Tag Archive for: Lifestyle

zapatillas, botines con cordones muy livianos y botas

Colección HOGAN – MFW | Otoño Invierno 2022-23 Future stream

En un infinito universo digital donde coexisten el presente y el futuro, donde se entrelazan la realidad y la imaginación, la colección Hogan OI 22/23 reinterpreta los cultos al armario femenino en un nuevo viaje a través del significado de forma y función.

Desaparecen los límites

Las piezas clave de la próxima colección incluyen accesorios unisex como zapatillas, botines con cordones muy livianos y botas de lluvia que se alzan sobre robustas suelas en relieve. Una combinación de volúmenes precisos y rasgos icónicos donde la calidad, la versatilidad y la autenticidad siguen siendo la base.

Imagina lo que está por venir

Plumíferos extragrandes y parkas de un solo color para combinar con ropa esencial. Hogan H-Bag sigue siendo protagonista, con líneas que destacan por una multitud de tachuelas.
Imagina lo que todavía está por venir: Hogan Future Stream es un flujo, una corriente que indica una dirección. Y el destino es el futuro.


Rediseñar, remezclar, reimaginar… https://www.hogan.com/s el concepto que guía la Primavera-Verano 2022 de Hogan en una Colección Lifestyle que celebra y reelabora los proyectos icónicos de la marca y que también llega a mundos totalmente nuevos. Déjate inspirar por la colección Primavera-Verano 2022 para expresar tu personalidad. Get inspired by the new Spring/Summer 2022 collection.



Hogan en una Colección de Calzado Lifestyle Primavera-Verano 2022

Colección Hombre

Rediseñar, remezclar, reimaginar… RE-MIXOLOGY es el concepto que guía la Primavera-Verano 2022 de Hogan en una Colección Lifestyle que celebra y reelabora los proyectos icónicos de la marca y que también llega a mundos totalmente nuevos, inspirados por la libertad de expresión y la búsqueda de nuevas vías hacia modelos más ecosostenibles.

El prefijo RE indica la capacidad de replantear, mientras que el término MIXOLOGY el arte de saber mezclar bien los distintos elementos: déjate transportar a la nueva colección de Hogan, en un recorrido donde la diversidad se traduce en originalidad.

Colección Calzado

La nueva colección Primavera-Verano 2022 llena de toques de color calzados de volúmenes atrevidos y formas geométricas. Las novedades de la temporada son las Hogan Untraditional, reedición de la primera zapatilla de la marca que tuvo lugar con el proyecto especial Hogan-3R, acompañadas de las líneas dinámicas y ágiles de las zapatillas H601. Por otro lado, las nuevas propuestas formales de zapatillas H600 se caracterizan por la personalidad, la originalidad y la búsqueda de los detalles para afrontar las aventuras de cada día.


Colección Ropa

Chaquetas bómber, chaquetas biker y sudaderas para vestir con la máxima comodidad y estilo de la mañana a la noche. Entre combinaciones de colores intensos y tonos naturales, las posibilidades son infinitas. Aprovecha esta estación para lucir siempre una elegancia desenfadada y contemporánea.

Colección Accesorios

Los cinturones y las carteras Hogan han sido creadas para marcar la diferencia y permitirte dejar huella. No existen detalles demasiado pequeños, sobre todo cuando la calidad y el diseño se unen para dar vida al estilo ideal para afrontar la Primavera-Verano 2022.


Prepare to be amazed with these Luxury Dining Rooms perfect for the Qatar Lifestyle. Take a look at these stunning designs by distinguished Qatari interior design firms and be inspired by their exclusivity and sophistication!

Unique Design Co.

qatar luxury dining room unique design

Unique Design is a well-established interior design and fit-out finishing company based in Doha, specializing in residential, retail and corporate interior design projects. Their high-quality work is visible in these luxury dining rooms, where luxury furniture meets a design like no other – exclusivity and elegance are truly the first words to come to mind in each of their stunning modern dining rooms.

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Luna Qatar

qatar luxury dining room luna qatar

Luna Qatar is a Doha-based interior design firm whose expertise is extensive to residential, hospitality, workspace, and retail projects, as well as branding and tailor made luxury furniture. Their luxury dining rooms treat the guests with the utmost comfort and refinement, so that each meal becomes a solemn occasion, and an unforgettable experience.

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eclectic golden mirror boca do lobo luxury dining rooms
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La Victoire DBD

classic luxury dining room qatar la victoire dbd

La Victoire DBD is a Qatari exterior and interior design firm whose team is comprised of strategic interior experts, and innovative master craftsmen. It’s not difficult to understand how their work is so sought-after – their intricate luxury dining rooms reveal an unparalleled attention to detail, where each luxury furniture piece fits perfectly with the classical interior design, resulting in a lavish yet elegant experience.

classic qatar luxury dining room la victoire dbd

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eclectic wooden dining table luxury dining rooms qatar
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Baroque Design & Build

modern luxury dining room qatar baroque design and build

Doha-based Baroque Design & Build is an architectural and interior design firm with a long history of successful interior design projects. It finds its identity in elaborate luxury designs, which really emphasize the sumptuous character of each of their stunning interior designs, such as these luxury dining rooms. Do you feel inspired?

classic luxury dining room qatar baroque design and build

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Panorama 3 Lifestyle Snug

Bowers & Wilkins proporciona el no va más en experiencia sonora inmersiva a partir de un único recinto con la nueva Panorama 3

    • La nueva barra de sonido de Bowers & Wilkins proporciona un sonido poderoso capaz de llenar cualquier sala con películas, programas de televisión y videojuegos a partir de un único producto elegante, esbelto y fácil de usar.
  • Audio espacial Dolby Atmos incorporado para el no va más en inmersión Afinado por el equipo de ingenieros que hay detrás de las cajas acústicas utilizadas en los Abbey Road Studios.
  • Disfrute instantáneamente la música que ama con la Bowers Wilkins Music App, que asegura el Worthing, Reino Unido, 3 de marzo de 2022: Bowers & Wilkins, el reputado especialista en audio británico, acaba de anunciar el lanzamiento al mercado de su nueva barra de sonido de muy alta calidad, la Panorama

Diseñada para sacar el máximo provecho de los formatos de audio espacial inmersivo -3D- más recientes, este elegante producto es una solución todo en uno que ofrece un sonido sobresaliente capaz de llenar cualquier sala tanto con películas como programas de televisión, videojuegos y su música favorita.

