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marca el comienzo de 2023 con nuevas extensiones de marca de liderazgo y crecimiento de cartera estratégica

Bajo el liderazgo del nuevo presidente y director ejecutivo, Alejandro Reynal, la icónica marca de lujo continúa impulsando el crecimiento global y el desarrollo estratégico en líneas de negocios nuevas y existentes.
24 de enero de 2023,

La empresa líder en hospitalidad de lujo,  Four Seasons ,  continúa ampliando su canal de desarrollo, elevando sus ofertas experienciales y acelerando nuevas y audaces empresas que capitalizan la sólida base comercial de la empresa y su singular enfoque en el segmento de lujo.

A través de la lente de la inigualable atención al cliente y la personalización, Four Seasons está invirtiendo en una sólida estrategia comercial, mejorando su capacidad para satisfacer la creciente demanda de viajes y experiencias de lujo.

En octubre, la compañía nombró  a Alejandro Reynal  como presidente y director ejecutivo, marcando un nuevo capítulo que se basa en el renombrado legado y la posición de liderazgo de Four Seasons dentro de la industria hotelera de lujo.

“Desde que me uní a Four Seasons, he visto de primera mano la clara ventaja competitiva de la compañía: excelencia en el servicio incomparable, una marca reconocida y una cultura corporativa impulsada por el corazón genuino de su gente”, dice Reynal. “El negocio de Four Seasons es más fuerte que nunca. Nuestro experimentado equipo de liderazgo está bien posicionado para aprovechar las innumerables oportunidades que se avecinan, centrándose en una estrategia de crecimiento evolucionada que continúa generando valor para los propietarios, empleados, huéspedes y residentes de nuestros hoteles”.

Reynal continúa: “El verdadero lujo siempre debe representar la expresión auténtica de la personalización. En Four Seasons, esta siempre ha sido nuestra promesa de marca e inspira a nuestra gente en cada interacción. Continuamos invirtiendo en nuestras capacidades, capacitando a nuestros equipos con las herramientas que necesitan para mejorar la experiencia del huésped y elevar el servicio genuino que siempre ha sido nuestro sello distintivo”.

Una cartera creciente de propiedades de lujo galardonadas

Durante más de 60 años, Four Seasons ha definido el arte de la hospitalidad de lujo, con una cartera global envidiable de 126 hoteles y resorts de lujo y 53 residencias de marca. En 2022, Four Seasons inauguró siete nuevas propiedades excepcionales, incluidos nuevos hoteles y residencias en  Fort Lauderdale ,  Minneapolis  y  Nashville , así como dos nuevas experiencias de resort en México, en  Tamarindo , y con la apertura de su primer tented-resort en América del Norte. en  Naviva, Punta Mita, un Four Seasons Resort . La empresa también amplió su creciente colección de residencias privadas independientes con nuevas ofertas en  Marrakech  y  Dubái., brindando a los propietarios más exigentes la oportunidad de vivir con Four Seasons fuera de un hotel o resort.

Four Seasons tiene más de 50 nuevos proyectos en planificación o desarrollo, incluso en Italia, España , China, Japón, Arabia Saudita, Colombia, Belice y muchos más, ampliando y fortaleciendo las relaciones con socios propietarios nuevos y existentes con cada nueva propiedad que abre. En el próximo año, la compañía ampliará su oferta con dos nuevas aperturas de hoteles planificadas en China en  Suzhou  y  Dalian ; y proyectos en el Medio Oriente que incluyen nuevas residencias en  Bahrain Bay , una segunda propiedad en  Doha y un nuevo hotel en  Rabat , Marruecos.

Four Seasons anunció recientemente los próximos proyectos que distinguirán aún más su cartera global, desde una leyenda histórica en  Venecia  hasta nuevas torres altísimas en  Melbourne  y  Xi’an . Además, Oriente Medio sigue siendo un mercado de crecimiento clave, con próximos proyectos en  Jeddah en Corniche ,  Diriyah ,  New Cairo Capital en Madinaty ,  Luxor  y  Muscat .

El negocio residencial de Four Seasons impulsa el crecimiento estratégico

Four Seasons Private Residences ha sido una extensión natural de la marca desde 1985, cuando se inauguró el primer proyecto residencial de la compañía en Boston. Casi 40 años después, Four Seasons logró un hito con la apertura de la 50.° Four Seasons Private Residences en Fort Lauderdale, con más adiciones bienvenidas a la cartera para fines de 2022.

Residencial sigue siendo un importante motor para el crecimiento estratégico de Four Seasons , con una sólida cartera de proyectos de cinco años que comprende más de 30 proyectos en todo el mundo.

El centro de la estrategia de crecimiento residencial de Four Seasons es la expansión de sus ofertas independientes. Desde la primera apertura independiente en  Londres  en 2018, la oferta se ha expandido a  Los Ángeles ,  San Francisco ,  Marrakech y  Dubai , este último se agotó antes de salir a la venta pública. Las próximas aperturas están programadas en  Lake Austin  y más allá.

Surcando los cielos, los mares y las carreteras con Four Seasons

Además de las aperturas de nuevos hoteles y residencias, Four Seasons ha ampliado sus ofertas experienciales para brindar a los huéspedes formas nuevas y distintivas de relacionarse con la marca, incluida la  experiencia Four Seasons Private Jet ,  At Home Collection y los recientemente anunciados  Four Seasons Yachts . Una colección de casi 600 restaurantes y bares en todo el mundo y 126 spas también amplía la experiencia Four Seasons y da la bienvenida a un segmento cada vez mayor de huéspedes locales habituales. Los restaurantes y bares Four Seasons se basan en los mejores conceptos innovadores de su clase que cobran vida gracias a los artesanos que comparten la pasión por el servicio increíble y las ofertas culinarias excepcionales.

