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Chopard is the first luxury Maison

to roll out 80% recycled steel for all its steel watches

thus reducing its carbon footprint

Geneva, March 27th 2023 – Chopard becomes the first luxury Maison to roll out recycled steel for its watches. By the end of 2023, Chopard will use Lucent Steel for the production of all its steel watches – including bracelets and cases. Lucent Steel is made with a recycling rate of at least 80%. The Maison’s ambition is to reach at least 90% recycled steel in its Lucent Steel by 2025. This commitment will allow Chopard to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of its steel.

A major step in Chopard’s Journey to Sustainable Luxury



As a family-run Maison driven by a long-term vision, sustainability has always been a core value for Chopard. Today sees another milestone towards the fulfilment of Chopard’s Journey to Sustainable Luxury.

This announcement builds on the existing Lucent Steel – which was launched in 2019 with the iconic Alpine Eagle watch, and made of 70% recycled steel – marking a key next step in a multi-year project towards more responsible steel:

  • By the end of 2023, all Chopard steel watches, including bracelets and cases, will include 80% recycled steel.
  • By 2025 this figure will rise to a minimum of 90%.
  • Chopard has underlined this commitment by becoming the first luxury Maison to join the Climate Group’s SteelZero initiative to work with the industry to speed up the transition to a net zero steel.

This initiative will allow Chopard to significantly reduce its CO2 emissions related to steel, according to key figures from the ISSF (International Stainless Steel Forum). Shifting from standard 50% recycled steel content to 80% will cut emissions linked to production by 30%. At 90% recycled steel this figure increases to 40%.

“Chopard is committed to a long-term process of responsible sourcing of the raw materials that make our business possible. We are proud of the work we have accomplished in just ten years. Through our ethical gold sourcing, which began progressively in 2013 with the goal of using 100% ethical gold in our workshops by 2018, followed today by our commitment to 80% recycled steel, we are approaching the ideal of ensuring the production of fully responsible watches and jewellery.” explains Chopard Co-President Karl-Friedrich Scheufele.

Rolling out Lucent Steel for all steel watches is a logical next step for Chopard in its ambition to source more sustainable materials and pursue its Journey to Sustainable Luxury, an ambitious long-term commitment dedicated to making a positive difference in the luxury industry. It was launched in 2013 with the first Green Carpet Collection creations, and led the Maison in its pioneering work to achieve 100% ethical gold in 2018.

Chopard Lucent Steel

Chopard’s quest for sustainability is in no way detrimental to the exceptional quality or properties of the materials composing its timepieces. Chopard Lucent Steelis made using high-quality industrial scraps from Swiss watchmakers, along with high-grade steel from the medical, aerospace and automotive industries.

The unique re-smelting process which creates Chopard Lucent Steel endows it with three unique characteristics:

  • First, it is anti-allergenic; its similarity to surgical steel means it is highly dermo-compatible and suitable for even the most sensitive, delicate skin.
  • Secondly, its strength makes it 50% more resistant to abrasion than conventional steel, making the watches intrinsically more sustainable.
  • Lastly, its superior homogeneous crystal microstructure enables it to reflect the light in a truly unique way. Like diamond, whose brilliance depends on the lowest degree of impurities, this very high-performance steel has far less impurities than conventional steel, guaranteeing a brilliance, lustre and brightness comparable to that of gold

Perfecting the composition and manufacture of a steel with these unique properties was the result of more than four years of research and development, as well as work with suppliers to secure enough volume of high-quality recycled steel to roll out Lucent Steelacross all Chopard collections.



A local, circular manufacturing loop

Lucent Steelstems from Chopard’s creation of a local, circular manufacturing loop. All Chopard suppliers for recycled steel are based within 1000km of its manufacturing unit, either in Switzerland or its neighbouring countries of Austria, France, Germany and Italy, reducing the need for transportation emissions.

Chopard’s main suppliers are voestalpine BÖHLER Edelstahl, a subsidiary of the globally leading steel and technology group voestalpine in Austria, and the Swiss company PX Precimet. The Maison is also collaborating with the innovative Swiss company Panatere, which is actively working to develop a solar energy metal process.

In addition, the scraps resulting from Chopard’s manufacturing process are collected and recycled into new high-quality steel by its suppliers. This circular process limits the extraction of raw materials without compromising the quality integral to all the Maison’s activities.

“The challenges of sourcing steel are totally different to those we have encountered with gold. That is part of the beauty of our Journey to Sustainable Luxury: we have one goal, but many, very different ways of getting there. While gold led us to focus on the working conditions of artisanal miners, steel has been an opportunity for us to tackle the impact of our products in terms of carbon footprint.” says Chopard Co-President and Artistic Director Caroline Scheufele.

Joining Climate Group’s SteelZero and working with the industry

To endorse its commitment, Chopard has become the first luxury Maison to join Climate Group’s SteelZero initiative in order to work with the industry to speed up the transition to a net zero steel.



SteelZero members use their collective purchasing power and influence to send a strong demand signal to shift global markets and policies towards responsible production and sourcing of steel.

Chopard is proud to be the first watchmaker to take part in this initiative. Though the amount of steel the watchmaking industry uses is relatively small compared to other industries, it is nevertheless a significant material by volume used both in timepieces and in the watchmaking industry. As a result, the Maison is determined to reduce the impact connected with its use of steel, just as it is doing with gold.

Chopard is our first SteelZero member from the watch and jewellery sector. This marks an important moment not just for SteelZero but for the wider global efforts to decarbonise steel. By committing to SteelZero, Chopard is ensuring its customers start to think about the carbon emissions linked to the items that they wear on their wrists. We need the watches of our future to be made using responsibly produced steel – this demonstration of leadership is a powerful signal to drive demand for net zero steel and ultimately cut the carbon emissions linked to steelmaking.” commented Jen Carson, Head of Industry at Climate Group

 A long-term and solid commitment to a more sustainable luxury

With its commitment to achieving 90% recycled steel in all its watches by 2025, Chopard marks yet another landmark step along its path towards true sustainability:

2010: On the eve of its 150th anniversary, the Maison concludes a three-year partnership with the WWF “Tigers Alive Initiative”, a conservation project aimed at protecting tigers from extinction.

2010: Chopard decides to join forces of its industry peers in promoting responsible business practices and becomes a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), a non-profit organisation promoting responsible business conduct from mine to retail.

2013: Chopard unveils its Journey to Sustainable Luxury, a multi-year commitment to ensuring more responsible sourcing throughout our supply chain.

2015: At the Cannes Festival, Chopard launches its first fine jewellery collection in Fairmined-certified ethical gold. Inspired by the design of the famous Palme d’or awarded in Cannes, the Palme Verte collection is crafted in Fairmined-certified 18-carat yellow gold. At the same event, Chopard introduces an Haute Joaillerie bracelet featuring the first traceable and sustainably sourced opals.

2015: Two co-operative mines – one in Bolivia and the other in Colombia – achieve Fairmined certification. Chopard pledges to buy 100% of the Fairmined gold the mines produce.

2016: At the Cannes Festival, Chopard announces its new partnership with Gemfields and unveils a capsule in the Haute Joaillerie Green Carpet Collection featuring responsibly sourced emeralds for the very first time.

2018: On the occasion of Baselworld, Chopard announces that by July 2018, the Maison will use 100% ethical gold for the production of its watches and jewellery.

2019: The Alpine Eagle becomes Chopard’s first watch collection to be made in Lucent Steel, with a rate of 70% recycled steel.

2020: Chopard partners with the Swiss Better Gold Association on a ground-breaking project to source gold from a Colombian artisanal gold panners community (the ‘Barequeros’), one of the most environmentally-conscious gold mining operations in the world.

2023: Chopard announces that its steel watches – including bracelets and cases – will be made from Lucent Steel, with a recycling rate of 80% by end 2023, and minimum 90% by 2025.

Note to editors – Climate Group’s SteelZero

Climate Group’s SteelZero is a global initiative bringing together forward-looking organisations to speed up the transition to a net zero steel industry. Led by the international non-profit Climate Group in partnership with ResponsibleSteel, organisations that join SteelZero make a public commitment to procure, specify or stock 100% net zero steel by 2050. By harnessing their collective purchasing power and influence, SteelZero is sending a strong demand signal to shift global markets and policies towards responsible production and sourcing of steel.

Julia Roberts – Chopard Loves Cinema

luminosa Embajadora de Chopard

para una nueva campaña con espíritu Feel-Good

firmada por James Gray y Alasdair McLellan

¿Quién no ha soñado alguna vez con ir tras bambalinas de una película de Hollywood? Chopard lo lleva a vislumbres ocultos detrás del escenario que son una parte integral del encanto de un set de filmación. Chopard ama el cine y, para celebrar sus joyas para sentirse bien, la Maison recurrió a su vieja amiga y embajadora mundial desde 2021, la actriz Julia Roberts, para su nueva campaña Chopard Loves Cinema. Dirigida por James Gray, esta nueva serie de 12 partes explora las alegres creaciones de las colecciones de relojería y alta joyería de La Maison con piezas seleccionadas a mano por la propia Julia. ¡Estén atentos para el estreno del primer episodio el 19 de marzo!

Julia Roberts, imagen de las colecciones Happy Sport y Happy Diamonds desde 2021 y embajadora mundial de Chopard, será a partir de ahora la imagen de todas las colecciones de relojería femenina y de joyas de la Casa. Para celebrar este vínculo tan especial, Chopard y Julia Roberts unen su amor común por el cine a través de una campaña orquestada por James Gray. A lo largo de doce videoclips que se presentarán a partir del 20 de marzo de 2023, el Día Internacional de la Felicidad, el director ha captado toda la audacia, la picardía y la humanidad que han convertido a Julia Roberts en un icono contemporáneo. Además, estarán  acompañados por una nueva campaña publicitaria con imágenes del fotógrafo Alasdair McLellan. La sonrisa más bella y famosa del cine encarna con una fuerza deslumbrante todo lo que representa la singularidad de Chopard: el virtuosismo, la alegría de vivir y el espíritu Feel-Good. Su energía positiva se propaga como una onda que se multiplica sin cesar para dar a las mujeres una confianza irreductible en sí mismas. Elegidos por Julia Roberts como talismanes, los relojes y las joyas de Chopard simbolizan la plenitud de cada mujer y esa sensación de bienestar que transmiten más allá de la alegría de vivir para difundirla a su alrededor.

