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Two unforgettable Four Seasons drive Experience itineraries unveiled for 2023

 Dos itinerarios inolvidables de Four Seasons drive Experience presentados para 2023

Te esperan impresionantes vistas, ofertas culinarias y culturales incomparables y acceso privilegiado especial, junto con estadías en las propiedades de Four Seasons en Ginebra, Megève y Napa Valley.
febrero de 2023, Toronto, Canadá

Tras el éxito del  Four Seasons Drive Experience  inaugural a través de la Toscana, la empresa líder en hospitalidad de lujo anuncia  dos nuevos itinerarios para 2023  que mostrarán lo mejor de los Alpes europeos y una de las capitales de la comida y el vino de América del Norte, Napa Valley.

Al volante de un vehículo de lujo, los huéspedes pueden esperar experiencias gastronómicas únicas en la vida, rutas personalizadas y acceso privilegiado al talento local y ofertas culturales únicas, lo que permite descubrir cada destino desde una nueva perspectiva. Four Seasons Drive Experience en el corazón de los Alpes  del 12 al 18 de junio de 2023 y Four Seasons Drive Experience a través del valle de Napa  del 29 de octubre al 4 de noviembre de 2023 ofrecerán experiencias de conducción que muestran lo mejor de estos nuevos destinos de itinerario. Cuando no estén de viaje, los huéspedes en los Alpes se hospedarán en Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Ginebra  y  Four Seasons Hotel Megève . Mientras estén en Napa Valley, los viajeros se hospedarán en      Four Seasons Resort y Residencias Napa Valley .

“Four Seasons Drive Experience es una extensión natural de lo que somos y de lo que brindamos: crea experiencias seleccionadas que permiten a los huéspedes descubrir el carácter de un lugar de maneras nuevas e inesperadas”, dice Alejandro Reynal, presidente y director ejecutivo de Four  Seasons Hotels and centros turísticos. “Al volante de un vehículo de lujo, los huéspedes disfrutarán de una experiencia de manejo excepcional, siempre con el servicio Four Seasons y un corazón genuino como guía”.

Desde el alojamiento y el itinerario del viaje hasta las excursiones exclusivas y las experiencias locales personalizadas, todo se entregará con la atención al detalle, la calidad excepcional y el servicio atento por el que Four Seasons es reconocido. Los huéspedes que reserven una experiencia Four Seasons Drive disfrutarán de experiencias seleccionadas por expertos con maravillas menos conocidas y lugares ocultos adaptados a cada viajero, organizados por el equipo de Four Seasons, para un viaje verdaderamente incomparable.

“Four Seasons Drive Experience ha redefinido el mundo de los recorridos de conducción de lujo, creando experiencias excepcionales al reunir la experiencia de Four Seasons y nuestros socios en Canossa Events”, dice  Marc Speichert , vicepresidente ejecutivo y director comercial. “En 2023, llevaremos Four Seasons Drive Experience a destinos nuevos y muy solicitados en función de un profundo conocimiento de nuestros huéspedes, brindando una experiencia de lujo que refleje el cuidado y la empatía genuinos que son el núcleo de Four Seasons”.

De principio a fin, ambos itinerarios están diseñados para celebrar el romance de los viajes por carretera y saborear cada momento del viaje, así como el destino, ya sea desde el vehículo de lujo de un huésped o uno coordinado por el equipo dedicado de servicios para huéspedes.

“No podríamos estar más contentos con los comentarios de los huéspedes que recibimos después del itinerario de la Toscana del año pasado, que se conceptualizó en torno al amor por los automóviles y la programación inmersiva para experimentar todo lo que el destino tiene para ofrecer”, dice Luigi Orlandini, presidente y director ejecutivo de Canossa  Events . “Con Tuscany ahora en el espejo retrovisor, estamos emocionados de cautivar a los huéspedes con estas nuevas y deseables ofertas con Four Seasons que crearán recuerdos para toda la vida”.

