Tag Archive for: History

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

  • Aston Martin presenta el DBR22, un impresionante concepto de cabina abierta de dos plazas en la Semana del Automóvil de Monterey
  • El concepto de diseño celebra el décimo aniversario de Q by Aston Martin, la división a medida de la marca de ultra lujo
  • El diseño único construido por el entrenador evoca a los icónicos autos de carrera de Aston Martin, como el DBR1 y el DB3S.
  • La nueva carrocería de fibra de carbono viste un potente tren motriz V12 Twin-Turbo
  • Escaparate de nuevas técnicas de producción, como el subchasis trasero impreso en 3D
  • Velocidad máxima de 198 mph, 0-60 en 3,4 segundos
  • El concepto de diseño DBR22 se convertirá en realidad de producción para clientes selectos de Q by Aston Martin

15 de agosto de 2022, Monterey, California : Aston Martin ha elegido la Semana del Automóvil de Monterey 2022 para presentar por primera vez el espectacular DBR22: un concepto de diseño de autocar de dos plazas con motor V12, que celebra la extraordinaria línea de sangre de la marca en los deportes de cabina abierta. corredores

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

La creación del concepto de diseño DBR22, presentado en California, es el último de una larga lista de proyectos extraordinarios manejados por expertos por la división interna a medida, Q by Aston Martin, que este año celebra una década de fabricación de autos exclusivos para los más grandes del mundo. clientes exigentes. Comisiones únicas icónicas como Aston Martin Victor y especiales de bajo volumen como Vulcan, limitado a 24 ejemplares en todo el mundo, y Vantage V600, limitado a solo 14, son ejemplos verdaderamente magníficos de estas colaboraciones. Entonces, parece apropiado que el concepto de diseño DBR22 también forme la base de un ejemplo de realidad de producción para un número ultra exclusivo de clientes Q by Aston Martin.

Al combinar el arte clásico de la construcción de carrocerías con materiales avanzados y tecnologías de fabricación de vanguardia, DBR22 es una combinación perfecta de pureza de diseño, precisión de ingeniería, rendimiento deslumbrante y verdadera pasión. Una celebración perfecta de Q by Aston Martin y su potencial ilimitado. Todo subrayado por el conocimiento de que es uno de los Aston Martin más raros en los 109 años de historia de la marca.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Con proporciones clásicas y curvas musculosas e inmaculadas, el DBR22 habla descaradamente de la tradición, específicamente del linaje de toda la vida de Aston Martin de autos deportivos de cabina abierta de dos plazas líderes en el mundo, como el DBR1 y el DB3S, pero lo expresa con una nueva y dinámica versión de este atractivo tema. .

DB3S representa una parte importante de la historia de competición de Aston Martin. Presentada en 1953, la carrocería DB3S de aleación de Frank Feeley se hizo conocida por sus curvas y su eficiencia aerodinámica, lo que convirtió a Aston Martin en un serio contendiente de Le Mans y obtuvo algunos resultados impresionantes en el camino. DBR1, conocido como el mejor auto deportivo de Aston Martin, llevó el lenguaje de diseño de Feeleys un paso más allá y se convirtió en uno de los Aston Martin más importantes e influyentes de todos los tiempos: ganó varias carreras notables, la más famosa, por supuesto, fue Le Mans en 1959. conducido por Carroll Shelby y Roy Salvadori, y llevando al equipo Aston Martin a la victoria final: ganar el Campeonato Mundial de Autos Deportivos en el mismo año (’59).

El concepto de diseño DBR22 muestra un cuerpo completamente nuevo de los diseñadores de Aston Martin. Su excepcional forma de carrocería se crea a partir de un número mínimo de paneles de carrocería para crear una presencia más esculpida y musculosa. El resultado: una combinación suave y sin esfuerzo de excepcional dramatismo y elegancia, con varias características de diseño únicas para complementar.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Una característica particularmente notable es la parrilla delantera completamente nueva que incorpora un diseño único de fibra de carbono en lugar de las vetas habituales que se ven en la producción en serie de Aston Martins. Este diseño se inspira directamente en DBR1 y DB3S, lo que le da una identidad única; uno que claramente se basa en la herencia de Aston Martin pero usa esta inspiración para crear un diseño verdaderamente contemporáneo.

El capó cuenta con una ventilación de herradura espectacular, empotrada para facilitar el flujo de aire del motor V12 Twin-Turbo de 5.2 litros que se encuentra debajo. Esta línea larga e ininterrumpida del capó atrae la vista hacia la cabina, sobre el deflector de viento de línea baja y los delicados espejos, que están montados en la parte superior de las puertas en brazos delgados de fibra de carbono que engañan al viento.

Ubicado perfectamente dentro de los arcos de las ruedas hay un juego de llantas de aleación de 21 pulgadas completamente nuevas. Con un diseño único de 14 radios creado especialmente para el DBR22, estas llantas livianas cuentan con un buje de bloqueo central derivado de los deportes de motor, que también está disponible según las especificaciones de una amplia paleta de colores.

El concepto de diseño del DBR22 también muestra un color de pintura totalmente personalizado, desarrollado específicamente para la ocasión utilizando ‘Paint to Sample’, una opción exclusiva disponible a través de Q by Aston Martin, que demuestra nuevamente las amplias posibilidades de diseño que se pueden lograr a través del servicio personalizado de la marca.

La cabina del DBR22 continúa la fusión de enfoques clásicos y contemporáneos con muchos componentes únicos y un amplio uso de cuero y fibra de carbono expuesta. Con una arquitectura definida por el tablero completamente nuevo y las elegantes pantallas de infoentretenimiento, marca la pauta para un entorno limpio y despejado. Aunque se inspiró en los autos de competencia de Aston Martin que batieron el mundo, el DBR22 no es un corredor básico por dentro. Suaves pieles aromáticas envuelven el tablero de instrumentos contemporáneo, los asientos de rendimiento de fibra de carbono y se extienden sobre la parte superior de las puertas para crear un toque acogedor en el interior.

Detrás de los asientos se elevan dos góndolas gemelas que suavizan el flujo de aire detrás de las cabezas del conductor y del pasajero. En la parte trasera, el concepto de diseño DBR22 tiene un gráfico de luz horizontal inconfundible, cortesía de la delgada barra de luces de ancho completo hecha especialmente para esta aplicación. Debajo se encuentra un panel perforado para permitir que el aire caliente salga por la cola. Esta hermosa pieza escultórica es otro punto culminante único del intrigante diseño DBR22. Junto con el difusor suavemente integrado y un par de tubos de escape de gran diámetro, el DBR22 tiene una increíble presencia en la carretera, capturando perfectamente la emoción pura de la experiencia de conducción.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Con una amplia paleta de opciones disponible a través del célebre servicio personalizado, Q by Aston Martin ofrece a los clientes de todos los modelos de Aston Martin la oportunidad de crear algo completamente único. Además de los colores y acabados de la pintura, los gráficos personalizados hasta los carbones tintados y los materiales personalizados tanto en el interior como en el exterior, cada automóvil Q by Aston Martin puede superar los límites del diseño y el deseo y se adapta completamente al cliente.

Gracias a un tren motriz V12 Twin-Turbo inmensamente potente de 5.2 litros, el DBR22 respalda su aspecto extraordinario con un rendimiento verdaderamente impresionante; potencias máximas de 715 CV y ​​753 Nm que proporcionan suficiente propulsión para acelerar el DBR22 desde cero hasta 60 mph en solo 3,4 segundos y hasta una velocidad máxima de 198 mph/319 kmh. Con nada más que la estela entre el conductor y el inolvidable aullido de doce cilindros de este motor épico, el DBR22 promete ser una intensa estimulación sensorial.

Dinámicamente, el DBR22 apunta a una verdadera conexión con el conductor, con un chasis perfeccionado para brindar precisión, agilidad y tacto en igual medida. La calibración única del motor y la transmisión automática de cambio de paletas de 8 velocidades utiliza la conformación del par para darle al DBR22 una manera y entrega como ningún otro modelo. Una columna de dirección anclada brinda una mayor precisión, pero también proporciona información más detallada para que el conductor pueda crear una imagen más precisa del agarre disponible.

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

Presentamos el DBR22: celebrando una década de exclusividad y toda una vida de emocionantes autos deportivos con cabina abierta

También se ha prestado atención a la estructura del chasis del DBR22. Los exclusivos paneles de corte delanteros y traseros aumentan aún más la rigidez torsional, con una calibración personalizada para los amortiguadores adaptativos que proporciona precisión y flexibilidad para una combinación de control de la carrocería y refinamiento de la conducción que hará que conducir el DBR22 sea un placer absoluto, en carretera o en circuito.

El DBR22 también cuenta con un subchasis trasero impreso en 3D, la primera vez que Aston Martin presenta un método de este tipo. El componente está hecho de múltiples piezas impresas en 3D impresas en aluminio, que luego se unen para formar el bastidor auxiliar terminado. Las ventajas son claras, con un importante ahorro de peso y sin reducción de la rigidez, además de la capacidad de fabricar piezas especiales para modelos de volumen ultrabajo, cuando sea necesario.

Roberto Fedeli, director técnico de Aston Martin, dijo: “La tecnología es fundamental en la construcción de DBR22, con un uso extensivo de fibra de carbono en todas partes y el uso de impresión 3D para la fabricación de un componente estructural. Como tal, DBR22 muestra las capacidades únicas de Aston Martin, con un diseño de clase mundial combinado con un enfoque ágil e inteligente para la ingeniería y la producción. Para un automóvil que fue diseñado para celebrar el último servicio de personalización a medida, los desarrollos de ingeniería significan que DBR22 realmente tiene el escenario dinámico para igualar, asegurando que la conducción sea tan adictiva como su apariencia”.

