Tag Archive for: IWC

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publica informe de sostenibilidad 2022 e introduce nuevos proyectos ambientales comunitarios Asesora Gisele Büendchen

Chaffhausen, 26 de julio de 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen publica hoy la cuarta edición de su Informe de sostenibilidad. El Informe presenta un prólogo de la ecologista y supermodelo Gisele Bündchen, la recién nombrada Asesora de Proyectos Ambientales y Comunitarios de IWC. Además de delinear el progreso del fabricante suizo de relojes de lujo hacia sus objetivos de sostenibilidad para 2022, el Informe analiza la ambiciosa hoja de ruta de la empresa para el futuro y su nuevo objetivo rector ‘Ingeniería más allá del tiempo’.


IWC da la bienvenida a la ecologista y supermodelo Gisele Bündchen como la primera asesora de proyectos ambientales y comunitarios de la marca. Desde 2009, Gisele se ha desempeñado como Embajadora de Buena Voluntad del Programa Ambiental de las Naciones Unidas, comprometiéndose con causas que defienden la biodiversidad y la vida silvestre. Ha sido honrada por la Universidad de Harvard y UCLA por su compromiso de larga data con los problemas ambientales.

Cuando IWC llevó a cabo el análisis de materialidad para su último Informe, identificaron la Biodiversidad y las Comunidades como dos áreas cruciales para acelerar sus esfuerzos. Gisele aportará su experiencia con estas causas y su pasión por proteger el planeta a los proyectos de sostenibilidad de IWC. También apoyará al fabricante suizo de relojes de lujo identificando iniciativas en las que trabajar en el futuro.

Al comentar sobre la asociación con IWC, Gisele declaró: “Estoy emocionada de asociarme con IWC en nuestro propósito compartido de proteger nuestro planeta. Nuestros viajes de sustentabilidad comenzaron cuando nos dimos cuenta de que teníamos la responsabilidad de hacer más. Que podamos usar nuestras voces e influencia para tener un impacto positivo en el medio ambiente y la sociedad. Espero trabajar junto con IWC para ayudar a dejar un futuro mejor para las generaciones venideras”.

“Con Gisele tenemos a alguien que comparte nuestro propósito y determinación de impactar un cambio real en el medio ambiente y la sociedad. Nos sentimos honrados de tenerla a bordo mientras continuamos nuestro viaje de sostenibilidad. En IWC siempre nos hemos mantenido en los más altos estándares cuando se trata de desempeñar nuestro papel para preservar el mundo para las generaciones futuras. La experiencia, la dedicación y el alcance global de Gisele ayudarán a abrir nuevas posibilidades para que tengamos un impacto positivo en el medio ambiente y las comunidades de todo el mundo”.

Franziska Gsell, CMO de IWC Schaffhausen


IWC comenzó su viaje de sostenibilidad hace más de una década y la precisión, la pasión y la persistencia que se dedican a su relojería ayudan a impulsar sus esfuerzos de sostenibilidad. Los relojes producidos por IWC son sostenibles por defecto, apreciados y transmitidos a la próxima generación. En 2020, la Compañía se fijó nueve metas para cumplir en 2022. A pesar de la pandemia, ha logrado muchas de sus metas y ha avanzado considerablemente en otras.

  • Logró la certificación de Cadena de Custodia (CoC) de RJC para componentes de relojes: un estándar voluntario que certifica que el oro y el platino utilizados en su cadena de suministro son rastreables y de origen responsable;
  • Cambió a comprar energía 100% renovable a nivel mundial;
  • Mantuvo una certificación ‘Great Place to Work®’;
  • Logró la certificación EQUAL-SALARY en Suiza;
  • Desarrolló y puso a prueba un plan para eventos sostenibles.
  • Desarrollé e implementé una estrategia de TI más sostenible, enfocándome en nuestro hardware.

IWC está en camino de lograr lo siguiente para fines de 2022:

  • Eliminar gradualmente la compra de productos forestales no certificados por el FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) (por ejemplo, papel, cartón, madera, muebles);
  • Duplicar las horas anuales de voluntariado corporativo de IWC en comparación con la referencia de 2020;
  • Duplicar el número de mujeres en puestos directivos en comparación con la línea de base de 2017.

En otros desarrollos clave desde 2020, IWC:

  • Lanzamiento de las correas TimberTex™ en 2021: fabricadas en Italia, estas correas utilizan un 80 % de fibras de origen vegetal, obtenidas de forma sostenible de bosques europeos;
  • Eliminados los plásticos de un solo uso en sus sedes y boutiques; y
  • Continuó asociándose con organizaciones de todo el mundo, como Laureus Sport for Good y Save the Children, para impulsar el cambio social.

“Seguimos avanzando en nuestro camino hacia la sostenibilidad, siempre preguntándonos qué más podemos hacer en materia de innovación de materiales, uso de energía e impacto social para ser aún más sostenibles. Entendemos profundamente nuestra responsabilidad de reducir nuestro impacto en el medio ambiente, de trabajar por una sociedad más equitativa y de demostrar que el lujo no tiene por qué significar exceso. Ni ser excesivo.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO de IWC Schaffhausen


Tras la introducción de las correas TimberTex a base de papel en 2021, IWC se enorgullece de anunciar el lanzamiento de sus revolucionarias correas MiraTex™, una novedad en el mercado. Las correas MiraTex™ de IWC están fabricadas con MIRUM®, un material circular de base biológica y libre de plástico que cumple con los rigurosos estándares de durabilidad, flexibilidad y belleza estética de IWC.

Un acrónimo que combina milagro y textil, MiraTex™ fue diseñado en estrecha colaboración con Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), una empresa de innovación de materiales. Compuesto de plantas y minerales que incluyen caucho natural certificado FSC, rellenos que incluyen polvo de corcho y colorantes minerales, MIRUM® de NFW no contiene productos petroquímicos ni plástico. Al eliminar el proceso de curtido, MIRUM® requiere muchos menos recursos para producir que el cuero animal y sintético, lo que le da una huella de carbono baja. MIRUM® también es 100% reciclable y circular.

Para obtener más información sobre las correas MiraTex™ de IWC, consulte el documento informativo “MiraTex™: una innovación sostenible y circular”.


El Informe de sustentabilidad de IWC 2022 es parte de los esfuerzos continuos de la empresa para ser completamente transparente sobre el progreso hacia sus objetivos de sustentabilidad.

Consulte el Informe de sostenibilidad de IWC 2022 aquí:  https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“La sustentabilidad impregna todo nuestro negocio, en todas las divisiones, en todos los niveles. Nos impulsa a pensar más inteligentemente, a innovar y aprovechar las oportunidades que genera ser una empresa más responsable. Este informe de sostenibilidad demuestra nuestro compromiso de ser transparentes y sostenibles. Sin disculpas y sin excepciones”,

Christoph Grainger-Herr, director ejecutivo de IWC Schaffhausen

Para aumentar aún más la transparencia e involucrar regularmente a las partes interesadas en su viaje, IWC ha anunciado una cadencia anual en lugar de bianual para el Informe. La edición de este año brinda una actualización sobre el viaje de sustentabilidad en curso de IWC, basado en un nuevo propósito, ‘Ingeniería más allá del tiempo’, respaldado por los pilares de Transparencia, Responsabilidad y Circularidad.

TRANSPARENCIA – Ingeniería más allá de la percepción 

Este pilar demuestra la creencia de IWC de que un diálogo abierto y honesto con todas las partes interesadas permite a la empresa ver dónde se encuentran, dónde pueden mejorar y qué objetivos deben establecer para continuar su camino. Esto está respaldado por su compromiso con los informes anuales, las asociaciones con empresas y asociaciones creíbles y la adhesión a estándares internacionales reconocidos.

CIRCULARIDAD – Ingeniería más allá de la precisión 

Este pilar muestra la longevidad de los relojes de IWC, que son atemporales en estilo y función y se transmiten de generación en generación. IWC mantiene todos y cada uno de los relojes fabricados en Schaffhausen mientras alguien disfrute usándolos. Esto se destaca por su compromiso con el servicio de por vida de sus relojes, incluso para piezas antiguas, el uso de acero y oro reciclados, y la reutilización de sus productos y empaques.

RESPONSABILIDAD – Ingeniería más allá de la sostenibilidad 

Este pilar refleja el hecho de que IWC crea un producto que es perpetuo por naturaleza. Fabricar sus relojes de la manera más responsable posible los inspira a superarse y perseguir objetivos aún más ambiciosos. Esto está respaldado por el compromiso de la empresa con el abastecimiento rastreable, la reducción de la huella de carbono y la inversión en proyectos de biodiversidad.