Experiencia Four Seasons Drive en el corazón de los Alpes , del 12 al 18 de junio de 2023

El itinerario de una semana comenzará en  Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Ginebra , que servirá como base de operaciones durante los próximos días, con vistas encantadoras del lago de Ginebra y un telón de fondo icónico de los Alpes nevados. Una cena de bienvenida será el escenario perfecto para conocer a otros viajeros. Durante su estancia en Ginebra, los huéspedes visitarán Gruy è re Village, considerado uno de los pueblos más bellos de la región y hogar del conocido queso suizo. A partir de entonces, se embarcarán en un recorrido panorámico por Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, un tramo de tierra de 30 kilómetros (19 millas) con sorprendentes terrazas en las laderas, antes de ser escoltados a través de fincas vinícolas históricas que datan de la Edad Media para un vino suizo. y maridaje de quesos.

En los días siguientes, los viajeros viajarán hacia el destino final de Megève, deteniéndose en el camino para aprender sobre el arte atemporal de la relojería, desde el diseño y el desarrollo de prototipos hasta el mecanizado. La tarde incluirá un recorrido lleno de adrenalina que pasará por el Chateau d’Avully, conocido por sus altísimas torres y su icónica arquitectura, antes de llegar al  Four Seasons Hotel Megève  para descansar y recargar energías.

La programación en Megève incluye un emocionante viaje a la ciudad alpina de Annecy, serpenteando por las míticas carreteras de Aravis y cruzando montañas que perforan el cielo; una visita al macizo del Mont Blanc, una impresionante cadena montañosa que ofrece impresionantes vistas de 360 ​​grados de los Alpes franceses, suizos e italianos; y tomar el remoto puerto de montaña Grand Saint Bernard que conecta Italia y Suiza para concluir su viaje de regreso a Megève.

Four Seasons Drive Experience a través del Valle de Napa,  del 29 de octubre al 4 de noviembre de 2023

Este itinerario para los entusiastas de la comida y el vino se centra en las mejores bodegas y experiencias culinarias que prometen revitalizar los paladares y tentar las papilas gustativas. En una de las capitales de la comida y el vino de América del Norte, los huéspedes llegarán al  Four Seasons Resort and Residences Napa Valley , hogar durante los próximos siete días.

El viaje comenzará con una celebración de la gastronomía innovadora: una cena de bienvenida en el Vineyard Barn de la propiedad que presenta un diseño arquitectónico que encarna la rica herencia agrícola de Napa, enmarcado por bosques pintorescos y vistas despejadas de las montañas. El día siguiente comenzará con un viaje panorámico a la Bahía de Tomales para una experiencia inmersiva de cultivo de ostras seguida de un almuerzo gourmet con vista a la bahía. Por la noche, los huéspedes disfrutarán de una suntuosa cena para los sentidos, complementada con los vinos especiales de la región.

Los días siguientes estarán dedicados a descubrir sabores únicos y sumergirse en las fragantes notas del vino recorriendo las bodegas más comentadas de Napa, solo accesibles para los  huéspedes de Four Seasons Drive Experience, incluida Opus One Winery, nacida de la colaboración entre dos de las figuras enológicas más estimadas. : Baron Philippe de Rothschild de Château Mouton Rothschild y Robert Mondavi.

Para los últimos días del itinerario, los huéspedes realizarán un recorrido en ferry privado por la Bahía de San Francisco y finalizarán la experiencia de siete días en las nubes con paseos en globo aerostático que ofrecen vistas panorámicas de los viñedos y las ondulantes montañas.

Infomación sobre reservas

Los viajeros interesados ​​en obtener más información sobre Four Seasons  Drive  Experience In the Heart of the Alps  o   Four Seasons  Drive Experience Through Napa Valley  están invitados a  hacer clic aquí  para obtener detalles adicionales de la reserva o enviar un correo electrónico  a drive@fourseasons.com . Las reservas también se pueden hacer por teléfono: EU +39 052 2421 096 y US +1 831 521 5190.

Además de una creciente cartera global de hoteles y resorts, las ofertas de estilo de vida de lujo incluyen una  experiencia de jet privado a medida ; villas de lujo y alquileres de casas de vacaciones ; una  línea de artículos para el hogar y de viaje seleccionados ; una cartera global de  residencias privadas y recientemente anunció su entrada en el  espacio de los yates de lujo  , Four Seasons continúa redefiniendo la búsqueda de viajes extraordinarios y lleva su legendario servicio Four Seasons a cada viaje, ya sea por agua, aire o carretera. .