Marek Reichman, director creativo de Aston Martin, agregó: “Configuramos nuestros sistemas de diseño para que sean hiperimpulsados, impulsando aún más la exploración del formalismo y esforzándonos por expresar un futuro en el aquí, hoy. Adónde podríamos llegar con las superficies, la proporción y la forma. Combinando este enfoque con procesos, tecnología y materiales avanzados, hemos modernizado efectivamente nuestra línea de sangre de carreras y hemos creado un nuevo pedigrí. El DBR22 es un deportivo Aston Martin de pura raza y sangre caliente, repleto de velocidad, agilidad y espíritu, y una máquina que creemos que será la base de muchos de los iconos del mañana”.

El concepto de diseño DBR22 estará en exhibición en Pebble Beach Concours D’ Elegance del viernes 19 al  domingo 21 de agosto  .

Acerca de Aston Martin Lagonda:
La visión de Aston Martin es ser la marca británica de ultra lujo más deseable del mundo, creando los autos de rendimiento más exquisitamente adictivos.

Fundada en 1913 por Lionel Martin y Robert Bamford, Aston Martin es reconocida como una marca global icónica sinónimo de estilo, lujo, desempeño y exclusividad. Aston Martin fusiona la última tecnología, la artesanía tradicional y un hermoso estilo para producir una gama de modelos de lujo aclamados por la crítica, incluidos el Vantage, el DB11, el DBS, el DBX y su primer hipercoche, el Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Con sede en Gaydon, Inglaterra, Aston Martin Lagonda diseña, crea y exporta automóviles que se venden en 56 países de todo el mundo. Sus autos deportivos se fabrican en Gaydon con su gama de SUV DBX de lujo fabricada con orgullo en St Athan, Gales.

Lagonda se fundó en 1899 y Aston Martin en 1913. Las dos marcas se unieron en 1947 cuando ambas fueron compradas por el difunto Sir David Brown, y la compañía ahora cotiza en la Bolsa de Valores de Londres como Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

En 2020, Lawrence Stroll se convirtió en el presidente ejecutivo de la compañía, junto con una importante inversión nueva, un movimiento que condujo al regreso de Aston Martin a la cima del automovilismo con el equipo Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One™ y comenzó una nueva era para la icónica marca británica.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

  • Aston Martin unveil DBR22 – a stunning two-seater open cockpit concept at Monterey Car Week
  • Design concept celebrates 10th anniversary of Q by Aston Martin, the ultra-luxury marques’ bespoke division
  • Unique, coach-built design evokes iconic Aston Martin racers such as DBR1 and DB3S
  • All-new carbon fibre bodywork clothes potent V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain
  • Showcase for new production techniques, such as 3D-printed rear subframe
  • Top speed of 198mph, 0-60 in 3.4 seconds
  • DBR22 design concept to become production reality for select Q by Aston Martin customers

15 August 2022, Monterey, California: Aston Martin has chosen the 2022 Monterey Car Week to unveil the spectacular DBR22 for the first time: A V12-engined two-seater coach-built design concept, celebrating the marque’s extraordinary bloodline of open-cockpit sports racers.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

The creation of the DBR22 design concept, unveiled in California, is the latest in a long line of extraordinary projects expertly handled by in-house bespoke division, Q by Aston Martin, which this year celebrates a decade of building exclusive cars for the world’s most discerning customers. Iconic one-off commissions such as Aston Martin Victor, and low volume specials such as Vulcan – limited to 24 examples worldwide, and Vantage V600 – limited to just 14, are truly magnificent examples of these collaborations. It seems only fitting then, that the DBR22 design concept should also form the basis of a production reality example for an ultra-exclusive number of Q by Aston Martin customers.

By mating the classic art of coachbuilding with advanced materials and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, DBR22 is a perfect blend of design purity, engineering precision, heart-pounding performance and true passion. A perfect celebration of Q by Aston Martin and its limitless potential. All underlined by the knowledge it is one of the rarest Aston Martins in the marque’s rich 109-year history

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With classic proportions and immaculate, muscular curves, DBR22 unashamedly speaks of tradition – specifically Aston Martin’s lifelong lineage of world-beating two-seater open-cockpit sportscars such as the DBR1 and DB3S – but expresses it with a dynamic new take on this compelling theme.

DB3S represents an important piece of Aston Martin’s competition history. Introduced in 1953, Frank Feeley’s alloy DB3S body became known for its curves and aerodynamic efficiency, establishing Aston Martin as a serious Le Mans contender and scoring some impressive results along the way. DBR1, known as the ultimate Aston Martin sportscar, took Feeleys design language a stage further and became one of the most important, influential Aston Martins of all time – winning a number of notable races, the most famous of course being Le Mans in 1959, driven by Carroll Shelby and Roy Salvadori, and taking the Aston Martin team onto the ultimate victory: winning the World Sports Car Championship in the same year (‘59.)

The DBR22 design concept showcases a completely new body from the designers at Aston Martin. Its exceptional coach-built form is created from a minimal number of body panels to create a more sculpted, muscular presence.  The result: a smooth and effortless blend of exceptional drama and elegance, with several unique design features to compliment.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

A particularly noteworthy feature is the entirely new front grille which incorporates a unique carbon fibre design in place of the usual veins seen on series production Aston Martins. This design takes inspiration directly from the DBR1 and DB3S, giving a unique identity; one which clearly draws from Aston Martin’s heritage but uses this inspiration to create a truly contemporary design.

The bonnet features a dramatic horseshoe vent, recessed to aid airflow from the 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo engine that sits beneath it. This long, unbroken bonnet line draws your eye back towards the cockpit, over the lowline wind deflector and delicate mirrors, which are mounted to the tops of the doors on slender, wind-cheating carbon fibre arms.

Sitting perfectly within the wheel arches is a set of all-new 21in alloy wheels. Featuring a unique 14-spoke design created especially for the DBR22, these lightweight wheels feature a motorsport-derived centre-lock hub, which is also available to spec from an extensive colour pallet.

The DBR22 design concept also showcases an entirely bespoke paint colour, developed specifically for the occasion using ‘Paint to Sample’ – an exclusive option available through Q by Aston Martin, demonstrating again the vast design possibilities attainable through the marques bespoke service.

The DBR22’s cockpit continues the fusion of classic and contemporary approaches with many unique components and an extensive use of both leather and exposed carbon fibre. With architecture defined by the all-new dashboard and sleek infotainment displays, it sets the tone for a clean, uncluttered environment. Though taking inspiration from Aston Martin’s world-beating competition cars, the DBR22 is no bare-bones racer inside. Supple aromatic hides swathe the contemporary dashboard, the carbon fibre performance seats and extend over the tops of the doors to create an inviting hint of the interior.

Rising from behind the seats are twin nacelles which smooth the airflow behind the driver and passenger’s heads.  At the rear, DBR22 design concept has an unmistakable horizontal light graphic courtesy of the slim, full-width light bar made specially for this application. Beneath it sits a perforated panel to allow hot air to exit the tail. This beautifully sculptural piece is yet another unique highlight of the DBR22 intriguing design. Together with the smoothly integrated diffuser and pair of large diameter exhaust tailpipes, the DBR22 has incredible road presence, perfectly capturing the raw emotion of the driving experience.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With an extensive options palette available through the celebrated bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin offers customers of all Aston Martin models the chance to create something completely unique. As well as paint colours and finishes, bespoke graphics through to tinted carbons and bespoke materials on both the interior and exterior, every Q by Aston Martin car can push the limits of design and desire and is completely tailored to the customer.

Thanks to an immensely potent 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain the DBR22 backs-up its extraordinary looks with truly breath-taking performance; peak outputs of 715PS and 753Nm providing sufficient propulsion to accelerate the DBR22 from a standstill to 60mph in just 3.4sec and on to a top speed of 198mph/319kmh. With nothing but the slipstream between the driver and this epic engine’s unforgettable twelve-cylinder howl, the DBR22 promises to be an intense sensory stimulation.

Dynamically the DBR22 targets true driver connection, with a chassis honed to deliver precision, agility and tactility in equal measure. Unique calibration of the engine and 8-speed paddle-shift automatic transmission uses torque shaping to give the DBR22 a manner and delivery unlike any other model. A pinned steering column brings greater accuracy but also provides more detailed feedback so the driver can build a more accurate picture of available grip.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Attention has also been paid to the DBR22’s chassis structure. Unique front and rear shear panels further increase tortional rigidity, with a bespoke calibration for the adaptive dampers providing precision and pliancy for a blend of body control and ride refinement that will make the DBR22 an absolute pleasure to drive – on road or racetrack.

The DBR22 also features a 3D printed rear subframe – the first time Aston Martin has introduced such a method. The component is made from multiple 3D printed parts printed from aluminium, which are then bonded to form the finished subframe. The advantages are clear, with a significant weight saving and no reduction in stiffness, plus the ability to make special parts for ultra-low volume models, where required.

Roberto Fedeli, Aston Martin Chief Technical Officer, said “Technology is pivotal in the construction of DBR22, with extensive use of carbon fibre throughout, and the use of 3D printing for the manufacture of a structural component. As such DBR22 showcases Aston Martin’s unique capabilities, with world-class design combined with an agile, intelligent approach to engineering and production. For a car that was designed to celebrate the ultimate bespoke customisation service, the engineering developments mean DBR22 truly has the dynamic theatre to match, ensuring the drive is just as addictive as its looks.”

Marek Reichman, Aston Martin Chief Creative Officer, added: “We set our design systems to “hyper-drive”, pushing the exploration of formalism further and endeavouring to express a future in the here today. Where could we go with the surfaces, proportion and form. Combining this approach with advanced process, technology, and materials, we’ve effectively modernised our racing bloodline and created a new pedigree. DBR22 is a hot-blooded, purebred Aston Martin sports car full of speed, agility and spirit, and a machine that we think will be the basis of many of tomorrow’s icons”.

The DBR22 design concept will be on display at Pebble Beach Concours D’ Elegance from Friday 19th – Sunday 21st August.