Finalmente, el Informe ahora es más ligero y atractivo, una desviación del documento anterior de 60 páginas a una revista fácil de leer. El Informe utiliza narraciones y un lenguaje claro y directo para invitar a los lectores al viaje de sustentabilidad de IWC. El Informe de Sostenibilidad de IWC se prepara con referencia a los Estándares de la Iniciativa de Informes Globales (GRI).*

Lea más sobre la visión, el propósito y las últimas actividades de IWC en el Informe de sostenibilidad 2022 aquí:  https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


A lo largo de su carrera de 27 años, Bündchen ha sido fotografiada por fotógrafos legendarios y ha desfilado en las pasarelas de las casas de moda más prestigiosas del mundo. Ha sido el rostro de innumerables campañas globales y apareció en las portadas de más de 1200 revistas de todo el mundo, incluidas TIME, Forbes y Rolling Stone, y las principales publicaciones de moda Vogue, V, W, ELLE y Harper’s Bazaar, entre muchas otras. .

Es autora del libro más vendido del New York Times, Lessons:  My Path to a Meaningful Life , en el que comparte historias personales y puntos de vista que la han ayudado a vivir una vida más consciente y alegre.

Gisele es conocida por su apasionado compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la conservación del medio ambiente. Con un alcance global único, Bündchen usa su influencia para llamar la atención sobre nuestro planeta y cómo la sociedad puede trabajar colectivamente para protegerlo. Se ha desempeñado como Embajadora de Buena Voluntad del Programa Ambiental de las Naciones Unidas desde 2009. Ha sido honrada por la Universidad de Harvard y UCLA por su compromiso de larga data con las causas ambientales y también recibió el Premio a la Mejor Celebridad Internacional Verde de los Green Awards.

El profesionalismo, la dedicación y la pasión de Bündchen la convierten en una formidable defensora de las causas ambientales y sociales.


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) proporciona el marco más utilizado en el mundo para la elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad. Ofrece un formato estructurado para compartir información de manera coherente y completa sobre cuestiones materiales, métricas de desempeño y la gestión de cuestiones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad.

De izquierda a derecha: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Director Asociado de Cadena de Suministro), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Director Asociado de Comunicaciones Corporativas), Carina Porot (Gerente de Sostenibilidad Global), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Director de Diseño)
IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

chaffhausen, 26th July 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen today releases the fourth edition of its Sustainability Report. The Report features a foreword by environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen, IWC’s newly appointed Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. As well as outlining the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer’s progress towards its 2022 sustainability targets, the Report looks ahead to the Company’s ambitious roadmap for the future and its new guiding purpose ‘Engineering beyond time’.


IWC welcomes environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen as the brand’s first ever Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. Since 2009, Gisele has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environmental Program, engaging with causes that advocate for biodiversity and wildlife. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longstanding commitment to environmental issues.

When IWC carried out the materiality analysis for their latest Report, they identified Biodiversity and Communities as two crucial areas to accelerate their efforts. Gisele will bring her experience with these causes and her passion for protecting the planet to IWC’s sustainability projects. She will also support the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer identifying initiatives to work on in the future.

Commenting on the partnership with IWC, Gisele stated: “I’m excited to partner with IWC on our shared purpose of protecting our planet. Our sustainability journeys both started with the realisation that we had a responsibility to do more. That we could use our voices and influence to make a positive impact on the environment and society. I look forward to working together with IWC to help leave a better future for generations to come.”

“With Gisele we have someone who shares our purpose and determination to impact real change on the environment and society. We are honoured to have her on board as we continue our sustainability journey. We at IWC have always held ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to playing our part to preserve the world for future generations. Gisele’s experience, dedication and global reach will help to open up new possibilities for us to positively impact the environment and communities around the world.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


IWC began their sustainability journey over a decade ago and the precision, passion and persistence that goes into their watchmaking helps drive their sustainability efforts. Watches produced by IWC are sustainable by default, cherished and handed down to the next generation. In 2020, the Company set nine targets to accomplish by 2022. Despite the pandemic, they have achieved many of their goals and made considerable strides in others.

  • Achieved RJC’s Chain of Custody (CoC)certification of watch components: a voluntary standard that certifies that the gold and platinum used in their supply chain are traceable and responsibly sourced;
  • Switched to purchasing 100% renewable energy globally;
  • Maintained a ‘Great Place to Work®’ certification;
  • Achieved EQUAL-SALARY certification in Switzerland;
  • Developed and piloted a blueprint for sustainable events.
  • Developed and implemented a more sustainable IT strategy, focusing on our hardware.

IWC are on track to achieve the following by the end of 2022:

  • Phase out the purchase of non-FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified forestry products (e.g. paper, cardboard, wood, furniture);
  • Double IWC’s annual corporate volunteering hours compared to a 2020 baseline;
  • Double the number of women in managerial positions compared to a 2017 baseline.

In other key developments since 2020, IWC:

  • Launched TimberTex™ straps in 2021: produced in Italy, these straps use 80% plant-based fibres- sustainably sourced from European forests;
  • Eliminated single-use plastics at their headquarters and boutiques; and
  • Continued to partner with organisations around the world, such as Laureus Sport for Good and Save the Children, to drive societal change.

“We continue to move ahead in our sustainability journey, always questioning what more we can do in material innovation, energy use and societal impact to be even more sustainable. We keenly understand our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment, to work towards a more equitable society and to show that luxury does not need to mean excess. Nor be excessive.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


Following the introduction of paper-based TimberTex straps in 2021, IWC is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary MiraTex™ straps, a first for the market. IWC’s MiraTex™ straps are made with MIRUM®, a biobased, plastic-free, circular material that meets IWC’s rigorous standards of durability, flexibility and aesthetic beauty.

A portmanteau combining miracle and textile, MiraTex™ was engineered in close collaboration with Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a material innovation company. Composed of plants and minerals including FSC certified natural rubber, fillers including cork powder and mineral colorants, NFW’s MIRUM® does not contain any petrochemicals or plastic. Eliminating the tanning process, MIRUM® is much less resource-intensive to produce than animal and synthetic leather, thereby giving it a low carbon footprint. MIRUM® is also 100% recyclable and circular.

For more information about IWC’s MiraTex™ straps, please consult the backgrounder “MiraTex™: a Sustainable and Circular Innovation”.


The IWC 2022 Sustainability Report is part of the Company’s continued efforts to being fully transparent about the progress towards their sustainability goals.

Consult the IWC 2022 Sustainability Report here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“Sustainability permeates our entire business – at all divisions, at all levels. It drives us to think smarter, to innovate and to take advantage of the opportunities that being a more responsible company creates. This sustainability report demonstrates our commitment to being transparent and sustainable. Unapologetically and without exceptions,”

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

To further increase transparency and regularly engage stakeholders in their journey, IWC has announced an annual rather than biannual cadence for the Report. This year’s edition provides an update on IWC’s ongoing sustainability journey, based on a new purpose, ‘Engineering beyond time’, upheld by the pillars of Transparency, Responsibility and Circularity.

TRANSPARENCY – Engineering beyond perception 

This pillar demonstrates IWC’s belief that an open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders enables the company to see where they stand, where they can improve and which goals they need to set to continue their journey. This is supported by their commitment to annual reporting, partnerships with credible companies and associations, and adhering to recognised international standards.

CIRCULARITY – Engineering beyond precision 

This pillar displays the longevity of IWC’s timepieces, which are timeless in style and function and are handed down through the generations. IWC maintains each and every watch made in Schaffhausen for as long as someone enjoys wearing it. This is underscored by their commitment to the lifetime servicing of their watches even for vintage pieces, use of recycled steel and gold, and re-usability of their products and packaging.

RESPONSIBILITY – Engineering beyond sustainability 

This pillar reflects the fact that IWC creates a product that is perpetual by nature. Manufacturing their watches as responsibly as possible inspires them to exceed and pursue even more ambitious goals. This is underpinned by the company’s commitment to traceable sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and investment in biodiversity projects.

Finally, the Report is now lighter and more engaging, a departure from the previous 60-page document to an easy-to-read magazine. The Report uses storytelling as well as clear and straightforward language to invite readers into IWC’s sustainability journey. IWC’s Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.*

Read more about IWC’s vision, purpose and latest activities in the Sustainability Report 2022 here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


Throughout the course of her 27-year career, Bündchen has been photographed by legendary photographers and walked the runways of the world’s most esteemed fashion houses. She has been the face of countless global campaigns and graced the covers of more than 1,200 magazines around the globe, including TIME, Forbes, and Rolling Stone, and top fashion publications Vogue, V, W, ELLE, and Harper’s Bazaar, among many others.

She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, in which she shares personal stories and insights that have helped her live a more conscious and joyful life.

Gisele is known for her passionate commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. With a uniquely global reach, Bündchen uses her influence to bring attention to our planet and how society can collectively work to protect it. She has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations nvironmental Program since 2009. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longtime commitment to environmental causes and also received the Best Green International Celebrity Award by the Green Awards.

Bündchen’s professionalism, dedication and passion make her a formidable advocate for environmental and social causes.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.It offers a structured format to share information coherently and comprehensively about material issues, performance metrics and the management of sustainability-related issues.