Un rico patrimonio en sonido cinematográfico

Durante más de 40 años, artistas, compositores y estudios de grabación de todo el mundo han confiado en cajas acústicas de Bowers & Wilkins para que les ayuden a crear las bandas sonoras que han conformado a toda una generación. Desde películas mundialmente famosas como El Retorno del Jedi y En Busca del Arca Perdida hasta producciones épicas como El Señor de los Anillos y Los Vengadores, las cajas acústicas Bowers & Wilkins han desempeñado un papel crucial en la creación de cada partitura icónica.

Por lo tanto, no es ninguna sorpresa que siendo el mismo equipo de ingenieros acústicos de Bowers & Wilkins el responsable de definir las especificaciones de la Panorama 3, el sonido de muy alta calidad esté garantizado. Estamos ante la barra de sonido con mayúsculas.

Un robusto legado en excelencia

Bowers & Wilkins introdujo en el mercado su primera barra de sonido, la Panorama, en 2009. Bautizada en honor a dos tecnologías cinematográficas icónicas de la edad de oro del cine –Panavision y Cinerama- la Panorama definió un nuevo concepto en calidad sonora para las barras de sonido. Al contrario que la inmensa mayoría de sus rivales fue concebida como un producto premium, sin compromiso, capaz de ofrecer la mejor calidad sonora posible a partir de un único recinto sin necesidad de un subwoofer externo u otros accesorios.

En 2013, Bowers & Wilkins actualizó el celebrado modelo original con la nueva y superior Panorama 2, equipada con altavoces de mayor calidad para mejorar el sonido y entradas HDMI para facilitar la conectividad.

La nueva Panorama 3 parte del ampliamente contrastado legado de sus dos antepasados. Al igual que dichos modelos, ha sido diseñada específicamente para ofrecer sonido del máximo nivel a partir de un único y elegante componente, sin necesidad de un subwoofer externo

El contenido de esta nota de prensa es el correcto en el momento de su publicación, pero puede estar sujeto a cambios sin aviso premio. Todas las marcas comerciales que se mencionan en esta nota de prensa pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios. Copyright B&W Group Ltd. E&OE

AirPlay es una marca comercial de Apple Inc. registrada en EE.UU. y otros países. iOS es una marca comercial o una marca comercial registrada por Cisco en EE.UU. y otros países y es usada bajo licencia. El nombre y los logotipos de Bluetooth son marcas comerciales registradas propiedad de Bluetooth SIG Inc. y cualquier uso de ambos por parte de Bowers & Wilkins es bajo licencia. Otras marcas y nombres comerciales pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios.

Su elegante y estilizado –con sólo 65 mm de altura- diseño hace que sea más fácil de instalar, más fácil de configurar y más fácil de integrar en espacios domésticos que la mayoría de sus competidores. A pesar de sus esbeltas proporciones, la Panorama 3 sigue albergando en su interior un total de 13 transductores individuales

-entre ellos 2 subwoofers para unos graves profundos y extendidos- más un total de 400 impresionantes vatios de amplificación. El resultado es un sonido poderoso capaz de llenar cualquier sala que ningún rival con un único recinto puede igualar.

Audio espacial inmersivo

La Panorama 3 también es la primera barra de sonido de Bowers & Wilkins equipada con altavoces de emisión superior para Dolby Atmos. Específicamente desarrollados y cuidadosamente orientados para proporcionar una inmersión óptima, están acompañados por un sofisticado descodificador y procesador Dolby Atmos para proporcionar sonido con mayúsculas a partir de bandas sonoras con audio 3D de películas, programas de televisión, videojuegos y música.

La instalación y configuración de la Panorama 3 es simple y fluida. Su estilizado perfil hace que sea fácil de colocar en un mueble delante de su televisor sin obstruir la parte inferior de la pantalla de este último, a la vez que se suministra de serie un soporte metálico para el caso de que usted prefiera montar su barra de sonido en la pared.

La conexión es también muy simple: un único cable HDMO es todo lo que usted necesita para unir su Panorama 3 a su televisor y compartir el sonido de la misma con otras fuentes que pueda tener, como por ejemplo un sintonizador de televisión separado o una consola de videojuegos. Una vez efectuada la conexión, usted puede utilizar su televisor o sintonizador de TV por cable/satélite para controlar el nivel de volumen y la puesta en marcha/desactivación de la Panorama 3. La nueva barra de sonido de Bowers & Wilkins también incluye botones táctiles capacitivos de tipo “ocultos hasta que se activan” en su superficie superior para un control instantáneo, e incluso es compatible Alexa para que usted pueda controlar cómodamente la escucha con su voz.

Streaming en alta resolución

Tal y como cabría esperar de una marca con una historia tan rica en el campo del sonido estereofónico, la Panorama 3 también sobresale en la reproducción de música. Incluye tanto AirPlay 2 como Bluetooth aptx Adaptive, por lo que tanto los usuarios de iOS como los de Android podrán enviar música a la Panorama 3 desde sus dispositivos móviles. Los fans de Spotify también podrán disfrutar la comodidad de Spotify Connect, asegurando de este modo tanto sonido de alta calidad como un funcionamiento práctico y confortable.

Para la escucha de música en alta resolución acompañada de una experiencia de usuario inmaculada, Panorama 3 también soporta la aplicación Bowers & Wilkins Music App, que proporciona un acceso instantáneo a un amplio repertorio de servicios de streaming, entre ellos Deezer, Last.fm, Qobuz, Soundcloud, TIDAL y TuneIn.

Al igual que su icónico compañero Zeppelin, la Panorama 3 ha sido desarrollada para durar. Su potente “cerebro” digital puede ser mejorado a lo largo del tiempo, habiéndose planificado para dentro de unos meses la incorporación de funcionalidad multisala. Esto hará que la Panorama 3 sea compatible tanto con otras Panorama 3 como con el nuevo Zeppelin en un entorno multisala o, si usted lo prefiere, en un sistema multisala basado en productos Formation de Bowers & Wilkins.

Comentando este lanzamiento de producto, Stephanie Willems, Brand President de Bowers & Wilkins, afirmó que “Estamos emocionados de comercializar la nueva Panorama 3. Es nuestra primera barra de sonido con Dolby Atmos y además combina todas las prestaciones y todo el pedigrí de un producto Bowers & Wilkins con lo último en diseño elegante y facilidad de uso. Estoy segura de que nuestros fans amarán su combinación única de funcionalidades y sonido capaz de llenar cualquier sala.

