Tag Archive for: Jaeger-LeCoultre



Jaeger-LeCoultre se complace en anunciar la presentación de The Collectibles, un nuevo programa para coleccionistas y aficionados que desean adquirir un fragmento de la historia de la Grande Maison. Aunque se ha presentado para coincidir con el 190.º aniversario de la Manufactura, formará parte de la oferta permanente de Jaeger-LeCoultre.

The Collectibles ofrece una colección meticulosamente seleccionada formada por relojes inusuales y codiciados que representan hitos tanto para Jaeger-LeCoultre como para la relojería del siglo XX.

“Dado que los relojes más emblemáticos de Jaeger-LeCoultre son cada vez más demandados por los coleccionistas, estamos encantados de presentar The Collectibles”, afirma Catherine Rénier, CEO de Jaeger-LeCoultre. “Este programa, junto con un nuevo libro de referencia sobre los modelos más emblemáticos del siglo XX para nuestra Maison, brinda la oportunidad única de adquirir un fragmento de la historia de la Manufactura”.

Con el tiempo, a través de The Collectibles en jaeger-lecoultre.com se podrá adquirir una selección de relojes en constante evolución y en forma de colecciones cápsula que viajarán por todo el mundo.

Entre los primeros disponibles se encuentran extraordinarios ejemplares como el Geophysic, el Memovox Parking, el Master Mariner Deep Sea y el Shark Deep Sea. Todos los relojes de The Collectibles se entregan con un extracto de los archivos de Jaeger-LeCoultre, una correa nueva y una copia adicional del libro de mesa The Collectibles. Además, siempre que sea posible, se incluirán la caja, la documentación y la correa o el brazalete originales.

Cada pieza de The Collectibles es examinada minuciosamente por los expertos en historia de Jaeger-LeCoultre, además de revisada y restaurada en su totalidad por los relojeros especializados del taller de restauración de la Manufactura.

El equipo de restauración, que se compone actualmente de 10 expertos, puede consultar los archivos de la Manufactura y encontrar el diseño de cada pieza que se haya fabricado y, en algunos casos, también un stock de componentes de recambio originales. Si ya no quedan componentes, dispone de un stock de unos 6000 moldes que se pueden utilizar para fabricar uno idéntico desde cero. Como la Manufactura está totalmente integrada, todo el proceso puede llevarse a cabo internamente. Aunque la restauración mecánica puede, en algunos casos, ser importante, la intervención en la caja y la esfera debe reducirse al mínimo, ya que manipularlas en exceso alteraría el carácter histórico de la pieza para los coleccionistas. Por lo tanto, el equipo de Patrimonio de Jaeger-LeCoultre busca relojes que se conserven en su estado original en la medida de lo posible.

“Poder restaurar estos relojes extraordinarios y ofrecerlos de nuevo es un bonito homenaje a los tiempos en los que vivimos, en que la sostenibilidad y las segundas vidas han pasado a un primer plano”, afirma Catherine Rénier. “Es fantástico ver cómo se da una nueva vida a piezas de hace 50 u 80 años. Para mí, simboliza la belleza de nuestro mundo: objetos atemporales y duraderos que se transmiten de generación en generación”.

El libro de mesa The Collectibles abarca el periodo comprendido entre 1925 y 1972 y repasa los 17 modelos más destacados producidos por la Manufactura durante la “edad de oro” de la relojería del siglo XX. Este conjunto de innovaciones vanguardistas, que ponen de relieve el espíritu pionero que siempre ha impulsado a la Grande Maison, incluye relojes como el Reverso, el Memovox, el Futurematic y el Geophysic. Se ha dedicado un capítulo a cada uno de los 17 modelos, con datos enciclopédicos y esenciales para los coleccionistas, fotografías detalladas e informativas y copias de documentos históricos procedentes de los archivos de la Manufactura.

Aunque los coleccionistas y amantes de Jaeger-LeCoultre siempre han dispuesto de información gracias a una amplia gama de recursos digitales y en papel, esta es la primera vez que un solo volumen reúne información tan detallada sobre estos modelos fundamentales del siglo XX, redactada por los expertos de la Grande Maison.

Además de proporcionar datos indispensables para coleccionistas, el libro The Collectibles ofrece a los aficionados de la historia una visión más amplia sobre la evolución del reloj mecánico moderno a lo largo de medio siglo. Con historias que sitúan los relojes en el contexto histórico y cultural en el que nacieron, el libro aporta una nueva perspectiva sobre la forma en que la relojería respondió a los cambios sociales trascendentales que se produjeron durante el siglo XX y el papel que desempeñó la Manufactura Jaeger-LeCoultre en esa evolución. En los años 20, en un contexto en el que las mujeres disfrutaban de mayor libertad, los relojes de pulsera, junto con estilos de vestir radicalmente nuevos, se liberaron de la rigidez y las limitaciones de la sociedad tradicional. En los años 30, el Reverso, con su estilo distintivo, sus esferas de colores y su atractivo unisex, personificó el estilo de vida del nuevo “caballero deportivo” que estaba en boga. En los años 50, Jaeger-LeCoultre hizo hincapié en la tecnología y se centró en el hombre de negocios internacional proponiendo movimientos automáticos y numerosas funciones útiles, como se aprecia en el Futurematic, el Memovox y el Geophysic. The Collectibles, más que una colección de relojes, es una instantánea sobre un periodo extraordinario de la historia mundial.

