Tag Archive for: Mercedes-AMG

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 años – cambiando el juego”

Con una nueva campaña de marca, Mercedes-AMG celebra su  55 aniversario

Affalterbach. En sus 55 años de historia corporativa, Mercedes-AMG ha establecido estándares en el mercado de autos deportivos y de rendimiento, escribiendo así una impresionante historia de éxito: desde la puesta en marcha de dos hombres de los fundadores Hans Werner Aufrecht y Erhard Melcher en 1967 hasta la actualidad. sitio de desarrollo de última generación con su propia planta de fabricación de motores, más de dos mil empleados altamente calificados y una cartera de vehículos única. La nueva campaña de la marca advierte este extraordinario desarrollo con el lema “55 años – cambiando el juego” y, al mismo tiempo, apunta hacia el futuro. Los empleados de Mercedes-AMG y los destacados embajadores de la marca actúan como agentes de cambio para la empresa. Te alientan a pensar y actuar como un cambiador de juego. Los emparejamientos de vehículos con íconos históricos y actuales de la cartera de modelos AMG completan la campaña de 360 ​​grados.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 años - cambiando el juego"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 años – cambiando el juego”

Fundada en 1967 por los ingenieros Hans Werner Aufrecht y Erhard Melcher, la compañía ha continuado construyendo su posición como una de las marcas líderes de autos deportivos y de rendimiento a través de numerosos éxitos en el automovilismo y el desarrollo de autos de carretera únicos. Iconos de modelos legendarios como el 300 SEL 6.9 AMG de carreras y turismos, el 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, el CLK DTM o el SLS AMG Electric Drive han confirmado repetidamente la reputación de la marca como un cambio de juego.

Esto sigue siendo cierto hoy en día: el Mercedes-AMG ONE lleva la tecnología de propulsión híbrida de Fórmula 1™ moderna y eficiente de la pista de carreras a la carretera por primera vez en el mundo (consumo de combustible ponderado, combinado: 8,7 l/100 km; CO ponderado combinado 2  emisiones: 198 g/km; consumo eléctrico combinado ponderado: 32 kWh/100 km) [1] . Con un motor de combustión y cuatro motores eléctricos, el hipercoche produce un total de 782 kW (1063 hp) y demuestra cómo el futuro del rendimiento de conducción establece nuevos récords.

El estudio de diseño Vision AMG ofrece una visión del futuro: Debajo de la carcasa del coupé de cuatro puertas se encuentra la plataforma independiente AMG.EA, que actualmente se está desarrollando en Affalterbach para modelos de alto rendimiento totalmente eléctricos con la revolucionaria tecnología e-drive.

“AMG se ha estado reinventando una y otra vez durante 55 años. Como una vez fue el caso de nuestros padres fundadores, hoy en Affalterbach hay un espíritu de optimismo muy especial. El curso está claramente establecido para un futuro electrificado. Y como en todos los años anteriores, nuestros estándares para proyectos futuros son extremadamente altos. Estoy orgulloso de que podamos confiar en los mejores empleados en nuestra ubicación. Porque son verdaderos revolucionarios que hacen que AMG sea tan especial. Y queremos enfatizar eso también con nuestra campaña”, dice Philipp Schiemer, presidente de la junta directiva de Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Campaña de marca con personas auténticas e historias de automóviles.

“55 years – Changing the game” nota este espíritu y lo traduce en una campaña de medios sociales de 360 ​​grados, con historias auténticas de personas y vehículos en forma de videoclips e imágenes fijas. La implementación contiene numerosos elementos mutuamente complementarios. Los empleados de AMG comunican sus declaraciones sobre “ cambiar el juego” a través de sus canales sociales. Los Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard y Lewis Hamilton subrayan el mensaje central con sus declaraciones y construyen el puente desde la tradición hacia el futuro.

Combinaciones icónicas de vehículos históricos, actuales y futuros dan testimonio del poder innovador ininterrumpido de la marca. Además, las contribuciones editoriales en el sitio web oficial de Mercedes-AMG, una exposición especial en el Museo Mercedes-Benz, una exposición temporal en el AMG Private Lounge en Affalterbach, así como un episodio especial “Inside AMG” en YouTube rinden homenaje a la 55 aniversario de AMG desde diferentes perspectivas. Esto también se aplica al contacto directo con el cliente en el punto de venta. Aquí, los fondos con las imágenes clave hacen referencia al aniversario. Especialmente emocionante ha sido la renovada colaboración con varios creadores de contenido como Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel o Nictures, quienes, en consonancia con la campaña, están distribuyendo clips en la plataforma TikTok sobre “cambiar el juego”.

La cartera actual de Mercedes-AMG comprende más de cincuenta vehículos. La selección abarca desde vehículos de alto rendimiento en varios estilos de carrocería hasta autos deportivos desarrollados de forma completamente independiente, como el modelo Mercedes-AMG GT de 4 puertas y el nuevo Mercedes-AMG SL. La gama de sistemas de propulsión también se ha desarrollado continuamente de acuerdo con los requisitos del mercado y los deseos de los clientes y actualmente ofrece motores de combustión de eficiencia optimizada con cuatro, seis u ocho cilindros. Además, Mercedes-AMG sigue constantemente el camino del futuro del rendimiento de conducción: los híbridos de alto rendimiento con un diseño de conducción independiente y la tecnología de Fórmula 1™ se ofrecen bajo la etiqueta E PERFORMANCE. La cartera también incluye derivados AMG totalmente eléctricos basados ​​en la propia plataforma EVA2 del Grupo. En el futuro cercano,

[1]  Las cifras de consumo de combustible y emisiones de CO 2  son provisionales y se determinaron internamente de acuerdo con el método de certificación “Procedimiento de prueba WLTP”. Aún no se dispone de valores confirmados por el servicio técnico ni de homologación CE o certificado de conformidad con valores oficiales. Es posible que existan diferencias entre las cifras indicadas y las cifras oficiales.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

With a new brand campaign Mercedes-AMG celebrates its 55th anniversary

Affalterbach.  In its 55-year corporate history, Mercedes-AMG has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market, thus writing an impressive success story: from the two-man start-up of founders Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in 1967 to today’s state-of-the-art development site with its own engine manufacturing facility, more than two thousand highly qualified employees and a unique vehicle portfolio. The new brand campaign notices this extraordinary development with the claim “55 years – changing the game” and at the same time points to the future. Mercedes-AMG employees and prominent Brand Ambassadors act as gamechangers for the company. They encourage you to think and act like a gamechanger yourself. Vehicle pairings with historical and current icons from the AMG model portfolio round off the 360-degree campaign. It will be on all relevant Mercedes-AMG social media channels from mid-June until the end of July 2022.

Mercedes-AMG: "55 years - changing the game"

Mercedes-AMG: “55 years – changing the game”

Founded in 1967 by engineers Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher, the company has continued to build on its position as one of the leading performance and sports car brands through numerous successes in motorsport and the development of unique road cars. Legendary model icons such as the 300 SEL 6.9 AMG racing touring car, the 300 E 5.6 “The Hammer”, the CLK DTM or the SLS AMG Electric Drive have repeatedly confirmed the brand’s reputation as a gamechanger.

This is still true today: the Mercedes-AMG ONE brings modern and efficient Formula 1™ hybrid drive technology from the racetrack to the road for the first time in the world (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km)[1]. With one combustion engine and four electric motors, the hypercar produces a total of 782 kW (1063 hp) and proves how the Future of Driving Performance sets new records.

The Vision AMG design study provides a glimpse of the future: Beneath the shell of the four-door coupé is the independent AMG.EA platform, which is currently being developed in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models with revolutionary e-drive technology.