Left to right: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Associate Director Supply Chain), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Associate Director Corporate Communications), Carina Porot (Global Sustainability Manager), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Chief Design Officer)
IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

chaffhausen, 26th July 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen today releases the fourth edition of its Sustainability Report. The Report features a foreword by environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen, IWC’s newly appointed Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. As well as outlining the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer’s progress towards its 2022 sustainability targets, the Report looks ahead to the Company’s ambitious roadmap for the future and its new guiding purpose ‘Engineering beyond time’.


IWC welcomes environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen as the brand’s first ever Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. Since 2009, Gisele has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environmental Program, engaging with causes that advocate for biodiversity and wildlife. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longstanding commitment to environmental issues.

When IWC carried out the materiality analysis for their latest Report, they identified Biodiversity and Communities as two crucial areas to accelerate their efforts. Gisele will bring her experience with these causes and her passion for protecting the planet to IWC’s sustainability projects. She will also support the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer identifying initiatives to work on in the future.

Commenting on the partnership with IWC, Gisele stated: “I’m excited to partner with IWC on our shared purpose of protecting our planet. Our sustainability journeys both started with the realisation that we had a responsibility to do more. That we could use our voices and influence to make a positive impact on the environment and society. I look forward to working together with IWC to help leave a better future for generations to come.”

“With Gisele we have someone who shares our purpose and determination to impact real change on the environment and society. We are honoured to have her on board as we continue our sustainability journey. We at IWC have always held ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to playing our part to preserve the world for future generations. Gisele’s experience, dedication and global reach will help to open up new possibilities for us to positively impact the environment and communities around the world.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


IWC began their sustainability journey over a decade ago and the precision, passion and persistence that goes into their watchmaking helps drive their sustainability efforts. Watches produced by IWC are sustainable by default, cherished and handed down to the next generation. In 2020, the Company set nine targets to accomplish by 2022. Despite the pandemic, they have achieved many of their goals and made considerable strides in others.

  • Achieved RJC’s Chain of Custody (CoC)certification of watch components: a voluntary standard that certifies that the gold and platinum used in their supply chain are traceable and responsibly sourced;
  • Switched to purchasing 100% renewable energy globally;
  • Maintained a ‘Great Place to Work®’ certification;
  • Achieved EQUAL-SALARY certification in Switzerland;
  • Developed and piloted a blueprint for sustainable events.
  • Developed and implemented a more sustainable IT strategy, focusing on our hardware.

IWC are on track to achieve the following by the end of 2022:

  • Phase out the purchase of non-FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified forestry products (e.g. paper, cardboard, wood, furniture);
  • Double IWC’s annual corporate volunteering hours compared to a 2020 baseline;
  • Double the number of women in managerial positions compared to a 2017 baseline.

In other key developments since 2020, IWC:

  • Launched TimberTex™ straps in 2021: produced in Italy, these straps use 80% plant-based fibres- sustainably sourced from European forests;
  • Eliminated single-use plastics at their headquarters and boutiques; and
  • Continued to partner with organisations around the world, such as Laureus Sport for Good and Save the Children, to drive societal change.

“We continue to move ahead in our sustainability journey, always questioning what more we can do in material innovation, energy use and societal impact to be even more sustainable. We keenly understand our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment, to work towards a more equitable society and to show that luxury does not need to mean excess. Nor be excessive.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


Following the introduction of paper-based TimberTex straps in 2021, IWC is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary MiraTex™ straps, a first for the market. IWC’s MiraTex™ straps are made with MIRUM®, a biobased, plastic-free, circular material that meets IWC’s rigorous standards of durability, flexibility and aesthetic beauty.

A portmanteau combining miracle and textile, MiraTex™ was engineered in close collaboration with Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a material innovation company. Composed of plants and minerals including FSC certified natural rubber, fillers including cork powder and mineral colorants, NFW’s MIRUM® does not contain any petrochemicals or plastic. Eliminating the tanning process, MIRUM® is much less resource-intensive to produce than animal and synthetic leather, thereby giving it a low carbon footprint. MIRUM® is also 100% recyclable and circular.

For more information about IWC’s MiraTex™ straps, please consult the backgrounder “MiraTex™: a Sustainable and Circular Innovation”.


The IWC 2022 Sustainability Report is part of the Company’s continued efforts to being fully transparent about the progress towards their sustainability goals.

Consult the IWC 2022 Sustainability Report here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“Sustainability permeates our entire business – at all divisions, at all levels. It drives us to think smarter, to innovate and to take advantage of the opportunities that being a more responsible company creates. This sustainability report demonstrates our commitment to being transparent and sustainable. Unapologetically and without exceptions,”

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

To further increase transparency and regularly engage stakeholders in their journey, IWC has announced an annual rather than biannual cadence for the Report. This year’s edition provides an update on IWC’s ongoing sustainability journey, based on a new purpose, ‘Engineering beyond time’, upheld by the pillars of Transparency, Responsibility and Circularity.

TRANSPARENCY – Engineering beyond perception 

This pillar demonstrates IWC’s belief that an open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders enables the company to see where they stand, where they can improve and which goals they need to set to continue their journey. This is supported by their commitment to annual reporting, partnerships with credible companies and associations, and adhering to recognised international standards.

CIRCULARITY – Engineering beyond precision 

This pillar displays the longevity of IWC’s timepieces, which are timeless in style and function and are handed down through the generations. IWC maintains each and every watch made in Schaffhausen for as long as someone enjoys wearing it. This is underscored by their commitment to the lifetime servicing of their watches even for vintage pieces, use of recycled steel and gold, and re-usability of their products and packaging.

RESPONSIBILITY – Engineering beyond sustainability 

This pillar reflects the fact that IWC creates a product that is perpetual by nature. Manufacturing their watches as responsibly as possible inspires them to exceed and pursue even more ambitious goals. This is underpinned by the company’s commitment to traceable sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and investment in biodiversity projects.

Finally, the Report is now lighter and more engaging, a departure from the previous 60-page document to an easy-to-read magazine. The Report uses storytelling as well as clear and straightforward language to invite readers into IWC’s sustainability journey. IWC’s Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.*

Read more about IWC’s vision, purpose and latest activities in the Sustainability Report 2022 here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


Throughout the course of her 27-year career, Bündchen has been photographed by legendary photographers and walked the runways of the world’s most esteemed fashion houses. She has been the face of countless global campaigns and graced the covers of more than 1,200 magazines around the globe, including TIME, Forbes, and Rolling Stone, and top fashion publications Vogue, V, W, ELLE, and Harper’s Bazaar, among many others.

She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, in which she shares personal stories and insights that have helped her live a more conscious and joyful life.

Gisele is known for her passionate commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. With a uniquely global reach, Bündchen uses her influence to bring attention to our planet and how society can collectively work to protect it. She has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations nvironmental Program since 2009. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longtime commitment to environmental causes and also received the Best Green International Celebrity Award by the Green Awards.

Bündchen’s professionalism, dedication and passion make her a formidable advocate for environmental and social causes.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.It offers a structured format to share information coherently and comprehensively about material issues, performance metrics and the management of sustainability-related issues.

Left to right: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Associate Director Supply Chain), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Associate Director Corporate Communications), Carina Porot (Global Sustainability Manager), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Chief Design Officer)
IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

chaffhausen, 26th July 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen today releases the fourth edition of its Sustainability Report. The Report features a foreword by environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen, IWC’s newly appointed Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. As well as outlining the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer’s progress towards its 2022 sustainability targets, the Report looks ahead to the Company’s ambitious roadmap for the future and its new guiding purpose ‘Engineering beyond time’.


IWC welcomes environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen as the brand’s first ever Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. Since 2009, Gisele has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environmental Program, engaging with causes that advocate for biodiversity and wildlife. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longstanding commitment to environmental issues.

When IWC carried out the materiality analysis for their latest Report, they identified Biodiversity and Communities as two crucial areas to accelerate their efforts. Gisele will bring her experience with these causes and her passion for protecting the planet to IWC’s sustainability projects. She will also support the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer identifying initiatives to work on in the future.

Commenting on the partnership with IWC, Gisele stated: “I’m excited to partner with IWC on our shared purpose of protecting our planet. Our sustainability journeys both started with the realisation that we had a responsibility to do more. That we could use our voices and influence to make a positive impact on the environment and society. I look forward to working together with IWC to help leave a better future for generations to come.”

“With Gisele we have someone who shares our purpose and determination to impact real change on the environment and society. We are honoured to have her on board as we continue our sustainability journey. We at IWC have always held ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to playing our part to preserve the world for future generations. Gisele’s experience, dedication and global reach will help to open up new possibilities for us to positively impact the environment and communities around the world.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


IWC began their sustainability journey over a decade ago and the precision, passion and persistence that goes into their watchmaking helps drive their sustainability efforts. Watches produced by IWC are sustainable by default, cherished and handed down to the next generation. In 2020, the Company set nine targets to accomplish by 2022. Despite the pandemic, they have achieved many of their goals and made considerable strides in others.