About Aston Martin Lagonda:
Aston Martin’s vision is to be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most exquisitely addictive performance cars.

Founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford, Aston Martin is acknowledged as an iconic global brand synonymous with style, luxury, performance, and exclusivity. Aston Martin fuses the latest technology, time honoured craftsmanship and beautiful styling to produce a range of critically acclaimed luxury models including the Vantage, DB11, DBS, DBX and its first hypercar, the Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Based in Gaydon, England, Aston Martin Lagonda designs, creates and exports cars which are sold in 56 countries around the world. Its sports cars are manufactured in Gaydon with its luxury DBX SUV range proudly manufactured in St Athan, Wales.

Lagonda was founded in 1899 and Aston Martin in 1913. The two brands came together in 1947 when both were purchased by the late Sir David Brown, and the company is now listed on the London Stock Exchange as Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

2020 saw Lawrence Stroll become the company’s Executive Chairman, alongside significant new investment, a move that led to Aston Martin’s return to the pinnacle of motorsport with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One™ Team and commenced new era for the iconic British marque.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

  • Aston Martin unveil DBR22 – a stunning two-seater open cockpit concept at Monterey Car Week
  • Design concept celebrates 10th anniversary of Q by Aston Martin, the ultra-luxury marques’ bespoke division
  • Unique, coach-built design evokes iconic Aston Martin racers such as DBR1 and DB3S
  • All-new carbon fibre bodywork clothes potent V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain
  • Showcase for new production techniques, such as 3D-printed rear subframe
  • Top speed of 198mph, 0-60 in 3.4 seconds
  • DBR22 design concept to become production reality for select Q by Aston Martin customers

15 August 2022, Monterey, California: Aston Martin has chosen the 2022 Monterey Car Week to unveil the spectacular DBR22 for the first time: A V12-engined two-seater coach-built design concept, celebrating the marque’s extraordinary bloodline of open-cockpit sports racers.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

The creation of the DBR22 design concept, unveiled in California, is the latest in a long line of extraordinary projects expertly handled by in-house bespoke division, Q by Aston Martin, which this year celebrates a decade of building exclusive cars for the world’s most discerning customers. Iconic one-off commissions such as Aston Martin Victor, and low volume specials such as Vulcan – limited to 24 examples worldwide, and Vantage V600 – limited to just 14, are truly magnificent examples of these collaborations. It seems only fitting then, that the DBR22 design concept should also form the basis of a production reality example for an ultra-exclusive number of Q by Aston Martin customers.

By mating the classic art of coachbuilding with advanced materials and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, DBR22 is a perfect blend of design purity, engineering precision, heart-pounding performance and true passion. A perfect celebration of Q by Aston Martin and its limitless potential. All underlined by the knowledge it is one of the rarest Aston Martins in the marque’s rich 109-year history

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With classic proportions and immaculate, muscular curves, DBR22 unashamedly speaks of tradition – specifically Aston Martin’s lifelong lineage of world-beating two-seater open-cockpit sportscars such as the DBR1 and DB3S – but expresses it with a dynamic new take on this compelling theme.

DB3S represents an important piece of Aston Martin’s competition history. Introduced in 1953, Frank Feeley’s alloy DB3S body became known for its curves and aerodynamic efficiency, establishing Aston Martin as a serious Le Mans contender and scoring some impressive results along the way. DBR1, known as the ultimate Aston Martin sportscar, took Feeleys design language a stage further and became one of the most important, influential Aston Martins of all time – winning a number of notable races, the most famous of course being Le Mans in 1959, driven by Carroll Shelby and Roy Salvadori, and taking the Aston Martin team onto the ultimate victory: winning the World Sports Car Championship in the same year (‘59.)

The DBR22 design concept showcases a completely new body from the designers at Aston Martin. Its exceptional coach-built form is created from a minimal number of body panels to create a more sculpted, muscular presence.  The result: a smooth and effortless blend of exceptional drama and elegance, with several unique design features to compliment.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

A particularly noteworthy feature is the entirely new front grille which incorporates a unique carbon fibre design in place of the usual veins seen on series production Aston Martins. This design takes inspiration directly from the DBR1 and DB3S, giving a unique identity; one which clearly draws from Aston Martin’s heritage but uses this inspiration to create a truly contemporary design.

The bonnet features a dramatic horseshoe vent, recessed to aid airflow from the 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo engine that sits beneath it. This long, unbroken bonnet line draws your eye back towards the cockpit, over the lowline wind deflector and delicate mirrors, which are mounted to the tops of the doors on slender, wind-cheating carbon fibre arms.

Sitting perfectly within the wheel arches is a set of all-new 21in alloy wheels. Featuring a unique 14-spoke design created especially for the DBR22, these lightweight wheels feature a motorsport-derived centre-lock hub, which is also available to spec from an extensive colour pallet.

The DBR22 design concept also showcases an entirely bespoke paint colour, developed specifically for the occasion using ‘Paint to Sample’ – an exclusive option available through Q by Aston Martin, demonstrating again the vast design possibilities attainable through the marques bespoke service.

The DBR22’s cockpit continues the fusion of classic and contemporary approaches with many unique components and an extensive use of both leather and exposed carbon fibre. With architecture defined by the all-new dashboard and sleek infotainment displays, it sets the tone for a clean, uncluttered environment. Though taking inspiration from Aston Martin’s world-beating competition cars, the DBR22 is no bare-bones racer inside. Supple aromatic hides swathe the contemporary dashboard, the carbon fibre performance seats and extend over the tops of the doors to create an inviting hint of the interior.

Rising from behind the seats are twin nacelles which smooth the airflow behind the driver and passenger’s heads.  At the rear, DBR22 design concept has an unmistakable horizontal light graphic courtesy of the slim, full-width light bar made specially for this application. Beneath it sits a perforated panel to allow hot air to exit the tail. This beautifully sculptural piece is yet another unique highlight of the DBR22 intriguing design. Together with the smoothly integrated diffuser and pair of large diameter exhaust tailpipes, the DBR22 has incredible road presence, perfectly capturing the raw emotion of the driving experience.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

With an extensive options palette available through the celebrated bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin offers customers of all Aston Martin models the chance to create something completely unique. As well as paint colours and finishes, bespoke graphics through to tinted carbons and bespoke materials on both the interior and exterior, every Q by Aston Martin car can push the limits of design and desire and is completely tailored to the customer.

Thanks to an immensely potent 5.2-litre V12 Twin-Turbo powertrain the DBR22 backs-up its extraordinary looks with truly breath-taking performance; peak outputs of 715PS and 753Nm providing sufficient propulsion to accelerate the DBR22 from a standstill to 60mph in just 3.4sec and on to a top speed of 198mph/319kmh. With nothing but the slipstream between the driver and this epic engine’s unforgettable twelve-cylinder howl, the DBR22 promises to be an intense sensory stimulation.

Dynamically the DBR22 targets true driver connection, with a chassis honed to deliver precision, agility and tactility in equal measure. Unique calibration of the engine and 8-speed paddle-shift automatic transmission uses torque shaping to give the DBR22 a manner and delivery unlike any other model. A pinned steering column brings greater accuracy but also provides more detailed feedback so the driver can build a more accurate picture of available grip.

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Introducing the DBR22: celebrating a decade of exclusivity and a lifetime of thrilling open-cockpit sportscars

Attention has also been paid to the DBR22’s chassis structure. Unique front and rear shear panels further increase tortional rigidity, with a bespoke calibration for the adaptive dampers providing precision and pliancy for a blend of body control and ride refinement that will make the DBR22 an absolute pleasure to drive – on road or racetrack.

The DBR22 also features a 3D printed rear subframe – the first time Aston Martin has introduced such a method. The component is made from multiple 3D printed parts printed from aluminium, which are then bonded to form the finished subframe. The advantages are clear, with a significant weight saving and no reduction in stiffness, plus the ability to make special parts for ultra-low volume models, where required.

Roberto Fedeli, Aston Martin Chief Technical Officer, said “Technology is pivotal in the construction of DBR22, with extensive use of carbon fibre throughout, and the use of 3D printing for the manufacture of a structural component. As such DBR22 showcases Aston Martin’s unique capabilities, with world-class design combined with an agile, intelligent approach to engineering and production. For a car that was designed to celebrate the ultimate bespoke customisation service, the engineering developments mean DBR22 truly has the dynamic theatre to match, ensuring the drive is just as addictive as its looks.”

Marek Reichman, Aston Martin Chief Creative Officer, added: “We set our design systems to “hyper-drive”, pushing the exploration of formalism further and endeavouring to express a future in the here today. Where could we go with the surfaces, proportion and form. Combining this approach with advanced process, technology, and materials, we’ve effectively modernised our racing bloodline and created a new pedigree. DBR22 is a hot-blooded, purebred Aston Martin sports car full of speed, agility and spirit, and a machine that we think will be the basis of many of tomorrow’s icons”.

The DBR22 design concept will be on display at Pebble Beach Concours D’ Elegance from Friday 19th – Sunday 21st August.

About Aston Martin Lagonda:
Aston Martin’s vision is to be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most exquisitely addictive performance cars.

Founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford, Aston Martin is acknowledged as an iconic global brand synonymous with style, luxury, performance, and exclusivity. Aston Martin fuses the latest technology, time honoured craftsmanship and beautiful styling to produce a range of critically acclaimed luxury models including the Vantage, DB11, DBS, DBX and its first hypercar, the Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Based in Gaydon, England, Aston Martin Lagonda designs, creates and exports cars which are sold in 56 countries around the world. Its sports cars are manufactured in Gaydon with its luxury DBX SUV range proudly manufactured in St Athan, Wales.

Lagonda was founded in 1899 and Aston Martin in 1913. The two brands came together in 1947 when both were purchased by the late Sir David Brown, and the company is now listed on the London Stock Exchange as Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings plc.

2020 saw Lawrence Stroll become the company’s Executive Chairman, alongside significant new investment, a move that led to Aston Martin’s return to the pinnacle of motorsport with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One™ Team and commenced new era for the iconic British marque.