“AMG has been reinventing itself again and again for 55 years. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there is a very special spirit of optimism in Affalterbach today. The course is clearly set for an electrified future. And as in all the past years, our standards for future projects are extremely high. I am proud that we can rely on the best employees at our location. Because they are real gamechangers that make AMG so special. And we want to emphasise that just as much with our campaign,” says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Brand campaign with authentic people and car stories

“55 years – changing the game” notices this spirit and translates it into a 360-degree social media campaign – with authentic stories of people and vehicles as video clips and stills. The implementation contains numerous, mutually complementary elements. AMG employees communicate their statements on “changing the game” via their social channels. The Brand Ambassadors will.i.am, Susie Wolff, David Coulthard and Lewis Hamilton underline the core message with their statements and build the bridge from tradition into the future.

Iconic pairings of historic and current as well as future vehicles bear witness to the brand’s unbroken innovative power. In addition, editorial contributions on the official Mercedes-AMG website, a special exhibition in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, a temporary exhibition in the AMG Private Lounge in Affalterbach, as well as a special episode “Inside AMG” on YouTube pay tribute to the 55th anniversary of AMG from different perspectives. This also applies to direct customer contact at the point of sale. Here, backdrops with the key visuals refer to the anniversary. Particularly exciting has been the renewed collaboration with various content creators like Sparkly.jada, kayo.daniel or Nictures, who, in keeping with the campaign, are distributing clips on the TikTok platform about “changing the game”.

The current Mercedes-AMG portfolio comprises more than fifty vehicles. The selection ranges from performance vehicles in various body styles to completely independently developed sports cars such as the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door model and the new Mercedes-AMG SL. The range of powertrains has also been continuously developed in line with market requirements and customer wishes and currently offers efficiency-optimised combustion engines with four, six or eight cylinders. In addition, Mercedes-AMG is consistently pursuing the path of the Future of Driving Performance: Performance hybrids with an independent drive layout and technology from Formula 1™ are offered under the E PERFORMANCE label. The portfolio also includes all-electric AMG derivatives based on the Group’s own EVA2 platform. In the near future, completely independent battery-electric AMG models will also follow, which will be based on the new, completely in-house developed electrical architecture (AMG.EA).

[1] The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.


Mercedes-AMG GLE “Edition 55” – six special models to mark the “55 years of AMG” anniversary

Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S (WLTP fuel consumption combined: 12,6 – 12,2 l/100 km, CO₂-emissions combined: 286 – 276 g/km)

Mercedes-AMG rounds off its range of exclusive special editions with versions for the GLE SUV and Coupé

Mercedes-AMG is celebrating its 55th anniversary with six “Edition 55” special models based on the GLE SUV and GLE Coupé in this demanding market segment as well. The customers have the advantage that exquisite equipment scopes and details that are only available for the “Edition 55” make this limited-edition model particularly desirable. The anniversary models are available to order now until December 2022. The colour selection with obsidian black metallic or MANUFAKTUR diamond white bright, the special car film, the 22-inch AMG forged wheels and the specific trim parts in carbon matt black underscore the classy and exclusive appearance.

As a special identifying feature of the “Edition 55”, both sides of the vehicle feature special car film with the AMG emblem and an AMG diamond. Further exciting contrasts are provided by the 22-inch forged AMG cross‑spoke wheels, painted matt tantalum grey with high-sheen rim flange. The wheel hub covers with “Edition 55” lettering and laurel wreath testify to great attention to detail.

With the AMG Night Package, selected exterior elements are finished in high-gloss black. Depending on the selected paint colour, this results in bold contrasts or fluid transitions. High-gloss black is used for the front splitter and the trim strip of the AMG front apron, the exterior mirror housings, the window surrounds and the trim strip of the AMG rear apron. Added to this are heat-insulating dark-tinted glass aft of the B-pillar and two black chrome-plated twin tailpipe trims.

An exclusive detail for connoisseurs is the fuel filler cap in silver chrome with AMG lettering: This classy element is only revealed when the fuel filler cap is opened.

The interior is characterised by the contrast of black and red. Stainless steel door sill trims with red illuminated AMG lettering welcome driver and passengers. To match, the black AMG floor mats made of high‑quality velour feature red contrasting stitching and “Edition 55” lettering woven in red. The AMG Performance steering wheel in DINAMICA microfibre also commemorates the anniversary with the “AMG” and “55” badges and underscores the impression of the special models as exclusive collector’s items. The AMG seats are upholstered in two-tone nappa leather AMG in red pepper/black. When equipped with exclusive nappa leather AMG, the door panels and centre console are also designed in this colour

combination (standard on GLE 63 S 4MATIC+, optional on GLE 53 4MATIC+ and GLE 63 4MATIC+). The hand rest in the centre console is enhanced with an embossed AMG crest. The luxurious, sporty ambience of the interior is rounded off by the AMG trim elements in carbon matt black.

The scope of delivery of the “Edition 55” also includes a tailor-made AMG Indoor Car Cover. With its breathable outer panelling made of tear-resistant synthetic fibre fabric and antistatic inner fabric made of flannel, it protects the vehicle in the garage from dust and scratches.


Model Fuel consumption – combined1 CO2 emissions combined1 Premium “Edition 55″2
Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ 11.0-10.6 l/100 km 250-241 g/km 13,090.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ 12.6-12.1 l/100 km 286-276 g/km 10,115.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ 12.6-12.2 l/100 km 286-276 g/km 8330.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ Coupé 10.9-10.5 l/100 km 247-240 g/km 12,614.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ Coupé 12.5-12.1 l/100 km 283-276 g/km 8925.00 euros
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ Coupé 12.5-12.2 l/100 km 283-277 g/km 5950.00 euros


1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 All prices in this press information: MSRP for Germany including 19% VAT.


Technical data at a glance


Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ Coupé
Engine 3.0-litre I6 with exhaust gas turbocharging, additional electric compressor and integrated starter-generator 3.0-litre I6 with exhaust gas turbocharging, additional electric compressor and integrated starter-generator
Displacement 2999 cc 2999 cc
Output 320 kW (435 hp) at 6100 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator 320 kW (435 hp) at 6100 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator
Peak torque 520 Nm at 1800 – 5800 rpm 520 Nm at 1800 – 5800 rpm
Drive system AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution
Transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission
Fuel consumption –
11.0-10.6 l/100 km1 10.9-10.5 l/100 km1
Combined CO2 emissions 250-241 g/km1 247-240 g/km1
0-100 km/h
5.3 s 5.3 s
Top speed 250 km/h2 250 km/h2

1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 Electronically limited.



Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+
Engine 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator
Displacement 3982 cc 3982 cc
Output 420 kW (571 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator 450 kW (612 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator
Peak torque 750 Nm at 2250-5000 rpm 850 Nm at 2500-4500 rpm
Drive system AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution
Transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission
Fuel consumption –
12.6-12.1 l/100 km1 12.6-12.2 l/100 km1
Combined CO2 emissions 286-276 g/km1 286-276 g/km1
0-100 km/h
4.0 s 3.8 s
Top speed 250 km/h2 280 km/h3

1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 Electronically limited, with optional AMG Drivers Package 280 km/h.
3 Electronically limited.




Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 4MATIC+ Coupé Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ Coupé
Engine 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator 4.0-litre V8 with biturbo charging and integrated starter-generator
Displacement 3982 cc 3982 cc
Output 420 kW (571 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator 450 kW (612 hp) at 5750-6500 rpm plus 16 kW (22 hp) from starter-generator
Peak torque 750 Nm at 2250-5000 rpm 850 Nm at 2500-4500 rpm
Drive system AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive with fully variable torque distribution
Transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G transmission
Fuel consumption –
12.5-12.1 l/100 km1 12.5-12.2 l/100 km1
Combined CO2 emissions 283-276 g/km1 283-277 g/km1
0-100 km/h
4.0 s 3.8 s
Top speed 250 km/h2 280 km/h3

1 The stated figures were determined in accordance with the prescribed measuring method. They are “WLTP CO₂ figures” as per Art. 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

2 Electronically limited, with optional AMG Drivers Package 280 km/h.
3 Electronically limited.

The new Mercedes-AMG ONE: Formula 1 technology for the road

The new Mercedes-AMG ONE: Formula 1 technology for the road

Highly exclusive hypercar with E PERFORMANCE hybrid drive and system performance of more than 1000 hp

Affalterbach.  AMG’s foundation stone was laid back on 1st of June 1967. To mark the 55th anniversary of the performance and sports car brand, the production version of the Mercedes-AMG ONE (combined weighted fuel consumption: 8.7 l/100 km; combined weighted CO2 emissions: 198 g/km; combined weighted electrical consumption: 32 kWh/100 km) is celebrating its world premiere. The two-seater super sports car brings the world’s most modern and efficient Formula 1 hybrid drive technology from the race track to the road for the first time. The performance hybrid produces a total output of 782 kW (1063 hp) from one combustion engine and four electric motors, with a top speed capped at 352 km/h. The extremely complex development was carried out in close cooperation with the Formula 1 experts at Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains in Brixworth. The Mercedes-AMG ONE will also officially be seen in action for the first time in the UK, as part of the Festival of Speed at Goodwood (23 to 26 June 2022).

The unique hypercar inspires not only with its E PERFORMANCE Formula 1 hybrid drive, but also with further motorsport technology. This ranges from the carbon-fibre monocoque and carbon-fibre body to the load‑bearing engine/transmission unit, active aerodynamics and the push-rod suspension. With its complex technology, the two-seater Mercedes-AMG ONE offers even more than a Formula 1 racing car in some cases. It features the AMG Performance 4MATIC+ fully variable all-wheel drive with hybrid-driven rear axle and electrically driven front axle with torque vectoring. It can also drive purely electrically.

“With the Mercedes-AMG ONE, we have more than pushed the envelope. The immense technical challenges of making a modern Formula 1 powertrain suitable for everyday road use have undoubtedly pushed us to our limits. Over the duration of the development period, many may have thought that the project would be impossible to implement. Nevertheless, the teams in Affalterbach and the UK never gave up and believed in themselves. I have the highest respect for all those involved and am proud of this team achievement. To put such a hypercar on wheels is certainly unique. This applies to us as Mercedes-AMG not only from a technical point of view, but also in terms of the close exchange with our loyal customers. Together with us, they have gone through ups but also downs in the course of development. They were an integral part of Project One from the very beginning and can now look forward to the highly exclusive and unique Mercedes-AMG ONE, which has now also been able to clear the next hurdle and passed all ECE certification tests”, says Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

The new Mercedes-AMG ONE: Formula 1 technology for the road

The new Mercedes-AMG ONE: Formula 1 technology for the road

“The performance data of the Mercedes-AMG ONE are ultimately only a small excerpt of what technology is in this vehicle. Apart from a Formula 1 powertrain that generates 1063 hp from a relatively small, highly efficient internal combustion engine in combination with four electric motors, the monumental task was above all the exhaust gas aftertreatment. The Mercedes-AMG and Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains teams have really done a great job here. This project was partly a curse and a blessing at the same time. But we have walked the stony path, and as a technician you naturally get carried away with all the details. From the materials used, the exceptional chassis components to the aerodynamic refinements – in terms of complexity, the Mercedes-AMG ONE is hard to beat. In a Formula 1 car, a team of engineers with laptops makes sure that the powertrain starts. With our hypercar, all it takes is the push of a button. This also illustrates the immense software know-how that has gone into this vehicle”, says Jochen Hermann, Technical Managing Director of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Exceptional E PERFORMANCE hybrid drive with 1.6-litre V6 engine and four electric motors

The E PERFORMANCE hybrid drive of the Mercedes-AMG ONE comes directly from Formula 1 and has been realised in close cooperation with the experts at Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains in Brixworth. It consists of a highly integrated and intelligently networked unit comprising one hybrid, turbocharged combustion engine with a total of four electric motors. One has been integrated into the turbocharger, another has been installed directly on the combustion engine with a link to the crankcase and the two remaining motors drive the front wheels.

The 1.6-litre V6 hybrid petrol engine with electrically assisted single-turbocharging corresponds in its technology to the current Formula 1 power unit. The four overhead camshafts are driven by spur gears. To achieve high engine speeds, the mechanical valve springs have been replaced by pneumatic valve springs. The engine, mounted in mid-engine position in front of the rear axle, revs up to 11,000 rpm. However, for longer durability and the use of commercial super plus petrol, it deliberately stays below the F1 rev limit.

The high-revving power unit is boosted by a high-tech turbocharger. The exhaust gas turbine and compressor turbine are positioned at a distance from each other and connected by a shaft. This allows a lower installation position for the turbocharger. On the shaft is an approx. 90 kW electric motor. Electronically controlled, this drives the turbocharger shaft directly, accelerating the compressor wheel up to 100,000 rpm before the exhaust gas flow takes over. The Formula 1 designation for this unit is MGU-H (Motor Generator Unit Heat).

Lightning-quick response, faster than a naturally aspirated V8 engine

The major advantage: the response improves significantly, immediately from idle speed (when the exhaust flow is still weak) across the entire rev range. The 1.6-litre V6 engine responds even more spontaneously to accelerator pedal commands, while the overall driving experience is highly dynamic. In addition, the electrification of the exhaust gas turbocharger enables higher torque at low engine speeds. This also increases agility and optimises acceleration. Even when the driver takes their foot off the accelerator or brakes, the technology is able to maintain boost pressure at all times. This ensures a continuously direct response.

The electric exhaust gas turbocharger in the Mercedes-AMG ONE has yet another advantage: it uses part of the surplus energy from the exhaust gas flow to generate electrical energy as a generator. This is either stored in the high-voltage lithium-ion battery or fed to the electric front axle or the electric motor (MGU-K = Motor Generator Unit Kinetic) on the combustion engine. The MGU-K has an output of 120 kW, is positioned directly on the combustion engine and is connected to the crankshaft via a spur gear system – another technology that ensures maximum efficiency and performance in Formula 1.

Turbocharging and direct injection with spray-guided combustion not only enable high power output, but also increase thermodynamic efficiency, thus reducing fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. The high‑performance six-cylinder engine has two injection systems. Direct injection delivers the fuel into the combustion chambers at up to 270 bar pressure. This is a multiple process at times, and is controlled by the engine management system as required. The additional port injection is needed to achieve the high specific power of the engine and at the same time comply with the exhaust emission limits.

Added to this is the very complex and effective exhaust gas cleaning system with four preheated metal catalytic converters, two ceramic catalytic converters and two petrol particulate filters. The four heating elements with a combined output of 16 kW make it possible to comply with the EU6 exhaust emission limits under real driving conditions (RDE). The exhaust gas cleaning system is also backpressure-optimised to avoid power losses. This also applies to the large rear silencer made of lightweight titanium.

Technical data – powertrain

Bore x stroke 80.0 x 53.03 mm
Displacement 1599 cc
Max. system output 782 kW (1063 hp)
Max. speed, combustion engine 11,000 rpm
Max. output, combustion engine 422 kW (574 hp) at 9000 rpm
Specific output, combustion engine 359 hp/l
MGU-K (electric motor on the crankshaft) 120 kW (163 hp)
MGU-FL/MGU-FR (electric motors on the front axle) 2 x 120 kW = 240 kW (326 hp)
MGU-H (electric motor of the electric exhaust gas turbocharger) 90 kW (122 hp)
Max. turbocharger boost pressure 3.5 bar

New all-wheel drive with purely electrically driven front axle

The two 120 kW electric motors on the front axle reach rotor speeds of up to 50,000 rpm. They are each connected to the front wheels via a reduction gear. The front axle, which is thus driven purely electrically, operates wheel-selectively in each case and thus enables individual torque distribution for particularly high driving dynamics (“torque vectoring”). In addition, the two electric motors also allow the braking energy to be optimally used for recuperation – up to 80 percent under everyday driving conditions. This energy is stored in the battery and is available for a longer electric range or for more drive performance. Each electric motor is controlled by its own power electronics located in close proximity to the electric motors in the floor assembly.