Sobre Canossa Eventos

Canossa Events  se formó en 2010 y es sinónimo de excelencia en eventos de turismo por carretera. La compañía organiza casi 300 eventos al año, incluido el legendario Modena Cento Ore, que se abre camino en el impresionante paisaje de Italia y también presenta carreras en algunos de los circuitos más famosos. Canossa es mejor conocido por sus rallyes de autos clásicos y sus eventos de turismos de superdeportivos que combinan autos coleccionables exóticos, hospitalidad de clase mundial y aventuras en la carretera ambientadas en algunos de los paisajes más pintorescos del mundo en Europa, EE. UU. y Medio Oriente. La familia Canossa también incluye a Cavallino, editor de la famosa revista homónima desde 1978 y organizador del Concorso d’Eleganza más importante del mundo dedicado íntegramente a Ferrari. Desde 2019 Canossa forma parte de Motorsport Network.


marca el comienzo de 2023 con nuevas extensiones de marca de liderazgo y crecimiento de cartera estratégica

Bajo el liderazgo del nuevo presidente y director ejecutivo, Alejandro Reynal, la icónica marca de lujo continúa impulsando el crecimiento global y el desarrollo estratégico en líneas de negocios nuevas y existentes.
24 de enero de 2023,

La empresa líder en hospitalidad de lujo,  Four Seasons ,  continúa ampliando su canal de desarrollo, elevando sus ofertas experienciales y acelerando nuevas y audaces empresas que capitalizan la sólida base comercial de la empresa y su singular enfoque en el segmento de lujo.

A través de la lente de la inigualable atención al cliente y la personalización, Four Seasons está invirtiendo en una sólida estrategia comercial, mejorando su capacidad para satisfacer la creciente demanda de viajes y experiencias de lujo.

En octubre, la compañía nombró  a Alejandro Reynal  como presidente y director ejecutivo, marcando un nuevo capítulo que se basa en el renombrado legado y la posición de liderazgo de Four Seasons dentro de la industria hotelera de lujo.

“Desde que me uní a Four Seasons, he visto de primera mano la clara ventaja competitiva de la compañía: excelencia en el servicio incomparable, una marca reconocida y una cultura corporativa impulsada por el corazón genuino de su gente”, dice Reynal. “El negocio de Four Seasons es más fuerte que nunca. Nuestro experimentado equipo de liderazgo está bien posicionado para aprovechar las innumerables oportunidades que se avecinan, centrándose en una estrategia de crecimiento evolucionada que continúa generando valor para los propietarios, empleados, huéspedes y residentes de nuestros hoteles”.

Reynal continúa: “El verdadero lujo siempre debe representar la expresión auténtica de la personalización. En Four Seasons, esta siempre ha sido nuestra promesa de marca e inspira a nuestra gente en cada interacción. Continuamos invirtiendo en nuestras capacidades, capacitando a nuestros equipos con las herramientas que necesitan para mejorar la experiencia del huésped y elevar el servicio genuino que siempre ha sido nuestro sello distintivo”.

Una cartera creciente de propiedades de lujo galardonadas

Durante más de 60 años, Four Seasons ha definido el arte de la hospitalidad de lujo, con una cartera global envidiable de 126 hoteles y resorts de lujo y 53 residencias de marca. En 2022, Four Seasons inauguró siete nuevas propiedades excepcionales, incluidos nuevos hoteles y residencias en  Fort Lauderdale ,  Minneapolis  y  Nashville , así como dos nuevas experiencias de resort en México, en  Tamarindo , y con la apertura de su primer tented-resort en América del Norte. en  Naviva, Punta Mita, un Four Seasons Resort . La empresa también amplió su creciente colección de residencias privadas independientes con nuevas ofertas en  Marrakech  y  Dubái., brindando a los propietarios más exigentes la oportunidad de vivir con Four Seasons fuera de un hotel o resort.

Four Seasons tiene más de 50 nuevos proyectos en planificación o desarrollo, incluso en Italia, España , China, Japón, Arabia Saudita, Colombia, Belice y muchos más, ampliando y fortaleciendo las relaciones con socios propietarios nuevos y existentes con cada nueva propiedad que abre. En el próximo año, la compañía ampliará su oferta con dos nuevas aperturas de hoteles planificadas en China en  Suzhou  y  Dalian ; y proyectos en el Medio Oriente que incluyen nuevas residencias en  Bahrain Bay , una segunda propiedad en  Doha y un nuevo hotel en  Rabat , Marruecos.

