Tag Archive for: Further

La serie de charlas técnicas MAHLE Powertrain explica cómo hacen que la tecnología de baterías de vehículos eléctricos trabaje más, más rápido y más lejos

  • La serie de charlas técnicas de MAHLE Powertrain explica cómo hacen que la tecnología de baterías de vehículos eléctricos trabaje más, más rápido y más lejos

    La serie de charlas técnicas en video de doce partes, presentada por expertos de MAHLE Powertrain, cubrirá todos los aspectos del diseño de baterías de vehículos eléctricos, desde el concepto hasta las pruebas.
    Se lanzarán nuevos videos cada dos semanas, a partir del 31 de octubre.
    Registro a través del sitio web de MAHLE Powertrain:


MAHLE Powertrain describirá cómo su experiencia puede impulsar la tecnología de baterías de vehículos eléctricos más fuerte, más rápido y más lejos en una serie de videos de charlas técnicas detalladas. Cada uno revisará un aspecto diferente del proceso de diseño, desarrollo, validación e integración de la batería, y cubrirá temas críticos como el diseño para la legislación, las compensaciones de rendimiento y la importancia de las pruebas rigurosas. A partir del 31 de octubre, se lanzarán nuevos videos cada dos semanas, cada uno de los cuales será presentado por los expertos de MAHLE Powertrain mientras brindan el beneficio de su conocimiento, directamente del equipo de ingeniería.

La serie también incluirá una visita virtual al nuevo Centro de desarrollo de baterías de MAHLE Powertrain, que se inauguró a principios de este año luego de un programa de inversión total de £ 15 millones, y que brinda una variedad de capacidades que es casi única en la industria automotriz.

El registro está abierto a todos los colegas de los medios y se realiza a través del sitio web de MAHLE Powertrain: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

Contacto de la agencia
ricardo durbin
Teléfono: +44 7525 718205 Correo electrónico: richard.durbin@loopagency.co.uk

Acerca de MAHLE
MAHLE es un socio de desarrollo internacional líder y proveedor de la industria automotriz con clientes en los sectores de automóviles de pasajeros y vehículos comerciales. Fundado en 1920, el grupo tecnológico está trabajando en la movilidad climáticamente neutra del mañana, como las pilas de combustible y los motores de hidrógeno, centrándose en la movilidad eléctrica y la gestión térmica, así como en otros campos tecnológicos para reducir las emisiones de CO2. MAHLE ya genera más del 60 % de sus ventas independientemente del motor de combustión de los turismos. Esto debería aumentar al 75 por ciento para 2030. Hoy, uno de cada dos vehículos en todo el mundo está equipado con componentes MAHLE.

MAHLE generó ventas de alrededor de 11 000 millones de euros en 2021. La empresa está representada con más de 71 000 empleados en 160 plantas de producción y 12 principales centros de investigación y desarrollo en más de 30 países. (Última revisión: 31/12/2021)

Acerca del tren motriz MAHLE
MAHLE Powertrain es especialista en brindar servicios de ingeniería para el diseño, desarrollo e integración de motores de combustión interna avanzados y sistemas de tren motriz electrificado. Como experto reconocido en estos campos, MAHLE Powertrain se dedica a la investigación, el desarrollo y la aplicación extensivos de nuevas transmisiones tradicionales y avanzadas en soluciones rentables y factibles de producción para mejorar la eficiencia, mejorar la economía de combustible y reducir las emisiones.

Como subsidiaria de servicios del Grupo MAHLE, MAHLE Powertrain tiene seis centros técnicos ubicados estratégicamente en el Reino Unido, Alemania, EE. UU. y China y está bien ubicado para brindar soluciones en todo el mundo. Opera independientemente del grupo principal al considerar la elección de componentes o tecnologías.

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

  • Twelve-part video tech-talk series, delivered by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts, will cover every aspect of electric vehicle battery design, from concept through to testing
  • New videos will be released every other week, starting on 31st October
  • Registration via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

MAHLE Powertrain will outline how their expertise can push electric vehicle battery technology harder, faster and further in a series of in-depth tech-talk videos. Each will review a different aspect of the battery design, development, validation and integration process, and will cover critical topics such as designing for legislation, performance trade-offs, and the importance of rigorous testing. Starting on 31st October, new videos will be released every other week, with each presented by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts as they deliver the benefit of their knowledge, direct from the engineering team.

