Tag Archive for: Lamborghini

Lamborghini V12 supercar era, ushering in the hybrid age

Se han creado dos autos únicos, un roadster y un coupé, para celebrar el final de la era de los superdeportivos V12, marcando el comienzo de la era híbrida.

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 6 de febrero de 2023  – A pocas semanas del debut del primer superdeportivo híbrido de Lamborghini, la firma italiana celebra su renombrado V12 atmosférico con el Invencible coupé y el Auténtica roadster: dos únicos, uno -off cars que resaltan el ADN de la marca y representan la cúspide del acento exclusivo de Lamborghini en la personalización, al involucrar al cliente desde el principio para crear modelos que son verdaderamente personalizados.

“El motor V12 es uno de los pilares de nuestra historia y del éxito de nuestra marca”,  dijo Stephan Winkelmann, presidente y director ejecutivo de Automobili Lamborghini.  “A medida que avanzamos hacia la adopción de una nueva era de hibridación en el corazón de nuestra estrategia Cor Tauri, esta es la forma en que Lamborghini celebra el V12 de aspiración natural con dos vehículos únicos que representan perfectamente nuestro concepto de excelencia en la personalización”.

Los dos inconfundibles autos únicos fueron diseñados por Lamborghini Centro Stile como la quintaesencia de la máxima creatividad utilizando la plataforma V12, reflejando las claves de diseño que han contribuido a la importancia icónica de la compañía, además de dibujar un carácter deportivo inspirado en la pista de carreras. .

Invencible y Auténtica rinden homenaje a las obras maestras del diseño de Lamborghini: el Sesto Elemento, un homenaje a la ligereza y el automovilismo caracterizado por un gran alerón trasero; el Reventón con su estilo aeronáutico único; y el Veneno, que lleva al extremo la búsqueda de la perfección aerodinámica.

“Hemos creado dos autos únicos con su propio carácter único, inspirados en los días de pista y el entorno de circuito de alto octanaje”, dijo  Mitja Borkert, directora de diseño de Automobili Lamborghini. “Están diseñados  por Lamborghini Centro Stile, ejerciendo la máxima creatividad sobre la plataforma V12. Estos diseños únicos se basan en nuestro ADN de diseño único y, una vez más, elevan nuestra herencia de diseño a un nuevo nivel”.

Ambos autos nuevos comparten el mismo monocasco de fibra de carbono del Aventador, producido en Sant’Agata Bolognese, junto con una carrocería completamente de carbono que incorpora diseño y tecnologías probadas con éxito por Lamborghini en el automovilismo. El imponente capó repite el del Essenza SCV12, junto con el divisor frontal pronunciado completo con puntales verticales diseñados para administrar el flujo de aire de la manera más eficiente.

El hexágono, un motivo bien conocido del diseño moderno de Lamborghini, se integra de manera armoniosa pero llamativa en los elementos visuales distintivos del automóvil, comenzando con el llamativo conjunto de luces delanteras y traseras resaltado por innovadoras luces LED hexagonales. En el capó, las tomas de aire recuerdan a las del Sesto Elemento, y las mismas señales se repiten en el triple escape central con puntas de Inconel: una aleación especial de acero de alto rendimiento derivada de la industria aeroespacial.

El interior de ambos coches está dominado por líneas limpias, con un salpicadero minimalista realzado por salidas de aire hexagonales impresas en 3D y sin instrumentación en la consola, para subrayar la ligereza de la cabina y centrar la atención en el puro placer de conducir. La cabina en sí está enmarcada en fibra de carbono, con una lectura digital que presenta gráficos dedicados para cada automóvil.

El Invencible coupé se caracteriza por el sutil contraste entre el tono dominante de rojo y los elementos con aspecto de carbono realzados por “copos” rojos. La carrocería del Rosso Efesto se complementa con umbrales y marcos de las puertas de carbono, al igual que las pinzas de freno del Rosso Mars, que se asientan detrás de ruedas de una sola tuerca con carenados de fibra de carbono para ventilar el conjunto de frenos. En las clásicas puertas de tijera, hay dos tricolores hexagonales prominentes: un homenaje a la bandera italiana que se repite en los revestimientos de las puertas y en el volante.

El interior, en el mismo color que la carrocería, contrasta con el cuero Rosso Alala y Nero Cosmus Alcantara, acentuado por bordados personalizados en Rosso Alala y Nero Ade. El salpicadero presenta un logotipo de Lamborghini en Rosso Efesto: el mismo color que se utiliza para las levas de cambio de marchas en el volante.

En una línea similar, manteniendo su carácter verdaderamente único, el roadster Auténtica presenta una carrocería en Grigio Titans con detalles en Matt Black y una decoración Giallo Auge: un color que se repite en las pinzas de freno, así como en los principales elementos aerodinámicos. Estos incluyen el divisor delantero y el alerón trasero derivado de los deportes de motor que optimiza la carga aerodinámica, flanqueado por un par de aletas. El perfil del automóvil se vuelve único gracias a dos cúpulas con barras antivuelco integradas, inspiradas en los autos de carreras descapotables del pasado. El interior al aire libre cuenta con elegantes bordados en Giallo Taurus, con tapicería de cuero Nero Ade en contraste y Nero Cosmus bicolor y Grigio Octans Alcantara.

El Invencible y el Auténtica son los últimos automóviles producidos por Lamborghini equipados con un motor de 12 cilindros y 6,5 l montado longitudinalmente en la parte trasera (Longitudinale Posteriore: ‘LP’) antes de la transición a una era híbrida. El saludo final al tren motriz Lamborghini V12 saliente ofrece 780 CV y ​​un par máximo de 720 Nm a 6.750 rpm, acoplado a una caja de cambios ISR de siete velocidades, tracción en las cuatro ruedas y el sistema Lamborghini Dynamic Steering que controla las cuatro ruedas.

Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A

Automobili Lamborghini 2022: a record year

Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A
  • The Sant’Agata Bolognese-based company continues on its growth path, achieving yet another sales record delivering more than 9,000 cars

In terms of numbers, Automobili Lamborghini continues to break records and also for 2022 saw the best sales figures ever. In fact, the company delivered 9,233 cars worldwide, an increase of 10% over the previous year.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, remarked: “Our trend of growth and development continues, and this shows that our direction is sound and our choices are on the mark. This is the product of well-defined collective assessments that can produce consistent and concrete results. We have been able to carefully and meticulously manage an extraordinary order intake, pursuing a clear strategy with the primary objective of maintaining controlled growth to protect the exclusivity of our brand. 2023 is going to be a year of challenges and changes that we are ready to confront by always pushing ourselves beyond. We now have the opportunity to focus on our next objectives also thanks to an 18-month waiting list, which enables us to look to the future and the upcoming goals with confidence.”

A further acceleration of this trajectory will take place in 2023, when the first hybrid cars will be produced and Lamborghini enters the second phase of our Direzione Cor Tauri program: a strategic roadmap unveiled in 2021 that involves the highest-ever investment in the company’s history (1.8 billion euros over five years) delivering the hybrid transition and subsequently the transition to fully-electric vehicles.

In all macro-regions the sign was clearly positive, maintaining a homogeneous and consistent distribution, with Asia registering +14%, followed by America with +10% and finally EMEA with +7% compared to 2021. Sales, in almost all key markets, broke all records. This was also thanks to the high reputation the brand enjoys internationally, with the number of dealers increasing from 173 to 180 in just one year and with a presence in 53 different countries.

The United States remains in the top spot (2,721 cars delivered, up 10% over the previous year), followed by Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong & Macau (1,018 cars delivered, up 9% over the previous year), Germany (808 cars delivered, up 14% over the previous year), United Kingdom (650 cars delivered, up 15% over the previous year) and Japan (546 cars delivered, up 22% over the previous year).

In terms of models, the Urus1 Super SUV’s success is confirmed (5,367 units delivered, up 7% over 2021), followed by an impressive increase of the Huracán2 (3,113 units delivered, up 20% over 2021) and the Aventador3 with 753 units delivered, reaching the end of its production in September 2022.

In terms of product, 2022 was a year full of news, starting with the launch of the Huracán Tecnica in April, which consolidates the level of expertise Lamborghini has achieved in the field of design and engineering. The V10-powered rear-wheel drive car condenses the fun and driving dynamics of a Huracán STO into a new, sleeker look suitable for everyday use with the addition of aerodynamic enhancements aimed at boosting performance, stability and ease of use on both road and track. November saw another V10 unveiling of the Huracán Sterrato, the first super sports car designed to offer the ultimate driving pleasure away from conventional roads on loose surfaces, in a totally unique combination.

Last year was also a very important one for the Urus Super SUV, with the entry of two brand new models. At The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering event held in California in August, Automobili Lamborghini unveiled the all-new Urus Performante, which highlights sportiness and performance by focusing on a design that showcases its incredible capabilities on the road, on the track, and on loose surfaces. The new Super SUV boasts a power of 666 hp and a weight reduction of 47 kg, earning it a best-in-class weight-to-power ratio of 3.2. The Urus Performante also broke the record for a production SUV on the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb track, setting the best time ever with 0 to 100 km/h acceleration in just 3.3 seconds and a 100 to 0 km/h braking distance of 32.9 m. In September 2022, Automobili Lamborghini introduced to the market the Urus S, the latest successor to the Urus. The Urus S offers more power combined with unprecedented versatility and design, consolidating the Super SUV concept in the luxury car segment. Its twin-turbo V8 engine delivers a power of 666 hp4, equaling that of the Performante but introducing specific sophisticated refinements in the design, with a significant increase in options in terms of colors and finishes for wheels, style packages, and interior and exterior details.

The past year was also a time of great success in terms of the awards received by the House of Sant’Agata. Some of the most significant recognitions concern employees and HR activity, such as the Italy Top Employer, received for the ninth year in a row and attesting to the best corporate welfare practices that have been promoted for years by putting people at the center of the business. In the sphere of human resources, another recognition came from IDEM certification, as the first company certified in the automotive sector in Italy for its commitment to gender equality. In November 2022, the company also renewed its DESI project (Dual Education System Italy), now in its fifth year, designed to train young students with the goal of developing them into qualified technicians for the Motor Valley technology district and Lamborghini itself.

Participating students have the opportunity to acquire highly qualified and innovative technical and professional skills, as well as earning a five-year vocational education diploma thanks to the combined approach of theoretical classroom lessons and in-company learning experiences.

Automobili Lamborghini also had the great satisfaction of having received, for the second year in a row, the “Green Star Award”, which recognizes the company’s commitment to sustainability.

In light of the many initiatives, investments and efforts the company puts into practice daily to improve the quality of the planet, this award recognizes it as among the most sustainable companies in Italy.

Porsche is the most valuable luxury brand according to Brand Finance

Porsche is the most valuable luxury brand according to Brand Finance

  • Porsche remains the world’s most valuable luxury brand, valued at US$33.7 billion followed by Louis Vuitton ($23.4 billion).
  • Ferrari is the strongest luxury brand in the world with a AAA+ rating while Lamborghini and Aston Martin accelerate their brand strength.
  • The Ritz-Carlton doubles in value and becomes the fastest growing luxury brand in brand value.
  • Estée Lauder enters the top ten of the most valuable and Dior and Dolce & Gabbana display impressive brand value.