Four Seasons anunció recientemente los próximos proyectos que distinguirán aún más su cartera global, desde una leyenda histórica en  Venecia  hasta nuevas torres altísimas en  Melbourne  y  Xi’an . Además, Oriente Medio sigue siendo un mercado de crecimiento clave, con próximos proyectos en  Jeddah en Corniche ,  Diriyah ,  New Cairo Capital en Madinaty ,  Luxor  y  Muscat .

El negocio residencial de Four Seasons impulsa el crecimiento estratégico

Four Seasons Private Residences ha sido una extensión natural de la marca desde 1985, cuando se inauguró el primer proyecto residencial de la compañía en Boston. Casi 40 años después, Four Seasons logró un hito con la apertura de la 50.° Four Seasons Private Residences en Fort Lauderdale, con más adiciones bienvenidas a la cartera para fines de 2022.

Residencial sigue siendo un importante motor para el crecimiento estratégico de Four Seasons , con una sólida cartera de proyectos de cinco años que comprende más de 30 proyectos en todo el mundo.

El centro de la estrategia de crecimiento residencial de Four Seasons es la expansión de sus ofertas independientes. Desde la primera apertura independiente en  Londres  en 2018, la oferta se ha expandido a  Los Ángeles ,  San Francisco ,  Marrakech y  Dubai , este último se agotó antes de salir a la venta pública. Las próximas aperturas están programadas en  Lake Austin  y más allá.

Surcando los cielos, los mares y las carreteras con Four Seasons

Además de las aperturas de nuevos hoteles y residencias, Four Seasons ha ampliado sus ofertas experienciales para brindar a los huéspedes formas nuevas y distintivas de relacionarse con la marca, incluida la  experiencia Four Seasons Private Jet ,  At Home Collection y los recientemente anunciados  Four Seasons Yachts . Una colección de casi 600 restaurantes y bares en todo el mundo y 126 spas también amplía la experiencia Four Seasons y da la bienvenida a un segmento cada vez mayor de huéspedes locales habituales. Los restaurantes y bares Four Seasons se basan en los mejores conceptos innovadores de su clase que cobran vida gracias a los artesanos que comparten la pasión por el servicio increíble y las ofertas culinarias excepcionales.

En los cielos, los huéspedes pueden experimentar el legendario servicio de la marca a bordo del Four Seasons Private Jet Experience. A fines del año pasado, un jet completamente nuevo, diseñado con el aporte de huéspedes anteriores, despegó y llevó a los huéspedes en viajes personalizados por todo el mundo. Con los itinerarios para 2023 casi agotados y un calendario completo de viajes para 2024 recién anunciado, el programa continúa creciendo.

En septiembre de 2022, Four Seasons anunció la introducción de Four Seasons Yachts. Se espera que el primer barco se embarque en 2025, el yate de 207 metros (679 pies) ofrecerá un nivel de servicio personalizado sin precedentes, con una proporción de 1: 1 de huéspedes por personal, y amplias suites de estilo residencial entre muchos otros en -Servicios a bordo.

Tras el éxito del viaje de conducción inaugural  de Beyond by Four Seasons  en la Toscana en 2022, a finales de este año se darán a conocer nuevos y emocionantes itinerarios que brindarán a los viajeros la oportunidad de explorar destinos excepcionales al volante de un automóvil deportivo de lujo clásico o moderno.

En todos los puntos de contacto, en tierra, en el cielo y pronto en el mar, los huéspedes disfrutarán del servicio y la atención genuinos y personalizados que brinda Four Seasons, más de 50 000 empleados en todo el mundo, y por los cuales la marca ha sido reconocida durante más de 60 años. .

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

On Tuesday September 28th, 2021 actresses Léa Seydoux and Ana de Armas attended the world premiere of No Time To Die wearing jewelry by Chopard

Léa selected to wear a pair of “Nuage”  earrings featuring brilliant-cut diamonds (totalling 3.77cts) Lea also selected an exquisite butterfly ring featuring pear shaped diamonds (totaling 14.5cts) in 18-carat white gold from The Haute Joaillerie collection and Precious Lace collections.