Esbelta, inteligente, fácil de instalar y emocionante de escuchar, la nueva Panorama 3 es la barra de sonido que usted ha estado esperando. Con ella, podrá finalmente experimentar todas las películas, los espectáculos de televisión y la música que usted ama, tal y como lo concibieron quienes los crearon.

Panorama 3 estará disponible a partir de hoy 3 de marzo de 2022 en el sitio web de Bowers & Wilkins y en distribuidores seleccionados por un precio de 999 euros.

Más información en https://www.bowerswilkins.com/es-es/soundbars/panorama3

Acerca de Bowers & Wilkins

Fundada en el Reino Unido en 1966, Bowers & Wilkins, lleva más de 50 años en la vanguardia de la tecnología del audio de altas prestaciones. Bowers & Wilkins diseña y fabrica cajas acústicas de alta precisión para uso doméstico, auriculares, componentes para instalaciones personalizadas y sistemas de

Car Audio de altas prestaciones que han establecido nuevos estándares de excelencia en innovación y calidad sonora y han sido merecedores de incontables premios y reconocimientos por parte de los mejores músicos y estudios de grabación del mundo. La reputación de Bowers & Wilkins está basada en la

búsqueda incansable del mejor sonido posible y una experiencia de escucha musical insuperable. En el año 2020, Bowers & Wilkins se unió a la familia de marcas de Sound United LLC. Más información en www.bowerswilkins.com.

Give your interior design project a touch of elegance and luxury. These six pieces of luxury furniture by Boca do Lobo will inspire you and give any space a touch of elegance that goes hand-to-hand with Qatar’s exclusive lifestyle. Get to know more about these timeless designs!


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Exclusive, comfortable, and luxurious. The creativity and rich decoration of the Versailles Palace contributed to the inspiration of the creation of this exuberant sofa. Boca do Lobo opens the way to freedom and the need of bringing extravagant creations to life with the Versailles Sofa.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

The Versailles Sofa is made in a wood structure and panels in a manual sculpture, produced in resin, and finished with restoration techniques similar to stone. The upholstery fabric is made up of six velvety and removable pillows. This luxury furniture piece goes hand-to-hand with Qatar’s exclusive lifestyle, and it certainly is a piece that will give your living room a different impact.

اكسبو 2020 دبي EXPO 2020 Dubai: Amazing Pavilions Design


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

The Hera Suspension Lamp will certainly shine luxury and elegance upon your interior design project. The Hera is the perfect piece with an Arabic vibe to brighten your exclusive home.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

The lighting fixture is molded to resemble the features and look of a golden branch. Handmade from cast brass, this chandelier has an organic shape and intricate contemporary details to create an adjustable arrangement in a harmonious ensemble. This luxury furniture piece is perfect for sophisticated living and dining rooms.


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Bohème embodies the spirit of true adventurers who choose to live an unconventional and exclusive lifestyle, born as a statement piece that travelled around the world.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Comprising a collection of vintage suitcases in an interwar style that captures different events, nations, and ideas, the Bohème gold safe is comprised of six polished brass briefcases, each one possessing its own drawer with an interior that can be fully customized. A beautiful luxury furniture piece that provides solace to the restless traveler, it matches both antique furniture and contemporary design.

See Also: Dubai Interior Design: Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

Luxury Safes GIF Boca do Lobo


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Metamorphosis Center Table experiences new unexpected design techniques, noble finishes through a meticulous artistic process. This luxury furniture piece is composed of two fragments, finished in mirror and noble marble, and beautified by the presence of golden creatures that are prepared for their ultimate metamorphosis.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي



There is nothing finer than a gorgeous mirror to set off the décor in a room. Boca do Lobo offers you marvelous and beautiful mirrors that add a touch of magic to a room in the same way a painting does. This luxury furniture piece will create a new dimension in the interior design of your space.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

This stunning luxury mirror will certainly reflect the exclusive lifestyle of Qatar. It is composed of ten different-sized grey mirrors in rusted golden leaf finished frames, which are then constructed in an overlapping pattern.


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Like a perfect symphony, this bathtub creates the perfect harmony between elegance and luxury. The gold-plated brass tubes stand out on this oval-shaped design, giving it the elegant yet luxurious look you are searching for. This luxury furniture piece is made of white casted iron giving it a clean look that is perfect for any luxury bathroom project.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

These six luxury furniture pieces will certainly give the perfect touch of elegance and exclusiveness to your interior design project in Qatar. A design style that matches perfectly with Qatar’s exclusive lifestyle and is in perfect harmony with the Arabic vibe.

Find out more about the best luxury furniture with Boca do Lobo

اكسبو 2020 دبي EXPO 2020 Dubai: Amazing Pavilions Design

See Also: Dubai Interior Design: Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

Lamps Boca do Lobo

Juliet Gold, born in London, England, began her design career in Miami and then expanded to New York City, where she designs high-end homes in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Her firm, Juliet Gold Design, has offices in New York and South Florida, and has extensive experience in construction supervision and renovation, as well as interior design.

Juliet prides herself on designing homes that are distinctly modern and elegant, with simple, clean lines. Whether it’s a shell, a new home or an existing home ready for renovation, the team executes each project with a clear understanding of your needs and will give you living spaces that reflect your personality and suit your taste and lifestyle.

The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 1
Source: Juliet Gold Design
The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD
Source: Juliet Gold Design

This split-level loft with dramatic views of Miami’s Biscayne Bay in the Chad Oppenheim designed 10 Museum Park was purchased by an NFL football player living the bachelor lifestyle. Juliet and her team were not only responsible for the design of the space but also served as general contractors and oversaw the build-out.

Their design vision was a masculine sensibility with comfort and entertainment in mind. The team installed a Crestron home automation system and added motorised draperies and sun shades throughout the unit.

The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 2
Source: Juliet Gold Design
The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 3
Source: Juliet Gold Design
The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 4
Source: Juliet Gold Design

Take a look at this stainless steel kitchen, pratical to use, directly connected to the living room, with modern and clean lines and just the perfect use of the light.

Jewelry Cases Ebook Boca do Lobo precious jewelry cases in the world banner

The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 5
Source: Juliet Gold Design

This living space is a good example of the good work of Juliet and her team. Modern, simple – yet sophisticated – and comfortable, perfect for watching a movie with friends and relax after a long day.

The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 6
Source: Juliet Gold Design

In the bedroom, you can see the right use of neutral colors, distinctive elements, and also a sideboard to compliment the space and give it that modern touch!