Access the full Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report here

Madrid, October 5, 2022.- Porsche remains the most valuable luxury and premium brand in the world, valued at US$33.7 billion according to the latest Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report by Brand Finance , the leading independent valuation consultancy for brands that comply with ISO 10668 and ISO 20671 on the subject, which analyzes the 50 most valuable luxury and premium brands in the world.

Porsche (whose brand value has fallen by 2% to US$33.7 billion) has remained in first place for another year as the most valuable luxury and premium brand in the world. Porsche’s leadership in the luxury and premium segment is good news for the brand, which has just been spun off by its owner, the Volkswagen Group , in an initial public offering on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Each year, leading brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance values ​​5,000 of the world’s biggest brands and publishes over 100 reports ranking brands across all industries and countries. The 50 most valuable and strongest luxury and premium brands are included in the annual Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 ranking.

Alex Haigh, Head of Brand Finance , said: “Porsche’s new IPO shows the value of a brand in a very visceral way, much like the Sergio Marchionne-led spin-off of Ferrari years ago. It made a lot of sense to extract value hidden within the Volkswagen group, especially when it comes to an iconic luxury brand like Porsche, which can generate such returns compared to other brands in the portfolio.”

Louis Vuitton is the second most valuable luxury and premium brand, valued at US$23.4 billion

Louis Vuitton (brand value up 58% to $23.4 billion) benefited from increased spending on luxury goods during the pandemic period, especially in China. Covid-19 related restrictions benefited Louis Vuitton as consumers redirected their spending away from travel, hospitality and services towards high-end luxury products.

Louis Vuitton is now trying to manage its brand through strong digital marketing campaigns focused on attracting new customer bases, while maintaining a brand heritage steeped in rich history. On the other hand, the Spanish luxury retailer Loewe, whose brand value has increased by 7%, faces similar challenges, since it has established multiple channels of communication with its customers, online and face-to-face.

Pilar Alonso Ulloa, Managing Director Iberia (Spain, Portugal) and South America commented: “LOEWE has represented Spain in this ranking since 2018. The value of the brand has been growing year after year, however its strength has been diminished in the last two years. . It is one of the top 10 brands most considered by consumers in Spain that highlight the familiarity of the brand compared to others in the sector”.

Ferrari is the strongest luxury and premium brand in the world with a AAA+ rating

In addition to calculating brand equity, Brand Finance also determines the relative strength of brands through a balanced scorecard of metrics that assess marketing spend, brand equity, and business performance (business results). Certified to ISO 20671, Brand Finance’s Stakeholder Value Assessment incorporates original market research data from more than 100,000 respondents in more than 35 countries and across nearly 30 industries.  

Ferrari (whose brand value has fallen by 13% to US$8.0 billion) is one of the world’s most recognizable brands and is the world’s strongest luxury brand, with a score in the Brand Strength Index (BSI) of 90.9 out of 100 and an elite AAA+ rating.

An important attribute of the Ferrari brand is its iconic internal combustion engines. The upcoming migration to electric vehicles therefore represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the brand, which aims to manufacture its first fully electric vehicle by 2025 and expects electric vehicles to account for 40% of its product offering by 2030.

The Ritz-Carlton is the world’s fastest growing luxury and premium brand, doubling in value this year

The Ritz-Carlton (whose brand value has doubled to US$1.1 billion) is the world’s fastest growing luxury hotel brand. Its brand value has increased 112% this year, coinciding with the reopening of travel in much of the world. The rise in brand value can be attributed to their impressive revenue per available room that they have reopened after the pandemic. The Ritz-Carlton, part of the Marriott Group , has built an extremely strong brand, with a brand strength index that has increased from 79.6 to 83.2 out of 100, earning a AAA brand rating.

InterContinental luxury hotel brand value (brand value down 1% to $1.5bn) dipped slightly, with significant concern over potential delays in reopening services in key market of InterContinental, China. Despite going through one of the toughest periods the hospitality industry has ever faced, InterContinental remains focused on delivering on its “True Hospitality for Good” brand promise.

Despite the overall drop in brand value, both Lamborghini (whose brand value is down 4%, to $1.9 billion) and Aston Martin (whose brand value is down 18%, to the US $1.1 trillion) have drawn up new sustainability-focused roadmaps that already appear to be having a positive impact on their brand perception.

Dior and Dolce & Gabbana post impressive brand equity

Dior (brand value up 19% to $9.0bn) saw huge global success with its Sauvage fragrance, and the brand returned to growth after the pandemic-induced disruption. Dolce & Gabbana (brand value up 55% to $1.4 billion) is known for its distinctive personality. The Italian brand is in the process of creating Dolce & Gabbana Beauty , which in January 2023 will assume 100% control of the manufacture, sale and distribution of its fragrance and makeup products.

Estée Lauder manages to enter the top ten in brand value

Estée Lauder (brand value up 39% to $7.9 billion) has grown rapidly this year and has recently benefited from increased sales at airports, among other channels, due to the recovery of the tourism sector worldwide, and seems to have made good use of it. The brand has other significant growth opportunities, including its bid to acquire luxury fashion house Tom Ford for $3bn in what would become the largest acquisition deal to date.

Access the full Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report here

Every year, Brand Finance puts 5,000 of the biggest brands to the test, assessing their strength and quantifying their value, and publishes nearly 100 reports, ranking brands across industries and countries. The 50 most valuable brands in the luxury and premium sector are included in the Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 ranking.

