Tag Archive for: Limited Edition


Hublot takes on the (Black) Diamond and pays tribute to 75 years of Aspen Snowmass with the Classic Fusion Aerofusion Aspen Snowmass Limited Edition

Aspen Snowmass is an enigma. A destination steeped in history and community, it also moves with speed and draws visitors the world over. It is hard to make time stand still in America’s most iconic and adventurous mountain town, but that’s exactly what Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot and Aspen Snowmass have achieved today.

In honor of the 75th Anniversary of Aspen Snowmass, Hublot: The Official Resort Partner and Official Timekeeper of Aspen Snowmass, has kicked off the resort’s auspicious 75th anniversary (taking place in January 2022) ahead of time, by launching a limited-edition commemorative timepiece to celebrate the Diamond Anniversary (that is fondly termed “The Black Diamond Anniversary” in acknowledgement of the mountain’s famed downhill terrain).

Aspen Snowmass – home to four mountains, two towns and one unforgettable experience at the confluence of nature, culture, and recreation – and Hublot – renowned for The Art of Fusion, have combined forces to design a piece that speaks to the DNA of both the mountain and the Swiss luxury Maison.

Designed in artful collaboration, the alpine-white skeletonized timepiece takes on the iconic Hublot Classic Fusion model. This limited edition of 30 pieces made of black ceramic with a white ceramic bezel features the Aspen tree leaf on the second hand and high shine brilliant titanium, a homage to the silver mining heritage of the Rockies and Aspen township. The limitation is stamped on the back of the timepiece along with the 75-year commemorative logo: the piece is a true collector’s item for 30 lucky few.


Una máquina de espresso R Cinquantotto de edición limitada hecha a mano en Milán por Rocket Espresso. 1 de 100 hecho a pedido exclusivamente para miembros del Rapha Cycling Club.

Algunos de nuestros productos más nuevos están disponibles exclusivamente para los miembros del Rapha Cycling Club durante un período de tiempo antes del lanzamiento general. Otros artículos, incluido el kit exclusivo del club y una serie de lanzamientos de ediciones especiales cada año, solo pueden ser comprados por miembros. Para obtener más información sobre los beneficios de la membresía y unirse al club, siga el enlace a continuación.


  • El ciclismo y el café son una combinación clásica. Hecha a mano en Milán, la máquina de espresso R58 de edición limitada de Rocket Espresso garantiza que cada viaje tenga el mejor comienzo posible. Para permitir una extracción óptima de cualquier tipo de café o estilo de tueste, el R58 cuenta con dos calderas controladas por PID de funcionamiento independiente. La tecnología de caldera inclinada permite un ajuste preciso de la temperatura del grupo y niveles inigualables de estabilidad de temperatura. Una bomba rotativa de alta calidad puede extraerse del depósito de agua interno de la máquina o de un suministro de agua directo de la red. Y para un control total con solo deslizar el dedo, todas las innumerables funciones de la máquina se operan a través de una pantalla táctil, ahora con una función de encendido / apagado automático para garantizar que su máquina esté siempre lista para preparar el mejor café del mundo.

Detalles sobre el proceso de pedido:

  • Cada máquina se construye a mano, se fabrica bajo pedido y se entrega dentro de las 12 semanas posteriores a la compra. Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación adicional de Rapha después de su compra, y una confirmación adicional cuando su máquina esté lista para enviarse, completa con un enlace de seguimiento.
  • Su máquina se configurará para utilizar la toma de corriente y el voltaje recomendados para su país de entrega que se proporcionaron en el momento de su pedido. Puede comunicarse con el RCC dentro de los siete días posteriores a la compra para modificar esto, pero no podemos modificar su dirección de entrega después de la compra.
  • Su máquina Rapha + Rocket Espresso se enviará directamente desde Rocket Espresso en Milán; el envío y los aranceles de importación aplicables están incluidos en el precio de compra. Si se le solicita que pague derechos de importación, comuníquese con el RCC en rcc@rapha.cc, quien se comunicará con Rocket en su nombre.
  • Cada máquina se construye a mano y se fabrica bajo pedido. Las cancelaciones y modificaciones solo son posibles dentro de los siete días posteriores a la compra, antes de que Rocket comience a producir su máquina.
  • Su máquina llegará en un palé de madera en una caja de madera personalizada con un peso total de 55 kg. Mientras se prepara para la entrega, tenga en cuenta que la caja mide 60 cm de alto, 56 cm de ancho y 40 cm de profundidad.
  • Asegúrese de que este producto sea el único artículo de su cesta. Si hay otros productos en su cesta, no podrá realizar el pago.


  • Calderas duales controladas por PID de 0,58 y 1,8 litros
  • Depósito de agua de 2,5 litros o opción de conexión directa de agua
  • Acceso al tanque en la parte trasera del almacenamiento de tazas
  • Capacidad del depósito de agua interno de 2 litros
  • Operación semiautomática
  • Cabezal de grupo tipo E61 de grado comercial
  • Varilla de vapor y agua sin quemaduras
  • Bomba rotatoria
  • Bandeja de goteo completa de acero inoxidable
  • Tubería de cobre con racores y tubos de latón
  • Cuerpo de acero inoxidable
  • Sabotaje de acero inoxidable
  • Dos portafiltros
  • Tamaño de la máquina: 310 mm de ancho x 440 mm de profundidad x 385 mm de alto
  • Peso de la máquina: 29 kg

ASPENX Prada, una colección de edición limitada de alto rendimiento de esquí

Presentamos ASPENX Prada, una colección de edición limitada de ropa de alto rendimiento de esquí inspirada en la vibrante energía y atmósfera de Aspen. Diseñada por Prada con los profesionales del esquí de Aspen y la artista Paula Crown, la colección ASPENX Prada se compone de una cuidada selección de ropa de mujer y de hombre destinada a optimizar el rendimiento, la comodidad y el estilo en la nieve.

