Tag Archive for: Mercedes

Mercedes-Maybach lanza su primer modelo híbrido enchufable

  • El Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e (valores preliminares, consumo de combustible mixto ponderado: 1,0‑0,8 l/100 km, emisiones de CO 2  mixto ponderado: 23‑18 g/km, consumo eléctrico mixto ponderado: 25,0‑22,9 kWh/ 100 km) 1  marca el comienzo de una nueva era para la marca con una herencia de más de 100 años.
  • Con una autonomía eléctrica de hasta 100 kilómetros (WLTP) 1  según la configuración del vehículo y una potencia de propulsión eléctrica de 110 kW/150 CV, la berlina de lujo puede viajar localmente  sin emisiones de CO 2 , tanto en la ciudad como en trayectos interurbanos .
  • El Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e está inicialmente disponible en China, seguido de Tailandia, Europa y otros países.

La marca Mercedes-Maybach ha sido considerada como el punto de referencia para el lujo, el estilo y el estatus automotriz desde que Wilhelm y Karl Maybach comenzaron a construir automóviles en 1921. Su objetivo era crear “lo mejor de lo mejor”, una aspiración que continúa caracterizando el aura única de Mercedes‑Maybach hasta el día de hoy. La legendaria marca se reinventa continuamente para superar las más altas expectativas de lo extraordinario. Con éxito: la actual Clase S de Mercedes-Maybach ha experimentado un crecimiento constante de la demanda desde su lanzamiento al mercado en 2021.

“ Con nuestro primer modelo híbrido enchufable, estamos combinando la experiencia de lujo típica de Maybach con la conducción local libre de emisiones en modo de conducción eléctrica. El Mercedes-Maybach S 580 e representa un paso fundamental en la transformación de nuestra marca tradicional en un futuro eléctrico. Presentaremos nuestro primer modelo completamente eléctrico a partir de 2023”.
Daniel Lescow, director de Mercedes‑Maybach en Mercedes‑Benz Group AG

El Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e abre una experiencia de silencio aún más impresionante. En el modo de conducción puramente eléctrico, el interior, que ya era excepcionalmente silencioso, se vuelve aún más silencioso. La berlina se desliza casi en silencio y con cero emisiones locales. Las características eléctricas específicas están discretamente integradas con la experiencia típica de Maybach, como la toma de carga oculta en el lado izquierdo del vehículo y los acentos de color azul en los faros o el estado de carga de la batería en el panel de instrumentos.

La base de la propulsión híbrida es un motor de seis cilindros en línea altamente eficiente de la generación actual de motores de gasolina de Mercedes‑Benz, que combina 270 kW/367 hp de potente rendimiento con bajo consumo de combustible y emisiones de escape. Una potencia combinada del sistema de 375 kW/510 hp y un par máximo de 750 Nm garantiza un rendimiento de conducción superior. El par máximo del motor eléctrico de 440 Nm está disponible inmediatamente desde la primera revolución del motor, lo que da como resultado una aceleración rápida y un manejo dinámico. El Mercedes‑Maybach S 580 e acelera de 0 a 100 km/h en 5,1 segundos.

Un cargador de 11 kW está equipado de serie para la carga trifásica desde la red de CA. Un cargador DC de 60 kW para carga rápida con corriente continua está disponible como opción. Incluso cuando la batería está casi completamente descargada, se puede lograr una carga completa en unos 30 minutos usando este último.

Los datos más importantes de un vistazo

S 580 e
Cilindros motor de gasolina (disposición; número) I6
Motor de gasolina de desplazamiento CC 2,999
Motor de gasolina de potencia nominal kW/hp 270/367
en rpm 5,500-6,100
motor de gasolina de par nominal Nuevo Méjico 500
en rpm 1,600-4,500
Motor eléctrico de salida nominal kW/hp 110/150
Motor eléctrico de par nominal Nuevo Méjico 440
Salida del sistema kW/hp 375/510
Par del sistema Nuevo Méjico 750
Consumo combinado de combustible, ponderado (WLTP) 2 l/100 km 1.0-0.8
Emisiones combinadas de CO 2  , ponderadas (WLTP) 2 g/km 23-18
Consumo eléctrico combinado, ponderado (WLTP) 2 kWh/100 km 25.0-22.9
Cocina eléctrica (WLTP: EAER combinada) 2 kilómetros hasta 100
Aceleración 0-100 km/h s 5.1
Velocidad máxima kilómetros por hora 250
eléctrico de máxima velocidad kilómetros por hora 140