En los cielos, los huéspedes pueden experimentar el legendario servicio de la marca a bordo del Four Seasons Private Jet Experience. A fines del año pasado, un jet completamente nuevo, diseñado con el aporte de huéspedes anteriores, despegó y llevó a los huéspedes en viajes personalizados por todo el mundo. Con los itinerarios para 2023 casi agotados y un calendario completo de viajes para 2024 recién anunciado, el programa continúa creciendo.

En septiembre de 2022, Four Seasons anunció la introducción de Four Seasons Yachts. Se espera que el primer barco se embarque en 2025, el yate de 207 metros (679 pies) ofrecerá un nivel de servicio personalizado sin precedentes, con una proporción de 1: 1 de huéspedes por personal, y amplias suites de estilo residencial entre muchos otros en -Servicios a bordo.

Tras el éxito del viaje de conducción inaugural  de Beyond by Four Seasons  en la Toscana en 2022, a finales de este año se darán a conocer nuevos y emocionantes itinerarios que brindarán a los viajeros la oportunidad de explorar destinos excepcionales al volante de un automóvil deportivo de lujo clásico o moderno.

En todos los puntos de contacto, en tierra, en el cielo y pronto en el mar, los huéspedes disfrutarán del servicio y la atención genuinos y personalizados que brinda Four Seasons, más de 50 000 empleados en todo el mundo, y por los cuales la marca ha sido reconocida durante más de 60 años. .

Coffee tables serve as one more support in the main living space of a house: the living room. Because of their location right in the middle of the environment, center tables are always in the spotlight of the room. Making part of the decor, they can keep house trays, vases with flowers, candles, small sculptures and other decorative objects. Inspiration & Ideas prepared this article to inspire you with a selection of possibilities and tips for your coffee table decor in Dubai. Innovate and improve your living room design according to your style!

Easy Coffee Table Decor Ideas

Full of functionality, coffee tables are attractive and capable of giving a special touch to various types of decoration. Due to the diversity of models available, they can appeal to different tastes. Therefore, the coffee table can, in addition, delimit the environment and compose the decoration of your Dubai living room. And everything according to your personality.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

One of the most important things to consider for your coffee table decor is the overall feel of your living room, including the colour palette and decor style of the rest of your living space. Do you love a cosy living room? Are you drawn to a modern look, with clean lines? Or do you prefer something in between? Knowing this will help you choose the type of decorative items to place on your living room table. Also, when choosing decorative objects for your coffee table, take into account how you plan to use the table. It might be used to display decorative items and books, to hold drinks and remote controls, as a footrest, as a dining table, as additional storage space, or as a place to entertain, play games, and do puzzles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

1. Start With Books

Coffee table books are typically the first things interior designers reach for when styling a space. A stack of design books, topped with a crystal, a strand of beads, or a small box or bowl, is the perfect way to improve your coffee table decor – or any surface that needs a little something. Not only do coffee table books elevate your decor, but they also offer a great conversation piece and give your guests something to look at when they visit your Dubai home.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

A pretty bowl or a basket filled with fresh fruit, or even whole walnuts, is a great way to add the beauty of natural elements to your coffee table decor. You can also play with different materials and natural elements, such as baskets, wood beads and chains, pottery, woven trays and bowls, shells, stones, marble obs, and so on.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

3. Layer In Some Decorative Pieces

Walk around your house and gather items such as sculptural objects, trays, lidded boxes, baskets, glass vases, accent pieces, mementoes from your travels, stoneware, pottery, bottles, and bowls. Grab anything that has visual interest and makes you happy. To help create your desired mood or feeling, remember to include things that are both beautiful and sentimental and reflect your personal style.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

4. Don’t Forget Flowers Or Plants

Adding a vase of fresh flowers or a live plant is always a great idea for your coffee table decor, especially if you have a glass coffee table or other surfaces that won’t be damaged by water. If you have a wooden table, a good way to incorporate floral arrangements and plants is by placing them in a large tray to protect the surface of your table. Faux plants and flowers are always a great option, too!

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5. Finish With A Candle

We do love the luxurious look of a shimmering white candle on a coffee table. Whether you love a scented candle or prefer an unscented version, the coffee table or center table is a great place to add the beautiful glow and ambience of candlelight. Another easy way to add the look of candles to your living space is by using a few chunky wood candle holders or candle sticks to elevate your coffee table decor. They add a beautiful touch, even without candles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Then, just keep editing and tweaking until you like the way it looks!

Which Tip Will You Apply To Your Coffee Table Decor?

See also: Dubai Interior Design: Luxury Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Luxury real estate Zurich: Residential real estate market – Prices flatline on a high after period of growth

  • Price highs of 35,000 Swiss francs (approx. 35,000 euros) per square metre
  • Sustained upward trend for modern urban apartments and historic mansions

Hamburg / Zurich, 18 January 2022. Zurich is among the cities in the world offering the highest quality of life. As one of the leading financial and economic centres in Europe, the city attracts many private buyers and institutional investors. With its population now having reached 440,000, more people are currently live in Zurich than ever before. “In Q3 2022, residential property prices in Zurich only rose slightly (+0.6%) over the same quarter last year. In view of the continuing demand from national and international buyers, along with the extremely limited supply of properties in prime locations, we expect prices to flatline on a high in 2023,” says Axel Kühn, Licence Partner at Engel & Völkers Zurich Paradeplatz & Oerlikon. The average price per square metre for apartments in the luxury segment is currently between 22,000 and 35,000 Swiss francs (approx. 22,000 to 35,000 euros). The average sales price for mansions and detached properties with living interiors of some 300 square metres is 9 million Swiss francs (approx. 9 million euros). The steady growth in the population will continue to drive this excess demand – meaning that, despite the current economic outlook and rising interest rates, prices can be expected to remain stable in the city centre, in prime locations, and the surrounding regions. The high quality of life, the diverse array of cultural offerings and educational institutions, and the proximity to the mountains make Zurich an attractive primary residence. Alongside traditional banks and insurance firms, many tech companies and start-ups have recently relocated their headquarters to Zurich. This trend alone will mean that the appeal of the city as a place to live and work will continue to increase.