The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 7
Source: Juliet Gold Design
The Bachelor Lifestyle According To Juliet Gold Design NFL BACHELOR PAD 8
Source: Juliet Gold Design

Outside, you will find a space to receive some friends, enjoy the Miami weather and also the views. Juliet was pretty determined in doing a great job, providing a final result with plenty of relaxing elements.

In each project, Juliet Gold Design team brings together furniture, furnishings, fabrics, lighting, textures, and colors to create spaces that are functional and imaginative, but also fluid, minimal and sophisticated.

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Bugatti reveals carbon fiber Pool Table engineered to Molsheim standards

Carbon fiber finish, innovative self-levelling technology, made in limited numbers with the best quality materials – a new pool table by Bugatti that is true to the values of the luxury marque.

The ultimate Bugatti collection always begins with a hyper sports car parked in the garage of the high-performance connoisseur. But the dedication to Bugatti can expand beyond four-wheel products that come from the Atelier in Molsheim. The newest product from the Bugatti Lifestyle collection is a Pool Table that is adorned in carbon fiber, built to the matching high standards of the famous model range from the French luxury marque. Now Bugatti aficionados can build on their dedication to Molsheim at home – or at sea – with the new Pool Table featuring optional highly advanced gyroscopic self-levelling technology for use on a yacht.

The Bugatti Lifestyle collection has expanded once again with the addition of the Bugatti Pool Table that reflects the best qualities of the hyper sports cars made in Molsheim. The officially licensed Pool Table – made in partnership with IXO®, designers and specialists of carbon fiber product construction – is the ideal addition for any Bugatti collector.

True to the Bugatti name, the Pool Table uses innovative technology to give it the edge over rival products. An optional servo-driven system deploys a gyroscopic sensor to level the table – in case of installation on board a yacht. Each leg can move to compensate for the movement of a ship and remain perfectly level. The system can adjust in just 5 milliseconds, and the movement is completed in total silence with vibration-free adjustment.

Just like the hyper sports cars made in Molsheim, the Bugatti Pool Table is made of the highest quality materials and even wears the famous Bugatti badge. The carbon fiber finish of the Pool Table represents the sporting nature of the French luxury marque, while the strong frame of the table is underpinned by machined aluminum and titanium. The product meets the standards of a professional tournament pool table.

A unique plate adorns each Bugatti Pool Table, displaying the famous Bugatti logo and the limited-edition number for each product – just like with every hyper sports car receives from the Atelier. The Pool Table is made in a limited run of 30 tables, with five to be made by IXO® in 2021. The sides of the drawers of the Pool Table are manufactured with CNC-machined, brushed and anodized aluminum, complete with the Bugatti logo. Ball pockets made from stainless steel are lined with leather, with fittings complete with titanium screws and nuts to prevent corrosion from aluminum parts.

While the Bugatti Pool Table complements any hyper sports car in a collection, products in a range of official accessories are the perfect match for this sports equipment. The wall cue support is finished in carbon fiber, also featuring a 13-inch, high-resolution touch screen to keep track of scores. The carbon fiber pool cues feature anodized and CNC-machined aluminum ends that are made to the same design of the buttons of Bugatti hyper sports cars.

A dimmable LED ceiling light is also made with carbon fiber, while other official branded Bugatti accessories include a chalk box, finished in black with anodized aluminum, cleaning brush in black, a suitcase made in Bugatti leather to transport the set of Aramith Tournament Pro balls while a USB key, presented also in a CNC-machined aluminium case, includes photos and videos of each table made, so the customer could see the full history of the manufacturing steps of their Pool Table. The box is lined with the same leather used in the construction of the Pool Table.

Stephan Winkelmann, President of Bugatti Automobiles, said: “It is our pleasure to be working with a manufacturing partner that mirrors the qualities of Bugatti. Through our shared values, we can be sure that the Bugatti Pool Table will be made with extremely high quality materials, that the standard of the limited production will be very high, and that the technology used to make the product is advanced. We only choose the best partners to represent our famous Bugatti marque, yet we know that IXO® will meet the same benchmarks we expect in the production of hyper sports cars made in our Molsheim Atelier.”

The first official Bugatti Pool Table will be delivered to customers in June and is available to purchase for €250.000, including the accessories.

Pedro Sanchez, General Manager at IXO®, said: “When we started developing the Bugatti Pool Table project, we knew we had to be different and excel in all areas in order to be extraordinary. At IXO®, good is never enough. We strive for perfection and the goal of ultimate quality in every aspect, and that is a moving target. Whether it is beauty, luxury, elegance, exclusivity or durability, we make sure to raise the bar. All available time, emotion, knowledge and resources have been spent. Nothing has been spared – everything has been ventured and sacrificed – in order to create a being beyond imagination. I truly feel that our creations have soul. We have poured our hearts into them.”

Hyundai IONIQ 5 Redefines Electric Mobility Lifestyle

  • IONIQ 5 all-electric, midsize CUV debuted today in a virtual world premiere event
  • Design explores new experiences only possible with dedicated BEV platform
    …Evokes the daring attitude of Hyundai Pony, the company’s first production car, highlighting 45-year journey of Hyundai design and looking ahead to the future
    …Exterior achieves unique proportions on a 3,000-mm wheelbase emphasizing EV specific typology
    .…Interior raises bar of comfort and usability with flat floor and Universal Island
  • Reflects commitment to sustainability by utilizing eco-friendly materials and nature-inspired colors in many touchpoints
  • Delivers powerful performance and ultra-fast 400 V and 800 V multi-charging
  • Provides Vehicle-to-Load (V2L) function, which can turn the vehicle into a charger on wheels

SEOUL, February 22, 2021 — Hyundai Motor Company today launched the IONIQ 5 midsize CUV during a virtual world premiere event. As the first model in Hyundai’s new IONIQ brand dedicated to battery electric vehicles (BEV), IONIQ 5 sets the benchmark to redefine the electric mobility lifestyle with sustainable and innovative features.

IONIQ 5 is built upon Hyundai Motor Group’s dedicated BEV architecture called Electric-Global Modular Platform (E-GMP), enabling it to have unique proportions on an elongated wheelbase. With E-GMP, IONIQ 5 offers innovative interior design with eco-friendly materials in many touchpoints, strong performance mated with ultra-fast charging and a Vehicle-to-Load (V2L) function as well as advanced connectivity and driver assistance features that will offer the ultimate in-car experience while ensuring safety.