  • Achieved RJC’s Chain of Custody (CoC)certification of watch components: a voluntary standard that certifies that the gold and platinum used in their supply chain are traceable and responsibly sourced;
  • Switched to purchasing 100% renewable energy globally;
  • Maintained a ‘Great Place to Work®’ certification;
  • Achieved EQUAL-SALARY certification in Switzerland;
  • Developed and piloted a blueprint for sustainable events.
  • Developed and implemented a more sustainable IT strategy, focusing on our hardware.

IWC are on track to achieve the following by the end of 2022:

  • Phase out the purchase of non-FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified forestry products (e.g. paper, cardboard, wood, furniture);
  • Double IWC’s annual corporate volunteering hours compared to a 2020 baseline;
  • Double the number of women in managerial positions compared to a 2017 baseline.

In other key developments since 2020, IWC:

  • Launched TimberTex™ straps in 2021: produced in Italy, these straps use 80% plant-based fibres- sustainably sourced from European forests;
  • Eliminated single-use plastics at their headquarters and boutiques; and
  • Continued to partner with organisations around the world, such as Laureus Sport for Good and Save the Children, to drive societal change.

“We continue to move ahead in our sustainability journey, always questioning what more we can do in material innovation, energy use and societal impact to be even more sustainable. We keenly understand our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment, to work towards a more equitable society and to show that luxury does not need to mean excess. Nor be excessive.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


Following the introduction of paper-based TimberTex straps in 2021, IWC is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary MiraTex™ straps, a first for the market. IWC’s MiraTex™ straps are made with MIRUM®, a biobased, plastic-free, circular material that meets IWC’s rigorous standards of durability, flexibility and aesthetic beauty.

A portmanteau combining miracle and textile, MiraTex™ was engineered in close collaboration with Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a material innovation company. Composed of plants and minerals including FSC certified natural rubber, fillers including cork powder and mineral colorants, NFW’s MIRUM® does not contain any petrochemicals or plastic. Eliminating the tanning process, MIRUM® is much less resource-intensive to produce than animal and synthetic leather, thereby giving it a low carbon footprint. MIRUM® is also 100% recyclable and circular.

For more information about IWC’s MiraTex™ straps, please consult the backgrounder “MiraTex™: a Sustainable and Circular Innovation”.


The IWC 2022 Sustainability Report is part of the Company’s continued efforts to being fully transparent about the progress towards their sustainability goals.

Consult the IWC 2022 Sustainability Report here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“Sustainability permeates our entire business – at all divisions, at all levels. It drives us to think smarter, to innovate and to take advantage of the opportunities that being a more responsible company creates. This sustainability report demonstrates our commitment to being transparent and sustainable. Unapologetically and without exceptions,”

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

To further increase transparency and regularly engage stakeholders in their journey, IWC has announced an annual rather than biannual cadence for the Report. This year’s edition provides an update on IWC’s ongoing sustainability journey, based on a new purpose, ‘Engineering beyond time’, upheld by the pillars of Transparency, Responsibility and Circularity.

TRANSPARENCY – Engineering beyond perception 

This pillar demonstrates IWC’s belief that an open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders enables the company to see where they stand, where they can improve and which goals they need to set to continue their journey. This is supported by their commitment to annual reporting, partnerships with credible companies and associations, and adhering to recognised international standards.

CIRCULARITY – Engineering beyond precision 

This pillar displays the longevity of IWC’s timepieces, which are timeless in style and function and are handed down through the generations. IWC maintains each and every watch made in Schaffhausen for as long as someone enjoys wearing it. This is underscored by their commitment to the lifetime servicing of their watches even for vintage pieces, use of recycled steel and gold, and re-usability of their products and packaging.

RESPONSIBILITY – Engineering beyond sustainability 

This pillar reflects the fact that IWC creates a product that is perpetual by nature. Manufacturing their watches as responsibly as possible inspires them to exceed and pursue even more ambitious goals. This is underpinned by the company’s commitment to traceable sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and investment in biodiversity projects.

Finally, the Report is now lighter and more engaging, a departure from the previous 60-page document to an easy-to-read magazine. The Report uses storytelling as well as clear and straightforward language to invite readers into IWC’s sustainability journey. IWC’s Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.*

Read more about IWC’s vision, purpose and latest activities in the Sustainability Report 2022 here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


Throughout the course of her 27-year career, Bündchen has been photographed by legendary photographers and walked the runways of the world’s most esteemed fashion houses. She has been the face of countless global campaigns and graced the covers of more than 1,200 magazines around the globe, including TIME, Forbes, and Rolling Stone, and top fashion publications Vogue, V, W, ELLE, and Harper’s Bazaar, among many others.

She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, in which she shares personal stories and insights that have helped her live a more conscious and joyful life.

Gisele is known for her passionate commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. With a uniquely global reach, Bündchen uses her influence to bring attention to our planet and how society can collectively work to protect it. She has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations nvironmental Program since 2009. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longtime commitment to environmental causes and also received the Best Green International Celebrity Award by the Green Awards.

Bündchen’s professionalism, dedication and passion make her a formidable advocate for environmental and social causes.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.It offers a structured format to share information coherently and comprehensively about material issues, performance metrics and the management of sustainability-related issues.

Left to right: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Associate Director Supply Chain), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Associate Director Corporate Communications), Carina Porot (Global Sustainability Manager), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Chief Design Officer)
IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

chaffhausen, 26th July 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen today releases the fourth edition of its Sustainability Report. The Report features a foreword by environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen, IWC’s newly appointed Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. As well as outlining the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer’s progress towards its 2022 sustainability targets, the Report looks ahead to the Company’s ambitious roadmap for the future and its new guiding purpose ‘Engineering beyond time’.


IWC welcomes environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen as the brand’s first ever Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. Since 2009, Gisele has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environmental Program, engaging with causes that advocate for biodiversity and wildlife. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longstanding commitment to environmental issues.

When IWC carried out the materiality analysis for their latest Report, they identified Biodiversity and Communities as two crucial areas to accelerate their efforts. Gisele will bring her experience with these causes and her passion for protecting the planet to IWC’s sustainability projects. She will also support the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer identifying initiatives to work on in the future.

Commenting on the partnership with IWC, Gisele stated: “I’m excited to partner with IWC on our shared purpose of protecting our planet. Our sustainability journeys both started with the realisation that we had a responsibility to do more. That we could use our voices and influence to make a positive impact on the environment and society. I look forward to working together with IWC to help leave a better future for generations to come.”

“With Gisele we have someone who shares our purpose and determination to impact real change on the environment and society. We are honoured to have her on board as we continue our sustainability journey. We at IWC have always held ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to playing our part to preserve the world for future generations. Gisele’s experience, dedication and global reach will help to open up new possibilities for us to positively impact the environment and communities around the world.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


IWC began their sustainability journey over a decade ago and the precision, passion and persistence that goes into their watchmaking helps drive their sustainability efforts. Watches produced by IWC are sustainable by default, cherished and handed down to the next generation. In 2020, the Company set nine targets to accomplish by 2022. Despite the pandemic, they have achieved many of their goals and made considerable strides in others.

  • Achieved RJC’s Chain of Custody (CoC)certification of watch components: a voluntary standard that certifies that the gold and platinum used in their supply chain are traceable and responsibly sourced;
  • Switched to purchasing 100% renewable energy globally;
  • Maintained a ‘Great Place to Work®’ certification;
  • Achieved EQUAL-SALARY certification in Switzerland;
  • Developed and piloted a blueprint for sustainable events.
  • Developed and implemented a more sustainable IT strategy, focusing on our hardware.

IWC are on track to achieve the following by the end of 2022:

  • Phase out the purchase of non-FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified forestry products (e.g. paper, cardboard, wood, furniture);
  • Double IWC’s annual corporate volunteering hours compared to a 2020 baseline;
  • Double the number of women in managerial positions compared to a 2017 baseline.

In other key developments since 2020, IWC:

  • Launched TimberTex™ straps in 2021: produced in Italy, these straps use 80% plant-based fibres- sustainably sourced from European forests;
  • Eliminated single-use plastics at their headquarters and boutiques; and
  • Continued to partner with organisations around the world, such as Laureus Sport for Good and Save the Children, to drive societal change.

“We continue to move ahead in our sustainability journey, always questioning what more we can do in material innovation, energy use and societal impact to be even more sustainable. We keenly understand our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment, to work towards a more equitable society and to show that luxury does not need to mean excess. Nor be excessive.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


Following the introduction of paper-based TimberTex straps in 2021, IWC is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary MiraTex™ straps, a first for the market. IWC’s MiraTex™ straps are made with MIRUM®, a biobased, plastic-free, circular material that meets IWC’s rigorous standards of durability, flexibility and aesthetic beauty.

A portmanteau combining miracle and textile, MiraTex™ was engineered in close collaboration with Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a material innovation company. Composed of plants and minerals including FSC certified natural rubber, fillers including cork powder and mineral colorants, NFW’s MIRUM® does not contain any petrochemicals or plastic. Eliminating the tanning process, MIRUM® is much less resource-intensive to produce than animal and synthetic leather, thereby giving it a low carbon footprint. MIRUM® is also 100% recyclable and circular.