Appealing location factors and a high standard of living attract international buyers

Around 120,000 companies are based in Zurich, forming a dynamic network of major international corporations, innovative medium-sized companies and highly specialised small businesses. “The burgeoning start-up scene gives a further boost to its status as a business hub, which in turn is prompting lots of young talent and a highly qualified workforce from all over the world to settle here and, after initial rental experiences, act on their long-term purchase plans,” says Lars Keller, Licence Partner of Engel & Völkers Zurich & Zurichberg. While domestic clients account for around 75 percent of the real estate market, 25 percent of all property transactions in Zurich can now be attributed to foreign buyers living in Switzerland – and this figure is on the rise. The majority of prospective buyers come from Germany, the Benelux Union, the UK, France, Italy, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

Top prices for residential property in hillside locations on Lake Zurich

Among the most exclusive locations are Fluntern and Hottingen at the foot of the Zurichberg. These two residential neighbourhoods are east of the historic city centre and combine the benefits of suburban living with the luxury of expansive natural surroundings. The many opportunities for jogging and mountain biking make this location particularly popular with clients who enjoy a sporty, active lifestyle. Historic estates on large plots with magnificent gardens and unobstructed views of Lake Zurich and the Alps are in high demand here. In 2022, just a small number of properties of this calibre changed hands for tens of millions. Top prices per square metre in excess of 33,000 Swiss francs (approx. 33,000 euros) were fetched for high-end apartments.

The Enge neighbourhood is situated southwest of the city centre. Residential properties here are set over a hillside dotted with large parks filled with mature trees. This area is especially popular with young families due to it being within walking distance to Zurich’s business centre and lakeside bathing spots. In 2022, townhouses sold here for up to 10 million Swiss francs (approx. 10.1 million euros). The top price per square metre for loft apartments was as much as 24,500 Swiss francs (approx. 24,500 euros).

Höngg is located above the Limmat River on the slopes of the “Käferberg”. Thanks to its south-facing location overlooking the city centre, Lake Zurich and the Limmat Valley, this neighbourhood is highly sought-after by families and commuters. Residents here also value the proximity to the local recreation areas of Waidberg / Käferberg, as well as the convenient transport links to the city centre and Zurich Airport, which can be reached in just 15 minutes by car. In 2022, mansions in Höngg sold for an average of 4 to 5 million Swiss francs (approx. 4 to 5 million euros).

Zurich West is the former industrial quarter and one of the city’s up-and-coming districts. This trendy district has a captivating alternative flair and makes for an architectural contrast to the picturesque Old Town. A host of different cafés, vibrant craft shops and second-hand boutiques add to the charm of Zurich West. This area of the city is particularly popular with students and young entrepreneurs. Top prices per square metre for freehold apartments here in 2022 reached 23,500 Swiss francs (approx. 23,500 euros).

luxury real estate Outlook: Thriving economic area to safeguard high prices

New construction projects such as “Europaallee” directly next-door to Zurich’s main railway station, the “Käferholz” residential complex with over 200 premium freehold apartments and “Hamberger Park” with luxury apartments are all playing their part in the ongoing structural evolution of the city, and  attracting renowned corporations such as Google. Zurich is becoming increasingly cosmopolitan with the accompanying influx of expats, without losing any of its historical heritage as a centre of culture. The sustained price rises in recent years prove that Switzerland’s regional real estate market is witnessing stable growth. For 2023, prices are expected to level out on a high. “Thanks to their stable value, residential properties in and around Zurich are a sound and future-proof investment,” says Kerstin Kühn, Licence Partner of Engel & Völkers Zurich Paradeplatz & Oerlikon, who goes on to make a recommendation: “Focus on properties in well-developed communities in suburban or rural areas that offer space to set up a home office, or, alternatively, focus on micro-apartments in the city centre.”


Classic mansion in Wollishofen

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Located in the heart of Zurich’s Wollishofen neighbourhood, Engel & Völkers currently has this historic mansion dating from 1895 listed for sale (price on request). The property is set on a plot spanning some 2,000 square metres, with a total of 15 rooms spread over three floors. The mansion is impressive for its refined details that include original parquet flooring, restored stucco ceilings and specially made silk wallpaper. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Zurich Paradeplatz)

Exclusive freehold apartment on the Sonnenberg

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Situated on the “Sonnenberg”, this exclusive apartment is on sale for 4.3 million Swiss francs (approx. 4.4 million euros). The 2.5-room apartment is located in a building with five residential units in total. It affords state-of-the-art comforts throughout its interiors, which span 113 square metres. The property also boasts a large covered terrace and, thanks to its southwest orientation, it is ideal for owners looking to enjoy a panoramic view over the city and the surrounding vineyards. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Zurich Zurichberg)

Candela C-8 ‘powered by Polestar’ comparte batería y tecnología de carga con Polestar 2

GOTEMBURGO, SUECIA – 17 de enero de 2023. El nuevo Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ es el primer producto de una asociación entre Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) y Candela. Las dos marcas suecas de movilidad premium llegaron a un acuerdo en agosto de 2022 para que Polestar suministre baterías y tecnología para impulsar los hidroalas eléctricas de Candela.

El Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ está diseñado para utilizar el mismo paquete de baterías de 69 kWh y tecnología de carga de CC que el motor único de rango estándar de Polestar 2. Candela espera una autonomía de hasta 57 millas náuticas con una sola carga a una velocidad de crucero de 22 nudos, en comparación favorable con las lanchas a motor de combustión interna, y con una autonomía de alta velocidad de 2 a 3 veces más larga que las lanchas rápidas eléctricas convencionales.