The full ranking, additional explanations, charts and infographics, more information on the methodology, as well as definitions of key terms are available in the Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report.

Brand value is understood as the net economic benefit that a brand owner would achieve by licensing the brand on the open market. Brand strength is the effectiveness of a brand’s performance on intangible measures relative to its competitors. See below for a full explanation of our methodology.

Porsche is the most valuable luxury brand according to Brand Finance

Porsche is the most valuable luxury brand according to Brand Finance

  • Porsche remains the world’s most valuable luxury brand, valued at US$33.7 billion followed by Louis Vuitton ($23.4 billion).
  • Ferrari is the strongest luxury brand in the world with a AAA+ rating while Lamborghini and Aston Martin accelerate their brand strength.
  • The Ritz-Carlton doubles in value and becomes the fastest growing luxury brand in brand value.
  • Estée Lauder enters the top ten of the most valuable and Dior and Dolce & Gabbana display impressive brand value.

Access the full Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report here

Madrid, October 5, 2022.- Porsche remains the most valuable luxury and premium brand in the world, valued at US$33.7 billion according to the latest Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report by Brand Finance , the leading independent valuation consultancy for brands that comply with ISO 10668 and ISO 20671 on the subject, which analyzes the 50 most valuable luxury and premium brands in the world.

Porsche (whose brand value has fallen by 2% to US$33.7 billion) has remained in first place for another year as the most valuable luxury and premium brand in the world. Porsche’s leadership in the luxury and premium segment is good news for the brand, which has just been spun off by its owner, the Volkswagen Group , in an initial public offering on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Each year, leading brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance values ​​5,000 of the world’s biggest brands and publishes over 100 reports ranking brands across all industries and countries. The 50 most valuable and strongest luxury and premium brands are included in the annual Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 ranking.

Alex Haigh, Head of Brand Finance , said: “Porsche’s new IPO shows the value of a brand in a very visceral way, much like the Sergio Marchionne-led spin-off of Ferrari years ago. It made a lot of sense to extract value hidden within the Volkswagen group, especially when it comes to an iconic luxury brand like Porsche, which can generate such returns compared to other brands in the portfolio.”

Louis Vuitton is the second most valuable luxury and premium brand, valued at US$23.4 billion

Louis Vuitton (brand value up 58% to $23.4 billion) benefited from increased spending on luxury goods during the pandemic period, especially in China. Covid-19 related restrictions benefited Louis Vuitton as consumers redirected their spending away from travel, hospitality and services towards high-end luxury products.

Louis Vuitton is now trying to manage its brand through strong digital marketing campaigns focused on attracting new customer bases, while maintaining a brand heritage steeped in rich history. On the other hand, the Spanish luxury retailer Loewe, whose brand value has increased by 7%, faces similar challenges, since it has established multiple channels of communication with its customers, online and face-to-face.

Pilar Alonso Ulloa, Managing Director Iberia (Spain, Portugal) and South America commented: “LOEWE has represented Spain in this ranking since 2018. The value of the brand has been growing year after year, however its strength has been diminished in the last two years. . It is one of the top 10 brands most considered by consumers in Spain that highlight the familiarity of the brand compared to others in the sector”.

Ferrari is the strongest luxury and premium brand in the world with a AAA+ rating

In addition to calculating brand equity, Brand Finance also determines the relative strength of brands through a balanced scorecard of metrics that assess marketing spend, brand equity, and business performance (business results). Certified to ISO 20671, Brand Finance’s Stakeholder Value Assessment incorporates original market research data from more than 100,000 respondents in more than 35 countries and across nearly 30 industries.  

Ferrari (whose brand value has fallen by 13% to US$8.0 billion) is one of the world’s most recognizable brands and is the world’s strongest luxury brand, with a score in the Brand Strength Index (BSI) of 90.9 out of 100 and an elite AAA+ rating.

An important attribute of the Ferrari brand is its iconic internal combustion engines. The upcoming migration to electric vehicles therefore represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the brand, which aims to manufacture its first fully electric vehicle by 2025 and expects electric vehicles to account for 40% of its product offering by 2030.

The Ritz-Carlton is the world’s fastest growing luxury and premium brand, doubling in value this year

The Ritz-Carlton (whose brand value has doubled to US$1.1 billion) is the world’s fastest growing luxury hotel brand. Its brand value has increased 112% this year, coinciding with the reopening of travel in much of the world. The rise in brand value can be attributed to their impressive revenue per available room that they have reopened after the pandemic. The Ritz-Carlton, part of the Marriott Group , has built an extremely strong brand, with a brand strength index that has increased from 79.6 to 83.2 out of 100, earning a AAA brand rating.

InterContinental luxury hotel brand value (brand value down 1% to $1.5bn) dipped slightly, with significant concern over potential delays in reopening services in key market of InterContinental, China. Despite going through one of the toughest periods the hospitality industry has ever faced, InterContinental remains focused on delivering on its “True Hospitality for Good” brand promise.

Despite the overall drop in brand value, both Lamborghini (whose brand value is down 4%, to $1.9 billion) and Aston Martin (whose brand value is down 18%, to the US $1.1 trillion) have drawn up new sustainability-focused roadmaps that already appear to be having a positive impact on their brand perception.

Dior and Dolce & Gabbana post impressive brand equity

Dior (brand value up 19% to $9.0bn) saw huge global success with its Sauvage fragrance, and the brand returned to growth after the pandemic-induced disruption. Dolce & Gabbana (brand value up 55% to $1.4 billion) is known for its distinctive personality. The Italian brand is in the process of creating Dolce & Gabbana Beauty , which in January 2023 will assume 100% control of the manufacture, sale and distribution of its fragrance and makeup products.

