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marca el comienzo de 2023 con nuevas extensiones de marca de liderazgo y crecimiento de cartera estratégica

Bajo el liderazgo del nuevo presidente y director ejecutivo, Alejandro Reynal, la icónica marca de lujo continúa impulsando el crecimiento global y el desarrollo estratégico en líneas de negocios nuevas y existentes.
24 de enero de 2023,

La empresa líder en hospitalidad de lujo,  Four Seasons ,  continúa ampliando su canal de desarrollo, elevando sus ofertas experienciales y acelerando nuevas y audaces empresas que capitalizan la sólida base comercial de la empresa y su singular enfoque en el segmento de lujo.

A través de la lente de la inigualable atención al cliente y la personalización, Four Seasons está invirtiendo en una sólida estrategia comercial, mejorando su capacidad para satisfacer la creciente demanda de viajes y experiencias de lujo.

En octubre, la compañía nombró  a Alejandro Reynal  como presidente y director ejecutivo, marcando un nuevo capítulo que se basa en el renombrado legado y la posición de liderazgo de Four Seasons dentro de la industria hotelera de lujo.

“Desde que me uní a Four Seasons, he visto de primera mano la clara ventaja competitiva de la compañía: excelencia en el servicio incomparable, una marca reconocida y una cultura corporativa impulsada por el corazón genuino de su gente”, dice Reynal. “El negocio de Four Seasons es más fuerte que nunca. Nuestro experimentado equipo de liderazgo está bien posicionado para aprovechar las innumerables oportunidades que se avecinan, centrándose en una estrategia de crecimiento evolucionada que continúa generando valor para los propietarios, empleados, huéspedes y residentes de nuestros hoteles”.

Reynal continúa: “El verdadero lujo siempre debe representar la expresión auténtica de la personalización. En Four Seasons, esta siempre ha sido nuestra promesa de marca e inspira a nuestra gente en cada interacción. Continuamos invirtiendo en nuestras capacidades, capacitando a nuestros equipos con las herramientas que necesitan para mejorar la experiencia del huésped y elevar el servicio genuino que siempre ha sido nuestro sello distintivo”.

Una cartera creciente de propiedades de lujo galardonadas

Durante más de 60 años, Four Seasons ha definido el arte de la hospitalidad de lujo, con una cartera global envidiable de 126 hoteles y resorts de lujo y 53 residencias de marca. En 2022, Four Seasons inauguró siete nuevas propiedades excepcionales, incluidos nuevos hoteles y residencias en  Fort Lauderdale ,  Minneapolis  y  Nashville , así como dos nuevas experiencias de resort en México, en  Tamarindo , y con la apertura de su primer tented-resort en América del Norte. en  Naviva, Punta Mita, un Four Seasons Resort . La empresa también amplió su creciente colección de residencias privadas independientes con nuevas ofertas en  Marrakech  y  Dubái., brindando a los propietarios más exigentes la oportunidad de vivir con Four Seasons fuera de un hotel o resort.

Four Seasons tiene más de 50 nuevos proyectos en planificación o desarrollo, incluso en Italia, España , China, Japón, Arabia Saudita, Colombia, Belice y muchos más, ampliando y fortaleciendo las relaciones con socios propietarios nuevos y existentes con cada nueva propiedad que abre. En el próximo año, la compañía ampliará su oferta con dos nuevas aperturas de hoteles planificadas en China en  Suzhou  y  Dalian ; y proyectos en el Medio Oriente que incluyen nuevas residencias en  Bahrain Bay , una segunda propiedad en  Doha y un nuevo hotel en  Rabat , Marruecos.

Four Seasons anunció recientemente los próximos proyectos que distinguirán aún más su cartera global, desde una leyenda histórica en  Venecia  hasta nuevas torres altísimas en  Melbourne  y  Xi’an . Además, Oriente Medio sigue siendo un mercado de crecimiento clave, con próximos proyectos en  Jeddah en Corniche ,  Diriyah ,  New Cairo Capital en Madinaty ,  Luxor  y  Muscat .

El negocio residencial de Four Seasons impulsa el crecimiento estratégico

Four Seasons Private Residences ha sido una extensión natural de la marca desde 1985, cuando se inauguró el primer proyecto residencial de la compañía en Boston. Casi 40 años después, Four Seasons logró un hito con la apertura de la 50.° Four Seasons Private Residences en Fort Lauderdale, con más adiciones bienvenidas a la cartera para fines de 2022.