1 Las cifras de consumo de combustible, emisiones de CO 2  y consumo de energía son provisionales y se determinaron internamente de acuerdo con el método de certificación “Procedimiento de prueba WLTP”. La aprobación de tipo CE y un certificado de conformidad con las cifras oficiales aún no están disponibles. Es posible que existan diferencias entre las cifras indicadas y los valores oficiales.

2 Las cifras de consumo de combustible, emisiones de CO 2  y consumo de energía son provisionales y se determinaron internamente de acuerdo con el método de certificación “Procedimiento de prueba WLTP”. La aprobación de tipo CE y un certificado de conformidad con las cifras oficiales aún no están disponibles. Es posible que existan diferencias entre las cifras indicadas y los valores oficiales.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 años – cambiando el juego”

Con una nueva campaña de marca, Mercedes-AMG celebra su  55 aniversario

Affalterbach. En sus 55 años de historia corporativa, Mercedes-AMG ha establecido estándares en el mercado de autos deportivos y de rendimiento, escribiendo así una impresionante historia de éxito: desde la puesta en marcha de dos hombres de los fundadores Hans Werner Aufrecht y Erhard Melcher en 1967 hasta la actualidad. sitio de desarrollo de última generación con su propia planta de fabricación de motores, más de dos mil empleados altamente calificados y una cartera de vehículos única. La nueva campaña de la marca advierte este extraordinario desarrollo con el lema “55 años – cambiando el juego” y, al mismo tiempo, apunta hacia el futuro. Los empleados de Mercedes-AMG y los destacados embajadores de la marca actúan como agentes de cambio para la empresa. Te alientan a pensar y actuar como un cambiador de juego. Los emparejamientos de vehículos con íconos históricos y actuales de la cartera de modelos AMG completan la campaña de 360 ​​grados.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 años - cambiando el juego"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 años – cambiando el juego”

Fundada en 1967 por los ingenieros Hans Werner Aufrecht y Erhard Melcher, la compañía ha continuado construyendo su posición como una de las marcas líderes de autos deportivos y de rendimiento a través de numerosos éxitos en el automovilismo y el desarrollo de autos de carretera únicos. Iconos de modelos legendarios como el 300 SEL 6.9 AMG de carreras y turismos, el 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, el CLK DTM o el SLS AMG Electric Drive han confirmado repetidamente la reputación de la marca como un cambio de juego.

Esto sigue siendo cierto hoy en día: el Mercedes-AMG ONE lleva la tecnología de propulsión híbrida de Fórmula 1™ moderna y eficiente de la pista de carreras a la carretera por primera vez en el mundo (consumo de combustible ponderado, combinado: 8,7 l/100 km; CO ponderado combinado 2  emisiones: 198 g/km; consumo eléctrico combinado ponderado: 32 kWh/100 km) [1] . Con un motor de combustión y cuatro motores eléctricos, el hipercoche produce un total de 782 kW (1063 hp) y demuestra cómo el futuro del rendimiento de conducción establece nuevos récords.

El estudio de diseño Vision AMG ofrece una visión del futuro: Debajo de la carcasa del coupé de cuatro puertas se encuentra la plataforma independiente AMG.EA, que actualmente se está desarrollando en Affalterbach para modelos de alto rendimiento totalmente eléctricos con la revolucionaria tecnología e-drive.