High Performance Battery with Formula 1 technology

The lithium-ion energy storage system is also a special Mercedes-AMG development. Its technology has already proven itself in the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team’s Formula 1 hybrid racing cars under the toughest conditions and can also be found in the battery of the Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E PERFORMANCE. The AMG High Performance Battery combines high power that can be called up frequently in succession with low weight to increase overall performance. Added to this are the fast energy draw and the high power density. This means that during a brisk drive in hilly terrain, for example, drivers can immediately call on the full power potential on uphill stretches, while recuperation is strong when driving downhill.

The arrangement of the battery cells and the cell cooling mirror the Mercedes-AMG Formula 1 racing car. For everyday use, however, their number is many times greater in the Mercedes-AMG ONE. The capacity of 8.4 kWh is sufficient for a purely electric range of 18.1 kilometres. Charging is via alternating current and the integrated 3.7 kW on-board charger. In addition, the battery can be supplied with fresh energy via recuperation or from the combustion engine. The lithium-ion, high-voltage battery and the DC/DC converter supporting and charging the 12 V onboard electrical system are accommodated in space-saving configuration in the vehicle floor behind the front axle.

Innovative direct cooling of the high-voltage battery

The basis for the high performance of the battery is the innovative direct cooling: A high-tech coolant flows around all the cells and cools them individually. Background: Every battery needs a defined temperature for optimum power delivery. If the battery becomes too cold or too hot, it noticeably loses power at times, or has to be regulated to avoid damage if the heat becomes excessive. The even temperature of the battery therefore has a decisive influence on its performance, service life and safety.

The coolant circulates from top to bottom through the entire battery past each cell with the help of a high‑performance electric pump and also flows through a heat exchanger attached directly to the battery. The system is designed to ensure even heat distribution in the battery. The result is that the battery is always in a consistent, optimal operating temperature window of 45 degrees Celsius on average – no matter how often it is charged or discharged. It may well be that the average temperature is exceeded when driving at high speeds. The protection mechanisms are therefore configured so that the maximum performance can be obtained from the battery, with the temperature level subsequently lowered by direct cooling.

Only direct cooling makes it possible to use cells with very high power density. Thanks to this individual solution, the battery system is particularly light and compact. The low weight is also due to the material‑saving busbar concept, and the lightweight yet strong crash structure of the aluminium housing. It ensures the highest level of safety. Another feature is the high voltage of the drive system, which operates at 800 volts instead of the usual 400 volts. Thanks to the higher voltage levels it is possible to significantly reducing the cable diameters, for example, thereby saving design space and weight.

Intelligent operating strategies for optimum output and efficiency

All in all, the High Performance Plug-in Hybrid Drive System offers numerous intelligent operating strategies that are optimally adapted to different application scenarios. The drive programs range from purely electric operation to a highly dynamic mode (Strat 2), which corresponds to a setting used in Formula 1 qualifying for the best possible lap times. Despite the high system complexity, the driver will always receive the optimal combination of performance and efficiency – depending on the current requirement.

Six drive programs – from purely electric driving to race track mode

The Mercedes-AMG ONE starts silently at first by switching on the electric motors on the front axle. In parallel, the catalytic converters are preheated. The combustion engine will not start until the correct catalytic converter temperature is reached.

  • Race Safe: standard program with on-demand hybrid driving mode and all-electric start-up. Only when higher power is required does the combustion engine switch on.
  • Race: hybrid driving mode with special charging strategy. The combustion engine runs continuously and can charge the high-voltage battery more so that full electric power is always available.
  • EV: all-electric driving.
  • Race Plus (race track only): active aerodynamics, chassis lowering by 37 mm (front)/30 mm (rear), firmer chassis tuning, special performance management.
  • Strat 2 (race track only): active aerodynamics, even firmer suspension tuning and vehicle lowering by 37 mm (front)/30 mm (rear). Full power from all motors as in Formula 1 qualifying.
  • Individual: settings according to personal preferences for the road modes.

Impressive acceleration values are possible with the RACE START function in the Race, Race Plus and Strat 2 drive programs: the sprint from a standstill to 200 km/h is completed in just 7.0 seconds.

Completely new, automated 7-speed manual transmission

Power is transmitted to the rear wheels by means of a 7-speed manual transmission completely newly developed for the Mercedes-AMG ONE. The lightweight transmission design saves weight, while integration into the body-in-white enhances rigidity and takes up little space. It is specifically designed for the high torque and speed capacity of the powerful Formula 1 hybrid powertrain. Shift rods and the 4-disc carbon‑fibre clutch are hydraulically controlled. The gear ratios are designed to minimise the power difference after upshifting and keep the combustion engine at high revs. The locking differential is integrated into the transmission.


Multi-link suspension with innovative push-rod suspension

The basis for the outstanding driving characteristics of the Mercedes-AMG ONE is the lightweight and high‑strength carbon-fibre monocoque, the technology of which also originates from Formula 1. The same applies to integration of the engine and transmission: both fulfil load-bearing functions and completely support the rear suspension.

The chassis is an aluminium construction at the front and rear, each with five links and two adjustable suspension struts. The coil-over suspension has several special features: both push-rod spring struts have been installed across the direction of travel. The innovative arrangement of the spring and damper unit replaces the function and use of a conventional tubular cross stabiliser. This solution reliably prevents rolling movements, even during very rapid directional changes, without being uncomfortable. Roll stiffness and roll damping are completely independent of lift stiffness and lift damping. Wheel bearings with ceramic ball bearings for less friction reflect the attention to technical detail.

The adaptive damping adjustment can be adapted via the drive program: the C (Comfort) and S (Sport) suspension settings are available in the EV, Race Safe, Race and Individual drive programs; the S (Sport) and S+ (Sport+) suspension settings are available in the Race Plus and Strat 2 drive programs. As part of the active aerodynamics, the chassis can be lowered hydraulically: by 37 millimetres on the front axle and by 30 millimetres on the rear axle. In addition, a lifter for the front axle (can only be activated in the road drive programs) prevents the Mercedes-AMG ONE from touching down on underground parking ramps, for example.

The overall tuning of springs and dampers has been designed for perfectly balanced, easily controllable and highly dynamic handling. This is also assisted by the all-wheel drive and torque vectoring. Unlike in Formula 1, ABS is on board as standard, while ESP® can be regulated in three stages, as is customary at Mercedes-AMG. ESP® ON stands for high safety and is always activated in “Highway” mode. ESP® SPORT HANDLING MODE allows higher yaw angles before system intervention for sporty driving. ESP® OFF switches the system off for extremely dynamic driving on closed-off circuits. All three settings are possible in “Track” mode.

Exclusive forged wheel with carbon-fibre partial cover

A new development is the 10-spoke forged aluminium wheel with centre lock, which is exclusive to the Mercedes-AMG ONE. This has a radial carbon-fibre partial cover with an aerodynamically sophisticated shape: it improves the aerodynamic efficiency of the vehicle by enhancing the flow around the wheel. This is another example of how the AMG development team has paid the utmost attention to even the smallest aspects, so as to improve the efficiency of the hypercar.

Newly developed 9-spoke magnesium forged wheels designed exclusively for the Mercedes-AMG ONE are also available as an option. In addition to the centre-lock technology, they feature a patented bionic design to maximise lightweight construction and rigidity. The aerodynamically designed carbon-fibre partial cover is a good example of the combination of low weight, optimised brake cooling and aerodynamic efficiency. At the same time, nine air vanes per wheel ensure active ventilation of the wheel arch and thus improved heat dissipation from the brakes.