Residencial sigue siendo un importante motor para el crecimiento estratégico de Four Seasons , con una sólida cartera de proyectos de cinco años que comprende más de 30 proyectos en todo el mundo.

El centro de la estrategia de crecimiento residencial de Four Seasons es la expansión de sus ofertas independientes. Desde la primera apertura independiente en  Londres  en 2018, la oferta se ha expandido a  Los Ángeles ,  San Francisco ,  Marrakech y  Dubai , este último se agotó antes de salir a la venta pública. Las próximas aperturas están programadas en  Lake Austin  y más allá.

Surcando los cielos, los mares y las carreteras con Four Seasons

Además de las aperturas de nuevos hoteles y residencias, Four Seasons ha ampliado sus ofertas experienciales para brindar a los huéspedes formas nuevas y distintivas de relacionarse con la marca, incluida la  experiencia Four Seasons Private Jet ,  At Home Collection y los recientemente anunciados  Four Seasons Yachts . Una colección de casi 600 restaurantes y bares en todo el mundo y 126 spas también amplía la experiencia Four Seasons y da la bienvenida a un segmento cada vez mayor de huéspedes locales habituales. Los restaurantes y bares Four Seasons se basan en los mejores conceptos innovadores de su clase que cobran vida gracias a los artesanos que comparten la pasión por el servicio increíble y las ofertas culinarias excepcionales.

En los cielos, los huéspedes pueden experimentar el legendario servicio de la marca a bordo del Four Seasons Private Jet Experience. A fines del año pasado, un jet completamente nuevo, diseñado con el aporte de huéspedes anteriores, despegó y llevó a los huéspedes en viajes personalizados por todo el mundo. Con los itinerarios para 2023 casi agotados y un calendario completo de viajes para 2024 recién anunciado, el programa continúa creciendo.

En septiembre de 2022, Four Seasons anunció la introducción de Four Seasons Yachts. Se espera que el primer barco se embarque en 2025, el yate de 207 metros (679 pies) ofrecerá un nivel de servicio personalizado sin precedentes, con una proporción de 1: 1 de huéspedes por personal, y amplias suites de estilo residencial entre muchos otros en -Servicios a bordo.

Tras el éxito del viaje de conducción inaugural  de Beyond by Four Seasons  en la Toscana en 2022, a finales de este año se darán a conocer nuevos y emocionantes itinerarios que brindarán a los viajeros la oportunidad de explorar destinos excepcionales al volante de un automóvil deportivo de lujo clásico o moderno.

En todos los puntos de contacto, en tierra, en el cielo y pronto en el mar, los huéspedes disfrutarán del servicio y la atención genuinos y personalizados que brinda Four Seasons, más de 50 000 empleados en todo el mundo, y por los cuales la marca ha sido reconocida durante más de 60 años. .

From imposing chandeliers to modern table lamps, when it comes to interior design, lighting is essential to assemble a striking difference in any luxury decor, giving it an attractive and comfier look. Inspiration & Ideas presents the most opulent lighting ideas from Boca do Lobo for a spectacular and stunning home design!


Luxury Chandeliers Ideas


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

Supernova Chandelier was born from the cataclysmic explosion of a massive star, turned into a fascinating lighting design. This luxury chandelier offers a timeless, bright, and magnificent setting.


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

L’Chandelier is a dreamy, elegant, and luxurious lightning design, unique and impressive as the romantic Champs-Élysées avenue, frequently described “la plus belle avenue du monde” (“the world’s most beautiful avenue”).


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

The Newton chandelier is a unique handcrafted piece, that takes special materials using the best artisan techniques.

Sofa GIF Boca do Lobo


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

As the Queen of the Greek Gods, Mother of Nature, and the embodiment of Honour and Maternity, Hera represents the blossom of a golden new era full of life and inspiring beauty. This is the inspiration behind this beautiful lighting design.


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

Defined by strong and emotional paths filled with intricate details, this lighting piece has an organic shape and intricate contemporary details to create an adjustable arrangement in a harmonious ensemble.

SEE ALSO: Diamond Sideboard: The Jewel of The Crown in Boca do Lobo’s Exclusive Design


Heritage Sideboard boca do lobo

Contemporary Wall Lamp Ideas


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

Minimal Maximalism is the reflection of a harmonious symbiosis between different concepts of beauty, styles, and inspirations. The designs come to be eclectic but also minimal; bold but always elegant; gold but with simpler traces, this is how Cubic Sconces emerged!