Dirigida a una comunidad de creativos, atletas y conocedores de la moda por igual, la línea de alto rendimiento combina armoniosamente la excelencia técnica de Aspen con la elegancia inherente y la artesanía de clase mundial de Prada para crear un conjunto que hace declaraciones construido para el máximo movimiento y movilidad. El gráfico característico, una imagen de barras rojas, blancas y negras, fue diseñado por Paula Crown para una apariencia ultramoderna y llamativa.

Dirigida a una comunidad de creativos, atletas y conocedores de la moda por igual, la línea de alto rendimiento combina armoniosamente la excelencia técnica de Aspen con la artesanía de clase mundial de Prada; el resultado es un conjunto que hace declaraciones construido para el máximo movimiento y movilidad.

“Más que una colección de moda, esta colaboración es una representación física del espíritu único de Aspen justo antes del 75 aniversario del destino. Construida para una exploración desinhibida, la cápsula complementa la visión fundacional de ASPENX de nuevas posibilidades, y yo Estoy más que contento de trabajar con una casa tan venerada como Prada en esta ocasión trascendental “.

Los dos estilos de ropa de abrigo de la colección, la chaqueta Extreme-Tex y la chaqueta de esquí Extreme-Tex, cuentan con un aislamiento óptimo y capacidades impermeables logradas a través de su tejido héroe, Extreme-Tex, un tejido de tres capas investigado y desarrollado exclusivamente por Prada, así como Graphene ® acolchado diseñado para regular la temperatura corporal.

La colección ASPENX Prada de edición limitada estará disponible exclusivamente para la venta en https://aspenx.com/ a partir del 15 de diciembre y en la tienda ASPENX que abrirá próximamente en Aspen’s Gondola Plaza a partir del 20 de diciembre.

Vacheron Constantin – Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

  • Inspirado en la cultura china del jade, el modelo de tourbillon Traditionnelle está dedicado al mercado chino, numerado y grabado en edición limitada de 30 piezas.
  • Una edición limitada completamente vestida de Imperial Green, un color que representa el más puro y más alto grado de jadeíta verde.
  • Con el movimiento mecánico de cuerda automática ultrafino, calibre 2160/1.
Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Ginebra, 29 de noviembre de 2021 – El fabricante suizo de alta relojería Vacheron Constantin presenta un reloj de edición limitada de alta complicación, exclusivo para el mercado chino.

Un caballero de jade

“Un caballero de jade” es una frase conocida desde la antigua China para describir a un hombre de carácter noble. Los chinos creen que un verdadero caballero es elegante y digno al igual que el Jade, lo que inspira la creación del primer reloj de pulsera de alta complicación especialmente diseñado para el mercado chino. Considerado como un espejo de la civilización china, Jade ha sido un tesoro de la tradición china durante miles de años. Esta piedra preciosa ha sido un símbolo de alta moralidad a lo largo de la historia de China.

“Verde imperial”

El color verde se describe en la poesía china como suave, relajante y lleno de vigor y energía. Vivir en un entorno verde o agregar toques de verde a su entorno puede traer sorprendentemente sofisticación, tranquilidad y vitalidad a la vida.

El conocido Dragón de Jade Hongshan (Verde) del Período Neolítico, la talla de dragón de jade más antigua conocida en China, define la naturaleza imperial de las tallas de jade verde. En los tiempos modernos, la jadeíta, una forma más dura de jade conocida por los chinos, es muy apreciada por su color suave, translúcido, lujoso, pero no exagerado.

La calidad de un jade está determinada en gran medida por la pureza de su color. El verde imperial, el color con el que se vistió el primer reloj de pulsera de edición limitada de China de alta complicación de Vacheron Constantin, es conocido por representar el tono más puro y sofisticado de la jadeíta verde, y tiene una fuerte audacia sin dejar de ser discreto y cálido.

!!! No information available !!!

Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Este reloj tourbillon Traditionnelle presenta una elegante caja de 41 mm de diámetro en oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N que alberga un movimiento automático desarrollado por Vacheron Constantin.

Además del refinamiento de su carro de tourbillon calado en forma de cruz de Malta, el emblema de la Manufactura y completamente biselado y acabado a mano, el Calibre 2160 se distingue por su increíble delgadez: este movimiento ultradelgado de 188 partes dotado de un diámetro aproximado de 80 -Horas de reserva de marcha mide solo 5,65 mm de grosor. Su frecuencia relativamente tranquila (2,5 Hz), junto con su peso oscilante periférico pulido con chorro de arena de oro de 22 quilates, brindan la oportunidad de admirar el ritmo constante de su mecanismo y el nivel excepcional del acabado tradicional de Côtes de Genève visible a través del fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro.

El nuevo reloj Traditionnelle tourbillon China Limited Edition muestra las horas y los minutos con agujas centrales, mientras que el segundero pequeño aparece a las 6 en punto en el tourbillon, enmarcado por una esfera de tono verde imperial adornada con marcadores de hora dorados y Dauphine bifacético. -tipo manos.

Como dice un viejo refrán chino, como el Jade, aquellos que logran grandes cosas son modestos en cuanto a sus capacidades. Como epítome de resplandor, proporciones equilibradas y detalles sutiles, el nuevo Vacheron Constantin Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition honra e interpreta a un caballero de jade.