Entre bastidores con Julia Roberts

¿Quién no ha soñado alguna vez con poder fisgonear entre los bastidores de una producción de Hollywood? Esta es la incursión secreta a la que nos invitan Chopard y James Gray.  A las famosas, behind the scenes, las escenas tras las cámaras que jamás se ven, pero que sin embargo forman parte del encanto de un plató de cine, y que James Gray ha recreado en la última campaña de Chopard Loves Cinema.

A lo largo de los próximos meses se irán desvelando los doce episodios que se presentarán el 20 de marzo de 2023, el Día Internacional de la Felicidad, del que Chopard es portavoz mundial. “¡Para mí, todos los días son el Día Internacional de la Felicidad!1″, afirma la actriz. La copresidenta y directora artística de Chopard, Caroline Scheufele, explica: “Tras nuestra campaña Happy Diamonds dirigida por Xavier Dolan en 2021, en la que aparecía una Julia Roberts fascinante y arrebatadora representando la felicidad pura, inmediata y comunicativa que constituye el corazón del espíritu de Chopard, esta nueva serie representa la ampliación de aquella primera fase. Estamos desvelando una nueva faceta de nuestra identidad, el sentimiento Feel-Good: la confianza en sí misma que desprende una joya o un reloj Chopard, que palpita en el aire e infunde una energía positiva a todo el universo que lo rodea.”

Un icono como jamás habíamos visto

Esta es Julia Roberts en acción, haciendo de las suyas detrás de la cámara y repartiendo alegría y picardía por doquier. Se mueve sin cesar, tiene una palabra agradable para todo el mundo, se pone zapatillas de deporte bajo sus glamurosos vestidos, toma ella misma las riendas de la cámara e interrumpe la acción durante los ensayos de su guion para abrazar a su perra Myrtle que salta sobre su regazo.

 “Every day to me is international happiness day, Global Happiness Day.”

Prestándose alegremente a este juego a medio camino entre la improvisación y el guion, Julia Roberts rememora su mejor recuerdo del Festival de Cannes. Fue con Chopard, en 2016: “La primera vez que fui al Festival, llegué tarde. Alguien seguía cosiendo mi vestido mientras corría detrás de mí por el pasillo, hasta el ascensor. Pensé ‘esto es tan clásico’. Un auténtico momento ‘Cannes’.”

La cámara capta a Julia Roberts como la encarnación misma de una mujer realizada. Al filmar esos momentos robados entre bastidores del plató, James Gray tiene la habilidad de saber mostrar delante de la cámara lo que sucede detrás de ella y que, precisamente, es lo que infunde vida y magia a todas las películas Feel-Good en las que Julia Roberts ha tenido tanto éxito.

Adornada con sus joyas de Chopard y armada con la confianza que estas le infunden, Julia Roberts transmite todo su encanto al rodaje. Hacer una película es, ante todo, hacer que todo el mundo se sienta bien y reconocido, que encuentre su lugar especial en una aventura compartida en la que nadie queda al margen.

Chopard hace su cine

A medida que avanza la campaña vamos viendo retazos de la antesala del gran edificio donde se encuentran los faraónicos estudios en los que se dan cita toda una serie de equipos, de atrezzo y una meticulosa logística: la otra cara de una película de Julia Roberts. Y descubrimos que esta gran coreografía no sería nada sin los gestos que surgen del corazón y que la cámara de James Gray interpreta con virtuosismo. Si el director ha optado por contemplar la realización de una película de Hollywood desde este ángulo es, evidentemente, porque es ahí donde el espíritu de Chopard se expresa con mayor delicadeza y precisión, situando la energía humana en el centro mismo de las joyas y los relojes más preciosos creados por la manufactura.

El punto de vista cinematográfico de James Gray es el espíritu absoluto de la Casa Chopard, que sitúa en el corazón de cada una de sus colecciones su vocación de adornar a las mujeres y a los hombres para permitirles, ante todo, dirigirse hacia su realización personal y su libertad. Los impulsos del corazón son soberanos, están intrínsecamente ligados a la emoción y dispuestos a reproducirse en toda su extensión por todo el mundo.

Una dirección firmada por James Gray

James Gray ha obtenido varios premios internacionales y cinco de sus películas han sido seleccionadas para la competición oficial del Festival de Cannes. Como director siempre ha situado las relaciones humanas en el centro del caleidoscopio de los temas que ha abordado. Desde Cuestión de Sangre (Little Odessa), su primer largometraje, que se convirtió inmediatamente en una película de culto, pasando por El sueño de Ellis, hasta la más reciente, Armageddon Time, presentada en 2022 en el Festival de Cannes, James Gray apuesta por hacer un ejercicio de nostalgia, dejando atrás lo que debe quedar atrás y recuperando lo que merece permanecer en el fugaz tejido de la memoria.

La luz tan especial de su filmografía nos habla de la tensión dialéctica entre la nostalgia y la necesaria recomposición, así como de la energía que requieren los nuevos comienzos. James Gray es un humanista que lleva en el seno de cada una de sus producciones el deseo de conservar lo que es esencial para la sociedad y para vivir con dignidad. Se trata de los mismos valores que tejen la trama de esta campaña, jugando con agilidad con los distintos registros a través de momentos de una vida ultra Feel-Good.

 El director afirma: “Julia Roberts es una persona poco común: una auténtica estrella de cine. También está dotada de un gran sentido del humor y, en cierto modo, no ha dejado que su estatus de leyenda se le suba a la cabeza. Nunca perdería la oportunidad de trabajar con ella. Somos amigos y nos tenemos respeto y afecto. Mi día siempre es un éxito cuando le hago sonreír. En el trabajo, siempre es un placer, ¡aunque sólo sea porque la cámara es tan fan de Julia como yo! Tanto Julia como Chopard encarnan realmente la felicidad, y trabajar en esta campaña ha sido una oportunidad maravillosa.

Alasdair McLellan, un genio de la fotografía para capturar la imagen de una leyenda del cine

Desde los Happy Diamonds a las creaciones de Alta Joyería pasando por las colecciones  Ice Cube, L’Heure du Diamant y Alpine Eagle, Julia Roberts representa el espíritu de la Casa a través de una serie de imágenes publicitarias inéditas captadas por el fotógrafo Alasdair McLellan. Famoso por la sensibilidad de su enfoque fotográfico, su trabajo, tanto en moda como en retratos, paisajes y documentales, evoca toda una gama de emociones. Alasdair McLellan adopta referencias que mezclan lo clásico y lo pop creando un diálogo entre géneros e identidades. Ante su objetivo, la musa de Chopard posa con la gracia innata de un icono, exhibiendo su legendaria sonrisa, la más radiante del cine. Sin intentar ocultar su auténtico placer al lucir las creaciones talismán de la Casa, Julia Roberts deja que una sensación de bienestar y plenitud se filtre a través de estas imágenes como sólo Chopard sabe inspirar. El fotógrafo explica: “Es difícil describir lo que se siente al trabajar con Julia sin caer en tópicos, pero realmente es todo lo que uno espera de ella. Editar esta campaña fue sorprendentemente difícil porque Julia estaba increíble en todas las imágenes, y cualquiera de ellas podría haberse convertido en un anuncio publicitario.”

El objetivo de Williams para captar el making-of del rodaje

Para completar este equipo de grandes profesionales de la imagen Chopard ha recurrido a un especialista en backstage, el fotógrafo Greg Williams, para inmortalizar el making-of de esta sesión entre bastidores. Antiguo reportero gráfico, Greg Williams se ha hecho un nombre en la industria cinematográfica gracias al candor que emana de sus retratos de las estrellas de cine, sinónimos de auténtico glamour. Capturando la espontaneidad de Julia Roberts en acción, explica: “A menudo busco lo lúdico e intento crear una experiencia alegre. Trabajar estrechamente con Julia en esta campaña fue, en todos los sentidos, una misión perfecta para mí porque ella ya es una persona enormemente alegre.” [4]

“The first time I was there, running late and racing down the hallway. Somebody was still sewing me into my dress, so we were all running down the hallway to the elevator and somebody was sewing away. And I just thought “It’s so classic”. It was a “Cannes”-Do moment.”

”Julia Roberts is that rare thing: a genuine movie star. She also happens to be a person with a tremendous sense of humor about it all, and somehow, she hasn’t let her legendary status go to her head.  I always jump at any chance I might get to work with her.  We are pals, with a real respect and affection for each other.  I always consider my day made if I’ve made her smile. And the work is always a pleasure, if for no other reason than the fact that the camera is as big a fan of Julia’s as I am! Both Julia and Chopard embody a true sense of happiness, so it was a wonderful opportunity to work with them on this campaign.”

“It’s hard to describe working with Julia without sounding incredibly clichéd, but she really was everything I could’ve hoped she’d be. Editing the shoot was surprisingly difficult, as she looked great in every frame, and it was easy to imagine every image on a billboard.”

“I’m quite often looking for joy and I try to create a joyful experience. Working closely with Julia on this campaign was in many ways the perfect assignment because she is such a joyful person.”

20 Best luxury Interior Designers in Texas

Today we bring to you our 20 Best luxury Interior Designers who are based in the second biggest state in the USA, state of Texas. They all made it there, and they made it practically everywhere, but it’s still up to you. With modern designers and projects in other states and even countries, these Interior Designers are simply incredible and will inspire you. Let’s meet them!

1. Benjamin Johnston
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Benjamin Johnston Design is an award-winning and internationally-published architecture and design firm known for creating classic, curated, cool spaces that reflect its clients’ lifestyles, personal histories, and aspirations. Mixing the classical arts with today’s technology, the firm specializes in shaping environments that are as functional as they are timelessly stylish. The creative Director, Benjamin Johnston, and his accomplished team have completed projects well beyond their home base in Houston — the team has worked on projects in 9 countries, 12 states, and 27 cities worldwide.