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

Newton Wall lamp is a handcrafted piece with a unique design. This modern sconce is a unique piece suitable for different rooms of a luxury home!


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

The Lucanus sconce brings a sophisticated symbiosis between a rare insect figure and the pure beauty of the silver filigree. This lighting design also reflects the brand’s wish to always challenge the perception of beauty through new design concepts and innovative techniques.

Metamorphosis Center Table Boca do Lobo


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

The two main finishes marble and brass blend in a pleasant and graceful conversation between the roughness of brass and the elegance of marble in this amazing lighting design. Metamorphosis Sconces like a luxury jewel are one of the most sophisticated lighting accessories you can find!

Lamps Boca do Lobo

Luxury Table Lamp Suggestin


Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste
Exclusive Lighting Ideas To Spark Your Luxury Taste

Feel is a unique and versatile lighting design piece, as it is a table lamp, but actually, it can also be a modern bedside table lamp. It can be elegantly used in your living room as sophisticatedly in your bedroom. Covered with silver leaf, the shade is silk and the base is polished stainless steel.


SEE ALSO: 30 Dining Room Ideas For A Glamorous And Contemporary Home

Mirror GIF Boca do Lobo

In need of some inspiration for your glamorous interiors? Want to revamp your home decor with luxury furniture pieces? Then look no further, and discover our unique design ideas for a contemporary home!



Create an opponent entryway and let your guests be impressed.

Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

One of our favourite design trends is all-white interiors. Although monochromatic ambiences appear simple to achieve, there are a few key factors that can make or break any minimalistic design. The golden highlights give the room warmth, and the various textures offer depth. In this modern hallway decor, a luxury safe is combined with a golden dining chair, for an eclectic inspiration.


Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

The mystic of late XIX century boulevards is the inspiration of the masterpiece Lumiere Console by Boca do Lobo. A confluence of Victorian street lights and architectural tectonic form, it exemplifies the contemporary dualities of art and functionality.



This luxury hallway embodies a sense of grandiosity, timelessness, and brightness like no other. The eye-catching brass frame of this decorative mirror matches perfectly with the metallic nature of the console and the green tones of the stool, leading the way to the convivial area.

Setting the tone for the rest of the house, the hallway is a grandiose space that feels like walking in a museum.

A rustic hallway design that incorporates natural and noble materials to provide depth and contrast to this region of the home.

Interior design is all about the details. Touches of gold are the perfect choice to upgrade your home decoration to another level.

An elegant hallway with minimal characteristics.

SEE ALSO: 10 Exclusive Bedside Tables for your Master Bedroom Decor

Home Decor Ideas Instagram


Decorate your modern kitchen with the best design details!

The kitchen in a luxury NYC apartment is absolutely stunning and the unique bar chair was the perfect addition to this interior! With its elegant, golden lines and luxurious, comfortable upholstery, this is one piece you won’t be able to resist! What do you think?

A mid-century kitchen design with an open space that has all the elements for a great décor: noble materials, luxury lighting pieces and modern furniture.

Mid-century contemporary furniture pieces, neutral colours, and natural materials are all present in this luxury dining room décor, which makes it ageless.

Who said that a small dining room is a problem? This all-white dining room décor has golden accents that add interest to this social area.


This Mediterranean living room décor will make you feel you’re spending a special holiday in Italy! The combo of warm hues and mid-century modern design pieces.

Modern contemporary living room with grey tones that match with the white walls, making it a bright room to spend some quality time in family.

A unique living room design in white, grey and golden tones.

The perfect living room with some stunning pieces!

This reading corner has a white round rug that matches the armchairs. The room has a neutral coloured theme with a few touches of gold.

SEE ALSO: New York Penthouse – An Artful Experience Curated By Boca do Lobo Studio

Covet House Boca do Lobo Luxxu Maison Valentina PullCast Circu


Clean lines and cream colours characterize this modern home office setting.


This bathroom project conveys a mission to embody the surroundings inside the home and interpret a new modern design with exquisite quality.

Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

Marble is a noble material that has been employed to boost the design in many high-end venues. Everything is included in this black and white marble bathroom décor!



Between raw modernism and organic softness, this luxury bathroom design advocates contemporary lines pushed to the extreme for a new expression of serenity.

Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

A wonderful luxury modern bathroom with a Newton Bathtub and an oval wall mirror, to create a perfect and unique feeling of relaxation.


Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

A majestic modern bathroom with diamond Bathtub in Sahara Noir Faux-Marble. A refined jewel-shaped bathtub in black and gold tones and creates a luxurious space.

Stay with us to discover more Unique Design Ideas!

SEE ALSO: Boca do Lobo Presents The Voltaire Sideboard At Supersalone 2021


Fusion under the influence – With Chiara, everything is possible

Chiara Ferragni has joined the Hublot family in the company of many legendary personalities such as football legend Pelé, tennis world No. 1 Novak Djokovic, track and field champions Dina Asher-Smith and Usain Bolt and three Michelin star chef Clare Smyth. She lights up everything she touches and creates, she is a natural-born winner and shines her aura over everything she loves and chooses.

Today, she has chosen Hublot. So why Chiara Ferragni and why Hublot?

Everything I do, I do to share. The things I love, the people I love, the things I experience, my daily life, my children, my work: I put my heart into everything to inspire others, to believe in themselves and their dreams. I found my ikigai in 2009. I managed to combine my passion with my talent in response to a need and now it has become my business. By opening the door to who I am and what I experience, I am also hoping to inspire the women of today not to choose between being a wife, a mother or an entrepreneur. All these roles complete me, just as they complete each other. Beauty drives everything I do. Not only inner beauty, but everything I see around me. That is reflected in my collaborations, my words, my charity work and my daily life. Why Hublot? Because Hublot is not like any other watch brand, it follows its own distinctive path, with determination: It follows its dreams of innovation, while respecting traditions; it seeks beauty both inside and out, by showcasing much more than athletic performance or the success of a family member, it celebrates the reasons for this performance and success, in other words, the ability to be first, different and unique. Hublot’s messages and values speak to me, that’s why I have chosen to join this family today. A fusion of passion and determination has shaped who I am, across all my roles, and forged the businesswoman I have become. This same fusion has also made Hublot the company it is today.

Chiara Ferragni
Hublot Brand Ambassador

Who does not know Chiara Ferragni? Her extraordinary destiny is not down to luck, this visionary and determined woman is someone who learnt how to grow and evolve with her time. By portraying and sharing who she is and what she loves, she has realised her dream, inspiring the men and women of her generation to believe that anything is possible. As someone who is both authentic and spontaneous, she has turned her happy, positive and generous nature into her trademark. As a visionary and pioneer, she has been able to move with the times by dominating the digital platforms and turning her passion into a real business. Her passion became her job, and her natural talent transformed into a success that is seemingly within everyone’s reach. Her inspiring journey proves that anything is possible; it’s the stuff of dreams, while being very real. Who wouldn’t want to live and realise their dreams like Chiara Ferragni? At Hublot, we love inspiring women and men who believe in their dreams and move heaven and earth to fulfil them, who assert their distinctive personality, are willing to go out on a limb, who are not afraid of what people will say and who follow their path with authenticity and passion.
That’s why Chiara fits so well into our family.

Ricardo Guadalupe HUBLOT CEO

Surely, one no longer needs to present Chiara Ferragni?

Well yes, if only to highlight the very nature of this woman, a so-called influencer, a term too small to encompass all her talents. As a business woman, entrepreneur, influencer, wife and mother of two, she embodies that ‘can do’ attitude that everyone finds so inspiring.Twelve years after launching theblondesalad.com, Chiara Ferragni has achieved a success story. When she started out, Instagram did not exist and blogging was in its infancy. It took Chiara only a few months to turn a hobby into a business, attracting the attention of the media and the fashion world, and placing her name alongside the biggest luxury brands.

First, Unique, Different. Just like Hublot! She single-handedly created a job for herself, followed her instincts, asserted her choice to share and talk about her life. Honoured several times by Forbes, her career path has even inspired a study by the prestigious Harvard University to understand her success.

In tune with her times, Chiara is leaving her mark on the world. She resolutely believes in her dreams. A dreamer she may be, but she is firmly rooted in her land and her roots. Chiara Ferragni draws her strength from the stability of her family, her parents and two sisters; she has gone on to recreate this strength through her own family, which she has built with Fedez.