RM Sotheby’s | El automóvil más valioso del mundo Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé vendido por un precio récord de 135 millones de euros para establecer el “Fondo Mercedes-Benz”

  • Récord de todos los tiempos: uno de los dos 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupés originales ultra raros de la colección Mercedes-Benz Classic ha sido subastado por 135 millones de euros a un coleccionista privado, lo que lo convierte en el automóvil más valioso de todos los tiempos.
  • Uso de este valor para impulsar el cambio: los ingresos se utilizarán para establecer un “Fondo Mercedes Benz” mundial que proporcionará becas educativas y de investigación en las áreas de ciencias ambientales y descarbonización para jóvenes.

Stuttgart. Un Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé de 1955 se vendió en una subasta por un precio récord de 135 millones de euros a un coleccionista privado. Este ícono de la historia automotriz es una rareza absoluta: uno de los dos prototipos construidos en ese momento. Nombrado en honor a su creador e ingeniero jefe, Rudolf Uhlenhaut, es considerado uno de los mejores ejemplos de ingeniería y diseño automotriz por expertos y entusiastas automotrices de todo el mundo.

“Los 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupés son hitos en el desarrollo de autos deportivos y elementos históricos clave que han dado forma a nuestra marca. La decisión de vender uno de estos dos autos deportivos únicos se tomó con un razonamiento muy sólido: beneficiar una buena causa. Los ingresos de la subasta financiarán un programa global de becas. Con el “Fondo Mercedes-Benz” nos gustaría animar a una nueva generación a seguir los pasos innovadores de Rudolf Uhlenhaut y desarrollar nuevas tecnologías sorprendentes, en particular aquellas que apoyan el objetivo fundamental de la descarbonización y la preservación de los recursos”, dice Ola Källenius, CEO de Mercedes. -Benz Group AG. “Al mismo tiempo, lograr el precio más alto jamás pagado por un vehículo es extraordinario y una lección de humildad: un Mercedes-Benz es, con mucho, el automóvil más valioso del mundo”.

Fotos históricas del mítico Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé.

“Como empresa global y como marca de lujo, tenemos un gran nivel de responsabilidad hacia la sociedad”, dice Renata Jungo Brüngger, miembro del Consejo de Administración de Mercedes-Benz Group AG para Integridad y Asuntos Legales, responsable de la gobernanza. del “Fondo Mercedes-Benz”.

 “Los ingresos de la venta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé nos brindan una oportunidad única para fortalecer nuestro compromiso con un proyecto emblemático a largo plazo: estableceremos el programa global de becas “Mercedes-Benz Fund” que apoya a los jóvenes en sus estudios, compromiso y acciones hacia un futuro más sostenible. Estamos convencidos de que el acceso a la educación en estas áreas será crucial para enfrentar los grandes desafíos de nuestro tiempo y contribuirá a una mayor estabilidad, prosperidad y cohesión social”.

Ola Källenius, Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Mercedes-Benz Group AG y Renata Jungo Brüngger, Miembro del Consejo de Administración de Mercedes-Benz Group AG por Integridad y Derecho frente al Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé en “The Economía del deseo” en la Costa Azul

Capital semilla para programas de becas a partir de los ingresos

Las ganancias de la subasta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé sirven como capital semilla para la iniciativa global. Mercedes-Benz se compromete a invertir recursos adicionales en los próximos años. El “Fondo Mercedes Benz” se dividirá en dos subcategorías: Becas universitarias para conectar, educar y alentar a los estudiantes a realizar/realizar investigaciones sobre proyectos de ciencias ambientales y Becas escolares centradas en los alumnos para realizar proyectos ambientales locales en sus comunidades. Los fondos del programa se dirigirán a personas que de otro modo no tienen los medios financieros para sus proyectos y trayectorias profesionales. El programa irá más allá del apoyo financiero a los jóvenes e incluirá elementos extracurriculares como mentores de Mercedes-Benz que abren nuevas perspectivas profesionales. El “Fondo Mercedes Benz” será desarrollado y administrado conjuntamente por un socio experimentado que actualmente se está evaluando. La planificación detallada de la instalación y el despliegue, así como la organización asociada, se anunciarán más adelante este año.

El motivo muestra uno de los dos 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupés junto con el inventor Rudolf Uhlenhaut. Este vehículo se encuentra en exhibición en el Museo Mercedes-Benz.

Historia y subasta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé

La venta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé tuvo lugar el 5 de mayo en una subasta celebrada en el Museo Mercedes-Benz en colaboración con el renombrado subastador RM Sotheby’s. Los invitados se encontraban entre clientes seleccionados de Mercedes-Benz y coleccionistas internacionales de automóviles y arte, que comparten los valores corporativos de Mercedes-Benz. El 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé vendido en subasta formaba parte de la colección de vehículos privados perteneciente a Mercedes-Benz Classic, que comprende más de 1100 automóviles desde la invención del automóvil en 1886 hasta la actualidad.

“Estamos orgullosos de poder contribuir con nuestra colección histórica a esta iniciativa que conecta el pasado con el futuro de la ingeniería y la tecnología de descarbonización”, dice Marcus Breitschwerdt, director de Mercedes Benz Heritage. “El comprador privado ha acordado que el 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé seguirá estando accesible para exhibición pública en ocasiones especiales, mientras que el segundo 300 SLR Coupé original sigue siendo propiedad de la empresa y se seguirá exhibiendo en el Museo Mercedes-Benz de Stuttgart”.

Sorteo de oferta del coche más valioso del mundo: el Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé.
Dibujo de cotización del automóvil más valioso del mundo: el Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé.

Las circunstancias especiales de su creación, su diseño único y su tecnología innovadora han dotado al 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé de un notable nivel de mística que perdura hasta el día de hoy. El diseño del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé estableció puntos de referencia que lo ubicaron entre los íconos automotrices más importantes del mundo, sobre todo debido a sus distintivas puertas de “ala de gaviota”. A esto se suma el excelente rendimiento que ofrece su tecnología de carreras de pura sangre. Juntos, ambos han asegurado al 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé su aclamada posición en la mitología de los autos deportivos y un lugar muy especial en los corazones de los fanáticos de Mercedes en todo el mundo.

Más información sobre el Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé está disponible en nuestro  especial web .


Parece mágico.
Funciona maravillosamente.

OMEGA celebra su legendaria historia y las cualidades mágicas de sus precisos y delicados mecanismos de relojería, con una nueva y sorprendente campaña, que convierte los calibres de los relojes en mundos de ensueño.

El funcionamiento interno de los movimientos Co-Axial proporciona el escenario perfecto para una celebración dinámica y lúdica de los extraordinarios logros de la marca suiza.

La última campaña de OMEGA cuenta la historia de su destreza técnica y espíritu pionero con figuras a escala reducida y objetos icónicos, con el telón de fondo de “paisajes de reloj” futuristas y encantadores.

La pieza central de la campaña es una película visualmente convincente, creada por el mismo estudio que produjo el video 3D Co-Axial, que ahora se exhibe en el Museo OMEGA. Es desde aquí que OMEGA ha extraído sus llamativas imágenes y diseños para medios impresos y escaparates.

Los temas explorados incluyen alunizajes, aventuras en alta mar, cronometraje deportivo y, por supuesto, relojería de precisión. Incluso Snoopy aparece, ya que el famoso beagle de dibujos animados tiene vínculos con el papel de OMEGA en el regreso seguro del Apolo 13.

Con su estética mágica/de ciencia ficción, la nueva campaña de OMEGA seguramente captará la atención de los fanáticos de los relojes de todo el mundo. Los escenarios son de otro mundo y los modelos encantadores, ingeniosos y coleccionables.

El escape coaxial de OMEGA , lanzado en 1999, vuelve a aparecer en la campaña . Sus superficies de contacto más pequeñas significan menos fricción, menos lubricación y mayor confiabilidad. También hace su magia como elemento escultórico en un paisaje cinematográfico.


The centrepiece of the campaign is a visually compelling movie, created by the same studio that produced the 3D Co-Axial video, now showing at the OMEGA Museum. It is from here that OMEGA has drawn its eye-catching pictures and designs for print media and window displays.

Vacheron Constantin – Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

  • Inspirado en la cultura china del jade, el modelo de tourbillon Traditionnelle está dedicado al mercado chino, numerado y grabado en edición limitada de 30 piezas.
  • Una edición limitada completamente vestida de Imperial Green, un color que representa el más puro y más alto grado de jadeíta verde.
  • Con el movimiento mecánico de cuerda automática ultrafino, calibre 2160/1.
Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Ginebra, 29 de noviembre de 2021 – El fabricante suizo de alta relojería Vacheron Constantin presenta un reloj de edición limitada de alta complicación, exclusivo para el mercado chino.

Un caballero de jade

“Un caballero de jade” es una frase conocida desde la antigua China para describir a un hombre de carácter noble. Los chinos creen que un verdadero caballero es elegante y digno al igual que el Jade, lo que inspira la creación del primer reloj de pulsera de alta complicación especialmente diseñado para el mercado chino. Considerado como un espejo de la civilización china, Jade ha sido un tesoro de la tradición china durante miles de años. Esta piedra preciosa ha sido un símbolo de alta moralidad a lo largo de la historia de China.

“Verde imperial”

El color verde se describe en la poesía china como suave, relajante y lleno de vigor y energía. Vivir en un entorno verde o agregar toques de verde a su entorno puede traer sorprendentemente sofisticación, tranquilidad y vitalidad a la vida.

El conocido Dragón de Jade Hongshan (Verde) del Período Neolítico, la talla de dragón de jade más antigua conocida en China, define la naturaleza imperial de las tallas de jade verde. En los tiempos modernos, la jadeíta, una forma más dura de jade conocida por los chinos, es muy apreciada por su color suave, translúcido, lujoso, pero no exagerado.