“IONIQ 5 will accommodate lifestyles without limits, proactively caring for customers’ needs throughout their journey,” said Thomas Schemera, Executive Vice President and Global Chief Marketing Officer. “It is truly the first electric vehicle to provide a new experience with its innovative use of interior space and advanced technologies.”

Heralding a new era for EV design

IONIQ 5’s progressive design represents a departure from past norms, exploring a new design freedom offered by a dedicated BEV platform. By evoking the daring attitude of Hyundai Pony, the company’s first production car, IONIQ 5 highlights Hyundai’s 45-year journey to become a part of customer’s lifestyles, creating a common thread from past to present and future. This is the redefinition of timeless design, a theme that will expand as the IONIQ lineup grows.

IONIQ 5’s unique exterior design is characterized by the Pony-inspired profile over a 3,000-mm wheelbase. This extended wheelbase requires a more sophisticated approach to translate this new proportion into a contemporary EV typology.

The front of the car is equipped with Hyundai’s first clamshell hood that minimizes panel gaps for optimal aerodynamics. The front bumper is defined by an eye-catching V-shape incorporating distinctive daytime running lights (DRLs) that provide an unmistakable light signature unique to IONIQ 5. These small pixel-like clusters also appear at the rear of the vehicle.

On the sides, auto flush door handles provide clean surface styling and enhanced aerodynamic efficiency. The front and rear forms of the vehicle merge together at its doors, offering another example of Hyundai’s ‘Parametric Dynamics’ design first seen on the all-new Tucson. The strong C-pillar shape, inspired by Hyundai’s ‘45’ EV concept, gives IONIQ 5 a commanding presence clearly identifiable from a distance.

Aero-optimized wheels further echo the Parametric Pixel design theme and are offered in a super-sized 20-inch diameter, the largest rims ever fitted to a Hyundai EV. These complete IONIQ 5’s perfected proportions, optimized for Hyundai’s E-GMP.

“A new mobility experience for the next generation—this was the mission from the first day we began this project, to look ahead towards the horizon, but stay fundamentally Hyundai,” said SangYup Lee, Senior Vice President and Head of Hyundai Global Design Center. “IONIQ 5 is the new definition of timeless, providing a common thread linking our past to the present and future.”

The ‘Living Space’ theme runs throughout the interior, most notably embodied by the Universal Island, a moveable center console that can slide back as much as 140 mm. Universal Island, along with the flat floor where the batteries are stored, allows more freedom of movement inside the vehicle.

IONIQ 5 is also equipped with electronically adjustable front seats. The seats recline to the optimum angle, offering a weightless feeling for the occupant. Hyundai reduced the thickness of the front seats by 30 percent, providing more space for those seated in the second row.

Many of its interior touchpoints — seats, headliner, door trim, floor and armrest — use eco-friendly, sustainably sourced materials, such as recycled PET bottles, plant-based (bio PET) yarns and natural wool yarns, eco-processed leather with plant-based extracts, and bio paint with plant extracts.

Customers can choose from nine exterior colors, including five nature-inspired hues exclusive to IONIQ 5. The interior has three color options

A range of power electric systems to suit every customer

IONIQ 5 is available with a range of power electric (PE) configurations to fit the mobility needs of every customer, with no compromises on performance. Customers can select from two battery pack options, either 58 kWh or 72.6 kWh, and two electric motor layouts, either with a rear motor only or with both front and rear motors. All PE variations provide outstanding range and deliver a top speed of 185 km/h.

At the top of the electric motor lineup is an all-wheel drive (AWD) option paired with the 72.6-kWh battery, producing a combined power output of 225-kWh and 605 Nm of torque. This PE configuration can go from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 5.2 seconds.

When equipped with two-wheel drive (2WD) and 72.6-kWh battery, IONIQ 5’s maximum driving range on a single charge will be around 470~480 km, according to the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) standard.

Ultra-fast battery charging along with innovative Vehicle-to-Load (V2L) function

IONIQ 5’s E-GMP can support both 400-V and 800-V charging infrastructures. The platform offers 800-V charging capability as standard, along with 400-V charging, without the need for additional components or adapters. The multi-charging system is a world’s first patented technology that operates the motor and inverter to boost 400 V to 800 V for stable charging compatibility.

With a 350-kW charger, IONIQ 5 can charge from 10 percent to 80 percent in just 18 minutes. IONIQ 5 users only need to charge the vehicle for five minutes to get 100 km of range, according to WLTP.

IONIQ 5 also provides an innovative V2L function, which allows customers to freely use or charge any electric devices, such as electric bicycles, scooters or camping equipment, serving as a charger on wheels.

The V2L function can supply up to 3.6 kW of power. The V2L port is located under the second-row seats, and it can be activated when a vehicle is on. Another V2L port is located at the charging port on the vehicle exterior. Using a converter, customers can charge high-power electric equipment. The outside port provides power even when the vehicle is turned off.

Innovative connectivity and driver assistance for safety and convenience

IONIQ 5 seamlessly integrates advanced technologies for an enhanced digital user experience. The wide, configurable, dual cockpit features a 12-inch, full-touch infotainment screen and hoodless 12- inch digital gauge cluster that can be customized to meet customers’ needs.

For the first time in Hyundai, IONIQ 5 features an Augmented Reality Head-Up Display (AR HUD), essentially turning the windshield into a display screen.

IONIQ 5 is also equipped with the next level of Hyundai SmartSense, advanced driver assistance system, ensuring the highest levels of safety and convenience on the road. IONIQ 5 is the first Hyundai model to offer Highway Driving Assist 2 (HDA 2). Other driving assistance systems include Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA), Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA), Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA), Driver Attention Warning (DAW), High Beam Assist (HBA), and more.

IONIQ 5 will be available in selected regions starting in the first half of 2021.


 Editor’s note: The vehicle specifications and features in this press release may vary depending on country/region.