2. CalisonRTKL
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

CallisonRTKL, a global architecture, planning, and design practice, began over seven decades ago and has evolved into a cultural agency to advance positive outcomes in our communities. Our team addresses the imperatives of resiliency, well-being, and technology and their influence on the built environment through a human-centric design approach.

3. Cannon Design
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

The Cannon Design community includes forward-looking companies committed to creating a better world. These teams amplify our impact across many dimensions—strategy, innovation, facilities management, software, and prefabrication to name a few—by delivering exceptional intelligence and creativity. For clients of all types, we activate our full community to uncover remarkable opportunities for organizations and entire industries to leap forward and transform.

4. Dazoro Designs

Dazoro Designs is Dallas based interior design firm. They service the entire Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. This Best Interior Designer has been the pinnacle of my enduring passion for interior design. Each and every piece used in our design process passes through a permeate which is my sensibility and theory of art. Dazoro Designs has a passion for interior designing and by using minimalist styling elements they create a design that transforms any room from good to unique which reflects the owner’s own personality and taste.

5. Forrest Perkins

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Forrest Perkins is a collective of individuals with uniquely different design backgrounds and passions, collaborating together, across locations, to create environments that bring lasting memories and enrich people’s lives. They create inspired interior design solutions for Luxury Hospitality and Residential destinations. and approach each design as an opportunity to tell a unique story and choreograph a personalized guest experience through attention to design, detail, and service, inspired by a sense of place and individuality.

Odette Sofa
8 Most Wanted Furniture Design Pieces in Riyadh تصميم الأثاث

Inspired by the Swan Lake Op. 20, ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Odette Modern Sofa tells the story of a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer’s curse. Its sweeping silhouette is accentuated with a polished brass structure and an asymmetric back that offers a sophisticated design and timeless appeal.

6. Harwood International

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Harwood District is home to the first office tower in Uptown, Dallas built-in 1984. Now, more than 30 years later, the District continues to deliver the best in premier working experience. Surrounded by more than 250 dining destinations, 10 luxury hotels, 21,200 multifamily units, and a population of over 450,000 within 5 miles, the Harwood District is the perfect spot to plant your office roots.

7. HKS Architects

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

HKS Architects are a design firm of more than 1,400 architects, luxury interior designers, urban designers, scientists, artists, anthropologists, and more. We work together across industries and across the globe to create places that delight, heal and stimulate peak performance. We nurture a culture of extraordinary people with curious and creative minds who are passionate about delivering elegant solutions. We also have a dedicated research team devoted to discovering processes and ideas that improve outcomes for everyone. In everything we do, we’re mindful of the fragility of all life and of the planet.

8. Ink + Oro Dallas

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Ink + Oro’s luxury lifestyle brand is known for its distinctive designs and fearless attitude. I+O’s journey has traversed design typologies from residential and commercial interior design to curated collections of furniture, art, and accessories. With a design vision that pairs comfort with luxury, spontaneity with sophistication, and blends local culture with global inspiration, Ink + Oro is changing the look, feel, and meaning of boutique design.

9. Jan Showers
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Dallas-based designer Jan Showers believes, “Design should relate to the way we live—it also should be beautiful, glamorous, comfortable and luxurious, even when very casual.”The interiors of Jan Showers & Associates are chic and timeless. They exude glamour and grace with an approachable and at-ease feeling, much like Jan herself. Architectural Digest has named Jan Showers & Associates to the AD100, its preeminent directory to the international world of design. Jan’s to-the-trade furniture and lighting collection, the Jan Showers Collection, highlights her signature style.

10. Lucas Eilers
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Lucas/Eilers Design Associates, LLP was founded in 1995 by partners Sandra Drews Lucas and Sarah Brooks Eilers to create timeless and imaginative interior spaces. The philosophy of the firm is to implement the principles and elements of design by combining vision, experience, and integrity in order to tailor cohesive designs from inception to installation. Award-winning designs include traditional, contemporary, and eclectic projects across North America in locations including Houston, New York, Colorado, California, Tennessee, Wisconsin, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Vermont, Washington D.C., and New Mexico.

Coleccionista Bookcase

This Coleccionista can be placed against a wall or it can serve as a separator division. The drawers have double-sided in order for you can decorate both divisions, as well as ensure the functionality of this piece of furniture.

See also: Italian Design: Neutral Rooms For Your Luxury Home Decor
11. Lucinda Loya Interiors
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Lucinda Loya is an internationally recognized, award-winning luxury interior designer who built her firm and personal brand from the ground up in Houston, TX. As principal of Lucinda Loya Interiors, she has become one of the most sought-after interior designers for crafting only the most thoughtful and visionary interiors. Her project portfolio includes private homes, grand commercial spaces, professional sports facilities, private jets, and more, with a footprint that spans from London to New York and throughout the United States.

12. Luxe Lifestyle NYC
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Luxe Lifestyles NYC is an Interior Design brand that brings Luxury & Style to your home. We take great pride in choosing pleasure-loving pieces, that will add timeless beauty to your home. Luxe Lifestyles NYC flooring division caters to commercial and residential clients. With over 20 years of experience, they continue to surpass the competition by providing dedicated service and state-of-the-art flooring solutions to all of their clients.

13. Maureen Stevens
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

In the Fall of 2013, after 26 years in the healthcare industry, Maureen Stevens decided to go all in on the pursuit of my creative side & love of interiors. This led her to the start of my design blog which has opened a faceted door of opportunities and meeting new friends. Her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, House Beautiful, HGTV Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Domino, and more. We were awarded the Fashion Design Awards and have been featured as “Best of Houzz” in both service & design since 2015.

14. Nina Magon
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Nina Magon, the founder and principal of Nina Magon Studio, is a multifaceted interior designer, interior architect, and business magnate, delivering luxurious residential, commercial, and hospitality projects, inclusive of a collection of lifestyle product designs. Nina has received accolades and global recognition for her exquisite collection of work. Nina Magon Studio’s internationally diverse team of talented and experienced professionals are some of the best in the mind

15. Paloma Contreras
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Paloma Contreras is an award-winning interior designer and tastemaker based in Houston, Texas. Paloma’s design sensibility is a modern take on traditional style– gravitating toward classic silhouettes and timeless pieces paired with a touch of glamour and an infusion of colour. Paloma’s interiors are timeless yet fresh– balancing attention to detail and the intersection of form and function to enhance a well-lived life. Paloma has been repeatedly named to the prestigious ELLE Decor “A-List” of the top interior designers in the world.

Wave is an original and stylish coffee table for a modern living room as it is also an unconventional center table for your sitting room. With great style and elegance, it creates an exclusive ambience to your modern interiors.

16. Robert Trown & Associates
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Robert Trown & Associates was founded in 1996.

17. Rottet Studio
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Rottet Studio is an international architecture and interior design firm with an extensive portfolio of corporate, hospitality, residential, and maritime projects for the world’s leading companies and brands. This is a leader in the architecture and design industry that delivers stunning, functional, and timeless places which promote a better way of life through the built environment.

18. Sherry Hayslip Interiors
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Sherry Hayslip is a multi-award-winning interior designer known for her innovative designs and sophisticated style. Entrepreneur, Designer, Writer, and Curator of all things evoking beauty and meaning, Sherry brings careful and thoughtful attention to all aspects of her work. Her company’s range of influence spans from residential and commercial interior design to a luxury retail boutique, featuring one-of-a-kind home furnishings, decorative accessories, jewellery, gifts, and objets d’art. With a signature style that encases beautiful design with an element of surprise and spontaneity.

19. Studio 11
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Studio 11 Design is a full-service interior design firm that produces innovative and effective design solutions for the hospitality and leisure industries. Led by veteran designer and co-founder Kellie Sirna, Studio 11 Design is internationally acclaimed for shaping soulful spaces. With decades of combined experience in hotel, restaurant, nightclub, casino, resort, and spa design around the world, Sirna and team boast a diverse portfolio that showcases a wide skill set and serves prominent brand management clientele including Marriott, Hilton, Fairmont, Starwood, Kimpton, IHG, Hyatt, and Omni.

20. Wilson Associates
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Wilson Associates is a development/design/build practice with experience in a range of commercial and residential projects. Founded by siblings Anthony, Peter, and Sara Wilson with the development of the Rockridge Market Hall in 1987, Wilson Associates has been building innovative spaces in the Bay Area for more than 25 years. Informed by attention to craft, material explorations, and an interest in new ways of working and living, our work is resolutely local.

Lapiaz Headboard

Lapiaz Headboard takes exceptional craftsmanship and contemporary design to a new realm. The organic features of this upholstered headboard are achieved through the manual fitting of gold-polished brass into the velvet structure. A platform bed can be added under request and it can accommodate a range of mattress types.

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas
Hotels & Resorts


● Green Collection features nearly 200 hotels from GHA DISCOVERY’s global portfolio
● It empowers GHA DISCOVERY’s 24 million members to make conscious and responsible travel choices
● Global Hotel Alliance to make a US$5 donation to charitable causes for every Green Collection hotel booking made via GHA DISCOVERY channels before 30th April 2023

Dubai, UAE, 23rd March 2023: UAE-based Global Hotel Alliance (GHA), the world’s largest alliance of independent hotel brands, has launched its Green Collection, bringing under one
umbrella nearly 200 hotels, resorts and palaces operated by GHA hotel brands that are demonstrating their commitment to protecting people and the planet. Every Green Collection property has attained at least one certification from a globally recognised environmental organisation, with EarthCheck, Green Growth 2050, Green Key and Green Globe among the 15 leading certification bodies represented, and each requiring hotels to meet the highest international standards for sustainability initiatives and performance, with regular thirdparty audits conducted to retain certification.

Hotels & Resorts

Hotels & Resorts

Achieving certification demonstrates a hotel’s long-term pledge to upholding these standards, with each Green Collection property being a pioneer of practices that preserve the natural environment and benefit local communities in the destinations where they operate.

More: luxury travel

“Across GHA’s 800 properties from 40 brands, located in 100 countries around the globe, there are some world-class examples of practices and initiatives with a positive environmental and social impact, and we are incredibly proud of these efforts, which we celebrate with the launch of Green Collection,” said GHA CEO Chris Hartley.