At the front, the Mercedes-AMG ONE runs on 10.0 J x 19 wheels with 285/35 ZR 19 Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2R M01 tyres, which were developed exclusively for the hypercar, and at the rear on 12.0 J x 20 wheels, with Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2R M01 tyres in size 335/30 ZR 20. The exclusivity of the tyres is reflected in the design of the sidewall, which incorporates the vehicle silhouette and the number 1.

A special, weight-optimised AMG carbon-fibre ceramic high-performance composite brake system is used for deceleration. The front axle sports 6-piston fixed callipers and also internally ventilated and perforated brake discs measuring 398 x 38 millimetres. The rear axle is fitted with 4-piston fixed callipers. In addition, it has internally ventilated and perforated brake discs measuring 380 x 34 millimetres. The low weight of the system reduces the unsprung masses and thus increases driving dynamics and agility. Furthermore, the ceramic brake features a longer service life, higher corrosion resistance and higher thermal stability. The “AMG Carbon Ceramic” lettering and the specially painted brake callipers visually distinguish this unique brake system.

Exterior design: fascination and function

The design of the carbon-fibre body is inspired by the top class of motorsport. But above all, it embodies the Mercedes-AMG principle that fascination is always linked with function. Each component fulfils a task. The mid-engine concept based on a carbon-fibre monocoque plus a load-bearing engine/transmission unit provides the extremely muscular proportions: the cockpit is positioned far forward, as is typical for racing, combined with voluminous wheel arches, a wasp waist and a wide tail.

Designers and aerodynamics experts worked closely together on the design. Even the basic body has been aerodynamically designed for maximum downforce and balance. And this move has been a successful one: the Mercedes-AMG ONE generates downforce from as low as 50 km/h, which becomes increasingly stronger as the speed increases.

Front view: powerful and functional

The front view is characterised by the large front apron, the various air intakes of which extend across the entire vehicle width. The trapezoidal centre section bears a large, white AMG logo. Above it, on the vehicle body, is the Mercedes star. It is designed in the form of an artistically and technically perfect airbrush motif – by a specialist in the UK. The AMG-typical A-wing under the centre section adds another characteristic highlight and merges seamlessly into the wings.

Large air intakes dominate on the left and right, framed by U-shaped air deflectors and each divided by two black transverse fins. Flat LED headlamps blend seamlessly into the body contours. The black air outlets in the bonnet guide the hot airflow around the sides of the driver compartment. This allows the flow of fresh air to pass unhindered across the driver compartment and into the intake tract on the roof. The active flaps on the front diffuser influence the aerodynamic performance at the front axle and ensure excellent aerodynamic balance. The active air vents (so-called louvres) in the front wheel arches also increase the downforce on the front axle.

Taut flanks, voluminous wheel arches

The low, dynamic greenhouse has an unmistakable, spherical architecture with a distinctive window pattern. The large, dark area stands for important technical functions. These technical components form a visual contrast to the clean overall lines of the vehicle.

The roof is dominated by the air intake derived from Formula 1, through which the engine draws in fresh air as needed. The black intake transitions elegantly into the black, vertical shark fin: it prevents cross-flow and/or a breakaway of airflow at the rear and thus improves cornering stability. Overall, this also means more performance and safety at high speeds. The power unit is hidden under two removable carbon-fibre covers. Large NACA air intakes are integrated into each of these, guaranteeing optimum guidance of the airflow for the radiators placed below.

The side view shows a sensual and clear surface design, equally combined with functional features. The vehicle flanks are tautly recessed, with black carbon-fibre surfaces redirecting the airflow around the vehicle body as in motorsport. The airbrush design on the flanks was created by the same artist who designed the paintwork for the Formula 1 racing cars. Tight-fitting wheel arches stretch over all four wheels like muscles, ready to leap into action.

The doors open diagonally forwards and upwards. The fuel filler flap is at the rear right, and the charging socket for the plug-in hybrid battery is at the rear left.

Rear end: fascination and function

The sharp spoiler lip and the two-part rear diffuser bring aerodynamic efficiency and performance advantages at high speeds. This also applies to the specially shaped underbody with longitudinal fins and openings for cooling ducts. The rear wing is a two-piece retractable blade plus integrated adjustable flap. The design of the exhaust tailpipe with its large, round outlet and two further small, round apertures has been adopted directly from the Formula 1 cars. The muscular appearance is further enhanced by the rear apron with its large, black mesh and carbon-fibre components. The tail lights each feature three diamond-shaped lighting elements to echo the graphic design of the AMG brand logo, and therefore also the design of the headlamps.

The high-tech materials and colour combinations of the outer skin are transferred directly from racing. Functional exterior components are presented in exposed carbon fibre and contrasted with sculpturally sensual paint surfaces.

Active aerodynamics: three interpretations to choose from

The active, hydraulically controlled aerodynamics increase downforce on the front and rear axles and also improve aerodynamic efficiency. Depending on the driver’s preference and the selected drive program, three different aerodynamic setups are available:

  • “Highway” in the “Race Safe”, “Race”, “EV” and “Individual” drive programs:
    the louvres are closed, the active flaps on the front diffuser are extended and the rear wing including flap is retracted.
  • “Track” in the drive programs “Race Plus” and “Strat 2” (both only allowed on the race track):
    the front diffuser flaps fold up to shape the front diffuser contour to maximum efficiency. The rear wing extends fully, as does the rear wing flap. The louvres are opened to increase the downforce on the front axle and to increase the negative pressure in the wheel arches. The vehicle is lowered by 37 millimetres at the front axle and 30 millimetres at the rear axle. The consequence of all these measures: the total downforce increases up to five times compared with the road drive programs, depending on the speed.
  • “Race DRS” (Drag Reduction System), can be activated at the touch of a button as in Formula 1, in the race track drive programs:
    the rear wing flap retracts completely and the louvres are closed. Although this reduces downforce by around 20 percent, the Mercedes-AMG ONE reaches high speeds even faster. DRS can be deactivated manually or is automatically deactivated as soon as the driver brakes or lateral acceleration is measured.

Interior: Formula 1 for two

The interior design concept follows function on the racetrack and is expressed in the radical design idiom. In this way, Formula 1 technology can be experienced authentically on the race track and on the road. Here, too, every detail has a function. “No styling” is the design consequence resulting from the requirements for this driving machine. The design is a synthesis of sculptural form language and uncompromising racing design. In the bold minimalism of the monocoque interior, the reduced components are emphasised and showcased in terms of design and function.

The ergonomically contoured interior has room for two occupants. The firmly fixed racing seat-pan sculpture combines aesthetically with the footwell to form a single unit. It also merges smoothly into the sill area at the side and becomes an integral part of the highly sculptural monocoque landscape. The backrests of the AMG Motorsport seat pans can be adjusted to two positions: 25o and 30o. The steering wheel is electrically adjustable and the pedal box mechanically adjustable (in eleven steps) so that the driver can adopt an optimal driving position. The passenger footrest is also individually adjustable.

The centre tunnel is also a functional part of the carbon-fibre support structure. It blends fully into the seat sculpture and follows the principle of minimalism with its gently rising contour. A high-quality stowage compartment, a reduced switch panel and the Engine Start button form a single unit. The compartment is designed with a transparent lid. Two mini-USB ports for external audio devices enhance everyday usability. The Start/Stop button is prominently positioned on the tunnel and forms the end of the controls towards the front. The cylindrical housing body, made of real metal, is held laterally by two lugs that protrude organically from the basic volume of the tunnel.