Wheelbase 3,000 mm
Length 4,635 mm
Width 1,890 mm
Height 1,605 mm
Boot/trunk space 531 L / 1591 L (when second-row seats are fully folded)
Front trunk North American (NA) model: 24 L (both AWD and 2WD)

Non-NA model: 57 L (2WD) or 24 L (AWD)

Platform Electric-Global Modular Platform
Maximum Driving Range

(according to WLTP)

470~480 km

(When pairing 2WD with 72.6-kWh battery option)


Long Range

72.6-kWh Battery

(77.4-kWh for NA)

AWD Power 225-kW (Front and Rear combined)
Torque 605-Nm (Front and Rear combined)
0-100 km/h 5.2 seconds
2WD Power 160-kW Rear
Torque 350-Nm Rear
0-100 km/h 7.4 seconds

Standard Range

58-kWh Battery

AWD Power 173 kW (Front and Rear combined)
Torque 605 Nm (Front and Rear combined)
0-100 km/h 6.1 seconds
2WD Power 125 kW
Torque 350 Nm
0-100 km/h 8.5 seconds
Features (Please see additional details section below table for more information)
Supported Charging Infrastructure 400 V and 800 V (No need for additional adapters)
Ultra-fast Charging 10 % to 80 % in 18 minutes of charge

100 km of range (WLTP) in 5 minutes of charge

Vehicle-to-Load Max. Output 3.6 kW
Port Locations Inside: Under second-row seats

Outside: vehicle charging port

Infotainment Screen 12-inch, full-touch infotainment screen

Hoodless 12-inch digital gauge cluster

Bluelink® connected car services Remote Profile Management

Remote Start Enhancements

Vehicle Status Notifications

POI Send to Car Now with Waypoints

Maintenance Alert Enhancement

Dynamic Voice Recognition

Safety and Convenience Features Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA)

Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA)

Safe Exit Assist (SEA)

Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA)

Driver Attention Warning (DAW)

High Beam Assist (HBA)

Surround View Monitor (SVM)

Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA)

Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist (PCA)

Highway Driving Assist 2 (HDA 2)

Remote Smart Parking Assist (RSPA)

Available Colors
Exterior: Gravity Gold Matte, Shooting-Star Gray Matte, Digital Teal-Green Pearl, Lucid Blue Pearl, Atlas White, Cyber Gray Metallic, Phantom Black Pearl, Galactic Gray Metallic (not available in NA region), Mystic Olive-Green Pearl (not available in NA region)

Interior: Obsidian Black and Dark Pebble Gray/Dove Gray, Dark Teal/Dove Gray, and Terra Brown/Mud Gray (only available in Korea)

IONIQ 5 Additional Details:

1. Design & Sustainability 

IONIQ 5’s progressive design language drew inspiration from Hyundai’s ‘45’ EV concept, which debuted at 2019 International Motor Show Germany. Guided by Hyundai’s ‘Sensuous Sportiness’ design identity, ‘45’ featured a monocoque-style body and a futuristic interior designed for electrification and autonomous technologies.

IONIQ 5 follows suit but goes one step further, offering a bridge to the future of electric mobility that is technologically advanced, eco-friendly and plugged into today’s customers’ needs.

Exterior featuring unique proportions and the longest wheelbase in the segment

IONIQ 5’s unique exterior design is characterised by clean and sharp lines, creating a sleek and sophisticated look. The BEV’s precisely modelled surfaces and shapes give it an angular, almost geometric appearance. In addition, Hyundai’s designers integrated cutting-edge Parametric Pixel lights on the front and rear. This unique design element signifies Hyundai’s intent to fundamentally reinvent electric mobility with an EV-specific design that will carry over to future IONIQ models.

IONIQ 5’s crossover body type achieves unique proportions and short overhangs due to its elongated wheelbase. Measuring 4,635-mm long, 1,890-mm wide and 1,605-mm tall on a 3,000-mm wheelbase, IONIQ 5 offers D-segment-like space in a midsize CUV.

Customers can choose from nine exterior colors, including five nature-inspired, new hues exclusive to the model. These include two options with a Matte finish: the hero color Gravity Gold Matte and Shooting-Star Gray Matte, along with Digital Teal-Green Pearl, Mystic Olive-Green Pearl and Lucid Blue Pearl. Other available exterior colors include Atlas White, Galactic Gray Metallic, Cyber Gray Metallic and Phantom Black Pearl.

Spacious, customizable interior is a home away from home

IONIQ 5 sets itself apart from other midsize CUVs, especially those with internal combustion engines and conventional steer-by-wire systems, because the E-GMP enables a flat floor where the model’s batteries are stored, allowing for innovative interior design and extra legroom.

IONIQ 5’s 3,000-mm wheelbase, which is 100-mm longer than Hyundai’s flagship SUV Palisade, offers spaciousness of a large passenger car in a midsize CUV. The long wheelbase allowed Hyundai designers to apply a ‘Living Space’ theme to the interior, rather than a conventional car design theme.

The vision roof of IONIQ 5 provides the interior with a greater sense of openness as IONIQ 5’s ceiling consists of one large glass panel without any support materials.

IONIQ 5 provides 531 liters of trunk space, which increases up to almost 1,600 liters when the second-row seats are fully folded. For added versatility, the second-row seats can slide forward up to 135 mm and also be folded in a 6:4 ratio. Meanwhile, customers can enjoy additional storage space with a front trunk that offers as much as 57 liters of capacity[7], which is particularly useful for longer journeys, when extra luggage is carried.

Adjacent to the digital gauge cluster is a metal insert that can accommodate a multi-purpose tray holder. IONIQ 5’s infotainment system is the first to integrate a new design theme called Jong-e Graphic User Interface (GUI) that offers various interior ambience settings, such as soft, delicate and exuberant.

Customers can stay warm during the winter months by taking advantage of the heated steering wheel and heated front seat functions.

Customers can choose from three interior color options. The base pack includes Obsidian Black and Dark Pebble Gray/Dove Gray, while the optional color pack offers Dark Teal/Dove Gray[8].

Sustainable, eco-friendly EV features accommodate lifestyles without limits

IONIQ 5’s demonstration of environmental responsibility doesn’t stop with electrification. Sustainability is at the center of IONIQ’s brand vision, which can be found throughout IONIQ 5 in eco-friendly materials and nature-inspired colors.

Many of its interior touchpoints — seats, headliner, door trim, floor and armrest — use eco-friendly, sustainably sourced materials, such as recycled PET bottles, plant-based (bio PET) yarns and natural wool yarns, eco-processed leather with plant-based extracts, and bio paint with plant extracts.

IONIQ 5 can also be equipped with an eco-friendly solar roof, which supports the vehicle’s electric power source by collecting energy and transferring it to the battery pack, improving efficiency. The solar roof can prevent battery discharge while providing an additional driving range.

2. Performance

IONIQ 5 is available with a range of power electric (PE) configurations to fit the mobility needs of every customer, with no compromises on performance.