La calidad de un jade está determinada en gran medida por la pureza de su color. El verde imperial, el color con el que se vistió el primer reloj de pulsera de edición limitada de China de alta complicación de Vacheron Constantin, es conocido por representar el tono más puro y sofisticado de la jadeíta verde, y tiene una fuerte audacia sin dejar de ser discreto y cálido.

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Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Este reloj tourbillon Traditionnelle presenta una elegante caja de 41 mm de diámetro en oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N que alberga un movimiento automático desarrollado por Vacheron Constantin.

Además del refinamiento de su carro de tourbillon calado en forma de cruz de Malta, el emblema de la Manufactura y completamente biselado y acabado a mano, el Calibre 2160 se distingue por su increíble delgadez: este movimiento ultradelgado de 188 partes dotado de un diámetro aproximado de 80 -Horas de reserva de marcha mide solo 5,65 mm de grosor. Su frecuencia relativamente tranquila (2,5 Hz), junto con su peso oscilante periférico pulido con chorro de arena de oro de 22 quilates, brindan la oportunidad de admirar el ritmo constante de su mecanismo y el nivel excepcional del acabado tradicional de Côtes de Genève visible a través del fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro.

El nuevo reloj Traditionnelle tourbillon China Limited Edition muestra las horas y los minutos con agujas centrales, mientras que el segundero pequeño aparece a las 6 en punto en el tourbillon, enmarcado por una esfera de tono verde imperial adornada con marcadores de hora dorados y Dauphine bifacético. -tipo manos.

Como dice un viejo refrán chino, como el Jade, aquellos que logran grandes cosas son modestos en cuanto a sus capacidades. Como epítome de resplandor, proporciones equilibradas y detalles sutiles, el nuevo Vacheron Constantin Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition honra e interpreta a un caballero de jade.



El refinamiento técnico se une a la elegancia estética en este modelo imbuido de una masculinidad exquisita. Representa el epítome de la luminosidad, las proporciones equilibradas y los detalles sutiles. Fiel a los orígenes de Vacheron Constantin y dedicado a los clientes chinos enamorados de relojes bellamente elaborados que son a la vez discretos y distinguidos. Emitido en una serie limitada de 30 piezas exclusivamente para China continental, reafirma el estilo en los acordes tonos de verde: desde la elegante esfera con acabado en tono verde imperial con acabado sunburst hasta la correa de piel de aligátor Mississippiensis con hebilla de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N. Impulsado por el calibre 2160/1 de cuerda automática, este reloj tourbillon Traditionnelle muestra las horas y los minutos con agujas centrales, mientras que el segundero pequeño aparece a las 6 en punto en el tourbillon.




Reference 6000T/000R-B972

Desarrollado y fabricado por Vacheron Constantin
Rotor periférico mecánico, de cuerda automática
31 mm (13½ “”) de diámetro, 5,65 mm de grosor
Aproximadamente 80 horas de reserva de marcha
2,5 Hz (18.000 vibraciones / hora)
188 componentes
30 joyas
Reloj certificado Hallmark of Geneva

Horas, minutos, segundero pequeño en carruaje tourbillon

Oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N
41 mm de diámetro, 10,4 mm de espesor
Fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro transparente
Resistencia al agua probada a una presión de 3 bar (aprox.30 metros)

Imperial Green, acabado sunburst
Marcadores de hora aplicados en rosa 18K 5N y cruz de Malta

Piel de aligátor Imperial Green Mississippiensis con capa interna de cocodrilo, cosida a mano, acabado en silla de montar, escamas cuadradas grandes

Hebilla desplegable de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N
Media cruz de Malta pulida

Edición limitada de 30 piezas, numeradas individualmente.

Vacheron Constantin – Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers: a new window on the world and on history, opened by talented Master artisans

  • A series of three ten-piece limited editions, paying homage to the Portuguese sailors Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Álvares Cabral.
  • Miniature masterpieces, with Grand Feu enamel dials inspired by a map from the 1519 Miller Atlas, of which a reproduction is kept in the Portuguese Maritime Museum (Museu de Marinha – Lisbon).
  • The Manufacture 1120 AT movement powering an off-centre display of the hours and minutes, leaving ample space to express the Maison’s artistic crafts.

Geneva, 2021 – They evoke a time when the world had yet to be discovered. They retrace the famous epic journeys of the great 15th century explorers who braved the seas and oceans to discover distant horizons. Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral: Vacheron Constantin celebrates their spirit of adventure through a new series of three ten-piece limited editions, the Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers. Crafted in Grand Feu enamel, each dial depicts selected portions of a 1519 map from the Miller Atlas. These three masterpieces of miniaturisation and expertise are driven by the Manufacture 1120 AT movement. These new models, presented at Watches & Wonders 2021, are part of the theme of the Maison for 2021 : entitled Classic with a Twist, it highlights Vacheron Constantin’s creative energy, guided by an identity that celebrates a heritage and dares to deliver the unexpected.

The spirit of travel, exploration and discovery of arts and cultures is an integral part of Vacheron Constantin’s history. A history rooted in the origins of the Manufacture, in an age when François Constantin did not hesitate to travel the world to open new markets and to fly the banner of the Maison high and wide, wherever possible. This openness to the world still pervades the philosophy of the Manufacture, which symbolically celebrates the spirit of adventure through a new journey – on this occasion a voyage through time – in memory of the great 15th century Portuguese explorers.

With this third opus in the Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers collection, which completes two series presented in 2004 and 2008, Vacheron Constantin ventures into one of history’s most exhilarating chapters. In the wake of models dedicated to Magellan, Zheng Hé, Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo, which proved a great success with collectors, comes the turn of Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Álvares Cabral to be honoured through extraordinary miniature compositions enhanced by talented master artisans. They bear witness to the noble touch and impressive creativity of the enamellers whose mastery of Grand Feu enamel once again broadens the horizons of the Métiers d’Art collection. A rare skill extending an invitation to travel while firing the imagination.

Masterful miniature Grand Feu enamel expressions of patience and meticulous care
Inspired by a map from the 1519 Miller Atlas, of which a painted reproduction is kept in the Portuguese Maritime Museum (Museu de Marinha – Lisbon), each dial shows a part of the world and the maritime routes respectively taken by the three explorers. In order to replicate the finely nuanced colours and the extreme delicacy of the motifs, the Maison opted for the art of enamelling. The result is three dials in Grand Feu enamel, masterpieces of patience and precision that require a full month’s work and 11 firings in the kiln at a temperature of between 800 and 900°C. These are all stages in which mastering fire proves crucial, since a few seconds too many can jeopardise several weeks of work.

The art of enamelling is a rare skill, a subtle blend of experience and sensitivity demonstrated in each move made by the artisan. Composed of crystal and metal oxides, enamels come in the form of small blocks of colour that the enameller first crushes into an extremely fine powder. The latter is then worked to create a substance similar to paint, which is applied in successive touches, enabling the enameller to represent motifs with incredible finesse and nuance. After coating the dial with the background colour, the enameller tackles the dial motifs, starting with the outlines of the continents, which are here enhanced with gold-coloured enamel powder. The decorative elements of this elegant composition – including the ships, fauna, flora and wind rose – are also produced using the delicate technique of miniature painting, thus serving to reproduce a host of details and subtly graded shades, obtained after numerous tests by the enameller. Each addition of colour requires another firing, since enamel is a mineral material that must be melted down in order to display its famous brilliance and intense depth.

Calibre 1120 AT with satellite hours
So as to give free rein to the enameller’s expertise, the three Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers models are powered by in-house Calibre 1120 AT. This movement is distinguished first and foremost by its 5.45 mm thinness enabling the 41 mm-diameter 4N pink gold case to maintain a trim 11.68 mm overall thickness guaranteeing an elegant appearance on the wrist.

The mechanism is also distinguished by its singular construction and its original time display mode enabling the wearer to travel visually through the dial as the hours pass by. Concealed beneath the upper part of the dial, the hours wheel is equipped with three arms each bearing four hours numerals, driven in turn by a cam shaped like the Manufacture’s Maltese cross inspired emblem. This ingenious satellite module enables the hours to sweep across the dial from top to bottom, traversing the fixed minutes circle positioned along a 120° arc. The hours numerals thus travel through the dial and their position gives an indication of the minutes replacing a traditional hand-type display.

Revealed through the transparent caseback, the movement decorations – notably including the 22-carat pink gold oscillating weight adorned with a wind rose – are entirely worthy of its technical nature.

Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers –Bartolomeu Dias
If his crews had not convinced him to give up on continuing the journey beyond the southern tip of Africa, perhaps Bartolomeu Dias (1450 – 1500) would have been the first to reach the Indies. The illustrious Portuguese explorer made history in a different way, by discovering the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, paving the way for future expeditions. Bartolomeu Dias was also a member of the crew of Vasco da Gama, who led his fleet to Indies between 1497 and 1498.

The route taken by Bartolomeu Dias’ ships in 1488 is represented by a red line on the Grand Feu enamel dial, enhanced by numerous incredibly refined details. With the help of a magnifying glass, a close look will reveal the silhouette of the men composing the explorer’s crew on board the two ships sailing west of Africa; or the palette of shades used by the enameller to precisely reproduce the landscapes, fauna and flora as they are represented on the map of the Miller Atlas.

Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers – Vasco da Gama
The long journey that took him from Portugal to the coasts of India was one of the most important 15th century discoveries. The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama (1469 –1524), who left his native country in 1497, was the first to travel from Europe and Asia by sea, following an epic and often hellish journey across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. After circumnavigating the southern tip of Africa, his fleet of four ships sailed along the coast as far as Kenya before embarking on a crossing towards the Indies, which he reached in 1498.

The sea route taken by its crew is finely traced in red enamel on the dial, each detail of which is a very faithful reproduction of the map appearing in the Miller Atlas. The gaze will naturally be drawn to a ship from Vasco da Gama’s fleet in the dial centre, sails billowing on a stormy sea; or to the circumference of the wind rose and the continents enhanced with gold-coloured enamel powder.

Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers – Pedro Álvares Cabral
It is to this Portuguese aristocrat and explorer that we owe the discovery of Brazil in 1500. Pedro Álvares Cabral (1467 – 1520) was commissioned by King Manuel I of Portugal to travel to the Indies to continue the work of Vasco da Gama, but he took a very different route from his contemporary. Rather than sailing along the African coast to the southern tip of Africa, the fleet led by Pedro Álvares Cabral headed west, until they discovered a new world, Brazil.

This route is depicted by a red enamel line standing out against a beige enamel background punctuated by extremely faithful representations of the elements present on the map of the Miller Atlas. In the centre of the dial, a ship from Pedro Álvares Cabral’s fleet, sails buffeted by the wind, proudly cleaves the sea in an extraordinarily lifelike manner. The accuracy of the craftsmanship is also expressed in the shimmering feathers of the birds as well as in the depiction of human figures on the South American continent.

Classic with a Twist

Vacheron Constantin’s creativity has always remained closely attuned to its time while evoking its memories. This byword for elegance, adopted by each watchmaker, artisan and designer throughout the years and centuries, celebrates heritage and dares to explore the unexpected. Poised at the intersection between technical virtuosity and aesthetic refinement, the enduring allure of Vacheron Constantin timepieces makes its way unscathed through passing eras. Because timelessness cannot be achieved merely by complying with the canons of traditional watchmaking, each creation is tinged with a touch of boldness revealed in the smallest details. Special displays, offset indications, specific chamfering of all components, hand-crafted finishing and the complexity of a mechanism are just a few examples of this expertise. The result is a very personal field of expression where technique and style converge in a subtle harmony between the conventional and the atypical.



Vacheron Constantin explores an exhilarating page of history with the Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers’ collection, available in a series of three ten-piece limited editions. In the wake of Magellan, Zheng Hé, Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo, to whom the Manufacture had already paid tribute in 2004 and 2008, comes the turn of Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Álvares Cabral to be honoured through extraordinary compositions enhanced by talented master artisans. To celebrate the discoveries made by these three 15th century Portuguese navigators, the Maison has opted for Grand Feu enamel and the technique of miniature painting. Masterpieces of patience and meticulous care, each of the three dials represents part of a map from the 1519 Miller Atlas, of which a reproduction is kept in Portuguese Maritime Museum (Museu de Marinha – Lisbon). These extraordinarily precise compositions are framed by a slim 18K 4N pink gold case measuring 41 mm in diameter. In order to provide abundant expressive scope for the enameller, these models beat to the rhythm of the 1120 AT self-winding movement, driving an off-centre time display thanks to a satellite hours module.



Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers

7500U/000R-B687: Bartolomeu Dias
7500U/000R-B688: Vasco da Gama
7500U/000R-B689: Pedro Álvares Cabral

1120 AT
Developed and crafted by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, self-winding
22K gold oscillating weight with tapisserie decor
32.80 mm (12 ½ ‘’’ diameter), 5.45 mm thick
Approximately 40 hours of power reserve
2.75 Hz (19,800 vibrations per hour)
205 components
36 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Dragging hours, minutes

18K 4N pink gold
41mm diameter, 11.68 mm thick
Transparent sapphire crystal caseback
Water-resistance tested at a pressure of 3 bar (approx. 30 meters)

18K gold, two-level dial, Grand Feu enamel
Enamelled hour-markers

Blue Mississippiensis alligator leather with alligator leather inner shell, hand-stitched, saddle-finish, large square scales

18K 4N pink gold folding clasp
Polished half Maltese cross-shaped
Limited series of ten timepieces per reference.
Models available exclusively through the Vacheron Constantin Boutiques.

Gordon Murray Automotive reveals the T.50s

Gordon Murray Automotive reveals the T.50s Niki Lauda with the mission to deliver an on-track experience like no other car in history

• All-new T.50s Niki Lauda revealed: designed and engineered to offer “an on track experience like no other car to date.”
• Production limited to just 25 cars
• Designed, engineered and developed in parallel with the groundbreaking T.50 supercar
• Hundreds of components changed to optimise the car for track use
• Engineered without compromise, weighing just 852kg
• Powered by a 725bhp naturally aspirated V12 engine which weighs only 162kg and revs to 12,100rpm
• Named after legendary three-time F1 world champion and Gordon Murray’s former Brabham teammate, Niki Lauda
• Car unveiled on Niki Lauda’s birthday
• Offers a unique and highly personalised ownership experience, witheach chassis named after one of Gordon Murray’s grand prix victories Gordon Murray Automotive has unveiled its T.50s Niki Lauda track-focused supercar for the first time. Developed in parallel with the T.50, the most driver-centric supercar ever built, the T.50s Niki Lauda has been conceived, designed and engineered to offer the ultimate on-track driving experience. Like the T.50, the T.50s Niki Lauda has been designed and engineered without compromise but with an even more extreme specification. It weighs just 852kg and will be powered by a substantially redesigned version of the T.50’s Cosworth-engineered 3.9-litre V12, producing 725bhp, revving to 12,100rpm and going through a newlydesigned Xtrac six-speed paddle-shift gearbox. Advanced aerodynamics, aided by a 400mm rear-mounted fan, will produce up to 1500kg of downforce for optimum track

Just 25 T.50s Niki Lauda’s will be made, costing £3.1m (before taxes). Production will start in January 2023 at Gordon Murray Automotive’s Manufacturing centre in Dunsfold, Surrey, UK, after the run of 100 T.50 supercars is completed. Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “The T.50 is the ultimate road-going supercar, but I always dreamed of taking it one step further… to build a version that will deliver an ontrack driving experience like no other car in history. “When we created the McLaren F1 GTR it was developed from the F1 road car. From its inception the T.50s Niki Lauda, though, was designed in parallel with the T.50. For the T.50 our target was clear, to make the best driver’s car for the road. With the T.50s Niki Lauda it was equally clear, to make it the best driver’s car for the track. Putting it another way, we asked ourselves what would be the coolest thing to drive on track and create a track driving experience like no other car in history?”

“We had no interest in achieving the ultimate lap time or creating an over-tyred and over-downforced spaceship at the expense of driver involvement, because ultimately you have to possess an F1 driver level of skill and fitness to get the best out of them.” “Instead, I laid out some parameters to create the ultimate driver’s car and experience on track: a central driving position, a V12 just behind your ear revving to over 12,000rpm, producing over 700 horsepower and with an even faster response time than Vthe T.50, downforce limited to 1500kg and a weight of under 900kg. Plus the ability to turn up at any track, make a few basic checks and have fun, without the need for an
entire support crew.

“In my view it doesn’t get better than that and is driving in its purest form. The T.50s Niki Lauda will give a visceral connection between driver, car and track, the like of which has
not been experienced to date. “I can just imagine going round your favourite circuit, sitting in the middle with that unsilenced V12 screaming just behind you – the driving experience will be something special. With a power to weight ratio better than that of a naturally aspirated LMP1 car, it is also going to be searingly quick and, with such a low weight, will change direction like
an F1 car.

“With the direction of travel of the automotive industry, it’s hard to imagine that there will ever be another car quite like this. Especially not one with a central driving position, a
high revving naturally aspirated V12 engine and that is so lightweight. I believe it will go on to define its era.”

Gordon Murray and the team have worked hard on the T.50s body design to achieve their aerodynamic performance targets, whilst retaining the T.50’s balanced and classic

The dramatic aerodynamic features of the T.50s Niki Lauda instantly give away its performance potential. A striking central fin designed to enhance stability features a Niki
Lauda logo. At the rear, the distinctive 400mm fan from the T.50 is retained, accompanied by an even larger rear diffuser and a new delta wing. The rear grille features a T.50s badge and ‘Fan Car’ script.BThe aerodynamic elements continue at the front of the car. Barge boards are sculpted to improve airflow to the side ducts, which house the oil cooling systems for the engine and
transmission. A splitter and dive planes are also prominent and further reflect the car’s aero-influenced design. At the same time, the purity of the T.50 is not lost, creating a purposeful yet elegant look.

Owners will be able to individualise their T.50s through their choice of colours and liveries, so that no two cars will be alike. Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “The styling of the T.50s is completely aero driven, but still attractive. There’s not one body panel carried over from the T.50, but the road car has such a strong and classic shape that it still manages to shine through.”

Engine and transmission
The Cosworth-designed 3.9-litre V12 engine is a dramatically different version of the engine that powers the T.50. It is even more powerful and faster-revving too, delivering 711PS at 11,500rpm, on its way to a 12,100rpm rev-limit. At 178hp/litre, the specific power output of the T.50s Niki Lauda’s V12 exceeds that of the all-conquering Cosworth DFV Formula One engine. The power-to weight ratio of 835PS/tonne betters that of a naturally aspirated LMP1 car.

The T.50s Niki Lauda’s engine is fed by a newly-designed, roof-mounted, highperformance RAM induction airbox (which can increase maximum power to 725bhp). The maximum torque figure is 485Nm, produced at 9,000rpm. A newly-developed, bespoke, straight-through exhaust system also takes the engine sound to a new level. Right through the rev-range it promises to be one of the greatest and most characterful sounding cars ever made.

The state of the art V12 pushes the boundaries of engine design even further, with many new components. Changes include completely revised cylinder heads and camshafts,
plus a higher compression ratio of 15:1. Through meticulous attention to detail, this new iteration of the Cosworth GMA V12 weighs just 162kg, 16kg less than what was already the lightest road-going V12 engine ever. The weight-saving measures extend to the intake, exhaust and control systems, as well as the engine itself. All the valves are made from titanium, while there is no variable
valve timing due to the additional weight of the geartrain and electronic control system.

A simpler induction system features 12 throttle bodies on top of the engine, fed directly by the racing-style air box. The exhaust system does without catalytic converters, has
thinner Inconel walls and, with only track noise limits to meet, benefits from smaller silencers.