Interior with functional structural parts

The slim wing profile of the instrument panel appears light as if floating. As a functional structural component, it also stiffens the monocoque of the hypercar. The two high-resolution, free-standing 10-inch displays with individual Mercedes-AMG ONE graphics are finished with high-quality real-metal parts and adapted to the instrument panel. The instrument cluster display is in a slightly raised position in front of the driver. The multimedia monitor on the right of the centre console is tilted towards the driver. The double-nozzle ventilation unit is suspended under the centre screen like a gondola. Screen and nozzles merge into one unit and underline the purist design concept. The ventilation nozzles repeat the basic rectangular shape of the displays.

The door panels are in functional, high-grade carbon fibre, and integrate smoothly into the sporty interior. A cassette of solid metal combines the air vents and power window switches, which are integrated as deeply recessed rectangles. Like a muscle, a contour drawn far forward in the door runs out to the rear and creates space for the characteristic course of the exterior window line.


Formula 1-style steering wheel

In the radically designed and high-quality race steering wheel, operating and functional elements are combined with original race car components to ensure safe operation in extreme driving situations. The “shift light” is displayed at the top of the steering wheel rim, as is usual in racing cars. The steering wheel, which is flattened at the top and bottom and has an integrated airbag, offers further motorsport trim elements: the two integrated AMG steering wheel buttons can be used to activate various functions without having to take your hands off the wheel. For example, the drive programs, the nine-stage AMG Traction Control, the activation of the DRS or the suspension settings.

Screen instead of interior mirror, colours and materials from the racing car

The Mercedes-AMG developers have also thought about suitability for everyday use and further ease of operation: air conditioning and electric windows are on board as standard, and the infotainment system ensures seamless connectivity. The user interface is integrated as an autonomous concept. The most important information is displayed on the road in the line of vision above the steering wheel, so that the driver is not distracted. To ensure optimal rearward visibility despite the vertical wing on the rear, the interior mirror is replaced by a screen. It shows real-time footage from a MirrorCam integrated into the rear. The screen housing is fully integrated into the roof and accommodates further controls.

Inspired by the Formula 1 racing car, the material contrasts are also consistently and authentically continued in the interior. Here, too, the exposed carbon fibre of the monocoque forms a delightful contrast with the material/colour combination of the seat pans in magma grey nappa leather and black DINAMICA microfibre. With their special design, the seat inlays support air circulation at the driver’s back. Yellow contrasting topstitching adds further highlights as standard, but other colours are also available.

Material-appropriate and high-quality details, such as the ventilation nozzles in silver shadow and dark chrome, create further individual highlights. The seat belt straps and contrasting topstitching in the typical AMG yellow underscore the performance claim. Customers also have extensive options for very personal individualisation, which can be specified in close consultation with the experts at Mercedes-AMG.

Technical data

Mercedes-AMG ONE.

Number of cylinders/arrangement   6/V
Displacement cc 1599
Max. system output kW/hp 782/1063
Max system torque Nm Specification not possible due to complex drive train
Max. output, combustion engine kW/hp 422/574 at 9000 rpm
Max. speed, combustion engine rpm 11,000
Mixture formation   Microprocessor-controlled petrol injection, combination of direct and intake manifold injection
Combined output, electric motors kW/hp 450/611
Power transmission
Drive system   AMG Performance 4MATIC+ fully variable all-wheel drive with hybrid-driven rear axle, electrically driven front axle and torque vectoring
Transmission   7-speed automated manual gearbox
Gear ratios
1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th gear   12.803 / 9.267 / 7.058 / 5.581 / 4.562 / 3.878 / 3.435
Reverse   14.599
Front axle Five-link aluminium coil-over suspension with two transverse adjustable push-rod spring struts and adaptive damping adjustment
Rear axle Five-link aluminium coil-over suspension with two transverse adjustable push-rod spring struts and adaptive damping adjustment Aerodynamically shaped lower links
Brake system Hydraulic AMG carbon-fibre ceramic high-performance composite brake system, front 398 x 38 mm composite brake discs, internally ventilated and perforated, 6-piston aluminium fixed callipers; rear 380 x 34 mm composite brake discs, internally ventilated and perforated, 4-piston aluminium fixed callipers; electric parking brake, ABS, Brake Assist, 3-stage ESP®
Steering not specified
Wheels front: 10 J x 19 H2; rear: 12 J x 20 H2
Tyres front: 285/35 ZR 19; rear: 335/30 ZR 20
Dimensions and weights
Wheelbase mm 2720
Front/rear track mm 1721/1669
Length/height/width mm 4756/1261/2010
Turning circle m not specified
Boot capacity l not specified
Kerb weight according to DIN kg 1695
Payload kg not specified
Tank capacity l 55
Performance, consumption, emissions
Acceleration 0-100 km/h s 2.9
Acceleration 0-200 km/h s 7.0
Acceleration 0-300 km/h s 15.6
Top speed km/h 352
Fuel consumption, weighted,comb.1 l/100 km 8.7
CO2 emissions, weighted, comb.1 g/km 198
Electrical consumption, weighted, comb. 1 kWh 32
Electrical range km 18.1

The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Mercedes-Benz AG at a glance
Mercedes‑Benz AG is responsible for the global business of Mercedes‑Benz Cars and Mercedes‑Benz Vans, with around 172,000 employees worldwide. Ola Källenius is Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes‑Benz AG. The company focuses on the development, production and sales of passenger cars, vans and vehicle-related services. Furthermore, the company aspires to be the leader in the fields of electric mobility and vehicle software. The product portfolio comprises the Mercedes‑Benz brand with the brands of Mercedes‑AMG, Mercedes‑Maybach, Mercedes‑EQ, G‑Class as well as products of the smart brand. The Mercedes me brand offers access to the digital services from Mercedes‑Benz. Mercedes‑Benz AG is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of luxury passenger cars. In 2021 it sold around 1.9 million passenger cars and nearly 386,200 vans. In its two business segments, Mercedes‑Benz AG is continually expanding its worldwide production network with around 35 production sites on four continents, while gearing itself to meet the requirements of electric mobility. At the same time, the company is constructing and extending its global battery production network on three continents. As sustainability is the guiding principle of the Mercedes‑Benz strategy and for the company itself, this means creating lasting value for all stakeholders: for customers, employees, investors, business partners and society as a whole. The basis for this is the sustainable business strategy of the Mercedes‑Benz Group. The company thus takes responsibility for the economic, ecological and social effects of its business activities and looks at the entire value chain.

 The figures for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are provisional and were determined internally in accordance with the “WLTP test procedure” certification method. Confirmed values from the technical service or an EC type approval or certificate of conformity with official values are not yet available. Differences between the stated figures and the official figures are possible.

Exclusive edition for the Mercedes-AMG E-Class

Exclusive edition for the Mercedes-AMG E-Class

Mercedes-AMG E 63 S 4MATIC+ Final Edition as Saloon and Estate

Affalterbach.  With the particularly extensively equipped special model E 63 S 4MATIC+ Final Edition as a Saloon (fuel consumption combined 12.3-11.9 l/100 km, CO2 emissions combined 281-270 g/km)and Estate (fuel consumption combined 12.6-12.1 l/100 km, CO2 emissions combined 286-276 g/km), Mercedes‑AMG bids farewell to the successful W/S 213 performance model series. It set new standards with its 450 kW (612 hp) 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine and fully variable all-wheel drive including Drift Mode. The refined appearance and extensive standard equipment make the Final Edition a unique combination of performance and luxury.

The Final Edition is available exclusively in matt graphite grey magno paint. 20-inch AMG forged wheels in a cross-spoke design, aerodynamically optimised, high-sheen black with gloss-tinted clearcoat, emphasise the special status, as do the AMG emblem on the C-pillar and the foiling on the sides of the car.

Added to this is the AMG Night Package. It includes numerous exterior elements in high-gloss black: the front splitter of the AMG front apron, the inserts of the AMG side sill panels, the trim element in the front wings, the beltline trim strips and window surrounds, the outside mirror housings and the trim strip of the AMG rear apron. Also included in the package is heat-insulating dark tinted glass from the B-pillar. Two trapezoidal, black chrome twin tailpipe trims form the matching finish at the rear. Carbon Packages I and II can be ordered as options.