At the top of the electric motor lineup is an all-wheel drive (AWD) option paired with the 72.6-kWh battery, producing a combined power output of 225-kWh and 605 Nm of torque. This PE configuration can go from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 5.2 seconds. When AWD option is paired with the 58-kWh battery, this dual-motor layout can go from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 6.1 seconds.

The single-motor layout with a rear motor offers 350 Nm of torque and two-wheel drive (2WD). When paired with the 72.6-kWh battery[9], this PE can accelerate from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 7.4 seconds. When paired with the 58-kWh battery, it can accelerate from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 8.5 seconds.

In addition, IONIQ 5 can tow a trailer with a capacity up to 1,600 kg.

3. Features

Connectivity for the ultimate in-car experience

Hyundai is offering the latest version of its upgraded Bluelink® connected car services that deliver a range of new features and allows customers to control their car with their smartphone or voice to make their drive more convenient and enjoyable. New Bluelink features include Connected Routing, Last Mile Navigation and a new User Profile feature.

The Bluelink app displays the vehicle’s range, battery state and charging times when plugged into public or private charging points. Customers can access an advanced battery management system in order to select charging times that best fit their schedule or their budget by making the most of off-peak electricity rates.

Other Bluelink-enabled features include:

  • Remote Profile Management stores selected vehicle settings in the Bluelink cloud, with the ability to remotely update and push back to the vehicle, personalized to driver preferences
  • Remote Start Enhancements offer remote seat heating and ventilation functions as well as preloads of individual driver settings for seating position
  • Vehicle Status Notifications inform customers if the vehicle is left with doors unlocked or windows open
  • POI Send to Car Now with Waypoints is an ability to add up to three-way points to be delivered to the vehicle together and automatically set order of destinations
  • Maintenance Alert Enhancement tracks maintenance intervals in the multimedia system, with ability to reset

With Remote Charging, IONIQ 5 drivers can start and stop charging with the push of a button on their smartphone app. During colder months, Remote Climate Control allows users to schedule pre-heating of IONIQ 5 while it is connected to an external power source. Not only does this ensure comfort for occupants during the drive, but it also saves battery power that would otherwise be needed to heat the vehicle on the road.

IONIQ 5’s Dynamic Voice Recognition system accepts simple voice commands to conveniently control cabin A/C, radio, hatch opening/closing, heated steering wheel, heated/cooled seats and other functions. In recent stock rover reviews, it’s been mentioned that the system can also assist with various points of interest (POI), weather status and stock market data updates.

IONIQ 5 also features a premium Bose sound system. Its eight speakers, including a subwoofer, are strategically placed throughout the vehicle for a high-quality listening experience.

Head-Up Display with AR technology

For the first time in Hyundai, IONIQ 5 features an Augmented Reality Head-Up Display (AR HUD), essentially turning the windshield into a display screen. Drivers can choose to use AR technology to project relevant information, such as navigation, advanced safety and the car’s surroundings, to their line of sight across the windshield. This allows drivers to process information quickly while keeping their attention on the road ahead.

Driver assistance system ensures highest levels of safety and convenience

IONIQ 5’s Highway Driving Assist 2 (HDA 2) makes highway driving more convenient. Using front view camera, radar sensors, and navigation data, HDA 2 works to control the vehicle speed and following distance, while keeping the vehicle centered in its lane. It can also assist the driver when changing a lane.

Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) can detect a vehicle, pedestrian or cyclist and can help avoid a collision with any one of them. It includes Junction Turning, Junction Crossing and/or Lane-Changing Oncoming. FCA with Junction Turning activates the brakes if it detects oncoming traffic when the driver is turning left at an intersection. FCA with Junction Crossing senses vehicles approaching from the side when the driver is going straight through an intersection. FCA with Lane-Change Oncoming makes switching lanes safer. If FCA senses an approaching car that has crossed the center line when the driver is changing lines, it automatically assists with avoidance steering, if there is no danger of secondary accidents. If a potential secondary accident is detected, FCA will only produce a warning.

Other semi-autonomous driving features include Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA), which adjusts vehicle speed to match the speed limit, and High Beam Assist (HBA), which automatically turns high beams on and off to avoid blinding oncoming drivers.

IONIQ 5 has several driver attention-related functions to ensure safety at all times by detecting if the driver is drowsy or distracted. Driver Attention Warning (DAW) displays the driver’s attention level and provides a warning when signs of driver inattentiveness are detected. DAW sounds a warning if the vehicle remains stopped for a long period of time (such as at a traffic signal) and the driver doesn’t react quickly enough when the vehicle ahead starts moving.

Several functions work in tandem to help avoid collisions in a variety of driving situations. Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) helps avoid collisions at the rear side of the vehicle by using radar to detect other vehicles and applies differential braking, when necessary. BCA is particularly useful in situations such as changing lanes or exiting from parallel parking. Another function, Blind-Spot View Monitor (BVM), uses a camera to show the driver views to the left and the right of the vehicle on the cluster screen if the driver indicates to change lanes.

IONIQ 5 also assures the safety of backseat passengers with Safe Exit Assist (SEA), which helps keep the rear doors closed by maintaining the electronic child lock when there is oncoming traffic.

A variety of parking assistance features make parking in a variety of circumstances easier than before. Remote Smart Parking Assist (RSPA) allows the driver to remotely park or exit a parking spot from outside the vehicle. This feature works for both parallel and perpendicular parking and can be activated via a button on the vehicle’s smart key.

Surround View Monitor (SVM) uses an array of strategically located cameras to give the driver a 360-degree view of the area surrounding the vehicle, making it easier to park in tight spaces. Reverse Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist (PCA) works to help avoid collisions while backing up. If an obstacle is detected via the rear-view camera or rear ultrasonic sensors, PCA will display a warning and, if necessary, apply the brakes. Similarly, Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA) can display and sound a warning, or apply the brakes, when a car approaches from the left or right side and the driver does not stop.

4. Next

IONIQ: More to come

Hyundai’s new IONIQ brand represents the company’s strong commitment to sustainability and innovation. Under the mission of IONIQ brand, ‘Progress electrified for connected living’, Hyundai will offer electric vehicle experiences with a focus on customized, eco-friendly solutions that can fit any lifestyle, delivering the company’s vision ‘Progress for Humanity’. The introduction of IONIQ 5, is the first step in the company’s journey of dedicated electric vehicles, moving another step closer towards achieving its clean mobility goals.

Following the launch of IONIQ 5, Hyundai will expand its BEV lineup with IONIQ 6, an electric sedan, and IONIQ 7, a large electric SUV.