  • Una colección con los modelos más emblemáticos de la Maison
  • Un libro de referencia que ofrece detalles enciclopédicos sobre cada pieza
  • Los expertos de Jaeger-LeCoultre examinan minuciosamente cada reloj y el taller de restauración interno de la Manufactura los revisa y restaura por completo
  • Piezas con décadas de antigüedad disfrutan de una segunda vida; objetos atemporales y duraderos que se transmiten de generación en generación
  • The Collectibles, que abarca los 50 años de la “edad de oro” de la relojería del siglo XX (1920-1970), resume la forma en que la relojería respondió y evolucionó a lo largo de cinco décadas llenas de cambios sociales trascendentales y examina el papel que desempeñó la Manufactura Jaeger-LeCoultre en la evolución


La sede de Jaeger-LeCoultre tiene un vínculo especial con el entorno sereno del Vallée de Joux. Allí surgió el alma de la Grande Maison, inspirada por las sobrecogedoras vistas de la cordillera del Jura y guiada por una insaciable sed de innovación y creatividad. Con todos los oficios reunidos bajo un mismo techo dentro de la Manufactura, relojeros, ingenieros, diseñadores y maestros de la artesanía decorativa conciben creaciones de Alta Relojería que combinan el ingenio técnico con la belleza estética y nuestra sobria sofisticación. Conocida como el relojero de los relojeros, la Manufactura ha expresado su espíritu innovador sin límites a través de la creación de más de 1.300 calibres diferentes desde 1833, y fue este espíritu el que llevó al nacimiento del Reverso en 1931. Con sus elegantes líneas art déco y su característica caja reversible, el Reverso se convirtió en un diseño clásico del siglo XX y en uno de los relojes más reconocibles de todos los tiempos, siendo en la actualidad un símbolo de modernidad atemporal.


Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

Jaeger-LeCoultre se complace en nombrar a Anya Taylor-Joy como nueva embajadora de la Maison, marcando su debut con un breve video A Call of the Heart, basado en una llamada telefónica simbólica que le dio la bienvenida a La Grande Maison. Durante la llamada, Anya lleva el Reverso Duetto Small en oro rosa, que presenta una esfera blanca plateada en el anverso y una esfera negra y gallones engastados de diamantes en el reverso.

El video se inspiró en una llamada telefónica histórica que iba a tener un profundo impacto en la Manufactura LeCoultre. En 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre hizo un llamado al relojero parisino Edmond Jaeger para que aceptara el desafío de este último de crear un movimiento de reloj ultraplano, y así comenzó una larga y fructífera colaboración que condujo a la formación de la compañía Jaeger-LeCoultre.

“El encuentro con Anya estaba destinado a ser. Su larga historia familiar con el polo y su interés por la relojería nos llevaron a una asociación natural”, dice Catherine Rénier, directora ejecutiva de Jaeger-LeCoultre. “Con su belleza etérea, su sensibilidad, su talento y su ética trabajadora, encarna los valores y el estilo de nuestra Maison”.

Reconocida como uno de los talentos más emocionantes de su generación, Anya Taylor-Joy es la encarnación viva de la feminidad moderna. Su presencia en pantalla tiene una cualidad mercurial: sobrenatural pero intensamente presente, intrépida pero vulnerable, inocente pero peligrosa.

Nacida en Miami de padres británico-argentinos, y criada en Buenos Aires y Londres, la actriz de 26 años ganó excelentes críticas por su destacada actuación en The Witch de Robert Egger en 2016. Siguieron una serie de papeles aclamados por la crítica y, en 2020, el éxito de Netflix The Queen’s Gambit disparó a su estrella a la estratosfera; su fascinante interpretación de Beth Harmon le valió un Globo de Oro, un premio Screen Actors’ Guild y un premio Critics’ Choice.

A esto le siguieron papeles importantes en Last Night in Soho de Edgar Wright y The Northman de Robert Eggers, y próximamente se la verá en Amsterdam de David O. Russell con Christian Bale y Margot Robbie, así como en la comedia de terror de Mark Mylod The Menu con Ralph Fiennes y Nicholas Hoult. Anya actualmente está filmando Furiosa, la precuela de Mad Max.

Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.