El refinamiento técnico se une a la elegancia estética en este modelo imbuido de una masculinidad exquisita. Representa el epítome de la luminosidad, las proporciones equilibradas y los detalles sutiles. Fiel a los orígenes de Vacheron Constantin y dedicado a los clientes chinos enamorados de relojes bellamente elaborados que son a la vez discretos y distinguidos. Emitido en una serie limitada de 30 piezas exclusivamente para China continental, reafirma el estilo en los acordes tonos de verde: desde la elegante esfera con acabado en tono verde imperial con acabado sunburst hasta la correa de piel de aligátor Mississippiensis con hebilla de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N. Impulsado por el calibre 2160/1 de cuerda automática, este reloj tourbillon Traditionnelle muestra las horas y los minutos con agujas centrales, mientras que el segundero pequeño aparece a las 6 en punto en el tourbillon.




Reference 6000T/000R-B972

Desarrollado y fabricado por Vacheron Constantin
Rotor periférico mecánico, de cuerda automática
31 mm (13½ “”) de diámetro, 5,65 mm de grosor
Aproximadamente 80 horas de reserva de marcha
2,5 Hz (18.000 vibraciones / hora)
188 componentes
30 joyas
Reloj certificado Hallmark of Geneva

Horas, minutos, segundero pequeño en carruaje tourbillon

Oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N
41 mm de diámetro, 10,4 mm de espesor
Fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro transparente
Resistencia al agua probada a una presión de 3 bar (aprox.30 metros)

Imperial Green, acabado sunburst
Marcadores de hora aplicados en rosa 18K 5N y cruz de Malta

Piel de aligátor Imperial Green Mississippiensis con capa interna de cocodrilo, cosida a mano, acabado en silla de montar, escamas cuadradas grandes

Hebilla desplegable de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N
Media cruz de Malta pulida

Edición limitada de 30 piezas, numeradas individualmente.

Jaeger Lecoultre presents the Reverso tribute minute repeater

Ninety years after the birth of the Reverso, and 150 years after creating its first minute repeater, Jaeger-LeCoultre presents the Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater. Offered in a limited edition of 10 pieces, this exquisite new timepiece unites two of the key themes that have defined La Grande Maison for much of its history: an exceptional expertise in chiming watches and the timeless story of the Reverso.

With its distinctive Art Deco lines and swivelling case, the Reverso is one of the world’s most recognisable wristwatches. Its story embodies Jaeger-LeCoultre’s eternal pursuit of beauty and aesthetic refinement, expanding the Reverso’s stylistic realm by harnessing the full potential of its unique design. Allied to this is the Manufacture’s endlessly inventive quest for technical advancement – from the revolutionary idea of a case that could be flipped over, and the ingenious mechanism that made it possible, to the development of complications specific to the Reverso.


A distinguished legacy in chiming watches

In the 1990s, amid the rebirth of mechanical watchmaking that followed the quartz crisis, the Reverso – with its distinctive rectangular case – became the vehicle through which the Manufacture would redevelop its expertise in high complications. Having mastered the added challenge that rectangular movements dictate an entirely different architecture from that of traditional round movements – a particularly demanding challenge for chiming mechanisms – Jaeger-LeCoultre presented the Reverso Répétition Minutes in 1994. It was the first time the Maison had miniaturised a minute repeater for a wristwatch and was the world’s first rectangular minute repeater movement.

In fact, Jaeger-LeCoultre’s mastery of chiming mechanisms dates back to the very foundation of the Manufacture in 1833, and its deep expertise is today confirmed by an archive of more than 200 chiming calibres. Since that first Reverso minute repeater of the 1990s, Jaeger-LeCoultre’s engineers and designers have redefined the benchmark for acoustic quality, harnessing new technology in service of this noble tradition.

A new expression for the Minute Repeater

Embodying technical advances such as Jaeger-LeCoultre’s patented trebuchet hammers, silent regulator and a new generation of gongs, the Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater is powered by a revised version of Calibre 944 – a movement entirely conceived, designed and produced within the Manufacture. The new timepiece is distinguished by dials on both the front and reverse sides, bringing a fresh visual expression to the timeless Reverso design, as well as to the minute repeater mechanism itself. While the dials both display the same time, they are very different in character – one exuberant, the other more sober. Both are a testament to the beauty of fine movement decoration and the exceptional level of craftsmanship that resides within the Manufacture.

The front dial is entirely skeletonised, revealing the full complexity of the minute repeater mechanism and presenting a mesmerising display of moving parts when the minute repeater is activated. Beneath a large bow-shaped bridge that sweeps from 11 o’clock to 7 o’clock, the components appear almost to be floating in three dimensions, the sense of visual depth and transparency enhanced by faceted indexes that are cantilevered from the chemin de fer minutes track. With a gleaming golden finish, the bridge, hour markers, gongs and several other components perfectly match the colour of the rose-gold watch case.

While the exuberance of the front dial contrasts with the rectilinear geometry of the Reverso case, the relative sobriety of the reverse dial echoes and amplifies those straight lines. Vertical Côtes de Genève stripes extend over the entire height of the main plate, which also serves as the dial. Showcasing the timekeeping mechanism, with subtle colour accents provided by blued screws and golden hands and hour markers, the cool silver tone of the metal provides an elegant counterpoint to the warm rose gold of the case.

Set into the side of the watch case, the slider that activates the chimes has been specially designed for the new Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater to be as slim as possible, without sacrificing ergonomics. Visually complementing the Art Deco lines of the case, the effect is one of great refinement.

In showcasing both technical complexity and the aesthetic crafts, the Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater underlines the eternal modernity of the Reverso design, marrying the technical prowess of the Manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre to its eternal quest for new forms of visual expression.