“It also helps travellers, including the 24 million members of our GHA DISCOVERY loyalty programme, to make more informed travel decisions based on their values and priorities, which today include hotel sustainability credentials and treading as lightly as possible in the destinations they visit.”

“By launching Green Collection, we are reiterating our alignment to the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), which guide the development of the hospitality industry for a more sustainable future,” Hartley added. With 69% of travellers actively seeking sustainable travel options in 2023, according to a recent World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) report, Green Collection meets this accelerating demand, empowering the 24 million members of the GHA DISCOVERY loyalty programme to make conscious and responsible travel choices. In 2022, members demonstrated their preference for Green Collection hotels, which contributed to 32% in stays, 39% in nights, 47% in room revenue and 49% in total revenue.

Green Collection accounts for almost one-quarter (24%) of the GHA DISCOVERY portfolio and represents half of its brands, from mid-scale to high-end, including Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas, Avani Hotels & Resorts, Capella Hotels & Resorts, Corinthia Hotels, Elewana Collection, GLO Hotels, JA Resorts & Hotels, Kempinski Hotels, Marco Polo Hotels, NH Hotels, NH Collection, nhow, Niccolo Hotels, Oaks Hotels Resorts & Suites, Pan Pacific Hotels & Resorts, Patina Hotels & Resorts, PARKROYAL COLLECTION, PARKROYAL, Sukhothai Hotels & Resorts, Outrigger Resorts & Hotels and The Set Collection. From city hotels to beach resorts, the collection is geographically diverse and is present in 44 countries and 112 destinations, spanning every region. In the Middle East and North Africa, Green Collection properties account for half of the GHA DISCOVERY’s portfolio, while in Africa and Asia, it account for 37% and 36%, respectively.

Countries with the highest density of Green Collection hotels are the Netherlands with 31 properties (97% of GHA hotels in that country); Thailand with 16 hotels (52%); the UAE with 15 hotels (52%); China with 13 hotels (31%); Kenya with 10 hotels (77%); and Belgium and Argentina with 7 hotels (54% and 50%, respectively). Many GHA brands have achieved certification for every property in their portfolio or are well on their way to attaining this goal, with examples including Elewana Collection, GLO Hotels, JA Resorts & Hotels, Kempinski Hotels, Capella Hotels & Resorts and Outrigger Resorts.

Properties in the Green Collection are taking action in line with Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC) guidelines, which encompass the implementation of effective sustainable planning; maximising social and economic benefits for local communities; enhancing the cultural heritage of destinations where they operate; and reducing negative environmental impact. To celebrate the launch of the Green Collection, GHA DISCOVERY is giving back to the causes important to members and its hotel brands. For every Green Collection hotel booking made on www.ghadiscovery.com or the GHA DISCOVERY mobile app before the end of April 2023 and completed by 31st July 2023, GHA will donate US$5 to the charities it supports as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, which includes Environmental Protection, Healthcare & Wellbeing, Children & Youth Programmes, and Animal Welfare.

“Social awareness and environmental sustainability are core values that GHA has embraced since its inception. Our overarching philosophy is to treat people and the planet with the utmost respect, creating a more resilient, equal, and sustainable global ecosystem, and the efforts of our Green Collection properties are a testament to this,” said Hartley.

“We are committed to ensuring GHA remains a favourite global brand in hospitality, not only trusted for the high-quality products and services we offer to our hotel brands and GHA DISCOVERY members, but the responsible approach we take to delivering them. The launch of Green Collection and our donation contribution are the first of many philanthropic elements we have planned in 2023, aligned to what customers and stakeholders now value most”, he concluded.

Examples of Green Collection Hotels’ sustainability efforts:

PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore is the country’s first ‘garden-in-a-hotel’, home to 2,400 trees, shrubs and groundcovers, which serve as natural air purifiers. Featuring 210
solar panels, an urban farm that supplies its spa and restaurants, an in-room filtered water system, and a double-glazed glass roof, the waste and energy reduction gains are significant. Some 51,300 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions were prevented by rejuvenating instead of rebuilding the hotel, so it received a BCA Green Mark Gold certification upon opening in 2020.

Every property in the Avani Hotels & Resorts portfolio must hold an independently audited Green Growth 2050 certification. As part of the brand’s effort to become a Net Zero Carbon organisation by 2050, it is introducing science-based targets for energy, carbon and water intensity, as well as pledging to cut organic waste to landfills in half in the next eight years. Avani has pledged to reduce the usage of single-use plastic by 75% by 2024, and every nature-based property will support long-term habitat or species conservation by 2023. Avani Palm View Dubai

Hotel & Suites and Avani Ibn Battuta Dubai Hotel have both been awarded the prestigious Green Growth 2050 certification for their sustainability practices, with Avani Palm View Dubai receiving Green Growth’s Platinum certification in recognition of its water and energy conservation programmes; aluminium-can, glass and cooking oil recycling; tree planting; and green public transport awareness campaign.

More than 36 Anantara properties globally have been awarded Green Growth 2050 certification based on GSTC-recognised hotel industry standards. Awards received by Anantara recognise excellence in human rights, child protection, employee protection, community development, environmental stewardship, and tourism ethics and sustainability. A few examples include Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort preserving the coral reefs protecting its beaches, and the marine life in the island’s lagoon, by initiating the Coral Adoption Programme, encouraging guests to take part by planting coral in a reef nursery, while The Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort in Chiang Rai, Thailand, supports the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation, providing a home for elephants, mahouts and their families.

Kempinski Hotels aims to measure 100% of energy emissions across all properties by the end of this year and has set out to fully implement science-based targets for emissions reductions aligned with the Paris Agreement by the end of next year. The luxury hospitality firm is rolling out the EarthCheck Certified programme across its portfolio, with participating hotels actively monitoring and reporting the environmental and social impacts from their operations, including energy and water consumption, carbon footprint, waste generation, community engagement and more. Economic concerns addressed by EarthCheck include employment conditions, support for the local economy, use of fair-trade goods and services, and recognition of the seasonality of revenue streams. GHA’s Green Collection features 14 Kempinski hotels that are EarthCheck certified in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Asia.

Outrigger Hotels & Resorts was the first hospitality company in the state of Hawai‘i to commit to earning the prestigious Green Seal sustainability certification for its hotels and resorts, as well as the first hospitality brand to pursue the certification outside of the United States. Green Seal is the gold standard of global health and environmental leadership, and Outrigger has implemented science-based standards at properties including Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort, Outrigger Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel, Castaway Island, Fiji and Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort. Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel has been recognised as a sustainability leader with EarthCheck Gold Certified status, meeting performance targets regarding greenhouse gas emissions, energy
efficiency, social and cultural engagement, waste management and more. Recent initiatives include the restaurant serving sustainable dishes.

JA Resorts & Hotels is a leading pioneer on sustainable initiatives in the GCC region’s hospitality arena. Green practices include saving more than five million pieces of single-use plastic through
on-property water bottling plants, composting food waste into soil residue which is then used in bio-farms across the Emirates, amongst other sustainability measures. For more information on Green Collection, including the full list of globally recognised certifying bodies, and examples of how GHA hotel brands are making a difference, visit

For more information on GHA and its loyalty programme, visit Global Hotel Alliance and GHA

About Green Collection
Green Collection is a portfolio of hotels, resorts and palaces in the GHA DISCOVERY loyalty programme that demonstrate their commitment to protecting people and the planet. Certified by recognised environmental organisations, they are pioneers of sustainable practices and initiatives that protect the natural environment and benefit the local communities where they operate. Every property in the Green Collection has attained at least one globally recognised certification from leading entities including EarthCheck, Green Growth 2050, Green Key, and Green Globe. Green Collection empowers GHA DISCOVERY’s 24 million members to make informed and responsible travel choices based on their
values, beliefs and priorities.

About Global Hotel Alliance (GHA)
Global Hotel Alliance (GHA) brings together a unique collection of independent hospitality brands with GHA DISCOVERY, a multi-brand loyalty programme leveraging a shared technology platform. Through membership in GHA, brands expand their global reahttps://www.ghadiscovery.com/explore-green-collectionch, drive incremental revenue, and reduce dependence on third-party channels, all while maintaining management independence and individual positioning. GHA represents a collection of 40 brands with more than 800 hotels in 100 countries serving 24 million members.

The award-winning GHA DISCOVERY programme generated over $1.4 billion in revenue and more than six million room nights in 2022. GHA’s brands currently include Anantara, Araiya, Avani, Campbell Gray, Capella, Corinthia, Discovery Destinations, Divani, Doyle, Elewana, Fauchon, GLO, JA Resorts, Kempinski, Leela, Lungarno, Marco Polo, Mysk, NH Hotels, NH Collection, nhow, Niccolo, Nikki Beach, NUO, Oaks, Outrigger, Pan Pacific, PARKROYAL COLLECTION, PARKROYAL, Patina, The Residence by Cenizaro, The Set Collection, Shaza, Sukhothai, Sun International, Tivoli, Ultratravel Collection and Viceroy. For more
information, visit www.globalhotelalliance.com.

Launched in 2010, GHA DISCOVERY is the world’s largest loyalty programme for independent hotel brands, featuring more than 800 hotels, resorts, and palaces across 40 brands. Members enjoy VIP recognition, thoughtful benefits and generous rewards at home or away. GHA DISCOVERY members earn and spend DISCOVERY Dollars (D$), an exclusive rewards currency. They also enjoy member-only Experiences curated by each hotel, plus they have access to properties close to home, without a stay, through member-only Local Offers. For more information, visit ghadiscovery.com

more: Luxury Vacation Rental Apartments & Homes Onefinestay – Launches Luxury Villa Collection in Provence, France

Vacheron Constantin, the luxury Swiss watchmaking ‘Into The Light’ A tribute to the beauty of hidden details

March 22nd, 2023 – Vacheron Constantin, the luxury Swiss watchmaking Maison with nearly 270 years of expertise and continuous history, is delighted to announce its Ramadan 2023 tale, ‘Into The Light’. An illuminated journey bringing together Middle East culture and the Maison’s commitment to watchmaking excellence and finest craftsmanship. 