“Con las baterías de Polestar, el Candela C-8 se convierte en el primer barco eléctrico que puede viajar a destinos a los que antes solo se podía llegar con barcos con motor de combustión. El Candela C-8 impulsado por Polestar marca un avance significativo para la electrificación en el mar”, dice Gustav Hasselskog, CEO y fundador de Candela.

Este alto rendimiento eléctrico en el mar es posible gracias a una combinación de tecnología innovadora de Candela y Polestar. El Candela C-8 utiliza un motor de vaina de transmisión directa eficiente, el Candela C-POD, y ‘vuela’ en hidroalas guiadas por computadora que elevan el casco por encima del agua a altas velocidades, lo que reduce el consumo de energía hasta en un 80 % en comparación con los tradicionales. lanchas a motor

Además del paquete de baterías de 69 kWh de Polestar 2,, Polestar también suministra tecnología de carga rápida de CC para el Candela C-8, además de compartir capacidades de investigación y desarrollo para integrar la tecnología y el software en una aplicación marina para transferirla desde tierra. al mar

“Compartir conocimientos sobre baterías e ingeniería de vehículos con Candela ayudará a alcanzar nuestro objetivo compartido de hacer la transición a un futuro en el que todas las formas de transporte sean sostenibles”, dice Thomas Ingenlath, director ejecutivo de Polestar.

El suministro de baterías y componentes de carga a un tercero de esta manera es una novedad para Polestar como fabricante de vehículos eléctricos y amplía los esfuerzos de Polestar para impulsar la movilidad eléctrica sostenible más allá de la industria automotriz.

Candela C-8 Polestar Power está disponible para pedidos en candela.com.
A partir de hoy, todos los Candela C-8 pedidos estarán equipados con baterías Polestar.

Sobre Candela
Candela Technology es una empresa tecnológica sueca cuya misión es acelerar el cambio hacia lagos y océanos libres de combustibles fósiles. Usando hidroalas guiadas por computadora, alas submarinas que levantan el casco por encima de la superficie, superando así la fricción del agua, la embarcación de Candela usa hasta un 80% menos de energía a altas velocidades que las lanchas a motor tradicionales.

Además de un mayor alcance y un mejor rendimiento que otros barcos eléctricos, las embarcaciones de Candela tienen varios beneficios sobre los barcos ICE convencionales. Con un ruido mínimo, cero estelas y cero emisiones, la embarcación de Candela combina una huella ambiental liviana con una mejor comodidad para los pasajeros y una experiencia de manejo emocionante.

Candela fue fundada en 2014 por el ingeniero Gustav Hasselskog y presentó su primer modelo de producción, Candela C-7, en 2019. Con un alcance de 50 millas náuticas a 20 nudos, el C-7 estableció varios récords mundiales para barcos eléctricos. La producción limitada de 32 unidades finalizó en 2021.

En 2022, Candela Water lanzó el sucesor Candela C-8, más grande y de mayor volumen, que está diseñado para que los barcos eléctricos se generalicen. Con espacio para ocho pasajeros y equipado con la batería Polestar 2, tiene un alcance esperado de 57 millas náuticas a 22 nudos y una velocidad máxima de 30 nudos. Propulsado por el Candela C-POD, un motor pod eléctrico desarrollado internamente por el equipo de ingenieros de 50 personas de Candela, es un 400 % más eficiente que otras lanchas a motor del mercado. Con más de 150 unidades vendidas hasta la fecha, el C-8 es actualmente el barco premium eléctrico más vendido.

En 2023, Candela lanzará el barco taxi Candela P-8 Voyager y el ferry eléctrico P-12, que llevarán la revolucionaria tecnología de hidroplano eléctrico de la compañía a las embarcaciones comerciales.

Acerca de Polestar
Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC (Nasdaq: PSNY) (“Polestar”) es un fabricante sueco de vehículos eléctricos premium. Fundada por Volvo Car AB (publ.) (junto con sus subsidiarias, “Volvo Cars”) y Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd (“Geely”), en 2017, Polestar disfruta de sinergias tecnológicas y de ingeniería específicas con Volvo Cars y beneficios de importantes economías de escala como resultado.

Polestar tiene su sede en Gotemburgo, Suecia, y sus vehículos están actualmente disponibles y en circulación en los mercados de Europa, América del Norte, China y Asia Pacífico. Los automóviles Polestar se fabrican actualmente en dos instalaciones en China, con una fabricación futura adicional planificada en los EE. UU.

Polestar ha producido dos autos eléctricos de alto rendimiento. El Polestar 1 se fabricó entre 2019 y 2021 como un GT híbrido de rendimiento eléctrico de bajo volumen con carrocería de fibra de carbono, 609 CV, 1000 Nm y una autonomía eléctrica de 124 km (WLTP), la más larga de cualquier coche híbrido del mundo. mundo en ese momento.

El Fastback de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 2 es el primer automóvil de alto volumen completamente eléctrico de la compañía. La gama de modelos Polestar 2 incluye tres variantes con una combinación de baterías estándar y de largo alcance de hasta 78 kWh, y sistemas de propulsión de motor único y doble con hasta 350 kW / 476 hp y 680 Nm.

Polestar planea lanzar un nuevo vehículo eléctrico por año, comenzando con Polestar 3, el primer SUV de rendimiento eléctrico de la compañía que debutó en octubre de 2022. Se espera el lanzamiento de Polestar 4, un SUV cupé de rendimiento eléctrico más pequeño, en 2023.

En 2024, se planea lanzar el Polestar 5 GT de 4 puertas con desempeño eléctrico como la evolución de producción de Polestar Precept, el auto conceptual manifiesto que Polestar lanzó en 2020 que muestra la visión futura de la marca en términos de diseño, tecnología y sustentabilidad. A medida que la compañía busca reducir su impacto climático con cada nuevo modelo, Polestar tiene como objetivo producir un automóvil verdaderamente neutral para el clima para 2030.