So, is it natural talent, intuition or destiny? What if was a bit of all three? Whatever the case, what is certain is that she achieves firsts with her writing, she asserts her uniqueness, and her difference while retaining that very inclusive feeling of being the ‘girl next door…’

She is an entrepreneur who embodies the digital revolution and the arrival of social media. Chiara is a pioneer, she is constantly achieving firsts. With her fashion blog, launched 12 years ago, she was immediately considered the most influential and most famous blogger in the world. She created her own brand of shoes, then clothing in 2015— Chiara Ferragni Brand, —she was also the first to be listed as the world’s most powerful influencer. Indeed, there is no shortage of superlatives to describe her career and she is not afraid to use them. Both her real life and her digital world are filled with sharing, joy, values and optimism. She is unique, that’s for sure! She is proud of her uniqueness, after transforming her name into a brand, a trademark, a style and an inspiration. She also uses her platforms and visibility to help the causes that are close to her heart. Ultimately, what makes her different is that she has managed to turn her passion, her daily routine and her life into a true success story. She is also different for resembling a generation of women who live with the times and manage to combine several roles, without placing any filters between the different parts of their lives. With an Instagram community of 24.7 million followers, she shares her daily life as a wife, mother and entrepreneur openly and frankly. Chiara is an inspirational figure.
Chiara and Hublot, how it began

You may remember the pictures of Chiara Ferragni wearing the Big Bang Millenial Pink. A unisex watch with an inclusive message, produced as a limited edition of 200 pieces in a shade chosen by Lapo Elkann and designed in collaboration with Garage Italia. Since this project, Chiara and Hublot have simply understood that there were many similarities between their worlds.
So, get ready, because what Chiara & Hublot are preparing for you is likely to make a big impression, once again… First, Unique, Different!
To stay up-to-date, follow: @Hublot #Hublot

Founded in Switzerland in 1980, HUBLOT is defined by its innovation, which began with the highly original combination of gold and rubber. This “Art of Fusion” stems from the imagination of its visionary Chairman, Jean-Claude Biver, and has been driven forward by CEO Ricardo Guadalupe since 2012.

The release of the iconic, multi-award-winning Big Bang in 2005 paved the way for new flagship collections (Classic Fusion, Spirit of Big Bang), with complications ranging from the simple to the highly sophisticated, establishing the extraordinary DNA of the Swiss watchmaking house and ensuring its impressive growth.
Keen to preserve its traditional and cutting-edge expertise, and guided by its philosophy to “Be First, Different and Unique”, the Swiss watchmaker is consistently ahead of the curve, through its innovations in materials (scratch-resistant Magic Gold, ceramics in vibrant colours, sapphire), and the creation of Manufacture movements (Unico, Meca-10, Tourbillon).
HUBLOT is fully committed to creating a Haute Horlogerie brand with a visionary future: a future which is fused with the key events of our times (FIFA World CupTM, UEFA Champions LeagueTM, UEFA EUROTM) and the finest ambassadors our era has to offer (Kylian Mbappé, Usain Bolt, Pelé, Novak Djokovic).
Discover the HUBLOT universe at our network of boutiques located in key cities across the globe: Geneva, Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tokyo, Singapore, Zurich and at HUBLOT.com

Located in the city of Design, London, Rafael De Cárdenas elevated the contemporary design to the next level with Glebe Place Residence, by mixing novel styles, gathering together such dissimilar traditional Portuguese pieces and modern design. Still, the distinguished and top interior designer guarantees the most harmonious environments with this ambitious interior project designGlebe Place Residence by Rafael De Cárdenas is way more than a platform of design, it has its own personality keeping most of the original details intact.

Classic Meets Traditional Residence: A Project By Rafael de Cárdenas Classic Meets Traditional Residence A Project By Rafael de C rdenas 4
Classic Meets Traditional Residence: A Project By Rafael de Cárdenas Glebe Place Residence Designed by Rafael De C rdenas 9

Featuring modern furniture and fine craftsmanship pieces, the astonishing six-bedroom residence was renovated to evoke timeless luxury, balancing contemporary classics with the home’s historic character. A restrained palette of Portland limestone, hardwood, and natural materials is punctuated by vibrant accents of turquoise, fuchsia, brass, and deep purple furnishings from modern European and American designers.

Classic Meets Traditional Residence: A Project By Rafael de Cárdenas Glebe Place Residence Designed by Rafael De C rdenas 10


Rafael De Cárdenas recreated several different rooms, each one with its own classic touch. One of the three contemporary dining rooms has a special Portuguese reference completing the whole ambiance with the perfect piece of art, D. Manuel I Cabinet from Boca do Lobo’s Limited-Edition Collection.