Light is an ancient timekeeper with its dawns and dusks that marks the passage of each day. It is of particular importance during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Vacheron Constantin recognizes the tradition of timekeeping, honoring it with ‘Into The Light’. 

The Tale 

Celebrating timeless traditions in honor of the Holy Month of Ramadan, ‘Into The Light’ is both modern and inspired from the past. The tale transports viewers on a unique and beautiful journey into a traditional lantern, the ‘fanoos’. The lantern opens its door to reveal a hidden Arabian city located in the desert lit by the glimmering moonlight. Its buildings are inspired by iconic Islamic architecture found in different parts of UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. Navigating through the city, viewers arrive in front of a door designed to resemble a watch caliber showcasing the incredible craftmanship and finishing of the timepiece. The caliber is seen shinning and the beautiful light that comes out of it starts to illuminate the entire city and bringing life under the night sky. Viewers are then transported back outside the city, all the way through the ‘fanoos’ door showing the lit lantern that projects a beautiful mashrabiya pattern on the walls, inspired from Islamic art, a beautiful symbol that reflects the spirituality and radiance of Ramadan. 
As the light is being unlocked at the completion of the pattern, the viewer understands the strong correlation between Islamic architecture, artfulness of mashrabiya patterns, and elements of a Vacheron Constantin caliber. These three elements share a commonality that is their perfect geometry. Serving both functional and aesthetical purposes in a very harmonious way, the perfect geometrical patterns appear to be at the foundation of the heritage of the region and the Maison.

The Ultimate Ramadan Elegance with Vacheron Constantin’s timepieces 

Égérie Creative Edition 

The Égérie Creative Edition timepiece draws on the decorative craftsmanship that has been an integral part of the Manufacture since the early 19th century. It echoes the silhouettes of the 21st century. Its asymmetrical features including the off-centre moon-phase display and the case’s integrated crown set with a rose-cut diamond between 1 and 2 o’clock accentuate the delicacy of the “embroidered” dial swept over by three graceful hands specially designed for the watch.

Égérie moon phase 

Haute Horlogerie instils the technical sophistication so dear to Vacheron Constantin and the legacy of the asymmetrical displays that have marked its history, while Haute Couture endows Égérie with style, magnificently refined shapes, attention to detail and delicate textures. Égérie moon phase jewellery is first and foremost an exceptional aesthetic appeal, a refined silhouette with an impeccable fit on the wrist. Available in three versions, A full diamond-set version: Égérie moon phase jewellery, A diamond-set dial and case version: Égérie moon phase diamond-paved and a new model with a flowing pink gold bracelet: Egérie moon phase.

Patrimony perpetual calendar ultra-thin 

The Patrimony perpetual calendar ultra-thin watch beats to the rhythm of the legendary 1120 QP calibre, an ultra-thin selfwinding movement. With its sleek lines embodying quintessential elegance, this version treats connoisseurs to unrivalled contemporary refinement. The perpetual calendar complication requires miniaturisation prowess in that the movement must be mechanically adjusted to deal with calendar irregularities. This miniaturisation has been pushed to the limit in order to create an ultra-thin perpetual calendar, with Vacheron Constantin’s Calibre 1120 QP measuring a mere 4.05 mm thick.

Traditionnelle complete calendar 

The classically inspired Traditionnelle complete calendar – with its stepped round case and lugs, fluted caseback and railway minute-track swept over by Dauphine-style hours and minutes hands – retains Vacheron Constantin’s signature touch of originality in the display of the calendar indications. The day and month windows are positioned around the rim of the dial, while the date is shown by a dedicated pointer. This layout particularly highlights a precision moon phase located at 6 o’clock. Powered by Calibre 2460 QCL/1, the Traditionnelle complete calendar watch features a 22K gold openworked oscillating weight with a design inspired by the Maison’s Maltese cross emblem, the movement visible from the back bears all the finishing touches one would expect from an Haute Horlogerie calibre.

Luxury Vacation Rental Apartments & Homes

Onefinestay – Launches Luxury Villa Collection in Provence, France

London, March 6, 2023

Leading private rental brand onefinestay has launched a new collection of high-end villas in Provence

MARCH 2023 (LONDON) – onefinestay, the world’s leading luxury private rental brand, is delighted to launch its latest collection of stunning homes in the beautiful region of Provence, France. The collection offers a striking range of villas, all fully furnished, to the brand’s impeccable level of luxury. The introduction to onefinestay adds a further destination to the brand’s ever-expanding array of homes in France, already including Paris, Cannes, St Tropez, as well as other sought-after destinations in southern Europe including Italy, Spain and Greece. The Cote D’Azur’s prime location, Provence, offers everything from cultural and historic sites to beautiful vistas of rolling lavender fields and vineyards, and the perfect central spot to discover the south of France.

onefinestay’s new offering in Provence will include the brand’s customary 24-hour concierge service, engaged guest and homeowner relations team, and the opportunity to add any additional services guests would like. These services include everything from housekeeping through to private chefs, vineyard tours or childcare, ensuring the best guest experience possible.

onefinestay remains at the forefront of the private rental market, offering guests homes and villas of the highest standard across the globe, ranging from ski retreats in the Rockies, sprawling Caribbean villas, and historic castles in the Tuscan hills to design-led homes in cities such as New York, LA and London or incredible villas in Indonesia and Thailand. onefinestay attracts a range of discerning global travellers, from families or groups of friends, to couples or those wanting to work away from home – all united in shared appreciation of flawless end-to-end service and unmatched design.  The launch of Provence marks another desirable destination where guests can enjoy this inimitable onefinestay experience.

“We are thrilled to announce the launch of these stunning new villas in Provence, further increasing onefinestay’s growing footprint in southern Europe. The villas added with the Provence portfolio are of the highest quality, providing a vast range, from both traditional French interiors to slick modern design. As per onefinestay’s standards, each are handpicked by the expert team, and provide the best possible villa to suit any guest.” – David Whiteside, Chief Operating Officer, Europe 

Discover a selection of onefinestay’s Provence collection below:  

Chateau du Moulin  
Luberon, Provence 


A peaceful paradise perfect for large family gatherings or group holidays with friends, the Chateau du Moulin is a stunning, sprawling ode to Provençal culture. With 15 bedrooms split across the main house, guest house and farmhouse, this magnificent chateau can comfortably sleep up to 30 guests. The chateau encapsulates the beauty of southern France and effortlessly blends traditional design and modern amenities.

Bastide des Chenes

Luberon, Provence


Secreted away in the heart of the Luberon Valley, the Bastide des Chenes is surrounded by the spectacular natural landscapes. Carefully renovated to update the building’s interior, the bastide remains an authentic expression of local architecture and Provençal living. The bastide’s expansive grounds encompass three al fresco dining spaces, seven seating areas, a Japanese-influenced garden, and traditional Jardin à la Française.

Mas de l’Ange  
Les Alpilles, Provence 

This secluded villa is surrounded by stunning gardens and retains many of its original features, such as charming courtyards, outdoor stone staircases, and bright blue shutters. Guests are encouraged to spend as much time outdoors as possible, with the wisteria-covered al fresco dining area and outdoor lounge areas offering sunny spots and dappled shade.


Villa Blanche
Var, Provence


Villa Blanche is a slick modern villa, sitting in the heart of a Golf estate and internationally renowned resort. Offering seven elegant bedrooms and welcoming up to 16 guests, it’s an outstanding example of modern architecture at its best. The private estate ensures that guests have total privacy and seclusion, yet Villa Blanche’s location puts it within walking distance of the estate’s many facilities, including a championship golf course, tennis courts, spa and exclusive restaurants.

Les Alpilles, Provence


Destet is a gorgeous traditional home located in Les Apilles, nestled amongst the area’s lush greenery. Sleeping eight guests across five bedrooms, Destet has a wonderfully rustic aesthetic, complete with large windows inviting in the sunshine. A spectacularly renovated bastide, Destet is made for families and friends who want to experience Provençal living in all its glory.

10 luxury Design gorgeous Most Amazing Inspirations

the hospitality industry is back in the game with renewed attention to sustainability and well-being. Since last year, the world has been presented with exceptional new Hotels, Restaurants and Spa projects around the world that have redefined the Guest Experience with new strategies. Striking interiors with authentic characters play a differentiating role in this new era of Hospitality Design, as does the reinvention of spaces to suit the modern lifestyle, and integrating local experiences to allow travellers to truly connect with the destination. As the industry is experiencing a revival, inspiration is key.

 #Bocadolobo #design #hospitality #luxury #interiors #modern #lifestyle #myluxepoint

Boca do Lobo presents a collection of design-led hotels, restaurants and spas that function both as social hubs and platforms for extraordinary experiences. We present this series of carefully curated Hospitality Interiors that provide an individualized look at the modern hospitality narrative. This book explores in detail the new hospitality interior design trends that launch the pillars of a Changing World and sets itself as a source of inspiration for Interior Designers by exploring different styles and concepts.

A hotel reception is a place of particular value. It is here where the first (and last) contact of the guest with the facility takes place. It is critical to make sure that visitors get a positive first impression. Every detail matters when it comes to making sure the reception area efficiently serves and pleasantly surprises guests. Boca do Lobo

The design should be expressive and convey a strong character but not for the price of overwhelming the guests with any unnecessary excess. Comfort and functionality are essential to make guests feel even more comfortable than at home. Materials usually include stone, wood, ceramics, glass, and concrete.

Heritage Sideboard
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Lobbies: A vibrant social hub

A Lobby is no longer a vacant waiting area, as hotels are no longer just a place to sleep. Hotel Lobbies are being reimagined as vibrant social hubs, a place to socialize and, above all, engage. Stepping into a perfectly designed space filled with beautiful artwork and elegant furniture is a sign that a guest is about to have an amazing stay.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

In fact, there may be no greater indicator of a hotel’s quality than the lobby. But should be integrated into the design so travellers can easily connect to Wi-Fi, use mobile or kiosk check-in, and engage with other technologies. A hotel lobby must be conceived as a destination point for both modern travellers and locals.