“AMG se ha estado reinventando una y otra vez durante 55 años. Como una vez fue el caso de nuestros padres fundadores, hoy en Affalterbach hay un espíritu de optimismo muy especial. El curso está claramente establecido para un futuro electrificado. Y como en todos los años anteriores, nuestros estándares para proyectos futuros son extremadamente altos. Estoy orgulloso de que podamos confiar en los mejores empleados en nuestra ubicación. Porque son verdaderos revolucionarios que hacen que AMG sea tan especial. Y queremos enfatizar eso también con nuestra campaña”, dice Philipp Schiemer, presidente de la junta directiva de Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Campaña de marca con personas auténticas e historias de automóviles.

“55 years – Changing the game” nota este espíritu y lo traduce en una campaña de medios sociales de 360 ​​grados, con historias auténticas de personas y vehículos en forma de videoclips e imágenes fijas. La implementación contiene numerosos elementos mutuamente complementarios. Los empleados de AMG comunican sus declaraciones sobre “ cambiar el juego” a través de sus canales sociales. Los Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard y Lewis Hamilton subrayan el mensaje central con sus declaraciones y construyen el puente desde la tradición hacia el futuro.

Combinaciones icónicas de vehículos históricos, actuales y futuros dan testimonio del poder innovador ininterrumpido de la marca. Además, las contribuciones editoriales en el sitio web oficial de Mercedes-AMG, una exposición especial en el Museo Mercedes-Benz, una exposición temporal en el AMG Private Lounge en Affalterbach, así como un episodio especial “Inside AMG” en YouTube rinden homenaje a la 55 aniversario de AMG desde diferentes perspectivas. Esto también se aplica al contacto directo con el cliente en el punto de venta. Aquí, los fondos con las imágenes clave hacen referencia al aniversario. Especialmente emocionante ha sido la renovada colaboración con varios creadores de contenido como Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel o Nictures, quienes, en consonancia con la campaña, están distribuyendo clips en la plataforma TikTok sobre “cambiar el juego”.

La cartera actual de Mercedes-AMG comprende más de cincuenta vehículos. La selección abarca desde vehículos de alto rendimiento en varios estilos de carrocería hasta autos deportivos desarrollados de forma completamente independiente, como el modelo Mercedes-AMG GT de 4 puertas y el nuevo Mercedes-AMG SL. La gama de sistemas de propulsión también se ha desarrollado continuamente de acuerdo con los requisitos del mercado y los deseos de los clientes y actualmente ofrece motores de combustión de eficiencia optimizada con cuatro, seis u ocho cilindros. Además, Mercedes-AMG sigue constantemente el camino del futuro del rendimiento de conducción: los híbridos de alto rendimiento con un diseño de conducción independiente y la tecnología de Fórmula 1™ se ofrecen bajo la etiqueta E PERFORMANCE. La cartera también incluye derivados AMG totalmente eléctricos basados ​​en la propia plataforma EVA2 del Grupo. En el futuro cercano,

[1]  Las cifras de consumo de combustible y emisiones de CO 2  son provisionales y se determinaron internamente de acuerdo con el método de certificación “Procedimiento de prueba WLTP”. Aún no se dispone de valores confirmados por el servicio técnico ni de homologación CE o certificado de conformidad con valores oficiales. Es posible que existan diferencias entre las cifras indicadas y las cifras oficiales.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.


Mercedes-AMG GLE “Edition 55” – six special models to mark the “55 years of AMG” anniversary

Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S (WLTP fuel consumption combined: 12,6 – 12,2 l/100 km, CO₂-emissions combined: 286 – 276 g/km)

Mercedes-AMG rounds off its range of exclusive special editions with versions for the GLE SUV and Coupé

Mercedes-AMG is celebrating its 55th anniversary with six “Edition 55” special models based on the GLE SUV and GLE Coupé in this demanding market segment as well. The customers have the advantage that exquisite equipment scopes and details that are only available for the “Edition 55” make this limited-edition model particularly desirable. The anniversary models are available to order now until December 2022. The colour selection with obsidian black metallic or MANUFAKTUR diamond white bright, the special car film, the 22-inch AMG forged wheels and the specific trim parts in carbon matt black underscore the classy and exclusive appearance.