The series will also include a virtual tour of MAHLE Powertrain’s new Battery Development Centre, which opened earlier this year following an overall £15m investment programme, and which provides a spread of capabilities that is almost unique to the automotive industry.

Registration is open to all media colleagues, and is via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

Agency contact
Richard Durbin
Phone: +44 7525 718205 E-mail: richard.durbin@loopagency.co.uk

MAHLE is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry with customers in both passenger car and commercial vehicle sectors. Founded in 1920, the technology group is working on the climate-neutral mobility of tomorrow, such as fuel cells and hydrogen motors, with a focus on e-mobility and thermal management as well as further technology fields to reduce CO2 emissions. MAHLE already generates over 60 percent of its sales independently of the passenger car combustion engine. This should increase to 75 percent by 2030. Today, one in every two vehicles globally is equipped with MAHLE components.

MAHLE generated sales of around EUR 11 billion in 2021. The company is represented with over 71,000 employees at 160 production locations and 12 major research and development centres in more than 30 countries. (Last revised: 12/31/2021)

About MAHLE Powertrain
MAHLE Powertrain is a specialist in providing engineering services for the design, development and integration of advanced internal combustion engines and electrified powertrain systems. As a recognised expert in these fields, MAHLE Powertrain is engaged in the extensive research, development and application of new traditional and advanced drivelines into cost-effective, production feasible solutions for enhanced efficiency, improved fuel economy and lower emissions.

As a services subsidiary of the MAHLE Group, MAHLE Powertrain has six technical centres strategically located in the UK, Germany, USA, and China and is well-placed to provide solutions around the globe. It operates independently of the main group when considering choice of components or technologies.

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

  • Twelve-part video tech-talk series, delivered by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts, will cover every aspect of electric vehicle battery design, from concept through to testing
  • New videos will be released every other week, starting on 31st October
  • Registration via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

MAHLE Powertrain will outline how their expertise can push electric vehicle battery technology harder, faster and further in a series of in-depth tech-talk videos. Each will review a different aspect of the battery design, development, validation and integration process, and will cover critical topics such as designing for legislation, performance trade-offs, and the importance of rigorous testing. Starting on 31st October, new videos will be released every other week, with each presented by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts as they deliver the benefit of their knowledge, direct from the engineering team.

The series will also include a virtual tour of MAHLE Powertrain’s new Battery Development Centre, which opened earlier this year following an overall £15m investment programme, and which provides a spread of capabilities that is almost unique to the automotive industry.

Registration is open to all media colleagues, and is via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

Agency contact
Richard Durbin
Phone: +44 7525 718205 E-mail: richard.durbin@loopagency.co.uk

MAHLE is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry with customers in both passenger car and commercial vehicle sectors. Founded in 1920, the technology group is working on the climate-neutral mobility of tomorrow, such as fuel cells and hydrogen motors, with a focus on e-mobility and thermal management as well as further technology fields to reduce CO2 emissions. MAHLE already generates over 60 percent of its sales independently of the passenger car combustion engine. This should increase to 75 percent by 2030. Today, one in every two vehicles globally is equipped with MAHLE components.

MAHLE generated sales of around EUR 11 billion in 2021. The company is represented with over 71,000 employees at 160 production locations and 12 major research and development centres in more than 30 countries. (Last revised: 12/31/2021)

About MAHLE Powertrain
MAHLE Powertrain is a specialist in providing engineering services for the design, development and integration of advanced internal combustion engines and electrified powertrain systems. As a recognised expert in these fields, MAHLE Powertrain is engaged in the extensive research, development and application of new traditional and advanced drivelines into cost-effective, production feasible solutions for enhanced efficiency, improved fuel economy and lower emissions.

As a services subsidiary of the MAHLE Group, MAHLE Powertrain has six technical centres strategically located in the UK, Germany, USA, and China and is well-placed to provide solutions around the globe. It operates independently of the main group when considering choice of components or technologies.

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

  • Twelve-part video tech-talk series, delivered by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts, will cover every aspect of electric vehicle battery design, from concept through to testing
  • New videos will be released every other week, starting on 31st October
  • Registration via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

MAHLE Powertrain will outline how their expertise can push electric vehicle battery technology harder, faster and further in a series of in-depth tech-talk videos. Each will review a different aspect of the battery design, development, validation and integration process, and will cover critical topics such as designing for legislation, performance trade-offs, and the importance of rigorous testing. Starting on 31st October, new videos will be released every other week, with each presented by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts as they deliver the benefit of their knowledge, direct from the engineering team.