Estée Lauder manages to enter the top ten in brand value

Estée Lauder (brand value up 39% to $7.9 billion) has grown rapidly this year and has recently benefited from increased sales at airports, among other channels, due to the recovery of the tourism sector worldwide, and seems to have made good use of it. The brand has other significant growth opportunities, including its bid to acquire luxury fashion house Tom Ford for $3bn in what would become the largest acquisition deal to date.

Access the full Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report here

Every year, Brand Finance puts 5,000 of the biggest brands to the test, assessing their strength and quantifying their value, and publishes nearly 100 reports, ranking brands across industries and countries. The 50 most valuable brands in the luxury and premium sector are included in the Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 ranking.

The full ranking, additional explanations, charts and infographics, more information on the methodology, as well as definitions of key terms are available in the Brand Finance Luxury & Premium 50 2022 report.

Brand value is understood as the net economic benefit that a brand owner would achieve by licensing the brand on the open market. Brand strength is the effectiveness of a brand’s performance on intangible measures relative to its competitors. See below for a full explanation of our methodology.

Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4

Automobili Lamborghini owners celebrate privilege of Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4 ownership

Exclusive customer journey through art and experience

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 6 July 2022 – As the 112 Countach LPI 800-4 owners-to-be around the world start to take delivery of their new cars from April 2022, they are also enjoying a series of exclusive ownership and experiential elements to mark ownership of a car that is one of the most emblematic few-offs in the history of Lamborghini.

 Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4

Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4

Lamborghini’s commitment to the purchasing experience is, as always, more than just waiting for delivery of a new car, and has created a contact program designed to make the customer experience unique and complete.

The 112 owners of the Countach LPI 800-4, which was already sold out before the official launch last August at Pebble Beach, will not only have the privilege of driving a piece of automotive history reinvented for the future, but will also receive a series of special collectors’ item gifts, which make delivery of the car even more memorable. Each item is certified and numbered, celebrating skilled craftsmanship and innovation: the items are not for sale, and are dedicated and delivered exclusively to Countach LPI 800-4 customers.

On signing their order, owners of the Countach LPI 800-4 received a congratulatory letter from Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini. A collectors’ item in its own right, the elegant letter’s papermaking techniques feature an intricate interplay of laser-engraved solids and voids, constructing and deconstructing the silhouette of the Countach LPI 800-4, and bearing the CEO’s message of sincere congratulations.

In the initial months of waiting, Countach LPI 800-4 customers received one of 112 numbered replicas of an exclusive painting created, as per tradition, by Mateusz Wowk, exterior designer and artist at Lamborghini’s Centro Stile, led by the Head of Design, Mitja Borkert. With the original work created on a large canvas in Sant’Agata Bolognese, the painting was digitally captured using gigapixel technology: one of the most advanced digital acquisition technologies adopted by museums. The work was then replicated in large format on canvas to reproduce the typical materiality of Mateusz’s brushstrokes and a classic example, typical of Lamborghini, in which art takes shape through ultra-high-tech processes.

Countach LPI 800-4 owners enjoy the further anticipation of receiving further unique items via the Lamborghini dealer network, involving internationally renowned artists as well as Italian artisans who represent the pinnacle of Italian creativity: Lamborghini enthusiasts can also share the pleasure of these works of art, on wheels or otherwise, through the social media posts that Lamborghini owners generously delight in sharing.

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Sant’Agata Bolognese27 January 2022 – Auction details for the first-ever NFT (non-fungible token) of Automobili Lamborghini are now confirmed. Lamborghini has partnered with NFT PRO and RM Sotheby’s and will receive bids on the five pairs of physical and digital artworks by the renowned artist Fabian Oefner between February 1st, the first day of the new lunar year, and February 4th. The auction for the first of the five NFTs will take place on nft.lamborghini.com start at 4:00 pm CET, while each of the other auctions will start and end 15 minutes later then their preceding one. Every auction will last for 75 hours and 50 minutes, the exact time it took Apollo 11 to leave Earth and enter the moon’s orbit – not the only reference to human space exploration.

The physical artwork, the Space Key, contains carbon fiber pieces that Lamborghini sent to the International Space Station back in 2020, as a part of a joint research project. Engraved with a unique QR code, these carbon fiber parts link the digital element, are a series of five photographs of a Lamborghini Ultimae, lifting off toward the stars. The images depict five separate moments within seconds from each other as the car rises above the earth. Its parts, the engine, the transmission, the suspension and hundreds of nuts and bolts are shooting away from the chassis like the exhaust flame of a rocket.

What may look like a computer-generated image is in fact entirely created from elements of the real world: the artist captured more than 1500 individual parts of a real car. The photograph of the earth`s curvature was made by sending a weather balloon equipped with a camera to the edge of the stratosphere. The artist then carefully assembled all of these images into an artificial moment in time. Each of the five NFTs has more than 600 Million pixels. As one starts to zoom in, hidden details of these hyperrealistic photographs are revealed. The resolution is so enormous, that you can read tiny markings on the firing order of the V12 engine or marvel at the different milling patterns on the transmission cog wheels. The longer you look at the composition, the more secrets you discover…

The artist, Fabian Oefner, on the idea behind his creation: “For me, ‘Space Time Memory’ is an analogy to the memories we make in life. Memories are rooted in the physical world; we make them in reality. We then store them in our brains, what could be considered the digital world. I often wonder, what is more precious to me, the actual moment or the memory of that moment? Analog to that, I wonder with the ever-increasing amount of digital realities around us, what is more precious, reality itself or the copies and derivatives of it, that exist in the digital universe.”