The ambient lighting projects the AMG brand logo in LED technology next to the open side doors. This not only appeals to the emotions, but also stages an attractive highlight in dark surroundings. In addition, getting in and out is also more comfortable and safer with the extra light.

The one-off character continues inside. The AMG Performance Seat Package High-End leaves nothing to be desired. With the AMG Performance seats, it offers perfect lateral support for dynamic driving manoeuvres – combined with aesthetics and comfort: all seat positions, including the seat cushions, can be electrically adjusted to perfectly suit the driver’s physique. The integrated seat heating ensures a comfortable driving experience as quickly as possible, even in cool temperatures. And the upholstery in fine AMG nappa leather titanium grey pearl/black with yellow contrasting stitching emphasises the sporty character. The instrument panel and beltline trim in high-quality nappa leather lend the interior even more exclusivity.

The AMG Performance steering wheel in black nappa leather/microfibre DINAMICA offers perfect grip for precise steering. The yellow contrasting stitching matches the colour of the upholstery. The flattened shape characteristic of AMG comes from motorsport and reinforces the sportiness of the cockpit. Ergonomically positioned touch control panels give intuitive operating comfort and promote focused driving. The standard AMG steering wheel buttons allow fast and unerring operation of specific dynamic driving functions such as the drive programs.

Collectors’ items limited to 999 copies

The AMG trim elements in carbon also include the centre console and lend the Final Edition the hallmark motorsport touch. The centre console also features the “AMG FINAL EDITION” badge with the designated “1 of 999” limitation. The black AMG brushed stainless steel door sill trims impress with exclusive yellow illuminated “AMG” lettering that enhances every entry and exit. The robust stainless steel panels are not only beautiful to look at, they also protect against damage to the door sills panels. The elegant black floor mats with AMG lettering and yellow contrasting stitching blend harmoniously with the interior design and effectively protect the footwell from dirt.

To protect the valuable vehicle from dust in the garage, every customer also receives a customised AMG Indoor Car Cover with “AMG E 63 S FINAL EDITION” lettering in the matching colour.

Further information about https://www.mercedes-amg.com/ is available at https://www.mercedes-amg.com/.

Mercedes-Benz AG at a glance
Mercedes‑Benz AG is responsible for the global business of Mercedes‑Benz Cars and Mercedes‑Benz Vans, with around 172,000 employees worldwide. Ola Källenius is Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes‑Benz AG. The company focuses on the development, production and sales of passenger cars, vans and vehicle-related services. Furthermore, the company aspires to be the leader in the fields of electric mobility and vehicle software. The product portfolio comprises the Mercedes‑Benz brand with the brands of Mercedes‑AMG, Mercedes‑Maybach, Mercedes‑EQ, G‑Class as well as products of the smart brand. The Mercedes me brand offers access to the digital services from Mercedes‑Benz. Mercedes‑Benz AG is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of luxury passenger cars. In 2021 it sold around 1.9 million passenger cars and nearly 386,200 vans. In its two business segments, Mercedes‑Benz AG is continually expanding its worldwide production network with around 35 production sites on four continents, while gearing itself to meet the requirements of electric mobility. At the same time, the company is constructing and extending its global battery production network on three continents. As sustainability is the guiding principle of the Mercedes‑Benz strategy and for the company itself, this means creating lasting value for all stakeholders: for customers, employees, investors, business partners and society as a whole. The basis for this is the sustainable business strategy of the Mercedes‑Benz Group. The company thus takes responsibility for the economic, ecological and social effects of its business activities and looks at the entire value chain.

The figures shown are the WLTP CO2 figures measured according to Article 2 No. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1153. The fuel consumption figures were calculated on the basis of these figures.

El show car Vision AMG ofrece una visión del futuro totalmente eléctrico de Mercedes-AMG

La arquitectura AMG.EA dedicada para los modelos AMG totalmente eléctricos forma la base para un estudio extraordinario

Affalterbach/Niza. Proporciones espectaculares definidas por una distancia entre ejes larga y enfatizadas por voladizos cortos, hombros poderosos, ruedas grandes, un alerón trasero distintivo y la firma de los faros en forma de estrella: el Vision AMG hace una declaración emocional desde todas las perspectivas.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Este extraordinario show car de Mercedes-AMG ofrece una visión del futuro totalmente eléctrico de AMG Driving Performance. Debajo del impresionante diseño exterior del coupé de cuatro puertas se encuentra la igualmente extraordinaria plataforma dedicada AMG.EA, que actualmente se está desarrollando en Affalterbach para modelos de alto rendimiento totalmente eléctricos.

“AMG se está reinventando. Como una vez fue el caso de nuestros padres fundadores, ha habido una sensación increíble de nuevos comienzos aquí en Affalterbach desde hace bastante tiempo. El curso ha sido bien y verdaderamente establecido para un futuro electrificado, y hemos puesto el listón muy alto. Eso es porque nuestros clientes esperan algo muy especial de los autos totalmente eléctricos. Ya hemos demostrado nuestra experiencia en este sentido con el SLS AMG Electric Drive, nuestra propia tecnología híbrida E PERFORMANCE y los primeros derivados de Mercedes-EQ. Con este estudio, ahora ofrecemos un primer vistazo de cómo estamos transfiriendo el ADN AMG al futuro completamente eléctrico, a partir de 2025. Gorden y su equipo están señalando el camino desde una perspectiva visual con este extraordinario diseño. En AMG, siempre hemos defendido ese toque extra de emoción, diversión al volante, manejo, características aerodinámicas ingeniosas y otras soluciones innovadoras. Y eso es lo que seguimos defendiendo con nuestro primer BEV desarrollado íntegramente en Affalterbach. Estamos desarrollando todo desde cero, desde la plataforma dedicada AMG.EA hasta la revolucionaria tecnología de transmisión con la que llevaremos la movilidad eléctrica de alto rendimiento a un nivel completamente nuevo”, dice Philipp Schiemer, CEO de Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“El Vision AMG muestra con un estilo espectacular cómo podría ser la electrificación en Mercedes-AMG, sin dejar de ser fiel a la estética de la marca. Las proporciones extremas del estudio crean fascinación y pasión por el rendimiento: de eso se trata AMG. El Vision AMG es una encarnación impresionante de la doble polaridad de la marca: la interacción de la belleza y lo extraordinario.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Al mismo tiempo, los elementos del futuro, como las firmas luminosas con la parrilla iluminada de alta tecnología, subrayan la evolución progresiva de nuestro lenguaje de diseño de Sensual Purity”, dice Gorden Wagener, Director de Diseño de Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “Con su superficie moderna contrastante y sus proporciones radicales, este automóvil muestra el siguiente paso en el diseño, basándose en el VISION EQXX y avanzando hacia el lujo de alto rendimiento. El flujo continuo de superficies bellamente formadas y la escultura monolítica completan la poderosa estética del Vision AMG. El resultado es un superdeportivo eléctrico, un icono de estilo que estimula el deseo, y eso es exactamente lo que distingue a un deportivo de lujo”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Escultura monolítica y proporciones radicales

El concept car se caracteriza por superficies fluidas y bellamente formadas. Las juntas y las líneas de cierre se reducen al mínimo, y las ventanas traseras y laterales están pintadas en el mismo color plateado Alubeam que el propio automóvil. El resultado es un aspecto general que refuerza la impresión de una escultura monolítica.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Las proporciones deportivas son particularmente evidentes desde el lateral y están definidas por el diseño técnico: distancia entre ejes larga, pilar A muy inclinado colocado muy hacia adelante, voladizo delantero corto y voladizo trasero ligeramente más largo aerodinámicamente optimizado. Expresa claramente el lenguaje de diseño de Sensual Purity con señales distintivas de autos deportivos, como los arcos de las ruedas ampliamente ensanchados y hombros anchos y musculosos en la parte trasera.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