Classic Meets Traditional Residence: A Project By Rafael de Cárdenas Classic Meets Traditional Residence A Project By Rafael de C rdenas 1

Designed by Rafael De Cárdenas, the modern dining room is filled with luxury furniture pieces: a gigantic cream marble contemporary dining table and large upholstery modern chairs which gives the possibility to the room, to be more than a dining space. It can perfectly be a place to have an informal meeting with the closest professionals or business partners. The blossom rose wallpaper gives life to the walls and colour to the room delighted with classic hue and textures like beige, old greys, and dark woods.

Glebe Place Residence Designed by Rafael De C rdenas 8
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Glebe Place Residence Designed by Rafael De C rdenas 3
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Right beside the entrance door, D. Manuel Cabinet was chosen strategically by Rafael De Cárdenas to expand the space and cut the contemporary design of the rest of the pieces. The cabinet surface has a copper leaf finish, with a sophisticated black lacquer gradient applied on the outside. Its legs are made from solid mahogany and are crafted to a traditional and handmade form, finished in high gloss black lacquer.

Glebe Place Residence Designed by Rafael De C rdenas 4
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Glebe Place Residence Designed by Rafael De C rdenas 5
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Glebe Place Residence Designed by Rafael De C rdenas 7
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Manueline Style was an inspiration for Rafael De Cárdenas due to the sumptuous and composite Portuguese style of architectural ornamentation, incorporating maritime elements and representations of the discoveries brought from the voyages of Vasco da Gama and Pedro Álvares Cabral, two of the most renamed discoverers in Portugal history.

Classic Meets Traditional Residence A Project By Rafael de C rdenas 2
Classic Meets Traditional Residence A Project By Rafael de C rdenas 3

Lighting GIF Boca do Lobo banner i lobo you blog lighting

Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon


Es cierto que a veces menos es más, quizás mucho más. Con el Big Bang Integral Tourbillon Full Sapphire, Hublot ha llevado su Art of Fusion a su máxima conclusión. Un nuevo brazalete integral y caja hechos a medida de zafiro: esta hazaña afirma una vez más la competencia técnica y la experiencia excepcional que Hublot ha adquirido en el trabajo del zafiro.

Abril de 2021: para algunos, esto parecerá un desarrollo natural. Para otros, será una desconexión total. El resultado final es un poco de cada uno. El Big Bang Integral Tourbillon Full Sapphire es el fruto de una larga tradición. Tiene sus raíces en 2016, y el Big Bang Unico Sapphire, el primer reloj de zafiro. Con esta pieza, Hublot tradujo la experiencia que había desarrollado en el mecanizado de materiales muy duros para crear una serie excepcional de relojes de zafiro. Hoy, Hublot está ampliando estos límites aún más: el primer Big Bang con una caja y un brazalete integrados, ambos hechos de zafiro. Una (r) evolución natural y una proeza altamente técnica en igual medida.

Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon

Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon

“Para una creación tan excepcional, optamos por el nuevo calibre Tourbillon Automático con sus puentes de zafiro, cuya transparencia crea un espectáculo deslumbrante. Sin embargo, el acto de crear una caja y un brazalete integrados de zafiro se consideró imposible. la primera marca en obtener un dominio perfecto del zafiro, industrializándolo y haciéndolo reproducible en la producción en serie. Nos llevó cinco años dar vida a nuestras primeras cajas de zafiro, y casi el mismo tiempo para la pulsera. Producir ambos a partir de zafiro e integrarlos juntos es el pináculo del trabajo en profundidad realizado por todos los equipos de Hublot. Estamos orgullosos de ser los que escribimos las primeras líneas de este nuevo capítulo en la historia de los materiales ” – Ricardo Guadalupe, HUBLOT CEO

Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon

Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon

Los relojeros son a veces los únicos que conocen ciertos detalles de sus relojes. Con una caja y un brazalete hechos completamente de zafiro, se revelan todos los secretos: el movimiento y la carcasa se fusionan, y todos los aspectos son visibles.

