Tag Archive for: medical

MANTA AIRCRAFT y AVIONORD se asocian en el desarrollo de la plataforma ANN para transporte médico.

MANTA AIRCRAFT y AVIONORD firman un acuerdo destinado a desarrollar una versión de la plataforma Manta ANN para servicios rápidos de Transporte Aéreo Sanitario.

Sesto Calende, Italia, mayo de 2022 – Manta Aircraft Italia Srl (“Manta Aircraft”) y Avionord Srl (“Avionord”), una empresa privada de transporte aéreo altamente especializada en Transporte Aéreo Sanitario, han llegado a un acuerdo para operar en el futuro hasta 15 aviones híbridos eléctricos de despegue y aterrizaje vertical de largo alcance (eVTOL) derivados de la plataforma Manta Aircraft “ANN” en configuración de servicios médicos. Avionord también invierte en Manta Aircraft y adquiere una participación en la empresa. Se espera que las entregas comiencen en 2026.

El acuerdo permite una asociación prometedora que fomentará el desarrollo de un ecosistema y

un establecimiento oportuno de la Movilidad Aérea Avanzada. El uso de la innovadora plataforma aérea está previsto sobre todo en el área de transportes especiales de órganos para trasplantes, transporte de equipos para reperfusión de órganos destinados a trasplantes así como para posibles operaciones de intervención rápida. La opción de despegue y aterrizaje vertical, por ejemplo para conectar helipuertos de dos hospitales en diferentes ciudades, junto con los requisitos de largo alcance y baja infraestructura, dan como resultado nuevas capacidades punto a punto y eficiencias económicas en el rango regional, ya que esto solución representa un importante ahorro de costes y reducción de ruido en comparación con los helicópteros convencionales.

“Nos sentimos honrados de trabajar con Manta Aircraft. Después de analizar el mercado y considerar nuestras misiones de tiempo crítico, vemos que la plataforma Manta ANN es hoy la única eVTOL que ofrece un alcance de varios cientos de km, lo que es útil para las misiones de transporte rápido de órganos para trasplante de un hospital a otro, evitando depender de los aeropuertos y del transporte por carretera. Los eVTOL de ANN nos permitirán reducir el tiempo de transporte de los órganos, que tienen una vida limitada cuando no están conectados a las máquinas dedicadas, utilizando aeronaves con un costo operativo reducido”, dice Avionord, CEO Eugenio Cremascoli.

Lucas Marchesini, CEO de Manta Aircraft, agrega: “Estamos muy complacidos con esta asociación con Avionord, quienes han reconocido la singularidad de la plataforma ANN en términos de alcance, empujando en la dirección de crear un caso de uso real que contribuirá a la rápido establecimiento de la Movilidad Aérea Avanzada. Desde el principio, el diseño de la aeronave se planeó para un rango y velocidad relevantes en combinación con los bajos requisitos de infraestructura y los costos generales a una fracción del costo de un helicóptero, para que sea adecuado para este tipo de operaciones”.

La inversión de Avionord en Manta Aircraft sigue la inversión de otras empresas tecnológicas italianas y del CDP VC dirigido por el Estado, en un esfuerzo por acelerar la creación de un ecosistema AAM italiano. Manta Aircraft está desarrollando una gama de vehículos aéreos de despegue y aterrizaje vertical y corto de largo alcance híbridos eléctricos orientados al rendimiento (heV/STOL) para la movilidad aérea regional y planea comenzar la certificación del primer biplaza, multipropósito modelo ANN2 en 2023.


De izquierda a derecha: Michael Mesaric y Lucas Marchesini, Co-Fundadores de Manta Aircraft, Eugenio

Cremascoli, CEO of Avionord.

Renderizado: Moonlight Studios

Para más consultas:

Michael Mesaric, cofundador, director de marketing y operaciones,  m.mesaric@mantaaircraft.com

MANTA AIRCRAFT and AVIONORD partner in the development of the ANN platform for medical transportation.

MANTA AIRCRAFT and AVIONORD sign an agreement aimed at developing a version of the Manta ANN platform for rapid Medical Air Transport services.

Sesto Calende, Italy, May 2022 – Manta Aircraft Italia S.r.l. (“Manta Aircraft”), and Avionord S.r.l. (“Avionord”), a private air transport company highly specialized in Medical Air Transport, have entered into an agreement to field in the future as many as 15 hybrid-electric long-range vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft derived from the Manta Aircraft “ANN” platform in medical services configuration. Avionord also invests in Manta Aircraft and takes a stake in the company. Deliveries are expected to start in 2026.

The agreement enables a promising partnership that will foster the development of an ecosystem and

a timely establishment of Advanced Air Mobility. The use of the innovative aircraft platform is planned above all in the area of special transports of organs for transplants, transport of equipment for re-perfusion of organs destined for transplantation as well as for possible rapid-intervention operations. The vertical take-off and landing option, for example to connect helipads from two hospitals in different cities, coupled with the long range and low infrastructure requirements, result in new point-to-point capabilities and economic efficiencies in the regional range, as this solution represents a significant cost saving and noise reduction compared to conventional helicopters.