Case material: Pink Gold

Case dimensions: 51.1 x 31 mm

Case thickness: 11.41 mm

Movement: Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 944, manually wound

Functions: Hours and Minutes on two dials, minute repeater

Power reserve: 35 hours

Water resistance: 30 m

Strap: Brown alligator

Limited edition of 10 pieces

Limited-Edition white V-RAPTOR™ ST is sold out. Stay tuned for the black version coming soon!

V-RAPTOR 8K VV is the most powerful and advanced RED® cinema camera ever. As the brand’s new flagship system and sensor, as well as the first entrant into the new DSMC3 generation of cameras, V-RAPTOR stands alone at the forefront of the of digital image capture technology.

Featuring a groundbreaking multi-format 8K sensor- with the ability to shoot 8K large format or 6K S35, it unlocks the largest lens selection of any comparable camera on the market and allows shooters the ability to always deliver at over 4K. The sensor also boasts the highest recorded dynamic range and cleanest shadow performance of any RED camera. In addition, the V-RAPTOR sensor scan time is 2x faster than any previous RED camera and it allows users to capture up to 600 fps at 2K. V-RAPTOR will also continue to feature RED’s proprietary REDCODE RAW codec, allowing users to capture 16-bit RAW, and leverage RED’s latest IPP2 workflow and color management.

Along with a new flagship sensor, the V-RAPTOR features a modernized platform in an amazingly compact package weighing in at barely over 4 lbs. With 2 4K 12G-SDI outputs, XLR audio and phantom power via adapter, and 1080p livestream, this system can handle most anything a shooter can throw at it.

The V-RAPTOR ST Starter Pack is a pre-bundled setup that is perfect for owner-operators, run-and-gun style shooters, or anyone looking to take advantage of V-RAPTOR’s nimble and versatile form-factor. It includes:

  • 1x V-RAPTOR ST 8K VV Camera System
  • 1x DSMC3 RED Touch 7” LCD
  • 1x RED PRO CFexpress 660GB
  • 1x RED CFexpress Card Reader​
  • 1x RED Compact Dual V-Lock Charger
  • 2x V-RAPTOR Wing Grip
  • 1x RED EXT-to-Timecode Cable 3′

For Starter Pack options excluding batteries, please contact sales.



Mare Nostrum! This summer will see Hublot adopt the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. From Spain to Turkey, via Greece, France and Italy, Hublot will take to the waves on a voyage to open a series of new boutiques offering their own limited edition pieces. Join us on our journey into summer. It’s going to be a hot one!

“It’s time to finally enjoy some sunshine. Hublot is heading south! Our new Mediterranean boutiques are ready to open their doors for a colourful summer celebration of new watches. Hublot loves Summer!” Ricardo Guadalupe, HUBLOT CEO

ITALY – Forte dei Marmi
Immortalised in Carlo Vanzina’s unforgettable film “Sapore di mare” (Time for Loving), the Tuscan seaside resort of Forte dei Marmi will this summer become home to a brand new Hublot boutique. The opening will be marked by the launch of a watch specially designed for the occasion: the Classic Fusion Chronograph Boutique Forte dei Marmi. Available in a limited edition of 35 pieces, this 45mm diameter model is notable for its beige case, dial and rubber strap. It is powered by the calibre HUB1143, a chronograph movement with a 42-hour power reserve.

ITALY – Capri
The jewel of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the island of Capri is famous for its stunning landscapes, its palaces, its many yachts and the prestigious Rue Vittorio Emanuele, which is home to the Hublot boutique. Here, customers will be able to purchase the Classic Fusion Chronograph Boutique Capri, a 30-piece limited edition model. Its titanium case is topped with a ceramic bezel whose azure colour echoes that of the skies above the Bay of Naples. The striated rubber strap and the chronograph counters, which sit either side of the white dial, are in this azure same colour.

GREECE – Mykonos
Mykonos, with its beaches, its nightclubs… and its now traditional Hublot summer watch! Hublot has just unveiled its tenth model dedicated to the famous Cyclades Island. Based on the iconic Classic Fusion Chronograph, this 2021 version marries dark blue with the warmth of rose gold, recalling the sunset enjoyed daily by Mykonians. A bladed rotor on the dial symbolises the Kato Myli – the island’s iconic windmills.

TURKEY – Bodrum
Hublot opens a new boutique in Bodrum! Built using stone from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the city faces the Aegean Sea, whose sparkling colours inspired a new 25-piece limited edition Hublot watch. The dial and strap of the Classic Fusion Chronograph Boutique Bodrum are in blue, which is beautifully complemented by the white ¡counters and strap stitching. Its 45mm titanium case houses a Hublot calibre HUB1143 movement.

SPAIN – Ibiza
Hublot loves Ibiza! The party island now boasts a brand new Hublot boutique with its own specially designed watch: the Classic Fusion Chronograph Boutique Ibiza. Inside its blue ceramic case sits a self-winding chronograph movement that beats to the rhythm of the Ibiza night at a frequency of 4 Hz, or 28,800 vibrations per hour. Its dial features the Flower Power symbol – the island’s emblem. Peace and love!

FRANCE – Saint-Tropez and Monaco
Façades as blue as the waves, wooden walls reminiscent of boat decks, rope handles and jute rugs: Hublot’s southern boutiques have a distinctly seaside feel, capturing the urge to get away from it all after a particularly gloomy spring. This summer, cast off for a trip round the south of France with Hublot!


To celebrate the beginning of a long-term collaboration between the two brands, TAG Heuer and Nintendo have created a limited-edition smartwatch featuring Nintendo’s most famous
character: the energetic Mushroom Kingdom hero, Mario, who takes over the TAG Heuer Connected.