Lapiaz Oval Center Table
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Bar | Lounges: A space adapted to a new generation

The perfect Hotel Lounge is a place to enjoy a drink while surrounded by a spectacular ambience that is mentioned in every travel guide as one of the best spots to visit in the city by modern travellers. The Hotel Lounge is no longer a stuffy place for solo business travellers.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

The biggest change in bar design is making the bar a more prominent part of the lobby. In fact, more and more hotels are emphasizing the bar as the leading element of the lobby and the anchor of a hotel’s public space. Key elements when designing a lobby include modern technology. Furniture options at hotel bars can include lounge chairs, barstools and traditional tables and chairs.

Metamorphosis Snooker Table
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Restaurants: Creating Memorable Experiences

Apart from a great menu, a restaurant must be able to create a memorable experience overall for its visitors. Modern restaurants have carefully designed entrance seen from the street that provides a centralized view of the entire restaurant.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Inside, you can create a pleasant atmosphere by including modern lighting fixtures, artwork, greenery, statement furniture and surprising elements that will set the restaurant apart from others. It could be blending the space seamlessly into the surrounding landscape or including local elements in the design and general experience. Many hotel brands have invested in eye-catching modern designs paired with incredible tasting experiences signed by Michelin-starred chefs.

Pietra Oval XL Nero Marquina Dining Table
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
“The goal is to create memorable experiences that resonate with modern lifestyle.”
Suites: A home away from home

Design-oriented hotel suites are the most common inspiration hunting ground for residential projects when it comes to creating outstanding master bedrooms. When designing a hotel suite, comfort and technology are key. Who doesn’t love the feeling of a soft, freshly made-hotel bed?

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Pair those elements with a large bathroom and walk-in closet specially designed as well-being-focused spaces for pampering guests and voilàThe master bedroom of dreams is born. A hotel suite is a home away from home, and therefore it must be even more welcoming than home. Statement furniture like iconic luxury safes is an unexpected element that will surprise the Modern Guest.

Hera Pendant
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Bathrooms: Create Wellness Retreats

Just like the Hotel Suite, luxury hotel bathrooms are ofter wellness retreats that set the example for residential bathrooms. While creating a luxurious, wellness-focused experience may be the common goal for these spaces, when designing hotel bathrooms the starting point is usually the overall story the hotel’s design is telling.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Guests want to be surprised and charmed, and creating that luxury experience is all about the details. Use sliding glass doors to bring natural light into these spaces. Choose walk-in showers with oversized shower heads and statement freestanding bathtubs, with brass and marble accessories. Overall, creating spa-inspired bathrooms remains a common standard when designing Hotel Bathrooms. It’s all about impressing guests and creating that “wow” moment.

Diamond Bathtub
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hallways & Corridors: A seamless transition from public to private areas

Hotel hallways and corridors may not seem like the most important spaces to consider in a hotel interior design project. However, they present another opportunity to convey the hotel’s design story by providing a seamless transition from the lobby to the hotel suite.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Corridors are the natural extension of the hotel suite and must therefore provide a cohesive style and ambience. Adorn a hotel corridor with statement floors, some artwork exhibited in beautiful displays and luxurious art pieces like marble consoles and statement mirrors with intricate details. The result is the perfect transition from public to private areas.

Pietra Console
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Spas: Re-connecting with nature

Spas are often associated with luxury and are now considered a necessary element in hotel interior design. Spas must provide distinctive and inspirational experiences to guests who demand originality and a strong character from luxury hotels.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

These spaces are often designed to allow natural light in, and connections to the outdoor spa areas, gardens, or even a roof terrace. Therefore the spa’s sitting is crucial. Luxury spa design is no longer formal and minimalist. Instead, the focus is creating welcoming retreats designed to appeal to all the senses, that are all about comfort, relaxation, and reconnecting with nature.

Offices | Meeting Rooms: The modern creative hub

Office and meeting rooms are places for creativity to flow and collaboration to bloom. This has led to different design requirements, including the need for more comfortable, stylised furniture and advanced technology solutions. The basic categories to have in mind when designing an office are seating, work surfaces, collaborative equipment, acoustics and privacy.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Adding some artwork and decorative accessories, as well as the right lighting fixtures will create a more welcoming feel in the room. The central piece of an office is the desk. Pair the table with an ergonomic leather office chair for maximum comfort, and the modern luxury office is born.

Empire Nero Marquina Desk
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Kids’ Lounges: A magical world of self-expression

Kids’ lounges are play areas designed to stimulate creativity and provide fun by allowing children to experience a magical world of their own. These spaces must be colourful and functional and include some eye-catching statement designs to provide a little extra stimulation to adventurous minds.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

From airplane beds, rocket armchairs and hot air balloons to sleeping cars and playhouses, in the next pages, you will find the most creative ideas to design outstanding kids’ lounges.

 More info: www.myluxepoint.com


Spain is the seventh European power in soft power and the twelfth in the world according to Brand Finance

  • Spain increased 1.8 points in the general ranking although it fell one position, from 11th to 12th. 
  • Tourism is the main driver of soft power in Spain at an international level. 
  • The nation is among the top 10 positions in the pillars “Culture and Heritage” (position 4), “People and Values” (position 7) and “Media and Communication” (Position 10). It is also the tenth country in the Familiarity ranking.  
  • Russia has lost the soft power war with Ukraine. His Reputation has plummeted globally after his conflict with Ukraine, which has caused him to drop out of the top 10 in the ranking. 
  • Ukraine has seen the biggest draw power improvement this year among the 121 national brands in the ranking, driven by a sharp increase in familiarity and influence.  
  • China retains its “Future Growth Potential”, despite being surpassed by Japan in the top 5, due to its reduced ability to reach international audiences due to COVID-19 restrictions.  
  • The United Arab Emirates enters the top 10 as the first national brand in the Middle East, after the success of EXPO 2020 and in anticipation of COP 28.  

Access the full Global Soft Power Index 2023 report here

Access the agenda and the online event here

In Madrid, on March 2, 2023.- Spain is the seventh European country in the ranking of soft power -soft power- at an international level and the twelfth power worldwide according to Brand Finance, a leading brand valuation consultancy. The Soft Power Index 2023 ranking was presented this morning at the Queen Elizabeth II Center in London. The United States, the United Kingdom and Germany lead the top positions in the ranking.  

The Global Soft Power Index is the largest and most comprehensive research study on the perceptions of 121 country brands  of all the world. With answers collected from more than 100,000 people in more than 100 markets. The Global Soft Power Index 2023 is the fourth edition of this study, which Brand Finance expects to continue conducting annually. In addition to the three key indicators of Familiarity, Reputation and Influence, the Global Soft Power Index also measures the perception of national brands through 35 attributes grouped into 8 pillars of soft power. As a novelty, this year, the ranking includes a new pillar on “Sustainability” due to the importance that decisions in this matter affect the perception of nations. Spain is among the 25 best scored countries (position 24) with a score of 5.7. Germany with 7.4, Canada with 7.0 and the United States with 6.9 lead the ranking in this category. 

Pilar Alonso Ulloa, Managing Director Iberia (Spain, Portugal) and South America: “Spain is above the average in Sustainability, highlighting its score in attributes related to sustainable cities and transport. Likewise, Spain is perceived worldwide as an attractive country to invest in renewable energies, as well as in non-polluting technology. Spain’s privileged climatic position makes it a catalyst for investment in green energy”.

The United States of America has once again occupied first place with a score of 74.8 out of 100, followed by the United Kingdom (67.3) and Germany (65.8). There has been little change this year among the 10 global soft power superpowers, with the notable exception of the United Arab Emirates (55.2), which rises to 10th as the first Middle Eastern nation to do so. Further down the ranking, you see much more change and movement. 

Among European countries, Spain is the seventh with the best results behind the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy and Sweden. Spain has experienced a rise of 1.8 points in the general ranking of soft power, but this year it has dropped one place, from 11th to 12th. His score and position in the influence index have dropped two places, from 11th to 13th, although he increased 0.1 points in Reputation, remaining fifteenth in this pillar.  

The pillar with the best results continues to be “Culture and Heritage”, occupying 4th place in the overall ranking, up 2 places in “Great place to visit” and 5 places in “an attractive lifestyle”. She also remains in the top 5 on “Leaders in Sports.” Her ranking and score also went up in the “International Relations” pillar. These are the pillars where she scores best and that generate greater soft power to the nation, attraction to people from other countries and, in the end, increase at an economic level. 

In Business and Commerce, it remains in 10th place in “products and brands that make the world fall in love”, but has fallen in “Strong and stable economy”, despite the fact that its score has risen 0.8 points.   

The overall score for the Corporate Governance pillar increased thanks to the scores for “Internationally admired leaders” and “Political stable and well governed” although it fell for “High ethical standards and little corruption” and “Security and protection”. 

Spain’s score in “Media and Communication” fell, with the sharpest fall in “Issues I Follow Closely”, where it dropped 0.1 points and 10 places. Spain also experienced a drop in “Education and Science” of 0.7 points, and its ranking dropped 2 places to 27th.  

In “People and Values”, the second most valued pillar of our nation, Spain fell 0.8 points and 2 places. In general, Spain obtains very good results in this pillar, specifically in “Fun” and “Friendly people” and this year the Spanish are better perceived in the attributes “Generous” and “Tolerant and Inclusive”. 

Russia has lost the soft power war with Ukraine  

Russia is the only country brand in the world to have lost soft power in the last year, while Ukraine has seen the biggest improvement in soft power, according to the Global Soft Power Index 2023 released today. As Russia’s familiarity and influence have grown due to the impact its decision to go to war has had on lives around the world, the nation’s reputation has been severely damaged. In the study, Russia’s reputation, one of the main determinants of soft power, has fallen from 23rd to 105th, eroding its soft power score by -1.3 points and dropping it from top 10 of the Index to 13th place.   

Russia has lost ground relative to other Index countries in all 35 attributes, except for “Issues I Watch Closely”. It now ranks 119th in the “People and Values” pillar and in the “Good relations with other countries” attribute in “International Relations”. In addition, global sanctions have caused the country’s perception of ‘Easy to do business in and with’ to drop 61 places and 74 places in ‘Future Growth Potential’.   