En marzo de 2022, Polestar presentó su segundo automóvil conceptual, un roadster de rendimiento eléctrico que se basa en las ambiciones de diseño, tecnología y sostenibilidad establecidas por Precept y muestra la visión de la marca para los automóviles deportivos del futuro. El convertible de techo rígido presenta una evolución del lenguaje de diseño único mostrado por primera vez por Precept y enfatiza una experiencia de conducción dinámica. El concepto desarrolla aún más el enfoque en la sostenibilidad y la tecnología, con el objetivo de lograr una mayor circularidad. Polestar confirmó en agosto de 2022 que se producirá una versión del concepto como el roadster de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 6, con un lanzamiento previsto para 2026.

Reloj de lujo – Roger Dubui Excalibur Blacklight Monobalancier “An era of Light Color Begins”

Hiperluminiscente. Hiper-colorido. Superrendimiento: comienza una nueva era de estética deslumbrante con la llegada de la próxima generación de Excalibur Blacklight Monobalancier (MB). Una de las expresiones más brillantes de la Maison hasta la fecha, el reloj es una obra de arte contemporánea que es tan vibrante durante el día como bajo la luz ultravioleta. Bienvenido al deslumbrante mundo de Roger Dubuis, donde los campos de posibilidades se reinventan para ofrecer la forma más emocionante de experimentar Hyper HorologyTM.


Siempre superando los límites, los relojeros altamente calificados de la Maison han estado desarrollando y dominando el intrincado arte de la luminiscencia durante años. Porque en Roger Dubuis, menos nunca es más.

Reflejando un nivel inigualable de artesanía, los micro-haces de metal del calibre son tridimensionales por primera vez, tomando la forma de la estrella característica de Roger Dubuis. De color amarillo brillante y naranja durante el día, revelan su luminiscencia oculta y brillan como neón bajo la luz ultravioleta.

Pero el dominio de la luminiscencia por parte de los relojeros va más allá. Manteniendo el punto culminante en el brillo de los micro-rayos, se eligió un diamante hiperprecioso y vívidamente fluorescente para el corazón de la estrella de la firma, canalizando el ojo para admirar el trabajo abierto de la pieza bajo la luz ultravioleta. Para garantizar que el centro de atención permanezca en los microhaces, también se seleccionaron específicamente 60 diamantes no fluorescentes para adornar el bisel. Motivados por una pasión extrema, el look final demuestra su control absoluto sobre dónde aparece la fluorescencia.


La Maison presenta una colección cápsula icónica que brilla con colores de moda.

Encarnando un compromiso con la inconformidad y la voluntad de explorar nuevas posibilidades creativas, Roger Dubuis se inspiró para ir más allá de su obsesión por la luz e inyectar colores divertidos en esta próxima generación de Excalibur Blacklight MB.

Entre esta colección cápsula se encuentra un reloj vestido de amarillo brillante realzado con toques de naranja vibrante. Estos aportan un equilibrio armonioso al diseño, rompiendo el efecto de un solo tono y creando un camaieu. Estos tonos vivos también crean su estética distintiva, dejando que los detalles del calibre expresivo se revelen capa por capa, como una intrincada obra de arte que se aprecia cuanto más se mira. Atrevido, atrevido, icónico: este reloj de oro blanco de 42 mm realmente deslumbra, desde su correa de caucho amarillo brillante y piel de becerro hasta sus microrayos, marcadores de hora y minutos y su estrella característica. Si lo desean, los afortunados propietarios pueden incluso optar por cambiar la correa con solo unos pocos clics para expresar un nuevo estilo de su elección, ya que está equipada con un sistema de liberación rápida e hiperversátil. Hipercontemporáneo e hiperemocionante, la última edición del Excalibur Blacklight MB lleva a Hyper HorologyTM a nuevos y brillantes niveles de expresividad.


Definiendo el delicado equilibrio entre estética y rendimiento, el reloj está equipado con el calibre RD720SQ, que tiene una mayor reserva de marcha de 72 horas. El micro-rotor y el volante también están optimizados para minimizar las vibraciones, mejorar la estabilidad y hacerlo menos sensible a los golpes. Para lograr una eficiencia y transmisión de energía aún mejores, se mejora la forma de la rueda de escape, se combina con paletas de piedra de silicio recubiertas de diamante y se completa con un nuevo lubricante. La obra maestra está acabada a mano con meticuloso cuidado y recompensada con el Poinçon de Genève, una de las certificaciones más exigentes de la alta relojería.

Limitado a 28 piezas, el Excalibur Blacklight MB es la combinación perfecta de color, luminiscencia y mecánica avanzada, alcanzando nuevos niveles de expresividad. Al compartir su pasión por la luz y la luminiscencia, Roger Dubuis destaca una nueva faceta de Hyper Horology™, una que continúa dando forma al futuro de la alta relojería de la manera más colorida posible.

Hyper e Hyper Horology son marcas comerciales de Roger Dubuis presentadas y/o registradas en la clase 14

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

Just in time to herald the impending Year of the Rabbit, Franck Muller and Tokyo-based streetwear label #FR2 have jointly unveiled the #FR2NCK MULLER Vanguard. This marks the first collaboration between the two brands, and sees Franck Muller adopting the distinctive design language of #FR2 on its trademark Vanguard watch. The result is an edgy, fashion-forward timepiece with a dial anchored by #FR2’s iconoclastic rabbit motif, sitting a mid the signature numerals and tonneau case of Franck Muller.

The #FR2NCK MULLER Vanguard bridges Swiss luxury watchmaking and Japanese street fashion by melding the elements from each universe, complete with its creators’ signature touches. This is immediately apparent on the dial, where Franck Muller’s timeless yet avant-garde aesthetic has taken on street style sensibilities. A matte white dial base starts things off by establishing a high key aesthetic, upon which black hands, markings, and appliqué indices lie.