The series will also include a virtual tour of MAHLE Powertrain’s new Battery Development Centre, which opened earlier this year following an overall £15m investment programme, and which provides a spread of capabilities that is almost unique to the automotive industry.

Registration is open to all media colleagues, and is via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

Agency contact
Richard Durbin
Phone: +44 7525 718205 E-mail: richard.durbin@loopagency.co.uk

MAHLE is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry with customers in both passenger car and commercial vehicle sectors. Founded in 1920, the technology group is working on the climate-neutral mobility of tomorrow, such as fuel cells and hydrogen motors, with a focus on e-mobility and thermal management as well as further technology fields to reduce CO2 emissions. MAHLE already generates over 60 percent of its sales independently of the passenger car combustion engine. This should increase to 75 percent by 2030. Today, one in every two vehicles globally is equipped with MAHLE components.

MAHLE generated sales of around EUR 11 billion in 2021. The company is represented with over 71,000 employees at 160 production locations and 12 major research and development centres in more than 30 countries. (Last revised: 12/31/2021)

About MAHLE Powertrain
MAHLE Powertrain is a specialist in providing engineering services for the design, development and integration of advanced internal combustion engines and electrified powertrain systems. As a recognised expert in these fields, MAHLE Powertrain is engaged in the extensive research, development and application of new traditional and advanced drivelines into cost-effective, production feasible solutions for enhanced efficiency, improved fuel economy and lower emissions.

As a services subsidiary of the MAHLE Group, MAHLE Powertrain has six technical centres strategically located in the UK, Germany, USA, and China and is well-placed to provide solutions around the globe. It operates independently of the main group when considering choice of components or technologies.

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

  • Twelve-part video tech-talk series, delivered by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts, will cover every aspect of electric vehicle battery design, from concept through to testing
  • New videos will be released every other week, starting on 31st October
  • Registration via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

MAHLE Powertrain will outline how their expertise can push electric vehicle battery technology harder, faster and further in a series of in-depth tech-talk videos. Each will review a different aspect of the battery design, development, validation and integration process, and will cover critical topics such as designing for legislation, performance trade-offs, and the importance of rigorous testing. Starting on 31st October, new videos will be released every other week, with each presented by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts as they deliver the benefit of their knowledge, direct from the engineering team.

The series will also include a virtual tour of MAHLE Powertrain’s new Battery Development Centre, which opened earlier this year following an overall £15m investment programme, and which provides a spread of capabilities that is almost unique to the automotive industry.

Registration is open to all media colleagues, and is via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

Agency contact
Richard Durbin
Phone: +44 7525 718205 E-mail: richard.durbin@loopagency.co.uk

MAHLE is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry with customers in both passenger car and commercial vehicle sectors. Founded in 1920, the technology group is working on the climate-neutral mobility of tomorrow, such as fuel cells and hydrogen motors, with a focus on e-mobility and thermal management as well as further technology fields to reduce CO2 emissions. MAHLE already generates over 60 percent of its sales independently of the passenger car combustion engine. This should increase to 75 percent by 2030. Today, one in every two vehicles globally is equipped with MAHLE components.

MAHLE generated sales of around EUR 11 billion in 2021. The company is represented with over 71,000 employees at 160 production locations and 12 major research and development centres in more than 30 countries. (Last revised: 12/31/2021)

About MAHLE Powertrain
MAHLE Powertrain is a specialist in providing engineering services for the design, development and integration of advanced internal combustion engines and electrified powertrain systems. As a recognised expert in these fields, MAHLE Powertrain is engaged in the extensive research, development and application of new traditional and advanced drivelines into cost-effective, production feasible solutions for enhanced efficiency, improved fuel economy and lower emissions.

As a services subsidiary of the MAHLE Group, MAHLE Powertrain has six technical centres strategically located in the UK, Germany, USA, and China and is well-placed to provide solutions around the globe. It operates independently of the main group when considering choice of components or technologies.

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

MAHLE Powertrain’s tech-talk series explains how they make electric vehicle battery technology work harder, faster, further

  • Twelve-part video tech-talk series, delivered by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts, will cover every aspect of electric vehicle battery design, from concept through to testing
  • New videos will be released every other week, starting on 31st October
  • Registration via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

MAHLE Powertrain will outline how their expertise can push electric vehicle battery technology harder, faster and further in a series of in-depth tech-talk videos. Each will review a different aspect of the battery design, development, validation and integration process, and will cover critical topics such as designing for legislation, performance trade-offs, and the importance of rigorous testing. Starting on 31st October, new videos will be released every other week, with each presented by MAHLE Powertrain’s experts as they deliver the benefit of their knowledge, direct from the engineering team.