David Haigh, Chairman and CEO of Brand Finance, commented: “While nations have turned to soft power to restore trade and tourism after a devastating health crisis, the world order has been upended by the hard power of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. An event difficult to believe if it were not for the intensity of the images that we have been seeing for months and the consequences that the conflict is having both in politics and in the economy.”  

At the same time, Ukraine gains +10.1 points (more than any other nation) driven by strong increases in Familiarity and Influence, jumping 14 places to 37th from 51st the year before. Ukraine is now ranked 3rd in the world for “Issuances I Follow Closely” and sees significant increases in attributes emphasized in official communications and media reports, such as “Respect the law and human rights” (up from 69 to 29 ), “Tolerant and inclusive” (up from 63 to 44th) and “Leader in technology and innovation” (up from 26 to 50th). The popularity of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, his ministers and advisers sees the nation rise 36 places to 12th in “Internationally Admired Leaders.”  

However, many other attributes are negatively affected, from the obvious “Safety and Safety” (down 60 to 118) or “Great Place to Visit” (down 38 to 118), to perceptions of culture and people. Ukrainians, as the focus shifts to their suffering. 

The United States is unrivaled as a soft power superpower. 

Under the presidency of Joe Biden, United Statesreclaimed the top ranking in last year’s Index and this year has further increased its lead over other country brands. The overall score for the United States has risen 4.1 points, reaching an all-time high of 74.8 points. Thanks to a strengthening dollar and widely publicized large-scale investment projects by the federal government, perceptions of the US economy are on the rise, prompting the US to claim the top spot in “Business and Commerce” from China. . The United States also benefits from the introduction of the new “Invest in Space Exploration” attribute in the Education and Science pillar, where it ranks first in the world. In fact, the United States ranks first in twelve categories and ranks in the top three in four others,   

The United States registers stable scores in most categories. However, growing problems with shootings, gun crime and police violence continue to erode the country’s perception as “Safe and Secure” (down from 21st in 2020 to 62nd this year) and its people as ” Friendly” (down from 5th place in 2020 to 103 this year).  

The end of the second Elizabethan era 

In the UK , 2022 will be remembered as the end of an era. The death of Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96, after 70 years on the throne, shocked the nation. At the same time, the intense media coverage of the mourning period and the monarch’s spectacular funeral, attended by world leaders, reminded world public opinion of Britain’s greatest soft power assets. The UK has defended its 2nd position in the Index this year, rising 2.4 points to 65.8, registering increases in a range of attributes, from “Good relations with other countries” (up 7 places) to ” Attractive lifestyle” (up 5 places).  

Last year will also go down in British history for its three prime ministers. After the fall of Boris Johnson’s government as a result of “Partygate”, Liz Truss rose to power as quickly as she lost it to Rishi Sunak, becoming the shortest-serving prime minister in the country’s history. Although the nation’s overall Reputation has not suffered, the perception of the UK as “Politically stable and well governed” fell relative to other countries (down 10 places). 

Post-Merkel Germany resists 

Many feared that Germany would lose its international prestige after the departure of Angela Merkel. A year later, the country has largely held its own, retaining the 3rd position in the Index, with an increase of 1.2 points, to 65.8. Olaf Scholz’s government has faced criticism for its faltering response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but this has had little impact on the nation’s perception among the world public. The strength of Germany’s country brand transcends political crises, proving its resilience regardless of who is in charge.  

China maintains its “future growth potential” despite COVID-19 restrictions  

Although China has experienced marginal growth in its Global Soft Power Index score (0.8 to 65.0), it has slipped in rank from 4th in 2022 to 5th in 2023, behind Japan . While most nations accelerated their global engagement through trade, investment, tourism and talent, China remained in lockdown last year, maintaining a “Zero COVID” policy. The lower mental and physical availability of the China country brand among the global public eroded its ability to improve perceptions at the same rate as competing economies, resulting in some relative declines, such as in the “People and Values” pillars. (from position 57 to 95) and “Media and Communication” (from position 12 to 24).  

However, in many metrics, China has broadly defended its position from last year and remains the 2nd country in the world in Influence, behind only the United States, and 3rd in the “Education and Science” pillar, with particularly good results. in “Leader in technology and innovation” (2nd), “Leader in science” (3rd) and the new attribute: “Invest in space exploration” (3rd). The country also maintains its top global ranking for “Ease of Doing Business In and With” and “Future Growth Potential,” underscoring the strength of its business and trade credentials, despite an overall drop in the pillar to third. position. The economic growth forecasts revised by the International Monetary Fund confirm that China has returned to activity in 2023, 

UAE enters the Top 10 for the first time 

With little change in the top 10, the performance of the United Arab Emirates stands out. For the fourth year in a row, the Emirates had the highest score of any national brand in the Middle East, but this year’s increase from 3.2 to 55.2 has marked a jump of five places, allowing them to claim for the first time the 10th position in the overall ranking. Both the Gulf nation’s Reputation and Influence have experienced notable increases this year.    

David Haigh, Chairman and CEO of Brand Finance, commented : “The UAE was one of the first economies to roll out mass and open vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic, giving it an edge over others and allowed to maintain positive perceptions in the “Business and Commerce” pillar, with a particular improvement in the “Future growth potential” attribute, in which they occupy the 3rd global position. The successful showcase of the Emirates as a world trade center thanks to EXPO 2020 has also undoubtedly provided a significant boost.At the same time, the UAE is one of the largest donors of foreign aid as a percentage of GDP, which is recognized by world public opinion as among the most “Generous” nations. ” of the world, in 3rd position”. 

The perception regarding its “Corporate Governance” and “International Relations” of the UAE is also on the rise and the importance of the nation is expected to increase. The Emirates mission to Mars has put the UAE in 8th place in “Space Exploration Investment”, while hosting the world’s most important climate conference, COP 28, will put the nation at the point of look to 2023. The economy, historically based on oil, continues to increase its commitment to diversification, innovation and investment in a more sustainable future. The UAE already scores relatively high on the new pillar of soft power of that name, ranking 19th globally. 

Access the full Global Soft Power Index 2023 report here

Access the agenda and the online event here

The Global Soft Power Index is a research study conducted annually by brand evaluation consultancy Brand Finance on a representative sample of more than 100,000 respondents in more than 100 markets around the world, which measures the perceptions of 121 national brands.  

Soft power is defined as the ability of a nation to influence the preferences and behaviors of various actors in the international arena (States, corporations, communities, publics, etc.) through attraction or persuasion rather than coercion. . It is deduced from a weighting of the data of the respondents, taking into account the perceptions of the nation brand through the three key performance indicators Familiarity, Reputation and Influence, as well as 35 attributes grouped into 8 Pillars of Soft Power.  

The full ranking, methodology, charts, commentary, expert contributions and in-depth interview articles on national brands from around the world are available in the Global Soft Power Index 2023 report.  

Access the agenda and live stream of the Global Soft Power Summit 2023 taking place today, Thursday 2 March 2023 at 09:00-17:00 GMT at the Queen Elizabeth II Center in London. The Summit will explore the results of the 2023 Global Soft Power Index and bring together practitioners and researchers to explore and debate the role of soft power in international business and politics.  

The Summit will feature  a virtual address to the public by the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, and a live virtual discussion with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba.  

The full program of the Summit will include debates on the role of sustainability, media, culture, business, sport and development in promoting soft power, with the participation of, among others, the Secretary of State of Foreign Trade of the UAE, HE Dr. Thani Al Zeyoudi, former Prime Minister of Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldt , Chinese-American environmentalist Peggy Liu, and British broadcaster and columnist Andrew Neil. The day will conclude with a Voice of Australia session in Parliament exploring the impact of colonialism on the current perception of national brands, with the participation of Professor Megan Davis, and featuring a speech by Lord Ed Vaizey on the future of the British Monarchy and the Commonwealth 

More: luxury

Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos Reopens Its Doors With Expanded Suite Offerings and a Fresh Dining Concept

The Luxury Collection Hotels & Resorts is thrilled to once again welcome guests to Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos.

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The Luxury Collection Hotels & Resorts, part of Marriott Bonvoy’s global portfolio of 30 extraordinary hotel brands, is thrilled to once again welcome guests to Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos. The 34-acre beachfront oasis overlooks the Sea of Cortez and invites guests to discover the enduring beauty of Los Cabos as it reopens, revealing new luxury suite offerings and a fresh dining concept.

Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos

Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos

“We are excited to reopen and showcase the exciting new upgrades that elevate the experience of visiting Solaz and Los Cabos,” said Giuliana Torres, General Manager of Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos. “We look forward to welcoming new visitors and seeing our returning guests continue to create unforgettable memories at the resort.”

Enhancements to the property include the addition of 21 new luxury suites, including the Villa Solaz Suite. The spacious, new Villa Solaz Suite defines roominess and with its 10,645 square feet and its 4 private bedrooms, offering an exquisite atmosphere for an elevated gathering experience. Inside, guests will have access to a private chef, private mixologist, and exclusive Artisan Butler service, all of which ensures their stay is tailor-made to the smallest detail. The resort will also debut two Wellness Suites, focusing on relaxation and whole-body therapy. The relaxation Wellness Suite boasts a double-bed massage table and steam room, while the whole-body therapy Wellness Suite offers heated loungers combined with meditation visors and halotherapy that balance the alkalization of the body through an immersive experience. The new suites increase the resort’s total room count to 145 guest rooms and suites.

Another distinct enhancement to the property is the addition of Mako Beach, poised to become Los Cabos’ newest hotspot. Overlooking the glittering sea, Mako Beach features an exclusively designed Airstream® serving delicious Baja-style cuisine where guests can enjoy local bites and international flavors with live entertainment and DJ sessions on the beach. With the liveliest atmosphere in Baja, Mako Beach will breathe new life into the spirit of “Yesteryear Baja” while serving as one of Los Cabos’ new “it” places to be.

Guests at Solaz can expect to experience the same level of excellence that has made it one of Los Cabos’ most remarkable destinations since it first opened in 2018. The resort’s Artisan Butlers are ready to anticipate guests’ needs and offer exclusive and dedicated 24-hour service. What’s more, they serve as guests’ own guided storyteller and Baja expert. Every guestroom offers access to the artisan butler service, no matter the room category.