La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, July 13th 2021: When TAG Heuer and Super Mario join forces, you can bet the result is a timepiece that adds new excitement to both the watchmaking and gaming worlds and which fans of the two brands will be desperate to get their hands on! Super Mario meets the TAG Heuer Connected. The result? A watch that stands out and brings new creativity and daring style to the avant-garde watchmaker’s collections. The intrepid, iconic hero comes to life in this luxury smartwatch that combines sport, technology and elegance in one dynamic package. In this collaboration, the TAG Heuer Connected is offering wearers a fun new way to get more active, feeling the thrill of achieving goals throughout the day.


Generations of gamers have grown up with Super Mario, with more than 370 million Super Mario games sold worldwide since 1985. Since the first Super Mario Bros. game launched in Japan in 1985, Super Mario – with his red cap and blue overalls – has become recognised the world over.

“The inspiration for this collaboration came from our desire to gamify and bring excitement to our new wellness application and Super Mario instantly came to our minds,” says Frédéric Arnault, CEO of TAG Heuer. “And it’s not just his international and intergenerational appeal that clinched it. Mario is the ultimate super-active character whose perseverance and tenacity get him out of every situation. The new hero watchface gives life to this iconic character and encourage users to team up with Mario to get out there and be more active? The TAG Heuer Connected is the perfect companion for a connected life and every active person’s best friend. With this Super Mario limited-edition smartwatch, they can add a bit of fun and originality to their activities and wellness.”

At the heart of this collaboration, the TAG Heuer Connected watch is a unique combination of the refinement and elegance of a chronograph-inspired timepiece crafted in the purest watchmaking
tradition, with a state-of-the-art, custom-designed digital experience geared towards performance.

It offers customers a striking and versatile wristwatch to enhance their individual lifestyle, from daily connected services to immersive sports experiences.

Feel the thrill of progress with the TAG Heuer

Connected and Super Mario interactive watchface Thanks to the TAG Heuer Connected, action is at the heart of this TAG Heuer x Super Mario collaboration. This brand-new digital creation, combining luxury and sport with fun features along the way, encourages the wearer to get out and about and step up their physical activity with Mario, to be rewarded by the
pleasure and satisfaction of marking their progress.

Mario himself is always on the move, whether he’s running and jumping, or playing sports like golf and tennis. His upbeat and active personality will encourage wearers of this smartwatch to enjoy moving too. With its watchface, which becomes livelier and more animated the more the wearer is active, this edition of the TAG Heuer Connected changes as its user makes progress, for a fun and motivating way of keeping active throughout the day.

The animations are based on the gamification rewards system: Mario greets you with a welcoming salute in the morning and as the day progresses and you rack up your step count, you unlock rewards at each stage of your daily target – 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% – a different animation plays out on the dial. These take the form of Super Mario’s famous objects: at 3 o’clock the Super Mushroom that makes Mario grow, at 6 o’clock the Pipe that allows him to travel fast and at 9 o’clock the Super Star that makes him invincible lights up! And when you reach 100% of your daily step count target, Mario climbs the Goal Pole, another iconic feature of the video game.

The idea is inspired by the famous “easter egg” concept that all gamers know very well, which consists of hiding features and surprises as a bonus in video games.

The interactive watchface will be pre-installed on the TAG Heuer Connected Super Mario Limited Edition, but TAG Heuer will also make it available on other editions of TAG Heuer Connected at a
later stage.

The TAG Heuer Connected x Super Mario Limited Edition

The TAG Heuer Connected Super Mario limited-edition comes packed with exclusives, both in the digital experience it delivers, and on the watch itself. The interface has been completely redesigned in the Super Mario colours. For this limited edition, TAG Heuer’s famous Connected watchfaces have been reinterpreted with Super Mario special versions, four dials revisited to include special details associated with Super Mario.

The Timekeeping watchface was reskinned using the retro elements from the 1985 version of Super Mario Bros. with Mario, all in pixels. Also, two versions of the Heuer 02 watchface were created
exclusively for this edition: a fun rendition using Super Mario’s iconic red and blue colours, and a more classic one with subtle touches of Super Mario’s red cap. Lastly, the Orbital watchface had its neural network replaced by Super Mario’s iconic elements rotating in a beautiful and mesmerizing movement.

On the exterior as well, the TAG Heuer Connected Limited Edition was designed with exclusive and subtle references that will delight Super Mario fans. The bezel graduation, push buttons and crown logo were filled with Super Mario’s famous red cap’s lacquered colour, making the watch instantly stand out from the core collection. The bezel features three iconic symbols at the three, six and nine o’clock positions, in a nod to the Super Mario objects included in the dial animations that the user can unlock and discover only when achieving goals throughout the day.

The new-look steel case also comes with two novel interchangeable straps, both featuring the signature Super Mario red colour: an elegant black leather on red rubber and a sporty alternative in matching red perforated rubber. The M symbol of Mario is engraved on the strap buckles and on the crown. Lastly, the screw-down case-back bears the special inscription “TAG Heuer x Super Mario Limited Edition”.

The TAG Heuer Connected x Super Mario Limited Edition is presented in a packaging designed exclusively for this collaboration. It also comes with a travel case in Super Mario red. This edition limited to 2,000 watches will be available only in selected TAG Heuer boutiques and at www.tagheuer.com in
some regions, from 15th July 2021.

TAG Heuer Connected Sport and Wellness

With the third generation of TAG Heuer Connected, the brand has consolidated its pole position in the luxury smartwatch category. Manufactured in the finest watchmaking tradition, it features a unique combination of elegance – through the use of highest-quality materials and sophisticated finishes – and cutting-edge digital know-how to offer personalised, performance-oriented support.