At the start of the project, Oefner meticulously studied the engineering plans of the Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae and created an accurate sketch of what the final photograph will look like. Based on that sketch, Lamborghini prepared all the necessary parts and components of a production ready Ultimae. The pieces were then photographed by Oefner and his team in a makeshift photo studio right next to the production line at the Lamborghini Factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese. Upon his return to his studio in the US, where the artist works and lives near New York City, he combined the countless images into the composition envisioned in the sketch. It took Oefner and his team more than 2 months to create a moment, which is shorter than the blink of an eye.

“We’re thrilled to have been chosen as preferred NFT partner by such an iconic brand as Lamborghini and incredible artist, Fabian Oefner”, says Christian Ferri, CEO of NFTPro™. “We pride ourselves for being the #1 enterprise NFT solution in the market, serving the largest category leaders in the world, and working with Lamborghini and Fabian Oefner validates even further our position. Our company is committed to supporting Lamborghini throughout the NFT journey and are humbled to be working with such a visionary team in the years to come”.

What are NFTs?

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique identifiers recorded on a distributed ledger known as Blockchain and tied to a digital asset such as pictures, videos, music, or other records (e.g. vehicle VIN numbers). Each token is unique, allowing their owners to guarantee asset authenticity, scarcity, programmability and trackability over the internet.

About Fabian Oefner

Fabian Oefner’s work explores the boundaries between time, space and reality. He creates fictional moments and spaces, that look and feel absolutely real, yet aren’t. Through this, Oefner dissects the different components of reality and gives us a clearer understanding of how we perceive and define it. Inspired by science, Oefner’s approach to art is highly methodical and at the same time playful for unexpected moments to happen. He creates carefully orchestrated works, that are planned down to the last detail as well as pieces, that use a loose framework for art to happen.

About RM Sotheby’s

RM Sotheby’s is the world’s largest collector car auction house by total sales. With 40 years of proven results in the collector car industry, RM’s vertically integrated range of services, from auctions (live and online) and private sales to estate planning and financial services, coupled with an expert team of Car Specialists and an international footprint, provide an unsurpassed level of service to the global collector car market. RM Sotheby’s is currently responsible for six of the top ten most valuable motor cars ever sold at auction. 2022 has seen RM Sotheby’s move into offering NFTs, collaborating with both clients and partners, working alongside NFT PRO, to bring to market leading NFT projects that have a strong automotive theme.


NFTPro™ is the #1 enterprise white label NFT solution for global brands, making NFT campaigns seamless, easily executed, and on-brand. Thanks to an enterprise-grade platform, proprietary methodology and enterprise-level support, they help global enterprises strategize, create, sell, and distribute NFT-based digital authentic assets to engage communities, drive new revenue streams, and boost cross-sales of physical products while ensuring full company control, sustainability, and global regulatory compliance.

The first “Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63” motoryacht delivered

Sant’Agata Bolognese / Marina di Carrara, July, 2021 – The first Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63, the latest-generation motoryacht built with the combined know-how of Automobili Lamborghini and Tecnomar, The Italian Sea Group brand, was delivered to its owner a few days ago.

Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 draws inspiration from the design, colors and details of the Sián FKP 37, the first Hybrid super sports car of the House of Sant’Agata.

“We are proud to see the essence of Lamborghini DNA that today sets out to sail the sea with the same attitude of our super sports cars that race across the asphalt. This yacht is proof that the shared values and perfect synergy of the two teams are the key for executing excellent projects” said Stefano Rutigliano, Strategy Director of Automobili Lamborghini.

The motoryacht is fitted with two MAN V12-2000HP engines, which make it the fastest yacht in the Tecnomar fleet of The Italian Sea Group. What’s more, by using carbon fiber – a typical element of Lamborghini cars – it is part of the exclusive category of ultralight yachts with a weight under 24 tons.

Coming soon, the Master & Dynamic headphones and earphones for Automobili Lamborghini in the Squadra Corse version 

Coming soon, the Master & Dynamic headphones and earphones for Automobili Lamborghini in the Squadra Corse version

The audio devices at the 2021 Super Trofeo World Finals

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 15 November 2021 – One year from the news of the partnership with Master & Dynamic, Automobili Lamborghini announces the Squadra Corse version of co-branded headphones. Master & Dynamic, a New York brand and a leading producer of premium audio devices, takes on the official colors of Automobili Lamborghini Squadra Corse, adding the new version of headphones and earphones to the three liveries already available.

The collection comprises two of Master & Dynamic’s most technologically advanced audio devices, with wireless connectivity range up to 30 m. The MW65 wireless headphones, equipped with Bluetooth 4.2 technology supporting AptX and SBC, feature two ANC (Active Noise-Cancelling) modes, so that each user can adjust the sound according to the listening environment, and battery life up to 24 hours.

The MW07 PLUS True Wireless earphones, equipped with Bluetooth 5.0 technology supporting AptX and SBC, boast 10 mm beryllium drivers for optimal sound quality and a stainless steel charging case that provides a full 40 hours of battery life.

The MW65 wireless headphones and MW07 PLUS True Wireless earphones are offered with a Y pattern and the Mantis Green color, the same color as the Lamborghini super sports cars. The headphones feature a black anodized aluminum frame covered with black Alcantara® and Mantis Green leather, and the exterior of the speakers is in sapphire glass that reveals the Automobili Lamborghini Squadra Corse logo and the pattern with the green Y. The MW07 PLUS acetate earphones are inspired by the striking finish of Lamborghini models, and the stainless steel charging case echoes the use of matte paint for the bodywork.