A bespoke Xtrac IGS (Instantaneous Gearshift) six-speed paddle shift gearbox is fitted, designed to fit the exacting packaging and weight demands of the T.50s. As part of Xtrac’s efforts to minimise weight wherever possible, even the gears are lighter, contributing to a 5kg total weight reduction. Both the gearbox and the clutch are electronically actuated. Ratios have been chosen to optimise on-track performance and driver enjoyment and engagement, delivering a top speed of approximately 200-210mph. A set of closer ratios optimised for shorter circuits will also be offered, allowing owners to make the most of all six gears via the steering column-mounted paddles. In this configuration, the T.50s Niki Lauda will reach around 170mph flat-out.

Chassis, body and suspension

The T.50s Niki Lauda is built around a specially developed, lightweight carbon fibre monocoque. Optimised for weight reduction and structural rigidity, it is constructed using advanced part-binding technology, with carbon fibre wrapped around a honeycomb aluminium core. This stiffness and strength also contributes to the T.50s’s exceptional occupant safety, with precisely engineered deformable areas. Passengers are further protected by an F1- style ‘passenger safety cell’. Exterior body panels, all unique to the T.50s, are also made from ultra-lightweight
carbon fibre. Windows and screens use glazing that has been further reduced in weight from the road car specification. For exceptional levels of confidence inspiring on-track dynamics, the T.50s Niki Lauda utilises the same forged aluminium front and rear double wishbone suspension system as the T.50. However, the springs, dampers and anti-roll bar have been respecified to optimise track performance, while the ride height has been lowered to 87mm at the front and 116mm at the rear.

As part of the Trackspeed package, the T.50s Niki Lauda’s chassis can be adjusted to find the ideal setup for its owner. Both the chassis settings and the aerodynamics are
fully adjustable.

The T.50s Niki Lauda retains the T.50’s rack and pinion steering, but with a revised steering ratio.

The Brembo carbon ceramic discs of the T.50 are carried over to the T.50s Niki Lauda (370mm x 34mm front/340mm x 34mm rear), with six-piston front callipers and fourpiston rear callipers. The braking system and aerodynamics combine to produce incredible deceleration of 3.5G. To ensure the brakes maintain their phenomenal performance throughout a track session, new ducting around each wheel is designed to improve brake cooling.

Wheels and tyres
The T.50s sits on unique and exceptionally light magnesium forged 18-inch wheels, weighing less than 6kg each, with Formula One-style lightweight wheel hubs and a centre lock attachment. The wheels are wrapped in Michelin slick tyres, measuring 250mm wide at the front (25/64 18”) and 300mm wide at the rear (30/68 18”). A wet option is also provided.


The T.50s Niki Lauda has completely new aero, which combines to create 1500kg of downforce. This includes a new 1,758mm-wide, rear-mounted delta wing, the design of which was inspired by the front wing on Murray’s 1983 Brabham BT52 Formula One car and is just as effective today as it was then. The front of the T.50s features a splitter with a central aerofoil section, which generates huge load figures to balance out those from the rear wing. The splitter’s central channel reduces the car’s sensitivity to pitch while allowing airflow under the car to continue to
drive the central diffuser section, keeping the efficiency of the entire aero package high.

Dive planes include horizontal elements paired with a vertical duct to manage wheel arch pressures and tyre wake, reducing drag and improving efficiency. A pair of NACA ducts have been perfectly positioned on the front clam shell in a region of high pressure and where the thin boundary layer is ideal for cooling the large front brakes. A central fin stretching from the top of the roof to the rear lip of the car has also been added for increased yaw stability. The large vertical face is presented to the airflow during high-speed cornering and helps counteract the momentum of the car towards the outside of the corner.

To further improve airflow and accommodate the central fin, the oil cooling systems for the engine and transmission are now located in side ducts. By placing these systems
lower in the car, this helps to optimise its centre of gravity.

With the powertrain coolers located directly downstream of the front wheels, barge boards have been added to manage the turbulent wake emanating from the front wheel
arches, ensuring a clean flow of air to the side ducts.

The T.50s Niki Lauda retains the same 400mm ground-effect fan as the T.50, but here it runs in a single High Downforce mode, spinning at 7000rpm. The T.50s also has much
simpler ducting, with a permanently open duct running down to the redesigned rear diffuser.

Like the chassis, the T.50s Niki Lauda’s aerodynamics can be adjusted to suit its owner’s preferences, adding or removing downforce as required. To balance the car’s aero, the front diffusers are adjustable, as is a slotted flap on the rear wing. The highspeed balance can be further honed through changes to the car’s ride height.
In the optimum configuration, when a particular race circuit demands it, up to 1500kg of downforce will be achievable. However, the car’s aerodynamics have been carefully
designed to ensure that the T.50s Niki Lauda’s performance remains accessible and exploitable regardless of the driver’s experience.
Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “When we first ran the CFD we were already ahead of our downforce target. At one point we were achieving 1,900kg of downforce, but we
backed it off to 1,500kg to make the car more manageable for the owners.”

The dihedral doors lift to reveal a race-car oriented cabin. The T.50s Niki Lauda retains the driver-focused central seating position of the T.50, giving the driver an unhindered view of the track ahead and allowing perfect placement. The driver sits on a full racing carbon fibre seat with fore and aft adjustment, and is secured with a six-point harness. The T.50s is a two-seater with a fixed passenger seat to the left of the driver, complete with a four-point harness. In place of the seat on the right is a fire extinguisher system. Occupying the space formerly taken up by the passenger footwell is a vertical switch gear panel similar to that found on the legendary McLaren F1 GTR. Should the owner wish, the car can be ordered without a passenger seat to save further weight and create an even more focused feel.

The rectangular carbon fibre steering wheel is a lesson in simplicity, featuring only the key controls that the driver needs. This includes buttons for the traction and launch control, as well as the car-to-pit/driver-to-passenger radio and to select neutral. The slim, uncluttered design is influenced by Murray’s racing experience. Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “I used to make my drivers take their watches off, partly for weight, but also because it adds to the steering inertia. Big wheels with lots of switches are quite heavy from a steering inertia point of view, so for the T.50s I wanted
to keep the wheel small, clean and simple.” To avoid unnecessary distractions, the T.50s features a single digital screen. This displays essential vehicle and engine data, as well as aero info, the gearchange indicator, telemetry, lap time, tyre pressures/temperatures, G-forces and a camera video feed.

Driver comfort was another priority for Murray when designing the T.50s, which maintains the same spaciousness and visibility as the road car. This makes the T.50s Niki Lauda a uniquely usable track car, despite its incredible performance. Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “Engineering the ultimate track-focused supercar has to start with the driver. It was essential that we retained a central driving position, with every control arranged within easy reach and with no distractions or unnecessary information on display. And in my opinion, you don’t get a better view than that from the central driving position and one which allows you to place the T.50s Niki Lauda with millimetre precision on any circuit. You are left with nothing to take away the purepleasure of pushing this car as hard as you can on your favourite race circuit.”

“Racing drivers are often uncomfortable, they just put up with it because they’re trying to win a race. The McLaren F1 had a really nice driving position and good visibility and I think that helped the guys at Le Mans because it made it more comfortable for them. In the T.50s, the driving position ergonomically is just about as good as it gets. This is a
car you can drive all day.”

Named after a racing legend
The T.50s Niki Lauda has been named after legendary three-time Formula One World Champion, Niki Lauda. Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “The T.50s is named in honour of Niki to commemorate his famous win with the Brabham BT46B fan car in the 1978 Swedish Grand Prix. Niki was a great racing driver and he was also a good friend and it is absolutely fitting that
we are launching the T.50s Niki Lauda on his birthday. Niki would have appreciated the innovation and engineering detail in our car.”

The Lauda family said: “We are proud that Gordon Murray Automotive has named its new car after Niki. He would have been extremely honoured to have been associated with a car designed and engineered by Gordon, with whom he had such a long association and friendship.” Each chassis to be named after one of Gordon Murray’s F1 race wins Additionally, each of the 25 cars’ chassis will be individually named after one of Gordon Murray’s grand prix wins on different circuits. The first car will be designated Kyalami 1974 and further cars will be named after the 24 subsequent wins, in chronological order. Each car will also come with a specially commissioned book about the race that it is named after, with Murray’s view and memories of the victory.

Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “Each car will carry its own individual story, being forever linked to the grand prix victory it is named after. The T.50s is inspired by my love of motorsport, so it seemed entirely fitting to create this special connection to iconic races from the past.”

Customer experience
T.50s Niki Lauda buyers will receive a bespoke and personalised service, from the first expression of interest, through the specification, manufacturing and handover periods, as well as throughout the entire duration of their ownership. Each of the 25 individually specified cars will be unique, both in terms of setup and in the choice of colours and liveries.

A Trackspeed package will also be included which comprises both engineering support and all the equipment needed to run the car at a track, including a full set of pit tools and
refuelling equipment. Customers will be invited to a track day to have both chassis and aerodynamics set-upfor them to suit their driving style and experience. Owners will also benefit from a day’s
on-track tuition in the T.50s Niki Lauda to enable them to get the most from their car, and there will be a day’s tuition for the owner’s nominated technician to help them
prepare the car for track driving days. Additionally, there will be ongoing engineering support to allow owners to run their car at events and track days around the world. Gordon Murray Automotive is planning its own special events for T.50s Niki Lauda owners in future.

Gordon Murray Automotive are working closely with Stefan Ratel and his SRO organisation towards creating a GT1 sports club, which will provide exclusive track days aligned with the GT World Challenge Europe events on some of Europe’s most prestigious circuits. This is a first step with a view to creating a future supercar race

Professor Gordon Murray CBE: “It was essential to me that the T.50s Niki Lauda is easy to live with and enjoy. You will own the car, you will be completely in control of where
and when you enjoy it. My vision is that owners will take it to a circuit, check the tyre pressures, climb in, fire it up and have fun. That’s the way it should be.”