El elegante invernadero está integrado en la forma general fluida y se funde a la perfección con la silueta baja. El techo se estrecha a medida que su línea desciende elegantemente hacia la parte trasera, fluyendo directamente hacia el alerón trasero. El efecto general es una forma de lágrima visualmente fascinante y aerodinámicamente ventajosa, similar a la del VISION EQXX. La superficie sensual y la escultura poderosamente definida son representativas del lenguaje de diseño distintivo de Mercedes. Del mismo modo, la aspiración de la marca a lo extraordinario se realiza a través de las proporciones radicales y la nariz de tiburón bien cincelada. El Vision AMG es, por lo tanto, un ejemplo impresionante de la polaridad dual del enfoque de diseño de la marca que abarca “Belleza y lo extraordinario”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

El borde de corte en ángulo pronunciado en la parte trasera incorpora un alerón activo, que alarga la vista lateral y al mismo tiempo mejora la aerodinámica. Está enmarcado por una banda de luz cortada con precisión que se adapta a una variedad de diferentes instalaciones de luces, proporcionando un contraste efectivo con el gran logotipo AMG negro en la parte trasera del automóvil.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Tecnología impresionante para un rendimiento distintivo

La tecnología del Vision AMG rinde homenaje al diseño espectacular de muchas maneras. Todos los componentes de su tren motriz se desarrollan completamente desde cero: no solo la plataforma AMG.EA en sí, sino también la batería de alto voltaje dedicada de alto rendimiento y la revolucionaria tecnología de propulsión. El poderoso corazón del Vision AMG es su innovador motor de flujo axial desarrollado por YASA, subsidiaria de propiedad total de Mercedes-Benz. Con su diseño compacto y liviano, ofrece mucha más potencia que los motores eléctricos convencionales.

Parrilla AMG cerrada con barras iluminadas

La parrilla específica de AMG con barras verticales se mantiene como una característica distintiva de la marca, a pesar de que un tren motriz totalmente eléctrico no requiere un radiador clásico en la parte delantera. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de alta tecnología de la parrilla está cerrado, pintado en el color de la carrocería y completamente integrado en la parte delantera. Como punto focal visual, la parrilla enfatiza el aspecto futurista del Vision AMG con sus barras iluminadas y su contorno exterior tridimensional. La estrella de tres puntas ocupa un lugar destacado en el capó, como en el Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinaria firma luminosa en forma de estrella

La firma luminosa de los faros apunta directamente al futuro. Tres elementos LED forman una estrella Mercedes estilizada y tridimensional, lo que garantiza que las marcas Mercedes y AMG sean inmediatamente evidentes e inconfundibles de día y de noche. Los dos faros están conectados visualmente a través de la banda de luz horizontal sobre la parrilla. Esta banda de luz puede mostrar una variedad de animaciones, que van desde una firma de bienvenida hasta una luz constante.

Las luces redondas en la parte trasera tienen un diseño ligero que es nuevo pero familiar. En cada lado, tres anillos de LED se colocan en tubos cilíndricos. Aquí, también, las pequeñas estrellas ofrecen un guiño a la marca Mercedes. A modo de contraste, el expresivo difusor trasero está pintado de negro intenso.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Conexión con la Fórmula 1 a través de claves de forma y color

La conexión directa con el exitoso equipo Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 es evidente en otros detalles visuales. Estos incluyen la pintura plateada con un patrón de estrella de gran formato en los hombros y las aletas traseras, elementos funcionales en fibra de carbono expuesta, el diseño aerodinámico de las llantas de 22 pulgadas con revestimientos aerodinámicos, el logotipo AMG y elementos en los umbrales y el difusor. en los colores de Petronas.

El diseño deportivo de alta tecnología sin costuras y las impresionantes proporciones dan al Vision AMG un carácter futurista. La configuración de cuatro puertas también deja en claro que el show car ofrece una muestra de un deportivo funcional totalmente eléctrico del futuro. A pesar del paquete de baterías en el piso del automóvil entre los ejes, el estudio se encuentra considerablemente más bajo que el EQS y, gracias a su piso interior de diseño inteligente, ofrece mucho espacio para cuatro.

The Mercedes-AMG Project ONE

The virtual Mercedes-AMG Project ONE is the star of the new Forza Horizon 5 video game

Close cooperation between Mercedes-AMG and Microsoft for a hyper-realistic driving experience with the hypercar in the highly anticipated, open-world driving game Forza Horizon 5.

At the all-digital gamescom 2021 (August 25th until 27th), Microsoft’s Xbox Game Studios showcased all-new Forza Horizon 5 gameplay with the Mercedes-AMG Project ONE “Forza Horizon Edition” as the star. My friend, an expert on make money online games, said that the virtual counterpart of the hypercar with Formula 1 drive technology delights with a level of detail and the currently highest fidelity in the digital world. Players are immersed in a hyper-real open world in which the landscape of Mexico is recreated. The special experience of driving the ultimate top model from Affalterbach is also amazingly realistic. Virtual acceleration, braking, steering and agility as well as active aerodynamics correspond to the features of the future road model. And that’s not the end of the gaming fun: further top-class performance vehicles from Mercedes-AMG are ready for almost unlimited adventures in Forza Horizon 5.

Close cooperation between Mercedes-AMG and Microsoft’s Forza team makes the hyper-realistic representation of the unique Mercedes-AMG Project ONE “Forza Horizon Edition” possible. This game version was given an exclusive body livery that emphasises its unique character and makes it clear that this car will not be available for purchase in the real world. In addition to the “Forza Horizon Edition,” the AMG hypercar can, of course, also be configured in other equipment and colours.

The special features of the unique two-door car are also depicted very realistically in the game. With the different “Track” and “Road” driving programmes, dusty tracks in Mexico can be mastered just as dynamically as asphalt tracks. The active aerodynamics of the hypercar are also meticulously recreated. The gaming community can look forward to breath-taking driving performance, more than 1,000 hp of power and a digital top speed of over 350 km/h.

“The Mercedes-AMG Project ONE is strictly limited to 275 units in the real world. We’re delighted that there’s now a perfect digital variant exclusively in Forza Horizon 5. Thanks to our close cooperation with Microsoft, we can now virtually offer the unique driving experience of our hypercar to a large group of enthusiasts in the best and most impressive way currently available on the gaming scene,” said Philipp Schiemer, Chairman of the Board of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

“We are honoured to continue our long-term relationship with Mercedes-AMG to feature the highly sought-after Mercedes-AMG Project ONE in Forza Horizon 5,” said Alan Hartman, VP of Forza Racing Franchise, Xbox Game Studios. “We have featured Mercedes-AMG vehicles in every Forza game, however, this is the first time we’ve partnered to feature a Mercedes-AMG vehicle on the cover of a Forza game. I cannot imagine a more exciting car to start with than the amazing Mercedes-AMG Project ONE.”

Forza Horizon 5, the follow-up to 2018’s breakout hit, the open-world Forza Horizon 4 driving, takes the Horizon Festival to the very realistic and vibrant presented Mexico. Featuring the largest, most diverse open world ever in a Forza Horizon game, Forza Horizon 5 is set against a vibrant, ever-evolving landscape with nearly limitless driving action across living deserts, lush jungles, historic cities, hidden ruins, pristine beaches, vast canyons and a towering snow-capped volcano – the highest point ever in a Horizon game. The game will be available globally on November 9 for the current consoles of the Xbox family including Windows PC.

The close ties between Mercedes-AMG and Microsoft’s Forza team will result in further activities in the upcoming weeks and months until game release, with the next appearance scheduled for the IAA MOBILITY this September in Munich, Germany.