The high contrast, monochromatic look comes complete with a delightful quirk at seven o’clock. Here, Franck Muller has situated #FR2’s provocative Fxxking Rabbits motif in lieu of hour markers, with one rabbit’s red eye providing the sole spot of colour on the dial. In the dark, the #FR2NCKMULLER Vanguard also offers an idiosyncratic twist. Super-Luminova has been selectively applied such that the skeletonised obelisk hands, indices and graphical motif leap out from the dial in the absence of light.

The stark, bold design extends to the rest of the watch. This includes Franck Muller’s tonneau-shaped Vanguard case, which has been rendered in a new carbon and glass fibre composite – a first for the brand, and one that will be reserved for Southeast Asia – exclusive models only. To create the light yet strong material, carbon powder and glass fibres are combined, before the resulting mass is impregnated with a bonding resin. The mixture is then baked at 150 degrees Celsius for three hours under 200 tons of pressure, to finally yield a composite that can then be machined into the necessary components. Due to random variations in how the mix are compressed, every watch case will offer a unique pattern of striations. The final touch here is the white nylon strap, which has been emblazoned with black text in a typographic style that will be familiar to street fashion aficionados.

Franck Muller’s work with #FR2 is a rare example of the Swiss watchmaker’s collaboration with external brands, which has been limited to a small, select group of partners. “#FR2’s founder Ryo Ishikawa isn’t just an iconic figure in Tokyo’s streetwear scene,” shares Sharon Lim, CEO of Franck Muller SEA. “As the creative force behind Fxxking Rabbits, he has adopted a muti-disciplinary approach to his label’s creations while maintaining a fiercely independent spirit. These are values that we believe in and identify with at Franck Muller, which makes this Southeast Asia Exclusive a natural collaboration. Of course, the product that we have come up with speaks to that.”

The #FR2NCK MULLER Vanguard is a limited edition of 800 pieces, and is available across Southeast Asia and Australia since 6 January 2023.

About #FR2

#FR2, also known as Fxxking Rabbits, is the brain child of Ryo Ishikawa, an elder statesman in the world of Japanese street fashion who’s perhaps best known for founding fashion imprint Vanquish. Following its establishment in 2014, #FR2 quickly attracted a following with its signature rabbit and “Smoking Kills” motifs, as well as its products’ bold photographic prints. Along the way, Ishikawahas also set the brand apart with provocative campaign images – which he personally lensed – and tongue-in-cheek approach to fashion. From hoodies and candy-dispensing disposable cameras, the brand offers an eclectic range of apparel and objet d’art that’s arguably the most intimately Ishikawa’s yet.

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Sotheby’s Hong Kong Presents the Most Significant Chinese Works of Art Sale Series to Take Place in the Last Decade

Hong Kong
Convergence of the Finest Private Collections from the World’s Greatest Chinese Art Collectors
Dr Wou Kiuan, Mr Joseph Lau & Sir Joseph Hotung, and more

(Left to Right)

The Private Collection of Joseph Lau
A Fine Blue and White ‘Lotus Scroll’ Vase, Meiping, Ming Dynasty, Yongle Period
Est: HK$ 25 – 35 million / US$ 3.2 – 4.5 million

The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection
A Magnificent Ruby-Ground Yangcai ‘Trigrams’ Reticulated Vase,
Seal Mark and Period of Qianlong
Est: HK$ 60 – 120 million / US$ 7.6 – 15.3 million

The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung
A Unique and Highly Important Moulded Blue and White Barbed ‘Fish’ Charger, Yuan Dynasty
Est: HK$ 30 – 50 million / US$ 3.8 – 6.4 million

Auction: 8 – 9 October 2022

This October, Sotheby’s Hong Kong presents the most significant Chinese Works of Art sale series with the convergence of the finest private collections from the world’s greatest Chinese art collectors including Dr Wou Kiuan, Mr Joseph Lau and Sir Joseph Hotung. The star lot of this season is a Magnificent Ruby-Ground yangcai ‘Trigrams’ Reticulated Vase from the Qianlong period (Est: HK$ 60 – 120 million / US$ 7.6 – 15.3 million) from the Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Part II, a carefully curated sale presenting six masterpieces from the 18th century. The collection of Joseph Lau, comprising 11 imperial gems, occupies pride of place among the very finest ever assembled in the field. At the heart of Sir Joseph Hotung’s personal collection is an array of masterpieces which charts many of the peaks in China’s long history, from the Neolithic Period to the Qing dynasty. Adding to this season’s strong line-up of renowned private collections are a selection of Ming and Qing jades from the collection of Victor Shaw and a group of archaic artworks from an important Japanese collection.

This Autumn sale series marks a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for collectors and enthusiasts of Chinese art. Very rarely will you see such a superlative line-up from the world’s most celebrated Chinese art collections. We will be offering fresh to market masterpieces in almost each and every field of Chinese art and this is possibly the most anticipated sale series Sotheby’s has ever hosted.


These illustrious private collections not only showcase the impeccable taste, vision and passion of this century’s most influential Chinese art collectors, but also offer a window to the extraordinary depth and breadth of Chinese art forms.


A Journey Through China’s History: The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Part II

Following on from the success of Part I in New York in March and the record-breaking first Hong Kong chapter in April, the carefully curated sale presents six masterpieces from the 18th century showcasing the unparalleled technical mastery in the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen, including a group of enamelled porcelains formerly from the Fonthill heirlooms which have not surfaced the market in around half a century. Highlights include a Qianlong magnificent and possibly unique ruby-ground yangcai ‘trigrams’ reticulated vase, corroborated by the court archives to have been made either in 1743 or immediately thereafter. The vase is a tangible testament to the unprecedented and unparalleled culmination of technical virtuosity in porcelain production between 1741 and 1743, fuelled by an imperial reprimand from the Qianlong Emperor. (Catalogue essay available upon request)

H. 31 CM
EST: HK$ 60,000,000 – 120,000,000 / US$ 7,644,000 – 15,287,000

Another highlight also endowed with the Fonthill provenance is a magnificent pair of yangcai ‘butterfly’ vases superbly enamelled on a bright pink ground in a manner imbued with Western influences and fired to perfection.