With its remarkably versatile design, the TAG Heuer Connected accompanies everyone’s individual lifestyle, offering a host of daily connected services through Wear OS from Google* and unrivalled sporting experiences through the TAG Heuer Sport app. Developed in-house, the TAG Heuer Sport app provides detailed feedback on the wearer’s performance in a variety of activities including running, swimming, cycling, walking and physical fitness. Meanwhile, golfers will love the new game strategy enhancement functionality recently added to the TAG Heuer Golf app. Lastly, the new Wellness function enables users to stay in shape and provides feedback on changes in their biometric data during their daily exercise.

Iron Man Mark III

Life-Size Figure by Sideshow Collectibles



Standing 6′ 10″ tall, this fiberglass statue is a 1:1 scale replica of Tony Stark’s third-gen suit. $7,950.

Iron Man. That’s kind of catchy. It’s got a nice ring to it. I mean it’s not technically accurate. The suit’s a gold titanium alloy, but it’s kind of provocative, the imagery anyway…”

The crowning jewel of any Hall of Armor, and perhaps the ultimate piece of Iron Man memorabilia – Sideshow’s brand new, limited edition Iron Man Mark III Life-Size Figure is quite simply a wonder to behold!

Subtly lit from below by its light-up base, the Mk III stands well over 6 feet tall, making for a strikingly impressive and attention-grabbing high-end display piece.

With brightly illuminated eyes, arc reactor and palm repulsors, Iron Man’s iconic armor is brought to life, adding a whole new dimension to any Marvel collection.

Inspired by the suit created in the first Iron Man movie, this is arguably the most “classic” of Iron Man’s many armored outfits.  The Mk III was also the first rendition of the super-suit to feature Tony’s red and gold hot rod color scheme.

This finely crafted museum quality collectible raises the bar for screen accuracy and realism, with expertly reproduced layered armored panels, subtle weathering, and many fine details to amaze movie fans and hardcore collectors alike.

Here at Sideshow, we are honored to bring you the ultimate luxury Iron Man art for any home theater, Marvel collection, gallery or cinematic display.

Jaeger-LeCoultre unfolds infinity in four chapters with the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185

La Grande Maison celebrates an icon, the Reverso, by releasing the most complicated timepiece ever presented in this emblematic collection. The Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 is the result of over six years of development, combining key areas of savoir-faire at Jaeger-LeCoultre with innovative new astronomical indications.

It is the world’s first wristwatch with four functioning display faces. By incorporating three displays of lunar information on the interior face of the iconic Reverso cradle (the synodic cycle, the draconic cycle and the anomalistic cycle), the Hybris Mechanica Quadriptyque can predict the next global incidence of astronomical events such as supermoons and eclipses — the world’s first wristwatch to provide such a deep reading of the cosmos.

Key Points of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 (Quadriptyque)

  • The world’s first watch with four faces; the most complicated Reverso timepiece ever made
  • A total of 11 complications, including perpetual calendar, minute repeater, indications of the synodic, draconic and anomalistic cycles (never before presented together in a wristwatch), requiring 12 patents
  • Combines Jaeger-LeCoultre’s uncontested mastery of chiming watches, precision mechanisms, astronomical complications and ultra-compact watchmaking
  • User-friendly design and construction; the most complicated Reverso is also one of the easiest to wear

Geneva, April 7th, 2021 — With 188 years of relentless innovation and savoir-faire behind it, Jaeger-LeCoultre continually sets new boundaries in the domain of fine mechanical watchmaking. Its Hybris Mechanica series of ground-breaking, ultra-complicated timepieces has established a constellation of stars shining with unparalleled brilliance in the horological heavens. In 2021, the latest addition to this celestial assemblage is a grand oeuvre six years in the making — the Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 Quadriptyque, the first watch in the world with four faces of timekeeping indications.

Since the advent of personal timepieces, the quest to build increasingly complicated watches is constrained by the volume of space available to the watchmaker. Having a multitude of complications in a watch is pointless unless they can be legibly and comprehensibly displayed, and the watch can be reasonably worn. Liberated by the unique design of the iconic Reverso, Jaeger-LeCoultre has created a world’s first: a double-faced case continuously driven by the in-house Calibre 185, and a double-faced cradle with indications synced and updated by the primary movement every day at the stroke of midnight by an ingenious mechanical system proprietary to Jaeger-LeCoultre.

If executed through conventional mechanical means, the 11 complications of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 Quadriptyque would result in a timepiece far more suited for a desk than a wrist. Thanks to nearly two centuries of expertise and a thoroughly modern approach to innovation, Jaeger-LeCoultre tells the story of cosmic and terrestrial time within the confines of a 51mm by 31mm by 15mm case, a story told in four chapters of horological virtuosity.

Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185


The history of Jaeger-LeCoultre is rooted in the pursuit and attainment of precision. One of the earliest inventions of founder Antoine LeCoultre was the millionometer, the first instrument able to measure the micron. Today, Jaeger-LeCoultre is an undisputed pioneer and leader in creating exceptional executions of the tourbillon, a mechanism designed to enhance the chronometric performance of a timepiece. The Reverso Hybris Mechanica Gyrotourbillon 2 (2008) stunned audiences and won chronometry awards with its multi-axial revolving balance, and the Reverso Hybris Mechanica à Triptyque (2006) remains unique in its use of a tourbillon with a high-precision ellipse isometer escapement.

Naturally, the tourbillon is one of the main protagonists of the new Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 (Quadriptyque). Occupying the 7 o’clock position on the recto face of the case, a flying tourbillon (thus called because the absence of an upper bridge allows it to appear as if it is floating) makes one rotation a minute, continuously varying the position of the balance in order to achieve a single corrected average time measurement.

Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185

The balance is the heart of any watch movement, and it is also the key to our measurement of time. As it beats in regular cadences of 4Hz (28,800vph), every eight beats mark the passing of one second. The seconds accumulate into minutes, into hours, days, weeks, months and years. The recto face of the Quadriptyque case, illustrating the uppermost abilities of mechanical horology, shows the indications of a perpetual calendar, a centuries-old mechanism that always displays the correct date despite the irregular number of days each month. It also takes leap years into account, displaying a 29th day in the month of February every four years. Highlighting the precision of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 185 construction, the perpetual calendar indications are instantaneous, changing at the stroke of midnight. In addition, the complexities of the Calibre 185 construction required the date to be displayed at the 5 o’clock position on the dial. At Jaeger-LeCoultre, only the perfect legibility of a grande date was considered acceptable for a watch of such prestige, which necessitated the creation of a new system of date display discs in order to accommodate the dimensions of the flying tourbillon at 7 o’clock. The opening chapter of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 (Quadriptyque) is nothing less than a powerful statement of how la Grande Maison has comprehensively mastered the expression of civil time.


There are extremely few watchmaking manufactures that possess in-house expertise in sonnerie wristwatches. There are even fewer that have been making them since 1870, accumulating one and a half centuries of experience and savoir-faire. There exists only one watchmaking manufacture that has over 200 chiming watch calibres in its historical and modern inventory — La Grande Maison du Sentier. The verso face of the Quadriptyque case is a virtuoso tour de force of Jaeger-LeCoultre’s patrimony as a master and innovator of chiming watches.

Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185

With the slide of a lever located just above the crown, the Quadriptyque unleashes its melody. First, a series of low notes, correlating to the number of hours. Second, an alternating couplet of high and low notes, corresponding to the quarter-hours. And concluding the melody, a succession of high notes, indicating the number of minutes to be added to the elapsed quarters. In concert, the hours-quarters-minutes chime plays the current time in musical code. The striking works of the Reverso Quadriptyque are completely exposed alongside a secondary time display, indicating the same time as the recto dial, but in a jumping-hours and peripheral-minutes format. As the Quadriptyque strikes the time, setting a symphony of springs, cams, hammers and gongs into motion, their acoustic report confirms the visual display of the secondary dial.

Visible through apertures on the movement plate hand-decorated with the guillochage motif known as clous de Paris are elements of the chiming mechanism uniquely associated with the sonnerie expertise of Jaeger-LeCoultre. These include the silent chime governor, patented by the manufacture in 1895 to eliminate the buzzing noise created by the older anchor system. More recent in-house innovations showcased in the Quadriptyque are the crystal gongs (first seen in the Master Minute Repeater Antoine LeCoultre of 2005) that attach the repeater gongs directly to the sapphire crystal to exploit the material’s optimal acoustic properties, the square cross-sectional profile of the gongs themselves that maximise contact and energy transmission between the hammers and gongs (a mainstay of Jaeger-LeCoultre’s repeating watches since 2006), and the articulated trebuchet hammers (developed for the 2009 Hybris Mechanica Duomètre à Grande Sonnerie) that deliver a clean and strong strike to the gongs. In totality, these innovations allow Jaeger-LeCoultre minute repeaters to produce some of the loudest and clearest chiming wristwatches today.

Debuting in the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 is a completely novel engineering of the chiming components to create a seamless chime with no pauses in between the hours, quarters and minutes. The conventional minute repeater mechanism utilises special pivoting racks that read the time off a series of cams and then proceed to activate each group of chimed notes in turn. This often results in silent gaps between the groups of chimed notes, especially when there are only hours and minutes to be struck, with no intervening quarters. The Hybris Mechanica Master Ultra Thin Minute Repeater Flying Tourbillon (2014) and Master Grande Tradition Gyrotourbillon Westminster Perpétuel (2019) made exceptional strides in chiming know-how by reducing these silent gaps, but the Reverso Quadriptyque has reached the ultimate stage of expertise in this area. By refining and inverting specific steps in this mechanical sequence, the Quadriptyque has succeeded in eliminating these gaps entirely.

The chime of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 is an uninterrupted opus of acoustic excellence. It is the sound of innovation at its very apex.

Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185


Before the formal development of time reckoning systems, primitive societies observed celestial phenomena and created powerful myths and stories around the dance of the heavenly orbs above. The earliest astronomers were also mathematicians, and instruments constructed on their formulations were able to mechanically compute the positions of various celestial objects. The interaction between the various orbits of the Sun, Earth and Moon determine the rhythms of life, and watchmaking first evolved as a means to bring order to the world around us. As a watch manufacture with close to two centuries of fine watchmaking expertise, Jaeger-LeCoultre has mastered all aspects of time expression, from the quotidian to the esoteric. One of the hallmark complications of Jaeger-LeCoultre is the display of sidereal time, time that is determined with reference to the stars instead of the Sun, first presented in the Master Grande Tradition Grande Complication (2010).

This year, for the first time ever in the history of mechanical horology, Jaeger-LeCoultre unites three displays of lunar information — the synodic cycle, the draconic cycle and the anomalistic cycle — in a single wristwatch. This unique micromechanical combination of indications, located on the interior face of the cradle of the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185, allows the determination of eclipse events (both solar and lunar) and rare lunar phenomena such as supermoons.

Occupying the top half of the interior face of the cradle of the Reverso Quadriptyque is a massive representation of the phases of the moon in the Northern Hemisphere. A laser-engraved moon is progressively covered and revealed by a mobile blue lacquer disc with gold glitter décor, corresponding to the age of the moon in the synodic cycle. While conventional displays of the moon phase accumulate one day of error after 32.5 months, the moon phase display of the Quadriptyque requires only one adjustment after 1,111 years.