Ana selected to wear a pair of earrings featuring brilliant pear cut diamonds (totaling 26.78cts) a ring featuring a marquise brilliant cut diamond (totaling 9ct) with further brilliant cut diamonds set in 18-carat white gold, another ring featuring emerald cut diamonds (7.45ct) set in FairMined white gold, a pair of round brilliant solitaire earrings and lastly a ring featuring diamonds in 18-carat white gold.







Fusion under the influence – With Chiara, everything is possible

Chiara Ferragni has joined the Hublot family in the company of many legendary personalities such as football legend Pelé, tennis world No. 1 Novak Djokovic, track and field champions Dina Asher-Smith and Usain Bolt and three Michelin star chef Clare Smyth. She lights up everything she touches and creates, she is a natural-born winner and shines her aura over everything she loves and chooses.

Today, she has chosen Hublot. So why Chiara Ferragni and why Hublot?

Everything I do, I do to share. The things I love, the people I love, the things I experience, my daily life, my children, my work: I put my heart into everything to inspire others, to believe in themselves and their dreams. I found my ikigai in 2009. I managed to combine my passion with my talent in response to a need and now it has become my business. By opening the door to who I am and what I experience, I am also hoping to inspire the women of today not to choose between being a wife, a mother or an entrepreneur. All these roles complete me, just as they complete each other. Beauty drives everything I do. Not only inner beauty, but everything I see around me. That is reflected in my collaborations, my words, my charity work and my daily life. Why Hublot? Because Hublot is not like any other watch brand, it follows its own distinctive path, with determination: It follows its dreams of innovation, while respecting traditions; it seeks beauty both inside and out, by showcasing much more than athletic performance or the success of a family member, it celebrates the reasons for this performance and success, in other words, the ability to be first, different and unique. Hublot’s messages and values speak to me, that’s why I have chosen to join this family today. A fusion of passion and determination has shaped who I am, across all my roles, and forged the businesswoman I have become. This same fusion has also made Hublot the company it is today.

Chiara Ferragni
Hublot Brand Ambassador

Who does not know Chiara Ferragni? Her extraordinary destiny is not down to luck, this visionary and determined woman is someone who learnt how to grow and evolve with her time. By portraying and sharing who she is and what she loves, she has realised her dream, inspiring the men and women of her generation to believe that anything is possible. As someone who is both authentic and spontaneous, she has turned her happy, positive and generous nature into her trademark. As a visionary and pioneer, she has been able to move with the times by dominating the digital platforms and turning her passion into a real business. Her passion became her job, and her natural talent transformed into a success that is seemingly within everyone’s reach. Her inspiring journey proves that anything is possible; it’s the stuff of dreams, while being very real. Who wouldn’t want to live and realise their dreams like Chiara Ferragni? At Hublot, we love inspiring women and men who believe in their dreams and move heaven and earth to fulfil them, who assert their distinctive personality, are willing to go out on a limb, who are not afraid of what people will say and who follow their path with authenticity and passion.
That’s why Chiara fits so well into our family.

Ricardo Guadalupe HUBLOT CEO

Surely, one no longer needs to present Chiara Ferragni?

Well yes, if only to highlight the very nature of this woman, a so-called influencer, a term too small to encompass all her talents. As a business woman, entrepreneur, influencer, wife and mother of two, she embodies that ‘can do’ attitude that everyone finds so inspiring.Twelve years after launching theblondesalad.com, Chiara Ferragni has achieved a success story. When she started out, Instagram did not exist and blogging was in its infancy. It took Chiara only a few months to turn a hobby into a business, attracting the attention of the media and the fashion world, and placing her name alongside the biggest luxury brands.

First, Unique, Different. Just like Hublot! She single-handedly created a job for herself, followed her instincts, asserted her choice to share and talk about her life. Honoured several times by Forbes, her career path has even inspired a study by the prestigious Harvard University to understand her success.

In tune with her times, Chiara is leaving her mark on the world. She resolutely believes in her dreams. A dreamer she may be, but she is firmly rooted in her land and her roots. Chiara Ferragni draws her strength from the stability of her family, her parents and two sisters; she has gone on to recreate this strength through her own family, which she has built with Fedez.