H. 47 CM
EST: HK$ 40,000,000 – 60,000,000 / US$ 5,096,000 – 7,644,000

Gems of Imperial Porcelain from the Private Collection of Joseph Lau Part II

The name Joseph Lau resonates with collectors around the globe and it is one that stands for excellence. Chinese art stands at the genesis of Joseph Lau’s adventure with art and it is on Chinese art that he cut his exacting eye before expanding his horizons. Lau assembled one of the finest collections of Chinese porcelain ever, articulated around masterpieces, each representative of the best of a certain period and type, and handpicked from the most prestigious collections.

This season’s offerings include a very fine blue and white porcelain dating from the Yongle period in the early 15th century, the pinnacle of underglaze-blue decorated wares and a period much celebrated for imperial patronage in the arts.

31.4 CM
EST: HK$ 25,000,000 – 35,000,000 / US$ 3,185,000 – 4,459,000

This meiping decorated with a lotus scroll is remarkably elegant in its potting and represents the epitome of that classic shape. Similar examples are known in the palace museums in Beijing and Taipei as well as in the Middle Eastern Royal collections of the Ottoman sultans which attest to their universal appeal and high status.

31.3 CM
EST: HK$ 20,000,000 – 30,000,000 / US$ 2,548,000 – 3,822,000

This magnificent circular flask brilliantly enamelled with fruit represents a particularly ambitious and unusual combination of the doucai and fencai schemes, which brings out the ripe fruit. The present example is superior in all aspects, from the quality of the painting, richness of the cobalt, clarity of the glaze to its pristine condition.

Hotung: The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung

The late Sir Joseph Hotung (1930-2021) was respected and revered in the art world for his jade collection and for his philanthropy. What is much less known is his discriminating eye for the quality and design, and the personal collection formed at his house in London as a backdrop to his life – seen only by a privileged few. The series of dedicated sales begin in Hong Kong with a focus on the Chinese masterpieces in his collection and are divided into Evening and Day sales. The works on offer, ranging from Neolithic jades and bronzes from Shang – Han dynasties to Ming dynasty furniture and modern Chinese paintings, each represent the most sought-after of their period and type. Highlights include a unique and highly important moulded blue and white barbed ‘fish’ charger from the Yuan dynasty and an important and outstanding bronze male chimera, bixie, from the Han dynasty, the latter endowed with a prestigious provenance and illustration history tracing back to as early as the 1920s in Paris.

47.8 CM
EST: HK$ 30,000,000 – 50,000,000 / US$ 3,822,000 – 6,370,000

This dish is unique and was done with an attention to detail that is exceptional even among this rare group of relief-moulded dishes of the Yuan dynasty. Not only is its relief decoration extraordinarily crisp and detailed, but the popular fish design is here also rendered in a highly individual manner that knows few close comparisons. It is a masterpiece that combines the best and rarest Yuan blue-and-white styles.

L. 27 CM, H. 18 CM
EST: HK$ 6,000,000 – 8,000,000 / US$ 764,500 – 1,019,000

This Han dynasty bronze chimera, powerfully rendered with vitality and strength, is a tour de force of Chinese bronzes at their peak. In addition to the prestigious Stoclet provenance, the sculpture’s publication and exhibition history can be traced back to as early as the first half of the 20th century, setting it apart from other archaic bronzes in private hands and even the most important museum examples.

Important Chinese Art including Jades from the Victor Shaw Collection

The Important Chinese Art auction presents a tightly curated sale including masterworks spanning five millennia, from the Neolithic period through to the Qing dynasty. Highlights include an extremely rare Qianlong period chenxiang mirror ‘raree’ cabinet and a Shang dynasty marble frog.

The ‘raree’ box, possibly commissioned in the 17th year (1752), is set with a mirror flanked by two circular holes through which the Qianlong Emperor would have peeped through to view painted pictures, one of which being his most poignant and enigmatically titled double-portrait, ‘One or Two?’ The powerfully carved box cabinet not only showcases the influence of Western mechanism in 18th century court in China, but is possibly the only example known to be employed by the Qianlong Emperor to ponder on the nuances between the literal reflection of the self and self-identity.

75.5 BY 16 BY H. 66 CM
EST: HK$ 5,000,000 – 8,000,000 / US$ 637,000 – 1,019,000

The Shang dynasty marble frog belongs to a very rare group of marble carvings marking the dawn of Chinese sculpture. Ever so skilfully and minimalistically carved, the sculpture has truly stood the test of time in its timeless aesthetic. Also from the same important Japanese collection as the marble frog is a group of archaic artworks, including a splendidly decorated gold and silver inlaid sword-hilt, also not seen on the market for over 30 years.

25.3 BY 15.4 BY H. 12.5 CM
EST: HK$ 3,000,000 – 4,000,000 / US$ 382,000 – 509,600
17.5 CM
EST: HK$ 1,500,000 – 2,000,000 / US$ 191,000 – 255,000

The sale also includes a carefully selected group of Ming – Qing jades from the collection of Victor Shaw (1935-2020), who was renowned not only for his discerning eye but also his philanthropic pursuits.

H. 10.8 CM
EST: HK$ 700,000 – 900,000 / US$ 89,000 – 115,000
13.8 CM
EST: HK$ 500,000 – 600,000 / US$ 63,700 – 76,500FOTOGRAPHY & TEXT “Courtesy Sotheby’s”.