Just below the moon phase display, on the left, is a counter with a three-dimensional micro-sculpted pink-gold sun orbited by a tiny hemispherical moon. This counter shows the draconic cycle, showing when the path of the Moon intersects with the orbit of the Earth around the Sun (known as the ecliptic). Such an intersection takes place twice in each cycle, indicated by the horizontal alignment on the counter of the moon and the sun. At this time, the Moon, Earth and Sun are all on the same plane; however, they may not be aligned. For them to be aligned, a phenomenon known as syzygy, an additional condition must be fulfilled — the Moon must be either in its new or full phase. When that happens, an eclipse event happens on Earth, either a lunar eclipse if the Moon is in its full phase, or a solar eclipse if the Moon is in its new phase. However, the actual visibility of the eclipse is dependent on various factors such as the geographical position of the viewer.

To the right of the draconic cycle counter is a domed representation of the Earth, micro-painted in enamel, with a hemispherical moon in eccentric orbit around it. This counter represents the anomalistic cycle, showing the varying distance between the Earth and Moon. At its apogee, the Moon is at its furthest distance from the Earth and is closest at its perigee. When the Moon is in its full phase near or at the perigee, an event known as a supermoon occurs, in which the Moon can appear to be up to 14 percent larger than usual in the sky.

The display of the synodic, draconic and anomalistic cycle together in a wristwatch is unprecedented in horology, with the latter two indications protected by patent, making the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 the only watch ever made to provide such depth of information about astronomical phenomena.

The Hybris Mechanica family of timepieces at Jaeger-LeCoultre began with the 2003 Atmos Mystérieuse and has since grown to encompass close to 20 groundbreaking horological creations, including the Master Hybris Mechanica Gyrotourbillon 1 (2004), the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Grande Complication à Triptyque (2006), the Master Ultra Thin Minute Repeater Flying Tourbillon (2014) and the Master Grande Tradition Gyrotourbillon Westminster Perpétuel (2019). The word Hybris originates from the Greek “hubris” that refers to the soaring ambition exhibited by the legendary heroes of antiquity. It is a promise made by Jaeger-LeCoultre to continually expand the horizons of watchmaking; a promise that has been dutifully kept for 18 years.


The Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso was born in 1931, out of the need to protect delicate horological mechanisms amidst the balletic skirmish of hooves and mallets during games of polo. Today, 90 years later, a far older dance is reflected in the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Quadriptyque, one that guides our calendrical rhythms according to rules that are as precise and structured as those of the regal equestrian sport.

The original Reverso bore a single time-telling face, with a mobile case that could be turned over within its cradle, revealing a solid caseback. The next generation of the Reverso featured another dial on its caseback, either in a different design to accommodate the wearer’s aesthetic preference (Duetto) or displaying a second time zone (Duoface) to offer additional functionality when travelling. The Reverso Hybris Mechanica à Triptyque (2006) represented an evolutionary leap in horological innovation, with a third display positioned on the interior face of the Reverso cradle.

This year, the world’s first wristwatch with four faces premieres in the form of the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 (Quadriptyque), the ultimate expression of the Reverso concept. On the last face of the Quadriptyque, the exterior face of the cradle, a representation of the phases of the Moon in the Southern Hemisphere is shown. Most indications of the moon phase are of the Northern Hemisphere perspective, and the Quadriptyque’s display of the Southern Hemisphere moon phase on its fourth face is the fulfilment of the Reverso’s fundamental dualism. A star-flecked sky chart, engraved and lacquered in a gradient of blue shades forms the backdrop to the pink-gold moon, all of which are created in the Atelier des Métiers Rares® of Jaeger-LeCoultre.

The secret to the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Quadriptyque’s four functioning display faces lies in a solution first used in the 2006 Reverso Hybris Mechanca Grande Complication à Triptyque. Every day at midnight, a pin extends out of the main case movement to activate a mechanical corrector in the cradle, which then advances the cradle displays. The mechanism driving the cradle displays is set directly into the cradle itself, without any additional movement plates that would increase the thickness of the watch. Jaeger-LeCoultre’s expertise in ultra-compact watchmaking makes the Quadriptyque, despite its multiple indications and complications, one of the most wearable high-complication watches of our time.


The Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 comes in an exceptional presentation box with a built-in mechanism that allows the wearer to quickly and intuitively set all the calendar and astronomical displays of the watch after a period of being unworn.

A two-position crown on the side of the box is used to first set the number of days that have elapsed since the watch was last worn. With the Quadriptyque set within the correction support frame, the box corrector crown can then be extended to its second position and wound to rapidly bring the watch to the current date for all calendar and astronomical indications. There is no risk of overcorrecting the watch or damaging the movement, since the entire process is controlled by the box corrector mechanism.

The latest timepiece in the Hybris Mechanica series took six years of research and development. It was made possible only through the 188 years of innovation and expertise accrued within the workshops of La Grande Maison. With the Reverso Hybris Mechanica Calibre 185 Quadriptyque, Jaeger-LeCoultre reasserts its position at the apogee of mechanical watchmaking and reaffirms its dedication to expanding the boundaries of horological knowledge.



Case material: White gold

Case dimensions: 51.2 x 31 mm

Thickness: 15.15 mm

Movement: Manually wound Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 185


Face 1: Hour – Minute, Tourbillon (indicating the Second), Instantaneous Perpetual Calendar, Grande Date, Day, Month, Leap Year, Night & Day

Face 2: Jumping Digital Hour, Minute, Minute Repeater (with system avoiding dead time)

Face 3: Northern Hemisphere Moon Phase, Draconic Lunar Cycle (height of the moon), Anomalistic Lunar Cycle (apogee and perigee), Month, Year

Face 4: Southern Hemisphere Moon Phase

Power reserve: 50 hours

Water resistance: 30 metres

Strap: Blue alligator

Reference: Q7103420

Limited edition of 10 pieces