For more information about IWC’s MiraTex™ straps, please consult the backgrounder “MiraTex™: a Sustainable and Circular Innovation”.


The IWC 2022 Sustainability Report is part of the Company’s continued efforts to being fully transparent about the progress towards their sustainability goals.

Consult the IWC 2022 Sustainability Report here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“Sustainability permeates our entire business – at all divisions, at all levels. It drives us to think smarter, to innovate and to take advantage of the opportunities that being a more responsible company creates. This sustainability report demonstrates our commitment to being transparent and sustainable. Unapologetically and without exceptions,”

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

To further increase transparency and regularly engage stakeholders in their journey, IWC has announced an annual rather than biannual cadence for the Report. This year’s edition provides an update on IWC’s ongoing sustainability journey, based on a new purpose, ‘Engineering beyond time’, upheld by the pillars of Transparency, Responsibility and Circularity.

TRANSPARENCY – Engineering beyond perception 

This pillar demonstrates IWC’s belief that an open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders enables the company to see where they stand, where they can improve and which goals they need to set to continue their journey. This is supported by their commitment to annual reporting, partnerships with credible companies and associations, and adhering to recognised international standards.

CIRCULARITY – Engineering beyond precision 

This pillar displays the longevity of IWC’s timepieces, which are timeless in style and function and are handed down through the generations. IWC maintains each and every watch made in Schaffhausen for as long as someone enjoys wearing it. This is underscored by their commitment to the lifetime servicing of their watches even for vintage pieces, use of recycled steel and gold, and re-usability of their products and packaging.

RESPONSIBILITY – Engineering beyond sustainability 

This pillar reflects the fact that IWC creates a product that is perpetual by nature. Manufacturing their watches as responsibly as possible inspires them to exceed and pursue even more ambitious goals. This is underpinned by the company’s commitment to traceable sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and investment in biodiversity projects.

Finally, the Report is now lighter and more engaging, a departure from the previous 60-page document to an easy-to-read magazine. The Report uses storytelling as well as clear and straightforward language to invite readers into IWC’s sustainability journey. IWC’s Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.*

Read more about IWC’s vision, purpose and latest activities in the Sustainability Report 2022 here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


Throughout the course of her 27-year career, Bündchen has been photographed by legendary photographers and walked the runways of the world’s most esteemed fashion houses. She has been the face of countless global campaigns and graced the covers of more than 1,200 magazines around the globe, including TIME, Forbes, and Rolling Stone, and top fashion publications Vogue, V, W, ELLE, and Harper’s Bazaar, among many others.

She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, in which she shares personal stories and insights that have helped her live a more conscious and joyful life.

Gisele is known for her passionate commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. With a uniquely global reach, Bündchen uses her influence to bring attention to our planet and how society can collectively work to protect it. She has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations nvironmental Program since 2009. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longtime commitment to environmental causes and also received the Best Green International Celebrity Award by the Green Awards.

Bündchen’s professionalism, dedication and passion make her a formidable advocate for environmental and social causes.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.It offers a structured format to share information coherently and comprehensively about material issues, performance metrics and the management of sustainability-related issues.

Left to right: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Associate Director Supply Chain), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Associate Director Corporate Communications), Carina Porot (Global Sustainability Manager), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Chief Design Officer)
IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

chaffhausen, 26th July 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen today releases the fourth edition of its Sustainability Report. The Report features a foreword by environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen, IWC’s newly appointed Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. As well as outlining the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer’s progress towards its 2022 sustainability targets, the Report looks ahead to the Company’s ambitious roadmap for the future and its new guiding purpose ‘Engineering beyond time’.


IWC welcomes environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen as the brand’s first ever Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. Since 2009, Gisele has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environmental Program, engaging with causes that advocate for biodiversity and wildlife. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longstanding commitment to environmental issues.

When IWC carried out the materiality analysis for their latest Report, they identified Biodiversity and Communities as two crucial areas to accelerate their efforts. Gisele will bring her experience with these causes and her passion for protecting the planet to IWC’s sustainability projects. She will also support the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer identifying initiatives to work on in the future.

Commenting on the partnership with IWC, Gisele stated: “I’m excited to partner with IWC on our shared purpose of protecting our planet. Our sustainability journeys both started with the realisation that we had a responsibility to do more. That we could use our voices and influence to make a positive impact on the environment and society. I look forward to working together with IWC to help leave a better future for generations to come.”

“With Gisele we have someone who shares our purpose and determination to impact real change on the environment and society. We are honoured to have her on board as we continue our sustainability journey. We at IWC have always held ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to playing our part to preserve the world for future generations. Gisele’s experience, dedication and global reach will help to open up new possibilities for us to positively impact the environment and communities around the world.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


IWC began their sustainability journey over a decade ago and the precision, passion and persistence that goes into their watchmaking helps drive their sustainability efforts. Watches produced by IWC are sustainable by default, cherished and handed down to the next generation. In 2020, the Company set nine targets to accomplish by 2022. Despite the pandemic, they have achieved many of their goals and made considerable strides in others.

  • Achieved RJC’s Chain of Custody (CoC)certification of watch components: a voluntary standard that certifies that the gold and platinum used in their supply chain are traceable and responsibly sourced;
  • Switched to purchasing 100% renewable energy globally;
  • Maintained a ‘Great Place to Work®’ certification;
  • Achieved EQUAL-SALARY certification in Switzerland;
  • Developed and piloted a blueprint for sustainable events.
  • Developed and implemented a more sustainable IT strategy, focusing on our hardware.

IWC are on track to achieve the following by the end of 2022:

  • Phase out the purchase of non-FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified forestry products (e.g. paper, cardboard, wood, furniture);
  • Double IWC’s annual corporate volunteering hours compared to a 2020 baseline;
  • Double the number of women in managerial positions compared to a 2017 baseline.

In other key developments since 2020, IWC:

  • Launched TimberTex™ straps in 2021: produced in Italy, these straps use 80% plant-based fibres- sustainably sourced from European forests;
  • Eliminated single-use plastics at their headquarters and boutiques; and
  • Continued to partner with organisations around the world, such as Laureus Sport for Good and Save the Children, to drive societal change.

“We continue to move ahead in our sustainability journey, always questioning what more we can do in material innovation, energy use and societal impact to be even more sustainable. We keenly understand our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment, to work towards a more equitable society and to show that luxury does not need to mean excess. Nor be excessive.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


Following the introduction of paper-based TimberTex straps in 2021, IWC is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary MiraTex™ straps, a first for the market. IWC’s MiraTex™ straps are made with MIRUM®, a biobased, plastic-free, circular material that meets IWC’s rigorous standards of durability, flexibility and aesthetic beauty.

A portmanteau combining miracle and textile, MiraTex™ was engineered in close collaboration with Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a material innovation company. Composed of plants and minerals including FSC certified natural rubber, fillers including cork powder and mineral colorants, NFW’s MIRUM® does not contain any petrochemicals or plastic. Eliminating the tanning process, MIRUM® is much less resource-intensive to produce than animal and synthetic leather, thereby giving it a low carbon footprint. MIRUM® is also 100% recyclable and circular.

For more information about IWC’s MiraTex™ straps, please consult the backgrounder “MiraTex™: a Sustainable and Circular Innovation”.


The IWC 2022 Sustainability Report is part of the Company’s continued efforts to being fully transparent about the progress towards their sustainability goals.

Consult the IWC 2022 Sustainability Report here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“Sustainability permeates our entire business – at all divisions, at all levels. It drives us to think smarter, to innovate and to take advantage of the opportunities that being a more responsible company creates. This sustainability report demonstrates our commitment to being transparent and sustainable. Unapologetically and without exceptions,”

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

To further increase transparency and regularly engage stakeholders in their journey, IWC has announced an annual rather than biannual cadence for the Report. This year’s edition provides an update on IWC’s ongoing sustainability journey, based on a new purpose, ‘Engineering beyond time’, upheld by the pillars of Transparency, Responsibility and Circularity.

TRANSPARENCY – Engineering beyond perception 

This pillar demonstrates IWC’s belief that an open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders enables the company to see where they stand, where they can improve and which goals they need to set to continue their journey. This is supported by their commitment to annual reporting, partnerships with credible companies and associations, and adhering to recognised international standards.

CIRCULARITY – Engineering beyond precision 

This pillar displays the longevity of IWC’s timepieces, which are timeless in style and function and are handed down through the generations. IWC maintains each and every watch made in Schaffhausen for as long as someone enjoys wearing it. This is underscored by their commitment to the lifetime servicing of their watches even for vintage pieces, use of recycled steel and gold, and re-usability of their products and packaging.

RESPONSIBILITY – Engineering beyond sustainability 

This pillar reflects the fact that IWC creates a product that is perpetual by nature. Manufacturing their watches as responsibly as possible inspires them to exceed and pursue even more ambitious goals. This is underpinned by the company’s commitment to traceable sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and investment in biodiversity projects.