Costa Smeralda: International demand for luxury holiday properties on Sardinia’s exclusive north east coast

  • Discretion and exclusivity have currency on the real estate marketa
  • Buyers focusing especially on sprawling country estates
  • Premium properties south of Costa Smeralda increasingly sought after

Hamburg, 15 August 2022. The Costa Smeralda on the northeast coast of Sardinia is one of the most sought-after and most exclusive markets for holiday properties in the world. It also remains one of the most discreet markets though. This strip of coastline, which owes its name to the unique emerald green of its waters, stretches for some 20 kilometres – with fine sandy beaches, picturesque rocky bays and unique Mediterranean architecture. Ever since the 1960s, it has been one of Europe’s finest addresses for first-class restaurants, exclusive shopping and luxury second homes. “Demand for real estate has risen sharply in the wake of the pandemic and, alongside top premium villas with sea views, buyer interest is increasingly shifting to large country estates with sprawling plots of land that offer a peaceful and secluded retreat,” says Daniela Ciboddo, Licence Partner of Engel & Völkers Porto Cervo, who continues: “At the same time, buyers are also increasingly tapping into the regions south of Costa Smeralda.”

Discrete and exclusive property market in strong demand

The special status of the Costa Smeralda as a luxury retreat for extremely affluent and sometimes prominent clients means that discretion and exclusivity are centrally important tenets of the property market here. “Many properties are not advertised in the public domain and usually brokered while observing strict confidence. In some cases, exceptional properties can command sales prices in excess of 200 million euros,” says Daniela Ciboddo.

One of the most sought-after locations on the Costa Smeralda is the upmarket port town of Porto Cervo, which is home to one of the highest priced marinas in the world. Since being founded by Prince Karim Aga Khan in 1962, it has evolved into a hotspot for both famous personalities and the international jet set. There is a typically Italian piazzetta at the centre of the town, with a number of luxury hotels, as well as designer shops, upmarket cafés and restaurants. Desirable apartments here are currently on the market for up to 2 million euros. In the hills around the town, there are also extensive plots of land with magnificent estates that command asking prices of up to 18 million euros.

Coastal locations south of Porto Cervo are also highly sought after, including the bays of Cala di Volpe and Romazzino, which boast idyllic beaches blessed with turquoise waters. In the Bay of Romazzino, exclusive villas can be purchased for figures greater than 200 million euros. In Cala di Volpe – renowned internationally for its immaculate golf courses – luxury villas and estates with panoramic views of the coastline and surrounding islands are also in high demand. Asking prices for properties of this kind can reach as much as 18 million euros.

Interest in properties in the port town of Porto Rotondo is also strong. The town has a curved harbourfront that can accommodate up to 800 yachts, as well as picturesque beaches with crystal-clear water and beautiful bays such as “Cala Ira” and “Cala Sabina”. Luxury boutiques and restaurants also give the town a glamorous charm. Some of the exclusive villas here have been owned by famous individuals and command prices of up to 40 million euros.

To the north of the Costa Smeralda, Porto Rafael is a particular favourite with island insiders and celebrities. Compared to Porto Cervo, the place is less touristy and offers numerous quiet retreats. Here you will find large plots in secluded locations with far-reaching views of the entire coastline all the way to Corsica. Luxury villas are offered here for prices of up to 15 million euros.

International clientele looking for secluded estates in premium locations

A high proportion of real estate transactions on the Costa Smeralda can be attributed to buyer groups from abroad. Around 38 percent of buyers come from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, around 10 percent from Great Britain, 5 percent each from the USA, Australia and the United Arab Emirates, and 2 percent from other countries. 35 percent of real estate purchases are made by Italian buyers. The majority of these clients are between 40 and 70 years old and looking for a second home for their families with children.

“Restrictions that came about with the pandemic really brought to the fore what the Costa Smeralda has always offered and what people suddenly craved even more: rugged, unspoiled nature and exclusive, quaint towns and villages filled with a sense of security and freedom,” says Daniela Ciboddo. “In addition to properties for owner-occupation, older villas and estates in premium locations such as the hills of Cala di Volpe and Porto Rafael are particularly sought-after investment properties, which are often extensively renovated and either resold or rented out.”

Outlook: Continuing high demand and increasing interest in regions south of Costa Smeralda

“Demand – especially for properties in the premium segment – has remained consistently high on the Costa Smeralda since its inception in the 1960s. The real estate market here remains largely unaffected by political or economic crises and represents a particularly safe haven for real estate investments,” sums up Daniela Ciboddo, adding: “We therefore expect demand to remain at a high level. We are also now beginning to see interest in properties in the previously less sought-after regions south of Costa Smeralda, such as Puntaldia, Capo Coda Cavallo, and Punta Molara.”

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Rare and prestigious waterfront property in Porto Cervo
This luxurious villa in the direct sea line in Porto Cervo is currently being marketed by Engel & Völkers for 26.5 million euros. It has a total living area of 350 square metres with five bedrooms and seven bathrooms. The property is located on a 2,000 square metre plot with several terraces, a swimming pool, a Jacuzzi as well as private beach access. In addition, the property has a panoramic view of the emerald green water and the surrounding bay.

Majestic contemporary mansion in Porto Cervo
This exclusive modern villa, which Engel & Völkers is currently marketing, is located in a premium location in Porto Cervo. Six bedrooms and eight bathrooms are distributed over a living area of 1,200 square metres. The upscale features include a fitness room, a swimming pool, a whirlpool, a massage room and rooms for staff. The unique wide view of the Pevero Bay and the private secluded location complete the offer. Price on request.

Villa with views over Cala di Volpe Bay
Engel & Völkers is currently marketing this luxurious designer villa in Cala di Volpe. The property has 340 square metres of living space with six bedrooms and six bathrooms. The outdoor area extends over a 2,000 square metre lush in-grown garden with several terraces and an infinity pool. The open-plan concept with flowing transition between the indoor and outdoor areas provides a wide direct panoramic view over Cala di Volpe Bay from almost all rooms. Price on request.

Image source: (Engel & Völkers Porto Cervo)