La caja de este nuevo Big Bang Integral Tourbillon Full Sapphire ha sido reconstruida en su totalidad para albergar el movimiento Tourbillon Automático. El objetivo: quitar casi todos los tornillos visibles, revisar la geometría general de la caja para integrarla con el brazalete de zafiro, desarrollar un nuevo perfil de caja para albergar el brazalete de zafiro y volver a trabajar los puentes y las placas principales para darles la ilusión. de estar suspendido en el espacio. Hublot también desarrolló inserciones y accesorios que se redujeron a su expresión más simple, para permitir que la luz atraviese todos los componentes. Así, la caja está compuesta por no menos de 37 componentes, cinco de los cuales están hechos únicamente de zafiro.
Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon

Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon


La pulsera también fue un desafío complejo: solo consta de 165 componentes, 22 de los cuales están hechos de zafiro. Cada componente tenía su propio proceso industrial. Un tercio de estos fueron diseñados especialmente para brindar una armonía única con la transparencia de la carcasa y para ofrecer fluidez y flexibilidad. De particular interés son las inserciones de titanio desarrolladas por Hublot, ultrareducidas para garantizar que no sobresalgan de ninguno de los lados de cada eslabón de la pulsera, una novedad para la fabricación y probablemente para la relojería.
Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon

Big Bang Integral Sapphir Tourbillon


En cuanto al movimiento, el calibre de manufactura automático HUB6035, diseñado y fabricado íntegramente en casa, es el corazón palpitante de la pieza. Demuestra un perfecto equilibrio entre el micro-rotor a las 12 horas y el tourbillon a las 6 horas, y también con sus tres puentes de zafiro transparente, exclusivos de este nuevo Big Bang. Los componentes parecen estar literalmente suspendidos en el espacio. Cada tren de engranajes no solo es penetrado por la luz que ingresa desde el lado del dial y pasa a través del movimiento del esqueleto en el otro lado: ahora, y por primera vez, la luz ingresa al corazón del Big Bang Integral Tourbillon Full Sapphire desde todas las direcciones. Se difunde, refracta, refleja, se retuerce y gira: un fragmento de luz encapsulado en la muñeca.

Franck Muller Genève

Vanguard Yachting Anchor™ SKELETON

Inspirado na coleção dinâmica Vanguard ™, o esqueleto Vanguard Yachting Anchor ™ desenvolve uma visão criativa do tempo com detalhes náuticos comprovados. Com todos os detalhes marítimos, do azul profundo à rosa dos ventos adornando o mostrador, o mundo marinho inspirou cada detalhe delicado deste relógio recém-nascido.
As pontes abertas são projetadas para acentuar a arquitetura do relógio e revelar o movimento feito pelo próprio.
Este companheiro de viagem está disponível em ouro rosa 18k, ouro amarelo e branco, aço inoxidável e bronze.

Com o esqueleto Vanguard Yachting Anchor ™, Franck Muller criou a alquimia perfeita entre o movimento mecânico tradicional e o desempenho relojoeiro da reserva de marcha de sete dias.

Um relógio desportivo e elegante ideal para os amantes do mar, com pontes inspiradas em âncoras e um segundo às 6 horas representando uma rosa dos ventos.
Um design equilibrado que mostra a paixão de Franck Muller pelo artesanato e pela arte em detalhes exclusivos.

©2019 Franck Muller GenèveAll rights reserved GFM Watchland SA



O esqueleto Vanguard Yachting Anchor ™ desenvolve uma visão criativa do tempo com detalhes náuticos comprovados. Com todos os detalhes marítimos, do azul profundo à rosa dos ventos adornando o mostrador, o mundo marinho inspirou todos os detalhes delicados deste relógio recém-nascido. Um relógio desportivo e elegante ideal para os amantes do mar, com pontes inspiradas em âncoras e um segundo às 6 horas representando uma rosa dos ventos.

Ouro rosa 18K
Largura: 44 mm, Comprimento: 53,70 mm, Espessura: 12,65 mm
Resistente à água até 30 metros
Horas, minutos e segundos às 6 horas
Indicador de reserva de energia
FM 1740-VSPR
Movimento mecânico manual
Largura: 37,05 mm, Comprimento: 40,20 mm, Espessura: 6 mm
Reserva de energia de 7 dias
18.000 vibrações / hora
175 componentes – 21 joias
Chanfragem manual, polimento espelhado no flanco, polimento da placa inferior do acabamento Acabamento acetinado na placa e jato de areia no lado oposto
Acabamento acetinado e chanfrado em todos os componentes.
Escovagem circular do cano e das rodas.
Movimento openwork com pontes de alumínio anodizado azul
Acabamento em ouro rosa 24k no indicador de reserva de energia, ponteiros e rosa dos ventos
Alça de nylon costurada à mão

© 2019 Franck Muller Genève Todos os direitos reservados GFM Watchland SA