Tag Archive for: Messika





Este año, Valérie Messika explora el fascinante y misterioso atractivo del antiguo Egipto. Presenta una colección de alta joyería solar y poderosa: Beyond the Light, una lluvia incandescente de oro y diamantes, una promesa de resplandor eterno. La Maison parisina sueña con un viaje único y místico. Una odisea mágica donde la pasión, la audacia y la excelencia componen una fascinante y majestuosa colección de arte sin igual.

La directora artística combina a la perfección sus inspiraciones y su saber hacer. A través de una pureza de formas y líneas gráficas, un aspecto imperial y piedras excepcionales, Valérie Messika dirige una sinfonía retrofuturista sutilmente teñida de Egipto y su mitología hipnótica. Los conjuntos únicos e innovadores en los que los diamantes se transforman pieza a pieza dan como resultado una colección de joyas vibrante y mística.



La Maison of Messika está escribiendo un nuevo capítulo en su historia con un extraordinario diamante de 33 quilates, una piedra extraordinaria que ilumina la pieza central de la colección de Alta Joyería 2022 . Valérie Messika se atreve a asumir un desafío inesperado al crear Akh-Ba-Ka, un conjunto con un diseño inherentemente inspirado en la mitología y el estilo del antiguo Egipto, concebido en diamantes y oro blanco. Los diamantes heroicos que aparecen en el juego son 15 gemas excepcionales cortadas del mismo diamante en bruto de 110 quilates.

En la mitología del antiguo Egipto, KA simboliza la energía vital y BA representa la transformación, desde el vuelo hasta el más allá. De la unión de estas fuerzas brota AKH, la transfiguración de una persona hacia la luz. Por lo tanto Akh-Ba-Ka es trascendencia, una epopeya fascinante de un diamante en bruto, así como una historia de transmisión, familia y saber hacer único.

Explore las piedras excepcionales que son la esencia de esta creación  haciendo clic aquí


El diamante de 110 quilates es una audaz aventura que comenzó en la mina Lucara en Botswana.

El mapeo de la composición modular es seguido por el momento de la metamorfosis de esta gema en bruto de 110 quilates en 15 diamantes tallados. Un esfuerzo meticuloso, la precisión del trabajo se inspira en la naturaleza misma del diamante en bruto, que dicta qué formas se deben adoptar. La devoción y la experiencia del comerciante de diamantes se han unido al instinto audaz del diseñador para devolver la vida a este diamante en bruto de 110 quilates en un conjunto de alta joyería increíble y único que marca un hito en la historia de Messika Maison.


Una verdadera obra maestra dentro del conjunto, el collar cuenta con 2.550 diamantes, con un total de 71,49 quilates. Su diseño contemporáneo pero progresivo reinterpreta el mítico escarabajo alado egipcio gracias a una ingeniosa combinación de diamantes y oro blanco facetado. En el centro de este extraordinario collar, el diamante de 33 quilates se inserta mediante un sutil juego de colgantes. La fuerza de esta gema proviene de sus extraordinarias propiedades: clasificada D por su color y FI por su claridad. Por lo tanto, esta piedra especial es de una pureza muy rara. Su resplandor incomparable lo hace casi incandescente.

Para sacar lo mejor de un diamante de 33 quilates, se necesitan visión y conocimientos técnicos basados ​​en una artesanía excepcional. La creación de Akh-Ba-Ka requirió más de 1000 horas de trabajo, de cuatro a cinco joyeros a tiempo completo durante 6 meses con 800 pavés de diamantes para el engaste del diamante de 33 quilates. Para esta aventura en el diseño, la Maison ha multiplicado los desafíos diseñando una pieza transformable. La estructura que acuna la piedra de 33 quilates se puede separar del collar para convertirse en un broche. Otro desafío más brillantemente asumido por los maestros joyeros.



Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.




Her motto: create new codes for the French Jewelry.
Her promise: to keep the diamond as a unique stone. Deal!

Valérie Messika, daughter of André Messika, a famous diamond dealer since 1972, discovered diamonds at a very young age.
After obtaining her diploma in communication and marketing from CELSA in Paris, she spent five years alongside her father traveling, searching, negotiating the most beautiful diamonds.
In 2005 she launched her own brand. A contemporary and accessible interpretation of the diamond which is freed from forced exercises like the river or the solitaire. Movable stones, bracelets and necklaces with elastic flexibility, the best-selling Move and Skinny lines play brilliantly on technical innovation and modernity without compromising on quality. Her creations are symbols of femininity, emancipation, power

In 2013, Valérie Messika unveiled her first Parisian Flagship store, rue Saint-Honoré, which houses the finest jewelry and Haute Joaillerie jewelry from the House.
All of the collections are represented by many celebrities who are loyal to the brand on the red carpets. From Paris to Hollywood, the sets shine on Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kendall Jenner,Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and more…

In 2015, to celebrate the ten years of the brand, Valerie Messika launched a Haute Joaillerie atelier, to salute the French know-how that was born in the Parisian offices of the house.
From 2017 and 2018, Valérie Messika designed with Gigi Hadid two limited collections. First ‘Move Addiction’ for celebrating the 10th anniversary of the iconic Move. Then ‘My Soul’, more bohemian, which reflects the top model’s personnality.

In 2019, the designer Valérie Messika has chosen to cast three contemporary icons that break the codes of Parisian jewelry : Kate Moss, Joan Smalls and Sylvia Hoeks.
In 2020, Valérie Messika and Kate Moss co-design a High Jewelry collection together.
For 15 years, Valérie Messika has been shaking up the codes of French jewelry, entrepreneur and creative talent, she is now at the head of a company which, thanks to her audacity, has successfully found her marks in an industry so far used to classicism.