Gordon Murray Automotive

Gordon Murray Automotive creates exclusive low volume sports cars – the T.50 supercar will be the brand’s first model with customer cars built from January 2022. Its sister car, the
T.50s Niki Lauda goes into production one year later The company is a sister company to Gordon Murray Design and was first announced in November 2017 during an exhibition,
named ‘One Formula’, which celebrated Murray’s 50 years of car design.

About Professor Gordon Murray, CBE
Having spent 20 years as Technical Director to two Formula One teams from 1969-1990 Gordon Murray has a wealth of technical, design and engineering experience. At Brabham he was instrumental in two world championship wins (1981 and 1983) before three consecutive championship wins with McLaren Racing (1988, 1989 and 1990). In 1990 – after 50 Grand Prix wins – Gordon moved away from Formula One to concentrate on establishing a new company for the group, McLaren Cars Limited.

His first project there, the F1 road car, is still regarded as one of the world’s best-engineered cars. A racing version won two world sports car championships and the Le Mans 24-hour
race in 1995. McLaren Cars then completed several other successful projects culminating in the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. Gordon left McLaren in 2005 to set up a Gordon Murray Design Ltd (in 2007), of which he is Chairman. The innovative British company is a world leader in automotive design, and reverses the current industry trend for sub-contracting by having a complete in-house capability for design, prototyping, and development.

In 2017, Gordon Murray Design celebrated the company’s 10-year anniversary along with that of the iStream® manufacturing process at a special event, named ‘One Formula’. Gordon also marked the 25th production anniversary of the McLaren F1 road car, and his 50th year of design and engineering.

In May 2019, Professor Murray was made a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) by the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, in recognition of his contributions to the motorsport and
automotive sectors over the past 50 years.

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Uno de los autos más emblemáticos de la historia de Bentley, el “Blower” de 4½ litros sobrealimentado de Sir Tim Birkin de 1929, renacerá con una nueva construcción de 12 autos a juego, cada uno hecho a mano individualmente por un equipo de especialistas de la división de carrocería y personalización de Bentley Mulliner. Juntos, los nuevos coches formarán la primera serie de continuación de coches de carreras de antes de la guerra.

Solo cuatro “Team Blowers” originales fueron construidos para carreras por Birkin, a finales de la década de 1920. Todos se realizaron en las pistas de carreras de Europa, con el coche más famoso, el Team Car No. 2 de Birkin, matrícula UU 5872, compitiendo en Le Mans y desempeñando un papel fundamental en la victoria del Bentley Speed Six de fábrica en 1930.

Ahora, utilizando una combinación de generaciones de habilidades artesanales y la última tecnología digital, el Team Blower de 1929 será el ejemplo maestro de 12 continuaciones, una por cada carrera en la que compitió la flota original de cuatro Team Blowers.


El propio Team Blower de Bentley, número de chasis HB 3403, se desmontará en sus componentes individuales, antes de catalogar cada pieza y escanear meticulosamente en 3D para crear un modelo digital completo de todo el automóvil. Usando los moldes y plantillas de herramientas originales de la década de 1920, y una variedad de herramientas manuales tradicionales junto con la última tecnología de fabricación, se crearán 12 juegos de piezas, antes de que los técnicos expertos de Bentley ensamblen los nuevos sopladores. Las 12 continuaciones serán idénticas siempre que sea posible al original – mecánica y estéticamente – con solo cambios ocultos mínimos dictados por preocupaciones de seguridad modernas.

Luego, se volverá a ensamblar el automóvil original, y el equipo de herencia aprovechará la oportunidad para completar una inspección detallada y una restauración mecánica comprensiva cuando sea necesario.

El Bentley Team Blower de 90 años todavía se usa regularmente en la carretera, incluida la finalización de la Mille Miglia de Italia, las carreras diarias en colinas en el Festival de Velocidad de Goodwood y una gira reciente por la costa de California. El Blower fue visto en la Monterey Car Week 2019 que incluyó un desfile en Laguna Seca y culminó en el Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance 2019, donde el automóvil apareció con dos de los otros tres Team Blowers.


Como continuación del Team Blower original, cada uno de los nuevos autos de la Serie Continuation contará con motores de cuatro cilindros y 16 válvulas con un cárter de aluminio con camisas de cilindro de hierro fundido y culata de cilindro de hierro fundido no desmontable. El sobrealimentador será una réplica exacta del sobrealimentador de raíces Amherst Villiers Mk IV, lo que ayudará al motor de 4398 cc a desarrollar 240 bhp a 4200 rpm. La estructura del automóvil será un marco de acero prensado, con suspensión de ballesta semielíptica con copias de los amortiguadores Bentley & Draper. Las recreaciones de los frenos de tambor mecánicos Bentley-Perrot de 40 cm (17,75 ”) y la dirección helicoidal y sectorial completan el chasis.

Mulliner necesitará aproximadamente dos años de trabajo meticuloso para completar la serie de 12 autos. Los precios estarán en la aplicación.


Ningún otro Bentley de antes de la guerra tuvo un impacto como el Bentley “Blower” sobrealimentado de 4½ litros. Si bien nunca ganó una carrera de resistencia, el Blower Bentley fue el auto de carreras más rápido del día, y contó entre sus fanáticos al autor Ian Fleming, quien más tarde decidió que su famoso agente secreto ficticio James Bond conduciría un Bentley de 4½ litros sobrealimentado. , con el coche deportivo británico rival a menudo asociado simplemente el “coche de piscina” del MI6.

Los Blower Bentleys nacieron de una filosofía ideada por Sir Tim Birkin, destacado piloto de carreras y Bentley Boy, para extraer más velocidad de los Bentley de carreras del día. Mientras que el método de WO Bentley era aumentar la capacidad del motor, de 3 litros a 4½ litros a 6½ litros, Birkin quedó impresionado por el sobrealimentador tipo Roots desarrollado por el ingeniero británico Amherst Villiers, que aumentó la potencia del 4½ de 130 CV a 240 CV en tono de carrera. Convenció al presidente de Bentley, Woolf Barnato, de que sancionara la producción de 55 Bentley sobrealimentados de 4½ litros, con cinco asignados para la competencia. El automóvil de la flota histórica de Bentley, UU 5872, es el segundo de los cuatro automóviles del “Equipo” desarrollados en los talleres de Birkin & Co en Welwyn Garden City con fondos de la rica heredera, la Excma. Dorothy Paget.

United States: The Incredible History of the $ 10,000 and $ 100,000

The largest denominations of the U.S. currency were $ 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 100,000, although today the highest is $ 100. But the 10,000 is in circulation.


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Pictures of big bills

Most of us hope for big balances in our checking and savings accounts, but when you withdraw funds, the biggest bill you’ll see is probably $100.

Once upon a time, though, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $100,000 bills were in circulation. After the last printing of those denominations in 1945, the Treasury Department and the Fed discontinued them in 1969.

The use of large bills has decreased dramatically and they’ve been greater targets for counterfeits versus smaller denominations. They’re still legitimate legal tender but are limited circulation, except for the $100,000 bill, which was only ever used in fiscal channels.

These days, most of these increasingly rare bills are owned by collectors. In fact, if you happen to have a mint condition bill in a rare denomination, it could mean a big payoff. For instance, Antique Money, an organization with 20 locations around the United States that buys, sells and auctions paper currency, once paid more than $20,000 for a rare 1928 star note $1,000 bill.

Here are some rare bills you might want to keep an eye out for.

Courtesy of US Treasury Department

$500 Series 1918 Blue Seal

Produced in 1918, the front of this $500 bill bears the likeness of John Marshall, who served as the United States’ fourth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835. The reverse side of the bill depicts Spanish conquistador Hernando De Soto discovering the Mississippi in 1541.

Courtesy of the US Treasury

$500 Series 1928 & 1934 Green Seal

These green seal notes ($500 bills with the green seal are often called Federal Reserve notes) bear the portrait of William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States. He served a full term and then only six months of his second term, before being assassinated.

Courtesy of US Treasury

$1,000 Series 1918 Blue Seal

This bill, printed in 1918, has Founding Father Alexander Hamilton’s face on the front and a soaring eagle on the back. It’s fitting that Hamilton found his way onto some U.S. currency, since, among his other accomplishments, he’s credited with founding the country’s financial system.

Courtesy of US Treasury

$1,000 Series 1928 Green Seal

Printed in 1928, this $1,000 bill features two-time United States President Grover Cleveland. He was the nation’s 22nd and 24th president, earning him the distinction of being the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms.

Courtesy of US Treasury

$5,000 Series 1918 Green Seal

This 1918-printed $5,000 bill bears the likeness of Founding Father James Madison (often christened the “Father of the Constitution”), who went on to serve as the fourth President of the United States. The back of the bill shows then-General George Washington resigning his commission as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army on December 23, 1783.

Courtesy of US Treasury

$10,000 Series 1918 Green Seal

Just as this $10,000 bill, produced in 1918, is rare, the likeness on the front might be unfamiliar. It shows Salmon P. Chase, who served as President Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury from 1861 to 1864. The back of the bill shows the embarkation of the Pilgrims, as they sailed for freedom in North America.

Courtesy of US Treasury

$10,000 Series 1928, 1934, 1934A & 1934B Green Seal

Like the previous $10,000 bill, these bills produced in 1928 and 1934 also bear the likeness of Salmon P. Chase on the front. However, the back of the bill simply says, “The United States of America – Ten Thousand Dollars – 10,000.”

Courtesy of US Treasury

$100,000 Series 1934 Gold Certificate

Though it might be nice to have a bill of this high denomination, the Bureau of Engraving & Printing, a division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, states, “The $100,000 Gold Certificate was used only for official transactions between Federal Reserve Banks and was not circulated among the general public. This note cannot be legally held by currency note collectors.” The front has a portrait of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States.