Tag Archive for: luxury experience


La marca Gatsby se consolida como una de las más potentes del ocio nocturno en Europa gracias a su imparable proyección internacional y la evolución de su imbatible oferta de gastronomía, espectáculo y diversión en el mejor de los ambientes.

La madurez le sienta bien a este local que tras sobrevivir con solvencia a la pandemia y cumplir ocho años de éxitos se ha convertido en una marca tan potente para Barcelona como la Sagrada Familia o Casa Batlló. Todo en su oferta única de ocio nocturno es difícil de mejorar y no se encuentran casi ejemplos con los que comparar en Europa la deslumbrante propuesta que ofrece a sus visitantes y al precio que lo hace. Y es que si hace unos años la sala presumía de tener una propuesta de dinner and show única en la ciudad ahora puede sacar pecho y afirmar que es de las mejores de Europa.

Y no es algo que no se pueda demostrar, dice su director Oliver Om, uno de los artífices de este fenómeno, cuando te pide que busques otro espacio en todo el continente donde, con el mismo precio, puedas disfrutar de un estupendo menú degustación durante su increíble show integrado por doce artistas internacionales. Artistas que bailan, cantan, hacen acrobacias llenas de estilo
interactuando entre el público para desembocar de forma natural en una gran fiesta en la que toda la sala termina celebrando y disfrutando de su gran carta de
cócteles y combinados premium. Cuatro horas de magia non stop.

Y es que no en vano decir Gatsby actualmente es decir diversión y exclusividad ya que el público que acude cada noche a sus sesiones viene de todas partes del mundo atraído por su fama y está plagado de caras famosas, deportistas de élite y personas influyentes de todas las profesiones. “Ya no es noticia que vengan futbolistas millonarios o estrellas de Hollywood a cenar y a todos los tratamos por igual”, dice Om. Lo cierto es que sus sesiones de miércoles a sábado no han dejado de vivir llenos, incluso en los momentos post pandemia más complicados para el sector, que han permitido a los responsables de la sala ofrecer un estándar de calidad cada vez más cuidado en todos los aspectos e incluso inaugurar este año Jay´s Japanese, un coqueto e intimo restaurante japonés para los que buscan una experiencia diferente y más sosegada.

Pero vayamos por partes para explicar los argumentos de este gran triunfo empresarial. Por un lado el restaurante ha mejorado su oferta de cocina mediterránea con platos vegetarianos, nuevas propuestas y variedad de menús para grupos que convierten la experiencia en una noche memorable para todos los que la prueban. En su variada y equilibrada carta destacan platos como el foie
micuit con chutney de mango, el pulpo en tempura sobre parmentier, el arroz meloso de sepia, calamares y alcachofas, el ravioli de confit de pato y foie, el solomillo de rape con panceta, el clásico steak tartar, el lingote de cordero o el lomo alto de Wagyu. También sus adictivos postres como el Lingote de chocolate y sorbete de fresas, el Bombón gigante relleno de chocolate y cacahuetes o el
Canelón helado de vainilla con crumble de almendra. El servicio también sorprende por su rapidez, eficacia y simpatía .

Por otro lado hay que destacar la continua renovación de sus espectáculos en los que participan artistas de todo el mundo con una gran selección musical y unas coreografías siempre sorprendentes y eficaces que se meten al público en el bolsillo. Esta temporada incorporaron además una gran pantalla de leds que interactúa con la música y el baile de su talentosa troupe. Tras el final del show y la cena la fiesta prosigue sin pausa y el local se convierte en un animado y cosmopolita espacio donde disfrutar al ritmo de la mejor música del momento y
con la gente más atractiva de la ciudad.

Y por último no hay que olvidar el carismático interiorismo de Gatsby, creado por el estudio de Dani Poc: un homenaje al mundo del famoso personaje de Scott Fitzgerald, mágicamente recreado por el film “El Gran Gatsby “ de Baz Luhrmann.