Finally, the Report is now lighter and more engaging, a departure from the previous 60-page document to an easy-to-read magazine. The Report uses storytelling as well as clear and straightforward language to invite readers into IWC’s sustainability journey. IWC’s Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.*

Read more about IWC’s vision, purpose and latest activities in the Sustainability Report 2022 here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


Throughout the course of her 27-year career, Bündchen has been photographed by legendary photographers and walked the runways of the world’s most esteemed fashion houses. She has been the face of countless global campaigns and graced the covers of more than 1,200 magazines around the globe, including TIME, Forbes, and Rolling Stone, and top fashion publications Vogue, V, W, ELLE, and Harper’s Bazaar, among many others.

She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, in which she shares personal stories and insights that have helped her live a more conscious and joyful life.

Gisele is known for her passionate commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. With a uniquely global reach, Bündchen uses her influence to bring attention to our planet and how society can collectively work to protect it. She has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations nvironmental Program since 2009. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longtime commitment to environmental causes and also received the Best Green International Celebrity Award by the Green Awards.

Bündchen’s professionalism, dedication and passion make her a formidable advocate for environmental and social causes.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.It offers a structured format to share information coherently and comprehensively about material issues, performance metrics and the management of sustainability-related issues.

Left to right: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Associate Director Supply Chain), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Associate Director Corporate Communications), Carina Porot (Global Sustainability Manager), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Chief Design Officer)
IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

chaffhausen, 26th July 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen today releases the fourth edition of its Sustainability Report. The Report features a foreword by environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen, IWC’s newly appointed Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. As well as outlining the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer’s progress towards its 2022 sustainability targets, the Report looks ahead to the Company’s ambitious roadmap for the future and its new guiding purpose ‘Engineering beyond time’.


IWC welcomes environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen as the brand’s first ever Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. Since 2009, Gisele has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environmental Program, engaging with causes that advocate for biodiversity and wildlife. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longstanding commitment to environmental issues.

When IWC carried out the materiality analysis for their latest Report, they identified Biodiversity and Communities as two crucial areas to accelerate their efforts. Gisele will bring her experience with these causes and her passion for protecting the planet to IWC’s sustainability projects. She will also support the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer identifying initiatives to work on in the future.

Commenting on the partnership with IWC, Gisele stated: “I’m excited to partner with IWC on our shared purpose of protecting our planet. Our sustainability journeys both started with the realisation that we had a responsibility to do more. That we could use our voices and influence to make a positive impact on the environment and society. I look forward to working together with IWC to help leave a better future for generations to come.”

“With Gisele we have someone who shares our purpose and determination to impact real change on the environment and society. We are honoured to have her on board as we continue our sustainability journey. We at IWC have always held ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to playing our part to preserve the world for future generations. Gisele’s experience, dedication and global reach will help to open up new possibilities for us to positively impact the environment and communities around the world.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


IWC began their sustainability journey over a decade ago and the precision, passion and persistence that goes into their watchmaking helps drive their sustainability efforts. Watches produced by IWC are sustainable by default, cherished and handed down to the next generation. In 2020, the Company set nine targets to accomplish by 2022. Despite the pandemic, they have achieved many of their goals and made considerable strides in others.

  • Achieved RJC’s Chain of Custody (CoC)certification of watch components: a voluntary standard that certifies that the gold and platinum used in their supply chain are traceable and responsibly sourced;
  • Switched to purchasing 100% renewable energy globally;
  • Maintained a ‘Great Place to Work®’ certification;
  • Achieved EQUAL-SALARY certification in Switzerland;
  • Developed and piloted a blueprint for sustainable events.
  • Developed and implemented a more sustainable IT strategy, focusing on our hardware.

IWC are on track to achieve the following by the end of 2022:

  • Phase out the purchase of non-FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified forestry products (e.g. paper, cardboard, wood, furniture);
  • Double IWC’s annual corporate volunteering hours compared to a 2020 baseline;
  • Double the number of women in managerial positions compared to a 2017 baseline.

In other key developments since 2020, IWC:

  • Launched TimberTex™ straps in 2021: produced in Italy, these straps use 80% plant-based fibres- sustainably sourced from European forests;
  • Eliminated single-use plastics at their headquarters and boutiques; and
  • Continued to partner with organisations around the world, such as Laureus Sport for Good and Save the Children, to drive societal change.

“We continue to move ahead in our sustainability journey, always questioning what more we can do in material innovation, energy use and societal impact to be even more sustainable. We keenly understand our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment, to work towards a more equitable society and to show that luxury does not need to mean excess. Nor be excessive.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


Following the introduction of paper-based TimberTex straps in 2021, IWC is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary MiraTex™ straps, a first for the market. IWC’s MiraTex™ straps are made with MIRUM®, a biobased, plastic-free, circular material that meets IWC’s rigorous standards of durability, flexibility and aesthetic beauty.

A portmanteau combining miracle and textile, MiraTex™ was engineered in close collaboration with Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a material innovation company. Composed of plants and minerals including FSC certified natural rubber, fillers including cork powder and mineral colorants, NFW’s MIRUM® does not contain any petrochemicals or plastic. Eliminating the tanning process, MIRUM® is much less resource-intensive to produce than animal and synthetic leather, thereby giving it a low carbon footprint. MIRUM® is also 100% recyclable and circular.

For more information about IWC’s MiraTex™ straps, please consult the backgrounder “MiraTex™: a Sustainable and Circular Innovation”.


The IWC 2022 Sustainability Report is part of the Company’s continued efforts to being fully transparent about the progress towards their sustainability goals.

Consult the IWC 2022 Sustainability Report here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“Sustainability permeates our entire business – at all divisions, at all levels. It drives us to think smarter, to innovate and to take advantage of the opportunities that being a more responsible company creates. This sustainability report demonstrates our commitment to being transparent and sustainable. Unapologetically and without exceptions,”

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

To further increase transparency and regularly engage stakeholders in their journey, IWC has announced an annual rather than biannual cadence for the Report. This year’s edition provides an update on IWC’s ongoing sustainability journey, based on a new purpose, ‘Engineering beyond time’, upheld by the pillars of Transparency, Responsibility and Circularity.

TRANSPARENCY – Engineering beyond perception 

This pillar demonstrates IWC’s belief that an open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders enables the company to see where they stand, where they can improve and which goals they need to set to continue their journey. This is supported by their commitment to annual reporting, partnerships with credible companies and associations, and adhering to recognised international standards.

CIRCULARITY – Engineering beyond precision 

This pillar displays the longevity of IWC’s timepieces, which are timeless in style and function and are handed down through the generations. IWC maintains each and every watch made in Schaffhausen for as long as someone enjoys wearing it. This is underscored by their commitment to the lifetime servicing of their watches even for vintage pieces, use of recycled steel and gold, and re-usability of their products and packaging.

RESPONSIBILITY – Engineering beyond sustainability 

This pillar reflects the fact that IWC creates a product that is perpetual by nature. Manufacturing their watches as responsibly as possible inspires them to exceed and pursue even more ambitious goals. This is underpinned by the company’s commitment to traceable sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and investment in biodiversity projects.

Finally, the Report is now lighter and more engaging, a departure from the previous 60-page document to an easy-to-read magazine. The Report uses storytelling as well as clear and straightforward language to invite readers into IWC’s sustainability journey. IWC’s Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.*

Read more about IWC’s vision, purpose and latest activities in the Sustainability Report 2022 here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


Throughout the course of her 27-year career, Bündchen has been photographed by legendary photographers and walked the runways of the world’s most esteemed fashion houses. She has been the face of countless global campaigns and graced the covers of more than 1,200 magazines around the globe, including TIME, Forbes, and Rolling Stone, and top fashion publications Vogue, V, W, ELLE, and Harper’s Bazaar, among many others.

She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, in which she shares personal stories and insights that have helped her live a more conscious and joyful life.

Gisele is known for her passionate commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. With a uniquely global reach, Bündchen uses her influence to bring attention to our planet and how society can collectively work to protect it. She has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations nvironmental Program since 2009. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longtime commitment to environmental causes and also received the Best Green International Celebrity Award by the Green Awards.

Bündchen’s professionalism, dedication and passion make her a formidable advocate for environmental and social causes.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.It offers a structured format to share information coherently and comprehensively about material issues, performance metrics and the management of sustainability-related issues.

Left to right: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Associate Director Supply Chain), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Associate Director Corporate Communications), Carina Porot (Global Sustainability Manager), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Chief Design Officer)
IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN publishes 2022 sustainability report and introduces new environmental community projects Advisor Gisele Büendchen

chaffhausen, 26th July 2022 – IWC Schaffhausen today releases the fourth edition of its Sustainability Report. The Report features a foreword by environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen, IWC’s newly appointed Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. As well as outlining the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer’s progress towards its 2022 sustainability targets, the Report looks ahead to the Company’s ambitious roadmap for the future and its new guiding purpose ‘Engineering beyond time’.