So, is it natural talent, intuition or destiny? What if was a bit of all three? Whatever the case, what is certain is that she achieves firsts with her writing, she asserts her uniqueness, and her difference while retaining that very inclusive feeling of being the ‘girl next door…’

She is an entrepreneur who embodies the digital revolution and the arrival of social media. Chiara is a pioneer, she is constantly achieving firsts. With her fashion blog, launched 12 years ago, she was immediately considered the most influential and most famous blogger in the world. She created her own brand of shoes, then clothing in 2015— Chiara Ferragni Brand, —she was also the first to be listed as the world’s most powerful influencer. Indeed, there is no shortage of superlatives to describe her career and she is not afraid to use them. Both her real life and her digital world are filled with sharing, joy, values and optimism. She is unique, that’s for sure! She is proud of her uniqueness, after transforming her name into a brand, a trademark, a style and an inspiration. She also uses her platforms and visibility to help the causes that are close to her heart. Ultimately, what makes her different is that she has managed to turn her passion, her daily routine and her life into a true success story. She is also different for resembling a generation of women who live with the times and manage to combine several roles, without placing any filters between the different parts of their lives. With an Instagram community of 24.7 million followers, she shares her daily life as a wife, mother and entrepreneur openly and frankly. Chiara is an inspirational figure.
Chiara and Hublot, how it began

You may remember the pictures of Chiara Ferragni wearing the Big Bang Millenial Pink. A unisex watch with an inclusive message, produced as a limited edition of 200 pieces in a shade chosen by Lapo Elkann and designed in collaboration with Garage Italia. Since this project, Chiara and Hublot have simply understood that there were many similarities between their worlds.
So, get ready, because what Chiara & Hublot are preparing for you is likely to make a big impression, once again… First, Unique, Different!
To stay up-to-date, follow: @Hublot #Hublot

Founded in Switzerland in 1980, HUBLOT is defined by its innovation, which began with the highly original combination of gold and rubber. This “Art of Fusion” stems from the imagination of its visionary Chairman, Jean-Claude Biver, and has been driven forward by CEO Ricardo Guadalupe since 2012.

The release of the iconic, multi-award-winning Big Bang in 2005 paved the way for new flagship collections (Classic Fusion, Spirit of Big Bang), with complications ranging from the simple to the highly sophisticated, establishing the extraordinary DNA of the Swiss watchmaking house and ensuring its impressive growth.
Keen to preserve its traditional and cutting-edge expertise, and guided by its philosophy to “Be First, Different and Unique”, the Swiss watchmaker is consistently ahead of the curve, through its innovations in materials (scratch-resistant Magic Gold, ceramics in vibrant colours, sapphire), and the creation of Manufacture movements (Unico, Meca-10, Tourbillon).
HUBLOT is fully committed to creating a Haute Horlogerie brand with a visionary future: a future which is fused with the key events of our times (FIFA World CupTM, UEFA Champions LeagueTM, UEFA EUROTM) and the finest ambassadors our era has to offer (Kylian Mbappé, Usain Bolt, Pelé, Novak Djokovic).
Discover the HUBLOT universe at our network of boutiques located in key cities across the globe: Geneva, Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tokyo, Singapore, Zurich and at HUBLOT.com

DURAVIT – D-Neo Monochrome

This is now

D-Neo is as versatile as it is single-minded. With its clear-cut styling, each individual piece of the range will always appear to be perfectly positioned. The new Oak Terra finish color imbues the furniture with a subtle yet expressive effect. No matter what design trend is pursued for the bathroom as a whole, the holistic nature of the Monochrome world will always stand out.

Available in numerous design options, D-Neo offers furniture that perfectly complements any bathroom. Circular mirrors from the Light + Mirror range provide indirect light that guarantees pleasant, optimum illumination of the washing area. The series is rounded off by the matching range of faucets, characterized by the unmistakable narrow, vertically positioned handle.


The interplay between the new Oak Terra furniture finish (35) and the generously sized oval above-counter basin (600 x 400 mm) lends the washing area an air of contemporary solidity. The combination of a wall-mounted D­Neo toilet and the A.1 actuator plate by Duravit underlines the coherent character of the range.

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Complementing the round above-counter basin, the D-Neo faucets impress with their clear-cut and geometric character for an understated yet expressive effect.

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The D-Neo washing area is rounded off with the large, circular mirror which provides indirect lighting to ensure pleasant illumination of the washing area. Additionally: oval D-Neo above-counter basin (600×400 mm) and D-Neo faucet.