As a special identifying feature of the “Edition 55”, both sides of the vehicle feature special car film with the AMG emblem and an AMG diamond. Further exciting contrasts are provided by the 22-inch forged AMG cross‑spoke wheels, painted matt tantalum grey with high-sheen rim flange. The wheel hub covers with “Edition 55” lettering and laurel wreath testify to great attention to detail.

With the AMG Night Package, selected exterior elements are finished in high-gloss black. Depending on the selected paint colour, this results in bold contrasts or fluid transitions. High-gloss black is used for the front splitter and the trim strip of the AMG front apron, the exterior mirror housings, the window surrounds and the trim strip of the AMG rear apron. Added to this are heat-insulating dark-tinted glass aft of the B-pillar and two black chrome-plated twin tailpipe trims.

An exclusive detail for connoisseurs is the fuel filler cap in silver chrome with AMG lettering: This classy element is only revealed when the fuel filler cap is opened.

The interior is characterised by the contrast of black and red. Stainless steel door sill trims with red illuminated AMG lettering welcome driver and passengers. To match, the black AMG floor mats made of high‑quality velour feature red contrasting stitching and “Edition 55” lettering woven in red. The AMG Performance steering wheel in DINAMICA microfibre also commemorates the anniversary with the “AMG” and “55” badges and underscores the impression of the special models as exclusive collector’s items. The AMG seats are upholstered in two-tone nappa leather AMG in red pepper/black. When equipped with exclusive nappa leather AMG, the door panels and centre console are also designed in this colour

combination (standard on GLE 63 S 4MATIC+, optional on GLE 53 4MATIC+ and GLE 63 4MATIC+). The hand rest in the centre console is enhanced with an embossed AMG crest. The luxurious, sporty ambience of the interior is rounded off by the AMG trim elements in carbon matt black.

The scope of delivery of the “Edition 55” also includes a tailor-made AMG Indoor Car Cover. With its breathable outer panelling made of tear-resistant synthetic fibre fabric and antistatic inner fabric made of flannel, it protects the vehicle in the garage from dust and scratches.


Model Fuel consumption – combined1 CO2 emissions combined1 Premium “Edition 55″2
Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ 11.0-10.6 l/100 km 250-241 g/km 13,090.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ 12.6-12.1 l/100 km 286-276 g/km 10,115.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ 12.6-12.2 l/100 km 286-276 g/km 8330.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ Coupé 10.9-10.5 l/100 km 247-240 g/km 12,614.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ Coupé 12.5-12.1 l/100 km 283-276 g/km 8925.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ Coupé 12.5-12.2 l/100 km 283-277 g/km 5950.00 euros


1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 All prices in this press information: MSRP for Germany including 19% VAT.


Technical data at a glance


Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ Coupé
Engine 3.0-litre I6 with exhaust gas turbocharging, additional electric compressor and integrated starter-generator 3.0-litre I6 with exhaust gas turbocharging, additional electric compressor and integrated starter-generator
Displacement 2999 cc 2999 cc
Output 320 kW (435 hp) at 6100 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator 320 kW (435 hp) at 6100 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator
Peak torque 520 Nm at 1800 – 5800 rpm 520 Nm at 1800 – 5800 rpm
Drive system AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution
Transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission
Fuel consumption –
11.0-10.6 l/100 km1 10.9-10.5 l/100 km1
Combined CO2 emissions 250-241 g/km1 247-240 g/km1
0-100 km/h
5.3 s 5.3 s
Top speed 250 km/h2 250 km/h2

1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 Electronically limited.



Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+
Engine 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator
Displacement 3982 cc 3982 cc
Output 420 kW (571 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator 450 kW (612 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator
Peak torque 750 Nm at 2250-5000 rpm 850 Nm at 2500-4500 rpm
Drive system AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution
Transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission
Fuel consumption –
12.6-12.1 l/100 km1 12.6-12.2 l/100 km1
Combined CO2 emissions 286-276 g/km1 286-276 g/km1
0-100 km/h
4.0 s 3.8 s
Top speed 250 km/h2 280 km/h3

1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 Electronically limited, with optional AMG Drivers Package 280 km/h.
3 Electronically limited.




Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ Coupé Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ Coupé
Engine 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator
Displacement 3982 cc 3982 cc
Output 420 kW (571 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator 450 kW (612 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator
Peak torque 750 Nm at 2250-5000 rpm 850 Nm at 2500-4500 rpm
Drive system AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution
Transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission
Fuel consumption –
12.5-12.1 l/100 km1 12.5-12.2 l/100 km1
Combined CO2 emissions 283-276 g/km1 283-277 g/km1
0-100 km/h
4.0 s 3.8 s
Top speed 250 km/h2 280 km/h3

1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 Electronically limited, with optional AMG Drivers Package 280 km/h.
3 Electronically limited.

The Concept EQT – pioneer of a new class for families and leisure active private customers

The Concept EQT – pioneer of a new class for families and leisure active private customers

Mercedes-Benz Vans is unveiling the new Concept EQT in an extensive Media Special on the Mercedes me media platform on Monday, 10 May 2021 at 11.00 a.m. (CEST). This concept vehicle is the forerunner to the new T-Class in the small-van segment. In keeping with the “Electric first” strategy, the battery-electric version is first out of the starting blocks in the concept vehicle. A video clip featuring legendary professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, which will go online on several social media channels simultaneously, provides surprising insights into the forthcoming family and leisure vehicle. Furthermore, Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer Daimler Group, and Marcus Breitschwerdt, Head of Mercedes-Benz Vans, will be presenting the highlights of the Concept EQT – with a look ahead to the electric future in the small-van segment.

The near-production Concept EQT offers a clear glimpse of the electric version of the forthcoming T-Class. With the completely newly developed city van, Mercedes-Benz Vans is transferring the winning formula of the V-Class people carrier to a compact format and bringing a new level of quality to the small-van segment. The Concept EQT combines a spacious and variable interior with attractive design and Mercedes’ hallmark high standards of comfort, connectivity, value and safety.

Emotion and intelligence are the key elements of the Mercedes-Benz Design philosophy “Sensual Purity”. Using this bipolarity, the Concept EQT creates a new holistic design in the small van segment. With this first premium small van, Mercedes-Benz Vans is expanding its portfolio for private customers, offering an attractive entry-level model that will allow families and leisure active private customers to step into the Mercedes-Benz world.

G Wagen original de Mercedes verá pronto el final de su producción. Introducido en 1979, el icónico SUV recibió solo actualizaciones menores durante su vida. A pesar de eso, el G Wagen sigue siendo un todoterreno de lujo muy popular, especialmente con celebridades y superestrellas deportivas. Pero el fabricante de automóviles alemán está listo para reemplazar el modelo con un 4 × 4 similar pero totalmente nuevo que está programado para ser revelado el próximo año. Y como último hurra, Mercedes ha lanzado una edición especial G65 para darle a la leyenda un último adiós adecuado. Nombrada G65 Final Edition, la última de AMG G65 conserva todas las características que es conocida y apreciada en todo el mundo.

Impulsado por el V12 doble turbo de la automotriz, el G65 AMG tiene 630 caballos de fuerza y ​​738 lb / ft de torque de barril que pueden impulsar el trozo de casi tres toneladas de metal de cero a 60 mph en 5.3 segundos. Mecánicamente, el automóvil es idéntico al AMG G65 estándar y la mayoría de los cambios son visuales.

El paquete interior especial que envuelve la cabina está resaltado por cuero napa negro con costuras marrones y adornos de fibra de carbono con acentos de bronce.

 Hay muchas insignias de AMG y Final Edition en todas partes. Para mantener la exclusividad de la G65 Final Edition, Mercedes solo creará 65 unidades. De esas 65 unidades, 30 llegarán al otro lado del estanque con un precio de $ 252,690 cuando salga a la venta en Estados Unidos.

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