Todos sus detalles nos evocan las divertidas y elegantes fiestas clandestinas de la época de la Ley Seca, con sus elementos art decó, materiales nobles como la madera y el mármol, adornos dorados marcando cortinas y muebles y el característico skyline de Nueva York cubriendo todo un lateral.

Con sus 250 plazas de aforo Gatsby es además del mejor espacio para salir de noche y vivir una experiencia única en Barcelona, un escenario privilegiado para realizar todo tipo de fiestas de empresa y corporativas, ideal para aniversarios, presentaciones, etc ..

8 inspiraciones árabes Majlis para el Medio Oriente

En la cultura árabe , es fundamental ser hospitalario , recibir a tus invitados de la mejor manera y hacer que se sientan cómodos y bienvenidos. Es por eso que un majlis tiene un papel especial y una importancia en una casa. Boca do Lobo ha seleccionado los mejores interiores de lujo de Oriente Medio para deslumbrar hasta los gustos más exigentes en las reuniones sociales. ¡Descubre las mejores maneras de saludar y entretener a tus invitados con estas inspiraciones árabes Majlis!


majlis árabe grande por algedra en dubai

Como una de las mejores empresas de diseño de interiores en Dubai,  Algedra  le asegura que tiene un Majlis árabe único, noble y sofisticado. Los proyectos de diseño de interiores de Algedra  muestran estilos lujosos, modernos, contemporáneos  o clásicos de alta gama que sin duda tendrán un primer impacto sorprendente en cualquier huésped o visitante.

diseño de interiores majlis árabe contemporáneo por algedra en dubai

Diseño y construcción barroca

diseño de interiores majlis árabes de lujo por diseño barroco y construcción en qatar

Baroque Design & Build tiene su sede en Doha y se estableció en 2012. Su experiencia radica en el diseño arquitectónico y de interiores , así como en la implementación de oficinas, tiendas, restaurantes, torres, complejos y espacios habitacionales desde el concepto hasta la finalización. Esta impresionante compañía qatarí le asegura que tratará a sus invitados con el lujo refinado del Majlis árabe más exquisito.


diseño de interiores majlis árabes de lujo por diseño barroco y construcción en qatar

La Victoire Decoration & Trading

espacioso majlis árabe por la victoire dbd interior design en qatar

La Victoire DBD es una firma de diseño de interiores y exteriores de Qatar  cuyo equipo está compuesto por expertos en interiores estratégicos y maestros artesanos innovadores. No es difícil entender cómo su trabajo es tan buscado: su intrincado revela una atención al detalle sin igual, donde cada  mueble de lujo  encaja perfectamente con el diseño interior clásico , lo que resulta en una experiencia lujosa pero elegante .

espacioso majlis árabe por la victoire dbd interior design en qatar

Espacio AE

gran diseño interior majlis árabe por spazio ae en los emiratos árabes unidos

Spazio AE es una firma de arquitectura, equipamiento y diseño de interiores con sede en Dubái que trabaja en una amplia gama de proyectos en los EAU . Sus impresionantes proyectos de diseño de interiores modernos son obras maestras de alta gama, y ​​estos Majlis árabes no son una excepción, ya que brindan una experiencia de lujo inolvidable tanto para los propietarios como para los invitados.

diseño de interiores majlis árabe contemporáneo por spazio ae en los emiratos árabes unidos
libro electrónico clásico moderno último libro electrónico de inspiración boca do lobo

8 Arabic Majlis Inspirations for the Middle East

In Arabic culture, it is essential to be hospitable, receiving your guests in the best way, and making sure they feel comfortable and welcomed. That’s why a majlis has a special role and importance in a house. Boca do Lobo has selected the best luxury interiors in the Middle East to dazzle even the most demanding tastes in social gatherings. Discover the finest ways to greet and entertain your guests with these Arabic Majlis inspirations!


large arabic majlis by algedra in dubai

As one of the best interior design companies in Dubai, Algedra assures you that you have a unique, noble, and sophisticated Arabic Majlis. Algedra’s interior design projects show high-end luxury, modern, contemporary or classic styles that will certainly make an amazing first impact on any guest or visitor.