About Hyundai Motor Company
Established in 1967, Hyundai Motor Company is present in over 200 countries with more than 120,000 employees dedicated to tackling real-world mobility challenges around the globe.

Based on the brand vision ‘Progress for Humanity,’ Hyundai Motor is accelerating its transformation into a Smart Mobility Solution Provider.

The company invests in advanced technologies such as robotics and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) to bring about revolutionary mobility solutions, while pursuing open innovation to introduce future mobility services.

In pursuit of sustainable future for the world, Hyundai will continue its efforts to introduce zero emission vehicles equipped with industry-leading hydrogen fuel cell and EV technologies.

More information about Hyundai Motor and its products can be found at: http://worldwide.hyundai.com or http://globalpr.hyundai.com

Disclaimer: Hyundai Motor Company believes the information contained herein to be accurate at the time of release. However, the company may upload new or updated information if required and assumes that it is not liable for the accuracy of any information interpreted and used by the reader.

Bowers & Wilkins amplía la familia Formation con Formation Flex, la nueva incorporación a la Suite.

Bowers & Wilkins Expande Aún Más su Apuesta por el Sonido Inalámbrico Sin Compromiso con la Presentación de su Nueva Formation Flex®

MENLO PARK, California, 10 de Septiembre de 2019 – Bowers & Wilkins, la marca de audio líder re conocida por su innovadora tecnología, extiende hoy su catálogo de sonido inalámbrico con la presentación de la Formation Flex, que proporciona la más alta calidad sonora jamás encontrada en una caja acústica de su tamaño.

Formation Lifestyle Photography

Bowers & Wilkins amplía la familia Formation con Formation Flex, la nueva incorporación a la Suite.

La Formation Flex incorpora un tweeter con la misma tecnología que se puede encontrar en las cajas acústicas de la galardonada Serie 600, por lo que el usuario tendrá a su disposición la asombrosa claridad sonora que caracteriza a nuestros sistemas de altavoces tradicionales con conexión por cable. Diseñada para ser extremadamente versátil, la Formation Flex puede utilizarse de forma independientemente, emparejada con otra Formation Flex para obtener sonido estereofónico o combinada con cualquier otra caja acústica Formation –como por ejemplo la Formation Bar y el Formation Bass- para lograr incluso una experiencia sonora envolvente de 5.1 canales altamente inmersiva. La Formation Flex exhibe exactamente los mismos estándares de calidad  sonora que caracterizan a Bowers & Wilkins, a la vez que continúa redefiniendo el patrón de referencia en “audio inalámbrico” para toda la industria gracias al legado sin parangón de la marca, haciendo de este modo que la Formation Flex sea parte de La Más Alta Expresión del Sonido™.

Formation Lifestyle Photography

“La Formation Flex es increíblemente rápida y fácil de configurar con nuestra interfaz de usuario simplificada. Bastan unos pocos minutos para configurarla y empezar a escuchar nuestra música favorita”, afirma Greg Lee, CEO de Bowers & Wilkins. “Una vez más, estamos introduciendo una realización moderna del máximo nivel, un producto expresamente construido para obtener un sonido superior pero diseñado para integrarse en la estética de cualquier hogar y marcar diferencias. Y al ser una de sus características clave la completa escalabilidad, la Flex permite al usuario expandir su sistema de audio a lo largo de toda su casa añadiendo cualquiera de los productos Formation que presentamos la pasada primavera.”

Tecnología Inalámbrica Formation exclusiva – Sistema patentado de Bowers & Wilkins para ofrecer sonido de Alta Fidelidad tradicional por vía inalámbrica*. Combina:

  • Sincronización de Cajas Acústicas Perfeccionada – escena sonora completamente inmersiva sin precedentes gracias a una inigualable –apenas 1 microsegundo – sincronización entre cajas acústicas
  • Red Ultraestable Patentada – desarrollada para funcionar de manera independiente de su red Wi-Fi inalámbrica a fin de conseguir un sonido fluido y sin fisuras
  • Audio con Resolución de 24 bits/96 kHz – streaming de alta resolución con una fidelidad sonora dos veces superior a la proporcionada por la mayoría de cajas acústicas inalámbricas para ofrecer el sonido más puro y claro posible

Prestaciones sonoras Bowers & Wilkins – Con más de 50 años de búsqueda de la excelencia en tecnología acústica concentrados en el Formation Suite, experimente sonido en Alta Fidelidad como en ningún otro sistema inalámbrico existente.

  • Tweeter de Doble Cúpula Desacoplado – La tecnología utilizada en el tweeter procede de nuestra Serie 600, asegurando de este modo la máxima calidad posible en la reproducción de la zona alta del espectro en el contexto de una escena sonora completamente expresiva
  • Ingeniería del máximo nivel – Diseñada y afinada por los mismos ingenieros de Bowers & Wilkins que crearon la legendaria Serie 800 Diamond
  • Ecualización Dinámica – optimizando las prestaciones del sistema en tiempo real se consiguen unas prestaciones superiores, con menos distorsión que otras cajas acústicas inalámbricas

Formation Flex Photography

Características Adicionales:

Configuración rápida y fácil – una interfaz de usuario simplificada permite configurar el producto y empezar a reproducir música en unos pocos minutos.

Diseño de vanguardia – expresamente construido para obtener un sonido superior pero diseñado para integrarse en la estética de cualquier hogar y marcar diferencias.

Escalabilidad doméstica completa – expanda su sistema de audio por toda la casa con productos Formation adicionales.

PVPR: 449 € IVA incl.

Para más información sobre el sonido inalámbrico sin compromiso de la Formation Flex, visite www.bowers-wilkins.com.

Acerca de Bowers & Wilkins
Fundada en el Reino Unido en 1966, Bowers & Wilkins, lleva más de 50 años en la vanguardia de la tecnología del audio de altas prestaciones. Bowers & Wilkins diseña y fabrica cajas acústicas de alta precisión para uso doméstico, auriculares, componentes para instalaciones personalizadas y sistemas de Car Audio de altas prestaciones que han establecido nuevos estándares de excelencia en innovación y calidad sonora y han sido merecedores de incontables premios y reconocimientos por parte de los mejores músicos y estudios de grabación del mundo. La reputación de Bowers & Wilkins está basada en la búsqueda incansable del mejor sonido posible y una experiencia de escucha musical insuperable. Más información en www.bowerswilkins.com