“We are honored to be working with Manta Aircraft. After analyzing the market and considering our time-critical missions, we see that the Manta ANN platform is today the only eVTOL offering a range of several hundred kms, which is useful for the missions to transport quickly organs for transplantation from one hospital to another, avoiding being dependent on airports and road transport. The ANN eVTOLs will enable us to reduce the transportation time of the organs, that have a limited life when not connected to the dedicated machines, using aircraft with a reduced operating cost,” says Avionord, CEO Eugenio Cremascoli.

Lucas Marchesini, CEO of Manta Aircraft, adds: “We are very pleased of this partnership with Avionord, who have recognized the uniqueness of the ANN platform in terms of range, pushing into the direction of creating a real use case that will contribute to the rapid establishment of Advanced Air Mobility. From the outset, the design of the aircraft was planned for a relevant range and speed in combination with the low infrastructure requirements and overall costs at a fraction of the cost of a helicopter, in order to be suitable for this kind of operations.”

The investment of Avionord in Manta Aircraft follows the investment of other Italian tech companies and of the State-led CDP VC, in the effort to expedite creating an Italian AAM ecosystem. Manta Aircraft is developing a range of performance-oriented hybrid-electric long-range vertical and short take-off and landing air vehicles (heV/STOL) for regional air mobility and plans to begin certification of the first two-seat, multi-purpose model ANN2 in 2023.


From left to right: Michael Mesaric and Lucas Marchesini, Co-Founders of Manta Aircraft, Eugenio

Cremascoli, CEO of Avionord.

Rendering: Mondlicht Studios

For further inquiries:

Michael Mesaric, Co-Founder, Head of Marketing & Operations, m.mesaric@mantaaircraft.com

MANTA AIRCRAFT and AVIONORD partner in the development of the ANN platform for medical transportation.

MANTA AIRCRAFT and AVIONORD sign an agreement aimed at developing a version of the Manta ANN platform for rapid Medical Air Transport services.

Sesto Calende, Italy, May 2022 – Manta Aircraft Italia S.r.l. (“Manta Aircraft”), and Avionord S.r.l. (“Avionord”), a private air transport company highly specialized in Medical Air Transport, have entered into an agreement to field in the future as many as 15 hybrid-electric long-range vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft derived from the Manta Aircraft “ANN” platform in medical services configuration. Avionord also invests in Manta Aircraft and takes a stake in the company. Deliveries are expected to start in 2026.

The agreement enables a promising partnership that will foster the development of an ecosystem and

a timely establishment of Advanced Air Mobility. The use of the innovative aircraft platform is planned above all in the area of special transports of organs for transplants, transport of equipment for re-perfusion of organs destined for transplantation as well as for possible rapid-intervention operations. The vertical take-off and landing option, for example to connect helipads from two hospitals in different cities, coupled with the long range and low infrastructure requirements, result in new point-to-point capabilities and economic efficiencies in the regional range, as this solution represents a significant cost saving and noise reduction compared to conventional helicopters.

“We are honored to be working with Manta Aircraft. After analyzing the market and considering our time-critical missions, we see that the Manta ANN platform is today the only eVTOL offering a range of several hundred kms, which is useful for the missions to transport quickly organs for transplantation from one hospital to another, avoiding being dependent on airports and road transport. The ANN eVTOLs will enable us to reduce the transportation time of the organs, that have a limited life when not connected to the dedicated machines, using aircraft with a reduced operating cost,” says Avionord, CEO Eugenio Cremascoli.

Lucas Marchesini, CEO of Manta Aircraft, adds: “We are very pleased of this partnership with Avionord, who have recognized the uniqueness of the ANN platform in terms of range, pushing into the direction of creating a real use case that will contribute to the rapid establishment of Advanced Air Mobility. From the outset, the design of the aircraft was planned for a relevant range and speed in combination with the low infrastructure requirements and overall costs at a fraction of the cost of a helicopter, in order to be suitable for this kind of operations.”

The investment of Avionord in Manta Aircraft follows the investment of other Italian tech companies and of the State-led CDP VC, in the effort to expedite creating an Italian AAM ecosystem. Manta Aircraft is developing a range of performance-oriented hybrid-electric long-range vertical and short take-off and landing air vehicles (heV/STOL) for regional air mobility and plans to begin certification of the first two-seat, multi-purpose model ANN2 in 2023.


From left to right: Michael Mesaric and Lucas Marchesini, Co-Founders of Manta Aircraft, Eugenio

Cremascoli, CEO of Avionord.

Rendering: Mondlicht Studios

For further inquiries:

Michael Mesaric, Co-Founder, Head of Marketing & Operations, m.mesaric@mantaaircraft.com