contemporary arabic majlis interior design by algedra in dubai

Baroque Design & Build

luxury arabic majlis interior design by baroque design and build in qatar

Baroque Design & Build is based in Doha and was established in 2012. Their expertise lies in architectural and interior design, as well as the implementation of offices, shops, restaurants, towers, compounds and housing spaces from Concept to completion. This stunning Qatari company assures that you treat your guests to the refined luxury of the most exquisite Arabic Majlis.

luxury arabic majlis interior design by baroque design and build in qatar

La Victoire Decoration & Trading

spacious arabic majlis by la victoire dbd interior design in qatar

La Victoire DBD is a Qatari exterior and interior design firm whose team is comprised of strategic interior experts, and innovative master craftsmen. It’s not difficult to understand how their work is so sought-after – their intricate  reveal an unparalleled attention to detail, where each luxury furniture piece fits perfectly with the classical interior design, resulting in a lavish yet elegant experience.

spacious arabic majlis by la victoire dbd interior design in qatar

Spazio AE

large arabic majlis interior design by spazio ae in the uae

Spazio AE is a Dubai-based Architecture, fit-out, and Interior Design firm working on a long range of projects across the UAE. Their stunning modern interior design projects are high-end masterpieces, and these Arabic Majlis are no exception, providing an unforgettable luxury experience for both owners and guests.

contemporary arabic majlis interior design by spazio ae in the uae
modern classic ebook ultimate inspiration ebook boca do lobo

8 Arabic Majlis Inspirations for the Middle East

In Arabic culture, it is essential to be hospitable, receiving your guests in the best way, and making sure they feel comfortable and welcomed. That’s why a majlis has a special role and importance in a house. Boca do Lobo has selected the best luxury interiors in the Middle East to dazzle even the most demanding tastes in social gatherings. Discover the finest ways to greet and entertain your guests with these Arabic Majlis inspirations!


large arabic majlis by algedra in dubai

As one of the best interior design companies in Dubai, Algedra assures you that you have a unique, noble, and sophisticated Arabic Majlis. Algedra’s interior design projects show high-end luxury, modern, contemporary or classic styles that will certainly make an amazing first impact on any guest or visitor.

contemporary arabic majlis interior design by algedra in dubai

Baroque Design & Build

luxury arabic majlis interior design by baroque design and build in qatar

Baroque Design & Build is based in Doha and was established in 2012. Their expertise lies in architectural and interior design, as well as the implementation of offices, shops, restaurants, towers, compounds and housing spaces from Concept to completion. This stunning Qatari company assures that you treat your guests to the refined luxury of the most exquisite Arabic Majlis.

luxury arabic majlis interior design by baroque design and build in qatar

La Victoire Decoration & Trading

spacious arabic majlis by la victoire dbd interior design in qatar

La Victoire DBD is a Qatari exterior and interior design firm whose team is comprised of strategic interior experts, and innovative master craftsmen. It’s not difficult to understand how their work is so sought-after – their intricate  reveal an unparalleled attention to detail, where each luxury furniture piece fits perfectly with the classical interior design, resulting in a lavish yet elegant experience.

spacious arabic majlis by la victoire dbd interior design in qatar

Spazio AE

large arabic majlis interior design by spazio ae in the uae

Spazio AE is a Dubai-based Architecture, fit-out, and Interior Design firm working on a long range of projects across the UAE. Their stunning modern interior design projects are high-end masterpieces, and these Arabic Majlis are no exception, providing an unforgettable luxury experience for both owners and guests.

contemporary arabic majlis interior design by spazio ae in the uae
modern classic ebook ultimate inspiration ebook boca do lobo

8 Arabic Majlis Inspirations for the Middle East

In Arabic culture, it is essential to be hospitable, receiving your guests in the best way, and making sure they feel comfortable and welcomed. That’s why a majlis has a special role and importance in a house. Boca do Lobo has selected the best luxury interiors in the Middle East to dazzle even the most demanding tastes in social gatherings. Discover the finest ways to greet and entertain your guests with these Arabic Majlis inspirations!