IWC welcomes environmentalist and supermodel Gisele Bündchen as the brand’s first ever Environmental & Community Projects Advisor. Since 2009, Gisele has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environmental Program, engaging with causes that advocate for biodiversity and wildlife. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longstanding commitment to environmental issues.

When IWC carried out the materiality analysis for their latest Report, they identified Biodiversity and Communities as two crucial areas to accelerate their efforts. Gisele will bring her experience with these causes and her passion for protecting the planet to IWC’s sustainability projects. She will also support the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer identifying initiatives to work on in the future.

Commenting on the partnership with IWC, Gisele stated: “I’m excited to partner with IWC on our shared purpose of protecting our planet. Our sustainability journeys both started with the realisation that we had a responsibility to do more. That we could use our voices and influence to make a positive impact on the environment and society. I look forward to working together with IWC to help leave a better future for generations to come.”

“With Gisele we have someone who shares our purpose and determination to impact real change on the environment and society. We are honoured to have her on board as we continue our sustainability journey. We at IWC have always held ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to playing our part to preserve the world for future generations. Gisele’s experience, dedication and global reach will help to open up new possibilities for us to positively impact the environment and communities around the world.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


IWC began their sustainability journey over a decade ago and the precision, passion and persistence that goes into their watchmaking helps drive their sustainability efforts. Watches produced by IWC are sustainable by default, cherished and handed down to the next generation. In 2020, the Company set nine targets to accomplish by 2022. Despite the pandemic, they have achieved many of their goals and made considerable strides in others.

  • Achieved RJC’s Chain of Custody (CoC)certification of watch components: a voluntary standard that certifies that the gold and platinum used in their supply chain are traceable and responsibly sourced;
  • Switched to purchasing 100% renewable energy globally;
  • Maintained a ‘Great Place to Work®’ certification;
  • Achieved EQUAL-SALARY certification in Switzerland;
  • Developed and piloted a blueprint for sustainable events.
  • Developed and implemented a more sustainable IT strategy, focusing on our hardware.

IWC are on track to achieve the following by the end of 2022:

  • Phase out the purchase of non-FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified forestry products (e.g. paper, cardboard, wood, furniture);
  • Double IWC’s annual corporate volunteering hours compared to a 2020 baseline;
  • Double the number of women in managerial positions compared to a 2017 baseline.

In other key developments since 2020, IWC:

  • Launched TimberTex™ straps in 2021: produced in Italy, these straps use 80% plant-based fibres- sustainably sourced from European forests;
  • Eliminated single-use plastics at their headquarters and boutiques; and
  • Continued to partner with organisations around the world, such as Laureus Sport for Good and Save the Children, to drive societal change.

“We continue to move ahead in our sustainability journey, always questioning what more we can do in material innovation, energy use and societal impact to be even more sustainable. We keenly understand our responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment, to work towards a more equitable society and to show that luxury does not need to mean excess. Nor be excessive.”

Franziska Gsell, CMO of IWC Schaffhausen


Following the introduction of paper-based TimberTex straps in 2021, IWC is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary MiraTex™ straps, a first for the market. IWC’s MiraTex™ straps are made with MIRUM®, a biobased, plastic-free, circular material that meets IWC’s rigorous standards of durability, flexibility and aesthetic beauty.

A portmanteau combining miracle and textile, MiraTex™ was engineered in close collaboration with Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a material innovation company. Composed of plants and minerals including FSC certified natural rubber, fillers including cork powder and mineral colorants, NFW’s MIRUM® does not contain any petrochemicals or plastic. Eliminating the tanning process, MIRUM® is much less resource-intensive to produce than animal and synthetic leather, thereby giving it a low carbon footprint. MIRUM® is also 100% recyclable and circular.

For more information about IWC’s MiraTex™ straps, please consult the backgrounder “MiraTex™: a Sustainable and Circular Innovation”.


The IWC 2022 Sustainability Report is part of the Company’s continued efforts to being fully transparent about the progress towards their sustainability goals.

Consult the IWC 2022 Sustainability Report here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html

“Sustainability permeates our entire business – at all divisions, at all levels. It drives us to think smarter, to innovate and to take advantage of the opportunities that being a more responsible company creates. This sustainability report demonstrates our commitment to being transparent and sustainable. Unapologetically and without exceptions,”

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

To further increase transparency and regularly engage stakeholders in their journey, IWC has announced an annual rather than biannual cadence for the Report. This year’s edition provides an update on IWC’s ongoing sustainability journey, based on a new purpose, ‘Engineering beyond time’, upheld by the pillars of Transparency, Responsibility and Circularity.

TRANSPARENCY – Engineering beyond perception 

This pillar demonstrates IWC’s belief that an open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders enables the company to see where they stand, where they can improve and which goals they need to set to continue their journey. This is supported by their commitment to annual reporting, partnerships with credible companies and associations, and adhering to recognised international standards.

CIRCULARITY – Engineering beyond precision 

This pillar displays the longevity of IWC’s timepieces, which are timeless in style and function and are handed down through the generations. IWC maintains each and every watch made in Schaffhausen for as long as someone enjoys wearing it. This is underscored by their commitment to the lifetime servicing of their watches even for vintage pieces, use of recycled steel and gold, and re-usability of their products and packaging.

RESPONSIBILITY – Engineering beyond sustainability 

This pillar reflects the fact that IWC creates a product that is perpetual by nature. Manufacturing their watches as responsibly as possible inspires them to exceed and pursue even more ambitious goals. This is underpinned by the company’s commitment to traceable sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and investment in biodiversity projects.

Finally, the Report is now lighter and more engaging, a departure from the previous 60-page document to an easy-to-read magazine. The Report uses storytelling as well as clear and straightforward language to invite readers into IWC’s sustainability journey. IWC’s Sustainability Report is prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.*

Read more about IWC’s vision, purpose and latest activities in the Sustainability Report 2022 here: https://www.iwc.com/en/company/sustainability-at-iwc.html


Throughout the course of her 27-year career, Bündchen has been photographed by legendary photographers and walked the runways of the world’s most esteemed fashion houses. She has been the face of countless global campaigns and graced the covers of more than 1,200 magazines around the globe, including TIME, Forbes, and Rolling Stone, and top fashion publications Vogue, V, W, ELLE, and Harper’s Bazaar, among many others.

She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, in which she shares personal stories and insights that have helped her live a more conscious and joyful life.

Gisele is known for her passionate commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. With a uniquely global reach, Bündchen uses her influence to bring attention to our planet and how society can collectively work to protect it. She has served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations nvironmental Program since 2009. She has been honoured by Harvard University and UCLA for her longtime commitment to environmental causes and also received the Best Green International Celebrity Award by the Green Awards.

Bündchen’s professionalism, dedication and passion make her a formidable advocate for environmental and social causes.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.It offers a structured format to share information coherently and comprehensively about material issues, performance metrics and the management of sustainability-related issues.

Left to right: Andreas Voll (COO), René Behr (CPO), Lorenz Baerlocher (CFO), Chris Grainger-Herr (CEO), Alexander Welte (Associate Director Supply Chain), Riccardo Soliani Brivio (Associate Director Corporate Communications), Carina Porot (Global Sustainability Manager), Franziska Gsell (CMO), Marc Michel-Amadry (CCO), Christian Knoop (Chief Design Officer)


IWC Racing, el equipo de carreras de IWC se estrena en la primera edición del evento ICE en St. Moritz en su cuarta aparición. El equipo hizo su debut sobre nieve y hielo, en un terreno desconocido la piloto Austriaca Laura Kraihamer, y miembro de la familia IWC, realizó una gran actuación al volante del icónico Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Gullwing”.

El lago congelado de St. Moritz en Suiza, de 1.800 metros sobre el nivel del mar, es un lugar popular para las carreras de caballos en invierno. Sin embargo, el 26 de febrero de 2022, la ubicación icónica fue ocupada por autos deportivos y de carreras clásicos de todo el mundo ya que el lujoso destino de deportes de invierno dio la bienvenida al ICE, el Concurso Internacional de Elegancia.

El equipo de carreras de IWC aprovechó la oportunidad para iniciar su cuarta temporada de carreras. En la segunda aparición de la piloto austriaca Laura Kraihamer condujo el Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Gullwing” de 1955 por el lago helado. Kraihamer es miembro de la familia IWC desde 2021, ya se sentó al volante del “Gullwing” en la Reunión de Miembros de Goodwood, en el Reino Unido, el pasado mes de octubre.

Con el “300 SLS Porter”, IWC aportó un segundo y único coche de carreras al ICE. El piloto de carreras estadounidense Chuck Porter diseñó este coche en 1956 utilizando componentes de un 300 SL “Gullwing” dañado, creando así un ejemplar legendario. Dominar el recorrido en el lago helado requería mucha concentración y habilidades de conducción expertas. Los aproximadamente 50 participantes se agruparon en seis categorías temáticas y compitieron con neumáticos de nieve con clavos.