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The clear-cut design of the wall-mounted D-Neo toilets is consistent with the harmonious overall design of D-Neo. Fitted with Duravit Rimless® technology and optionally available with the antibacterial HygieneGlaze ceramic glaze for the last word in hygiene and comfort.

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The consistency of the D-Neo series can also be seen in the amount of storage it offers. Here the semi-tall cabinet in Oak Terra (35) affords ample space.

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The oval above-counter basin from the D-Neo series including matching D-Neo faucet.

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The D-Neo vanity unit with the handle in diamond black and two drawers offers adequate storage, even in small rooms.

Duravit AG
Founded in 1817 in Hornberg in the Black Forest, Duravit AG is today a leading international manufacturer of designer bathrooms. The company is active in more than 130 countries worldwide and stands for innovation in the fields of signature design, comfort-enhancing technology and premium quality. In cooperation with an international network of high-profile designers such as Philippe Starck, sieger design, Christian Werner, Cecilie Manz and young talents such as Bertrand Lejoly and Kurt Merki Jr., the company develops unique bathrooms that enhance quality of life for users on a sustained basis. Duravit’s product portfolio comprises sanitary ceramics, bathroom furniture, bathtubs and shower trays, wellness systems, shower-toilets, tap fittings and accessories as well as installation systems.


The most streamed French artist in the world, with a slew of international hits, DJ Snake is joining forces with Hublot to unveil an exclusive creation: the Big Bang DJ Snake. A watch boasting a myriad of facets, just like the talented artist who inspired it.

“To be able to wear – and also offer my fans – a watch which reflects my personality is something that has been very important to me since the start of my partnership with Hublot. I am delighted to have been able to combine my inspiration with the expertise of the fantastic watchmakers and technicians at this Swiss brand.” – DJ Snake

“DJ Snake turns everything he touches to gold! We are thrilled to have been able to channel his outstanding creativity into this new limited edition piece. The result is truly multifaceted, just like DJ Snake’s talents!” – Ricardo Guadalupe, HUBLOT CEO

DJ Snake has such a huge presence in today’s musical landscape that he needs no introduction. The electronic music star first came to public attention with the track “Turn Down For What”, released in 2013. Since then, the hits have racked up: “Lean On”, “Loco Contigo”, “Let Me Love You” with Justin Bieber, and “Selfish Love” with Selena Gomez. Diplo, Kanye West, Lil Jon… the collaborations keep on coming! He became the first French artist to have two songs with over a billion plays on Spotify, and the awards have rained down: Billboard Music Awards; MTV Music Awards; and no fewer than three NRJ Music Awards.

Hublot and DJ Snake have been partners since January 1st 2018, when he presided over the decks at Hublot’s closing evening during the FIFA World Cup in Russia.

Three years later, the first watch of this partnership is being unveiled:  The Big Bang DJ Snake.

The instantly recognizable and iconic design of the Big Bang now has an iridescent shine, with countless blue and purple hues. The bezel and the six titanium components of the 45-mm case are treated with a special and technical manufacturing process, similar to a black PVD treatment.  During the process, the different components of the watch must each be placed in specific positions when they are coated with different colors. The result is an optical effect in which the colors of the watch change depending on the light and when viewed from different angles. Not only that, but the surface of the parts was hardened before the iridescent treatment in order to improve its adherence. This operation is a complex one as it is difficult to obtain the same gradation of colour on each of the 100 watches being produced. The cut-outs on the outer edge of the bezel were designed by DJ Snake himself. These notches make the Big Bang DJ Snake immediately recognisable, distinguishing it from other collections. An illustration of the “Art of Fusion” philosophy so dear to Hublot!

On the upper face of the sapphire dial in the same colours as the case, a globe is featured, the signature of the electronic music star. A nod both to his travels across the planet for his concerts and to the fact that his hits have made the world his home. The lower section is skeletonised and treated to create sections with a black fumé finish.

This semi-transparent finish allows a glimpse of the famous calibre HUB1242 UNICO movement, a flyback chronograph with a power reserve of 72 hours.

Limited to 100 pieces, the Big Bang DJ Snake will be supplied with two straps which are easily interchangeable thanks to Hublot’s patented One Click system. The first is made from rubber, with a grey, black and purple camouflage pattern echoing the myriad colours reflected by the watch case. The second, also rubber, has a black ribbed structure. The clasp on these straps also features the same “Newton’s Rings” effect as the case and bezel.