The world finals of the 2021 Lamborghini Super Trofeo at the Marco Simoncelli International Circuit in Misano Adriatico were the perfect setting to experience the new earphones and headphones, to be immersed in the silence and seek concentration before the race or to relax after the exertions of the race and the hours of adrenaline.

The entire Master & Dynamic for Automobili Lamborghini collection is available at lamborghinistore.comMasterDynamic.comMasterDynamic.co.uk and MasterDynamic.eu

Master & Dynamic

With an unrelenting attention to design and detail, Master & Dynamic has a deep passion for building beautifully crafted and technically sophisticated sound tools to help focus, inspire and transport your mind. Since its launch in 2014, New York City-based premium audio brand Master & Dynamic has released a variety of award-winning audio products ranging from wired and wireless headphones to a wireless speaker. Its first true wireless earphones, the MW07, were recognized for world class design as the winner of The Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019.

Designed to be modern yet timeless, Master & Dynamic products utilize only the finest materials and are engineered to last, creating the perfect balance of aesthetics, strength, comfort and exceptional sound. Master & Dynamic believes mastery is a never-ending exploration requiring a dynamic approach and has collaborated with leading luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton as well as world-renowned architect Sir David Adjaye. Our sound tools can be found in over 500 partner stores around the world. View the entire collection at www.masterdynamic.com and join the conversation at @masterdynamic.

Lamborghini Urus: 6 driving modes to enjoy the Super SUV in 6 different ways

Lamborghini Urus: 6 driving modes to enjoy the Super SUV in 6 different ways

Sant’Agata Bolognese, March 30, 2021 – The Lamborghini Urus keeps on delivering a dynamism to be enjoyed by both driver and passengers. The speed record set last week at Baikal Lake is the latest emotion delivered by the Super SUV.

The Urus offers six different driving modes plus EGO, which allows the driver to fully customize the car’s set-up, choosing the required rigidity for a very comfortable ride to an extremely sporty, aggressive setting dependent on driving style and road conditions.

Check out these pictures of the Urus on and off different roads.

NEVE: the Arancio Borealis of the new Urus Pearl Capsule stands out from the brightness of ice and snow, ready for new adventures, together with the Urus record-breaker at the Days of Speed on ice at Baikal Lake.

TERRA: off-road discoveries, like here on the wild tracks of Iceland

SABBIA: higher ground clearance for climbing dunes, here in Nazarè, Portugal

STRADA: for daily life, comfort enhanced by height adapted to speed, here in Rome, Italy

SPORT: enjoying country roads with no fear for up hills, down hills and turns here in Altai, Russia

CORSA: performance oriented, minimum roll, racing at the track, here in Vallelunga Circuit, Italy.

  • El hipercoche de 40 unidades de edición limitada y solo pista desarrollado por Lamborghini Squadra Corse y diseñado por Lamborghini Centro Stile
  • El motor es el V12 más potente de Lamborghini hasta la fecha: más de 830 hp
  • Los clientes se convertirán en parte de un club exclusivo que les dará acceso a programas especiales a partir de 2021.

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 29 de julio de 2020 – Automobili Lamborghini presenta el Essenza SCV12, el hipercoche solo en pista en una edición limitada de 40 unidades, desarrollado por Lamborghini Squadra Corse y diseñado por Lamborghini Centro Stile. El Essenza SCV12, descendiente directo de automóviles como el Miura Jota y el Diablo GTR, está equipado con el motor V12 de aspiración natural más potente jamás desarrollado por Lamborghini, combinado con aerodinámica inspirada en prototipos de carreras y nuevas soluciones técnicas diseñadas para la mejor experiencia de conducción.

Lamborghini Essenza SCV12: the purest track experience

Lamborghini Essenza SCV12: the purest track experience

Stefano Domenicali, CEO y presidente de Automobili Lamborghini, comentó: “Essenza SCV12 representa la experiencia de conducción en pista más pura que nuestra marca puede ofrecer, una hazaña de ingeniería que destaca el vínculo inextricable entre nuestros automóviles y el asfalto de la pista. Lamborghini es una marca que mira constantemente hacia el futuro y busca nuevos desafíos, pero nunca olvidamos nuestras raíces y quiénes somos: Essenza SCV12 es la combinación perfecta de nuestro espíritu poco convencional como fabricante de superdeportivos y nuestra verdadera pasión por el deporte del motor “.

Nacido para la pista

El Essenza SCV12 fue creado para uso exclusivo en pista, con soluciones de ingeniería derivadas de las carreras. El motor V12 es capaz de entregar más de 830 hp, con un aumento de potencia significativo del efecto RAM a altas velocidades. Los tubos de escape fueron diseñados por Capristo para reducir la contrapresión, mejorar el rendimiento y enfatizar el sonido único del motor. La potencia se maneja mediante una nueva caja de cambios secuencial de seis velocidades X-trac como elemento estructural dentro del chasis, combinado con tracción trasera para garantizar la compacidad, la continuidad estructural y una mayor rigidez torsional.

El Essenza SCV12 presenta una excepcional relación potencia / peso de 1.66 kg / hp gracias al chasis monocasco de fibra de carbono de nueva generación sin jaula antivuelco interna. El Essenza SCV12 es también el primer automóvil GT desarrollado para respetar las normas de seguridad del prototipo FIA.