large arabic majlis by algedra in dubai

As one of the best interior design companies in Dubai, Algedra assures you that you have a unique, noble, and sophisticated Arabic Majlis. Algedra’s interior design projects show high-end luxury, modern, contemporary or classic styles that will certainly make an amazing first impact on any guest or visitor.

contemporary arabic majlis interior design by algedra in dubai

Baroque Design & Build

luxury arabic majlis interior design by baroque design and build in qatar

Baroque Design & Build is based in Doha and was established in 2012. Their expertise lies in architectural and interior design, as well as the implementation of offices, shops, restaurants, towers, compounds and housing spaces from Concept to completion. This stunning Qatari company assures that you treat your guests to the refined luxury of the most exquisite Arabic Majlis.

luxury arabic majlis interior design by baroque design and build in qatar

La Victoire Decoration & Trading

spacious arabic majlis by la victoire dbd interior design in qatar

La Victoire DBD is a Qatari exterior and interior design firm whose team is comprised of strategic interior experts, and innovative master craftsmen. It’s not difficult to understand how their work is so sought-after – their intricate  reveal an unparalleled attention to detail, where each luxury furniture piece fits perfectly with the classical interior design, resulting in a lavish yet elegant experience.

spacious arabic majlis by la victoire dbd interior design in qatar

Spazio AE

large arabic majlis interior design by spazio ae in the uae

Spazio AE is a Dubai-based Architecture, fit-out, and Interior Design firm working on a long range of projects across the UAE. Their stunning modern interior design projects are high-end masterpieces, and these Arabic Majlis are no exception, providing an unforgettable luxury experience for both owners and guests.

contemporary arabic majlis interior design by spazio ae in the uae
modern classic ebook ultimate inspiration ebook boca do lobo

Palm Jumeirah, the iconic artificial island in Dubai, is a true showcase of the city’s exclusive lifestyle. Celebrating 20 years, this human-made engineering masterpiece provides luxury experiences in the city to its citizens and visitors alike.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة Palm 807x400 1

From its luxurious hotels, amazing restaurants, and top-notch interior design projects this island will amaze you. Find out more about Palm Jumeirah with Boca do Lobo!


To truly embrace Palm Jumeirah luxury experience, stay on the island. There is no lack of options concerning exclusive hotels to enjoy your stay, They provide you with a full luxury experience, having some of the best places to eat, stunning interior design, breath-taking architecture, and spectacular views of Dubai’s paradise landscape.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة FPJD FIVE Palm Jumeirah Higher Res
Five the Palm

The Five Palm Hotel is one of a kind and a major example of what Palm Jumeirah can offer in terms of hospitality. This luxury hotel provides you with plenty of luxury experiences, ranging from an exclusive beach, top-notch food provided by world-class chefs, amazing spa sessions, and karaoke parties.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة Five The Palm7 1
Five the Palm – Interior Design Project By Bond Interiors

The location of the hotel is, of course, one of its main assets. The 20 years old Palm Jumeirah offers any hotel resident an exclusive view of the landscape. Its interior design is simple and elegant, making you comfortably enjoy this luxury experience while planing the next one on this breathtaking island.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة Al Habtoor city
The St. Regis Dubai, The Palm

The St. Regis hotel is another place where you can experience the splendor of Palm Jumeirah. The hotel connects directly to Nakheel Mall, Palm Monorail station, and Dubai’s latest attraction, The View at The Palm. With its bold and stunning architecture, this exclusive hotel offers a luxury experience fit for kings.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة dxbpx meal resturant 1636 hor feat 1
The St. Regis Dubai, The Palm

St. Regis has 4 restaurants and lounges. Cordelia, the specialty restaurant offers a handcrafted menu inspired by seafood. The hotel caters to both leisure and business travelers. Conveniently located to discover the main attractions, malls, and business districts with easy connectivity to and from Sheikh Zayed Road, it is an ideal starting point to explore all that Dubai has to offer.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة 1648521 v4
One & Only The Palm