“The reopening of Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos marks the return of one of The Luxury Collection’s most beloved and exceptional resorts in the Caribbean and Latin America,” said Philipp Weghmann, Vice President and Global Brand Leader, The Luxury Collection. “A truly destination-defining property, Solaz offers an exceptional luxury experience in Los Cabos.”

Culinary offerings at the resort include seven unique restaurants, lounges and/or cellars all led by Executive Chef Elihu Sepúlveda and his team. The epicurean experience at Solaz highlights fresh seafood, sustainable ingredients, and local Baja influences. On-site dining venues include:

  • Al Pairo, a concept crafted by Chef Martín Arellano, offers contemporary dishes that draw inspiration from Asian, European, American, and Latin influences and are brought to life using fresh, locally sourced, and sustainable ingredients from Baja.
  • La Cava, Solaz’s exclusive wine cellar is expertly curated by Solaz’s sommelier Ulises Barrios. It boasts magical sea views and evening sunsets, making it the perfect setting for an unforgettable wine tasting experience.
  • Cascabel, the resort’s casual indoor/outdoor restaurant featuring traditional, contemporary and authentic Baja Market Style Breakfast.
  • Foresta, which is part of Solaz’s Curated Wellness Heritage by Ojo de Liebre Spa (Ojo; the resort’s spa) boasts a fully plant-based menu featuring a variety of nourishing, hydrating, and detoxifying smoothies or juices as well as energizing bowls and fresh dishes made from locally sourced and sustainable vegetables.
  • Mako, a “Dinner Grill” featuring dry-aged steaks, local lobsters, and the sea’s freshest fish.
  • Riccio di Mare, an Italian offering inspired by the contemporary Osterias of northern Italy and taking advantage of the riches that this land offers; and lastly.
  • Mako Beach, with local food, live DJ sessions, and authentic Cabo vibes, this new beachfront venue has an exclusively designed Airstream® that serves delicious Baja style food and will be the new place to be seen in Cabo.

Guests also have access to in-room and outdoor dining with specialty menus while lounging by the pool or beach.

Wellness + Amenities
With wellness at the core of the Solaz experience, the resort features elevated offerings for those seeking health, wellness and/or a re-charge. Its fitness center has state-of-the-art Technogym® equipment and Cryotherapy. Additionally, Ojo de Liebre offers a one-of-a-kind, resort spa experience. With 12 private treatment rooms, including 4 VIP double private treatment rooms, Ojo de Liebre’s spa menu includes an enchanting assortment of services to revitalize mind, body and soul.

Signature experiences at Ojo de Liebre include the Sea Essence, Cryotherapy Treatment and the Baja Experience Connection. The spa offers a wide range of massage therapies, detox treatments and facials. Guests can also choose from a selection of healing retreats that combine several treatment options for an all-encompassing wellness experience. Spa offerings specifically designed for men are also available through the Gentlemen Scape options. Pets can even take advantage of Ojo de Liebre with treatments specially designed for dogs and cats.

Solaz sits in the middle of the two Cabo towns with an extraordinarily rare private beach of 1,246 linear feet and a natural bay nestled between two rock beds. Guests can indulge in the turquoise waters of the Sea of Cortés, all while enjoying a variety of high-end water activities that Solaz can provide as well as a world of adventure and signature pursuits just minutes away in the mountain and desert.

Other amenities ideal for all visitors include Solaz’s 50-meter infinity pools lining the beach overlooking the Sea of Cortez as well as the children’s and teen club perfect for families to take advantage of. Both “clubs” offer kids and teens a perfect escape with daily planned activities and events.

Art, Design + Historic Appreciation
Celebrating art and design at every turn, the resort showcases works by top Mexican artisans, including architecture by renowned firm Sordo Madaleno and more than 450 pieces of sculpture and art by renowned artist César López-Negrete. Landscape architecture by the award-winning Jeronimo Gabayet blends seamlessly into the architectural design of the resort and highlights the over 120 endemic species living on the property.

The resort also features El Gabinete “Del Barco,” an indigenous gallery + museum featuring regional artifacts and open spaces to walk through while enjoying breathtaking natural scenery. One of the special and unique artifacts includes a whale fossil floating from the ceiling. The gallery offers daily guided tours, children’s sleepovers and secret cocktail party invites, making this a special experience for all.

Meetings, Conferences + Events
Solaz is the ideal destination for meetings and special occasions offering the largest meeting space at any luxury hotel in Los Cabos. The resort has over 20,000 square feet of meeting and event space, including the 3,400-square-foot Cousteau Ballroom and the expansive 11,000-square-foot outdoor Calypso Ocean Front Deck. Solaz’s team of expert curators will flawlessly execute each moment with careful planning, catering, and by providing state-of-the-art equipment.

Solaz’s green design helps the property lower its carbon footprint and supports its relationship with the nature that surrounds it. The resort features 53,000 square meters of green areas, greatly reducing its carbon footprint by returning oxygen to the environment. 36% of its rooms contain green roofs, more than any other hotel in Cabo, which allows for lower energy consumption.

Smart rooms are controlled with Crestron technology, from check-in to check-out, to maintain temperature levels, lighting, and even to close the curtains when the guest is not in the room. Additionally, 80% of the hotel’s lights are LED, which decreases its energy consumption.

For more information on Solaz, a Luxury Collection Resort, Los Cabos and to make reservations, please visit https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/sjdlc-solaz-a-luxury-collection-resort-los-cabos/overview/

About The Luxury Collection Hotels & Resorts
The Luxury Collection® is comprised of world-renowned hotels and resorts offering unique, authentic experiences that evoke lasting, treasured memories. For the global explorer, The Luxury Collection offers a gateway to the world’s most exciting and desirable destinations. Each hotel and resort is a unique and cherished expression of its location; a portal to the destination’s charms and treasures. Originated in 1906 under the CIGA® brand as a collection of Europe’s most celebrated and iconic properties, today The Luxury Collection brand is a glittering ensemble of more than 120 of the world’s finest hotels and resorts in more than 35 countries and territories. All of these hotels, many of them centuries old, are internationally recognized as being among the world’s finest. For more information and new openings, visit theluxurycollection.comor follow Instagramand Facebook. The Luxury Collection is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Momentsand unparalleled benefits including free nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit marriottbonvoy.com.

About Quinta del Golfo de Cortez
Quinta del Golfo de Cortez (QGC) is a hospitality group founded in 1994 devoted to developing unique destination experiences in the Los Cabos area. Other QGC projects have included Hacienda del Mar, featuring The Sheraton Grand Los Cabos, two of Mexico’s most renowned golf courses, and abundant residential offerings. Invested in and committed to luxury tourism and residential development, QGC is slated to open a St. Regis Hotel & Residences in 2021 as well as a new Town Center, Tennis Stadium and Athletic Sporting Center in Los Cabos by 2020.

About Marriott International, Inc.
Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses a portfolio of more than 6,500 properties in 30 leading hotel brands spanning 127 countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company also operates award-winning loyalty programs: Marriott Rewards®, which includes The Ritz-Carlton Rewards®, and Starwood Preferred Guest®. For more information, please visit our website at www.marriott.com. In addition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntl on Twitter and Instagram.

Sotheby's International Realty: 1859 Bel Air Road Los Angeles, California, 90077 United States

Sotheby’s International Realty:

1859 Bel Air Road Los Angeles, California, 90077 United States


Enveloped in the lush landscape and bound by the masterful vision of icons in quality and thoughtful execution, award-winning architectural firm Tag Front and world-renowned interior designer Cesar Giraldo, 1859 Bel Air Road offers 20,000 square feet of venerable beauty and an artful abundance of sophistication.
Sotheby's International Realty:1859 Bel Air Road Los Angeles, California, 90077 United States

Sotheby’s International Realty:
1859 Bel Air Road Los Angeles, California, 90077 United States

The sleek curvature of the exterior of the house is a work of art in itself, with clean lines, geometric shapes, and a contemporary design that exudes sophistication and elegance. An eco-green living wall and a manicured pathway above a striking water feature encompass the 350-foot width of frontage and lead to a moment of arrival, peering above the clouds and extending to the views of the ocean, Catalina Island, and the canyons from Bel Air.
The grand, masterpiece spiral staircase connects two stories, appears suspended, and was carefully engineered with aluminum and steel, immediately immersing guests in the home’s meticulous design. A free-flowing main level dialogues with the outdoor veranda from the sunken formal living room and intimate entertainment spaces, to the breakfast nook and Poliform chef’s kitchen with a seamless caterer’s preparation galley ideally hidden directly behind.

The architecture is modern yet the amenities are luxurious

Each statement room is designed with a subtle transition from the last, the architecture is modern yet the amenities are luxurious. The master suite is a true oasis, with a fireplace, a sitting area, two walk-in closets, and a spa-like shower with tubs, steam shower, and dual vanities. Three-story walls of glass drape a bamboo cove exposing the incredible backyard scape totaling 1.6 acres with an outdoor lanai, a substantial infinity pool and spa, and an effortless flow over the canyon.
The lower level allows an ultimate experience in leisure and wellness, complete with a playroom, theater, gym with signature TechnoGym equipment, a wine lounge for over 1,152 bottles, and additional bedrooms to complete the nine-bedroom, ten-bath, three-powder-room offering. One of the premier tri-level estates in Bel Air, a first and last of its kind, 1859 is a home of impeccable attention to detail, an unmistakable eye for global design, and one of the finest vast view lots in Los Angeles. All in all, this Bel Air modern masterpiece is a true gem, offering the ultimate in luxury living. With its stunning design, top-of-the-line finishes, and state-of-the-art amenities, this is the perfect home for one who wants the best of everything. If you’re in the market for a high-end property, this Bel Air mansion is a must-see. Don’t miss your chance to own a piece of real estate history.
Sotheby's International Realty: 1859 Bel Air Road Los Angeles, California, 90077 United States

Sotheby’s International Realty:
1859 Bel Air Road Los Angeles, California, 90077 United States



13 Full

20,000 Sq Ft.

1.39 Acre(s)


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