The series will also include a virtual tour of MAHLE Powertrain’s new Battery Development Centre, which opened earlier this year following an overall £15m investment programme, and which provides a spread of capabilities that is almost unique to the automotive industry.

Registration is open to all media colleagues, and is via the MAHLE Powertrain website: https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/tech-talks/

Agency contact
Richard Durbin
Phone: +44 7525 718205 E-mail: richard.durbin@loopagency.co.uk

MAHLE is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry with customers in both passenger car and commercial vehicle sectors. Founded in 1920, the technology group is working on the climate-neutral mobility of tomorrow, such as fuel cells and hydrogen motors, with a focus on e-mobility and thermal management as well as further technology fields to reduce CO2 emissions. MAHLE already generates over 60 percent of its sales independently of the passenger car combustion engine. This should increase to 75 percent by 2030. Today, one in every two vehicles globally is equipped with MAHLE components.

MAHLE generated sales of around EUR 11 billion in 2021. The company is represented with over 71,000 employees at 160 production locations and 12 major research and development centres in more than 30 countries. (Last revised: 12/31/2021)

About MAHLE Powertrain
MAHLE Powertrain is a specialist in providing engineering services for the design, development and integration of advanced internal combustion engines and electrified powertrain systems. As a recognised expert in these fields, MAHLE Powertrain is engaged in the extensive research, development and application of new traditional and advanced drivelines into cost-effective, production feasible solutions for enhanced efficiency, improved fuel economy and lower emissions.

As a services subsidiary of the MAHLE Group, MAHLE Powertrain has six technical centres strategically located in the UK, Germany, USA, and China and is well-placed to provide solutions around the globe. It operates independently of the main group when considering choice of components or technologies.

Lockheed Martin, General Motors Team to Further Lunar Exploration with Autonomous Moon Rover

Lockheed Martin, General Motors Team to Further Lunar Exploration with Autonomous Moon Rover

Only 5% of the Moon’s surface has been explored by the human race, and to reach the other 95%, NASA astronauts on the Artemis program are going to need some serious wheels.

That’s why Lockheed Martin and General Motors have teamed up to design the next generation of lunar rovers, capable of transporting astronauts across farther distances on the lunar surface. Unlike the Apollo days when the rovers only traveled four miles from the landing site, Artemis astronauts will go farther and explore more of the Moon’s surface than ever before to conduct critical scientific research.

This type of mobility is a huge step – or a giant leap – toward enabling and sustaining long-term exploration of the lunar surface. The science that Artemis astronauts will conduct will help NASA better understand the fundamental planetary processes underlying our solar system, and will help us better understand and protect Earth.

Not only will these vehicles be well-equipped to go the distance, they will also be driver optional. Autonomous, self-driving systems would enable the vehicle to operate with or without humans onboard, and pave the way for future human missions, commercial payload services and enhanced scientific utility.

“These next-generation rover concepts will dramatically extend the exploration range of astronauts as they perform high-priority science investigation on the Moon that will ultimately impact humanity’s understanding of our place in the solar system,” said Rick Ambrose, executive vice president, Lockheed Martin Space.

A Lockheed Martin-GM rover would be able to preposition itself autonomously near a landing site prior to the astronauts’ arrival, and astronauts would have the ability to task the rover from the Human Landing System or the orbiting lunar Gateway to conduct science operations without a driver. This enables NASA to fit more science into a smaller amount of time, and allows us to uncover the critical information that the other 95% of the lunar surface may hold.

Zooming on the Moon

Driving on the Moon is not your average off-roading experience. The new lunar rover concept would be expertly outfitted to drive over rugged terrain in the dark and cold.

Unlike Earth and even Mars, days and nights on the Moon are just under 14 days long. The Lockheed Martin-GM rovers would be designed to survive and even operate in the two-week long night that sees temperatures of down to -280 degrees Fahrenheit, and day-time temperatures of 260 Fahrenheit.

“The biggest difference is, when you design for the Moon and for space applications, the force of gravity is different and has to be taken into account,” said Madhu Raghavan, Global Research & Development Group Manager at GM. “There are extreme temperature swings, and the radiation in space becomes a challenge in terms of systems design. You’re also operating in a vacuum and designing your systems to withstand the shock of the actual launch.”

