Tag Archive for: Mercedes-Benz

As a pioneer of the automobile, we seek innovations which provide for pleasant, safe and resource-friendly mobility, day in, day out. Discover our visionary ideas for vehicles, mobility concepts, e-mobility and digital networking of the future – as well as the solutions with which we are already shaping the present. With the CASE strategy, Daimler focuses on the four major trends influencing future mobility – Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Services and Electric.

Mercedes-Benz: Innovation.

And Daimler is already making great progress in all of these fields to shape the future of mobility. Each of the four CASE fields in itself already changes mobility fundamentally; however, the revolutionary potential only becomes apparent when the CASE fields are combined.

Each of these four trends on its own has the power to turn our industry on its head. The real revolution lies in perfectly dovetailing them and offering the customer the most convincing total package. With the four CASE topics as an integral part of our corporate strategy, Daimler is generating additional synergy effects, greater speed and greater penetration power across the whole Group. We are working quicker, more flexibly and more innovatively. The new focus on CASE makes products and the Group fit for the transformation from automaker to mobility provider.