If you find yourself looking for a tranquil escape then the One & Only provides the perfect luxury experience for you. Located on a beachfront peninsula on the iconic Palm Jumeirah, this opulent exclusive resort on the Gulf is set in gardens and comprises a manor, mansions, and villas.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة 5a63291c z 1
One & Only The Palm

The exquisite guest rooms, suites, and villas at the resort are designed with a fusion of Moorish and Andalusian architecture, with sophisticated furnishings and state-of-the-art facilities.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة 23b0e4b31e26a9adeb8e882122b0f33d
One & Only The Palm

Palm Jumeirah offers you amazing options regarding where to stay and these exclusive hotels are an important part of what makes this iconic island so successful throughout its 20 years. Providing any visitor the luxury experience that they seek in Dubai, these hotels embrace the city’s lifestyle perfectly and will certainly make you love even more this paradise island.

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Restaurants & Bars

For a full luxury experience, great accommodation is not enough, and the hotels and other venues in Palm Jumeirah provide you with some of the best exclusive restaurants in Dubai.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة 6 4 jumeirah zabeel saray restaurant lalezar interior 02 1
Al Nafoorah

Regarding exclusive restaurants, one of Palm Jumeirah’s best luxury experiences is the Al Nafoorah. You can truly embrace middle east cuisine in this amazing venue. This authentic Lebanese restaurant serves classic grilled dishes and mezze in an ornate setting. Its interior design certainly matches the luxurious vibe of Dubai and will make you feel part of the island while tasting the best dishes.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة ibn al bahr club vista mare the palm jumeirah 1
Ibn Al Bahr

Hidden away on a small private beach on the shore of the Palm Jumeirah, Ibn AlBahr is a true gem to be found and an exquisite place to have a meal.
The view of the beach, a table full of exceptional mezze, and grilled fish along with the company of family or friends makes this one of the best luxury experiences you can have in Palm Jumeirah.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة 74bd462dd882fc42e593512566459c4a 1
A Cappella

If you are looking for a more groovy and fun luxury experience, A Cappella offers guests to experience the chefs & mixologists working together in the same space, live, creating an exclusive experience unlike any. Music forms the core at A Cappella, offering a high-octane vibe, elevating the overall experience.

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Interior Design Projects

Palm Jumeirah embodies Dubai’s spirit of luxury, but also its bold and innovative nature. Offering its visitors not only amazing landscapes but also top-notch interior design. As such, you can find all over the island amazing interior design projects to inspire you and make you feel like living a truly exclusive luxury experience.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة 01 Informal Reception 01 1
One Palm Apartment By Elicyon

Elicyon designed the concept of the interior for the apartments within the prestigious One Palm development at The Palm Jumeirah. Exquisite patterns and metalwork screens make a contemporary reference to mashrabiya screens and form a theme across the apartment, while tone-on-tone interiors to suit the panoramic beach views create a seamless flow between indoor and outdoor living that creates a remarkable luxury experience.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة Zen FrondN73a01 e1619953590989 1

In Palm Jumeirah you can also be inspired by this amazing interior design project by Zen Interiors. The passion for superior products and professional services makes this company deliver perfect results and luxury experiences in every room. This stunning living room project is a great inspiration for a small but luxurious interior.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة FROND N 4 1

This Private Villa at Palm Jumeirah is designed by XBD and carries an air of sophisticated elegance. Every element is carefully chosen to reflect and give the luxury experience that you seek in its interior design. The choice of a subtle and uncomplicated color scheme is the finishing touch that gives the space its quiet but unwavering confidence.

Palm Jumeirah: 20 Years Of Luxury Experiences in Dubai نخلة الجميرة aerial view of dubai palm jumeirah island united arab emirates 1097789900 b6c44835cb3945f481427a612f2cdd0b 1

Palm Jumeirah is a true grand masterpiece in all of its aspects. Amazing hospitality, stunning views, spectacular architecture, and interior design projects, the best places to eat and have fun, all of this while offering an exquisite luxury experience to its visitors. Celebrate its 20 years by enjoying this iconic island and living it to its full extent.