The vehicles’ design would expertly mitigate these challenges. Lockheed Martin has built multiple deep space robotic spacecraft that have gone to the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, asteroids, comets and other destinations throughout the solar system.

“We’ve led missions to other planetary bodies for decades, building spacecraft that can survive the high radiation environment, cold temperatures, and yet be very light and very reliable,” said Kirk Shireman, vice president, Lunar Exploration Campaigns at Lockheed Martin. “This is what we specialize in, and we are more than capable of meeting and exceeding this challenge for NASA.”

A Dynamic Duo

With both brains and brawn, the Lockheed Martin-GM alliance brings together innovations from both companies to make transformative vehicles, drawing on strong legacies of engineering and performance from both companies.

“GM is a world leader in automobile manufacturing and technology, and Lockheed Martin is a world leader in spacecraft. The two companies joining forces to build a mobility system on the Moon just makes perfect sense.”

 Kirk Shireman, vice president, Lunar Exploration Campaigns at Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin will lead the team by leveraging its legacy and history working with NASA.

“Our goal is to build a vehicle that is affordable, that exceeds our customer requirements, and to do it rapidly. Digital tools are how we achieve that,” Shireman said. “We’ve demonstrated already across programs and proposals the speed, affordability and reliability that digital tools enable, and we fully expect to leverage and expand on that experience with this program.”

GM brings to the table decades of experience designing for on and off-road environments, a strong focus on quality and human safety, and a shared mission.

“There’s a lot of synergy between our two companies – we complement each other well,” said Jeff Ryder, vice president, Growth & Strategy at GM Defense. “The lunar rover designs for extreme off-road environments have a lot of similarities with our tactical military vehicles on the GM Defense side. It’s great to work with a company like Lockheed Martin who has a shared mission of supporting the warfighter.”

GM brings to the table state-of-the-art battery-electric technologies and propulsion systems that are central to the company’s extensive electric vehicle strategy. Research from the development of battery and power systems for the lunar rover may ultimately spur advances on electric vehicles back on Earth, too.

“Because the operating conditions are so extreme in space, our work on this project will help us make safer and better batteries back on Earth,” Raghavan said. “The Moon and Mars are, of course, totally unstructured, unlined roads. Designing for that environment will ultimately just make our EV capabilities on Earth that much stronger.”

Enabling a Celestial Human Future

As it was during the Apollo era, every minute of the Artemis astronauts’ time on the lunar surface will be carefully planned in order to maximize the science value of having humans back on the lunar surface for the first time since 1972.

So, what is NASA hoping to uncover on the uncharted territory that remains of the Moon? The Moon is often referred to as the cornerstone of the solar system. Scientific investigations on the Artemis program will help NASA understand the risks and potential resources of the Moon’s South Pole, where they hope to establish the Artemis Base Camp concept by the end of the decade.

“The technology has evolved so much in the last 50 years, to the point where we can now use autonomy for these vehicles to aid in the astronauts’ missions,” Shireman said. “Autonomy will enable these rovers to carry tools and samples, and allows the crews to do more in the time they have there on the surface.”

To achieve our ultimate goal of utilizing the resources on the Moon to sustain a human presence, Shireman says we’ll need to have a reliable way of transporting those resources. This is the first major step in that direction.

“I’ve worked on many space programs in the past, but this isn’t just another space mission,” said Ryder. “It’s the return to, and permanent habitation of the Moon. It’s not just cool or interesting –it’s historical. It’s a major milestone in human activity in space.”

According to Raghavan, he’s seen a major influx of job applicants for open positions on his project team. “This is the stuff you dream about as a kid in science class,” he said. “People want to be part of this.”

Illustration of NASA astronauts on the lunar South Pole. Credit: NASA

Other scientific activities that surface mobility could enable include field geology, sample collection and return, and deployed experiments. These investigations are conducted in the hopes that they may increase our understanding of how the Moon formed and evolved, how it interacts with the Sun, and how water and other resources arrived at the Moon, and how they are transported and preserved.

These are all questions that, once answered, will help us sustain life on the Moon. The Lockheed Martin-GM team stands re

ady to autonomously chauffeur the astronauts to the dark regions of the Moon to advance our human future in space.

“I always think about alliances, and how you have to start with something real,” Ryder said. “As we go do this, it’ll likely lead to  additional opportunities. It’s a great pathway going forward, and I’m sure there will be more opportunities for our two companies to come together to further human spaceflight.”

Watch Replay: Lunar Mobility Announcement