“Ver a estas dos leyendas de los años 50, el ‘Gullwing’ y el 300 SLS Porter”, compitiendo en compañía de otros coches históricos en la nieve y el hielo fue una experiencia inolvidable”, comentó Philippe Franke, director de marca de IWC en Suiza.

IWC Schaffhausen ha estado presente en el destino suizo “Top del Mundo” con su propia boutique desde hace algunos años y tiene una larga relación con el deporte del motor. La marca fundó su propio equipo de automovilismo en 2018. Desde entonces, el equipo de carreras de IWC ha competido en eventos como el Goodwood Members’ Meeting en el Reino Unido y el Arosa ClassicCar en Suiza.


En 1868, el relojero y emprendedor norteamericano Florentine Ariosto Jones viajó desde Boston hasta Suiza y fundó la «International Watch Company» en Schaffhausen. Su visionario sueño era combinar los avanzados métodos de fabricación estadounidenses con la artesanía de los relojeros suizos para conseguir los mejores relojes de bolsillo de la época. Al hacerlo, no solo sentó los cimientos del exclusivo enfoque de la ingeniería aplicado por IWC, sino que también estableció la producción centralizada de relojes mecánicos en Suiza.

A lo largo de sus 150 años de historia, IWC Schaffhausen ha afianzado una reputación basada en la creación de complicaciones funcionales especialmente cronógrafos y calendarios ingeniosas, resistentes y de fácil uso. IWC, que fue empresa pionera en el uso del titanio y la cerámica, se especializa actualmente en cajas de reloj de avanzada ingeniería fabricadas con los materiales más innovadores, como el aluminuro de titanio y el Ceratanium®. Dando prioridad al principio de «la forma sigue a la función» por delante de la decoración, las atemporales creaciones de la firma relojera suiza plasman los sueños y ambiciones de sus propietarios a lo largo de su viaje por la vida.

IWC obtiene los materiales de forma responsable y toma medidas para minimizar su impacto en el medio ambiente, creando relojes intrínsecamente sostenibles que están diseñados para durar generaciones. La compañía se enorgullece de formar a sus futuros relojeros e ingenieros, así como de facilitar un excelente ambiente de trabajo a todos los empleados. IWC también colabora con organizaciones que trabajan a nivel mundial para apoyar a niños y jóvenes.


Cuatro exclusivos relojes de aviador de la Manufactura, en representación de los cuatro valores de la misión —Liderazgo, Esperanza, Generosidad y Prosperidad— viajarán al espacio
antes de ser subastados en apoyo al St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®

Schaffhausen, 26 de agosto de 2021 – IWC Schaffhausen ha diseñado y donado varios relojes de aviador cronógrafos de exclusivo tema espacial en apoyo de Inspiration4, la primera misión civil a órbita de la historia, en representación de los cuatro valores que la impulsan: Liderazgo, Esperanza, Generosidad y Prosperidad. Los miembros de la tripulación llevarán los relojes en su viaje al espacio. A su regreso, se subastarán para recaudar fondos y promover la labor salvavidas del St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, parte del objetivo de la misión.

El Reloj de Aviador Cronógrafo Edición “Inspiration4” incorpora una caja fabricada en cerámica de un sorprendente color blanco. Un color único que se obtiene en un complejo proceso de fabricación, en el que se mezclan, en una proporción muy precisa, óxido de circonio y otros óxidos metálicos. La cerámica de ingeniería es una de las sustancias más duras del planeta y ocupa el segundo lugar, solo superada por el diamante, en la escala Vickers. La esfera lacada azul oscuro de este modelo se ha estampado con innumerables estrellas para mostrar la profundidad y la oscuridad del espacio. También incorpora el logotipo de Inspiration4. En su interior late el movimiento de cronógrafo calibre 69380 de manufactura IWC. Todos los relojes presentan un fondo de caja de titanio grabado con el nombre de la misión, pero cada uno lleva grabado un valor diferente de la misma, acorde con el miembro de la tripulación que lo lleva. Los cronógrafos están dotados de una atractiva correa de caucho blanco con forro de piel.

El nombre de Inspiration4 se ha escogido como reconocimiento a su diversa tripulación de cuatro personas, un grupo que apoyará la labor del St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital y que enviará un mensaje humanitario de esperanza en su viaje a órbita baja de varios días. Un desplazamiento que encarna una nueva era para los vuelos espaciales y la exploración humana. La misión es una idea de Jared Isaacman, un emprendedor de 38 años y consumado piloto que también ejercerá de comandante. El lanzamiento está previsto para septiembre desde el mítico Complejo de lanzamiento 39 del Centro Espacial Kennedy de Florida. La nave orbitará en torno al planeta a una altitud de aproximadamente 357 millas (575 kilómetros) y a una velocidad superior a las 17 500 millas por hora (27 360 km/h). Tras el viaje, que durará varios días, la tripulación realizará la reentrada en la atmósfera y se espera que americe sin problemas en la costa de Florida.

«Desde que nuestro fundador, Florentine Ariosto Jones, viajó de América a Suiza para revolucionar la relojería, hasta llegar a nuestro inagotable apetito actual por la innovación, IWC ha sido siempre una empresa de pioneros. Por eso estamos tan orgullosos de formar parte de la misión Inspiration4, una misión que comparte muchos de nuestros valores y con la que haremos historia para recaudar fondos para una causa que no puede ser más noble»,

Christoph Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen

«Inspiration4 es la culminación del sueño de toda una vida y en representación de toda la tripulación, quiero agradecer a IWC Schaffhausen que se haya unido a nosotros a bordo y haya apoyado nuestra misión de recaudación de fondos para el St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital» indica Isaacman.


La esencia de Inspiration4 es su única y diversa tripulación. Isaacman es el líder de la misión y actuará como comandante. El comandante, fundador y CEO de Shift4 Payments y consumado piloto militar y civil, tiene en su haber varios récords mundiales de aviación. El lugar de la misión correspondiente a la Esperanza ha sido concedido a Hayley Arceneaux, un asistente médico de 29 años que sobrevivió a un cáncer pediátrico. El Dr. Sian Proctor, por su parte, un emprendedor de 51 años con formación de piloto, ganó el asiento en representación de la Prosperidad al declararse vencedor en una competición corporativa. Por último, el asiento correspondiente a la Generosidad será ocupado por Christopher Sembroski, un empleado de la industria aeroespacial de 41 años y veterano de la Fuerza aérea estadounidense que fue el afortunado ganador de una campaña de recaudación que sorteaba un asiento en Inspiration4.

La tripulación está recibiendo formación para astronautas comerciales en SpaceX, un entrenamiento centrado en la mecánica orbital y en la operación en microgravedad y gravedad cero, junto a otras pruebas de esfuerzo. Además, recibirán formación de respuesta a emergencias, realizarán ejercicios completos de entrada y salida de naves espaciales y tomarán parte en simulaciones parciales y completas de la misión.

Si desea obtener más información sobre Inspiration4 y cómo contribuir y seguir este histórico viaje al espacio, visite www.Inspiration4.com y siga la misión en redes sociales en Twitter (@inspiration4x), Facebook (@inspiration4mission), Instagram (@inspiration4) y YouTube (@Inspiration4) para recibir las últimas noticias sobre el entrenamiento, la preparación y el calendario de la misión.


En 1868, el relojero y emprendedor norteamericano Florentine Ariosto Jones viajó desde Boston hasta Suizay fundó la «International Watch Company» en Schaffhausen. Su visionario sueño era combinar los avanzados métodosde fabricación estadounidenses con la artesanía de los relojeros suizos para conseguir los mejores relojes debolsillo de la época. Al hacerlo, no solo sentó los cimientosdel exclusivo enfoque de la ingeniería aplicado por IWC, sino que también estableció la producción centralizada derelojes mecánicos en Suiza.

A lo largo de sus 150 años de historia, IWC Schaffhausen ha afianzado una reputación basada en la creación decomplicaciones funcionales —especialmente cronógrafosy calendarios— ingeniosas, resistentes y de fácil uso. IWC, que fue empresa pionera en el uso del titanio y lacerámica, se especializa actualmente en cajas de reloj deavanzada ingeniería fabricadas con los materiales más innovadores, como el aluminuro de titanio y el Ceratanium®. Dando prioridad al principio de «la forma sigue a lafunción» por delante de la decoración, las atemporales creaciones de la firma relojera suiza plasman los sueños y ambiciones de sus propietarios a lo largo de su viaje porla vida.

IWC obtiene los materiales de forma responsable y toma medidas para minimizar su impacto en el medio ambiente, creando relojes intrínsicamente sostenibles que están diseñados para durar generaciones. La compañía se enorgullece de formar a sus futuros relojeros e ingenieros, así como de facilitar un excelente ambiente de trabajo atodos los empleados. IWC también colabora con organizaciones que trabajan a nivel mundial para apoyar aniños y jóvenes.