field, including the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize, the Friedrich Kiesler Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama. The Hennessy X.O 150th anniversary Masterpiece in September 2020 was Frank Gehry’s first project with Hennessy.


Baccarat (Paris Euronext, BCRA) is French luxury brand internationally renowned as a leader in high-end and exclusive crystal products. Since its foundation in 1764, the company, whose artisanal manufacture is based in Baccarat in the Lorraine region of Eastern France, has been synonymous with a unique savoir-faire and has come to symbolize an inimitable French Art de Vivre. For over 250 years, the brand has inspired leading designers from across the world. Ranging from iconic lighting to unique tableware and decorative ojects, fine jewelry and tailor-made flacons, the brand’s products and tradition of excellence are widely distributed around the globe.
Since December 23, 2020, Baccarat has been indirectly and mainly controlled by Tor Investment Management LP (on behalf of the funds it manages), which controls and holds the majority of the capital of Fortunie Legend Limited Sarl, a company registered in Luxembourg which owns itself 97,1% of the capital and voting rights of Baccarat.


The leader in Cognac, the Maison Hennessy has shone around the world with its exceptional know-how for more than 250 years. Built on founder Richard Hennessy’s spirit of conquest, the brand is present in more than 160 countries. Based in the heart of the Charente region, Hennessy is also a steadfast pillar of the regional economy. The House’s success and longevity are rooted in the excellence of its cognacs, each of which is born of a unique process of transmission of know-how from generation to generation. The first spirits house to be certified ISO 14001, Hennessy unites its capacity for innovation and the support of all of its partners to protect this exceptional area. As a crown jewel of the LVMH Group, Hennessy is a major contributor to French international trade, with 99% of production sold in export, and a worldwide ambassador for the French art de vivre.

The French luxury brand is paving the way for series production of its exclusive and unique hyper sports car.

Highly exclusive, distinctive and high-performance. At “The Quail – A Motorsports Gathering” in California in summer 2019, Bugatti presented another project reflecting its excellent coachbuilding expertise: the Centodieci. The Centodieci evokes automotive history: the unique project is a tribute to the legendary EB 110. This few-off project comprises production of just ten vehicles for an exclusive clientele. The next phase is about to start for the hyper sports car with a W16 engine and 1,600 PS: the first prototype for series development is currently being assembled.

The design of the Centodieci with its flat front, low-slung front spoiler and three-part air intakes reinterpret the shape of the most famous super sports car of the 1990s. The EB 110 was a key milestone on the road to the revival of the Bugatti brand in 1998 at Bugatti’s historic headquarters in Molsheim, ultimately resulting in the first hyper sports car of the modern era – the Veyron.

The Centodieci is Bugatti’s way of paying its respects to the Italian entrepreneur Romano Artioli and architect Giampaolo Benedini, the men who created the EB 110 some 30 years ago. “The challenge for us was not to get caught up in the design of the legendary EB 110 itself and avoid focusing solely on a retrospective approach. Our aim was to create a modern interpretation of the shape and technology of that time: but at the same time, we didn’t want to lose the charm and character of the EB 110.

After all, the super sports car is still fascinating today with its distinctive design and technology,” says Achim Anscheidt, Design Director at Bugatti. The biggest challenge: to transform the very flat, wedge-shaped and graphically virtually two-dimensional body of the EB 110 into a modern, three-dimensional sculpture to project the fascination of the super sports cars of that time into the modern age.

Since the world premiere of the Centodieci, the Bugatti development team has been working on the technical implementation of the strictly limited model. “Every newly developed vehicle poses an immense challenge, as we are creating a very small series that at the same time has to meet and even exceed all the quality and safety standards of a large series,” says André Kullig, technical project manager for one-off and few-off projects at Bugatti.

The engineers first delve into calculations for the body, aerodynamics, engine and transmission. They simulate the airflow on the vehicle and check all components down to the smallest screw.

Meanwhile, the design team checks the styling in close collaboration with the developers before finalising this and designing the surfaces. They adjust the curvature of the components according to the incidence of light so that the appearance is homogeneous in all lighting conditions – an elaborate development process. After well over a year of design and simulation, the team has now developed the first prototype.

“I was hugely looking forward to the first prototype of the Centodieci,” says Kullig, who has been with Bugatti since 2004 and was previously involved in projects such as the Divo and La Voiture Noire3. “Series development of a few-off project is an especially exciting challenge – and that is also true in the case of the Centodieci, which is a very design-driven project,” says Andre Kullig. His task is to ensure a perfect match between the exterior shape and the technology. Despite only producing ten vehicles, the Centodieci must meet all the same technical requirements as a Chiron.

“With the newly designed body, there are changes in many areas that we had to simulate using special computer programmes. Based on the data, we were able to establish a basic set-up as a starting point for series development and the first prototype,” explains André Kullig.

The team was recently able to successfully put the rolling chassis into operation on the site’s own roller dynamometer in the Molsheim Atelier and check all the drivetrain functions –to ensure the Centodieci can move onto the next stage of development. The next step is now to build the elaborate exterior. “With a high-performance hyper sports car like the Centodieci, it’s a matter of filtering out subtleties based on the modified requirements of a completely new exterior – something that requires highly focused and intense development work,” says André Kullig.

The technical challenges involved were enormous: an engine with eight litres of displacement and 1,600 PS generates high temperatures that require sophisticated thermal management. As in the EB 110, the engine is seen behind a transparent glass surface. So to ensure more efficient engine thermodynamics, the Centodieci has a wide air outlet opening and modified air flows. In addition, guide flaps around the five circular air inserts – positioned in the form of a rhombus – ensure sufficient air intake for the 16-cylinder power unit. As a result, the otherwise dominant Bugatti line, the C-line, gives way to a new design. The rear is formed into a large ventilation outlet opening defined by the eight rear light elements. Other development challenges include the new light elements and the rear wing design, which is permanently mounted in the style of the EB 110 Super Sport.

But even if the development team can simulate and test so much data on the test rigs, the Centodieci will also undergo dynamic testing. “In the next few months, in addition to building the exterior and running more advanced simulations in the wind tunnel, we’re very much looking forward to going out on the test track to start tuning the chassis,” says Kullig.

Within a few hours, all ten units of the Centodieci were sold out at a net price of eight million euros. The highly exclusive, hand-crafted small series will be delivered to customers next year.