Bunny-Shaped Bed Your Kids Room Needs

A striking girls’ room that finds its balance through the textures and the blush pink color, where every detail makes the design.

Luxury girls room design was inspired by the fairytale story Alice in Wonderland. Circu has created this magical luxury girls’ room design where each corner of this room was designed to create a unique environment where children can live all the time in a world full of wonders where everything is possible and imagination is the key. The main inspiration for the design of the room came from the cartoon character, Alice in Wonderland. Trying to make a fabulous environment the element that gives the main emphasis is this Bunny Bed combined with other characteristic elements of the Alice in Wonderland theme.

With its bunny-shaped ears, this luxury girls room bed provides a place where the little ones can enter into a fantasy land where he/she can explore their wildest dreams while being fascinated by the beauty of nature. With a soft velvet finish, this luxury kids’ bed also has a fun feature that is a LED Light in one of its ears that allows the little girl to read her favorite fairytale stories at night. The soft pink color of this luxury kid bunny-shaped bed is combined with a lovely gray wallpaper with a touch of blush pink and LED lights that help to set the tone of the room into a more magical space in the luxury girls room.

Creating the perfect luxury girls roomCloud Nightstand is a kids’ furniture product inspired by Pixar’s Short film “Party Cloud” and it is the perfect storage item for dreamy bedroom decoration. With a creative and playful design, It features 1 drawer and a decorative suitcase to provides extra storage to the kid’s rooms. Atomic Round Chandelier was inspired by the molecular composition of the atom as a nod to the atomic age and race to space mid-century era. DelightFULL’s designers created a round set of spotlights all arranged to look like the non-conventional molecular forms

For last, but not least, give texture into the luxury girls room design with the Cloud Rug. Give your kid’s bedroom to design a warm and comfortable feeling with CIRCU’s Cloud Rug. Every little boy or girl dreams about their wonderland and this rug is the ultimate decor piece to complete such a magical place. Cloud rug is made of artificial sheep wool, acrylic, and polyester.

Paying attention to every single detail, we have organized every corner so that in addition to meet the needs, this luxury girls room design also guarantees ‘A life in the world of wonders’ with the help of this bunny-shaped bed that every kid’s room needs for sure!

Dongyu Zhou joins the OMEGA family

The world-famous Swiss watch brand welcomes award-winning Chinese actress Dongyu Zhou to its impressive roster of screen legends.

A winner of multiple domestic and foreign film awards, Dongyu Zhou is an accomplished actress capable of delivering convincing and critically acclaimed performances ranging in genres from crime thriller to romantic comedy.

After her outstanding 2010 debut in Zhang Yimou’s film Under the Hawthorn Tree, Dongyu starred in a string of successful films, including Soul Mate (2016), This Is Not What I Expected (2017), Us and Them (2018) and Better Days (2019).

Her many accolades include the Best Actress award at the 53rd Golden Horse Awards in 2016 for her impressive performance in Soul Mate, and best actress for Better Days at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards and 33rd Golden Rooster Awards.

Dongyu Zhou is the youngest actress to have been honoured with the three most significant film accolades in the history of Chinese film, and OMEGA is thrilled to include her in its distinguished circle of stars, which includes George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, Eddie Redmayne and fellow award-winning Chinese actress Liu Shishi.

Clearly proud of the new partnership, OMEGA’s President and CEO Mr. Raynald Aeschlimann called Dongyu Zhou: “A phenomenal talent who embraces OMEGA’s spirit of reinvention and commitment to excellence. Hard working, gracious and original, she represents the best qualities of the emerging generation and we’re honoured to have her in the family”.

The latest star in OMEGA’s universe wears the brand’s 34 mm Constellation Small Seconds released earlier this year. The slender watches, in keeping with the recent 5th generation Constellation makeover, remain true to the collection’s iconic spirit, while also enhancing the design with extra diamonds and a number of unique details.

Speaking of her new role at OMEGA, Dongyu Zhou said:I am truly elated to be joining the OMEGA family. I have always felt that innovation and precision are at the heart of OMEGA, and I am beyond excited to grow with the OMEGA family in this collective pursuit of excellence as one of their brand ambassadors”.