Para garantizar la máxima agilidad y estabilidad incluso en las pistas más exigentes, se han adoptado soluciones cinemáticas inspiradas en prototipos de carreras, como la suspensión trasera de la barra de empuje instalada directamente en la caja de cambios. El panorama se completa con neumáticos Pirelli lisos específicos montados en llantas de magnesio (19 “delante, 20” detrás), que enmarcan los discos y pinzas de freno desarrollados por Brembo Motorsport.

Maurizio Reggiani, director técnico de Automobili Lamborghini, comentó: “Essenza SCV12 es la máxima expresión del motor V12 de aspiración natural, el símbolo de nuestra marca desde 1963. Es un proyecto en el que combinamos la búsqueda de la perfección de la ingeniería con la aerodinámica refinada , diseño futurista y soluciones innovadoras como el monocasco de carbono sin jaula antivuelco interna. El resultado es un automóvil atractivo e intransigente, nacido para competir y mostrar en la pista las características que han hecho famoso a Lamborghini en todo el mundo, garantizando emociones únicas y especiales tanto para el conductor como para los espectadores “.


La aerodinámica se beneficia de la experiencia de carreras GT de Lamborghini Squadra Corse para garantizar un nivel de eficiencia y niveles de carga aerodinámica más altos que un automóvil GT3, con un valor de 1.200 kg a 250 km / h.

El capó delantero tiene una doble entrada de aire con una costilla central, típica de los autos de carreras Huracán, que separa el flujo de aire caliente que proviene del radiador y transporta el aire frío al depósito de aire ubicado en el techo. El frente presenta un divisor y dos elementos laterales; En los laterales, los flujos para el enfriamiento del motor y la caja de cambios se han optimizado mediante el uso de aletas verticales situadas en los umbrales laterales. El paquete aerodinámico se completa con el gran alerón trasero ajustable de doble perfil.


El diseño del Essenza SCV12 es el resultado del trabajo creativo de Lamborghini Centro Stile, que ha diseñado todos los autos de carreras producidos por Lamborghini desde que se estableció Squadra Corse. La naturaleza esencial del automóvil se destaca por la estructura de la carrocería, formada por solo tres elementos para permitir un reemplazo rápido cuando sea necesario durante las paradas en boxes. Los diseños exclusivos de Verde Silvans, Grigio Linx, Nero Aldebaran Gloss y Arancio California muestran los logotipos de los socios de Lamborghini Squadra Corse, Pertamina, Pirelli y Roger Dubuis.

Las líneas elegantes pero tensas y dinámicas combinan el atractivo de los prototipos de 1970 y los elementos típicos del ADN de Lamborghini, como la geometría hexagonal que caracteriza a los faros delanteros y el techo del techo y las rejillas de ventilación que enmarcan el volante. También está la inconfundible “Y”, la característica estilística que se repite en la librea y en la cabina, donde cada elemento representa el mejor compromiso entre peso ligero, funcionalidad y diseño. De hecho, el panel de instrumentos y el tablero están respaldados por una “Y” de carbono asimétrica, un elemento estilístico y de carga que enmarca la cabina, diseñada para colocar al conductor en el centro de una experiencia de conducción absoluta.

El diseño del volante multifunción con pantalla se inspiró en los volantes F1 monoplaza para ofrecer la mejor ergonomía y una sensación perfecta, sin que el conductor necesite quitar las manos de la llanta con su diseño futurista pero racional. El asiento OMP homologado por la FIA específico con carcasa de carbono abraza al conductor para garantizar la comodidad, seguridad y estabilidad.

Mitja Borkert, directora de Lamborghini Centro Stile, comentó: “Estaba entusiasmada con este proyecto desde el principio, porque nos permitiría crear un automóvil que fuera diferente pero al mismo tiempo inconfundiblemente Lamborghini, extremo pero estilísticamente muy limpio, como un verdadero auto de carreras debería ser. Con el Essenza SCV12 rendimos homenaje tanto a nuestro pasado de carreras como al presente: el gran alerón trasero, las aletas laterales y el divisor delantero son elementos tomados del Huracán Super Trofeo EVO y GT3 EVO. Este automóvil es la combinación perfecta de nuestra tradición y lo que imaginamos para el futuro “.

Experiencia de manejo

Los clientes de Essenza SCV12 se convertirán en parte de un club exclusivo que les dará acceso a programas especiales para conducir su hipercoche en los circuitos más prestigiosos del mundo. El programa incluye servicio de almacenamiento en un nuevo hangar construido en Sant’Agata Bolognese para el club Essenza SCV12. Cada automóvil tendrá un garaje personalizado y servicios dedicados, que incluyen cámaras web para permitir a los clientes monitorear sus automóviles las 24 horas del día usando una aplicación. La instalación también alberga el “Lamborghini Squadra Corse Drivers Lab” de Tecnobody para ofrecer programas de entrenamiento deportivo similares a los seguidos por los pilotos de carreras oficiales de Lamborghini.

El calendario de la pista comenzará en 2021 con los eventos de “llegar y conducir” celebrados en numerosos circuitos homologados de Grado 1 de la FIA. El personal técnico de Squadra Corse brindará asistencia con el apoyo de Emanuele Pirro, cinco veces ganador de las 24 Horas de Le Mans y un excelente tutor para los conductores de los clientes; y Marco Mapelli, Lamborghini Squadra Corse Factory Driver.

Giorgio Sanna, director de Lamborghini Motorsport, declaró: “Con Essenza SCV12 queríamos elevar no solo el rendimiento y el placer de conducir, sino también la experiencia fuera de la pista. Los clientes pueden aprovechar los servicios exclusivos y altamente personalizables para experimentar plenamente lo mejor de la hospitalidad italiana y formar parte de la familia Lamborghini Squadra Corse “.